The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 09, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 35
,ri .""
Nln Three Linker Visit the
New LihIko Saturday I've
New Ledgt It rMouiiaUtsg, sad
Rrport Good Tint
Nine Hilltboro Three-Lloktis visit
J th Rank (.ld Fellows' Ixlge
last Saturday night, to help the
brother In UitU Initiative work,
and the viHitors replied tpledid
limit. After the work wat ovtir the
Follow were sealed to juit tuch
pread as Banks Odd Fellow know
how b and kit wtt
tnerry m a wedding bell.
Mayor J. C. Hchulmsrioh, who
tiit an eye for the material wants
of hi lodge, presented tbs culinary
il)rtmnt with a handsome pickle, which wat tha cynotare and
lrlle of alt observer. The dlah
wtt unliiua In architecture, and
wat built upon a modal that bta en
dured ever riuce primitiva men loft
the tent for the eubatantial resi
dence. A vole of thanki wat tan
dared the donor.
Tha Hillsboro Odd Fellowi urea
ent were: It. 11. Greer, Wm. Ben'
eon, J, T. Young, C. K. Deichman,
K L MoOofinick, It. Beamltb, F
8. Olson, J, C. Limkin and F. M
I will sell at public auction at the
Isaac Lfiay rami, three mile N
W. of Hillsboro, near Ilay Church,
at ten a, in. on
lly tioiK, 4 year, weight, u io; sorrel
horse, $ yer, weight, Ioy; eorrtt Wr,
lo yeaia, ls; mart colt, t yaeie, too;
li.icae roll, I yeara, 8y; J months mate
colt; s litail mi, good uiilketi, 4 ana
vr ulil, in milk, one Irtah in January,
balance fresh in tipiiiig, 3-ytar heller,
frrun til 8pring;j to yM Visiters; spriUK
call; J pigs; 14 lucb ateel bam Oliver
plow; apnuiitnotb barrow, nevi Chani
i.iou binder, run two aeaeotia, Mitcbell
wagon, Inch, iil tire; Milwaukee
mower, Milwaukee rake, both used but
two Summer; back, good repair; road
cart; act doul! lumen, new mil Spring
aiiutle heroeea, ft loeal. milk cana, t
tona baled clover bay; so toat loot tart
bav.K tout timothy, in barn; 400 lu,
while Banner oata: and nnmeraua other
article. l.iincli at boob
- Under 110, cash; 110 and ovtr one
yttr time, approved note, at 0
per of nt, 'i per cent, on (or caah
over flu.
Daniel Ltlsy, Owner.
B. P. Cornel hie, Auctioneer.
Udiea who are iatareatad In taJ-1
tor-made lulla.ooate, jackals, skirt,
waltU or fura, In the latest styles,
are cordially invited to call at
ageot'a home In tbla city and ei
amine the beautiful Faahlon Platee
and taruple. The ityle are of the
lateat and the material are the
moat beautiful ever exhibited here,
and we insure a perfect fit. If in
tereated call and examine, or a
poatal eard will bring taroplea to
your borne. Mr. Belle R Brown,
Agent for Chat. A. Stevens Bros.,
John Pooler waa la frem Green
ville the tint of the week, and
mad the Argut call. Hla broth'
er Frank recently went to Atlanta,
daho, to aee hi brother, LaFay.
It, who went up there In low,
and who waa Ihouiht lo have been
killed lo a alide there tome month
ago, but the brother bad left the
nea about ten day prior Frank
Dooley't arrival, and no one knew
where he had gone. Tbe traveller
bad a trip of aeveral hundred mil
for nothing.
Harrv Cook wa down from Cor
naliu. Ifondav. and report the
ram old car shortage staring far
mere in tha face, up that way, that
nrevatla everywhere. Cook la an
rnthuiiait for the change of tbe
deer law. He ear that the open
teat on abould not commence until
Sept. 1 and then abould ha -. V ail
month ex tendril on tbe it end 01
the leaton Tbe way the law now
ttanda the farmer oao't gat out to
have hie there of tha hunting.
Dr. C. B. Brown, of Portland,
wtt In tbe oily Friday, accompan
ied by hia wife. The Dr. eame
natr losing hia eight tbe other day,
while out 00 a duok bunt. He
waa in a blind, and tome hunter
oppoaite him ahot. the charge atrik-
ing the water and caroming on tne
Dr ' face. Both of hia eyea were
John Kanma, of Farmingtoo
wtt in the city Monday.
