The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 16, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 30
While Work Inn in a Mine at I
Murray, Idaho
Lived Pur Year tl Grrtnvlllt, Tbli
Divorce Cases in Court lor
TniKflpt f the Suits Brlort lie-
Bride, Novtmber Ttrm
Udiee who are interested in tal- 1)11 P)PMT f A DT
lor made suiU, coal, jackets, skirts, I) II VlllVUl I Willi
waists or run, in id latest styles,
are cordially inviiea 10 can ai
agent's borne In Ihli city and ex
amine the beautiful Faabion Plates
and samples. Tbe styles are of tba
latest and tba materials ara tba
moit beautiful ever exhibited here,
and we inaura a perfect fit. If in
terested call and examine, or a
postal card will bring samples to
your boraee. lire. Bella R. Brown,
Agent for Cbai. A. Stevens & Bros.,
T. O. (Imni. a Portland nroml-
Li Fayette Dooley, well known at nent attorney, wai in probate court, Circuit Court convenea jsovemwr
Clrwnvillf, ihU county, aulTered the "7 moroioft niing ine nnai 27 vtb t. A. McBride on me
low of an eye while at work in a T t " IF. " ."'""f bench, and a liet of the caaee follow,
n, Murray. Idaho. Ha wa. H t. docket being fairly Urge, with
struck l.y a piece ol flying rock and thought to have no property at the aivorce caaee predominating
the eight extinguished. Dooley left lime of hta death but subsequent
on the, train November 11, for Spo Mlr" " ,D" .D! a
sue, to have the eye removed, o Mm n h,g ftm.
badly til it Injured. lly get about 12300.
Albert Toner, who was at Delta, . Action for money t' 8 O Maruuam v
I 11a ea tka eufa A mm aw lham ffAHl 1 .... . ... . m.r . .
iii . i i I -iiL iim iua iviui aavw wftMlunirtun lOUIlIV. HUH V W IkVillllllf, i.irm.usu me Argu. w.t , . n.i.bboi'a ton ite,. Wk t.. Climax Mill va
.i-i . i .1 I v . ... ...... . i . -
inn anove inioruiauon. front aala Isiaanl town. A SDlit J Saumlem, w J wilier va inaiaun
On. nf th. rmlr.. of l. J... ... hnl IW .nla .nit Mill, rk-ntoo Killed v. Kane Hubbert,
i -- l- N'.fl ll Itixriattr va ark ion & A
Greenville, recently went to IJaho a oncea-monlh dragging will mala CoM Uvpijv nWlt M.ntKom
... u. 1..1.....1 k..i f.,ni you good roads. Oet anlbuaed and ery, Mm va u H George , w J Wall v
.... ...ju.r.. ...., ... -. . ikn.nnsltfiM 1 1 11 Hridrl. Mautl Morhack v Young &
u.. i ... . I..-..,. Morb-ck. J A Foole va S W Donuvrr, J
putb the dirt toward the center of NiUin SB'mori Hnun, t twa Rwk-
the road. atroh vt Kolacber & I'atton (wtlM.)
u it i , i, u j, . I lUaehne Lbr Co v rrenk HcmanU.
. t. , . , , , .,, i ivruic viii fkmm Krvuiiiu w i .oti
irom l I0 Alio met ena win rnoru Kicbartl Union v Allwrt llartrauipf.
to iiuiaboro aooui ueoemDer i, ana , Mi rrti'ul-if,r
i iuo ara iun uuru wi uvtiiiu il nivrnuy va 01 r. Auauu, v.
ber patrona that aha will rreutne
work on that data. Her eon, Fred
ICveraon, haa been attending college
at Hlanford.butia compelled to leave
echool on aooount ol bia baallh.
