The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 12, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 31
Swear out Ouster I'roceed.
Ing4 In Court
Complaint Saj Neither Major set
Davits Is Ellgllilt
Tl e little city of lleaverlon, just
wH of th Portland Mountain, It
exeilcil over the possibility of losing
hir Mayor, Dr. H. M. Kobioson,
and one Councilman, Albert Da
vin. Home mouth ago the Citj
Council decided to put alop to
the shipping in of fertilizer, which
U uxpii in Urge (((untitle by the
colony of gardeners from whom the
vill ige receives ita chief support.
An ordinance was paaeed pro
hibiting the importation of fertili
ser ami garbage, and Diviil Reg
hiito, known all over the county as
the "Onion King," d.cidej to Ul
the statute, Anooidingly be order
hI a csrload shipment ol manure
ami garbage from Portland, and the
Southern Pacific ahlpped it into the
cily liiiiiu, which waa probibtive
ground. An arrwt followed, and
UljhiUi ai fund 115, or eeven
and nnn halt daya in the County
Jail U-ghitto waa never confined,
an hU attorney Geo. it Pauley,
trK'ur. d hia relraee on a writ of
ubiaa orpin, pending a writ of
rrvlnw Ite'ore the Circuit Court, on
the ground that lb city waa not
ulhorixd uuler the charter to
past euch an ordinance.
Immediately upin hie release
lUjihHto'a attorney discovered tbat
the charter of the little village pro
viiled tbat only a erfon having
property upn which he paid a tai
a tligible to hold the offices of
Mayor and Councilman, and ouater
IiroceiHling have been filed against
ilayor Robinson and Councilman
1 will wit at public auction at my
residence, Fifth A. Haseline, In
llillcboro, the following property
at 1:00 p, tn., on
Illicit luirdi, II yr, ISfOj while home, U
yr. I'JUMj wulill (kiiiv , evntlu for etiildrnn;
ml f.iw, 0 yra, In milk ; litcli wide lira
wiwiin; Iron truck mui, S limns lluntl
ItM'ii drill, 10 hum, allot"! nrw; Osborne S
ft fill binder, UiH'rliiK muwnr, ft ft nut.
vihmI a now; H fiKit rake, nearly nw; Rood
illiH' harrow, HrliitiHiti harrow, fannlna
mill, good t'oiiilll loin top buggy, 14 Inch
jilow, m( doiilila henteaa, warehouse
truck, hayfork complete with IM) (set
rn'i. hayfork, and mimerou olhar aril-
Terma of Sale Under $10 cash,
$10 and over, on, year'a time, ap
proved note, ti pi-r cent interest.
2 per cent, oil', cash over $10.
D. Corwin, Owner.
D, I". Cornelius, Auctioneer;
Argue and Journal, $1.75.
Hon. 0. W. Htapleton, of Port
land, and onoe mayor of Vancouv
er, Wash , was In town Saturday,
on professional business.
Lout Miller, who has been at
Bunverton for over a year, has re
turned from that place and taken
a position with W. IE. McUourt i
Mm Phelsn haa opened kin
drrgiuton and primary school in
the old opera house. Hours from
V loM- l hone Main 841, oare
Mf 0, W, Rollins, for particulars.
itirms, ifJ per month. ,
Loula CaratenH, the Manning
sawmill man, was in town Satur
day, and says the road are getting
something terrible for hauling.
Ills Arm will furnieh the lumber
for the new tUntre building here
Dennis naa received bia new
stock of ehoos, the Amerloan Oen
. Human and American Lady, the
(inoat In the market. Come in and
site them. The latest models
These shoes are advertised in every
prominent magazine and newapa
per in the world,
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at the Phillip Streib Farm,
1 mile north of Cedar1 Mill, at ten
a. m., on
Vcrcheron atullion, 6 yeara, I900; 3 geld
ing, 4 and 8 yetire; 1400 and 1500; laare,
; years, 1400; 15 head good milk cowa, t
eraey bulla, 1 and 3 years; 3 yearling
leifera; 5 ahoata, 100 pounda each; new
Huln wagon, 3, apring wagon, new
'"KKYi '4 men plow, ateei lever narrow
.Kill m.a. tiHLn k..L J 1
.111", u.vni, n.jinioi iinmh IllflC,
fan mill, sleigh, binder, cider mill, about
5 tona clover bay, houaehold and kitchen
furniture, and other articles top numer
ous to mention.
