Kills. i HE lnlILLSBR VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OKKGON. DKCliMimK 7, 1005. NO. 30 HIE MASS ID T1H WINS OUT Hy Ovcrwhelitio, Majority at City r.lectiou THREE JOHNS AKB INVINCIBLE Uktator of (he Cauem Ticket Dot not Mix With Voter Ballots were in the sir Monday, from 8:0t a ro. to 5:00 p. m , and when they were counted it waa seen that the mass meeting ticket wan elected by an overwhelming majority. The head of this tioket, B. P. Cornelius, received 18S voteB. whi'e S S. Barnes, (or mayor on the prohibition tioket, received 60 votes. The dictator who conceived and handled the prohibition cam. patgo voted early and then remain ed away front the scene of battle. His "wild with excitement" article and hia frothy charges that people were "sold to the devil" seemed not to bring him an Autrlits or Jenoa. The vote waa as follows: MASSMKKTINO 1 I'SOM MOTION Mor Mitvor II. '. Cornetiua, 8S. S. S. Barnea, 56. Trtutce, Year Ttmlrca, i Vests John Milue, njl. J. II. Ray, $j. John Icnni, t. R. A, Car'.lle, 55. JqIio W. Kailey, O. V. Donnbty, 49. Recoriltr ' Keoortler H. T. BKley. 2oj. J. J. Weik. 44. Treasurer Treasurer A. C. Shulc, tot. John Hawkins, 44 DIPHTHERIA KILLS CHILDREN Diphtheria in becoming almost an epidemic in the Wilson school district, a few miles norlhwet of Forest (trove. A little aon of Wil liam Louaigoont waa the first to contract the disease and before it waa known that it waa diphtheria hia sister attended rchool for two or three days and it is thought the disease was spread by that means. The first victim died and war buried Saturday. A child of Jeff Hayden died Saturday and waa buried Sunday morning and two other children are very sick. The directors closed the school as soon as they learned the nature of the disease and an attempt has been made to quarantine the infected houses, to prevent the diaesse spreading through the whole com munity. TAR AND FEATHER" TROMLEY I). J. Tromley, of Hillsboro tar and feather fame, is in the limelight constantly since his release from the penitentiary a few days ago, When Bret out he tried to get a lawyer to sue Ilillahoro for $50,000 damages because a suit of tar and feathers did not "fit" him; he next mixed in a fight, and was whipped in a North Kod saloon, and later he was arrested for keeping late hours and Friday was ordered out of the city. He went but he'll wit come to Hillsboro. Cheat seed and tare seed for rale. John Milne, Hillsboro. RImnbald Schwanke, of Center ville, was in town Monday. Greer's is the place to buy timo thy and all kinds of grass Beed. J. C. Kuratli, of -Phillips, was in the county seat on business Mon day. Oysters in bulk; stews, frys, cocktails at Fred 1). Adams.' Hon. II. V, Gates returned the last of the week from an extended trip south. Recent rains have mudded up the roads and rural mail carriers are getting in lite in the evening Miss Laura Muir, of Portland, was in the city this week, a guest at the Mrs. Wilson residence, Fred Staffer, of Helvetia, is re covering from a case of blood pot soning, which a flee ted his thumb Mrs O'Neil, of Woodburn, Ore., was iu town, Monday. Ihe visitor formerly lived near Forest Grove Ira Barrett returned to the Cor- vallis Agricultural College, the first of the week, to resume his studies. A carload of spikes and bridge timbers came in Monday morning for the new railroad the first car load shipment for the enterprise. Section Foreman Soldier has laid the steel on the Tillamook road as far north as tbe Southern Pacific right of way runs. Senator E. W. Haines, of Forest Grove, was in town Tuesday, and says that tbe Fortot Grove water and light plant Is all right, and that the town is getting out from under its debt at the rate of about $2000 per year. Mr. Haines says he is saving the city quite a sum annually by running the lighting plant. If you want brick for any pur pose, or buildirg Mocks for a foun dation, remenilier that the Groner fc Howell Company, of Scholia, can supply your demands. They have a fine lot of lumber, rough