The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 14, 1905, Image 1

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TT 1
NO. 40
Served us Oregon's Senator
Tor Many Years
Had Many Personal Friend ia Hit
,- Stttlon
If you want brick for any our- C1VIUTI
pose, or building blocki for a foun
dation, retnomW that the Uroner
& Kowell Company, of Scholia, can
supply your demands. Tbey hare
a fine lot of lumber, rough and
, In H..I. ..l -111
ui u, lit iiwti ihiu, h ii v. n iii i . , a n i VI af .
meet all competition. Now tbat Arraigned iciorc juuKc
your crop are harvested, would It
not lie a good Idea to coneider if
tiling will nnt increase your In
come. Wet, 1" tools in the fields,
always giving poor reeulta, can be
remedied by putting in tiling. Let
ui help you. We can aid you to
avoid crop failure on low landa
Houae and barn billa for lumber
Bride Friday Morning
A. Uallory and Mr. Unale Willi
Eater Pita ef aot Gaalttj
United Hiatea Senator 'John II
Mitchell, well known, an I personal
Iv known to many ol our county
i.,mei, died in Portland, laat FrI- -UllUboro.Orpo, R. F. D. No. 2.
sniplap on band.
Matter Mechanic
day, aftr having mn operated In
dental chair at Wine Bros.' office.
After fuur teeth had been pulled
tbeage l Senator was attacked'by
hemorrhage, and he lived abut 24
Mitchell waa wedded to a Mia
Price, formerly reading near Bath
any, tight milt s northeast of tbia
i.Uce, the widow now living with
In r daughter, in France.
on ihort notIe-and do not forget ThrM P""' were arraigned U
that we can furoiah you estimates fore Judge MoBride in circuit court
on abort notice. Poet office add re. Friday mornios: and each entered a
n. D v n v ol . . . ..
plea of not guilty. The nret 1
atainl ui) and make the plea wa
- -- a
Sydney Letr Bruggtr, chara-ed
with murder in the flrtt degree.
Young Brugter, who ia not 1(1
years ci ate. show ine eiirci oi
confinemMtit, being looie jointed
and rolorlea In a ta'her weak
voioo, ai.d aa tl.ough dexel, he
poke, haltingly, "Not Guilty."
Ill altornev. 6. I). Huston, waa
tirrttnt in the court room and ao
I). M. Me-
l.aughlan on BalAJay ran an en
gine over tbe Brat 1200 feet of track
on the line from Hllleboro to tbe
Nehalets. The event it note
worthy, for among all the number-
h a scheme tbat have been atarted
with a view to building a railroad
to Tillamook thia ia tbe flret that
wtnt far enough along toeihib'uen
engine and 1200 fet of track. The began hi acquaintance feature ol tbe event lie in tbe quieaced in tie date of trial set
here through a law tun, brought fed that the good work will be for Wedneeday. D.cember 20.
when Thoa. Tucker, or Main street, puanea mrougn w eany compie- g. a. Mailory, bearuVil Hke a
thU citv, wa ot e of the commie- Uon.Oregonian hdilonal. "prd." and Mre Lentie Willis,
eionera. ai.d the young lawyer sue DtDnt baa received bla new wife of B F. Willie, j dolly charged
reralully fought a subsidy and f ,1,0..--thu Am-flnn O.n. with adultery, ib a. ene of the al
b ind lue that had b en promifed iem,n tnj American Lad T. the crime being Sherwood, were
Jo Hen UollHlay, to built! the Weal fl0Mt n the market. Come in and brought up from the jail and each
ihitm. Thi. tnmimXm entered tbe p eitl not guilty. Mai-
TheMahoeaare advertieed In every lory's trial waa set fur December
nnun maoa in ami nmmnm. A ana I0 WOmBD Will Ol U1BU
aay laier.
Sid road, on the ground that the
bond i'utt waa ut constitutional.
Later Mitchell entered politic and
he haa aerved many year aa nana
tor. Four children aurvive.
Owing to the extreu.e care in the
luanaRi'ineot of the Oregon Con
dented Milk Company in partuad
log patrona t properly care for and
cool their milk the demand for the
product haa been r-n (irmly eatab'
liaheil that ehlpmenta are now Qve
carloada behind ordeta. It ha
been found neceaaary to enlarge the
capacity of the plant and accord
inaly an ord?r haa been placed for
a new aleriliw. The milk aupply
ia Increaaing intead of dimimah
ing, even at the critical time of the
year f ir dairy aupply.
per in tbe world.
