The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 19, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 32
I! I'.. Lytic lvxpcclittftTnpthe
Wit Timber Dhtrict
To LwAtl of Camp Eiulnirnt K out
That & K I.ytle mean liuslness ii
tallieliel beyond doulit and his
lulties ia to put railway from
thia county inU the Tillamook
country. Tuesday morning Cbiaf
Kngimer Chas Wanrer left thia
city with two hig loads of camp
duimifit, enroute lor liuxton, to
survey the pae over into the Ne
haleiu. The I'tirtlanJ, Nehalain A
Tillamook road ta not deterring
him at all, ami aa thia work, by
Wanner, ia costing him money
every day it ia not at all probable
that it ia a "hot air'' deal.
Oct the tiiit it ia said that I.ytlo
ia to aborb the interests of the old
company, ami that the road will
(to out of thia citv, aa originally
surveyed by, and partially built,
by the company that KJward
ltcords (Mine ao near smashing by
bia failure t live up to hia con
tract and construct the road, taking
loml in return for hia labtr.
Other aver that the road will so
ontof Forest drove - and it nity.
Ami yi-t "i docs not look reason
able to atipptuie that I.ytle will go
live or aix inilii out of hi way in
order to strike the westerly town of
the two
Anyway, the luteal move looks
good to the people to the north of
HilUbun, and from all spar
amii-a there will lie aomething tub'
atantial to report in a few day.
The undersigned will aell at public
auction at the I'hillip Htreib Farm,
mite north of Cedar Mill, at ten
a. in , on
I'rn-liernn stallion, 6 year, I900; a geld
ings, 4 and H years; 1400 ant) 1500; ware,
i1 ytara, 1400; ij head good milk cow, t
prwy bull, I and 3 year; J yearling
leifera; j etioats, 100 pound each; new
(lain wagon, jV. spring wagon, new
)KKr 14 inch plow, itect lew harrow,
drill, mower, hayrake, hayrack, illtc,
fan mill, sleigh, binder, cider mill, about
ft ton clover hay, household and kitchen
turuiturr, and otlitr articlea too nuroer
ou lo mention.
Terma of Sale-Under 110, caab;
10 and over, one year'a time, ap
proved note, (i per cent.
John Ironaide, Owner.
J' C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
A Orange Fair will be given by
I.edy Orange No. 33'.), at the M.
W. A. Hall, Cedar Mill, Ore., on
Saturday, October 21, door to open
at 2:00 p. in. The afternoon will
be reserved for (porta, exeroieea etc
An excellent (upper will be aerved
at 7:00 p. m. A program, consist
ing of dramaa, annga and recitations
will begin at 8 o'clock. Admission,
including (upper, adutla, 25 cent;
children under 10 years, 16 cents.
The nndcraignml will relj at public
auction at hia ranch, 3) inilrs south
of ill-biro, on the Laurel road,
at ten a. m , on
Jxrnn now, 5 yen, freih In January; 3
yvnriiM Jiimoy lienor, iivali in r portiary;
2 lioiftim, 2 yearn next "Prion, bulh oomltm
In March; yourllng helfrrj nil I In we are
nign grade jerseya; aimotl new uanorne
mownr; 1J lu, plow, new; garden oultlva
tor, Iron drag harrow, top buggy, Rood
eiiudltltini road mtL 2 lulu aiuirle harness.
Iron frame wind rank, Home oats, Rome
In e liny, two fictiull shoals, household
and kitchen furulluro; liume Comfort
steel rango. Hood na new; good oak exten
sion (hIiIo, kitchen comfort..1 safes, bar
rel! iihurn, Snowball washing machine,
rumor. I'aollio atiwliur macuiii. iroud
shape; heater, bedroom itiite, chairs,
stand, 8 day clock, X-cut saws, and nu
merous other articles,
Terma of .Sale Under $10, caab;
$10 and over, 12 months time, ap
proved note, 7 per cent. Three per
cent, off, cash o"er $10.
8. H Dunbar.
B. P, Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Card of Thanka.
I deeire to express my sincere
thanks for the kind aid and sym
pathy tendeied me during the ill
ness and funeral obsequies of my
late wife, Klizabeth Benson.
W. J. Benson,
HillBboro, Ore., Oot. 19, 1905. '
W, O. Hocken, of Beaverton, was
up to tbe oity Tuesday. ';:
II. Hasmupcn, of Reedville; was
In the city Monday,
Adrian Dant, of Reedville, now
travelling for a hardware wholesale
bouse, was in town Saturday.