X, N, Oatner, of Cooper Moun
ttiu, waa in town (Saturday.
Greer' it the pltoe to buy timo
thy and all kinda 01 grata teed.
John Nylxrg, the Tualatin huat
ler, wat in the county aeat Monday
P. B. Anderson, tha Reedvtlle
merchant, wta In tha county aeat
Are you a emoker? Then call
for the Bohiller or Kxcellenda
Oregon manufacture.
Daniel Baker, of Batt Foreet
Grove, wai down to the county
Boat Monuay morning. ,
Found: Child's trlcyole, under
sidewalk, Placed there Hallow
een. Ownor apply to R, Kuhn,
J, B, Imlay, the Reedvllle ware'
hoiue mnn and agent for the South
em Pacifio, was a Hilltboro visitor
For sale: J. I. Cate gtng plow
in Rood repair. Inouire of U. G
Gardner, Shop, Third Street, Hills
Arthur Pierce, of Harrlsburg,
ure,, was nere tne last 01 the week
the Riieat of hi aister. Mrs. W,
Shall be in Hilltboro Nov. 13 tn
Nov. 18. Leave orders at Tualatin
Hotel. R. Hf Kalts, piano tuning
and repairing.
T, 0. Wadeworth. and wile, of
Portland, were out Sunday, guests
of Mrs. Wadaworth'a father, Dr. J.
K. Adklns. ;
Travelling Auditor Opdyke, of
tne csoutnern raoino, waa in the
city last Friday, looking over af
fairs with Ageot Hintbaw. ;
Lost: 10 head sheep, branded
with a cross below eve. Nnttfu
Geo. Lennen, Cornelius, Route 1, or
at nnme, 0 miles north of Glenooe.
H. W. Soott, of above Dllley,
was a county seat visitor, Monday
morning. Mr. Soott has built near
ly tour miles of anchor wire fenoi
this year for Messrs. Stoppenbaoh
w iviuoam,
Foreht Grove
Litigation on
Liquor Matter
Hianta Give
a Warranty
Dcrd lo
badly bloodabot for several day
and be waa unable to work for a
H. Tavlor Hill, of Mountalndale,
has returned from a several week a'
visit to tbe Prlneville section, and
says tbat everything is in good
hape up in tbat part of the title.
While there Mr. Hill talked with
Congressman Williamson, and tbat
ataieeman ha no intention of
resiining until after the appeal
courts nae finally decided bis
case, one way or the other.
Edward G Knlghlen.of Forest
Grove, has sued Ileitis Knigbten
for divorce. The complaint alleges
that they were married April 10,
18SI5 and tbat October 1, 11KM. the
wife deaerted him. and although re
quetted to com back, the refuted.
The plaintiff eays be has no proper
ly, real or personal, save bta cloth
ing, and be asks for a deoree with
out any prowjao.
Hon. H. V. Gates and Hon. 8,
B. Hut too, both of thit city, were
tpetkers at the big reclamation
celebration held at Klamath Fall,
aet Saturday. The government ia
putting in an extensive irrigation
servioe down there and tbe govern
ment engineers were feted to 1
fare you-well. Gov. Chamberlain
was the principal speaker,
According to eoera tha
melodrama Saturday evening was
one of the really clever productions
tbat are rare in tbe town. A good
sited audience attended, and the
play was received with interest
The stage was rather small for the
settings, but all this will be ob
viated when the new theatre opens
ueonts bat received his new
stock of shoes. --the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
6 neat in the market. Come in and
see them. Tbe lateat models
These shoes are advertised in every
prominent magazine and newspa
per in tbe world.
Wrn. Delsman and family, ol
Butte, Nebraska, have arrived here,
to make Oregon their permanent
borne. Air. Delsman is a btotbet
of tbe late Mr, Delsman, who
bought the Ben Anderson place
He will rent a farm In this violni
ty, somewhere, for next season, and
buy later on..
ion will do well to list your
(arm for sale with J. C. Kuratli
Will also ory auction tales. Satis
taction guaranteed. -J, C. Kuratli
Hilltboro, R. F. D. 4. Residence.
Phillips, Ore.