and dressed, in their yard, and will meet all competition. Now that your crops are harvested, would it not I) a good ido to consider if tiling will not increase your in ooiue. Wet, low spot in the fields, always giving poor results, can be remedied by putting in tiling. Let us help you. We can aid you to avoid crop failure on low lands House and barn bills for lumber on short notice and do not forget that we can furniah you estimates on short notice. Post nflice address Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No 2. Sixty thousand feet of tine, dry ahiplap on hand. C. H. Adamt, the former Soholls postmaster, and who conducts a store at that place, was in town Monday, turning over the postal effect, the olTloe at that point being discontinued, lie says the Scholia people are unanhious for a rail road. Dennis has received his new lock of shoes, -the American Gen tleman and American i.ady, the fined t In the market. Come in and see them. The latest models. These shoes are advertised in every prominent magazine and newspa per in the world. The Bunker Hill football team did not come out Thanksgiving, as advertised, to meet the HilUhoro Athletic Club, but a team was pick ed up from the boys in town and a great game was playrd. The ".Scrubs" gave the Athletics a bad defeat. For sale: White Hock cockerels, batched last winter from best eggs offered by Haxelwood and Sears, the two loading White Mock breed ers in the Northwest $2 to It. Hose Mound Farm, Hillsboro, Ore , H. F. 0.2 Mrs. Ferd Groner, Pro prietor. T. P. Kendall, who was employ ed here as teachsr in the Seventh Grade, has resigned bis position in the Pilot Hock, t'matilla, school, to accpt a better position on tbe teachers' stair in the Pendleton city schools. Anderson & Son are now doing business at Heedvilla. We carry all kinds of groceries and dry goods, hardware, patent medicines; also Hercules Hump powdtr. lay highest market price for butter, eggs and chickens. J. A. Mesainger returned the last of the week from Madras, a new town up in Crook County, in the heart of the proposed irrigation district. He reports that place booming and much travel into the interior. Contractor T. P. Goodin fin in lies the opera house this week and the seats are expected by the Aft ninth. Tbe opening night will be in the nature of a local talent play, man aged by the two Hills!oro bands. No. 3 Hercules Slump blasting powder for sale; also fuse and caps; at Portland prices. G. Heger, 8 miles northeast of Hillsboro, on Hoi brook road, 11 miles southwest; from old Phillips postoffice. Ad dress, Hillihoro, H. F. D. 4. II. Taylor Hill says that his mine near Canyon City is pro nounced Al by one of the best ex perts in the state. He has recent ly visited tbe property and is finely pleassd over it. Oysters furnished for parties; served at parlors, any style; hot stews, raw, or any way desired. Neat service. Hot chocolate with bread or cakes. Hot beef tea of all kinds Palmateer's. Humphrey Boyd, who has boon at Glendale, Southern Oregon, for tome months, is home, visiting at Dilley. He was in town the first of the week, the guest of bis sister, Mrs. K. Cave. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxcellencia end you will try them again and again. Now is the season of the year when a potato warehouse would be a blessing. Here's hoping some enterprising citizen will build one next summer. For Bale: J. I. Case gang plow, in good repair. Inquire, of U. 0. Gardner, Shop, Third Street, Hills boro. Rev. Lulhor Mahone, of Astoria, where he is pastor of the Congrega tional Churoh, was in town, Fri day, the star witness in the Wat son contempt case. W. J. Benson is putting the Tall man engine into shape this week and it will be used to saw ties in the u. A, Morgan camp, near Robb's, Centerville. Bran, $19 50 per ton; shorts, $21; chop barley, $23.00. Climax Mill ing Company. Kenyon Crandall visited in Port land the first of the week. MOID INSTITUTE at mm GROVE One of the Most l'rotitribltf F.vcr Held In County