InliLLSBaR NO. 38 VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. NOVEMBER 30. 1905. A SRRIOUS Gil AKGB IS i) Itlackmail, AUcucJ, Must be Answered In (kurt AI'EK ClUClUTtS OUT HERE Deukli Ztlluait, Portland, Sued tj Mclrr .v Frank Meier A Frank, of Portland, and firm well known In many )eople in this county, have chrgJ in ouurl that the Deutcha .eltung, a (lor man new "paper, tried to extort from the firm f.WO, in the shape of an advertising contract, aa reinun eraliou (or suppressing an articla telling that the employees of that itore were being attacked by an -litItutu of itnall pci. Juliui Meier want In see Paul Semlcr and A. K. Kern, connected with tha paper, ao he allege, and at their oflloe had them put in writing contract, whioh ha claim, waa proof that it wia a aim pie caaa of extortion. They were to run the edvertiiwment and aupprefS any mention t.f etnallpox. Meier re fuerd to eign the contract, and then i.o'.iQed the oflleers. The district attornev'e office has taken up the cane. Tne Ztitung ia circulating: oonniderably In thi county, hut does not seem to le a general favorite, It haa Irnen run ning ahout a yeiir, TAKES CHARGE DEC. I J. J. Rector, late euperintndent of ti e MvMinnvillo eleclrio light and waterworka nyatctn, haa purchased Peter Bither't intereet in the Brownsville elrctric light plant, pnmtreaion to be given on the first of December. Mr. Hector incut reveral daya in liroamville thia week, returning to MoMinnville Thursday to srremre hi ali'airs to rnovo to thia city and take charge ut bin purchase, lie ie highly leo ommended a an ex pert electrician and enterpriiing citiien, and will he a welcome addition to the buai liens circle of Brownsville. -Brownsville Tlinoa. MRS. MAGGIE HOOVER Mra. Maggie Hoover, an inmate ol tha poor farm, died early Saturday morning, and was buried in the ronutv cemetery that afWnoun She waa aged about 7G yeara and had been an inmate of the place for aeveral year. A brother, Henry Hoover, resides in tbe Nohalera and a situer, Mra. Wm. J. Hlaley, liven near Buxton, both of whom were notified of the death. Supt Nachbaurany the woman haa been ill for a long time. S. A. Mallory and Mrs. H Willis Held to Answer F. HAVE EXAMINATION LAST FRIDAY Marriage ef Woman to Willi Proven Betband la Court If you want brick for any pur-1 II 1 IT I U IV! l)V ..orbuildhg block, for. foun-ftlfl ) )JM Mb nation, rememner mai ine uroner it Howell Company, of Hcholls, can aupply your demand. Tbey have One lot ol lumDer, rougn tod dreed, in their yard, and will meet all competition. Now thai your crop are harveeted, would li not le a good idea to conatder II tiling will not increaee your In oome. Wet, low apota in tha fielda, alway giving poor reeulta, can be remedied by putting in tiling. It ua help you. U'e can aid you to avoid crop failure on low landa II I 1.. I III- I iiuuk liiu uuru uiiib iu miyiivi i . , ,, n,n , ... r l . , on ihi.rl nolhand Aa not forte! aW "'7 that we oan furniah you eatimalea the caee ol the Slate ol Uregon ver on short notice. I'oat ofTic addreaa Uui 8. A. Mallorv and Mra. B. F, -Hiilsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No 2 Willis. chared with a atatutory of i aai. A .ma " mxiy inouaanu iecv oi one, utv ... i.:- ...... ;,.i ., U11MVU UO IM.IIU. I ... ill' l I UKei eatrtftil liulnmj KillilA ma man r. r. v;ornanui ami lingo rur- . . i..: .11- rt!.l...l M.I- ...- "' "" ".--I"'- uui iiiiivutu lumi avaaiiw piioti vwh- i - , , j tr.l. nlankin. btwen R-eond and " rnrR"- m woman. n.i.,u Third, laat Saturday night. The in court and hi evidence waa ulank haa been laid with a raiae In 1 not allowed to go in acaintt the the center ao a to prenerva the woman, a thia would be contrary t i . at. mi. i ireei aa muoo aa poaeioie. ine . ,. .., j, .i;.,i , m.IW. i.. i. tu.i ,k. . nr," : i w ... In th. mi.1.11.. a.u.ln. '". ,heT weie married tha planka to raiee at tba anda. In lS' Mxinglon, end that thia hence the new method of laying I fall they wire living at t;rlfn the lumber. when ahe lied with Mallorv. He Dennia haa received hia new traced tbe to to Newberg. where lock ofehoe,-the American (len- they hind rig and hd a driver tleruan and American Lady, tbe take them to Sherwood, here they fineet In the market. Come in and remained over night at the Mr. i ihnrn. The lateat tnodela. Halm a' lodging houer. .1 he .New Theea ahoe are advertiaed in every berg liveryman idnM(id Mallory prominent magaxine and newtpa per io tba world. Alfred Young, who for twenty yeara haa been ttiackemiining at Ureenville, ba departed for a visit to England, hia boyhood home. Bufora cotng he cajoled Deputy Sheriff K. T. Kane and Deputy Ke corder Willis Ireland to aaeiat him ar the man, but (aid he did not r the woman. The driver, however. aid Mallory waa the man, but would not awear that thi waa tha aoman. Willi' brother testified to the marriaee, a did also hia wife. After bearing the cae Judge Bagley uxed tbe booda at S'00, aa in awear jog outcitixen paperi ao he . ?. . h.folind lhe two 1 via.f'Marrie fcngland ' aa a i f HUl.Md Kanes evidence inn nmilr in'reui.H,ui lk. M.llnrw ..Imillxi kahxl Ail . I (iiaiiivi w aauMeawww uw If IIV IUBUV OMHIVIVUV w No. 3 Herculea Stump blasting h "t of lhe circuit powder for sale; also fuee and cape; at Tort land price. U. Hager, 8 mile northeast of Hillshoro, on Holbrook road, 1 miles southwest from old I lumps poetoiiice. Ad- dren, Hiilsboro, H. K. 1). 4. Henry P. Roberts, of Patton Valley, was last Friday plaoed undr Iwndi of t'lOO to keep tbe In default of bail they a ere taken bark to the county jail. SCHOOL REPORT Following It (be report from diitrict No. . for the nioDth iml coded: No. of pupil KKUtetcd, iK; te daily attendance, Is, whole No. of !' 1 1.. kji,.i Jn,tm attendance, lio; whole No. Am' al I. m : A.. .... atace. at: No. of Urdy mark, 8. Those neither abtrnt nor tardy wtrv: Joiepn and Willi Minn. Carl and William A hhr. lohnol Wilt, and lUttie .Stohlcr. V Id tor: hiipt. Cute, mil jeMie Jobnton. Lena Brock and Nellie liar wood. KltieM. IlotritnUrr.Ttncher, PFANNER AT SAN FRANCISCO ANNA BARBARA JOSS Mr. Anna Barbara Joss, wife of ' bmuHiel Joes, died at her home near Bethany, HUnrday, November 25, 11)05, aged 7.1 year. Her husband and four children aurvive. De ceased was horn in Bwitxerland, whore she was wedded to the sur vivlng husband. They came here in 1870 and sines that time have been permanent residents of this county. The funeral will take place Monday. Deceased was a woman of aplen did characterises, and In her humble way did a great deal of good. Krvine Burkhalter.of near Farm' ington, waa in the city Saturday. Smoke the Hchiller and Excel lencla cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. David Hilts, of near the Hoy sohool, was in town the last of the week. Arthur Bacon, of above Moun taindale, was a county seat visitor Monday evening. T. Ennes, of this side-of Banks fell laflt Friday, while Bawing wood and broke an arm. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Kxoollenoia Oregou manufacture. Adolph Honzaik and H. Hunte man were in town from Jobs eta tion, SaUi'day. Chaney Banefiel, of Manning came down tl a firet of tl e wek, to attend circuit court. Chas. Barrett, of Greenville, was in town Monday, the gueat of his parents, W. K. Barrott and wife. John Abbott, of Portland, came out the first of the week for a short vixit with his parents, K L. Abbott and wife. You oan buy paint at Sohulmer ich Bros, at Portland prices. The Fall of the year is the proper time to uee it. II. T. Bagley. This waa tbe case wherein H. V. Scott complained that Roberta had threatened to kill him. The dispute rose over a road which one claimed was a legal nigb way and the other alleged was not Anderson & Hon are now doing business at Keedville. We carry all kinds of aroceriea and dry aoode. hardware, natent medicines: ftlso Rennrt now comes from reliable au Herculea Btumi) oowder. Pay thority that Anton Pfanner, the hiahel market iriee for butter, Forest Grove banker who went in eaiisand chickens. solvent some yeara ago, and paid . . , ... , out a trine over da ceui on ine kVL." I?? . " :"SCV::rrK.Moll.r.ta at Ban Francis, where nrau iickiouicu w uicuwuh m. w... Jackson Bottom bridge, on. of the '"STSki; ,7S .. , , r .v.. .. .k. i. had a good business nsre, snd bis 2"!LLi iTOjf.0!! ih. trouble came a. a surprise to every much value to this city, as well as to soveral hundred families over in the South Tualatin country. Oyaters furniahed for parties served at parlors, any style; hot stewa. raw. or anv way desired . Neat service. Hot chocolate with ner never would have been pressed bread or cakes. Hot beef teas of I at all. All the mortgace notes all kinds Pelmateer'a. were paid in full, and only the de Mr. and Mrs. Ch.a. Msrtx, of ??,i,i Forest Grove, are the parents of a Oo to McCormick's for school upplies. Alonxo Hcotl, of below Newton, was in town Saturday. Heinx' bulk pickles, no acid; at I. Wehrung & Sons. J. C. Crocker, of Mountaindale, was in town Monday. Candies, confectionery, cigars, etc., at Fred Adams.' Webtiter Phillips, of Cornelius, was in the city the first of tbs week. Cheat seed and tare aeed for tale. John Milne, Hilltboro. Rancher J. W. Cornelius was down from Hilleide, Monday. Geo. W. Kelley, of Vinelands, ras in town the firet of the week. Ovulers in bulk; stews, fry, cocktail at Fred I). Adams.' Wm. Johnson waa down from Mountaindale, tbe firxt of the week. Greer's ia the place to buy timo thy and all kinds of grans seed. School tablet, pencils, pens and inks, etc, at McCormicks music store. Julius and Frank Weisenback, of Reedville and Witch Hazel, were in town Saturday, Miss Louise Kmmons, of Port land, is this wetk tbe guet of Mis Kva Bailey. Saui Johnson, of Shady Brook, as a county seat visitor tbe first of tbe week. J. N. Hoffman, of Forest Grove, was attending circuit court the firet of the week Bran, 119.50 per ton; shorts, 21; chop barley, 123.50. Climax Mill ing Company. L. C. Brown, of South Tmlatin, IMPORTANT HATTER IE T President IVrrin, of Pacific University, in Town "BAR" REVERSION CASES AT BAR Will be Tried This Term of Court. Property Involved President W. X. Frrrin, of PaciBc University, was in town the firet of the week, looking after his interests in the celebrated reversion of prop erty cases brought by the school sgainst C. F. Miller, Dr. Chis. Hines, James Johnson and Mort Hallett, all of whom are alleged in tbe complaint to be selling liquor The school asks that the property on which their places are loca'ed b1 declared to be in title of the Uni versity, on the ground tbat the deeds, original, hold a reservation to the r fieri that under such cir cumstances, it again becomes tbe property of the school. The caee involves some valuable property, which has changed hands a number of times, and on which business has been transacted for years. The defendants will fight the suit clear through to the Supreme Court, it is alleged. First Quality Drug Store We provide for the people who have had enough ex perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper really and aggressively cheaper to buy. 4 0 I For our prescription work, because we do the work ex- M actlv as it should be done. We pay no one a percent- 3 age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays 2 you to bring such work to We Have Made a Reputation BAILEY'S PHARMACY 2 This is an advertisement, and likewise it is a fact. WILHELM1NA FISCHER SCORES Tbe probate court has made an or der permitting the Hotchkisa estate body. The fact that be could have made away with a sum of money amounting to several thousand dol lar when he left, and did not, was one feature in bis favor. Only for the hard time in the nineties Pfan to him without security suffered J I-.! 1 !..! t-: - 101 nonnd hov. horn November 24. nT wpnmmwm in u.r iu.., r ' . . ' WOMAN SUFFRAGE for another vote, next June, on the question as to allowing women the 1905. Dr. Large and the youngster arriving on the late train, Friday Avnntnir. I ' o 1 . i iJ.! i i i i t t n , I a large pewnoo oas ueen boiiv in i rur DBir. . . hiii n t llnlmn ih atmA nntvinor I I T ..! IT , 1 - ... f-jB III kcuu rriiair. umuiro ui v. u Gardner, Shop, Third Street, Hills uuiu, tioht In vnt Nnllip ant a crn A. Arrangements are now being per- lures have been procured to fill this fected to connect the county iude-oounty s quota, and the same con peudent linos with the Automatic dition prevails all over the state, dome telephone company in t'ort romance women are forming a land, aud it is expected tbat the club to fight the proposed amend eervioe will lie inaugurated by at ment, on the ground that woman least the end of March. does not want the vote. Suffragists Nothing pleases the lady of the w' "'"" . i:T." u.i .j lining lor inein io bbv at nuiue, iiouiwa uae uuuiuo Kr... u . - . M.. lhnm. ,Ka ... y.. a kAAn nnlhlno a m. Trv 11. H r-" ... r r ..-...B ,. . . , h , ...y. . " Mrs. Wilhelmina Fisbrr the was in the city the firet of the I P ? 400 in ful, of all demBnd, WerK. I .. U. ..1.1. f lk. Uaesili !U)Ull tut) estate ui tun into mciuvt Hotchkiss. who died in this city ler or Kxcelloncia end you will (0aie weeks ago, bis remains being trv tbem again and again. taken to Eugene for burial. Tbe r . t r i i., i.n,i rischer woman bad Uvea with Lotus L. Langley, of Iortland, f fc mar. was atUindinR circuit courv, me e ed . first of the week. X . , 0jU( rTKi. Ai. ca a chvwowm. a d vorce. the leeal Mrs. Hotcbkies al- (? rove, was down to attend open- egf b, is not worlh the paper it is ing of circuit court. written on so the marriage was al ii. L. ItuBsell. of Gaston, was so ml. As the woman bad docu- down the first of the week, as one mentary evid. nee tbat ehe bad of the jurors in cirouit court. loaned .the deceased $400. and had nlha a aima ammmlinfT tn si Tfl X I of $1000 the adminialratrix. who is ciently recovered from her hospital the legal wife, compromised the al experience to leave the care of the leged wife's claim at the sum above nurse, and is now Home tor inanis- stated and tbe woman went on ner giving. way rejoicing. The estate consists Ceo. Campbell, one of tbe slu- of a fine residence property in this dents of Newoll Academy, was the city, and some personal eflects. gueet of Thos. Bailey the first of he week. BIO THINGS NEXTVEAR J. H Collier one of the jurore AMOrd;n. to .indication, there 2r "? '.L1" will b. big things in the Washing n... m iw - .v - . Countv railroad world next asatriDunai. summer. The Forfst Grove elec Pratt Vickers, of Cornelius, was trjc jjne wju b completed, and the in town Monday. He is convalesc- rights of way will be secured for ing from an extended uinesB ana the line from Huleiboro, or near by expects to go to work again, soon, doan through tbe Farmington and as cwumern rsi'iuu hbsibibii sm"" rvinion couniry lruo ewego or Petitions are being circulated Portland. This will involve the asking that the local'oplion law be expenditure of thousands of dollars, ..... . a Ana eanlmn Anain .mn,lBl en th.t it Will TfOUire SU UF "'" "" "ft-" r 'kamia io nll an tbe pushing forward of the Tilla .i,:.' .ioto r nr.! mook road will bereeumfd as early be joined, or grouped together; and m the spring as the wealher will that it shall be at least two years pe". thii will give Banks .... i: and Buxton railroad communica- . , tion. The day of twenty to thirty For Bale: W lute KocK cocRereis, mijeg of wagon j,aul to deliver crops Dawned lasv winter irom oeei "W ho market in this county will toon otlerea oy naiciwooa ana neais, be a thinR of the past. ine iwo leaning nue noon ureeu ers in tbe Northwest. $2 to $4. Ho3e Mound Farm, Hiilsboro, Ore, R. F. IX 2. Mrs. Ferd (Ironer, Pro-prietor. Oelesbv Young, the Portland ESawawaai As the Twig is Bent The Tree's Inclined" How is it with the young people of your household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate th value of the dollar? Are yon endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, hers it is: Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar tbat comes into their hands. The next dollar Bhould be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good-. ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" sre likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hiilsboro, Oregon CONTRACTOR AKD BUILDER J Am prepared to give you figures on any kind J of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience. Addreea, Hills- boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States Phone No. 28x4. : - t.p. cccz-ji : 2f?e Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO HIKING OPERA HOUSE BY DEC. I Wehrung & Sons. Wm. Graf, of Bethany, was in Saturday, making funeral arrange- ..l. a.M tk. I.e.. mm mm A I smm uimiuj lur ma imw mm. nuu umbo, n k i m t r i .-,,,n ,hn Hftt.rl.v Contractor T. P. Goodin-expco s to Mra. E1U O'Connor has moved December 1, barring perhaps a dav into her new cottage, recently built or 8o of work in the extra list. on the corner of Third & Baseline, The Association will put in their opposite the unristian unuron. I aeata about the fifteenth of next Ernest Lyons has returned from month and by the first of the year the bunchgrass Motion, wnere be wm iw w mu .r ,.imi has been rounding up his stock for use, winter quarters What with the new opera house; new planking on Main and Second Street: and with the many new democratic attorney and aspirant houses which have been built this for congressional honors in his diB- season. Hiilsboro has forged ahead trict, was out Monday, and was en- considerably. Hiilsboro is going tered of record as counsel for the to the front notwithstanding the City of Beaverton in the case ap- irrepressible "knocker who is al pealed by gardener David Reghit to and also in the ouster proceed inge.baing retained by Mayor Rob inson and councilman SquireB. Ways at ine iron wun nis drii- faced hammer, telling people how wicked our city is, and how the hot place is right underneath the low- . -, L r 1 !. OBI, LliBUQ III 1'UI vuuuriuiut, uouniy v-iera uoamams every u Ar n v, little wnue in receipt oi leuers rrom , . . . , For Prescriptions, Family Recipes, . Patent Medicines, School Boofcs, Sundries, Etc. THE DELTA DRUG CO. WM. TUCIVCR. Prop. the eapt asking it such a man as "John Shuflenberger" died in this county, and if so, what was hi- estate. These letters come period ically, and it is supposed that such John Parson, of Centerville, was in the city Saturday. J. B. Offner, a Portland attorney, was in town Monday, lie is asao dated with C. J. Sohnabel. K. A. Burns' new song "A Dear Little Webfoot Girl" now on sale at McCormick's musio store, 25 cts Missea Mabel Smith and Bessie Milla w apa itnarn from Fnrnit flpovA Saturday. William Skene, the recent pur , , .. . ... chaser of tbe McWew place, near A ex Chalmers, the Centervills the R choo, aDd Mi Mary stockman, was in town Saturday. Hilt. 'f tht ere I Argus and Oregonian, $2. I granted license to wed, Saturday. inquiries are sent to every county town Monday. S. G. Rhodts, of Reedville, was in town Monday. M. Hahn, of upper Dairy, was in clerk in the west. Some one evi dently is spending Borne money in the hopes that the man's place of death may be discovered, and, along with it, a big, fat estate. Ladies who are interested in tai lor-made suits, coatf, jackets, skirts, waists or furs, in the latest styles, Mill, John McCallen, ol Cedar was in town Friday. A. Kaufman, of northeast plains, was in town laBt Friday. Ira E. Purdin, of Forest Grove, was in the city Saturday. Wade Arraentrout.of near Banks, are cordially invited to call at was down to the county teat Satur- agent's home in this city and ex- dav. amine the beautiful Fashion Plates and samples. The styles are of the latest and the materials are the most beautiful ever exhibited here, and we insure a perfect fit. If in terested call and examine, or a A Mrs. Carr, of Forest Grove, and who was a recent arrival, died Thursday night. A husband and hve children survive her. The Anderson hose coupling, CHAS. LAM KIN COMPANY HARDWARE Announces to the people of Wash ton County they have purchased the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch bold, and will continue the busi ness in, the brick, in the old staud. We shall keep the best equipped general hardware store in Washington County, and solicit your pat ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. Plumbing a specialty. Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hiilsboro postal card will bring samples to recently adopted by the oily, was your homes.-Mrs. Belle R. Brown, tested last Friday, and found to be Agent for Chas. A. Stevens & Bros , just as represented, and tbe city Chicago. I will audit the bill at once. Oliver Chowning was down from the Grove, the first of the week, at tending circuit court. Dr. A. B. Bailey reports that Geo. Harms, of beyond Glencoe, is re covering from a very dangerous illness. Ambers Tbornburgb, one of the pioneers of the mountains, was down from the Grove Monday. With your head hot your brain is not right for work. Moral: Buy your hats from H; Wehrncj L Sons. i. a'