The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 26, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 33
i mn
l.lnic Mcud, Four and One
Half Yearn, Died Sunday
Utile Daughter of M. M. Mrad sad
Wife, oa Prink Imbrlt Para
Nlale, ths little four and onr-half
years uUI daughtrr of Mr. and Mis.
M M Mum), residing on the Frank
liubrle nines, West Union, six
in ilii northeast of here, died Sun
day afternoon from terrible injuries,
sustained by reason ol her clothing
catching Ore. The child had taken
a liltht from (he fireplace, tfaturday
afternoon, and kindled a blaia out
In tint yard. Her clothing was Ig
nited, and the child screamed and
before die could he caught and the
llaiuee extinguiehed, her body wss
so badly burred that medical aid
waa of no avail. Dr. J. I. Tantie
me waa railed, a the attending
physician, and Dr. F. J. Bailey waa
aummonrd in consultation. All
losible waa done to alleviate the
child' milleringe, but death came
Kticulay evening
The parent have the sympathy
ol a Urge iiumbt-r of friend in
WanhinRton County.
I will enll at public auction at the
Isaac Leiay Farm, three mile N.
V. of IlilUboro, near Leisy Church,
at ln a. m. on
IWy horse, 4 year, weight, IIS;aorrI
borar, s years, weight, o,o; trl uiar,
lo rraii, lion; mar colt, t yare, ooo;
horse coll, 1 yraia, Kjo; 5 month war
coll; s b'l cowa, guil milker, 4 and 4
vtais old. In milk, on fit in In January,
Imlanc fresh In Spring; J-ear heller,
fii-sh In Spline; 3 UoyarTii(r;pring
call, 'Ik; 14 Inch tteel beam Oliver
iluw; spfingtooth harrow, new; Cham
pion binder, run two aeatona, Mitchell
wagon, y loch, wlile tire; Milwaukee
mown, Milwaukee rake, !otli used tint
two Sunimeia; hack, good repair; road
cart; t iloulil harness, new thia Spring;
Ingle bareess, & logs), rntlk cant, H
tuna baled clover hay; to tuna loos tar
hay; H tuna timothy, In barn; 400 Im.
while llanner oata; and muueroua other
article. I.unch at noon.
Under 1 10, cnh; $10 and owone
year' time, approved note, at (I
per cent. 2 per cent, of! for cash
over $10.
Daniel Leisy, Owner.
II. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Alfred Gerber, of Helvetia,
in town Monday.
August Rossi, of Beaverton, waa
in town Monday.
Lome Palmateer ii studying den
tistry in Portland.
J. H. Brown, of South Tualatin,
van in town Monday,
Chan. Farnham, of the ilaina,
was in the city Monday.
J. C. Beohen, of West Union, waa
In town the tint of the week,
Con MoNamer, of Foreat Grove,
waa down to the city Monday,
Greer'a ia the place to buy tirao
thy and all kindi of grass seed.
Born, lo Win, Gurahy and wife,
of Iowa Hill, Oct. 2.1, 105, a aon.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Thornburgh,
of the drove, were in the city sun'
Born, to Mr. and Mra. II. L
Burchell, of Ililliihoro, Oct. 21,
1005, a eon.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Kxcellencia
Oregon manufacture.
T. W. Thompson, of Portland,
and formerly of Gaston, waa in the
city Monday morning. ,
John Kainna, owner of the big
Edwards ranch, near Farmington,
was in the city Huturday.
County Treasurer Jackson and
wife went to Dilley Tuesday, to at
tend the Hanson funeral,
For sale: J. I. Case gang plow
In good repair. Inquire of U, G
Gardner, Shop, Third Street, IIUls
Chas. Miller, of the Grove, waa
down to the county seat Monday
shaking hands with his many
P. B. Southworth and family
leave this week for North 1 akima
Wash., where P, B. will open up a
business in the spring.