Will Chalmer and titter, Miss
Anna, of the Hlilsboro schools, de
parted Wednesday for a week
visit at Stanford, to visit their
brother. Mrs. W. P. Tuoker will
conduct the Eighth grade during
Miss Uhalmers' absenoe.
Anderson & Son are now doing
business at Reedvllle. ; We carry
all kinds of groceries and dry goods,
hardware, patent medicines; also
Hercules Stump powder. Pay
highest market price for butter,
eggi and chickens
Edson Marsh, who has been here
for several months, left this week
for his home in Boise. He hat
been the guest of Isaac Leity and
family, of Leiayville.
Th anti-prohibition people of For
eat Grove re ansioutly awaiting
the decition of the Oregon Supreme
Court on the appeal from tbe deci
sion of Judge T. A. McBrlile decree
log tbat Foreet Grove't charter pro
hibltt the licensing of a taloon
Latt January Forest Grove elected
three Counoilmen and a Mayor,
who were openty in favor of grant
ing a saloon lioense, thus hoping to
do away with illicit sales of liquor,
which for years ha burdened th
cjurt of this county in fact, license
or no license was tbe itaua. A de
cisive majority favored license.
A. G. Walton made application
for saloon licenae, and three of the
Counoil and tbe Mayor voted to
grant tbe petition.' At thit junc
ture Pacific University, the (Jongre
gallon a 1 College, atked for an in
junotion prohibiting tbe issuance
ol tbs license on the grounds mai
tbe charter, itaelf, was prohibitive
McBrid decided that tbe charter
aluoluUdy denied the right to li
ont a taloon, and further action
wat (topped. Tbe court decided
that tbe word "regulate," which is
in tbe clause coveroing the tale of
liquor, bad no connection ub u
cents riabl.
Tbe recent cass filed by Pscitlc
University, asking for reversion of
land In four instances where li
quor is alleged to have been sold,
revives interest In the contest.
A peculiar coincidence connected
1th tbe cate on appeal by the city
of Foreat Grove is tbe fact that
Justice Wolvtrlon, of the Supreme
Court, waa selected at one of the
trusteea of tbe University alter tbe
iqtior caee went to tiial.
C. r. MilLr, Chas. limes, Mori
lallett and Jas Johnson sre Burd
for property tevereion. E. B.
ongue will defend two of the case
nd Geo, R., if not two.
Another complication ie the fact
that A Hinman deeded the Miller
property wiih a watrtnty, not put
ting in the restrictive clauss.
Cbas Kappler, of Saginaw, Michi
gan, has opened a Iwotblack staud
at the Jtft'erieb' barber shi p, and
solicits tbe patronage of all people.
Irrespective Mr. Kappler is a
deaf mute, posseesed of a fair edu
cation, and he wants to make
living by woik, until he ran ert
enough abead to start a little bum
oessof his own. He has been out
hare two years, trying to find a
brother, but says be has not sue
oeeded. Ha likes the country, and
wants to stay here, but states that
it takea too much money to start
up in Portland. The Argut hopes
tbat tbe young man, who Isn I
afraid of work, will have plenty to
do, and encourages the public to
patronize him. ! ;
N. Stanton, owner of Holly
Farm, west of . town, departed last
Friday for an extended visit to a
rubber tree . plantation down in
Mexico just to see how things
look down in the tropics, Mr.
Stanton ia interested in the planta
tion, and associated with him are
man of prominenoe like Governor
Hoard, of Wisoonsin, and other
men of national prominenoe. This
plantation has its own schools, its
own ohurchrs, snd taken sltopeth-
er, is quite a community
Tbs promoters expect a big thing
out( their investment as soon a
their trees get to bearing in good
quantities. T J
Mr. CO. Portwood. cashier of
the new bank at Condon, and Miss
Maude Hoover, Fossil, Ore, were
married at the home of the bride'
parents, at Fossil, Oototwr 30, 1905
The bride is a nieoe of Mrs. F. A
Bailey, of this oity, and has visited
and resided here at various times
Mr. and Mrs. Portwood passed
through the city Sunday evening,
enroute for their new home at Con
don. Wunderlioh Bros., of Centerville,
have finished painting the exterior
of the Catholio Cburch, and by
next week will have finished paint
ing the roof.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, tor
the market: also choice mares. Ad
dreta me at Beaverton. Ore., and I
will oall J. G, Haynes, Beaver
ton, Ore.
