The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 21, 1905, Image 1

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1111 UlLa
NO. 28
!. l
Mother of Mm. W. V. llollcn.
beck, of Mountaindale
Daughter Called to Perllaaa', Tuesday,
to Puatral
Mra. VV. F. Hollenbeck, wife of the
former raw mi 1 1 man, and residing
above Mountaindale, want to Port
land Tuesday, In response to tel
ephone thai bar mother had been
killed by au tlectrio oar, Monday
evening, the aged woman dying two
houra after the accident.
Her nam waa Mra. Caroline
Wilion, and alte wit aged 70 yean
Her skull waa fractured, but wheth
er from contact with pavement or
the oar, ia not known.
The dead woman' late husband
waa J. W. Wileon, who waa a plo
mor, and who waa a veteran of the
Indian ware of Oregon. For 17
year ahe baa reeided at 3!K) Sacra
uiento Street, Alblna.
Two other married daughter
aurvive her.
All member of f 'ouipaoy I), First Regi
ment, Oregon Mounted volunteer, In
dUn War, bow milling in thi county,
or In tlit Northwest, are requested lo
mcrt at Hillsboro, Urt ., at Ih Court
Home, on Vatorday, October U, iyn$,
I It a. m., (or the purpose of celthre
Hiiil lite Hltlrlh anniversary of Com
pany orKiiUllon. All those who 6nl
it absolutely ImpoMllile to com will
plrsse aililrtM m at Forest Urovt, Or.,
to that Ibclr communication may be
read at Ih assembly.
1.1 kit. W. II. II. MVKRi.
Dated it forest Grove, Ore., I bit 19th
day of Sfpl., 190 j.
I will fell at public aale at the N
A. Barrett place, half mile Kaat of
Momitaindale, at ten a. in., on
the following described personal
Three good work mare, 8 and lo yr,
weight 1 150 lo I J jo, one witb foil by
Yilmdus; good dill pony, 9 years, ri
hetd gutted Jersey and Shorthorn dairy
cowi, good milker, ringing from j lo
6 years, showing excellent tU, all but
ou in milk, on fresh soon, on freli
in November, balance coming In early
In Ihe year; fine two-year old Jersey bull
eligible to registry; undertaker wagon.
1 mtii, 1 ninun, 3 prow, nayraca, nay
rk with rope and policy complete. 1
cook iluvti, about t ion of grey Winter
oats; some household furniture, and nu
merou other rticle. Lunch at noon.
Under 1 10, caih; $10 and over one
ytar'a time, approved note, at C
per cent. 2 per cent, off for cash
over $10.
W. E. Wella, Owner.
R. P. Cornel lue, Auctioneer,
Loula Shogren, ol Forest Grove,
and a former reaident of near Dil
loy, died at the family borne, Hun
day evening, Sept. 17, IMS, from
the reault of an abscess on the
brain. Deceased wai born in
Northern Sweden, and came to
America in 1850. In November,
1 805 be waa married to Pauline
Peterson. In 1871 they came to
Oiegon, fettling: first at Corvallis
and afterward at Bilets, where he
wai foreman on the agency. The
family moved to this county in
18H3. The widow and iix children
aurvive him, aa follow:
Mn. Kmmelt Quick, Tillamook;
Mn. J. K. Reeves, Cornelius; O.
car and Hilda Shogren, Portland:
ICdith and Frank Shogren, Forest
I will sell at publio auotlon at my
farm near the Sam Moon place,
Centerville, three miles north of
Cornelius, at 10:00 a. m. 00
Haiubleloulan mar, 1 yean, weight,
1 ISO, kood to work or drive: span uiare.
8 and i year, weight, 1160 and 1150;
colt, 18 month; 6 graded Jersey and
Shorthorn cow, alt in milk, torn (reili,
other Ireth soon, fin milker; 8 month
calf; good wagon, aV; hack, fairly toad
repair; road cart; a act team harncM;
Piano binder, good repair, Champion
mower; Otborne rake; steel lever and
Spring-tooth lever harrow; a plow,
laud roller, hayrack, to -gal. kettle. lo-
gal, milk can; milk cooler; 1 acre Man
gels ana carrot In ground, . household
urniiur, larm toon, ana otber article
Lunch at noon
Under $10, cash; over $10, 12
months' time, approved note, 7 per
cent, 'l per cent, oil cash over $10.
John Vanderberg.