Inaulvenry car I) M Radley, Kicli-
arJ Morton, lknatl McHirrnoii, T R
Conwliua, ttowlby & Htinchconil. Wil
liam Porter, Boo & Htiuhouwn.
rAitiity Snow & Huaton va IMitli
him gone when he arrived at bis
Urn known adilrrna. it ia aup
potted that LaFayette wt-nt from
there to Murray, where he met
with the injury.
I will aell at public tele at the
premUet of the laU David Camp
hull, in HilUboro, at i:(X) p. in , nn
8 AT L' It DAY. NOVEMBKH 18 ami kitchen futnlahlnf t.nw
Iiik mat'blne, cimp itove, mare eud
roll, niairs ami want
Ml tingle htntraa
lackl. Ml double II
neaa In variety, cuvlwlle,) ladiieri.cbeat
rarpeitter tooli, cooper tola, wagon
toola, tilowt. barrow, garden toola, etc.,
Dennia baa received bia new
h. jonia oaa rtvairw uta iw 1,1
mh"'m?M atock of ahoei,-the American Gen- h
arneu. piece of bar- Ueman and American Lad, the
finest in the market. Coma in and
them. The latest models.
Tbeae shoes are advertised in every
1 noigunH, I winriieaiee niiee, reruiver. . ,J ....
oooipleted with ear end aalla, old piun"" """ """"r
backa, H iau iron, odda end per ia tbe WOTld.
ik. i-ninn-tw,aei
waeona, uld
auKera, 1 tleilgcl, I log chalna, mattocka,
abnvrla and numemiia other article!.
Terms of Hale 10 and under,
fh; Over flu, (1 mouthi lime, up
prove I note, il tl per cent
H. K. Hoover, Owner,
Chiei Engineer Wanner's survey'
ing corps came down from Buiton
the laat of tbe week and camped
mile or ao nortb of town. Tba
orew c-me in Monday morning and
LAFB PENCE AT IT AGAIN the Southern Pacific
Anderson it Bon ara now doing
J.nte renee, who nieu on ine wan busloeea at Reedvilla. We carry
right out on the head of hast ,j kinds of groceriee and dry goods,
Dairy, and on Johnson and McKay hardwire, netent medicines: also
Creeks, in the northern part of this Hercules Htump powder. Pay
oounly, and who was attacked by I biubeat market price for butter,
oreuiuir urn summer, causing mm 1 esKa nd obickena
. . ..1 1... : i... ....... .,..1 1
10 iU.pim, una i..-rpv. Tbnrvw. f
a onrnnan anil ia now almol in I ' ""f
- 1
world, hoping this time to make " re , . uB , .
1 ti. . . ,. ... ...11 ......k mivn mat 11 it uaru iui tvouia
goal. 110 c.urg iu rrn niuuiu , . , ,
t I. it for hauling lumlw these daya, but
Rtuui uui iuiuukii win toi H,w 1 . l i " Kr
i.nt ki.l tl PorlUn.l author It M l""K "7
.... .1 Piin riAtt aamJ t
will ilouljlless get after him again "v"" '
and test the validity of the iaw Miss Anna Chalmers, who went
giving him the alleged right to use to California to see the football
water from
streams for his pur
Itrvf, C
P Miller. Cbaa Ilinet, Jumea Julitinon,
Mort Hallctt, Ja Clark & wife
I)ivorce caara Manftie rite lleil va Carl
Heil, Amelia tinnier v Knlnian t'.miier,
Jim Smith va Jewie Smith, Marv .McChI-
lan v Walter Mct'allan, V I. Taylor va
John A Taylor, l.yda ChitUndon v II L
Cbittendon, Samuel Uowan va MHttie
iowan, Mary Becker va Henry Becker,
A I'hillipa va Kathrvn I'hillim, John
ButU va Mamie Butta, L I Kitbcart va
J Kithcart, Inet liuuike va K V Humke,
Ada C Stanley va J H htanley,
C'ornett v Ktliert Cornett, K ti KniKhten
vs Ilettie Knighten, hrauk FialavaAg
ne Kiala.