The two saloon at Cornelius
were entered early Monday morn
ing and both alol machines rohhed.
No one knows just how much
money was taken but it ia tupoed
that each place lout $25 or $30.
No slrangere were noticed around
the town, and some think they en
tered the f illage in the night.
Sunday afternoon, about 4:00
o'clock, two Strang' re punted
through llillahoro. One ol them
entered a drug ato'e and tried to
get aome cocaine. The drug was
refuted him, although he ofl'errd to
pay its value two or three times
over. It U thought by some tint
ibese are the two a ho committed
the burglary. The place entered
are conducted by Amos McCurdy
and C. I'eUrs.
Dennis baa received his new
stock of ahoew, the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest in the market. Coiue in and
a them. The latent model.
Thes shoes are advrrlieed in every
prominent magazine and newspa
per ia the world.
Mrs. Klitabeth Klewart Robert,
of Harriaburg, Linn County, died
at her home OetoW 12. and her
aiater, Mrs. L A. U od, went south
upon the receipt of a tlegrani con
veying the sad intelligence. Mr.
Roberts was a daughter of the lale
Tboa. Stewart and wife, and waa
born in thia county. Decerned
waa about 68 years of ei;a and was
the eldeat obiH u tiM Um&y.
!foiiry Rohar yr-w - -j
daughters an4- it.
The following 'brothers anr! !tere
survive: Mr. L. A Rood. 1 1 ill.
boro; Mrs. Thereca Hood, lleppner;
Kd. and Luke Ktewarl, l'ortland;
Wilda Htewart, Han Franrieco; and
Mrs. W. A. Wise, Tortlnnd.
Ladies who are interested in tai
lor made suits, coals, jncketa, skirts,
waists or furs, In the latest styles.
are cordially invited to call at
agent's borne in this citv and ex
amine the beautiful Fachion Plate
and samples. The styles are of the
latest sod tbe roateils are the
most beautiful ever exhibited here.
and we injure a perfect fit. Ifin-
tereslru call and examine, or a
poatal card will bring samples to
your homes. Mrs Uelle R Urown,
Agent for Chas. A. Stevens A Bros ,
AdeU. Stanley has sued J. II.
Htanloy for divorce. The couple
were married in Iowa in KMV), and
tbe complaint allegea that lor two
years the husband has been drink
ing to excess and has failed to pro
vide, the plalntill also alleges
that in othor ways he has humili
ated her, hia conduct being insol
ently abusive at various times.
Geo. R, Bagley ia the attorney.
Tbe husband ia a brother of a for
mer principal of the llillnboro
Chief Engineer Wenzer came out
from Portland Tuesday, in the in
terest of K. 1C. Ly tie, the rsilwsy
promoter, and went on out to Bux
ton to commence surveying on the
pass over into the Nehalem. As
the Retd survey has never selected
ila pass it looks aa though Lvtle
will be the first on the ground.
Kugcne Fairbanks, of Holland,
Mich., sud bis father, were here
laet week, guests of Loui Mannin.
They expect to locate here, and the
young man is a gunsmith and gen
eral mechanic The father wants
a little place and will locate as toon
aa they can go to Healtle, and finish
up some private businets.
V. A, Tupper left for Wasco,
Saturday afternoon, to reeumo bis
duties as accountant in the hig
(touring mills.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Power, of near Conterville, Oct. 13,
iy05, a daughter.
W. W. Williams, of Mountain-
dale, waa in town Saturday and
We will soil at publio auction at
the Wm. Nelson farm, four mile
N. K. of HilUboro on Cedar Mill
road, at ten a. m. on
Gray rr.are, H yra, :100; bay tHiliiitf, 10 yvn,
1100; Day geuiing, 11 yrs, urn), aiuel K'a.v
colt, coming 6 yrs, 12MJ; cream mure, 6 vrn,
1100; aaiUllo pony, 7 yra; 12 pood milk
oowa, three to aveu yeurs, graded Jemi-v
ana oiiomiorns, iwo 01 vuem irtisn, with
oalvea l Hide; balance In milk; 'i hoef
oowa; 8 bairnrH, !i yra; all xtork brt-0 to
Durham bull; full blood Duihuin boll, It
yra; voiiiik bow; a ilgn. Hum wiikoii, SU;
Mltchtll wagon, 81,,, wldo tire, new; Cali
fornia waa-on bmli oiwn biiirnv. Iron wood
rank; Gliamplon binder, Ohampjoii hnjr
rik, nearly now; Jonea' v mower, new
Kmplreornam apm-ator, No. A; diao liar
row, two plowa, Yi and II iuoh; atval
Invsrz-avotlon linrrow, 2 apikutoolli hnr
rowa, Freeman foed nutter, with hmid and
horae power; 0 ten-if a I. milk OKiia;3aota
work haraeaa, nearly new ; set ample
harneaa; 8 loa. nlilnkeim, lo ton bnled
timothy and oat hay; 12 ton looao timo
thy) lot olover hay, :11k) bu. out, lot wheat
and barley; IfiO lm, ms wheat; .light
waiiou; kitchen ranpe, honat'hold and
kitohan fuinitura, farm tools and nuuier
oua other artlelea. . . Lunch at noon,
Terms of Sale Under if 10, oatm;
$10 and oyer,' JO months' time, ap
proved note, 8 per cent, interest.