Terms of SaleUnder $10, cash
$10 and over, on year's time, ap
proved note, 0 per cent.
John Ironside, Owner.'
J' C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
L. V. Houa baa juat completed
the Oneat gun cabinet aver aeen in
tbia county. It la In antique oak;
baa atanda for avral guna, under
oover of glaas; haa aeven drawers,
and a aid oloet. The cabinet i
oertalnly a work of art, and tnakee
you feel lik oommllling glad lar
ceny every time you look at it,
whether you own a gun or not for
wben your eve light on they glue
faat to it, and you want it mighty
bad. It waa manfaotured for At
torney K B. Tongue, wbo, If wiae,
will eaten It to tba floor, to no on
will oomtnit kleptomania.
It Ircurrently reported tbat tb
Tillamook pople, Claud Thayer
and bi aaaoclat, have concluded
to plead guilty to tb indictment
filed against it iacald that
on of their number ha "peached"
on tb crowd. Tblt I tb rumor,
although there may b nothing to
it. Walt. Smith, well koown to
many people in tbia county, i
among tb indicted number,, and it
ia aaid, in th rumor, tbat be ia the
on wbo haa unloaded to th United
Stat Diatriot Attorney.
Farm lor rent: ICO acre, nine
mile from Hillaboro, near Beth
any. About in cultivation, reat
In paitur land, 2 creek running
through; 6 acre orchard. Big home
and barn, and good outbuilding.
Iopold Died, Holbrook, Ore,
R. Ft D. 1.
(ieorge Rlcbl and wife, tbeir eon,
John, and daughter, Miaa Anna,
arrived lb laat of tb week from
Iriquola county, III , with a view of
making aom atction of Oregon
tbeir bom. They lik what they
have aeen of th West, and may lo
cal Bar tbia plaoe.
0. P. Uoff, of Salem, and whe I
th Stat Commlaeioner of Labor
and Factory Inspector, waa In tb
city Saturday, looking over tb
factorlee la tbi vioinity. Mr. HolT
will b out again aoon, and visit.
for the purpoM of Inspection, sever
al of lb sawmills out from this
Knglneer Waoier, In the employ
of K. K. I.ytle, th railway promo
ter, waa In lb oily Saturday, look
ing over lb ground locally. Mr.
.yll ia the party wbo haa been
talking some of taking bold of lb
Tillamook railway.
I will sell at public rale at tb J.
W. Marah plaoa, three mile north
of Cornelius, and on mil west of
Centerville, at 10:00 a m.
Bay borae, 1150; aorrtl mare, I too, year
ling colt; cow, s veara, freab Nov.
cow, Ihre yean, fraah Dec. ao; heifer.
two year eld; u-iach Oliver plow; aw
60-loolh spike lever harrow, aprlngtooth
Barrow, una roller, standard mower,
foot cut; aew hayrack, 7 foot croaa
cut aaw, and aomeroua other art Idea.
Terma of Bale 110 and under.
oaeb; $10 and over, one year'a tim,
approved note, 7 per cent, interest,
2 per cent off, oath over $10.
Arthur Cotnoiings, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Frank Lichty, of West Union,
wa in the county seat Saturday.
Arthur Commings, of Center
villa, waa in th olty Friday, a call
er at this office.