ForecloKure Mechanic'! lien W I!
l.yda va K A Jerome et all.
Action for da ranee a Cyrua MiKav va
David & Meliua Smith, K Itewey v
Poreat Grove (aettlvd. )
Foreclosure -I, A McXary va Golden
William et all. T II Smith va II J Ma
Started a re SUrVSV Of the Ilillaboro tee at ala, Jctue Aleiamlet v K'Hth
taeHa ranara tha linn Annnartla atlth I Monroe, irtii ivemnier va jay r mesu,
ft. a n in. Henry HualaKe v Katie Wood Mch'ar
land, llibernla Savinga Bnnk va Jumea
Anneal from tustice court II (i Kiim
v Michael U'Ncil.
Confirmation II Wehrunv K Sona va
I. J Uuhwiller, Tho Talbot v Mary Aim
Barrett. Marv Hedfivld l.ursiimn vs Fred
Luraman, Vincent Cook v Riclunl
Kuehne, K N Morgan, ailnir va A K Car
ter et ala.
Partition II T BaKley v KUen Ken
ueily et all, Prank Vincent va Kim-line
Ejeclnieut Keina vs M Iv Kvcritt
Suit to quiet title P llugiu-nin va Jno
Horjnrt et ala, L r. lien nnmn, ami l(
Goodin va I P Watkina, aauie va Amur
Mi Bean, 1. E Wilkea vi W .M Taylor.
Coiutenination proceedini;.'i-TillHm(Hk
railroad v M a Wooilman ami r.
Turner, settled and open to dismiiwal.
Injunction C K, Henry s City
Writ of Review lavid lU-uhitto
game between Stanford and Berk
ley, was fortunate in seeing hud
lord win. Her brother, Alex, was
one of Htanford'e eleven, and he has Beavt rton
Ouster proceedings I) Regliitto v
M Robinson, mayor, and vs Alfred !)
vies, councilman.
Run!, fii'lmlflfllil and wife, of Cor
nnliua. ware in town Saturday. made a coast record as one or tne
v , I 1 .
IIini' bulk ninklaa. no anld: al I
H. Wehrung k Sons. Will buy sheep, or lai cauio, lor
n a,nm . .1 . a ins mariei sibo ODotco maree. AO
Bran, 19.50 per ton aborts, $21 L,.... m Tt..nn n T
r..n l.Arl t'l'.X f.fl f Mimas Mill. .T. A
i arin nan j. i. iiBTfina. naavflr i m, , , , - .
ing Company. " n" ' me criminal cases on me t. ircuu
i Mi.i. vii r. i 1 1 . j . . . . ..
.... . ,1 ' luur aouaet, up hi iucbubv are.
Jiom, NOV. I, 1UU.1), W Mr. ana ir a R ir.nn Uill.Knen I tb nf P..rr iwnuwl
w a a a a an . n I MVHi e-M v . Mew.i. Maaaovw m vwv vm v.ava .
mre.j. i-. uayaen, oi r oresi urove, d , d Hollia and Senator E. forging the name of John Jkoker,
a ton, VV Il.lnu aa tKa WaaKtnBtnn Uiui RlaU aaalnac Hailnav Rrnsser
County representatives at the LV charged with killing W. VV. Booth
in good repair, Inquire of U. (J. Ivelopraent Leagne meeting at Mo-Ion Main street, a few weeks ago, in
Minnville, last Saturday. Uov. attempt to ron the dead roan, rne
Chamberlain was alao present, and case against Mexor is strong, while
the Brugger boy admits the killing
of Booth.
served at parlora. any style; hot
slews, raw, or any way desired .
Neat service. Hot chocolate with
bread or cakes. Hot beef teaaof
all kinds Palmateer's.
A. Finney and wife of San Jose,
Garduer, Shop, Third Street, Hills-
Cbas. Tompkins cams in Mon
day, from beyond Gloncoe, and
started lor Oatrander, Wash.