W. II. McCormick, of Laurel, re
turned Friday evtniog from a three
week a trip up in eaatern Waahlng-
ton, where be made Adam county
an objective point. While at Walla
Walla be mat whom beiuppoeed
Argua and Oregonian, 12.
Mr. Martha Clark waa here Sun-
ay, the f ueet of the Morgana.
Call at Fred D. Adame for beet
eoft-ahetl almond 20 cent per lb.
8. P. Reeder waa up from Reed-
ville, Saturday.
Short order reataurant. Ad a ma',
Second atreet, opposite pot cflice.
Geo. Kirkwood, of Foreet (Jrove,
waa a county Mat caller Friday.
Greer'a ia tbe place to buy timo
thy and all kind of graaa aeed.
A. E. McCumey, of near Miun-
taindale, waa in town Saturday.
Oyatere in bulk; eUwa, fry,
cocktaila at Fred D. Adarca.'
W. II. Jonea, of above Mountain
ale, waa in tbe city Monday morn
For a good amoke try the Bchil
ler or Excellencia end you will
try tbaui again and again.
A. A. Walker, of above Gaston,
waa in town ftlonuay, a epecuior
at circuit court.
Go to McCormick'a for school
K. H. Robcrmund, of the J C.
lare ranch, ia convalescing from a
severe attack of toimlitia.
Candies, confectionery, cigars,
etc., at Fred Adams.'
John Goodin, of Mt. Tabor, was
io the city I be first of the week, on
bis return from a visit at Uleocoe.
School tablets, pencils, pens and
ink, eto. at McCormick a music
Sheriff's sale in case of K. N.
Morgan va. A. E. Catter, confirm
Kern va. Kern, divorce allowed
last lummer, opened, and Mr
Kern allowed to answer original
re"-"" 1 . ... .
to be Long, of tbe Argus, ahook u; aeiaun. ana nueosna oruei.a
hande with him, and then came to depoalt 1 100 in court at once or
home to find that the "hoaa" re- ahow caote wby he does not so do.
porter had not been up to teat 'State va. Albert Ivea, "Not
Wall Walla water for several True Bill" returned and defendant
For aale: White Rock cockerels,
hatched last winter from best eggs
offered by Haielwood and Sears,
tbs two leading White Rock breed
era in tbe Nottbweet. 12 to M.
Roae Mound Farm, Hillsboro, Ore,
K. F. I). 2.
Mr. Winnie Williams rvUey. a
iioner of 1841. and a rlitcr of the
late rlftinuel Williams, died at the
bom of ber son, stiutheaat of this
eiiy. Tuaday morning, December
12. r.ior, liom fieneial uetniity.
Deoeatod wa Io n in Kentucky,
November tl, lHJi, and when a
child movid with hr parents to
Miaaou i. From that place, in
coup my with the family, she crcm- U kinds of groceries and dry goods,
ed the plains, atftrtirg In the Fpring, hardware, patent medicines; also
and teaching Oregon In the fall, ni Hercules fetump powder. ray
1841. While mroute to Oregon the highest market price for butter,
allowed to go free, bond being aur
rendered. Tbia ia a case brought
by the Stale wherein the defendant
was charged with lewd consults
lion with Sarah Smith.
Mrs. Maud Morback, suing W
F. Young and J. II. Morback, the
Mrs. Ferd Groner, Pre- Utter being ber huoband, for money
alleged to be due lor cooking ma
mc i .i t .uJlofging camp and sawmill, near
The Annual Convention of tbe idr. "j .... . ..j;t t
lin ' r". . . . .k.7 i.!.!. ."k: I516.W by the following jury
hn..u k.i.... iWmUe in J U Collier, II L Russell, Geo
ti, i ;"..! n Anderson. James n oeweii, m
""7" "" "i" " e nur:..K r:. M lt1i H
lrinVnnV All IhnM inlaraatiul in DWfHtJ, n " " " v" - "i--
.... . i . ti c a r.-
H fi ttnrk irnmrdli inv led to " w aol, A pt neon, v.t,u o v....
j '-- " i a t m ra 1 a n.
h n, J.n.ll H Phllio. , VOaS DOWloy, 4 A lrj an.
Secretary. Killen vaKaneA Hubbert.dis
aj ,f. u i u mtseea wituoui oosis
AMUQIOUII t UVU H" wvaajpj I n , . .