Daniel Birdaell, of Wall Walla
wa th first of tba week a guest of
hi brother, Uoj. Birdaell, of For
est Qrove,
A. Flnnev and wife were here
the first of th week. They eipeol
to return to Ualitorola aoon, located
at San Jos,
G. R. Bentley.who has written life
insuranoe bere during tb summer
montha, left Saturday to remain
tb winter in Portland.
Peter Nelson, wbo is on of th
leases of the Imbrle hopyard, was
in town Saturday, and reports a
fin erop tbia season.
We will sell at publio auotion at
th Wm. Nelson farm, four miles
N. K. of Hillsboro on Cedar Mill
road, at ten a. m. on
Oray rr.are, 8 yra, 1300; bay gelding, 10 yra.
MM; bay gelillng, it era, 1BU0, ateei gray
ooit, coming o y re, utr, cream mare, a yra,
iiiw aaauie pony, I yri n sooa lima
oowi, three to aeven yean, graded Jereey
bi.u wiiuiiiiv.HRi inu ui l.v iii linn, nihil
oalvea at elite; balance In milk; beef
oowa;. s neirera, a yra; an uooa erea tn
Durham bull; full blood Purham bull, 8
yra young aowi B pige, Bain wagon, 8W
Mltaheli waion. Sk. wide tire, new: Oal
fornle wagon bedi opeu buegy, Iron wood
raca; unanipion ninaer, unainpion nay
rake, nearly newt Jonea' mower, new
Km plre cream separator, No. i diao har
row, two plows, 13 and 14 inch; ateei
lever 8-aectlon harrow, 8 aplketooth har
rowa. Freeman feed cutter, with hand and
borae power; 6 ten-gal, milk cane;2eeta
work barneaa, nearly new; eat ilngle
harneaa; 8 doe. chlokena, U tona baled
timothy and oat bavi 13 tona looae timo
thy ; lot clover hay, 300 bu. oata, lot wheat
Darieyi 100 on. aeea wneatt
wagon 1 kitchen ranee, houaehold and
kliohon furniture, farm toolaand numer-
oua oiner amciea. ' L,unon at noon
Term of Sal Under $10. oash
$10 and over, 10 months' time, ap
provea note, s per oent. Interest.
Wm. and Lout Wolf.
B. P. Cornellui, Auctlonser.
On Grains, Gransea, Wool and
Agricultural Products
Splendid Shewlag Made Coealderlnj
the Moaey Spcat
Washington County' Lewis &
Clark Club, in charge of the ei-
bibit at the Fair, bu reasons to be
proud of tb (bowing made. The
ury of award give Washington
County 112 awards against 105 for
Linn. Umatilla bu tb moat gold
medals, however, but ia short on
silver and brooit medal. Wash-
ngton County, therefore, in aonpe
of individual exhibits in the re
sou roe of grains, greases, wool sod
purely agricultural displays, beats
any county iff tb state. Tboee
counties not yet pssd upon will
not materially change th result.
The awards given tbis county
Cold medala T Wltbycombe. barley
Kmi' Cop, aheaf Chili club wheat; W 11
Ilarrie, Hadaon Bay wheat; Taylor Broe,
white Winter wheat; T Coooell, Preach
Winter wheal; 1) U Baeka, Dooley wheat;
II W K Schlatter mas, golden croaa wheat;
I V Galea, white aide oata; B L Jonea.
augar wheat; C P Tigard, birds' eggs,
beana; Mra A C Archibald, beana; Mra C
v Tigard, Cinna peaa; Mr Beaioa, aheaf
Winter barley: I W Galea, aheaf rve- H
J Harding, aheaf golden tod oata; Mra
Oeorgla llugbea, I hill club wheat; II (1
King, aheaf rye; C H Brooke, aheaf gold
en chaff wheat; K Briehe, flax in grain;
Mrs l. C walker, Iblaa peaa; Jatnee
Sewell, hope; J C Hare, white-bearded
wheal; Mr imier, red cbaa wheat, aur-
priee wheat, black aide oata; Tbotnaa
Talbot, Chili club wheat: Zloa Wooda.
cured hope; Mike Suabaner, hope: J
Hobbe, white Scotch oata; L C Kogera.
golden rod wheat; C Buchanan, aheaf
banner, W J Wall. Kenoey wheat, broat
and golden croaa wheat; Dan Baker,
white aide oata; K J Ward, eatlve graaa,
bearded barley, wheat: B Wilaoa. decoy
Silver medala Dr C 8 Gelger. timo
thy bay; J Bailey, timothy; A f Kaxton,
Couwold wool, rel chaff wheat; G Keae
ler, aheaf rye; J L Eanka, Cotawold
wool; U Knbioaon, mohair; S Paieley,
tobacco; W RafTeity, timothy; Bert
Itoaoe, timothy; J C Moore, McKinley
wheat; W Haynam, timothy; Mra L
Wella, timothy; W R Harris, gray Win
ter oata; A R Panno.abeaf wheat vetch;
Scbeiffelia farm, Cotawold wool J C Stew
art, mohair; P Bird, wool; W K Newell,
Clvneedale oaU; C 11 Brooki, timothy;
Cbrlat Zurcher, aheaf wheat: Joaeob
Scbulmerich, aheaf brink wheat; Bert
uoene, timotny; j L. Banks, mammoth
rye; J C Hartley, molda white winter oata;
Mra A T Bui too, peaa; h L Crawford,
Baa in aeed; Mr Thuratou, bopi :K M
Heidel, Boston butter beana;) G Pellette,
wild clieetuute; G P Meier, Koghab wal
nuta; G W Kelly, butternuta; C Farn
nam, nngllan walnut; 1 it Adaua,
cbealnnta; J W Friaby, gold coin wheat;
R Porter and Jamea Sewell, hope; L -T
Walker, China beana; S T Walker
broom corn; June Walker, timothy; J C
Hare, Chili club wheat, black Winter
oata; B Sidler, alaike clover; C Buchan
an, hope, aheaf , barley; J Bucbanaa,
hops; W I Wall, variety of wheat; 1) Ba
kar, yellow dent corn; K L Navlor.
Cotawold wool, mohair; S J Ward, Kng-
ltab rye graaa; B SchoAeld, oata, aatier
do-day oata, aheaf oata, ailver mine oata,
collective eihlbit oata. Danlah Ialand
oata; W H Stratton, vetcbea, Moravian
Bronze medala Fourteen. -
Th undersigned will sell at publio
auction at nta ranch, 3 miles south
of ultsboro, on th Laurel road
at ten a. m., on
Jersey oow, 5 yearn, freh In January;
year old Jersey heifer, freah In February;
2 beifera, S yeara next aprlng,-hn!h oomlog
in Mnroh: yearling heifer; all tlttwe are
high grade JeraeyR; alinoit new Oaborna
mower; u in. plow, new ; garden cultiva
tor. Iron drag harrow, ton buaev. arood
oondttlon; road oart, H ante alngle haruewi.
Iron frame wcod raek, eonie oata, some
looae hay, two atnall ahoata, household
and kitchen ftirnlture; Home Comfort
a leal ranire. good aa new: eood oak eitan-
eton tabUt, kiU'ben oomlort, a aatee. bar
rel! churn, Snow lull waablng mnohine,
ringer, Paolllo sewing nmolilue, gooii
alie; heater, bedroom suite, chairs,
aiuiui,euay oiock, a-oiii aawa, ana n
meroua oiner article.
Terma of Sale Under 110. cash
$10 and over, 12 months time, ap
proved note, 7 per cent. Three per
cent, on, oasn over iu.
8. H. bunbar.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
J. P. Hellzel, of near Banka, was
in town Tueaday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shorey, of
Mountaindale, were in town Tues
day. C. W, Loudon, of beyond Glen
coe, was a oounty aeat visitor Tues
day. C. W. James, of Cornelius, waa
in town Tuesday, enroule to the
fair tor a two days' visit.
Bam Paisley, of Buxton, waa in
town Tueaday, after a trip to tb
plains, where he attended a sale.
T. S. Crozier, and wife, of Rus
sell, Iowa, wbo have been . visiting
County Treasurer Jackson and
wife for a fortnight, left Tuesday
ve for home.
Ham Ornduff was in from Lau
rel Monday.
Henatnr E. W. Haines, of Forest
Grove, waa in the city Monday.
Jack Hese.of tbis side of Sher
wood, wss in town Monday.
II. Harrington, of near Center
ville, waa a Hillsboro caller Moo-
Joe. Oalbreatb, of Tualatin, was
a county seat visitor the first of
th week.
J, N. McKinney, more fsmilisr-
y Inown as ewt, to toe old
timers, came out from Portland
the first of the week. .
E. A. Eddy, a prominent man
0 Tualatin affairs, was up to tbs
county reit Monday, and will read
the Argus a year from this on.
Henry Liy, raised on the
plsins north of town, is down from
Sweet Home, Idaho, vUiting hi
parents, Isaac Leiey and wife.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, for
the market; also choice marcs. Ad
dress me at Ileaverton, Ore., and I
will call. J. G. Uaynee, Beaver
ton, Ore.
You will do well to list your
farm for sale with J. C. Kuratli.
Will alto cry auction rale. 8a tie
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillsboro, 11. F. I'. 4. Reeidence,
Phillips, Or.
The rain cam too early for the
hop industry, although perhaps
the loss in the county is smaller
than in other sections ol the stale.
Twenty acre will cover the entire
loss in this district.
For Ssle at bargain: Good, true
apan of gray horses, 1400 and 1500.
well matched: seven and twelve
year of age. Hugh Moore, near
Newton Station, one mile east of
D. M. C. Gault and son, Harry,
formally of th independent, bave
gone into busiuee at Cottage
Urove, publishing and doing com
mercisl printing. They hare as
sociated themselves with a man by
the name of Howard.
Vern Read, Misses Virgie and
Katherine Read and Miss Lena
Grob, after a montb'a visit with the
family of U. Harrington, of Cen
terville, return next week to Bene
diet, Neb., via .Salt Lake. Henry
P. Harrington will return with
them and reside there permanently
I will sell at publio auction at ray
farm, th mile southeast of Gas
ton, and 3J miles west of Laurel, al
ten a. m., on
Span work and U;23O0; epan
browu geiiliuga, 3 ami a, well broke.
2000; brown lllly, X yeara, Fercheron
Hambletonian; 2 Iron gray geklinga, 2
and 3, Utter broke, weigh ioOO each; llue'
i'baiinont temu, 5 years old, llue driven:
yearling and aiicking oolt : 11 head graded
jereey, sliortiiorn anu rtolHlelo cowa,
some in milk, wmie noon to be freHli.
In aprlrig; 5 Tearli"g hei few; 3 2-year old
ateerx; roan Durham bull. 2 year old; 2
helrer calvee, lull blood Jersey bull call;
10 choice CotHWold ewea; Shropshire
buck; Poland-China brood aow, large;
farm wagun, llenuey top buKgy, hack,
pole and Hlmfta, nearly new; old buggy,
new work harneaa boggy harness, single
and double; Champion mower, nearly
new; rake, good; harrow, 3 plows, culti
vator, II good milk cans, hay folk rope
and pulley, 10 tons lulled hay, SO tona
looae hay, 0 bushels wheat. loU bushels
oata, ohickenH, household furniture and
kitchen furniture, farm tools, and numer
ous other articles.
Terms of Sale -Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, one year's lime, ap
proved note, 8 per cent. Four per
cent, ofl cash over $10.
J. H. Hoffman.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Laurel M. Hoyt, the jeweller,
ba9 been awarded a tins Kuon gold
watch as the prize for a scientific
contest, oflVred by a watch ooncern.