For a good smoke try the Sohll
ler or Kxcellnnoia end you will
try them again and again.
I. II. Maxwell and Wm. John
son, of Mountaindale, were in town
delivered ao address.
Oysters furnished for parlies;!
Contractor T. P. Goodin is fast
whipping the interior of the opera
house into shape, and two weeks
Hf ll il
I n .
Nnthinff iilflAitAR thrt Udv ft! th ti.. ..J ik. T .U A nu.V IT.U
a I - - -'J "" - biVDSJ aklJU 1 11 D LifJIf W X Vleatlak
houses like choice groceries and were here the first of the week, and
we keep nothing else. Try us. H. departed Tuesday for their Califor
nia borne.
FWWV, I ... , ...
i i t i . .... i ujurai win etw sua uuiiuiiia irraubiu'
uai.,anawno nave ueen up " ., a, TK. fl. " M .
a aaaala.. I 111 J UMIWUWt IUV HWI n a iWH
Wehrung its Sons.
Lost: 10 head sheep, branded
with a oroBS below eye, Notify
Geo. Lennen, Cornelius, Iloute 1, or
at home, 5 miles north of Glenooe
Wm. Kane, ol Forest Grovs, plo
neer of lsuu, wsb down Monday, a
pall bearer at the . funeral of tbe
late Eliza Williams.
Dr. Lou Perkins and wife, Port
be laid, and the floor plan is built
on the line or modern theatres
The company bas ordered the new
seats, and tbey are to be metropolis
Itan in everv resneot. when com
R. V. Humphreys still doing leted the new play bouse will be
business across the street from the the finest on the west side, and
Masonic Building, Second street. oond to none in tbe state outside
Bicyoles repaired: bloyole sundries; 0j aaem.and even better than that
all work guaranteed, meet me t many respects,
most reaBonanie.
David Corwin bas brought the
Greer's is the place to buy timo
tby and all kinds of grass seed.
interest of S. E. Hoover in the Sea
ond Street Meat Market, and yes
isiuiiirau wiid, iuii , ti w. r . oeiirouo. oi roruanu. anu
land, were gueets of T. B. Perkins 77., LoaWiltotol below Cedar Mill
and family, Sunday. " - - wwe in town Monday.
Good 20-H. P. Buffalo Pitta en
gine and Niagara grain separator,
30x56, in good repair, for sale or
trade, reasonable. Inquire of j. V.
Beaoh, Glenooe, or Hillsboro, K V.
D. 3.
Social dunce at Modern Wood
men Hall. Cedar Mill, Thanks
giving eve, November 29, Every
body invited.
Claua JeeBe, of Banks, was in
town Monday, The people ot his
section are anxiously awaiting the
Sheriff J. W. Connell made a
businsss trip to Eastern Oregon,
tl.. (I mat f tl.. Ma miauUn
m, ,i, j, ., , i iinv mail ui u7 ?vwa, u HJwmvH
i ne oi tne uongrepauonai , -nu ,,.. . Drimin.i e.M
J. E.
church will hold their bazaar in
Wehrung's Hall, on the evening ot
Are you a smoker? Then eall
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
John R. Bailey, of Buxton, was
down Tuesday, and elates that from
lour acres of potatoes be harvested
800 bushels.
You will do well to list your
(arm for sale with J. C. Kuratli.
Will also ory auction sales. Satis-
Hedgea, of Tualatin, was I faolion guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
L. E Waldron, of ter Bethany,
as in the city Tuerdiy.
Go to McCormick's for rcbool
Cbas. Bloom, of the Hare mill,
was in the city Tuesday.
Cheat seed and tare seed for sale.
Johu Milne, Hillsboro.
Augnat Hcllebuycke, of below tbe
Rood bridge, was in town Tut-sJay.
Candies, confectionery, cigars,
etc., at Fred Adams.'