It is reported on the streets that
K, H. jSappington will opon a ea
loon in Cornelius, after the Brat of
November, he having bought the
fixtures installed by P. B. South
worth, some weeks ago. This will
give Cornelius three saloons, and
put more money into the treasury.
Ladies who are interested In tailor-made
suits, coale, jackets, skirts,
waist or furs, in the latest styles,
are cordially invited to call at
agent's home in this city and ex
amine the beautiful Fashion Plates
and earn pies. The styles are of the
latest and the materials are the
moat beautiful ever exhibited here,
and we insure a perfect fit. If in
terested call and examine, or a
postal eard will bring samples to
your homes. Mrs. Belle R. Brown,
Agent for Chaa. A.BtevensA Bros.,
Bpeakinf of volution Monday
morning there were several tall fir
trees above the Caatens Bros. A
Hartley mill at Manning. They
were out before noon, sawed into
40-foot atudding by night; deliver
ed in Billsboro by eleven o'clock,
and a big portion of them on end
and in the new theatre building by
Tuesday night. Like the "Old
Georgia Sewing Machine," that's
going some. The mlllmen and
Contractor Good In are entitled to
medals as rapid change artists.
Dr. Allen Smith, of Portland,
while hunting near Glencoe, Sun
day, sustained a serious accident.
He had just knocked down a bird,
and was going through the wild ap
pie brush, when hia gun caught in
the thorns, In some manner both
barrels of his gun exploded and the
weapon kicked back, eo that the
ever crashed through the palm of
his hand, just below the thumb.
Dr. Mackay, of Glencoe, aewed up
the wouud and Mr. Smith returned
at once ttf Portland. 1
Karl Kingle, whose hand was
badly injured by an electric shock,
last week, suffered amputation of
the thumb, Monday, it being neces
sary to perform surgery. The fleeb
waa burned away from the first
oint in such a manner as to leave
the bone exposed, and while ampu
tation could hare been dispensed
tin, the projection would bavs
been both unsightly and useless.
The residence of P. B. South-
worth caught Ore, Sunday morning,
about 10 o'clock, a spark igniting
tne moss on the roor. I b depart
ment waa called nut but the fire
waa fxUnguiihed before it waa
necessary to turn on the hose. The
damage waa very alight, the total
oaa probably reaching five or ten
Albert Meier, who la a son of
Wolfgsng Meier and wife, of near
Newton, Ta out for a two weeks' va
cation. He is working In one of
'ortland'a big bakeries. He atatea
that Speobt & Mostert, who first
ut the Hillsboro bakery on a pay-
ng basis, are located on a farm
near 8herwood.
Dennis haa, received his new
stock of shoes, the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest lu the market. Come in and
them. The latest models.
Tbeee shoes are advertised in every
prominent magaxine and newspa
per in the world.
Contractor T. P. Goodio now has
the frame of the opera house erect
ed, and a larger force of men will
finish the structure as rapidly ae
lumber can be delivered. The oon
traot calls for completion by Decern
ber 1, with a forfeit of $10 for each
day a delay.
Frrd Ada mi took possession of
the Fred Olson confectionery and
ioe oream parlor, Monday. Mr. 01
son will remain here until spring,
and he will at once atart in on the
W. K. MoCourt reeldenoe, painting
and doing the Interior finish,
The Oregon Condensed Milk
Company shipped five carsof cream
last week, and four cars were sent
into the Washington territory. Or
ders are coming thick and fast, as
their brands have established
reputation all over the coast.
John Barnes, wife and daughter,
of Republican City, Neb., left for
home luesday, after four weeks'
visit with S. S. Barnes and family
They return with a very favorable
Impression of Oregon and her poa
F. S. Olson, who recently sold
his confectionery to Fred Adams,
desires to thank the people of this
city for their cordial Btipport, and
expresses the desire that they con'
tinue the patronage to the new pro
Master George Roundey, of North
Hillsboro, left at thieoffloe Satur
day, a fine vine of pea nuts
grown in tne garden, iney were
fully matured and aa large as the
real "Car Una" product.
