The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 02, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 'M
Government Shows UilUboro
Leads Citic.H of her Class
Viar Ending Juo ,v Show Kcrnaik
bit Figure
From the standpoint of poolal re
ceipt Hillsboro scoops 107 other
loan in the county. Cor the year
ending June 80. 1005, Ilillsboro'
postal rcl)U emoiiiittd to $4,454
t gain of $1,17(1 over the year pro
eeeding, the receipt! of which were
but $3278.
Forest Grove' receipt! for the
year just ended were 14285, or IllW
less than that of Hillsboro. For
the year ending in June 1504 For-
eet (J rove showed up with total re
ceipt of 14,222. The Ilillil-oro
ihowlng ii gratifying in the ex
treme, and llie receipts are more
than any town in the itate, in pro
portion to lie population. Of
course, Carnation did something
toward cutting down Forest Grove'
While the old town Isn't much
to Uol hr own horn it in a fact
that thla city hala both Foreat
Drove and Newberg in postal re
1 will anil at public auction at the
J us so Leiey Farm, three mile N
V. of UilUboro, near Leiiy Church,
at ten a. in. on
llty hotte, 4 years, weight, 1150; sorrel
horse, s Tesr. weight, lujo; sorrel war,
lo years, Imo; uisie coll, I years, ooo;
bote roll, t yeeia, 850; j month mart
colt; 5 htau cow, guou tinmen, 4 atio t
years old. in milk, one Irish In January
balanc flesh In Spring; J-er heller
fresh in Spring; J lo-yar heifer; spring
vail; pint; 14 lurti steel beam Oliver
plow, iimnglooth barrow, new; Cham
pion hinder, run two araaon. Mitchell
wagon, Inch, wide tire; Milwaukee
mower, Milwaukee rake, both used bnl
two Summers; buck, good repair; road
cart; act double harness, new thla Spring
aiiigle harness, & lo gal. milk cam,
tont baled clover bay; tool looae tan
bay; 8 ton timothy, in barn; 4o hit.
while Banner oata; and nuuieroua other
article. l.unch at nooa
Under $10, cash; $10 and orrr one
year' time, approved note, at ft
per cent. 2 per cent, on for caab
over $10.
Daniel Leisy, Owner
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
J. C. Crocker, of Mountaindale,
was in town Monday.
Clreer'e it the place to buy timo
thy and all kind of gran seed.
J. C. Miller waa in from Vine
land Saturday.
W. J. Ingram, of Farmington
waa up to the rity Saturday.
Will Johnson waa in from Moun
taindale section, the first of the
Born, to Andrew Heckmann and
wife, of Bethany, October 28, 15)05,
a daughter.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Hchiller or Kicellencla
Oregon manufacture.
II. C. Pearson, of Farmington
waa in the city the tirat of th
1. 11. Maxwell ami wire were
down from Mountaindale the first
of the week.
... ,i" or sale; neau ewes and one
wether, all large Cotswold, $4 each
MoreU ISohmidt, Hillsboro, R
1 Helvetia.
Wt K. Smith, of the Hoover A
Connell ranch, waa in town Mon
day, and says that seeding It in
progress out his way.
John Witt, of South Tualatin
waa in town Saturday, and remem
bered . this office with some fine
specimens of all kinda of fruita.
For sale; Running gears of
Studebaker wagon, 31, used two
summers; aud set heavy work har
ness, used two seasons, cost $48
when now. Kd, Austin, HilUboro.
Mr. -and Mrs. Wen Davia, of
Ulencoe, departed Tuesday for Red
ding, California, for permanent
residence, at feast for a year or so.
His many friends here wish, him
every success. '- j j.
Ben W.' Hnll, of LaGrango, Illi
nois, was here the first of the week,
looking into data oonneoted with
the death of a relative, 8. H. Iull,
who died in Finnev's addition, this
city, January 27, 18(.)8.
The merchants of Portland are
soon to make a trip through the
Willamette Valley, thenoe.down
the West Side, and take in Hill
boro and other county towns.
The Hillsboro cemetery Is badly
lo need of care, as it present a
very diareputsble appearance, being
overgrown with weed and brush of
11 detcrlptious. If there is aoy place
that should be well-groomed, that
place is a cemetery. It would ap
pear that something should be
done to put the cemetery into
hape, and afterward kept in ahape.
'reont condition are not at all
very pleasant to eye, and now is a
good time fur tome of the societies
of the town to consider ways and
means of Usulifyiug the laat rt-
ng place or those who nave .0Ue
before ua and those of us who will
go in the future.
Ladies who are interested in tai
lor-made suits, coats, jackets, skirts,
waitia or rurt, In the latest stylo.
are cordially invited lo calf at
agent's home In tbit city and ex
amine the beautiful Fathion Plates
and sample. The stylos are of the
alest and the materials are the
most beautiful ever rxhibited here.
and we insure a perfect fit. If in-
(created call and examine, or a
poatal card will bring sample to
your Dome. Mrs. Belle II. Brown,
Agent for Chas. A. Steven A Bros..
Thos. McEldowney. who left
Hillsboro for Waoatchi. Wash..
about S vear ato. has returned
with his family and gone on up to
Polk county, where he will try
farming for a few seasons. He
ays the upper country is all right,
and that SJ years has made a big
change up there. He was in town
aat Friday and Saturday.
Farm for rnt: 100 acres, nine
miles from Hillsboro, near Beth
any. About 4 in cultivation, reat
in paiturs land, 2 creeks running
through ; 5 sere orchard. Big house
and barn, and good outbuildings.
Leopold Diets, Holbrook, Ore,
it. r, i). 1.
E. P. Csdwell, late of Mexico,
and who still has interests in For
est Grove, hss been improving a
piece or properly in the college
city, and as a result, Chas. Van-
Uorn, J. W. Trice and John Blair
have filed mechanic's lien on the
building in question, for labor per
ioral eu. w. il. tlollis Is their at
Dennis has received his new
stock of shoes, the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest in the market Come in and
them. The latest model.
Theee ahoea are advertised in every
prominent msgatine and newspa
per in tbe world.
Mrs. Dora J. Elliott, of Kaon-
wick, Wash , sends down a sample
of the Russian thistle, whloh is
playing havoc with wheat lands lo
tbe npper country. Sherman and
Watoo counties, this tide of where
Mrs. Klliott has a wheat farm, are
having all kinda of trouble with
this pest.
lou win uo well to list your
arm for sale with J. C. Kuraili.
Will alto ery auction sales. 8atia
faction guaranteed.-r-J. C. Kuraili,
Hillsboro, R. F. 1. 4. Residence,
Phillips, Ore.
Recorder Kuratli was out to the
J. J. Kuratli place Sunday, and
says that the family has 10 acres
or potatoes this year. They have a
new patent potato digger, and the
way it throws the tubers out i a
marvel. The machine is operated
by lour horses, and does nice work
For Sale at bargain; Good, true
apan of gray horses, 1400 and 1500,
well matched: seven and twelve
years of age. Hugh Moore, near
Newton Station, one mile east of
Miss Manobie I.annley, of the
Grove, was down to the oity Mon
day, and says that if we did gain
on her (own in postal leoeipts that
they gained on na in school chil
dren, and for this they expect a big
bouquet from President Roosevelt.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, for
the market; also choice mares Ad
dress me at Beaverton, Ore., and I
will call. J. G. Haynei, Beaver
ton, Ore.
Road supervisor Frank Keleay
and G. R. Bradley have been doing
some drag work on First street, in
side the city, and on Baseline, be
tween town and the long bridge,
and it has helped wonderfully.
Lost: 10 head sheep, branded
with a cross below eye. Notify
Geo. Lennen, Cornelius, Route 1, or
at home, 5 miles north of Glenoce.
T. ii. Willis was down from up
per Dairy the first of tbe week, and
took out 17 barrels, empty, to be
tilled with wine at the Stetler vine
yards, near Mountaindale.
For sale; J. I. Case gang plow,
in good repair. Inquire of U. U,
Gardner, Shop, Third Street, Hills
L L. Crab, of Buxton and Hills
boro, has gone to California for the
winter. -
Philip Hasaler, of Mt. Tabor,
was out, the first of tbe week, look
tag after his property interests.
Imiac Allen 'Lottes Lawiuit
Over Rental of Farm
Hard Ftagbt Cite ia County Court Fri
day aid Saturday
Fiiday and Saturday was occupied
in Judge Rood's court by tbe cm
of Isaac Allen versus Leox Dia
mond and bia step-father, Mr.
Portigue. Young Diamond is sn
express messenger for Wells-Fargo,
on the Portland-Astoria run. I-ast
year he rented the Isaac Allen
farm, near Reedville, and placed
his step father and mother 00 ibe
ranch, Diamond made frequent
trips to the place and everything
went serenely until thia summer,
after harvest, when Allen brought
tuit to gt them off the place. The
personal property of Diamond and
Portigue wat attached and Allen
atked for $150. Diamond offered
Allen $100, whloh was rttfusrd K
B. A T. II. Tongue and Benton
Bowman appeared for Allen and
Joel Long and Geo. R. Bagley ap
peared for the defendants. Tbe case
was bitterly contested throughout.
The jury, consisting of J. K. P.
Brown, Loui Manning, A. P. Lu
ther, K. L. Abbott, Go. Billings
and G. O. Frost, brought in a ver
dict for the defendanla, raying tbe
$100 waa tuRicent, and the verdict
slicks Allen for the costs.
Mr. Allen is the farmer who al
leges that be was robbed of some
money while tbe rorligues were
tenant of the place. The Porti
gue, it is understood, allege that
the old gentleman never lost any
money, but that he was simply
using this method of driving them
off the place to their loss. They
say he might have bia his money
then forgotten where he placed it,
but they aver they think his story
of theft is all moonshine. Allen
contends that he did lose (he money,
and he knowa he lost it.
Kstablishfd restaurant for aale, do
ing nice business. Good location.
Best of reasons for selling. hgbt
furnished rooms go with sale.
Rental is cheap. -F. L. Emerson,
Hillsboro, Ore.
A Grange Fair will U bld by
Washington Grange. No 313, at
the Arcade School, Saturday, No
vember 4. IMS. Ptogram in the
afternoon. Doors open at 10:30 in
the forenoon. Everybody invited.
Mra. Sarah Harvey, Secretary.
I will at publio auction at my
farm 5 milea norlhweat of Cornell
ut, and 14 miles north of the Ver
boort Catholic Church, at ten a
m. on
Black hone, 4 yr, I400, sound aud trne;
black mare, 9 yri, 1400, sound and true;
5 head milk cows, good milkers, are
graded Jerseys, I HolsteW-d Iresh
soon, others fresh in early spring; Jiusb-
ford wagon, wine tire, JJi, nearly new;
Mitchell top buggy, fairly. good repair;
set work and wagon harness, eiugla har
ness, 14-inch plow, lever harrow, I--tooth
garden cultivator-, 2 SISUcU bets;
4 droen chicken, totf oata, 8 iota oat
hay, looae In bam, tripod grnb-Jing ma
chine?, new Net 8 cook alove,vAnierii;
sewing machine, .good bureau ' house
hold and kitchen jurnltnre, iarm stools
and numerous other utticles.,. I
Terms of Sale-UnderlJO.aaht
$10 and over, one yeara's time, ap
proved note, 7 rr tent." a per
cent off, caBh over f lO;-' "
Hiram Rv Kayi)wner. r
B. P, Cornelius, Auctioneer. .
Miss Bessie Overholtzer, of Tigard
ville. daushler of J, M. Qyerholuer.
died October 30, lte, from au at
tack of spinal meningitis,-
The funeral took place, Tuesday,
from the Tigardville Evangelical
church. Mr. Overholtzer lost his
wife a week before the death of his
daughter. Miss Bessie was a pop
ular young lady, and had . many
friends in the Tigardville section.
Mrs. Daisy Byrne, of Beaverton,
has moved to this oity to reside.
Carl Boy and wile and two sons,
Chas. and Louis, were in from
Bethany Tuesday.
Frank Weisenhaok, Ray's man
ager at the Witch Hazel hop ranch,
was in this city Tuesday.
Dr. S. T. Linklater has sold the
stock of the Delta Drug Store to W
P, Tucker, who for some time has
been manager of the place. '
D M. Mclnnie, of Farmington,
was up to the city Monday.
I. Raughfmann, of Cornelius,
was down to the city Monday.
M, Cantwell, of above Mountaio-
dale, was in Ihe city Monday.
N. P. Oakerman, of below Bea
verton, was in tbe city tbe first of
the week.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel-
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Ed. Northrup, of beyond Glen
coe, waa in the city Hie nrst 01 111s
Wanted: Cider apples. No de
cayed or dirty apple laken. O. E.1
Edson, Cornelius.
Jacob Whitmore ia moving into
the Curran property, on Weal lint
Born, near Laurel, October 28,
1905, to Louis Meyer and wife, a
A six horse power upright engine,
and boiler for sale. W.J. Benson,
Hilleloro, Ore.
Editor Wood, of the Fortsl Grove
News, has quit bia paper and gone
back to Michigan to work on a
E. A. Bsrns' new song "A Dear
Little Wehfoot Girl" now on sale
at McCormick's music etore, 25 ctt.
Sheriff Connell and Attorney E,
B. Tongue were up in the Gaaton
section, the nrst ol the week, alter
Hayes' double force pump the
only pump in the long run, at A.
C. Archbold's. Call and before
Treasurer Jackson has made bis
remittance of tbe last halt of the
state tax, the amount being $15,
420,25... Grant Downing, the Vernonia
merchant, was in the first of tbe
week, taking out a load of freight
tor bis store.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of
oniavilla, were out over Sunday,
guests of Mrs. Suaan Brown and
Fred Northup, of Shady Brook,
was in Monday, and reports that
the roads are improving wonder
fully up his way.
Chas. Tompkins, who ia logging
oner at Oslrander, Wash., .came
over last week to visit the family,
beyond Glencoe.
Daniel Leiey, of Leisy ville, has
purchased the S. H. Dunbar farm
over in South Tualatin, and takes
possession in a few days.
Columbus Whitmore, of Golden
dale, has purchased tbe Powell lot
south of the greenhouse, East Hills
boro, and is putting up a residence
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith are
up from Long B?aoh, Wash , for a
visit with Mrs. Smith's parents, J.
A. Imbrie and wife. Mrs. Smith
may remain the winter.
S. H. Dunbar and family, of
South Tualslin, departed luesda
for Nedina, Mo , where they will
visit this winter. Mrs. Dunbar will
stop in Colorado, on the way east,
and visit with relatives.
Contractor J. W Good in has
moved back' to Cllencoe, having
finished the bridge south of the
city. Tho structure ia well con
structed, and Good in has the hon
or of building Ihe longest bridge in
the county. At soon as he cleans
up the debris he will draw down
his money from Ihe county. .
. Constable Hartrampf went down
to- Garden Home, the other day,
ami arreted Eugene Hoover on a
charge of iarceny by bailee. It
appears from subsequent develop
"rnenta that Hoover had a sale of a
Korse, which was mortgaged to a
map by .the name of . Bruchler.
Bruchler was present at the pale,
and it seems that the animal was
sold by mutual agreement of mortgagee-
aud mortgagor. After the
sale, 1 however, Bruchler took the
horse away from the buyer, and
the," arrest followed. AVhen the
true status, was . determined the
commitment to jail by Justice Bag
ley was: withdrawn, aud Hoover
permitted to go. ,V .
If you want brick for any pur
pose, or building blocks for a foun
dation, remember that the Gronet
& Howell Company, of Scholia, can
supply your demands. They have
fine lot of lumber, rough and
dressed, in their yard, and will
meet all competition. Now that
your crops are harvested, would it
not be a good idea to consider if
tiling will not. increase your in
oome. Wet, low spots in tbe fields.
always giving poor results, can be
remedied by putting in tiling. Let
us help you. Ve can aid you to
avoid crop failure on low ' lands
House and barn bills for lumber
on short notice and do not forget
that we can furnish you estimates
on short notice. Poet oflice address
.-Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No 2.
Sixtv thousand: -feet of hne, dry
shiplap on hafriV--. '. ..';
Foot Ball Team Went to New
berg With Results
Came Back With Door Knobs tad Other
Pacific University's football team
went over to Newberg last Satur
day, for a contest with the college
team, and before returning an epi
demic of souvenir cramps struck
the Forest Grovecontingency. They
"cabbaged" door knobs, and other
small articles which tbev could
loosen with but little trouble and
left the hotel looking like a Kansas
cyclone bad struck the quiet little
Quaker town.
Tbe Newberg people telephoned
over to Sheriff Connell, saying they
would be satisfied with a return of
tbe articles and a $10 bill for ex
tras. The souvenir and money
were tent at onet and when the
boys go out again the souvenir mi
crobe will be left at home, pickled
in spirits.
The boys say tbat as a joke tbey
were locked in their rooms by their
coach and that they took off the
electric light fixtures and door
knob and put them in the bureau
drawers, and tbat it was nothing
but a little lark, with no intentions;
of harm.
We will sell at publio auction at
the Taylor farm 1 mile south of
Scholls postoflSce at ten o'clock a.
m. on
Two dark brown homes, well matched, 10
and 6 yeara old, weighta 1 ISO and 12UU; cow,
fresh Nor. 25th; i cows, fresh ui March ;
heifer calf, 10 month!); 3 hog, weight
about 1A0 each; Fain wagon, J)1,', 2 inch
lire, nearly new; a arated farm hack, eood
aa nnw) top buggy, nearly new; Wood
uiower, eulkr rake. 14-inch Oliver plow,
Oliver ItMnch steel beam plow. Planet Jr.
cultivator, 8 inch garden plow, Jack
slump puller, too ft. I inch Manilla rope,
double and treble block; hayrack, double
farm harnews, single Ihisktt harness, slexi.
2 X-cut saws, split bar, 2 nearie, crank
anger, pitch fork, shovels, mattocks and
other tools, large grindstone, bicycle, I V
gallon barrel churn, range stove with :
gallon hot water tank, barrel of cider
vinegar. 4 doten chickens. 4 tons tare hay.
6 ton mixed bay, 100 bu. gray winter
oats, I V) sacks potatoes, mostly Peerless; 4
tons of turnipa in root bouse. 80 sacks ar
tichokes, 2 tone of carrots In the ground,
Kain wagon, wide tire: 2 Bain wagons,
narrow lire; top hark, lever springtooth
harrow, smoothing harrow. 30 inch di?c
barrow, aud numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, 10 months' time, ap
proved note, 8 per cent. 2 per
cent, off, cash over $10.
Wm. and Geo. H. Taylor
and Crowder.
B. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Mr. Peter Peterson and Mrs. Sarah
Crow, both formerly of -Forest
Grove, wera married in Portland,
Sunday. Tbe groom at one time
conducted a butcher business in
the college town, and the bride is a
daughter of the late Asa Williams,
of Greenville, and at one time she
conducted a hotel at Forest Grove.
Mr. Andrew Miller, of this city,
and Mrs. Kate Nierman, of Tuala
tin, were united in marriage, Octo
ber 29, 1905, at the home of the
bride's mother, Rev. J. Cowman
officiating. The groom is the well
known engineer at the Climax
Mills, and he has a host of friends
here who wish him and his bride
eyery happiness.
They have taken up their resi
dence in the groom' home in
Editor J. F. Wood left Forest
Grove, on Tuesday's noou train.
Chas. Smith, of above ' Forest
Grove, was in town Tuesday.
L. C. Walker, of Forest Grove,
was in the city Tuesday evening.
Nile Bennett has sold his interest
in the photo gallery to his partner,
Farmers from all over the coun
ty complain that help is scarce in
getting the potato crop harvested.
W. F. Hollenbeck, the former
sawmill man, was down from
above Mountaindale the laat of
the week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Ranes, of Walla Walla, Wash., at
the John Heialer ranch, Gales
Creek, October 30, 1905, a daugh
Dr. Geo. Tamiesie and wife, of
Albina, were in town the first of
the week, and went on out to
Greenville and Glencoe, to visit
home folks.
Ufe Delta
Drug' Store
Use our latest and best Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
Mission Herb Tea
recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St.
A. 8m SHOLES, PreMent
Main Street,
As the Twig is
1 1
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
AAimilATnn mmjn mm
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years- practical experience. Address,
boro, Oregon, Ii. F.
Phone No. 28x4.
Gus Kempfrr,
Jy P. Mead, Frits Huguenin,
Louise tlngueiiiu and Ed.
Nimmo, Defendants.
To Jay P. Mead, one ol the above named
In the name of the StaUi of Oregjon, yon
are luireby commanded and required to
be and appear in the above entitled t.'ourt
in the above entitled Cause aud answer
the complaint therein filed against you on
or before the expiration of 6 weeks' pub
licatiou of this summons in the Hillsboro
Argus, the tirst publication thereof being
on t"ie 5th day of October, liHlo, and the
last publication thereof being on Novem
ber 23, 1905, to-wlt:
On or before the 23rd day of November,
1(105. and you will take notice that
if you fail so to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for and demanded in his
or a Jiutement neainst you tor the
sum of $275 and interest thereon from
r eo. to, ikm. at tne ratelors per cent, per
annum, ana the sum of tin Attorney s
fees ana for the casts ami disbursements
of this suit; and for a decree foreclosing
inai oeriain mortgage execute" ojr you in
favor of Iriadna Bolmrt and John' Bobart,
her husband, to secure the Davment of
said arm of money on lot No. (12) Twelve
ot ana in juonart subdivision ot the I). 1..
C. of Geo. W. Kbberts, in Township I
North Range 2 West of the Will. Mer..
containing 10 acres, and for a decr,e of
sale of said premises aud that the pro
ceeds thereof be applied in satisfaction of
the claim of the plaintiff, and for a decree
torever narrmg ami precluding you from
every right, title and interest in and to
said premises and the whole thereof and
for sucn other decree as may be iiecesxary
and proper in the premises. i
This summons is served upon you by
Biiblication, by order of Hon. L. A. Rood,
utility Judge of Washington County,
made and d tiled October tb, UI05, and
wnien oriior requires you to appear and
answer said noiiiitlHinl. on or IteforA Dm
expiration of six weeks' publication
Hillsboro, Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on. their home checks.
Come and see us.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Tree's Inclined"
A, J
D. No. 1.
r. p. ooco:.i
this summons, to-wit: On or before Nik
vember S3. 1110ft, the first publication
thereof being October 5, 1)105.
Attorney for PlaintilT.
Notice ol Time
Notice ia hereby given that 1 have this
date given to my son, F. W. iSchnllhtila
Jr., his time and freedom from this dale,
and i hereby notify nil persona tbat-he
must hereafter pay all billa of his eoiw
trading and that I will not lie lesponsible
for any debts that he may incur.
Sept. 21, 1SW5.
Portland, Ore.. K. F. 1). No. 2.
James Smith, Plnintiff, 1
Jessie Smith. Defendant.)
To Jessie tJiulth, the atmve named del
In the name of the Stste of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you in
the above entitled suit ou or before the
last day prescribed in the order for publi
cation of summons, to-wit, the !Hh day of .
November, HHI5, said day being the ex.
piration of six weeks from the tirst publi
cation of this summons and if you fail to
to appear and answer the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for tbe relief demanded
In the complaint, to-wit, a doeree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony existing lie
1 tweenthe plaintilfand thederendanthrie-
in and lor such other aim rurther relief aa
may seem equitable.
The time prescribed for the publication
of this summons is six weeks and the day
set for tbe appearance of the defendant i
the !)th day of November, 1H05.
This summons is pi- blished by order ot
Hon. T, A. McBritle, Judge of the above
entitled court, which order waa given and
entered in the above entitled court ou the
Ulh day of September, WIS.
The date of the first publication of thia
summons Is the 28th day of Mepteuib r.
iHOr,. ... :. '
of I Attorney for l'lsintlrl'