Fred Mast, of Mountaindale, was
n town, Tuesday, on legal business
Oveters in bulk: stews, fry.
cocktail-at Fred D. Adams.
Dr. F. J. Bailey and wife were
ortland viaitors, Tuesday.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel-
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for tbein.
Born, to Henry Harmes and
wifo, of Centerville, Nov. 2, 1W5, a
A six horse power upright engine
nd boiler for tale. W. J. Benson,
Hillsboro, Ore.
Clerk E. J. (lodman Waited Ti
gardville, on a biirinees trip, Tues-
Wanted: Cider apples. No de
cayed or dirty apples taken. O E.
htlson, Cornelius.
Rheinhald Schwanke, of Center
ville. ws a county seat visitor
Tuesday afternoon.
School tablet", pencils, pens and
inks. etc. at McCormicks mimic
Born, to F. U. Underhill and
wife, Novemler 2, 190."), near Dud
ley Mill, a son.
E. A. Bems' new song "A Dear
iltle Webfoot Girl" now on Bale
at McCormick's mimic store, 25 cts
John O'Maara, of near Reedville,
was in the citv Tuenday, and says
he thinks Hillsboro is improving
For 8a e: 9 head ewes and one
wethor, all Urge Cotswold, $4 each
Moretx Schmidt, Hilluboro, R. 1,
Born, to Fred 8. Morton and
wife, of near lteedville, Nov. 9,
1905, a daughter.
Haves' double force pump the
only pump in the long run, at A.
Arcbbold s. tall and see belore
Henry Hogrefe.of the Dr. Wilhy
combe farm, and Julius Asbahr, of
South Tualatin, were in town Tues
For sale: Running gears of
Studcbaker wagon, 3J, used two
summers; and set heavy work har
ness, used two seasons, cost $48
when new. hd. Austin, Hilluboro
Drag the road with the t plit-log
drag. This will fill in tbe low
places and make you a good Bmoom
road. Theeplit log fills the holes
beginning of bad roads.
No. 3 Hercules Slump blasting
powder for sale; also fuse and cape
at l'orliana prices. u. nager, o
miles northeast of Hillstwro, on
Holbrook road, miles southwest
from old Phillips postoflice. Ad
dress, HilUboro, R. F. D. 4.
Frank Fials, of Portland, has
sued Agnes Fiala for divorce. They
were married in 1S73, in the east.
He cava that he has offered to send
money that ehe might join him,
but she refuses to so do.
The Oregon Condensed Milk
Company has placed its two large
imitation cans on their warehouse,
one on either end. and as they are
neatly painted they lend an lm
provement to the building.
Leavitt BinUell, of North Forest
Grove, and who is ranching on
LouBignont Lake, was in town the
first of the week, the guest of his
sister", Meadame9 McCormick and
Willis K. Potter, dealer in ties
and bridge timbers. aa in town
Tueedav and accompanied Cbas
Lvtle out to the Schieffelio ranoh
along the line of survey of the
Tillamook railroad. Mr. Potter is
the furnishing agent for Lytle, so
far as timbers and ties are concern
ed." v;:
If you want brick for any pur
pose, or buildir.g blocks for a foun
dation, remember that the Groner
& Rowoll Company, of Scholls, can
supply vour demands. They have
a fine lot of lumber, rough and
dressed, in their yard, and will
meet all competition. Now that
your crops are harvested, would
not be a good idea to consider
tiling will not increase your in
awe.i i .1 nil.
come, wet, low spots in tne utmis,
Assessor Says Slust
Next Season
fJilldbora Ltads Grove Assessment by
f'73.975 00
S6e Delta
Drug Store
Asset sor Geo. II. Wilcox has jaet
given Mayor Cornelius ao abstract
of the assessment of the city of
Hillsboro, the amount being over
double of the valuation of last year.
The amount this year is a total of
544, 9H0. The aeeeaement is away
ahead of Forest Grove's valuation.