HON. . H. ACKBUUAN PRESENT lUtof Teachers In Attendance, niaa en New Idea Acker- The Washington County Treachera' Institute, held at Forest Grove on Friday and Saturday of last week was one of the heat attended and most profitable Loral Institutes ever held In the County, Supl. Caen report names tif ibe teachers in attendance a fallows: Aliilla Aiton. S C Slimill. t.m.t.e Moohtrry, Lee Hjrr. Mm J Mutiny, Criu-e iirvcriuaii, I.yilia Slaclir, It VY Uainea, AnnaClialaitra, Jennie HcamUh, Teunee Wealtivrutl, Kie Vlliox, Dell Yoiiiiv, I.ouU Welle, Viola l'iell, A L Thomas, li.lllli A Urn, I, I, JIkiii, Jauirt M mb, Kdwia Allen. KlnaJBeu, Marie Slnrlir, ('.ruv.iliiie Hil.lwln, I. mum GotiIoii, Sunt Jarkw.n, Annie Newman, t.ora M i'xlr, I rani Hrlrhtr, Lena ant Cora llolcouili, Martha fritter, Coral Hamilton, Ralph V I'.mral Wetili, limb Jonea, AUwrt II. h h. I'late Il.ilMatlrr. Mora A Smith, Clara I.nynea, tllatii'he HaitWtt, Srlma NeUo t, Geo 8 Yalea. Mra t; C Woo Ihnty. t.ln Swannon, May Crr, I'anl lUkrr, Maiuit Ayr?, tteuie !iiirleant, Miry Murilucv, Iv I'r.rMou, I. aura M-i-cheater. Aunt Reillug, Margaret Allr, Mlnnia ami Ml la I'echin, Malaie OD00 net). Olio KrasM, Ola I'tlrrton, Letter Mooherrv. Ijiwreuce In 1011. llertlia Fowls, ('baa llanieo, Helen Halt. Kthe! Wright, ('crtruil Kevrrman, Henrietta I War, lames I'airchilit. Angle Harring ton, Kva Catching, Lena anil Znla Sliorli, Mrs M Alibotl, liTva Haktr, ami otkera. Prof. J. A. Ackerman, Superin tendent of public inatrudion, in answering questions, stated that it was his opinion, that unlees a teacher had a written contract with the board of directors, be or she, as the caie might be, had no more right to chastise a pupil in the school than to whip any child on the street, and that if they should whip under such ciicumstances they could be prosecuted. As sev eral districts bsveonly verbtl con tracts with teachers this opinion is of some interest. PYTHIANS ELECT OFFICERS Phoenix Tidge No. 34 elected the following officers Monday evening: II T lligley, chancellor comniauileri J W I'ave, vice chancellor; L M llyt, prelate; j M Iliown, keeper of recortla and aeal; Wui Nelson, mailer ut-aniis; L W Ilouae, master of work; u W .Schul nierlch, master of linn nee; lr W I) Wood, master of exchecmier; J II Gra nd, Inside guard; John W Council, out aids guard; J W Connell, trustee. SKENE HILTS Married, at tbe residence of David Hilts, near Greenville, Nov. 'M, 1005, William Skene and Miss Mary Hilts, Rev. A. Robinson offi ciating. J. W. Marsh, was in from Cen terville, Monday. Short order restaurant. Adams', Second street, opposite post office, Sam Moon and wife, were in from Centerville, Tuesday. A. Krieger, of Verboort, was in the city Tuesday. Call at Fred I). Adams for best soft-shell almonds 20 cents per lb- K. B. Sappington wsa down from Cornelius Monday morning, F. E. Rowell, the Scholia' rustler, was in town Tuesday, talking rail road, Henry Stoffnr, of Nelson's, east of town spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Will Wolf. Mrs, J, J, Morgan, of Portland, was a guest of her brother, John Humphreys, tbe first of the week, Marshal Atkinson Tuesday sold a sorrel horse, which had been put in the pound, for $9, 0. Blaser be ing the purchaser. The horse was about 10 years old and apparently sound, bat a trifle (bin. Argus and Oregonian, $2. Flour and Feed. Cale'a Market. Ward D.i us was homo over Thanksgiving. Go to Mt'Corniifk's for school supplies. Dan It Kmrick, of Scholia, was in town Sal unlay. Ileitis' bulk pickles, no acid; at II. Webrung A Hons. Dr. 0 K. Hinrs. of Forest Grove, was in town Monday, Candies, confectionery, cigars, etc, at Fred Adams.' H. S. Swalley.of Reedville, was in town Monday, lUnka parties contemplate put ting in a saloon. Nelson I.aCmirsft aa down from Forest Grove, Tuesday. Carl Plahl, of Blooming, wai a county vest visitor the firel of the wiek. Smoke the Schiller and ICicel Inucia cigars Oregon inatiitfut'ttire. Call for them. Ora Gardner was down from Mountnludale, the first of the week. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Kxwllencla Oregon manufacture. Salesman Tobin, with the Pat iflc Paper Company, was in the city Tuesday. ' School , laldeta, pencils, pen and inks, etc , al McCormick'a music store. A W. Smith, the Tlgardvlile retl eetn'e dealer, was in the city Monday. John Vttndtdtey, of (VtUr Mill for the past few yiar, has moved to Fo est Grove. PaS'engora to Portland will lo u disembark on Fotnth and Stink, ins'end of at Yamhill, as at piexrnl E. A B;rn' new song "A Dar Little Webfoot Girl" now on sale at McCormlck'a music store, 25 cti. KIT Schifffelin, of Centerville, has just returned from a two weeks' trip to California. Largest and brat stock of bon boos and candies in the two. Get your Christinas uppliea at Fred D. Adams'. T. II. Liltlebales, tf Forest Grove, was an inteteated spectator t circuit court Tuesday. You can buy paint at Schtilmer ,:b Bros, at Portland prices. The Kali of the year i the proper time to use it. 0. T. Hea, of wist of town, lost a valuable It-year old colt the fir 4 of '.ho week. He had been offered M2"i for the animal. Nothing tdeases the lady of the lounes like choice groceries and keep nothing else. Try us. II rt'ebrung t Sons. Dallas Smith, of Mountaindulo, as sent to the Good .Samaritan ilospilol, Portland, this week, by Dr. A. B. Bailey. II. Taylor Hill, of Mountaimlale, was in town I ueadnv morning, re turned from a business trip to Portland and the Sound. ...... Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kinii. of Roy. near Greenville, Deo 2. PJ03. twin sons. Mother and children are doing well. President W. N. Ferrin, of Pool fio University, was in town Friday, an intereitfld spectator in the coiv tempt case. Ulrich Kemp, for 2$tar a rosi- lint t.i lUlvctift lU -d Kftllir day to visit with h- "'.Wsn Ohio, for the winter. -1 Another big lot of Uk l Italians came in Monday m;: to swell the crew working on Tillamook road. All were bu dtW more or less, ami they Jolt qui little money 111 the town. For sale: 3J acres, viz: 1 acre in strawberries; 1000 bearing grape vines, different varieties; small house, furniture, horse and wagon. Will sell for$C50.-G. W. Feigb ner, Cate Market. The Argus has it on (rood author ity that if compelled to dcsUt in running steam cars down Fourth street, in Portland, that the line will be electrified its far out bb For est Grove, unlets the gasoline can hall be available. Rosa Meier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Meier, of Bethany, died on Sunday, Deo. 8, 1005, The funeral took place, Tuesday, at 1:00 p. m , at the Bethany Presby terian ohurch. Dnceitsnd was a niece of Mra. Kmil Kuratli, of this oily. It is reported that Dr. J. P. Tamt iesle will give five acres of the re cently purchauod Wehrung tract to the Catholics provided they will build a hospital and school on the premieee. The matter will be taken up by the Catholio people when Archbishop Christie returns. Dl nrvi iK runners' and Merchants' li.uik Lose Over $1,000 SAFE HOOK BLOWS (.LEAK OFF Noililni; to Lend Safe Track of Crackers lite Ei pert Forest Grove had another sensa tional bank robbery last Friday night, or Saturday morning, rath er, when export craiksmen entered the Farmers' and Merchants' bank, dug through the vault and with nitro glycerine blew the safe door from its hinge and rubbed the Irawers of tfOTOO iu gold and cur rency. Hut f x) was left, and this wits mixed up with the debris. I he front ilo. r 01 the bank was opt tied by means of a "jimmy" and after that it was easy sailing for the robbers. They effected the rob bery and made their "gst a-way," leaving no trace of their identity. Mierill l.onn"ll was notified about 8:00 Sa.vmlay mnrninn. the toes not beh'g discovered until that hour, n the book keeper went down to open the doors. Cashier A. C. Shut, of the Khnte Bank, this city, aent with him, and states that none but experts could have sccompliehetl so neat a piece of work. The txils lined were taken from the Cornelius sm-tion tool