B. P, Cornelius, Auctioneer,
F. W. Bohulthelz. of Bethanv
was a caller at the Argus office
Tuesday morning.
Milne Burston, wboee father took
an the donation claim comprising a
notion of land at Leisyville, part of
which ii me ieny place ana tbe
Win. Bagley Hr. ranch, arrived
down from Idaho Sunday and was
reeling bis old pioneer friend,
f r. Buraton left Washington Coun
ty about 40 yean ago, and he find
but a few of the old timers left. He
pent a portion of the day, Sunday,
talking with Kenyon Crandall,
pioneer of 1852, and tbe two, who
in the fifties went mining together
in Southern Oregon, bad a great
time talking over a horse race tbey
bad an Interest in, together, in tbe
early days. Crandall had a little
Ally that could go aorae, and anoib
or pioneer bad a borae that ' be
thought could race. After weeke of
chasing Crandall for a race for 1250,
be and Miloe Burston put up the
money, and the raoe waa run over
on toe McKay place, near (Jlencoe
Bill Johnson, who was killed by
"Tang Smith," rode tbe Crandall
mare, and Kok Knyart, who had
bet tbe $250 that the horse would
beat "turned" the Crandall Oily,
showing that pioneers bad conn
dence in each other, even if they
diil bet oppositely. The Crandall
Ally woo the race by big distance.
That was "fifty year ago," and
fifty yean is some but to thoee
two old boys, It was yesterday.
Mr. Burston remain! in the valley
but a abort time.
W. F. Nelson, who is wedded to
a sister of Mn. Jos. Downs and W.
K. McCourt, of Hillsboro, is vice
president of tbe Great Southern
Railroad Company, which baa just
finished laying 30 miles of rails,
from The Dallei to Dufur. Twenty
two miles mor of road will be built
before winter eeta in. This line is
dentinal to tap the rich central
Oregon region. Mr. Nelson was
tbe contractor who built the portage
road for the elate, and he is making
a financial success of his railroad
operation!. He has visited jn this
city several times.
While you an looking for a fine
range do not fail to drop IntoCsve'i
pioneer hardware store and take a
look at the Moore range, tbe fioeet
in the market. Considering quali
ty and value these ranges are tbe
cheapest in the market. We oarry
all kinds of fine heaters, also.-
Glve us a call. Cave'i Hardware
Store, Main Street.
S. B. Huston returned the last ol
the week from his trip down tbe
Valley, and it is said that he now
find but two candidates in tbt
field against blm C. B. Moore , 0
Salem, and Toote. Each of thou
candidates are making a fight foi
Marion County, as both belong U
tbe warhorsee of the capitol coun
ty. Mr. Huston Hill thinks thai
he baa the best oh no to get tht
nomination of any republican ir
the field.
From this date all who buy $1
worth, or more, in my hardware
tore, will get a rebate of 10 per
cent, and on purchase of between
50 cents and $1.00, a rebate of 5
per oent. will be given. Thii ap
pliea to everything eicept oils and
wbite lead, we are going to close
our business, and here is a chance
to save from 5 to 10 per cent., and
our prices meet all competition.
A. U. A rcu bold. Second Stiooi. In-
dependant phone No, 454.
A special agent of the Interior
Department, who has been unearth-
log land fraud business, and who
has been working on the present
rases aow at bar in the Federal
court, waa out Monday, going over
some of the descriptions which bave
been homeiteaded, and looking in
to history lo are if Unole Sam baa
been treated fairly by homesteaders
and protective homesteaders.
The call for a 50th anniversary
of Co. D, of tbe Indian war veter
ans is timely, and Lieut. Myera
ahould get a good attendance of the
remnant that fought the Indiana
in the early days. Every veteran
who knows of a comrade in the dis
tance should write him at once, in
viting him to attend.
Dennis has received his new
took of shoes, the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest in the market. Come in and
see them, Tbe latest models.
These shoes are advertised in every
prominent tuagatine and newspa
per in tbe world.
For sale for seed: Choice lot of
Winter oats and cheat seed. Will
also sell five Merino Bucks, from
the Baldwin Land & Sheep Co.,
Hock, of Hay Creek, Ore. Wesley
W. Paine, (ilenooe, Ore, address,
Hillsboro, K. V u, 3.
RrlRht Prospects Reported
by President
Stbeel la Well Equipped for 1st Beat
Year is Ha BUtery
Pacific University opened it doors
for the PJ05-C school year at Forest
Grove, yesterday, and the term is
full of promise fur tbe college.