John Reichen, of Phillip, was in p
town Monday. 1
Cbas. Bernards, tbs Cedar Mill
capitalist, wat in town Monday.
A H. Ruble, of Baseline road,
west of town, wat in town the first
of the week.
Samuel Moon, the Centerville'
-dairyman, was in town Monday
Smoke the Schiller and Excel-
lencit cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
John Vanderwal, tha insurance
man of North Reed v ill, was in
town Monday.
A six horse power upright engine
and boiler for tale. W. J. Benson,
Hillsboro, Ore.
Zach Grasg has houirht the Phil
Hauler property east of the public
school building. ' '
Born, Nov. C, 11105, to Frank
Simpson and wile, of South Tuala
tin, a daughter.
Wanted: Cider apples. No de
cayed or dirty apples taken. 0 E.
Edson, Cornelius. -
A. Benson and F. W. Hchoen Hr
of Cornelius, were in the city the
first of tbe week.
Leo Bchwander snd W. F. Hoi
lenbeck, of Mnuntaindale, were lb
the first of tbe week. .
Aug. Irmler, the Cornelius ma
chine and farm implement man,
was in town Monday. '
W. L. Moore, of Greenville, poet
master and merchant, was in town
Monday, on legal business.
E. A." Bern s' new song "A Dear
Little Webfoot Girl" now on sale
at McCormick's music store, 25 cts
C. II Soehren, of Manning, was
in town tbe first of the week, baving-
fully recovered from his attack of
typhoid. - - -
Hayee' double , force pump tbe
only pump in the long run, at A
C. Arcbbold e. Call and see before
Fred Wilcox, of above Green
ville, wai in tbe county seat Mon
day, and while in the city called at
this otlice.
For sale: 9 head ewee and one
wether,, all large Colfwld, $4 each
Moreti Schmidt, Hillsboro, R. 1,
David Reghitto, of Beaverton
and Rosa ReghiUo, of Sand Pi,
ere in town on legal business the
first of the week.
Miss Gertrude Gloyd, of Port
land, came out tbe first of the
week for an extended visit with
Mrs. II . W. Scott, of Scoggin Val
ley. . , :
Ferd Groner, of the Groner-Row-ell
Company, was up from Scholle,
Monday, and reparts that fall seed
ing is nearly completed down his
WBV. V-'. ' ;
Mrs. EditV''Rcaine 'departed
Monday .for her home at Jackson
ville, Southern .,,QreRonM after a
three . months .visit, here and at
Portland, 'n ;?w .' &..,
' Jimmy Grimes, a v'etersn of the
Philippine i ar. and, who worked
bere a few years ago," w as in town
Sunday, tlle non has a tailor and
repair shop m Portland.
Contractor T. P, Goodin hasr the
opera houfe an BDoiosed aim sttin
sled and a large force is now' work
ing oe, the infihle . Kd. " Adkins
and Frank. SJaMery will paint the
exterior of the Building. Ci. t
HamHloa Brooks and wife, Wm
Streeter and wile and II. H. Herd-
man, of Portland, were guests of J
W. Bailey mt wife. Sunday. Mr
Herdman is a writer of npute.and
a regular contributor of the Pacific
Monthly.; " ;
Director of-Exhibits H. E. Doech
has fentvout silver medals awarded
by the Lewis & Clark Fair as fol
lows, for this ' county: Climax
Milling Company, Mdss Rose Flour;
County Lewis 'tSfCIatk Clubs, pre1
served fruits,' collective exhibits
Channoey Johnson, honey ; Oregon
Condensed Milk Corqpany, Oregon
Grape and .racihc Cream; A. lieu
ter, Forest Grove, collective exhibit
of wihes. -
. If you want brick for any pur
pose, or building blocks for a foun
elation, remember that the Groner
& Rowell Company, of Schnlls, can
supply your demands. They have
a fine lot of lumber, rough and
dressed, ; in their ' yard, and will
meet, all competition. Now that
vour crops are harvested, would it
not be a eood idea to consider if
tiling will not increase your in
oome. Wet, low spots in the fields
always giving poor resultB, can be
remedied by putting in tiling. - Let
ua help you. We can aid you to
avoid crop failure on low lands
House and barn bills for lumber
on short notice and do not forget
that we oan furnish you estimates
on short notioe. Post office address
Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No
Sixty thousand feet - of fine, dry
shiplap on hand.
Has Been in the Buxton Coun
try Three Weeks
Came ia snd Went t Portland to Con
fer With Lytic
Ufe Delta
Drug' Store
Chief Engineer Chaa. Wanzer came
in from Buxton, Saturday, and
went on to Portland to confer with
bis employer, E. E. Lytle, who
contemplates building the Tilla
mook rosd. Mr. Wanzer eays tbat
the hill back of Buxton is rough
country, and it is somewhat differ
ent than surveying in the plateau
, Mr. Wsnzr was Portland's engi
neer, succeeding Elliott, and be is :
considered one of th most eflicient
engineers on the coast.
For Prescriptions,
Family Recipes,
Patent Medicines,
School Boohs,
Sundries, Etc.
Leo Larsen, aged 15 years, and a
son of Peter Larsen, living just
across the county line from Tuala
tin, accidentally shot himself in
the bead with a rifle, Saturday
night, living but a short time after
the shooiiog. The boy was the
main help of a paralyzed father
and the lose is a keen one, as the
lad was industrious and helpful.
Tbe fuoeral took place at Stafford,
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see us.
We will sell at public auction at
the Taylor farm 1 mile south of
Scholls postoffice at ten o'clock a.
m. on
Two dark brown horaea, well mnlchod. 10
ml S years old, weight 1 ISO and 13UU; cow,
fresh, Nov. 26tb; 2, frewli in March :
heil.T calf, 10 month!); hojjn, weight
about 150 each; fain wagon, 3V,,2 iuh
lire, nearly new; 2 seated I arm hack, eood
as new; top higgler, nearly new ; Woods
mower, sulky rako, 14-inch Oliver plow,
Oliver 16-Inch atwl bejin plow. Planet Jr.
cultivator, S inch garden plow, Jack
stump puller, tot) ft. 1 inch Manilla rope,
double and treble block ; hay rack, double
farm ham ma, single tmgiry haniesa, sled,
2 X-cut saws, split bar. 2 peaviet. crank
auger, pitoh forks, hIiovcIs, mattocks and
other tools, large grindstone, bicycle, 15
gallon barrel churn, range stove with ."
gallon hot water tank, barrel or cider
uietrar, 4 dozen chickens, 4 tons tare hay,
ton niiied hay, luD bu. gray winter
oats, Vii nock potatoes, mostly Peerless; i
ton of turnips in root bouse, SO sacks ar
tichokes, 2 lona of carrots in the ground,
bain wagoq. wide tire; 2 Bain wagons,
narrow tire, top hack, lever springtooth
harrow, smoothing harrow, au Inch oic
harrow, and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale Under 110, cash;
$10 and over, 10 months' time, ap
proved note, S per cent. 2 per
cent, off, cash over $10.
Wm. and Geo. H.Taylor
and Crowder.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
4. S. SHOLES, President
Main Street,
Hillsboro, Oresem
In travelling among the farmers
of the Willamette Valley," said
Thos. Withy combe, yesterday, '"I
hnd that since tne supply ot tine
tock at the Lewis & Clark bxposi
Won, ami the agitation of conduct
ing an annual International stock !
show at Portland, there is getting
to-be quite an extensive inquiry
for fine stock of all kinds. I be-
ieve that a yearly stock show in
the Kily of Portland would help
this Pacific Northwest immensely.
The quality of stock we raise is b
good mat, with proper encaurage-
nient, Ihe Last is very likely to
oome here and buy our stock.
France fostered and encouraged
horse breeding, now French breed
ers t?e becoming immensely
wealthy. "Nothing encourages the
improvement of the fine stock more
than stock shows run in a proper
manner." uregonian, rsov. i.
The Tree's Inclined '
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they Baving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their mindB correct ideas concerning"" thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If bo, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the firBt spare
dollar lhat comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of eaving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, snd, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
- a
of a buildine in Washington countv. EUrhteen t
Miss Nellie Murray, of Portland,
was tbe guest of Miss Lena Hesse,
Fred Uoger and family, of the
Dakotas, have arrived here for per
manent residence, and he hss
bought one of the Binkley places in
Eatt Hillsboro.
