The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 02, 1905, Image 4

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    miSSORO ARGUS. NOV. I, 1905
(Flour and Feed. Cate'l Market.
0, L. Crocker, of Newton, was a
list at tbla office Saturday.
O. G. Barlow and wife came out
tm Portland Tuesday morning.
I Oliver Chowniog was down from
oreet Grove the firet ol the week.
' James Burgees and wife were
own from Mounlaindale, Tuesday
: Real EeUU Agent Noble, of For
it Grove, was down to the city the
rat of the week.
Geo. Gibson, who is farming
iheriff Council's place, was in
own Tuesday, loading cars.
5 S. J. Raffety, now of Portland,
nd with the 0. R. & N. engineers,
raa ia town Tueeday.
Deputy Recorder Ireland went to
Sreentille, Tueeday, to help ap
raise the estate of the late J. C.
You can buy paint at Schulmer
ich Bros, at Portland prices. The
Pall of the year is the proper time
to use it.
D. B. Reasoner Tuesday sent
down his crew and tools for the re-
oaira on the Rood bridge, below
With your head hot your brain
is not right for work. Moral: Buy
your hats from H: Wehrung A
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excellencia. These cigars are of
the beet stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Wm. Adams, of Mountaindale,
has returned from the Sound, where
he has been- logging, for a few day's
Schulmerich Bros, have add! a
complete line of stoves to their
stock of hard waie. Come and have
a look at them.
William Bogue, wife and son, of
Hiawatha. Kas., were guests of Mr
Bogue'e cousin, Mrs. Rath Blair,
last week.
Schulmerich Bros, have received
the Fall abipment of cloaka direct
from New York. Come early and
get your choice.
, A. F. Kruger, on the Bacon place
east ot Bearsrton, was in town
Tuesday, using crutches, the result
of a broken leg, sustained last sum
Fine farm, good improvements
70 acres under cultivation; near
Forest Grove; for sale at a bargain
Inquire at this office.
In a private letter Hiss Jennie
Ureer writes that she has arrived
at Dawson City, Alaska, and she
says she enjoys the northern mm
ing city very much.
The only department store in
Washington County. We can sell
you anything from the largest farm
implement down to a needle.
Schulmerich Bros.
C. L. Schieffelin and wife, of
Centerville, were in town Saturday,
Mr. Schieffelin is working bard on
the new railway proposition.
Before purchasing a piano or or
iran have a talk with J. l. McUor
miek. For quality and prices he
cannot be beaten.
Harold Pearson, of Sheffield
England, arrived Sunday, and is
the guest of bis uncle, H. U. fear
son, of Farmingtoo.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
lit 14 mii'i Vixaa maii Aran A v wist ViAt.
vuiiuivu d uvav vvu vast uv uw wr
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We have them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Robert Hoffman and Mis? Pearl
Hatch, the groom formerly of For
est Grove, and the bride formerly
of Cornelius, were married in fort
land, October 25, 1905.
Fine supply ot seasoned rough
and dressed lumber on band; Be
fore making a purchase give us
call and we will save you money
inompson Bros., Mountaindale,
Mrs. H. T. Blair has gone to St
Helens to join her husband, and
they will keep house in Columbia
County's capital, where Blair is
working on the St Helens' Mist,
published by E. H. Flagg.
speaking of groceries if you
want the nneet staple and fancy
groceries to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. He is after your
trade, and once a customer, always
a customer.
J. T. Young has moved into his
house in town, recently vacated by
W. E. McCourt, who has moved his
furniture into his new home, on
Washington, between Fourth &
"Fifth. j...:.,,,
Carl, the nine year old son of
Chris Holznagle, of near Middle
ton, lost three fingers off his left
hand, last Saturday morning, by
tht explosion of a dynamite car
tridge. The lad was out a distance
from the houee and imagines that
he was shot by someone who was
in the brush. The boy is getting
along very well.
From this date all who buy $1
worth, or more, in my hardware
tore, will get a rebate of 10 per
cent, and on purchases of between
60 cents and $1.00, a rebate of 5
par cent, will be given. This ap
plies to everything except oils and
white lead. We are going to close
our business, and here is a chance
to save from 5 to 10 per cent., and
. our prices meet all competition.
A. 0. Arohbold, Second Street. In-
( tfnendsnt phone No. 454
The Hilleboro Knights of Pyth
ias are figuiiogon building a horns
for the order, and a committee it
out to see what price must be paid
for a suitable lot. Phoenix Lodge
haa nearly $2,000 in cash and good
collateral, and the boys are getting
chesty. If they can pick up the
right kind of a lot a stock company
will be formed and stock books
pened. Stockholders will pay up
their subscriptions and sign a con
tract to sell their stock to the lodge
as rapidly as the organisation may
want to take it up. So, unless in
side property is put up at too
high a figure a new building may
be expected when spring opens.
Prunes are selling well this tear,
and growers are corresponding!
bappy. Ibe increase of price is
aid at the door of Hon. . H
Wehrung, who. when superintend'
ent of the Oregon exhibit at St
Louis, preached the doctrine that
prunes for breakfast was the finest
thing for diet that ever was, and
the suggest has been adopted by
millions all over the United States
The next time the Uregon prune
growers have a meeting they pro
pose to vote Wehrung a leather
medal for bis services in boosting
the consumption of prunes.
County Commissioners Butner
and Buchanan came to the county
seat Tuesday morning, and in com
pany with Judge Rood went down
to inspect the Jackson Bottom
bridge, and then went to the poor
farm, to inventory the county prop
erty, preparatory to the change of
management. Mr. Hoy stepped
out yesterday and turned over the
keeping of the county farm to
JTrank Mcbbauer and wife, recent
ly irom Buxton, and who owns
property at Newton.
J. B. McNew, who recently
bought the W. G. Hagerman place,
near Reedville, has vacated his
Greenville home, and will take
possession of his new purchase in
about 30 days. He was in town
the first of the week making pur
chases to commence ranching anew
He has settled in the old county,
after looking over other parts of
At 5:30 next Tuesday. Nov.
the city council will open bids for
the construction of the planking on
Main street and on Second street
and the successful bidder ia expect
ed to get to work met as soon as
the material is delivered. Main
street certainly begins to look a
though it needed repairs, and the
work will make the town look bet
ter by 100 per cent.
The new witer pipe was placed
in position the bret of the week
and Snpt. w. It.- Rmgle has re
busy in getting it laid and the
planking put down on the Mai
street gap. Ibe new pipe was un
to specifications, and property own
era are breathing more easily, since
afire last week would have done
great damage without the use
the department.
Ltf l a constant abt against the dan
Icnol dtwNkws and be hold his own the
PHI WOO fcfp
hi body and
lu ftiocuou la
th be work)
lug trim.
Tktrt are
Www in every
lite when Na
ture itrmicf ully
accepts a llula
a xl. Sh doea
not want a
whlppiiur up
itahlv follow
ed bv depress
Ing reaction.
la MuilniM .
a tonic and al
ter Uv prop
erly com
noutided will
afford the required help by promotinc
digestion. aatumlUtioii and reconstruc
tion ul tissue ana reoueiug (UU ol vital
utrre forces.
It mutt not M un nfrufcoiir stimuJiml
just a vegetable tonic. Mevtluf these
neeus ana eoiMiuona ur. nerce uotuen
Medical ulscovvrf ha been in successful
uxe these forty rears aud ha accumu
lated a record of curea uneo,ualed ia the
history of medicine. It ia composed ot
non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts of Golden
Seal root, Uueen root. Stone root, Black
Cherrybark, Blood root and Mandrake
root, and oy special proceaaM perfected oy
lr. fierce, lu ni own laboratory, ao com
bined in the most exact proportion, and
their mediciual properties preserved
without the use of alcohol a to reuder
it a ie and rjferfir remedy for use In
the family without consulting a doctor.
ouiur or old can take It freely a neMei.
and uow that ita com position It pub
lished, there la no ground for prejudice
against It as a patent medicine or secret
medicine, it is neither.
y. . ... Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation. Cunsilpa
TvaVtaa ,loa u causa ot niauy dia
vast. Cure the cause aud xo
cure the disease. On " rVllat - ts a (raMe
Uxatlre. aud lo a ail id cathartic l'rua-
arist sell Uwm. aud aotnma is lust a food.
Dr. Pierce s treat thousand-page Illus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will be sent free, paper-bound, for SI oue-
ceut sum us, or clolb-bouud for 31 1 lamps.
And gttaraat yon salisfsctlon. Our Drier will start September io.
Ws Hmv m First-Glass Cider Mill
Our Cider Mill will start September ao, and continue U roughput the
Mill and Prier located in North Ilillshoro, on hour Hi street.
rVAoM Ramionablo
JAMCS Fm KOtR - HilULoro, Oregon
Harmon McLin and Marshal At
kinson have been putting up the
street signs this week, and now
when the gay boys go home at
2:00 g. m. if they will take nome
one along to read the signs they
can find the way to the front gate
The signs are painted blue, with
white letters.
Ed. Wsnn returned Friday from
his Arlington goose hunt, well sat
isfied with results. He says that
they are plenteous up there, but
the westher has been so bad that
they were hard to get. The boys
camped in a deserted barn, while
bunting, but found the place warm
enough to withstand cold weather.
In these years of grain failure it
is refreshing to hear of a good crop.
On the C. A. Hanley farm, north
of town, farmed by the Hanley
boys, three acres of potatoes yield
ed 800 bushels, and one field of!
oats, mixed with barley, went over
w) bushels to the acre.
The little hamlet of Banks is
putting on metropolitan airs, just
as though it was destined to be a
town of importance and it will.
A new barber shop is on the way,
and a new building for the purpose
of sale of farm implements is to be
County Physician Dr. F. J. Bai
ley reports that the small pox cases'
at the Barlow farm, Glencoe, andj
Wm. Davis, are getting along nics-j
ly, and there is no danger of death
to any of the patients.
Our fall and winter stock of la
dies' drees goods is here, and it is
most complete in the county. We
carry the celebrated Munsin un
derwear for ladies and Misses
Union suits. H. Wehrung & Sons.
A fine new shotgun was stolen
frnm naar Mniinfaf nJala laat flnnJ
WU WH .i.wuu MUM
day, and no ono seems to know
which way the purloiner went, who
he was, or anything that might
lead to detection.
Johnson Brothers, of South Tua
latin, commenced delivery of 1A0,
000 feet of lumber for this city, the
first of the week.
The Misres Hattie Thomas and
Lena Fulkerson, of North Yaki
ma, are gueeta of their aunt, Mrs,
K. H. Ureer, this wsek.
C. B. Buchanan, of Cornelius,
was in town Tuesday, accompanied
by W. J. Butoer.of Beaverton.both
being here as members of the ooun
ty court.
Wm. Albers. who farmed here
years ago, with Herman Xanana,
and now with Albers Bros. dr.
Schneider, the big mill men and
hay and grain shipper! of Port
land, was in town Tuesday..
Wm. and Geo. Taylor, of Scholia,
ill have a sale on the 14th mat.,
and then leave for Seaside, below
Astoria, to reside. Wm. Taylor
was in town Tuesday, and states
that he has rented his place to
Walt Proeser.
John Milne's buggy animal di
vested itself of its harneas, on
Main street, the other day, in
about two minutes, without hurt
ing the buggy. The animal be
came frightened and proceeded to
unharness itself while the driver
was looking on, and, outside of an
overturned vehicle, the damage
ended there.
Farmers wanting Fall service for
iheir mares can visit my stables in
Hilleboro. Prince Henry is ths
only Clvde-Percheron in the conn
ty. H. D. SchmelUer.
Cornelius Wurehouse
Does a General Warehouse Husitiess. Flour,
Feed, Hay aud Shingles at the lowest market
price. Feed for farmers steam or dry rolled or
chopped, as wanted.
Thirteen deed and tnanr wounded
tht result of a train wreck, oa the Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe.
T. I. Hill ha let contract for building
down the north bank of the Columbia,
and rails will be laid by January, 1907.
Hearat'a supporter la New York claim
that the reformer ha a splendid chance
of winning the mayoralty contest.
The Oregooiaa ia now calling upon
Mitchell. Williamion and Hermann to
resign, so that Uregon may hsve proper
representstion in Congress. But it isn't
likely they will take the advice.
Witte. the great Russian diplomat, has
been given the premiership of the Slavs,
and the Cir will now be emperor iu
name only. Witt promise the people
a new constitution, and popular right.
H. Harttheini, the Wisconsin nisn
who waa held ap by ten men whom be
bad helped to bunco, in Portland, bat
been sent to tht hospital, and it ts fear
ed ha will become insane.
Taft. in his annual message and re
port, recommend no appropriation for
the Columbia river. But -Oregon i s
sura state, yon know, and there isn't any
sense In giving her help, even if it be
Lauren Pease, a Portland insurance
agent, is aader arrest upon a wsrrsnt
preferred by hi compsny, charged with
eaabexzlement. He claim the money
ased waa a loan. Pease wss noted as a
songster in many of th Portland church
A Colfax. Wash., farmer gave high
iimn hi ahoe. a he bad no money.
It k suspected that one of the robber ; ingtun
must have been an officer in the Kquila-' Hi. 1'aul
bit Lifa Insurance Company, at one! Kant
time ia hi. csreer. I a J! I1'
A Whitman county Kirl, acrot tlie: via
river, donned mala altire, stole a horse
and had a treat time. She stood off the
officer until they turned a mouse into
the room, when she dropped her Run
and mounted a chair, and in thit situa
tion the ahcrifl arrested her.
pi-Pi u 14 v
In v c3 1 !
We want Your Trade
And Wo Buy
Your Farm Produce
Our dock of (ieuerat Merchandise will
answer your want. Our dry goods re
of th best quality, sad our boots sad
ahoe excel. Wa tea suit you. Oiut'rr
irs of the best, for tveryhody,
We Give You a Premium
For every Tea I'ollar Cash Purchase
wa give each customer a Hue mjj oil
painting, Wa also lake Farm I'tixluce
end pr cash for it.
Our lint of Farm Machinery, Hum Irs,
etc., will suit you aud our price m
right. See our cclehrnted Keystone
Wiie Fence.
Shot line
Union Pacific
Rowell Bros. OL Co.
Scholls, Oregon
a tkainb to thk bant daily
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping-cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping-car daily to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping-car (personally conducted)
weekly fo Chicago, Kansas City, re
clining chair cars (seat free) lo tht
East daily.
K press
Mi r. m.
Salt Ijtke, IVuver,
Ft. Worth, omana,
Kanmu fily, M
Uuiia, Chicago and
Hall take, IVnver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kaimaa City, HI,
Itouis, Chicago and
Walla Walla, Wis
tmi.Spokane. Wallace
Pullman, Minneap
olis, Nt. Paul, Do
luth, Milwaukiw,
Chicago ami
4:. 1. 1
7:3S ,a
We hereby guarantee Patton's Sun
Proof Paints to wear well on build
ings painted with the same, for al
least five (5) years. Should our
claim for Bun-Proof paint fail we
agree to furnish new paint free.
It is our meaning and intention
to honestly guarantee our paint to
wear, but this guarantee will not
be allowed to be used as a means
for unjust demands, careless,sloven
ly work, or where the paint is ap
plied contrary to written directions.
J. E. Patton, Presidwct.
Schulmerich Bros, keep this
Full blooded Cotswold bucks for
sals at a bargain. Also one well
bred Shropshire buck. Ferd kro
ner, Sobolls, Ore. Address Hills
boro, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2.
Hteaiiiililia between Portland and Han
Francisco every Iveday.
Hirer boats on the lower Columbia and
Willamette dally except Sunday.
To and from all points In the Kant
Ticket via this route on sale at all dxpol
otltces of the Houthrn Pad He Co.
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
General Merchandise
Tbe new store in Cornelius is now
open and ready for business. In
the line of dry goods snd notions,
furniahingi, boots and shoes, rubber
goods of all kinds, shirts and over
alls of all sizes, patterns and prices,
groceries of the finest staple quali
ty, we excel, and have a splendid
stock. A good Hoe of farm imple
ments, buggies, wagons, plows, bar
rows, cultivators, etc, in stock, of
standard manufactures. We take
farm produce in payment and pay
the highest market price. Come in
and see the new store. No trouble
to show goods, even if you do not
buy. We are here to make prices
that will make you buy and us to
sell. Corner Main Sc Fourth.
Hendricks & Hon,
Cornelius, Ore.
And Desert Land Claim For You
Ladies, attention: Miss
of South Third Street, one door
north of the Baptist Church, will
make winter hats to order, and will
also make over and re-trim. Latest
art patterns.
J. A. Abbott, the Forest Grove
jewelry merchant, was in town
Tuesday evening.
Berkshire stock hogs and shoals
also young brood sows with pigs.
Wm. Schulmerich, Hilleboro, K. F.
D. No. 2.
Germany wants a
with America.
reciprocity treaty
Hesd Consul Bosk, of the Woodman
of the World, is in Portland thit week.
Judge Frazer, of Portland, declares
that scalping tickets is unlawful.
Portland's open air sanitarium report
twenty-four cure for tuberculoai.
Portland business men for once
united for an open river to the sea.
Jerome' election is assured for tba of
fice of district attorney of New York
The official conduct of Warden Kee,
at the Walla Walla pen, is being investi
gated by Gov. Mead's committee.
Tbe Japanese who swindled Portland
women on their prize rt lottery, have
been arrested. This is but one of tbe
many grafts that was with the Expo.
lean locate you on level valley
lands with deep, rich soil, free
J from rock. Water to be had at a
depth Of from 5 to 30 feet. These
lands are located io Central Ore
gon and can be taken under the
Homestead or the Desert Land
Law. Railroad soon to tap this
a .e yaae
wonaertni section, uaii and see
me at the F. M. Heidel Real Es
tate office, or address me at Hills
boro, Oregon.
' Db A. A. Burma ,
csrry a complete line ol General
Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Good,
Hardware and Building Material. I
can get you anything you want, on
order, at Portland price.
I make a apecialty of cedar fence
post and cedar shingle. My line
of Grocerie can't be beaten. Give
me a call. I buy farm produce, cash
or trade. Give me a call,
0. Sm Reynolds
Mouh tmlnttmlm, Or.
Ada O. ctnnley, Plaintiff,)
J. B. fitanlpy, Defondant.)
To J. It. Htatiley the aliove named dn-
In tbe name of the State of Ornirnn. rou
are hrebycmiimndd and reiiired to be
and appear in the above entitled Court
and ntiMwer the complaint tiled agxl'ist.
you in ine aoove enntiea cauae on or le
fore tbe expiration of six wek from the
(lute of the 11 mt publication of this sum
mon:, the first pulillrntiou thereof IminK
Oct. Ill, Wft, and thA iant publication
.thereof on Dec. 7th, IHOft, to wit: On or
before (he 7th ilaynf Den,, ti, and you
will ploate take notice that if you fall ao
to appear and anawer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for In tier complaint to wit'
Kor a decree OlaHolviiiK and annulling
the marriage and marriage contract now
and iirretofiire exiting between you and
plaintiff, and for tho costs and disbarso
mentH of this unit and for such other and
further relief ax may be eiiuitablA,
Timothy Seed
We cau sell you Timothy Seed, Alsike, Ktiglihh
Rye Grass Seed, at prices that will save you money.
Flour and Mill Feed
At lowest prices. We are iu the market to buy
oats. Sell to us and save the trouble of shipping
aud its annoyance. We pay the highest market-price.
Main Street feed Store,
Tk9 Kitchen's Queen
knows I tut So old whUky Is laaUprasaMs as s eat.
Isafjf kelp.
are favorite with Ike ennkaof the Pulled State. The
aaH)U4llrl Iwiuat suit nlrmtnt tat of th aihlaaln.
bached by tlwlt sdapUMIIty fur I In preparation of sll
dUJxra In which gaud whliky Is mnitrrd, put lhra la
th front rank sinaag Ih nmUUM of the kltcbes.
tbe Maau braaui, la quarts sad pi via, si
raa as ttf a DltVQOiSTt mm OCMtOM.
. J. n scauTvsa t , he.
W. B. (ate
C. C. fats
Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds.
Fish and Poultry. Vegetables in season. Lowest
prices consistent with Good Business Policy.
Will handle Farm Produce.
Hop supplies a specialty.
Main Street, East of Livery, Hillsboro, Or.
This summons is served aguiimt you by
fiuuiiciAiinu ny oruor or lion. u. a, Hood,
'ounty Judge of Washington County.
Oregon, made and dated Oct, 14, 11MJ0, and
which ordor requires that yon appear
snd answer on or before the expiration of
six weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this siiiiiiiiouh, the first publica
tion being Oct. ItH.ti, ami the last publica
tion being Dec. 7th, MOT), to wit: On or
before Iec. 7th, lfXil,
Attorney for Plaintiff. . ,
Notice to Contractors
given, that bids for the
Notice Is hereby
construction of the planking on Main and
(Second street in Hillsboro, Oregon, will
be received at tbe office of the undersign
ed until 6:80 p. m., Tuesday, November 7,
1805. Specifications may be seen by call
ing at the otlive of Ibe undersigned,
ny oraer 01 street committee.
. H,T. BAULEY, Recorder.
Administratrix' Notice
Notice Is liereby given that the under
signed has been by tlio County Court of
the Btate of Oregon for Washington Coun
ty duly appointed administratrix of the
estate of l'hillp Kcghtling, deceased, and
has duly, qualilled as siich. Now, there
fore, all persons having claim against
said estate are hereby required to present
them to the undersigned at the law of lice
of Ueo. R. ilagley, in Hillsboro, Oregon,
together with proper vouchors within six
months from the date hereof,
Dated this Aug. fitb. I til 15,
Administratrix of the ostate of Philip
Feghtling, deceased.
Ueo, Jt, Iliigley, Attorney for admrx.
For sals: Thoroughbrsd Cots
wold bucks, yearling and two
year olds. Inquire of Jos. Cawrse,
5 miles northwest of Uillsboro,
We will present a nice cloth
bound book with every pair of
shoes bought at our store, irre
spective of the price of shoes.
Our stock is complete, and our ,
price the very lowest. Dou't
fail to come and see our shoes,
and the book is yours.
L. M. Hoyt Co.
We saw the finest sidewalk lumber;
fencing, ceiling, and all kinds of
building lumber. We deliver.
Drop us a card, and tell us what
you wsnt. We also furnish, esti
mates for houses and barns, and
for bridge work. Mill 3 miles north
of Glencoe. Address Bishup Bros ,
Hillsboro, K. F. D. No. 3. I'aciflo
States' Telephone, Glencoe oentral.
Highest flash price paid fur furs,
"Try me." Renide at end of Long
Bridge, went of Hillsboro, or furs
can be left with Housley. butcher.
In city. Chits. Karnes, IIillshons
Bob Groer leads and the rent fol
low, in groceries, orookery and