Hon. W. H. Wehrung, who has
been superintendent of exhibits at
the Lewis & Clark Fair, ia home
again, after an all summer's "in
charge" of the displays.
E. C. Luce, who haa been over In
Seattle for several weeks, returned
the first of the week, to report to
the O. C. M. Co., the firm for whom
he is working.
John Loftie, of Vinelands, was a
county seat visitor the last of the
week. " '
Came Out an Representative
. of Archbbhop
Arcbbiabop Cbriatle eo
His Wsy te
Father Black, of Portland, Rectc r
of St. Francis', was out Tuesdsy,
before the county board, represent
ing Archbishop Christie, who U
now on his way to Rome. The
question involved Is taxation on
the St. Mary's Home property. The
priest statea that arrangement are
under way to spend a large sum of
money in establishing an Industrial
School near Btaverton, and the
building alone will coat $30,000 and
more. The institution ia charita
ble, and they feel that they should
be treated as leniently as possible,
for they do the work of care and
education for boys at a loss, philan
thropic people putting up the
money. This saves the state, in
every instance, because many of the
lads would nt ceanarlly be cared for
by the state. The school at St.
Mary's is one of the large at in the
state and the Catholics own a large
tract of land there. A large num
ber of foundlings and orphans are
cared for at the Home and the
stale givea them a pittance tor their
support aowhere near the actual
cost. They are making goal citi
tens out ol the boys, and the pre
lates in charge think that they
ahould be recognized, inasmuch as
the Home Is not now, nor was it
ever, opt rated for profit Every
dollar earned on the farm goes into
the fund for education and train
Married by Dr. Clarence True Wil
son, of Grace M. K. Church, Port
land, on Friday afternoon, October
20, Henry A. Ly tie and Miss Caro
line W. Freudenthal, both of Cor
ne'ius, where they will continue to
will sell at public atiotion at my
late farm 2J mile East of Green
ville, near Roy School house, at ten
a. m. on
Gray uiare, 6 year, I050; aorrel uiaie, l2
Jeara, lofto; j cowa, a o( them graded
eraeya, t in milk 1 months, 1 in milk 45
lav and I lreb; 1 of tbeae n lull blood
Jersey; a a-year heifer, nearly full blood
jersey, 1 wuu can; im ions tare ami oai
hay in barn; j ton oat atraw; Hain wag
on, JV; farm wagon; bug)-, apringlooth
harrow, peg harrow, Jones hayrake,
brand new; Standard mower, pair heavy
huneat, buggy harnea, 4 corda wood, 4
dozeu Plymouth Rook chicken, 3 Im
proved Cheater White pig, 1 000 feet
cedar and hr lumber, land roller, tour
pitchfork, four shovel, household and
kitchen furniture, farm tool and nu
merous other article. Lunch at noon.
Terras of Hale Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, one year time ap
proved note, 7 per cent, interest.
Two per cent, off for cash over $10.
J. a. McNew, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
II. H. Hall, of Shady Brook, was
n town Saturday.
Chas. Brown, of Laurel, was in
the city Saturday.
C, W. Baoon, of Mountaindale,
waa in town Friday.
A. L. Holcomb and wife were in
from Bethany Saturday.
Peter Nelson and family were in
from the east plains Saturday.
Geo. Lennen, of Vinelands, was
In the city Saturday morning.
H, R. Hamlin, of Portland, waa
hero last week, the guest of Louie
Joseph Bucher, of above Moun
taindale, waa in town the last of
the week.
Taken up: White and red spot
ted row, with bell; Jersey-shaped
horns. Inquire of Osoar Donelson,!
near Newton Station, pay charges,
prove property, and take same
Guy and Julius Weirenback, of
Reedville, aged 19 and 16, re
spectively, have just closed the
baling season, with MIX) bales of
hay and atraw to their credit a
very good rocord for boys.