For sale: Running gears of
Studehaker wagon, 31, used two
summers; and set heavy work bar
ness, used two seasons, cost $48
when new. hd. Austin, Hillsboro.
No. 3 Hercules Stump blasting
powder for sale; also fuse and caps;
at Portland prices. U. Hager.
miles northeast of Hillsboro, on
Holbrook road, l miles southwest
from old Phillips postoffice. Ad
dress, Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4.
Frank Weisenback, manager of
the Ray hop farm, at Witch Hazel,
was in town Saturday, and reports
that in the new hopyard this season
he raised 1602 sacks of potatoes
from 90 sacks of seed. The hop
yard this year produced G8G bales
of hops, averaging 190 pounds to
the bale.. 5 i
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
r. p. oocc:.i
Gus Kempfer, Plaintiff, V.
Jay P, Mead, FriU Hnguenin, i
Uiuise Utiguenin and M.
Niniino, ... Defendants, J
To Jay P. Mead, one of the aliove named
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby commaudod and required to
lie and ap'pear in the above entitled Court
111 the aoove emuiwi :nnse ana answer
t tie complaint therein filed against you on
or before the expiration of 8 weeks' pub
lication of this summons in the Hillsboro
Argus, the tirst publication thereof being
on tie 5th day of October, 1H05, and the
last publication tnereoi Demg 011 .Novem
ber 23, m, to-wit:
On or belore the I61A day or November,
1905, and you will please take notice that
if you fail so to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed tor and demanded in his
complaint, to-wit: ..
f or a judgment against you ior tne
sum of S6 and interest thereon from
Feb. 15, lt. at the rateiof 8 per cent, per
annum, and the sum or 7fi Attorney s
fees and lor tbe costs and disbursements
of this snit; and for a decree foreclosing
that certain mortgage executed Dy you in
lavor ot lnadna bohart and John lioliari,
her husband, to secure the payment of
said arm of money on lot No. (12) Twelve
of and in Bohart Subdivision ol the U. L.
C. of Geo. W. Ebberts, in Township 1
containing 10 aores, and for a decri e of
sale of aaid premises and that the pro
ceeds thereof be applied in satisfaction of
the claim ot tbe plaintiff, and tor a deoree
forever barjing and precluding you from
every right, title and interest iu and to
said premises and the whole thereof and
for such other decree as may be necessary
and proper in the premises.
This summons is served upon you by
publication, by order of Hon. L. A. Rood,
County Judge of Washington County,
made and dated October 4th, 1905, and
which order requires you to appear and
answer said complaint on or before the
expiration of six weekb' publication of
this summons, to-wit: On or before No
vember 1S06, the tirst publicatioi
thereof being October 5. 1M05.
Attorney for PlaintiH
Notice ol Time
Notioe is hereby given that I have th!
date given to my son, F. W. Hchulthei
Jr., his time and freedom from this dati
and I hereby notify all persons that h
must hereafter pay all bills of hia con
trading and that I will not beiesponsibl
for any debts that he may incur.
Sept. 21,1905.
Portland, Ore.. K. F. D. No. a.
James Smith, Plaintiff,)
vs V
Jessie Smith, Defendant.)
To Jessie Smith, the above named da;
feudan t.
In tha name of the Stite of Oregoi
you are hereby required to appear am
answer the complaint tiled against you ii
the above entitled suit on or before Hi
last day prescribed in the order for publt
eat'on of summons, to-wit, the Uth day a
November, 1906, said day being the ex
pliation of six weeks from the tirst publ.
cation of this nnninons and if you fail
to appear and answer the plaintiff will at
fily to the court for the relief demand.
11 the complaint, to-wit, a decree di.woW
iug the bonds or matrimony existing t
tween the plaintiff and the defendant hen
in aim ior sucn otner aim iiincior renci
may seem equitable. 1
The time prescribed for the publicatini
of this summons is six weeks anil the iii
set for the appearance of the defendant
tbe 9th t'ay of November, 180$. 1 ,
This summons la published by Order 1
Hon. T, A. McBrlde, Judge of thealxn
entitled court, which onier was given ad
entered in the above entitled court on III
14th day of .September, 190S. j
Tlie date of the first publication of th
numinous Is thettlth day of Heptemlwj
Attorney for Plaintiff.