Prospect for a larger attendance
than latt year an reiiorted by Pres
ident Ferric '
The school has received the Fail
ing endowment, which ha materi
ally Irengbtened Its financial sta
tus, and no efforU are spared by
tbe faculty to give tbe University
the best standing of any college in
the northwest.
I will sell at publio auction at my
farm mile Kaat of Reed villa, the
following personal property, at too
a. in., on
Bpan gray horse, 8 and I year. 1 500
and l7"o: brown horse. Moo; two fillies.
Sand J years, latter being Hambleloniaa,
toe year old being an Oregon and rath
nailer; new Mitchell wagon, J,S. broad
tire; farm wagon; hack, buggy, cart, all
In goal repair; t acts work barn ess, set
back barneas, saddle, new mower, bay
rake, good i'lano binder, plow, barrow,
Unadlach drill, j-section roller, a hay
racks, brood sow, ton baled
cheat bay, ao ton clover hay, lot of
waeat, oat and barley, hayfork and
rope and pulley, and numerous other
articles, household furniture etc
you hkad DAiav cow
AU good milkers, dm fr-ab.lwo freh
in Dec, anil Jaa., one a heifer', fresh in
lie -, 3 ia milk now; tin Jersey dock.
Terms of Sale Under $10. caah:
$10 and over, one year's lime, ap
proved note, fi per cent, interest.
2 per cent, off (or caah over $10.
Mra. C. Ly strop.
B. P, Corneliue, Auctioneer.
Henry Jonea was up from Bea-
verton Tueaday.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Daviaon, of
Banki, were in the city Tueaday.
J. B. McNew wai down from tbe
forki of Dairy, tbe latt of tbe week.
Are you a imoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
I will tell at publio auction on my
place 1 mile eaat of Farmiogton,
near Jack' school house, at 10
o'clock on
the fbllowlug properly!
11 Milch cows, 8 giving milk, S anon
fresh ; 2 2-year old heifora ; 7 yearling hei
fers; 1 ipan of mare, will weigh about
ISM); 1 yearling coll: i Spring oolta; 1
brood sow; 1 sow and pirn; 1 full-blood
Cheater White lioar; 4 ahoaU; 1 Piano
mower; I hayrake; 1 at eel U harrow; an
ailjiiatalil harrow; Champion binder; 3
In. Old Hickory 'wagon. 8 in. tire; a .hovel
cultivator; i seta double harueaa; 10 hint
tare bay ; & toua timothy hay; 30-gal. bar
rel churn; 0 10-gal. milk oana; St. Louta
waahlng machine, household goods and
iiunieroiiN ether article.
Term of Sale All aunia tinder $10, caah.
110 and over, 1 years lime at 7 per runt.
inlHiwit on approved notes. 2 per cent,
oil' for caah on all iiima over $10.
bunch at noon
C. A. Keith, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Mr. and Mn. A. B. Flint, of
Kintoo, were in town Tuesday
With your head hot your brain
is not right for work. Moral: Buy
your bate fiom H. Wehrnng &
J. C. Bechen, of West Union, and
wbo owns tbe Freeman ranch, waa
In the city, Tuesday. '
Bchulmerich Bros, have received
tbe Fall shipment of clotki direct
from New York. Come early and
get your choice.
Mie Laura Muir cam out from
Portland Sunday, and waa the guest
of Mrs. L. A. Long.
You can boy paint at Sobulmer
icb Bros, at Portland prices. The
Fall of the year is the proper time
to use it.
W. Jauilh, of Scholia, waa in
the city Tuesday, a caller at this
W. B. StreeUr and wife, of Port
land, wen out Sunday, guests of J.
W. Bailey and wife.
Scbulmericb Bros, bave adJl a
complete line of stoves to their
stock of hardwaie. Come and have
a look at them.
R. F. Reaeoner returned this
week from a trip to his homestead
at Folda, Wash., in tbe Klickitat
Fine farm, good improvements,
70 acre under cultivation; near
Forest Grove; for sale at a bargain
Inquire at this office.
J. G. Haynes, of Beaverton, the
lock buyer, was a county aeat vis
itor Tuesday, enroute to the Neha-lem.
Smokers like the Schiller and tbe
Excellencia. These cigars are of
the beet stock. You csn't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Lieut. Myen,, Company D, Ore
gon Mounted Volunteers, waa in
town Tuesday, accompanied by his
Indian war comrade, Mr. Kane.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennia
Wehkve tbem for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Milton Morgan, who went from
here to Sherman County, to edit a
paper, is now running a job print
ing oflioe at Corvallis.