Wm. and Louis Wolf.
B. P, Cornelius, Auctioneer. "
m?rn iiwn
50 YE
Anniversary of Half a Cen.
tury Celebrated in This City
Company Orgsnlxcd en Usin Street
October i, 1K55
Fifty years ago last Saturday Com
pany I), First Regiment Oregon
Mounted Volunteers, organized in
this city. One hundred and four
men were in the company and the
late T. R. Cornelius waa elected
Colonel of tbe regiment.
After fifty years tbe remnant ol
tbe old guard met here laet Satur
day. Hut aix of ths survivors were
present although there perhaps are
twenty or thirty left out of the or
ganization. The boys met in the
court houss. Lieut. W. II. II
Myers was elected chairman and
Jabex Wilkea, secretary. The
record, attendance, and business
transacted, follow:
llillahoro, Ore., Oct. 14, I005.
Purnuant to a public call the following
urvivora of Company I), Firat Rcyttnent
Uicuua MouttUd Vulimi Vkima la.
Tjoio; Wllliiiiu Kane, l-'oieat Orovt;Jatz
Wilkea, Itillaooro; llioa. J, riiilllpa, Al-'aul I). SUacktltoid,. leaver-
1. cut. W. II. It. Mvera wa elected
chairman and Jibe Wilkea was elected
Tlia lollowinK rtatlution waa unanl-
Bioualy pAaacd:
"We, anrvtvora or Company D, Firat
Iffitimenl tlreson Mounted Volunteer.
Yakltna Indian War of 1X5V56. aaaeni
bled in llillaboto. Ore., thia Utb day of
October, I90A, the Fiftieth anniversary
of Company organization, do hereby pe
tition the Hon. U., w. Kulton, U. S.
Senator for Oregon, to cauae to be in
troduced into Cong-re a bill to place
tbe tmvivcr ol aaid Yakima Indian
War on the peuaion roll with tbe aame
pension enjoyed by the mrvlvor of the
Mexican War."
W. It. II. Myers, Chairman.
Jb. Wilke, Secretary.
I will sell at public auction at my
lale farm 2j milet Kast i f (ireen
ville, near Roy School house, at ten
m. on
Gray mare, 6 year, I050; sorrel mate, iS
Jeara, lu'o; j cowa, 1 of them graded
eraey. 1 in milk a moutha, 1 in milk 45
daya ami 1 freah; 1 of Iheae ia lull blood
Jeraey; a 2-year htifett, nearly full blood
Jersey, I with call; I) tons tare and oat
hay in barn; 3 ton oat at taw; Bain wag
on, 3'4 i farm wagon; bupy, aprioglooth
harrow, peg harrow, Jonea' hayrake,
brand new; Staudard mower, pair heavy
harneaa. buggy haruea, 4 cords wood, 4
doreu t'lymoulh Rock chicken, 3 Im
proved Chester While pig, looo feet
ular and nr luitilxr, land roller, four
pitchfork, four (hovel, household and
kitchen furniture, farm tool and nu
merou other article. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale Utder $10, cash;
$10 ami over, one year time ap
proved note, 7 per cent, interest.
Two per cent, off for cash over $10.
J. B. McNew, Owner.
B. I'. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Mrs. Elizabeth Benson died at the
family home on Main street, this
city, 1 uesday morning, at 3:40, af
ter a short illness, ths result of a
paralytia stroke, sustained a week
aco. Mrs. Benson was born in
Ohio iu 1837, and was wedded to
Mr. Benson, at Moline, Rock la
land county, III., Sept. 18, 1SK0.