houe and tbe BalUrd fc I.innville black stni'h shop at Forest Grove. It la popularly supiniaed that Ihe vang is operating out of Portland. It. M Dooiey has been lunning the bank, and states that the Iocs is fully covered by bank insurance 0 there will be no financial strain on the institution. This add one more loss to the many that have taken place on tbe Weet Side within the last two years the Hillsboro and Forest (i rove post ollice being two of the events, and the Sheridan and New- berg robberies being two in Yam bill county. Card of Thank. We desire to gratefully thank our friends siul neighbors who aided us during the last illness of the wife and mother, the late Mrs. Thos. Tin ker, and we desire epec- ially to give thanks fur the beauti ful floial offerings. Thos. Tucker, W.O.Tucker, Mrs. U. G. Gardner, Mrs. C. A. Klwell. Hillsboro, Dec. !, VMM. BANKS HAS CLUB The Banks Commercial and Amusement Club has incorporated for $.1(Xl, with Alliert Mixner, Waller K. Beard and William Heard ns shareholders. Their pur poe is to carry on and maintain a place and hall for amusement and edification of iti members. RHECHBTTO WINS CASE Judge McBride has decided that the Beaverton ordinance, prohibit ing unloading of manure from cars, is invalid and David Rhnghitto is therefore purged from paying any fine for violation of the same law, Geo. R. Bagley appealed the case for Rhegitto, who was fined for btinging manure inside the town X 1 . limits. This decision means that i aardncrs can fertilize without obstruction. Oclesby Young, of Portland, represented the rity. 3 J First Quality Drug Store M We provide for the people who have had enough ex- fl UCrU'UCC to I: now that inferior rrrwx1 ore dear at inv . - " " " ' J price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are alwavs cheaoer really and aggressively Wc Have Made a Reputation For our prescription work, because we do the work ex actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent age to scud us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays yon to briug such work to i BAILEY'S This is an advertisement, 1 1 As the Twig is The How la it with the young people of your household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value of the dollar? 'Are you endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you waking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it is: Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should Im treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has Iteen established. A good ly hank at count will soon result' tbe young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to 'grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. North Side Main St. CONTRACTOR AMD BUILDER Am prepared to give you figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience Wo, Oregon, U. F. D. No. 1, Phone No. 28x4. &e Delta Drug Store For Prescriptions, Family Recipes, Patent Medicines, School Boohs, Sundries, Etc. THE DELTA DRUG CO. WM. TUCKER, Prop. CHAS. LAMK1N We shall keep the best equipped general hardware store in Washington County, and solicit your pat ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. Plumbing a specialty. Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsboro Ch8. Linikin has" been making aonie neat improvements in the Second Street hardware store. Robt. Blair, who went from hero where he visited l i mother, Mrs. Ruth Blnir, lo St, Helens, is at piteeut in Southern Orfgon. f cheaper to buy. PHARMACY and likewise it is a fact. Bent Tree's Inclined" SHUTE BANK Hillsboro, Oregon 11 Address, Hills Pacific States r. P. OOOD1N I COMPANY HARDWARE Annouuces to the people of Wash ton County they have purchased the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch bold, and will continue the busi ness iu the brick, in the old stand. Tuesday's rain? caused quite a lay-off in the railroad graders. E. H. Flagg, the vetmn news paper man, formerly in this city, now at St. Helms, has recently fallen heir to money, left by hia fatbtr.