IVI. H W H'Xvl- f-M. L, II"'
s- v.
Vs. V-
Lumber Company, which had eued
for 1474.48, on an account for fur
nishing lumber. The jury:
Wm Baaley. R M Tan nock, C I
Benefiel. R B Collin?. K A Wolf,
egs and chickens
l t II L .
uppnas Risennauer, wen mown ,, i..i:. i.w.i,. iw
iu.rVir."7i.",a Cornelius 6haa Hubbert. II
visilin new uMMDiraanu , u... , w,th Ajr-W anaon
tatliawA fid 0A A a fit Villi! PHlAtiVAa frtf I " " "
.i ii--in .i- u Gub Kfrnoer wm cranlul fore
LI1B WHIIOft 11Q Will BIDJ f Ifll W I . ....
the Grand Pre valley, made famous cloture against Jay 1 Mead,
hv Lonnfellow's Doem. Evansreline.
' u 1 . . w n . r pi.AAf B1IDUD
i LAinuLlV. svnuvi. ounnj
No. s Hercules stump ousting
Staaioa Will
was married to Isiih Kelsy, on
the Platte liver. Upon reaching
thi section thy at oncn settled on
a donation land claim, Hitnate
where North Hillsboro now stands,
the county court house being on a
nart of the oriainal claim. Her
husband died about twelve
j- r l.. .l. ...... 1
P?w"r.r 3 'lii... 'T u" .. The Catholic school at Cedar M i
at loruana prwew.'-u. ..or, o . . SllnJa. Mmin.. hniMinw
.n Ho nnrlhumt nf Hil ihnen. on """" . 7 "
il-li .. L. I 4 1 .A..ll..ul inn OUI1MJ1IIII 1TII1II luuilirem n"'
t m vhiiiin ,w,.ioffl Ad. The two RUtere In charge can in no
1 1 w ii . w . - r " t i . r . - ik. h 'iv...,. A
j uin.i, i u n a way acoouu ir uo uio. ur. id-
mu; aaa waw r I
ins to find the building in (lames.
of the week from a several weeks' Two children were boarding at the
trin to Mexico, where he visited the I dace and the remainder of the en
rubber plantation in which he ial rollment lived at their home, the
interested. He ia very enthusiastic four inmatea barely escaped with
over the future of tbat country. I their clothing.
.... . The sisters carnea an insurance
For sale: JJ acres, vu: i acre nnn Thi. ! th ennml tim
in strawberries; 1000 bearing grape t ihil ohooi baa sustained a fire
vines, amereni varieues amau ..iki. UnJ
nouse, lurnuure, norao aou wngun
Will sell for W50. O. W. 'elgn
Cate Market.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel-
encia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
W. F. Young, of near Sherwood,
waa in tbe city the last oi toe
week, and called at this olhce.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
Miss Emily Johnson, of Port
land, was the guest of Miss Susie
McKinney, over bunday.
Ex -sheriff Ford was out from
Portland Monday, calling on his
many friend in tbe city.
Ralph Kelsey, Carlton, and Ara
Kelsey, of North" Yamhill, were
here VeitenUv. attending the fu
neral of their mother.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Epperson
who have been in St. Johns since
July, building a home thore, are in
town for a few days.
Don't forget to cell at McCor
mick'a jewelry store and look over
his stock before selecting your
Christmas goods, Pncea reason
A N. Davies, secretary of the
Scholia Telephone Company, waa
in town baturriay, enroute tor tne
Lyda mill, near Greenville.
Grant Mann, of South Tualatin
waa a county seal visitor, Monday
and fays there are plenty of bad
roads over his way at the present.
A reduction in organs at McCor
mick's music store. A $75 E-itey
for $65; a 175 Kstey slightly used,
150; a $60 Carpenter for $47 50.
Edison Phonographs and Records.
Dr. C. B. Brown and wife were
out Sunday, guests of Mrs. Susan
Brown and family, and during their
absence from Portland same one en
tered and robbed their residence.
T p,
Will Hold Their Annual Meet
ing in Vert's Hall
Bold 09
aod 2)
December u
he Thirteenth Annual Oregon
Dairymen'e Association convention
ill meet at Vert's Hall, Forest
Grove, December 22 and 23, and
the program is interesting, Wash
ington County being well represented.
The order of business will be as
Friday. December 21, 10:00 a. m.:
Addreaa o( welcome, Hon. K. W.
Hainea, Poreat Grove.
Retponea, annual addres. Prea. H.
Weat, Scappooae.
Bcnefite of tbe Stat Pure Pood Law
to the Farmer," J. W. Bailey. Portland.
Building tbe Suva Silo," H. V.
Whitney, Greenville.
December 31, 1:30 p m :
"Hired Help on the Dairy Farm," A.
T. Buxton, Foreat Grove.
'The Market End of Dairying," W.
H. Cnapin, Portland.
"Dairy Poaaibilitiea of the Pacific
Northweat," H. S. Shelton, Portland.
Dairy Economy," Dr. Jaa. Wituy-
combe, Corvallia.
December i'2, 8:00 p. ui.:
"lUilwav TranaporUtion, the Life of
Modern Trade and Industry,'-' H. B.
Lounsbnry, S. P. Co., Portland.
First Quality Drug Store
We provide for the people who have had (enough ex
perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any
price; who have learned that good goods from a first'
quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper
really and aggressively cheaper to huy.
We Have Made a Reputation
For our prescription work, because we do the work ex
actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent
age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays
you to bring such work to
Dairy Cooditiona aa 1 find them on
the Farm," A. 11. Lea, Hazelwood Co.,
"Tuuerculoaia It'a Relation to our
Milk Supply," Dr. Emil Weacbcke, Oak
land, Cai.
ftluiic. .
"Our Dairy Producta aa an Oregon
Adverttaement," Tom Ricbardaon, Port
land Commercial Club.
Saturday, December 23, 10:00 a. m.:
"Tbinga I Think I Have Found ont
About Dairying,"' Francia Cbalmera,
'The Funclion of a State Dairy Com'
miasion' H. V. Tartar, I'ortland.
Pas'.eunution and L seof Starters,'
W. W. Grant, Berkeley, Cal.
"Farm Dairying," Wm. Schultnerich,
December ix, 12:00 m.:
Banquet to Members of Association by
Galea Graaee No. 282, Patrons of Hus
bandry, and ioreet Grove Board of
December 23, 12MO m.i .
Businesa session.
Report of aecrelary-treasnrer.
Election of officers. , ,
Selection of next place of meeting.
Master Mcchanio McLaughlan, of
the Tillamook road, ran the big
Baldwin engine on the first 1200
feet of track which had been laid
by Claude btewart. Tbe engine
was ettamed up Saturday, and
steamed to the new line in the
afternoon, taking three carloads of
material for unloading in tbe ma
terial yard.
This makes things look like bus
This is an advertisement, and likewise it is a fact.
t i
As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined!!
How ia it with the young people of your household? At
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate tbe
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideaa concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend . tbe twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? It so, here
it ia:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of caving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business,-and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro.
, Oregon I
Am prepared to give you figures on any Jcind
of a building in Washington couuiy. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
boro, Oregon, R.
Phone No. 28x4.
F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
fe Delta
Drug' Store
You can buy paint at Schulmer-
ioh Bros, at Portland prices. The
A meeting of the Cornelius Board
of Trade waa held Saturday eve
. . I ITnll A. .I,A .... IS th. fWAflAP 1.1mA I ..... m . M
aco and for ton years deceased haa "" v ' " ning at wblcn tne loiiowing omoers
ltn ner son, r . m. were eieoieu ior u eu.unij jnn
Oysters furnished for parties;
served at nariora. any style; hot
stews, raw. or any way desired
Neat service. Hot chocolate wttn
bread or cakes. Hot beef leas.
been residing w
Kelsey. For several years she has
been declining and that she lived
to fourscore was a matter of grati
fication to her ohildren, to whom
she was always a faithful mother.
She was a woman of sweet diapo
aition and generally beloved. Her
surviving children are:
F. M., Hill-boro; Kilbum, Cali
fornia; Asa, Norlh Yamhill; W. E,
Ashland; Fins, Oakland, Cal.;
Ralph, Carlton. Her ohildren who
raed before her were: Serena
Finney, mother of W. A. Finney;
Martha Kelsey Heed ; Columbus
and Millard.
The funeral took place yesterday
from the home of bor ton, Bnd in
terment was In the Odd Fellows'
E. B, Tonguf
the funeral.
Mltohell, in I
Barrett and
attendants at
late John H.
(d, Tuesday.
Mrs. E. H. Robermund returned
the laBt of the week from a visit to
the bedside of her daughter, Mrs.