They came to Oregon in 185)0, Bat
tling at Hillsboro, where they have
ever since reeided. Deceased was
a member of the Rebekahs, Degree
of Honor, Rathbone Sisters and
Relief Corps. She was an energet
io and kindly disposed woman, and
had many friends. There were no
children to ths union, and only
the husband, of her immediate
family .survives,
Tbe funeral took place yesterday
at the M. K. church, Rev. G. L
Hamilton conducting the services.
Mrs. Benson was a member of this
church. The servioes at the I. O
O, P. cemetery, where the remains
were laid at rest, were conducted
by the Rebekah Lodge.
Cornelius Brown was up from
below the Rood bridge Monday.
Judge Hollia and H. W.Scott, of
above Dilley,, were down to the
county seat Monday. .
A. T. Stratton, of Cornelius, Was
down Monday, getting out bills for
an, auction sale, at the Schofleld
farm, Baseline, to be held on the
24th. ' .
J. U. Johnson, the carpenter, was
here from Boulder, Col 4 the -last of
the week, coming to Portland with
a nartv lookimr for a location for a
reduction works plant, They .left
for the Grants Past country , tbe
first of ths week. '
A. N. Davies, of below Kinton,
was in town Tuesday.
John Ritter, of Hslvetia, waa in
to tbe road meeting Tuesday.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Paul C Iong was otit Sunday,
the guest of his brother, of the Ar
Jos. Essner, of Mounlaindal',
waa a caller at tbe Argus oflioe the
first of the week.
Wanted: Cider apples. No de
cayed or dirty apples taken. O E.
Kuson, Cornelius.
S. J. RsiTety and family, of
Moonlsindale, moved to Portland
tbe first of the week.
A six-horse power upright engine
and boiler for sale. W. J. Benson,
Ilillsboro, Ore.
Hod. A. B. Flint, of Kinton, re
turned the first of the week from a
week's visit at Spokane.
E. A. Barns' new song "A Dear
Little Webfoot Oirl" now on sale
at McCormick's music store, 25 cts.
J. B. Walker, of below Beaver
ton, was up Monday, the guest of
his mother, Mrs. Msry Walker.
Hayes' double force pump tbe
only pump in the long run, at A.
C. Archbold'e. Call and see before
Dr. Geo. Merryman, practicing
at Xlamath Falls, was in the city
this week, the guest of hia parent,
Captain and Mrs. J. I). Merryman.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, for
the market; also choice marcs. Ad
dress me at Beaverton, Ore., snd I
will call. J. Q, Hay nee, Beaver
ton, Ore.
Bert Barber and hia cousin, Mr.
Blanchard, went to Dale, Eastern
Oregon, tbe last of the week to visit
Chas. Barber, who is in tbe stock
For Sale at bargain: Good, true
span of gray horses, 1400 and ir00.
well matched; seven and twelve
years of age. Hugh Moore, near
Newton Station, one mile east of
N. S. Kelson, of Rcappooss, and
formerly of the Nelson-Wilcox
Lumber Company, was over to
Beaverton the first of the week.
He is now interested in a sawmill
out from Scsppooee a few miles.
County Commirsioners C. B. Bu
chanan, Cornelius, and W. J. But-
ner, of Beaverton, came up Tues
day, and met with Judge Rood, as
a county court, to lake up and fin
ish the work of the board of equali
zation. Farm for rent: 160 acres, nine
miles from Hillsboro, near Bath
any. About I in cultivation, rest
in pasture land, 2 creeks running
through ; 5 sere orchard. Big house
and barn, and good outbuildings.
Leopold Dietr., Holbrook, Ore.,
R. F. I). 1.
Wm. 1). . Fenton, one of Oregon's
big lawyers, and for several years
corporation counsel for the South
ern Pacifio lines in Oregon, came
out Tuesday morning with J. W.
Morrow, lax agent for the earns
road. . t
You will do well to list your
farm for sale with J. C. Knratli.
Will also cry auction sales. Satis
faotion guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillsboro, R. F. I). 4. Residence,
Phillips, Ore.
O. B. Gates, who is in charge of
the electric light plant at Klamath
Falls, came up the last of the
week, to visit his mother, Mrs. H
V. Gates. O. B. Bays he likes the
Southern Oregon country, but that
old "Webfoot" looks good to him,
after his lengthy absence.
Farmers are complaining that
tbe roade are again in bad condi
tion As a matter of fact the roads
will always be in a bad condition
until a system is adopted and en
forced. So long as the law requires
that road tax must be exitfuried in
the particular precinct wherein it
is collected lust that long we will
continue to have bad roads. The
only way to get good roads is to ex
pend the tax on a specific, piece of
road each year, .