Nile E. Bennett, who is running
a tent photo gallery at North Yam-
bill, came down Monday evening
on his wheel to confer with Pope,
his partner.
W. Y. Smith, ol Warsaw, Indi
ana, arrived here Mnmlav. to locate
permanently . Mr. Smith is a rela
tive ofC. W. and E. L. James, of
tbe Baseline roid.
I The only department store in
Washington County. We can eell
vou any thing from the largest farm
nuuplement down to a needle.
Bcbuluierich Bros.
Benton Bowman went to Corval
lie, Saturday, to get room for hi
son, Harry, ana tun uoneison,
who are attending IheO. A. Cat
that place.
Millard Ferris, who has been vis
iting his relatives, J. M. Greear
and family, is now with the O. R.
A N. roundhouses in Portland, and
was out Sunday, spending the day.
, P. C. Long, wbo has been pros
pecting the Summer down in the
Grants Pass district, arrived in the
last of the week, to spend the win
ter In and about Portland. He was
out the first of the week, the guest
ot his brother, of the Argus.
Will buy sheep, or fat oattle, for
the market; also good horses. Ad
dress me at Beaverton, Ore., and I
wilPcall. J, G. Haynes, Beaver
ton, Ore. ,
Geo. W, Kelley, of Mountaindale,
was down from Vinelanda Monday.
J, J. and T. G. Meaoham, of
Moutuaiiuiaie, were in the city
Monday. f
Mrs. D. W. Bath has returned
from Seattle, where she attended
tbe Christian Endeavor convention.
. Oliver Chowning, of Forest Grove,
formerly of Dilley, was in town
J. F. Schllcht, of Mountaindale,
came in Monday and took the eve
ning train for St. Martin's Springs,
on the Columbia, for a short visit,
for tbe benefit of bis health.
A. C. Wirtz, of Mountaindale,
sent in some corn sulks, Monday.
by the Reynolds freight wagon, for
tbe county exhibit at the Lewis &
Clark pair. Tbe stalks measure
over 10 feet in length, and the ears
set up about eight feet from the
roll mwm
Last Half of Tax Payment
Soon to Close
Kelt Week Will be a Bnay one for
Sheriff sad Deputy
Next week will be a busy one for
Sheriff Connell and Deputy Kane,
lor this will be tbe latt week of
grace in which to pay the balf-tax
on all property, and the tax will go
delinquent by the first Monday in
October, which will be tbe 2nd of
tbe month.
Several hundred took advantage
of tbe half payment plan, and while
a number have paid the last half,
there are yet several hundred to
come to center with the necessary.
The last week is always I bnsy one
Should the tax go delinquent there
is a penalty of 10 per cent, and an
interest charge of six per cent.
Tbe office figures that the amount
of deiinquences will not be more
than existed last season, although
money ia somewhat closer than it
was last Fall. .
You will do well to list your
farm for sale with J. C. Kuralli.
Will alio cry auction sales. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4. Reeidence,
Phillips, Ore.
Mrs. J. C. Lamkin departed yes
terday morning for Monterey, Mex
ico, where she will visit with Mrs.
Lottie Smith, well known here,
She goes to Denver, Pueblo and
Colorado Springe for 30 days before
he crosses tbe border.
Make your own win fence. Buy
your wire and a superior wire fence
machine and you will have the
world by the seat of the breeches
and a down-hill pull. Machines,
$5, and your win cheap. A. C
Harry Uonnaway, wbo was
Southern Pacifio Agent here a few
years ago, and who went from here
to MoMinnvule, is now in the As
toria Sl Columbia River Railway
oity ticket office, Portland, at
much better salary than received
with the 8.1".
Farm for rent: 160 acres, nine
milea from Hillaboro, near Beth
any. About i in cultivation, rest
in pattun land, 2 oreeki running
through; 5 aore orchard. Big house
and barn, and good outbuildings
Leopold Diets, Holbrcok, Ore.,
U. r . V. I.
I will sell at publio aale at the A.
O. Brown Farm, Iowa Hill District,
six miles Southeast of Cornelius, R.