T. H. Adams, of the Cornelius
Stats Bank, president; C. W.
Hendrloks, of Hendricks & son,
merchants, vice-president; D. J.
Barrett, of C. B Buchanan & Co.,
millers, secretary; Ernest Wilkins
WtlkiDSdt Challaoombe, meronanis,
The various committees were ap
a a III f.t
Ernest Barx, wp.o nasoeen in who poJnted tnd tne necessary measures
typhoid, at Coburg, Southern Ore- ;dopled for tne board to enter on a
Lamest and best stock of bon
bona and candies in the to wo . Get
your Christmas supplies at Fred D
Adams .
John Friday, of Banks, was in
town oaiuruay, anu sv. u . M.y. j. th naat
Banks is building great hope, for ; frnonTb r.ndnew
1 mum u the new rau ?. ....
" 1 I.H.I.WI Knll.lWIUl llfttTAH
vigorous oampaign of advertising.
It was the unanimous sentiment of
the members that Cornelius had
lost much by being too modest and
failina to noint out the advantages
offered for immigration. In spite
of this fact, the town has made
the future.
road gets the traok to that point.
E. A. Barns' new song "A Dear Will weave carpets and rugs at
T.luls. Wflhfoot Girl" now on sale I mt home, vail on or address wrB
nt MoCormick'g musio store, 25 cts, 1 F. W. Barber, Cornelius, Oregon.
Will Walker, of Cedar Mill, has
for two months been at K'amath
Falls, where he is roughing it for
his health, aud the dry climate
agrees with him nicely.
We have many articles appropri
ate for Christmas presents. Our
many customers sav we are from
10 to 15 per cent, cheaper than our
competitors. McCormick'a musio
and jewelry store.
Contrary to report the two bands
will not play tbe opening night at
the new theatre, but their time will
come later on. The first night will
be a drama under the auspices of
local talent, and "Tony, the Con
vict" will grace the boards. As
the local talent people always have
a good house the new theatre will
be dedicated by a rousing crowd
Some of the old time local favorites
will ba in the cast and the public
is assurf d of a successful evening.
Jas. G. Lee, the Patton Valley
ranoher, who was on trial this week
in the cirouit court, says that he
has never stolen anything in his
life.and avera that all his troubles
date from a quarrel between bis
father aod the head of a family
up in his section. Lee says the
rising generation has had it in for
him ever since and that they want
to land him. Lees wife, an esti
mable woman, has remaiued with
her husband faithfully since his
troubles of the past few years be
gun. Lee says that litigation has
cost him a large sum of money, but
he is still ready to fight for bis
For Prescriptions,
Family Recipes,
Patent Medicines,
School BooKs,
Sundries, Etc.
Contractor T. P. Goodin Tuesday
finished his contract on the new
theatre building, and, on Monday
next goes to the Cornell road to
put up a new dairy barn for Mich
ael Kehrli, who nuws owna the Ku
latli dairy.
The Amusement Association will
commence putting on the wall dec
orations just as soon as burlap ar
rives. . J -
Advertised Letters
Mrs G H Bayh, Mrs Harry Dixon, M H
Kngela, George Krb, W W Fletcher, P
H Oarrity, Mra John Gawes, Wm J
Gregg, Fr Haiberg, Frank Hillett, G
Huntley, Mra Lydia A Irons, Alex John
son, John Kohust, Liner Poultryuian,
Walter RoeCer, Mra Ora Snider, Rev
Theodore Wartman, Mra C A Stoddard,
Mra M H Mott, Rev h D Mabone, Fritz
Dancer, Mra Onal, J fi Ralph, and CJ
Announces to the people of Wash
ton County they have purchased
the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch
bold, and will continue the busi
ness in the brick, in the old stand.
We shall keep the best equipped general hardware
store in Washington County, and solicit your pat
ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard
ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery.
Plumbing a specialty.
Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsbcro
W. A. Finney commenced the
first of the wetk to plank Main, be
tween First A Second, and expects
1 to finish in a few days.
Jaa. H. Brown, of South Tuala
tin, was in the city the first of the
Schulmerich Bros, have add a
complete line of stoves to their
stock of hardwaie. Come and have
a look at them.
Thos Murphy and wifr
from Mountaiudale the
week. v-i'j
Before purchasiri a r' "
can have a talk wi.i . L.
inick. For quality ui
cannot be beaten.