Argus and Journal, $1.75.
Hon. S, B.; Huston returned the
first of the week from attenduice at
the trial of the U. S, Sgalnst Thad
deua Potter, and WJHatiJ Jones,
obareed with ftaud m laftd. deals in
the Sileh.1. rotter and Jones were
oonvictsd, and, Jra Wada, the coun
ty clerk from Toledo, was die
Tbe flatter
matt, and had many friends in the
court'' room-duri" the. trial. He
felt, the disgrace of the proceedings
keenly, ana was wild with appre
ciation when the Jnry) found him
not guilty. Mr. Hustoo atatevihat
be and his colleague, Martin L
Pipes, will apptal the oase at once.
--'., :- .. .v ,-tv. -V
Council Net Saturday Night
and Repealed Ordinance
LI(aor Element Prooite Trouble
(or Salooa Mea
Forest Grove is again in tbe throes
of a liquor fight, and to ward off,
future trouble ths three members of
the council acd tbe mayor last
Saturday night repealed the anti
liquor ordinance. Neither the
mayor nor maishat would swear to
or issue warrants for alleged viola
tion of the town statutes, and the
prohibition element has been prom
ising all kinds of trouble for tbe
authorities. As a culmination of
the threat the council met Satur
day night and at tbe meeting there
were present onlv those favorine
saloons and who were elected on
that understanding lsst year. The
three members of the prohibition
remained away. This did not stop
proceedings snd tbe ordinance was
,AiUady before the
and a license was
l(on. The Universi'y enjomttr
them from granting the license and
Judge McBride sustained Attorney
Huston in his contention that, the
officials had no authority to grant
a license under the charter in
fact, that the charter meant pro
hibition. The case has been ap
pealed by Attorneys E. B. Tongue
and Cate &. Cate, and the affair is
now briefed and before tbe Su
preme Conrt
A Grange Fair will be held by
Washington Grange. So.. 313, at
the Arcade School, Saturday, No
vember 4, 1.K)5 Piogram in the
afternoon. Doors open at 10:30 in
the forenoon. Everybody invited.
Mrs. Sarah Harvey, Secretary.
I will sell at publio auction at tbe
Benj. Sohofield ranch, one mile
east of Cornelius, at ten a. m. on
Bay horae, works aingle or double, good
driver; gray work horse; old farm wagon,
new Studebaker wagon, half ' trnck;
Studebaker top buggy, pole and ahatti;
Champion hayrake, single or double;
Champion mower, good repair; Milwau
kee binder, ipringtooth barrow, Guild
lacb drill, 3 horae apiketooth Syracuse
harrow, cultivator, I4 -inch Oliver plow,
12-inch Canton plow, with jointer and
cutter, combination wagon and wood
rack, new aet double harness, old set
double harneaa, set plow harneaa, a set
single harness, 20-gal. iron kettle, ball
bearing grindstone, 58 sscka oata; 7
sacks tare aced, 6 sacks spelts, loose hay
in oarn, turnip in ground, chickens,
milk cow, Iresh soon; heifer, fresh soon;
yearling beifer; iprav pump with fix
tures, htyfork with rope and pulleys,
gasoline lamp, and numerous other arti
cle. Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale Under $10. caBh:
$10 and over, one year's time, ap
proval note, 8 per cent, interest.
W. H. Stratton, Owner.
tB. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
t l . . , ,
Henry Earl Ringle, the 11 year
old son of Supt. Ringle, of the water
and light plant, had a narrow es
cape from death, Sunday morning.
He was sent out to tbe fruit house,
about 7:30, to get acme butter for
the evening meal, aud, not return
ing immediately, his mother step
ped out to. find him staggering
against the wall. He had tried to
torn on the switch, and had -taken
hold of the wire furnishing the - Although insulated, the
fact that the boy's hand was wet,
his clothing damp, and his feet wet,
the.wiro sent a full Voltage into the
lad, and his right hand was terri
bly blistered and the fleeh burned
He was unconscious for several
minutes. Dr. S. T. Linklater was
Called, and attended tbe lad, awl
part of the thumb was amputated
It is almost a miracle that the hoy J
was not aiueu. ; :,
J B. McNew, of Greenville, re
turned Saturday from a week's trip
to Southern Oregon, hie objective
point being Ashland. Mr. Mcjsew
will have a sale Oct. 28, at the
farm, Und will then move to Hills
boro fa- the Winter. ,
N. R. West and wife, of this side
of Buxton, were m the county seat
last Friday;
Ed. Thomas and Wm. Thurston,
lot Beaverton, were in town laet
Friday.'"-' ' '-:
onauaeii iru, ui near
Beaverton, waa in town tbe last of
the week. .0-. -,-.: . ..v,
TlifrV t 0. 'Dereham, of .Center
,villei was in the city Tuesday.