F. D. 2, the following described
property, at ten a. m. on
Sound mare, 10 year old, work tingle
or double; filly colt, 16 month okUfine
black Percberon; a cows, Durham and
Jersey mixed, 4 and 7 years, youngest
coming fresh April 9, light Baia wagon,
back with cover, buggy, wagon harness,
single harness, over ton of cheat hay,
plow, harrow, garden plow, garden cut -tivator,
set X pulley with 75 feet rope;
hay fork with heavy pulley and loo feet
of inch rope, saddle, 3 crosscut saws, 2
handsaws, grain cradle and scythe, hoes,
shovel, rskes, J forks, other small tools,
a barrets, 5 berry cf ate with boxes, oth
er boxes, (teelyards for weighing, sledges,
wedge, No. 8 cook stove, extension ta
ble, milk safe, chair, iteatu cooker,
stove kettle and skillet, waahtnb, a bed
stead, wire matt rets, 6 window shades,
dbl window curtain pole, a aingle win
dow curtain poles.
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cash; over, 12 monlhe' time, ap
proved note, 7 per cent, interest.
Asenath Cary Brown, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Full blooded Cotowold bucks for
sale at a bargain. Also one well-
bred Shropshire buck, fere Uro
ner, Scholia, Ore. Address Hills
boro, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2.
GhQ Delta
Drug' Store
Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
Mission Herb Tea
We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St - - -
Hillsboro. Ore.
k:usdoro coz:z:zzclxl cat
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see ns.
4. S. SMOLES, n-mUmmt
mat. BOHuuumeH.
KSalu Street,
KXUboro, Grz
Rev. H. Wyse Jones, a noted
evangelist, will commence a series
of Bpeoial nieetinin in the First
Baptist Church. Sundav. Septem
ber 24, and a good attendance is
predicted. His subiecta arer Sun
day, 10:30 A. M., "An Old Time
Revival;" 7:30 P. M.. "Heaven's
Secret Revealed " Monday, 7:3.0 P.
M. .Heavenly V moo." Tuesday,
7:30 P. M., "Man. as God Sees
Him." Wednesday, 7:30 P. MM "A
Crucial Test." Thursday, 7:30 P.
M., "The ureat Salvation." Fri
day, 4:00 P. M., Boys and Girls
Meeting; 7:30 P. M., "A Message
from the Cros3." Saturday, 7:30
P. M , "In the Cloud with God."
Afternoon meetings, 2:30 P. M.,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day. k
Two old timers on the Southern
Pacifio West Side line are Conduc
tors Cline and Webster. Cline
went on the morning and evening
run past Hillsboro 23 years ago,
and Webster has been running tbe
Corvallis train for 21 years, since
1SS4. Other men may come and
go, but these two keep steadily at
their work. These two conductors
are perhaps better known to Wash
ington County than any railroad
men in the Southern Pacifio train
service in Oregon. . .
Mrs. Selioa Slater, of Brooklyn
Wis., and Mrs. C. E. Hodgson, ol
Belleville, Wis., have arrived to
vfeit, their sister, Mrs. A. W, Bar
ber. ' In company with Mr. and
Mrs. Barber they departed Tueeday
for Newport, when for the first
time tbey will see the ocean. They
expect to remain several weeks.
Conductor Webster, who has
been in charge of one of the passen
ger trains between Portland and
Corvallis since 1884, baa trimmed
his patriarchal beard, and it has
E reduced quite a metamorphosis in
is personal appearance. This big
word means, in this instance, "colt-ish."
Peter Grossen, of West Uniom
was a caller at the Argus office,
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. , Laura Wells, of Forest
Grove, was iu the city Mouday.
1 1
As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined '
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of caving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
manhood. .
North Side Main St. f Hillsboro. Oregon
J 'Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills- Z
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacifio States
Phone No. 28x4. ; I
Tm p. ccczj :
When You Go
To Portland
Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry;
a place where you will be shown every courtesy
and treated as you would be in your own home,
town or city.
56c Forestry Inn
It such a place, and it stand within one block of the Exposition
Kntrnnce.on 25th Street racing Upshur.' THE FORESTRY INN
i constructed on the log cabin siyle; furnishing, cuisine, and man
, agetnent conform thereto. It hat 150 large, commodious room, all
oeuiog on broad, cool verandas; with electric light; hot and cold
water and free bath. From the roof garden a view is had of the
Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service
direct to all part of the city. European plan. Dining service a la
carte and reasonable as in any part of the city.
Price of Rooms, $I.QO and $1.30.
Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
P. C. Mattox, Manager, or H. M, rancher.
25th and Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon.