The JniILL NO. 3 VOL. XII. HILLSBOKO, OREGON. NOVEMBER 23. 1905. SBK WING COUPLE ARB CAUGHT By- Found nt Helix. Umatilla County, Thursday Klward Records, who started to HUlliTI IITIl IIP IP lialTO build the Tillamook road, and In- gloriously tailed, tying up $12,800 worth of claims, which will be paid off by tbe new tnantgsmrnt, wai ued the latt of lb week by John It. . -1.1 I uiewari, one oi me awcanoiaer. in v, ., . n. , boro, Friday Night LODGED IX THE COUHY JAIL Man bat Wlf mi Wife a Huabaad, Each Deserting Sheriff J. W. Connell last Thurs day, after a lwi weukt' cha, caught and landed in jail H, A. Mallory, ol Tacniua, au tt inotormao on a fttnel railway, and Mm. Lennle H Willi, wife of H F. Willi, of 32IJ Col tig slrcst, I'orllaud, Oregon. Mallory and (he Willi family were picking bops at Carlton, when the former am) Mre. Willii eloped, leaving for Kastcrn Oregon. Upon reaching Sherwood they disembark-i-d from the train and remained over night at a hold, and It it up on this they are charged .with a statutory offense, adultery. Mai' lory hut a wife at Ballard, Want)., and the woman, aa above stated, ha a husband, who ia a ion uf the late Assessor Willie, of lleppner. Sheriff Connell first went to Athena, and from there located the Couple as out in the Helix section, where they worked for a bachelor by the name of llenrikson. lie placed them under arrest, although they alleged they were not tbe parti wanted, and were going un der the BHiumud names of Mr. and Mr. Stanley Allison. Tbe Sheriff arrived here with them Friday tnomiiitr. and placed tbrm in tbe county jail Attorney (leo. H Bag lev was closeted with them shortly aftwr their arrival. The woman is above the average in appearance and at one time accredited with be ing th belle of Heppner, where she was ri"'l li the family 01 ex Mayor Frank Gilliam. Mallory it six ftt. weighs about 200, and it inclined to balduess; has a tear on hie face, and U not just what would be expected in a Lithario. Tbe case was called in Judge Bagley's court, Monday afternoon, and Willis, ths husband, was placed on the stand by K. B. Tongue, to prove that the woman was bis wifo, but Attorney (ieo. It. Bagley object ed on the eround that a husband could not testify against a wife with out her consent, unless it was t esse wherein personsal violence was involved. Tbe court held this to be tbe law and Willis, tbe alleged injured husband, was withdrawn from the stand. Haines, a son of Mrs. Hainot, of Sherwood, and at whose house it it alleged tbs man and woman remained over night, occupying the same room, was next called, to save a return later, ana said be saw tbe two at tbe lodging home: did not see them go into or leave tbe room; saw tbem but tbe once, and then in the front room; they hired the room from his moth er; would not swear positively that they were the people. He after ward said he would not swear that they were tbe people wbo hired the room except as upon information given him by his mother and sister. The court adjourned the oase un til Friday afternoon, to permit the state to get documentary evidence of tbe marriage, as well as two wit nesses to the marriage, these now being at Newberg. CHASTON W. LUSBY tbe old Portland, Tillamook & Ne- halem Company. I us suit was filed in the circuit court and Stew art claims ht loaned Records 1275 lost summer, and that the doughty railroad (sio) contractor baa not re paid bim. An attachment was is sued, also, on sum surveying in. struinentt which were stored ia this oily, snd a bond executed to pro tect a poem tile foreign owner. Ladies who are interested in tai lor-made suits, coats, jackets, skirts, waists or fur, in tbe latest stylet, are cordially invited to call at anant'a home in this citv and ex amine the beautiful Fashion Plates AND TUB DRIVING 11AIN HILLSBOKO WAS THE LAST STOP Met at tbe Dtpot by Large Crowd sod Bssd Tbe Portlsnd business men's excur sion pulled into Forest Grove last Friday evening, about 00 o'clock, and the delegation was met by a Urge nuu.licr of ciiizns and the Forest Grove band. The visitors were given an informal reception at and samples. Tbe styles are of ths , . , , .... i latest aid the materials are tbe the. Co,onif1' ntlni l ni 'nd Judge Mollis making addresses in bebslf of tbe town, and responses being tnsd If. M Cake. J. F. Car- roost beautiful ever exhibited here, and we insure perfect lit. If in terested rail and examine, or a postal card will bring s triples to your homes.' Mre. Belle It. Brown, Agent for Chas. A.Slevenicfc Bros., Chicago. John T. Beagle, of Pendleton, died Ootobsr 19. He was born In Missouri in 1H38, and came to Ore- ton with bit parent in 1843, set tling near Forest urove, bis father nil, W. H.Chapin. and II. I. Pit to k Fort at Grove' reception committee to aeat and welcome the excurrion fulluss: W II Hollis, chairman, I U iuilcy, A O Hoflmao, J A Abbott, C V B KumkII, at Peterson, President W N lerrtu, v h Bowman, I) I) Martin, U'allrr lloge, 11 BJohoton, I. I. Ilollmifrr R'M Dooley, running . .tor. at Forest Grove in U"" mo pari 7 iuu '"""H membered by old pioneers. The Beagles left this county in 18M. and young Beagle finally landed at Pendleton, where be has since resided. Drotesed was a brother of Wm. Beagle, wbo is married to a lister of Mis J. A. Imbrie. A new firm, the Chit . A. Lam kin Company, with Chat. A. Lara kin as manager, baa purchased tbe pouring in sheets. A large crowd Archboul Hardware Store end taken I was at the station to meet tbe vis obsession. Mr. Lamkin is a preo- itore. and the two band were in tical hardware man and takes years attendance. of experience to tbe business. Mr I Of the 84 business men all but Arohbold, wbo has been In tbe bus- two or three started lor the city. iness for many years, will retire Kn route to tbe court houe ihey and take a vacation and get ac- stopped at the residence of Dr. and quainted with bis family. Mrs. F. J. Bailey, where the ladies J. W. Hayee. of North Forest 0' th city tendered a.ten mDU - . i inn mw n f n oni ra i rM n Grove, wbo has been buying bops Dr Hrowo, It II Stusr;, Mayor C N John son, V W Kmrrson, A V Johnton. II C Atwrt', C O Kf, Frel Watroua, V K NuhoUoo, ilatry Uuff. S A M.uIioj, ProieMor II L Bates, Dan I'sruoni, h J Corl, A K Nourae, O C Hancock, Nelaon B UCourac, Cbailea Hines, K S Calleu- der, S G HuKhet, A J Wirt. W M Uag ley, Dr K n Ktnlt, Dr UeiKer, ti villiger, Piofraaor Allen and W B llatnet. Tbe train reached Uillsboro a little after eight and the rain was for Squire Farrar. was In town Friday, having closed the deal for I'M bale of hope from tbe Wbit mores, of Laurel, at eignt cents. Mr. Hayes bought the Henry 11 an- nan hope, Buxton, a few weeks ago, paying 12 cents for tbe lot. The recent heavy rains had no perceptible effect on the roads where the split-log, or drsg prinoi pie, had been in use. This shows for itself Get a split log; drag the road in front of your farm, get reception, at which light refresh menu were served At the court house, Msyor Corne lius gave the visiting delegation a rousing welcome. Mr. Cake, of the Chamber of Commerce, responded, snd he wss followed by Dr. Tam- ieeie, in an add teas setting forth how the two places could mutually make things easier, and at the same time be of benefit to each other. Fhe reception appointed to meet the excuisinn at the depot consisted of Mayor B. P. Cornelius, Hon. W. H. Webrunn. John Denm. G. A. Go to McCormick's for school tupplic. I). B Emrick, of Skills, was in town Monday. John Bchleged, of Banks, was io the city Saturday. . : E. 8, Crawford, of Laurel, was in town Saturday. B. B. Bstes, of near Greenville, was in town Tuesday. Candies, confectionery, cigars, etc., at Fred Adams.' " ' Henry Miller, of Witch Hzl was in town Tuesday. Cheat seed and tare seed for sale. John Milne, Hillsloro. " " Louis Gardens, of Manning, wa down to tbe city Monday. Attorneys Hjllis and Hoffman were in the city, Monday, Oysters in bulk; slews, fry, cocktaila-at Fred U. Adams.' Ed. Bog, of Farmington, was a caller at the Argus office Tuesday. C. RRbee, of Farmington, was a caller at the Argus oflice, Tuetday. C. E. Shorey, of Mountaindale, was iu the city the first of the week Greer's is the place to buy timo thy and all kinds of gras seed. C. J. Cowaniah, of beyond Glen coe, was a caller at the Argu oflice Saturday. School tablets, pencils, pens and inks, etc , at McCormick's music store. Mrs. W. 1). talndale, was a Tuesday. Bran, 119 50 per ton; shorts, $21; chop brley, $2:1.50. Climax Mill ing Company. A.C. Winney, of beyond Glencoe, was in town Tuesday, and made this oflice a pleasant call. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Excellencia rnd you will try tbem again and again. Garhardt GoeUe, of Blooming, was in the city Saturday, and mads this oflice a peasant call. J.J. Meacham, of Mountaindale, was down in Saturday's rain, feel ing like a native Oregoniau E. A. Barns' new song "A Dear Little Webfoot Girl" now on sale at McCormick's music store, 25 ctt. AND AFTMDAMAGES Notorious Character Says he Wants to Sue Some One JUST RELEASED FROM THE PES Quick, of Mono- caller in the city your neighbor to do likewire, and Patterson. Dr. J. P. Taraiesic, U. we will toon have better roads, h. Greer and I) W.Bath. summer and winter. John Uebel and wife, of Moun taindale, were in town Tuesday, conferring with the officials about losing a canine, some boys having shot the pet while he wss io tbeir Tbe ladies who tendered the re ception at the Bailey residence were: Mesdame Francis tame Bailey, F A Bailey, T H Tongue, W I) Hare. H V Gitea, W H VVehrung. W M Barrett, C R Kotlint, William t:onnell, S B Hus ton, John Connelt, Francis Kane, Wil yard. The lads were in their teens, Ji"."' Jft" i1-"0'; but Mrs. Uebel went out and took the gun away from tbe youngsters, Dsnnit has received bit new stock of shoes, the American Gen tleman and American Lady, the nost in the market. Come In and see tbem, Tbe latest models These shoes are advertised in every prominent magazine and newspa per io tbe world Fay W. Harrington, of the Dud- ey Mill, was in town Monday, get ting out sale notices. He expects sell his Chaslon W. Lusby, of Mountain dale, died at tho borne of his ton, 1). B . Monday, November 20, 1905 with consumption, after several months' illness. Deceased wss born io Clark county, Kentucky, Deo. 2. 1828. and emigrated to Mistouri with his parents, in 1 8,19, He was wedded to Mary H. Lusby, July 2(5, 1840, coming to Oregon with bis family in 1872. His wife died io 1877. Six children were born to the union, the following being sur vivors: Mrs. J. B. MoNew, near Reedville; Geo. S ,of Alfalfa, Wash. and Duvld B , at home. Interment was in the WilW cemetery, above Greenvi le. Tuesday afternoon. For many years deceased resided io the Greenville section, and only moved to his present home a year or so ago. FORMER HILLSBORO MAN Tuesday, Nov. 28, and soon start (or or k, Nebraska, where he en- inys better health than out in the Oregon country. Anderson !c Bon are now doing business at Reedville. We carry J. J. Rector, present superintendent nl the water and light plant in this city, has purchased a half interest in the electric light plant at Brownsville, and will take oharge of it the first of the year It is with regret that we see Mr. Rector loave tho city, where he has long been sn emoient superintendent and a bign ly respected citizen; but the best wishes of all our citizens attend him in hia new enterprise. MoMinn v Register. Mr. Keotor waB formerly superintendent of the water and light plant of thitf city C W Redmond, A C Shnte, Misaei Ka nonse snd Tongue. PUBLIC SALE to The undersigned will sell at public tale at the Dudley Mill, 2 miles Northeast of Ce'nterville and 6 miles Northwest of Hillsboro, at ten a. m. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Chesnut sorrell mare, 9 years, weight. mo: liay horse, 7 vears, weighs, ljoo; personal property on both fine work animals; good Iresa cow j years; several fall pigt; new Rushford wagon, 3, wide tire; new top buggy, act heavy work hsrneat, u-iuch plow, garden cultivator, folding saw, 4 foot saw, wheelbarrow, large dresser, 8-foot extcnaion table, half dor., chairs, rock ing chair, three iron bedateads, mattreaa and spring, good sewing machine, kUeli all kindB of groceries and dry goodi, ubie, good cook ato hardware, patent medicines; also Hercules Stump powder. fay uu.rtl fru. xo BKllon cucumber pickles highest market price for butter, tin brine, cooking utensils, dishes and 'ob and chickens numerous other article. LuncU at noon. PB lrr , n 1. aia .1 i-- a v t 11 t Puni ... ia 0' aie-iuana unaer, kl. Al A ULt0VSj!l ui I if Itiipai wvswa . tin :M - i .n R.t..U. .nJ rnnrU that UBU V1 'w'.uun JOBr .""'? Bf ... .w- ..-.-.v.-,,, n-nwol nntn M nor rmt. 1 a crew oi engiunnrn nwuau. . - . off . - Q per vey through the Corneliui pass, in to the Phillips' section. Whether or not this is the same line that Graydon has financed is not known Dr. Eaton will speak at the Bap tist church, Sunday, November 20, at 11:00 a. ra. and at 7:30 p. ni Morning subject, "Our Justification -What it is and How do We Get B. Fay W. Harrington, Ox ner. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. CORNELIUS ON MAP Mayor Thos, Talbot, of Cornelius. was in towo Saturday and raid: "Well, the Portland excursion it." Evening, "Will God Punish .lighted I Cornelius, although they the Wicked." All are invited. Ovsters furnished for parties: served at parlors, any style; hot stews, raw, or any way desired Neat service. Hot chocolate with bread or cakes. Hot beef teat of all kinds Palmateer's. might have given us five minutes of their time, as well sb not, for our town buys more, in proportion to its population, than any town in Washington County. Besides, we are financially as solid sb Rocke feller. We have paid out 30U for street planking this fall; we have The eleven year old daughter of $1000 in the city treasury; and we M. Fitziiramons. near New Beth- own the nioest, and only, oity park any, is suffering an attack of small in Washington County. Come up pox, ana me uouse una ueeu tjuar- nuu boo uo, uu no i u jw uc, antined by Health Officer, Dr. F. and tell you ail about it." J, Bailey. Nothing pleases the lad v of the Social dance at Modern Wood- houses like choice groceries and men Hall, Cedar Mill, Thanks we keep nothing elije. Try us. H. giving eve, November 29, Every Wehrung & Son.. body invited N. C. Lilly, of Gales Creek, was down to the county Beat Monday, on business with the probate court. For sale: J. I. Case gang plow, in good repair. Inquire of U. G. Gardner, Shop, Third Street, Hills boro. Oscar Thayer, of Gaston, was in town tbe first of the week. Mr. Tbayer is an old time printer, and at one time was connected with a paper at Beaverton. For tale: Running gears of Sttidebiker wagon, 31, used two summers: and set heavy work bar ness, used two seasons, cost 148 when new. Ed. Austin, Hillsboro. Mile J. Haines, city recorder of Sherwood, was a State witness against S. A. Mallory and Mrs. B F. Willis. He states that Chas, Wilson, an old residenter of tint section, and after whom Wilson ville was named, is very low. No. 8 Hercules Stump blasting powder for sale: also fue and caps at Portland prices. G. Hater, 8 miles northeast of Hillsboro, on Holbrook road, H miles southwest from old PhilhpB postoflice. Ad drees, Hillsboro, R. F, D. 4. Gesl L. Davis, who was chief eo gineer for the old Portlaud. Neha leua & Tillamook Railroad Com pany, the one which has sold its holdings to E E. Lytle, of the Pa cific Railway & Navigation Com pany, was in town Tuesday, accom panied . by Col. McCracken, who was one of the stockholders in the former company. Mr. Davis made many friends here in view of his integrity and he will always be re membered with kindness by all who had aught to do with him in a business sense, or from a social standpoint. They were out getting matters straigbtenod Up between the old and new companies. , If you want brick for any pur pose, or building blocks for a foun dation, remember that the Groner & Rowell Company, of Scbolls, can supply your demands. They have a bne lot oi lumber, rougn ana dressed, in their yard, and will meet all competition. Now that your crops are harvested, would it not be a good idea to consider it tiling will not increase your in come. Wet, low spots in the fields, always giving poor results, can be remedied by putting in tiling. 1 Let us help you. We can aid you to avoid crop failure on low lands House and barn bills for lumber on short notice and do not forget that we oan furnish you estimates on short notice. Post office address Hillsboro, Oregon, R. P. D. No. 2. Sixty thousand feet of fine, dry ehiplap on hand. Trying to laduce Portland Attorneys to Take Case The notorious Dan Tromley, who married the Gishwiller woman, and who was sent to the "pen" for two years, for an attempt to effect a jil br.ak when J. E. Burke, whose right name was Hamlin, was con fined in tbe county jail, has been released from tbe state's custody, and the diesolute wreck is now try ing to get a Portlsnd attorney to sue Hillsboro people for 1 10,000 damage because of his being tarred and featberred here, two years ago last summer. Tromley had been jailed here for drunkenness and bad threatened to kill a prominent citizen tbe cur didn't have tbe nerve to go Xo tbe man direct, but, instead, went to his home and frightened the lady of ths house with his threats. Tbe lads of the town, having endured his abuse and threats for some days, finally took the man out and gave him a neat cost ol Ur and leathers. Subsequently he was arrested on tbe charge of threatening to kill and placed in the county jail. While incarcerated J. E Burke, the forger, and J. T. McNamara, an other inmate, broke jail. Tromley disclaimed any aid, but after they were recaptured a key was found in his cell that would unlock the steel cage. Upon being preesed he confessed, pleaded guilty and was ventenced to two years in Salem. While in jail Tromley "a wife moved out a lot of goods that were under chattel mirtgage, an! they were hauled to tbe Stewart farm, at her direciion, and covered with bay. Next morning tbe woman's house was burned, and the was arrested for arson. The case was dropped against the woman upon (he provi so that she left " the county, which she immediately did. Tromley says he wants a change of venue as he can't get a fair trial here. If he should come to Hills boro and begin his old tactics he is likely to again meet with a recep tion that will linger long in his memory. First Quality Drug Store We provide for the people who have had enough ex perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper really and aggressively cheaper to buy. We Have Made a Reputation For our prescription work, because we do the work ex actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays you to bring such work to BAILEY'S PHARMACY This is an advertisement, and likewise it is a fact. v "As the Twig is Bent ' The Tree's Inclined CEDAR MILL DAMAGE CASE The big Cedar Mill damage case, alienation of affection, wherein a . it n jury last spring gave ueua a. Keen a verdict of fo.utiu, compen satory, and $218 30, costs, the judg ment laying tgaicBt busan Kev- nolds Keen, has bfien appealed to the Supreme Court by the defend ant's attorneys, C. W. Miller, Port land, and . B. Huston, Hillsboro and the plaintiffs attorneys, Spec- cer & Davis, Portland, and ti. 1. Baeley, HillBboro, have be? n Berved with the notice. ThiB was the case where Delia B. Keen sued her di vorced husband's wife for aliena tion, it appearing from the evidence that Keen and the plainlin, then husband and wife, had rented farm from the defendant, and while on the place Susan Reynolds, nee Brueeer, had taken a trip Wasco county. Keen later deserted the wife: she procured a divorce. and Keen later married the Rey nolds widow. The ex wife then brought suit for damages, the jury oonEisting of W. A. Montgomery Mountaindale, Geo. Harrow, Hills boro. Daniel Baker, Forest Grove. C. Rehse, Farmington, A. S. Briggs, Dilley, Cbas. Bernard, Cedar Mill John Kamna, Farmington, Joh Tiftard, Tisardville, Adam Simp son, Buxton, W. A. Marlin, uiiis boro, Wm. " Graff, Bethany, an Joh a A Abbott, Forest Grove, giv ing plaintiff judgment sb above stated. The cafe will probably be iu the Supreme Court six months or more. , - ; How is it with the young people of your household f Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it is: Send the young folks to onr bank with the first spare dollar that cornea into their hands. The next dollar should be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has been established A good ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus"inT' clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. ' THE J. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Am prepared to give you figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience. Address, Hills boro, Oregon, R. F. D. Ne. 1. Pacific States Phone No. 28x4. r. p. ooczli 56 e Delta Drug Store For Prescriptions, Family Recipes, Patent Medicines, School Boohs, Sundries, Etc. THE DELTA DRUG CO. WM. TUCKER, Prop. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OK WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY PARTY The Overroeder home, at North Reedville, was the scene of a pleas ant occasion one evening last week, the day bsing the seventeenth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Miss Lizzie. Music and games were enjoyed. After light refreshments the room was cleare.l and dancing was indulged in. At a late hour ths happy party dis per fed, having all voted it an ex celled time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Overroeder, Wm Over roeder, Frank, Lizzie and Mary Overroe der, Messrs. Rimer Borwick, Rudolph Unmeti, Frank Nimmo, Walter Snider mid wife and sou, Clarence, Misses Alma M. Hansen and Anna Nimmo. Gus Kempfer, l'luiutiff, vs. Jay P, MeadrFriti Huguenln, Louise Huguenin and Kit. Nimmo, Defendants, To Jay P. Mead, one of tbe above named defendants: -In the name of the State of Oregon, you are horebv commanded and required to be and appear in the above entitled Court in the above entitled Cause and answer the complaint therein tiled against you on or before the expiration of 0 weeks' pub lication of this summons in tbe tiliisooro ArmiH. the tirst nublication thereof being on the 5th day of Oetoter, 1H05, and the last publication tnereol Demg on Novem ber 23, 1906, to-wit: On or before the 23rd day of November, 1905, and you will please take notice that if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and demanded iu his complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment against yon for the sum of $275 and interest thereon from Feb. 15, 1K93. at the ratel of 8 per cent, per annum, and the sum of I7S Attorney's fees and for the costs and disbursements of this suit; and for a decree foreclosing that pertain mortgage, executed by you in favor of Iriadna Bohart and John Bohart, her husband, to secure the payment of said scin of money on lot o. inn twelve of and in Bobart Subdivision of tbe D. L. C. of Geo. W. Kbberts, in Township 1 JNOrm itange a west ui ui win. mci., containing 10 acres, aud for a dec6 of sale of said premises and that the pro ceeds thereof be applied in satisfaction of the claim of the plaintiff, and for a decree forever barring and precluding you from every rij?ht, title and Interest in and to said premises and the whole thereof and for such other decree as may be necessary aufl proper In the promises, which order requires you to appear answer said complaint on or before expiration of six weeks' publlcatiur this summons, to-wit: On or before vember 23. 1905, the tlrst publlca thereof being October 5, 1!W. - UEO K. BAOI.KY, Attorney for Plait SUMMONS IN Ileisu' bulk pickles, no acid; at H. Wehrung & Sons. Tins summons is served upon you by publication, bv order ol Hon. 1.. A, koou, County Judge f Washington County, made and dated October 4iU, 1905. aud THE CIRCUIT COURT OF r STATE OF OUKOON, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Frank Fiala, Plaintiff, 1 va f .. Agnes Fiala, Defendant,) To Agnes Fiala, the defendant, In the name of the Stste of Ore yon are hereby noli lied that the plui herein has riled a complaint for diy against you in the above entitled e and cause aud you are hereby not i lied required to appear and answer the plaint or tile some appearance thai on or liefore the 28th day of l)e;rr A D., 1905lteing the last day of the nnKirilwd in the order for publics and if yon fail so to answer and apim rile some appearance herein, the plai will causo your default to tie entered noted and will apply to tbe Court foi raliet prayed for in the complaint, to A decree forever dissolving the Don matrimony now existing between you tbe plaintiff and for such other relief i I the Court appears equwaDie ami pw i The date of the tirst Duplication nt summons is Thurstiav, avwmacr m, and the last publicat ion is Thursday, ceinber 28, t!WS, and this summons he published in the Hillabom Arari weekly newspaer of Washington Ct tv.Orcgon, on every Thursday of a?h every week between said data foi successive weeks. . j This summons is pi'htishad nv orrt Hon. T. A. McBrtde, Judge of said S made In said cause on Novemhaw l CHAK. J. MCMNAt -1 Attorney for Piwut . Argus and Ore -