&e Delta
Drug Store
Use our latest and best Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. '
Mission Herb Tea
recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St
As the Twig is
: " . II
Main Street, IZ:&bor; J
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice bo continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
boro, Oregon,' R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
Gus Kempfir, v. 'Plaintiff,
Jay P. Mead, Fritx Huguenin,
I,ouise Huguenin and Ku.
Nimnio, Defendants
To Jay P. Mead, one of the above named
deteiulautat -In
the name of tbe State of Orceon. you
are hereby oommanded ami required to
le and appear in the above entitled i.'ourt
in the above entitled Cause and answer
the complaint therein filed against you on
or before the expiration of (I weeks' pub
lication or tins sum H10I18 lit me tiuisooro
Anrus. the first publication thereof beine
on tie 5th day of October, 11105, and the
last Duplication tnereot Ming on jxovem-
oer kj, luuatto-wii
On or before the ard day of Novemlier.
I'm. and v
you frill mease take notice that
if you fail so to uppear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief, prayed tor and demanded in his
complaint, to-wit: . y r-
: For a Judgment Rgainst ' you Cor the
aim of I'iTS and interest ' thereon from
Feb, lj5, 1893. at the rate of per cent, par
u ...... n. wl .t.a u. 11, i.r i7Jk A Hn.iia.'a
antrum, and the. auuiof 7& Attorney s
fees and for the costs and disbursements
of this snit; and for a decree foreclosing
that certain mortgage executed by you in
favor Of Iriadna Bohart and John Boharl,
her husband, to secure the payment of
said arm of-nwmey 011 lot No. (12) Twelve
of and in Bohart Subdivision of tbe D. L.
C. of Geo. W. Ebberts, in Township 1
North Kance 3 West of the Will. Mer..
containing 10 acres, and for a .decree of
sale of Raid premises and that the nro-
ceeda thereof be applied in satisfaction of
the claim of the plaintiff, and for a decree
forever barring and precluding you from
every right, title and Interest in and to
said premiseaand'- the whole thereof and
for such other decree as may be uecessary
anil proper in me premises. -
Tins S immons is served upon 'yon b
on by
. Rood,
putmouon, oy oruer 01 nun, L.. a
Judee of Washington CountT.
made and 'dared October 4th, 1906, and
which order requires ycu to appear and
answer said complaint on or before th
expiraliou of six weeks' publication of
; U
Hillsboro, Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see us.
Tree's Inclined"
r. p. ccczx 1
thia summons, to-wit: On or before No
vember 23. lHOfi, the tint publication
thereof being October , 1H05.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice ol Time
Notice is hereby given that I have this
date given to my sou, F. W. Sehultheia
Jr., hia time and freedom from this date,
and I hereby notify alt persona that he
must hereafter pay all bills of his con
tracting and that I will not be lesponslbl
for any debts that he may incur.
Sept. 21, UNO.
Portland, Ore.. R. F. D. No. 2.
Jnes Smith, Plaintiff,
Jessie Smith, Defendant.)
To Jessie Smith, the above named d
In the natie of the 8 tat of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the couiDlaiut tiled against vou in
the above entitled suit on or before the
I Wa alaw 4n lk...l A.. ...Lll
last day prescribed in the order for nubll-
eatlou of summons, to-wit, the tlth day o
November, 1905, said day being the ex
piration of six weeks from the first publi
cation of thia mmmons and if you rail
to appear and answer the plaintiff will ap
ply to the oourt for th relief demanded
In tbe complaint, to-wit, a decree dissolv
ing the bonda of ntatttmony existing be
tween the plaintiff and the defendant here
in and for such other and further relief km
may seem equitable.
The time proscribed for the publication
of thia summons ia aix weeks and the day
set for the appearance of the defendant is
the 9th day of November, 1905.
Thia summons is published by order of
Hon. T. A. MoBride, Judge of theabovn
entitled oourt, which order was given and
entered in the above entitled court on thu
14th day of September, 1906.
The date of the first publication of thix
summons is the 28th day of Heptember,
two. -.
Attorney for Plaintiff.