The problem was: "given, a watch,
wound at a certain time, the tipring
having a certain length and re
siliency, the ciroumference of the
wheels, when, if not re-wound,
would the watch stop?" The watch
was wound at noon, and wben open
ed by judges, Mr. Hoyl's computa
lion was within six minutes of tbe
time of stopping. This U regarded
by authorities as one of the closest
computations ever submitted.
Casper Jasper was down from
North Forest Grove Tuesday aC
companied by Walter, his son, whi
is working lor Albers Bros, d
Sohneider, at Taooma, Wn. Walt
has been over on a visit with home
Thos. Emeriok went down : to
Scappoose, Tnesday, and crossed
over into Washington yesterday,
on business.
Mrs. Grace Hoover wss out Tues
day, the guest of her pareats, liar
mon McLtnn and wife.
Mrs. Eliza Iuibrie, of Plainview
Farm, attended Grand Lodge Rath
bone Sisters, at Portland, this
J. A. Zimmerman, of Southeast
of town, went to the Nehalem, this
week, on a fishing exposition.
W. H. McCormick, of L
n .
was in wwn lueauay. m
Kequcbt for Road Money De
nied Upon Legal Advice
Cbss. Roberts, tbe Taalatia Ssleos
Mas, Gets Licesae
Owing to pressure of bueiness com
ing in late in tbe session the Conn
ty Board held over until Friday
afternoon. Beaverton's petition for
back road money for street im
provement was denied, th board
having sought legal advice from
Deputy District Attorney K. B.
Tongue, who could see r.o warrant
of law to make tb turn,
Th bridge a mil southeast of
th poor farm, across the Tualatin,
and leading to tbe McQuillan place,
a as ordered repaired, and tbe ad
vertisements appear this week.
W. F. Desanger, of Beaverton,
instructed to turn over road ton to
J. G. Haynes, th newly appointed
road supervisor, who bss bled a
1300 bond for faithful performance
of duty.
M C Kslsh granlel rebate on
tax erroneously assessed, amount,
The petition of the eity of Hills
boro, to have turned to the city
treasury euch sum as the charter
permit the corporate body to have
out of the road funds tor street im
provement purposes, is referred to
Deputy District Attorney , Tongue
for an opinion.
Cbaa Roberta, of Tualatin, grant
ed license to oonduct a saloon, he
having; paid $400 for tamo into
county treasury.
Inquest W W Booth, deceased,
ordered paid.
Petition J C Hartley et als for
bridge near Benton Killen place,
continued for the present.
Transcript 8tU vs Fred Greener
ordered paid.
Oregon & Washington S P Co, road
and highway $17 25
W J Benson, road and highway.. 60
Glaas & Prudhotntne, books etc... 120 50
W G Har?, Lewis & Clark 46 66
Irwin, Hodson & 0, supplies.... 11 00
H 1) Schtneltzer, eh 7I 50
Hergert & Sons, r and h.. 21 37
W O Dooelson, relief 4 50
O B neasoner, r aad b 6950
V D Smith, dep clerk "5 00
H L Decker, eh 283 80
Geo H Wilcox, assessor 100 00
A M Collins, janitor 36 50
Gen Ransom Post, Ind soldier. . . . 55 55 1
R J Godmsn, clerk, etc 173 60 !