Henry Rsasoner, who has been
here two years, the guest of his
brother, D, B. Reasoner, departed
Friday for a visit back to his home,
in Reasoner, Iowa, ''Unole Henry,"
as he la familiarly known here, has
made many friends in Hillsboro,
all of whom hope he will again
make this place his home and
there is no doubt that he will.
Peter Groseen, of ner Helvetia,
was in the city the first of the week
Geo. Hathorn, of Laurel, was in
town Monday.
Ben Brown, of near Laurel, was
io the city Monday.
W. C. Jackson, of Glencoe, we
in town Saturday.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman, of
Portland, were out Sunday, guests
at the Tongue home.
Wanted: Cider apples. No de
ciyed or dirty apples taken. O E.
Edson, Cornelius.
H. T. Blair, with Flagg, on the
St. Helens Mist, was up Sunday,
spending tbe day, returning Mon
day morning.
A six horse power upright engine
and boiler for sale. V, i. Benson,
Hillsboro, Ore.
Capt. Geo. McNelly, on the
Steamer Cascades, visited with his
father. E. F. McNelly, Saturday
and Sunday.
E. A. Rams' new song "A Pear
Little Wehfoot Girl" now on sale
nt McCormick's muic store, 25 cts.
C. S. Reynolds, the Mountain
dale merchant, and who reports a
good business, was in the city Mon
day. Hayes' double force pump the
only pump in the long ruo, at A.
C. Archbold's. Call and see before
W. E. Smith, of the Hoover A
Connell ranch, north of town, was
in town Saturday.
For sale: 9 head ewes and one
wether, all large Cotswoid, $4 each.
Moretz Schmidt, Hillsboro, R. 1,
A. W. Smith, of Tigardville, was
up to the county teat Tuesday.
He says he has sold more land this
summer than ever before.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, for
the market; also choice mares. Ad
dress me at lieaverion, Ore., and I
will call. J. G. Haynes, Beaver
ton, Ore.
Mrs. Wm. Amburn, of Bend,
Crook County, is here to spend the
winter with Mrs. Addie reters.
Tbe visitor is a Bister of the late
John Peters.
Max Crandall, expert accountant.
who haa been working on Columbia
County's books, at St. Helens, was
home tbe last ot tbe week, visiting
his family.
For Sale at bargain: Good, true
apan of gray horses, 1400 and 1500,
well matched; seven and twelve
years of age. Hugh Moore, near
Newton Station, one mile east of
W. F. Bellrcod, of Portland, was
in town Tuesday, and called at this
office, just to show that he hadn't
forgotten how to work at tbe art
D. I. Cramer, of near Denver
Col , was in town Tuesday, with bis
brother-in-law, M. S. Barnes, of
Beaverton. The guest bad not seen
hia sister, Mrs. Barnes, for 41 years,
until the other day.
You will do well to list your
(arm for sale with J. C. Kuratli.
Will also cry auction sales. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillsboro, K. F. D. 4. Residence
Phillips, Ore.
S. A. D. Meek, of Mountaindale,
was in Saturday, to witness the de
parture of his sister, Mrs. Olive
Riley, and her two daughters, en
route to their home at Fletcher,
Idaho. They have been vieiling
here for three weeks. 1
Farm for rent: 1G0 acres, nine
miles from Hillsboro, near Beth
any. About J in cultivation, rest
in pasture land, 2 creeks running
through; 5 acre orchard. Big house
and barn, and good outbuildings.
Leopold Dietz, Holbrcok, Ore.,
R. F.D.I.
The small pox case? at West
Union have all reoovered and the
county physician, Dr. F. J. Bailey,
has raised the quarantine. Dr.
Tamtesie had ten cases on his hands
during the siege, and that not one
ended fatally is a matter of gratifi
cation to him.
Newcomers are building a big
custom feed barn on Main Street,
on the Tamiesie block, between tbe
Slattery home and the Tamieeie
property. The structure is a big
one, and covers nearly all the lot
recently purchased from J. A. Mes
singer by F. Lackey, who is build'
Mib. J. P. Hanson, of Dilley, and
who resided on tbe Jonas Wolf prop
erty, purchased some time since
died at the family home, Sunday
evening, from an attack of typhoid
pneumonia. Deceased was a wo
man of sterling character, and had
a host of friends in that part of the
county. Her husband and adult
children survive.
Two Cowa Die From Eating
I)ynaiuite;Then Another Loss
Showing Htw Mitfortunes Never Come
The old adage that misfortunes
never come singly ia well exempli
fied by a case io East Hillsboro.
Hush E. Moore, a rustling young
farmer, who bought a place at the
eastern outskirts of tbe city, a few
months ago lost two valuable cows
by their eating of dynamite. At
the same time bis brother's cow ate
of the explosive, but lived, although
the milk tasted of the hot place for
a few days, and the bovine breathed
blue for a week or so.
Last Saturday Mr. Moore went
out to a sale near town, and
bought another cow, for winter use
As he was leading the animal home,
the cow made a lunge, and the
rope was tightened quickly, to snub
her, when she turned a somersault,
breaking ber neck. This makes
three cows gone to the bad in tbe
course of a few months, and the
loss is felt quite seriously. Mr.
Moore, however, is red-beaded and
an inveterate bustler, and be is
picking up his rope and going after
"the next cow."
A Grange Fair will be held by
Washington Grange. No. 313, at
the Arcade School, Saturday, No
vember 4, 1905. Program in the
afternoon. Doors open at 10:30 in
the forenoon. Everybody invited.
Mrs. Sarah Harvey, Secretary.
Established restaurant for sale, do
ing nice bueineee. Good location.
Beet of reasons for selling. K:ght
furnished room go with eale
Rental is cheap. F. L. Emerson,
Hillsboro, Ore.
Ifaac Ennes and wife were in
from Iowa Hill Friday. Mr. En
nes returned from Alaska, the first
of the month, from a trip to Nome,
where he was called aa a witness in
the federal court He made the
round trip in lees than thirty days,
and was $200 to the good on tbe
visit, over and above fare and cab
in passage, with meals supplied
While the marshal told him he
would get 15 cents per mile, the
actual payment waa but five cents
per mile unit travelled.
E. A. Knotts, of Tualatin, and
who did a lot of contract work for
Records, on the Tillamook road,
was in town Friday, settling up the
last dollar of claims against him.
The news that Lytle was to con
tinue tbe work was cheering to Mr.
Knotts, as it means that tho con
tractors of last summer will get
their money.
Mrs. Amanda Holeomb, widow
of the late S. A, Holcomb, pioneer,
fell one day last week, at her home,
near West Union, and broke one of
her arms. She is getting along as
well as could be expected, consider
ing her years. Dr. Linklater at
tended the injured woman.
"Don't you be telling me," said
the irate Hillsboro wife, to her hus
band, who told her he had been to
see Ben iiur, at the Alarquam:
"It was some other "her" that took
you to town." -At this the husband
capitulated, and the wife bought a
new cloak the very next day.
T. R. Imbrie and wife leave this
week for The Dalles for the winter.
The Misses Edna and Lucille will
remain a few weeks with Mrs. Susie
Morgan, until they are permanent
ly located in the upper oountry.
Nick Kemmer, the Cooper Moun
tain hop grower, was in town last
Friday. Kemmer has been in tbe
hop business for a good many
years and has made it go through
ail manner of times and prices.
Wm Schulmerich, D. Burkhal
ter. Henry Reasoner and J. C.
Schulmerich returned from a deer
bunt on tbe Nehalem, the last of
the week. Ihey landed no game,
but report a good time.
Mrs. Rebecca Millar, mother of
J. Millar, of Reedville, died in
Portland last week, and her bus
band at the time her death, was
critically ill. At one time they re
sided near Farmington.