Forest Grove's assessment for tbe
ytar 1905 is $371,105, while double
ber last year's aceesement, that be-
. a a a w a
ng ihe basic raise, wooia nave
given a valuation of over $480,000.
Of course, the Southern Pacific
depot, and tbe Forest Grove con
denser, are not in the city limits,
while at Hillsboro, both the depot,
trackage, the condenser, and all tbe
mills, are inside the limits. At tbe
Grove, too, the big flour mill is out
side the city.
Notwithstanding this, however,
Assessor Wilcox says that next
year the Foreti Grove schedule of
valuation must raise and be placed
somewhere near that of the county
For Prescriptions,
Family- Recipes,
Patent Medicines,
School Boohs,
Sundries, Etc.
An Oregon woman is always to be
pitted against the world when it
comes to nerve. They are general
ly gf:od shots, and they do not hes
itate to break a colt but the Argus
has the first instance of dehorning
to record On the W. R Cate farm,
east of town, there has been a billy
goat rather promiscuous with his
horns. His antics became such a
nuisance, to the anxiety of the wo
men and to the amu'emeot of the
men on the ranch, that his billy
chip was "marked" for an experi
ence either as mutton, or for sink
ing in a wall, or for dehorning.
Nothing daunted, simply because
they were novices, Meedames Wal
ter Cate and II. Dant caught the
chap the other day, tied him to a
fence, and proceeded to trim bis
antlers with a meal saw. At last
reports the billy was doing well,
and the two ladies nave 6ent to tbe
state board for diplomas as expert
stock handlers.
Pays interest on time deposits;
cliarges no exchange to its ens
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see us.
A. S. SHOLES, PreIOent
TO. 8CHULMEMOH, Oasatlaw
Main Street,
KUIaboro, Oresoa
December 5, and afternoon and I in the oity Monday, his first trip to I Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4.
evening of December 6,. I tbe county seat for many months. I Philips, Ore.
always giving poor results, can be
remedied by. putting in tiling. IM
us help you. We can aid you to
avoid crop failure on low lands
House and barn bills for lumber
on short notice and do not forget
that we oan furnish you estimates
on short notice. Poet oilice addreBB
Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D.No
Sixty thousand feet of fine, dry
Bbiplap on hand,
Two gentlemen from the east,
both of whom were very reticent
about their atuira, were in the city
Saturday, looking over the town.
They called on a real estate man
and from him it la learned that
they are looking for a hotel loca
lion. They stated that they were
attracted here by the fact that this
is to be temporary, if not perma
nent terminus of the railway line
to Tillamook, and they felt that it
might be a good location for a ho
tel. If tbey conclude to invest it
is etated that they will put up a
building worth several thousand
dollars, and run it on the same
principle aa the new hotel at Mc-
Nothing was done by the Port
end authorities to C. M. Crossen,
who conducted the automobile that
frightened tbe team that upset Wm.
Townsend from his seat and killed
him as the result of the fall. Cros
sen, however, was caught a day or
so later without a license number
on bis machine and fined $10. .
Ed. Schulmerich, in talking over
the matter of a potato warehouse,
Bays it is no sure thing that he will
not build one next Bummer and be
prepared for the next harvest, pro
vided the farmers do not get to
gether and build one themselves.
Louis Carstens, of Manning, wsb
in town Monday, and elates that
tbe Carstens Bros. & Hartley saw-!
mill has practically phut -down for
the winter, although they are pre
pared to run on short orders.
Capt. Collins, janitor at the court
house, has raked all the leaves to
gether and Geo. Billings has haul
et them away for a mulct. Sever
al wagon loads fall from the maples
each year.
The Junior Temperance Club
will give an entertainment at the
Baptist church, Thanksgiving eve
ning, at 7:30. Parents and friends
are cordially invited to attend.
Vera Tipton, President.
Mis S. E. Kester, whose husband
conducted the Nortb Hillsboro can
nery hete some years ago, 1b now
residing at Tippecanoe Uity, Ohio,
and she writes for the Argus for a
vear. to keep informed on affairs
out here.
Jacob Gibson and wife were out
from Portland Sunday, guests of
R. Cave and family.
"As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined"
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they Baving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideaB concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If bo, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
,boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
t. p. cccz:.i
Gus Keuipfer, Pluiutiff.l
Jay P. Mend, Frit Huguenin, .
Louise Huguenln and Kil.
jNiinmo, Defendants
this summons, to-wlt; On or before No
vember 2H, I'.m, the first publication
thereof being October 5. 1HU6.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Frank Fiala, Plaintiff, 1 . ' i V'
Agnes Fiala, Defendant.)
To Allies Fiala, the defendant. ., r
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified that the plaintiff
herein haa tiled a complaint for divorce
ttlialrist you In the above entitled court
and cause and you are hereby no titled and
required to appear ana answer me com
plaint or tile aoine appearance thereto,
on or before the 28th day of December, J
A !., IM, being the Inst day of tbe time
presorilwd in the order for publication,
and if you fail so to answer and appear or
lile some appearance herein, the plain tl If
will cause your default to lie entered and
noted and will apply to the Court forth
reliet prayad for In the complaint, to-wit:
A decree forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and
the plaint iff and for such other relief as to
the Court appears equitable and proper.
The date or the first pu plication of Una
summons Is Thursday, November 18, M0f,
and the last publication Is Thursday, De
cember 2s, ttW6, and this summons is to
be published in tbe Hillsboro Argus, a
weekly newspaper of Washington Coun
ty, OreKon, on every Th u rwlay of each and
every week between said datea for U
successive weeks. . '
I This summons Is published by order of
the claim of the plaintiff, and for a decree i Hon. T. A. McBride. Judge or hb.1. i Loan,
lumio oi cum, ....
CM AH. rf. Mjn.HADlu,
said premises and the whole thereof and I
tor sucn otner uecree aa may oe necessary
To Jay P. Mead, one of tbe above named
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hturebv commanded ami required to
lie and appear in the above entitled fours
in the above entitled Cause and answer
the complaint therein tiled against you on
or before the expiration of ti weeks' pub
lication of this summons in the Hillsboro
Argus, the tirst publication thertor Being
on fie 5th day of October, lHOii, and the
last publication tliereot Deing on Novem
ber 2S, 1U, to-wit:
On or before the 2Srd day or November,
1SKJ5, and you will please take notice that
if you fall so to appear and answer, the
plamtift will apply to the L'ourt lor the
relief prayed for and demanded in his
complaint, to-wit:
' ror a judgment against you ior m
sum of $27f) and interest thereon from
Fell, lo, 1MM. at the rate or H per cent, per
annum, ana tne sum oi m Attorney s
fees and for the costs and disbursements
of this snitj and for a decree foreclosing
that certain mortgage exeeiuen ty you in
favor of lriadna llohart and John Kohart,
her husband, to secure the payment of
said scm or money on lot no. in) iweive
of and in Bohart Subdivision of the D. L.
C. of Geo. W. Kbberts, in Township 1
North Kamre 2- West of the Will. Mer..
containing 10 acres, and for a decre of
sale of said premises and that tbe pro
ceeds thereof be applied in satisfaction of
forever barring and precluding you from I
every right, title and interest in and to ;
Attorney for Plaintiff.
and ni-oner in the nremlses.
This summons is served upon you by
publication, by order of Hon. I,. A. Hood,
County Judge of Washington County
made ami dated October 4th, ItHK, and
which order reonlrca veil to amiear and
answer said complaint on or before the
explrutlou of six weeks' publication of
Ulrica Fuegy, of near Phillips,
was in the city Tuesday.
John Briggen, of Mountaindale,
was down Monday, transacting