F J Bailey, health officer 90 96 j
Caratena ' Bros & Hartley, r and h 14 40
Wash Co Pub Co. printing 4 aj
City W & h Plant, I and w 52 10
B I Kuratli, recorder 85 65
Willis Ireland, dept rec..... 50 00
R Cave, c h a 00
Johnson Bros 52 48
A J Koy, reliel 00 10
W M Jacksen, treasurer 51 00
D W Hath, printing 65 70
J W Baldwin, eh, 28 75
OSc W Sewer Pipe Co, rand h... 530
John Stribich, r and h 500
Tom Word, livery 5 00
Redmond & Hartratnpf, livery. . . 6 00
Schuluierich Bros, c h 7 65
Schnltnerich BroeWand h 33 45
FG Heidel. labor.. . 28 00
Geo killings, labor 22 60
H T Blair, labor 16 70
L W House, labor '. . . . J 00
S Wolf, labor 50 75
W Connell, labor 21 00
B Barn bo, labor 26 25
Wm Thurston, labor ' 2 60
A B Todd, labor 10 50
F Bear, labor 3 00
N Ronnda, labor 7 50
J M Hiatt, labor 13 50
. I T -
I una jacKsun, lauor , 1 13
J B Fields, labor I jo
Robert Alexander, labor , lo 00
jottn Cornelius, labor 75
M McGowan, labor 12 25
Ana Anderson, labor.... 1200
S G Hughes, labor 5 00
N F Nelson, labor 4 50
M F Bates, labor 64 60
F M Kelsay, labor. . . , 15 00
Henrv Hojrrele, labor 6 00
Charles Bradler, labor 2t 00
Jamea Thwaite, labor 6 00
Thos Br ran, labor I3 56
Fred Rodgers, labor..- 14 00
C M Nickolson, labor 1 26
Rudolph Hofferbar, labor.... .... 17 25
Alois Schlecht, labor... 7 25
Nela Holm, labor I7 25
Frank Sheeler, labor I4 25
H Hunieker, labor 17 25
Wm Fuegy, labor 735
Caratena Bros, labor 5 14
Fred Greener, labor ....... . ... ... 6 00
Rita Thomas, labor. , t 50
Gust Petnilka.,., ...... ......... .3 00
J Dowoa, labor 4 80
Fred L, Brown, labor..,, 6 00
RS Robinson, labor...... 325 9!
John Bergeron, labor t ' r 50
J Hall, hibor. ............ ...v.j I 50
DWilcox, la'jor... ......... i'50
ChaaE Potti, labor. I2 00
M L Vincent, labor.:;..,....,,.. 10 00
J M Umecheld, labor. . . , , 900
J L Loving, labor , la 00
J P Senger, labor , 9 00
iames Burk 9 00
W Cline, labor ' 9 00
H. G. Parsons, labor -. 87 00
Brneat Burk, labor 13 00
R M Bisbee, labor. .-. .v. 36 00
F W Johnson, labor..., 18 00
Wm Crowther, labor..,, 600
B R Laniont, labor...... 900
Clarence Lilly, labor a 00
E S McCoy, labor 3 00
Kverett Petkins, labor a 00
J F Allen, labor 1 00
Geo Barrett, labor I 00
J A Peterson, labor, 3 00
truest Reuter, labor 150
11 I UllllUi
&e Delta
Drug' Store
Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
Mission Herb Tea
We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St.
A. 8. 8HOLCS, PrmnUtmt
Main Street,
As the Twig is
How is it with the joung people of your household T Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like lo listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folkB to our bank with th first pare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of saving haa been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of Ihe ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main Sr. Hillsboro, Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen .
years' practical experience. Addrea, Hills- Z
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phono No. 28x4. .2
r. p. ccczzi 1
When You Go
To Portland
Make your plan& to "stop at a home-like hostelry;
a place where you will be shown every courtesy
and treated as you would be in your own home,
town or city.
Ufe Forestry Inn
Is such a place, and it stands within one block of th ExpoalUon
Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN
ia constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and man
agement conforms tbeieto. It baa 150 large, commodious rooms, all
opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold
water and free baths. From tbe roof garden a view ia had of th
Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service
direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la
carte and reasonable aa in any part of the city. "r
Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50.
. Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
Address, .
P. C. Mattox, Manager, or H. M. Fancher.
25th and Upshur Sts., PortlandOregon.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see us.
KXJsboro, Cretan
Tree's Inclined"
ft I