Lost: 10 head sheep, branded
with a cross below eye. Notify
Geo. Lennen, Cornelius, Route 1, or
at home, 5 miles north ol Glencoe
John Uebel, of Mountaindale
was in the city the last of the week
Uho Delta
Drug' Store
Use our latest and best Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
recommend this
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St.
! 3k
Main Street,
1 1
As the Twig is
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro. Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on anv kind J
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
I years' practical experience. Address, Hills-
Wo, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
0u9 Kempfer,
Jay P. Mend, Frit HoRiienlii,
Louise Htigiienin
ami Kil.
To Jay P. Mead, one ol tbe above named
Tn the name of the State of Oregon, you
are lioreby commanded and required to
lie and appear in the above entitled Court
in the above entitled Cause and answer
the complaint therein filed against yon on
or before the expiration of tl weeks' Pub
lication or this summons in the nlilsooro
Argus, the first publication thereof being
on fie 5th day of Octolier, 1MC", and the
last puoiicauon tnereoi oeingon Novem
ber 23, 19CV, to-wit:
On or belore the 28m day of November,
1005, and you will please taka notice that
if vou fail so to aiDear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed tor ami demanded in his
complaint, to-wlt: '
ror a judgment against you lor me
nuin of $27u and interest thereon from
Feb. 15, IKm. at the rateor per cent, per
anumn, ana tne sum 01 in Attorney s
fees and for the costs and disbursements
of this suit; and for a decree foreclosing
that certain mortgage executed ny you in
favor of Iriadna Boliurt and John Bohart,
her husband, to secure tbe payment of
said si' in of money on lot No. (12) Twelve
or aim in uonart eniouivision 01 tne i. u
C. of Geo,
W. Kbberta, in Township
u "u . iihvii v bu. 1..
North Range 2 West of the Will. Mer.
ge 2 West of the Will. Mer..
containing 10 acres, and for a decree
sale of aaid premises and that the Dro-
ceeds thereof be applied in satisfaction of
tbe claim of the plaintiff, and for a decree
forever barring and precluding you from
every right, title and interest in and to
said premises and the whole thereof and
for such other decree as may be necessary
and proper in the premises.
This summons Is served upon you by
publication, by order of Hon. L. A. Rood,
County Judge of Washlneton County,
made and dated October 4th, lfl05, and
which order requires you toapiiearaud
answer said complaint on or before the
expiration of six weeks' publication of
Herb Tea
preparation. Prescriptions
Hillsboro, Ore
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see ns.
KHIsboro, Ores
Tree's Inclined'
rm Uvl
tliia summons, to-wlt: On or before No
jvember 23. lHUft, the rlrat publication
1 uierem Demg uotoner a. i.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice ol Time
Notice ia hereby given that I have this
date given to my aon, F. W. Schulthei
Jr., his time and freedom from thia date,
and I hereby notify all persona that lie
must hereafter pay all bills of hia con
tracting and that I will not beiesponsiltle
for any debts that he may incur. .
Sept. 21, 1U06.
Portland, Or., K. F. D. No. 2.
James Smith, Plaintiff, 1
va V
Jensie Smith, Defendant.)
To Jessie Smith, the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you in
the above entitled suit on or before the
last day prescribed in the order for publ'
cation of summons, to-wit, the 9th day of
November, 11106, said day being the e
piration of six weeks from the first pub i
cation of this nimmoiis and if you fail a
to appear and answer the plaintm will an
oly to the court for the relief deaandd
... I 111 hi vviiii L...1U in- .mm tain
in the complaint, to-wit, a deeree dimoli-
1 iug the bonds of matrimony existing bf-
'tween the pla ntiff and the defendant hen
of ' in and for such other and further relief I
niav seem eouitable.
The tints prescribed forth publication
of thia summons ia aix weeks ard the day
set for the appearance of the defendant is
the 8th day of November, 1905.
Thia summons is published by order r
Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the above
entitled court, which order wsa given Mid
entered in the above entitled court on the
Hth day of September, 11I0A.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is the 28th day of September.
Attorney for Plaintiff: