Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
ID InlILL VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. SEPfEMBER 14. 1905. NO. 27 seem- 1 At Mill of DuvitfH Bros, Two MiTcs North of Hanks ACCIDENT HAN'ESEU LAST SUNDAY Twe Chlltirtnlfltylnt eo Pond, Onr Lori Life Iulee Filbert, the daughter of T. C. 10 year old Filbert, wi drownrd in Davies Urea.' sawmill, two miles north of Banks, Sunday afternoon. The lilt!e FilWt girl was )Uytng with Dorothy Davies, aged 7, when the log on which she wm standing rolled her into the dam. She nk and the little Itavleagiil gave the alarm, dies. Reynolds end Eugene Phillip went to the pond to search for the Hllle girl, and they were toon joined by John Pace, who found the body in all mt five fWt of water. The three men worked hard to reHUMoilute the child, hut to no avail. They work el for an hour, using every effort known to them. Coroner K. C. Brown and Dr. Av B. Bailey left fur the scene of the drowning, hut f.mml ll was not necessary to hold an iniirt. The child' father worki at Eagle ( " t i 11", Wash , and her mother haa I won dead for some lime. The dead child ha been making her home nrar the mill for tome lime, the father making occasional viaits to aee her. PUDLIC SALE I will roll at public aale at the N A. Barrett place, half mile Kail of Mountaindale, at ten a. m., on 8ATUUDAV, OCTOBER 7 ; the following described personal properly Three good work mares, 8 and In jtt, wrlKht 1 1 jo to 1 130, one wllb fual by YtUmla; li'KKl Milille pony, 9 years, i2 Ursil guiM Jersey itnl Shorthorn dairy cows, guud uiilktra, rsngliig from J to 6, showing excellent Icili, all hut one la milk, oue fresh toon, one fresh In Novfinlwr, halanct coming iu early In the year; tine two-year old jersey bull eligible 10 registry; Stnclebaktr wagon, 3 Inch; 1 tisrrows, 3 plows, hayrick, hay fork with rpe and pulleys complete, a cook stoves, about J tons of gray Winter oats; soiut household furniture, and nu merous other articles. I.uncli at noun TKIIMS OF BALK Under 110, caah; 110 and om one year's time, approved note, at ft per cent. 2 per cent, of! for caah over 110. t V. E. Welle, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Ioui Klines, of near Laurel, was in town Fridav. Henry Johnson, of beyond Glen coe, waa in town Monday. - - 8. II. Dunbar and wife, of Farm ington, were in town Monday, Wen Davin, oi Shady Brook, was a caller at the Argus oflios Monday Geo, Hathorn and C, W, Brown, of laurel, were in the county scat Saturday. . -f John Heisler, a prominent Gales Creek farmer and capitalist, was in town rriday, W, G. Hare, in charge of the county exhibit at the Fair, spent Sunday in the oily. J. W. Cornelius, who recently sold his Foreat Grove livery barn, was in town Monday. s Are you a smoker? Thon call for the Schiller or Exccllencia Oregon manufacture. Tlmi. Murphy, of Mountaindale, came down rriday and went on down for a few days at the Fair. J. C. Hartley, manager of the Golden Crown creamery, at Banks, was a UilUboro visitor Saturday. C. Jack Jr., who bad been down at the Farmington hopyard for a few days, returned Sunday to re sume his duties at the Bhute Bank. Richard Connell, formerly of Glenooe, and now connected with the i'ortland Flouring mills, was out Sunday, visiting relatives and friends here and at Glencoe. lou will do well to lint your farm for sale with J. U. Kuratli Will abo ory auction rales. Satis faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli Hillsboro, R. If, D. 4. Residence Phillips, Ore. John Beetle, one time foreman . on the Independent, and who is now deputy collector of customs at Ketchikan, Alaska, was in town over Sunday, accompanied by hi wile, formerly Miss Willis. T. C. Wadsworth, cashier of the American Type Foundreys' Com pany, Portland, was out Sunday guests of Dr. J. E. Adklns and sons. Mrs. Wadsworth iff enjoying a vacation at the Newport beach. Wm. Sobulmerioh and Dr, Withycombe return! the last of the week from a trip to Marsboe'd, Oregon, where they addressed a big termer gathering en the dairy iiues lion. The Marshfield Coast Mail gave a good resume of their add ea, ami it is a sure thing that the people of that section never listen ed to more practical talks along those special lines than when they heard the two gentlemen from Washington County. They came home via ICosehurg, over the stsge lino acroes the mountains. ; Hupt. M. C. Case, of the Wash ington County schools, slates that he is well pleased with the county attendance of teachers at the Edu cational meeting held at the Lewis Clark Fair, ihs last week, and he says that nearly all of those teaching here participated In the ereaiona. He says much of the work was exceptionally good, nota bly that of Benjamin Ide Wheeler, and that also there wss moch that was of the indifferent order. From this date all who buy $1 worth, or more, in my hardware store, will get a rebate of 10 per cent, end on purchases of between Ml cents and 11.00, a rebate of 6 per cent will be given. This ap plies to everything except oils and while lead. , We are going to close our business, and here Is a chance to save from 5 to 10 tier cent., and our prices mtet all competition. A. C. Archbold, Herond Htreet. In dependent phone No. 454. Bsnks, the thriving little villsge above lireenvills, experimented with two barrels of crude oil, placed on toe main aire, tnrougn tne town, about two months ago, and the duet never raises, affording a great reliel this dry weather. The new store Is now open lor business, up there, and Banks is forging ahead. The house on the Dr. F. J. Bei- -vr place, nn Louaignont- plaoe, ' m M.I .11 1 1 , inaioner, ourneu one aay 4) residence) was 00- ' !ke, the rent. tbyj. er, ami v- Hamlin, - 4 BernardV name to now doing time In the stale. tentiary. Geo. Loeb and wife, of Lewiston, Idaho, leave loday for lewiston, Idaho, where Mr. Loeb is still Northern PaciQo Express agent. he big fire at Lewis ton recently burned Mr. Loeb's store, but hs is building again. They have been guests of Mrs Loeb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Archbold. J, W. Bailey, of the Pharmacy, and Alex Alexander, of Forest Grove, both of whom are on the federal grand jury, are home until after the end of the Williamson trial, when they will go back -for the final finishing up of the Isnd uraud Investigation. Dennis has received his new stock of ehoee, the Amerioan Gen tleman and American Lady, the finest in the market. Come in and them. The latest models. These shoes are advertised in every prominent magafine and newspa per in tbe world. Mr. William W. Hale, of Seattle, Wash , and Mrs. Mary Fichtner, of Washington County, were married in this city, Sept. t, lm, Kev. U L. Hamilton, otucisting. The new ly wedded couple left at once Jor (heir future notne la Beaut. . . For sale tor seed: Choict"ftif Winter oats and cheat sffdrwill also sell Ave Merino Bqcks, from tbe Baldwin Land & Sheep Co flock, of Hay Creek, Ore Wesley W. Paine, Glencoe, Ore, address, Hillsboro, K. F D. S. A. F. Wall, of Brazil, Ind., spent Sunday with his brothers, John M and W. J. Wall, and leaves this week tor his home in the east. He thinks Oregon is the place, and and may later locate out hsre. For con.Ueuoen'g. ,. ladies' children's hose you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennis. We hbve them for everybody, and at prices that are values. Dorr B. Waggener arrived horns Saturday evening after an extended ab'ence in the Mississippi Valley, and U tbe guest of his parents, at the Hotel Tualatin. .. . ? Fine farm, good" Improvements, 70 sores under cultivation; near Forest Orove; for sale at a bargain. Inquire at this office. ' T. J. Wallan and Thos. Sutton, of Scholia, were in town Monday Mr. Sutton has been spending the Summer on the Columbia. Schulmorich Bros, have received the Fall shipment of cloaks direct from New York. Come early and get your choice. Born, in Clark County, Wash., Sept. 7, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. C. J James, formerly of Cornelius, 1 son. M. Dillaboy, of Cooper Moun tain, was in town Monday morn ing. LAUKEL CITIZEN GETS BIG MILEAGE HONEY Inane F.nnls Subpoenaed United States Court by CUES TO ALASKA AS A WITNESS Gets tea Ceots a Mile, up Rcture North, sad Deputy United States' Marshal Griffith was out the last of the week and went on out to Laurel to summon lease Ennes as a witnees in a big mining case now on trial up at Alaska, court being in session at Nome. The tims in coming and going will consume several weeks, as a person can not always gel out of Nome when he wants to. Mr. Konss will get ten cents per mile for each mils travelled, going and coming, and his mileage will be something enormous. .This, however, wss no induce ment to the witnees, and he tried bard to get oil, but the summons would not . stretch, so be has start ed for the North to give his evi dence to tbe court, Just why a deposition could not be arranged is not made clear. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public auction at my farm near the Sam Moon place. Centerville, three miles north of Cornelius, at 10:00 a. m. on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Ilamblctonlan mars, It 5 ears, weight, tljo, good to work or drive; span mares, 8 and is years, weight, 1 alio and 1150: colt, 18 months; & graded Jersey and Shorthorn cows, all in milk, some fresh, others fresh soon, fin nilkars; 8 months calf; good wagon, jV; back, (airly good repair; roau can; a acta team Harness; I'laoo binder, good repair. Champion mower; Osborne rake; steel lever and Spring-tooth lever harrows; . plows, - ud roller, hayrack, jo-gat, kettle, 5 io- cans; milk coolers; I acre Han in ground, household -ud other articles. Jooa ?-:,, t.. SALf Under 110, cahr over Wl, montha' time, approved note, 7 per cent. 2 per cent, oft cash over 110. John Vender berg. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Zina Wood commenced picking hops Monday. , Albert Keehn, of Cedar Mill, was in town Tuesday. Mios Susie McKinney has re- turned from a trip to Seaside. Leavitt Birdsell, of Lousignont Lake, was in town Tuesday. Will Gray, of Astoria, was a vis itor at the Milne home, Sunday. ia Mary Franlz : commenced the Brooks' school; beyond Phillips, Uonday. 1 3 Meedames Verene Siegrist and Eniil Kuratli ware Portland visitors Tuesday. The Ray yard, Witch Hazel, has 350 pickers and the place is quite i village. i Mrs. Thurston Porter, of Epbara ts, Wash., arrived Titeaday to visit her niece, Mrs. W. P. Tucker The Misses Anna and Letitia Connell, were visitor! with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Con nell, the first of the week. ' Farm for rent: ICO acres, nine miles frontwHillsboro, near Reth- Lint. About 4 in cultivation, rest jin pasture land, 2 creeks running and barn, and good outbuildings. I-eopold Diets, Holbrook, Ore., R. F.D.I. John R. Willis, wbo is in the Juneau, Alaska, Customs House, in the employ of the' government as ohiet clerk, came out Monday morning, accompanied by his wife, who was formerly Miss Erma La tham, well known here. They are down on a vacation and to witness the Lewis & Clark Fair. , Mrs. Katherln D.Je and Mrs Sara Fiebach, of Northern Ohio, are guests of their sister, Mrs. F. C. Pauli, whom tbsy have not seen for 30 years, and the meeting was joy ful. Mrs. Lytle will return by the Great Northern and Mrs Fiebach will visit a sister and daughter at Los Angeles before returning east. The Portland police have been notified of the disappearance of Jeff Purdin, aged 35, single, and who is a relative of Ira E. Purdin, of For est Grove. Purdin waa well known a few years ago in .the Greenville section. He was last seen August 22,' and at that time drew some money out of the Oregon Savings' Bank, and started for the . Lewis & Clark Fair. Purdin has been, up in the Cascades somewhere for 'sev eral years. "His friend, one.L. O. Rail ton, fears that Purdin may have met with foul play. Dr. Gcglan. of Portland, spent Sunday with K. B. Tongue. Henry Miller, of Witch Haul, was in tbe county seat Tueedsy. B. C. Hollenbeck and wife came down from Mountaindale Tuerday. C. W. Brown, of Laurel, has rent ed the H. R. Emmott place, fouth of this city. Miss Mabel Withyooiube, of Cor ral lis, is the guest of Miss Florence Tongne, this week. John Knnes, of South Tualatin, was over Tuesday, a witness on tbe Becker aeaault ease. t Dr, F. J. Bailey returned Satur day evening from a trip io the Ne halem and Tillamook. . Mrs. Geo R. Bagley and children returned Monday evening from a month's visit in Portland. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxcellencia end you will try them again and again. Douglas Leisy wss out from Portland, but week, visiting the home folks at Leisyville. John Vanderberg and son, Peter, were in from Centerville, Tuesday, callers at the Argus office. Dr. A. B. Bailey went to Port land Tuesday to celebrate Spokane Uay at the lewis v Clark. T. P. Goodin, the contractor who drew the plans for the new theater buiklmg, was in town Monday. j You can buy paint at Schulmer ich Bros, at Portland prices. The Fallot the year is the proper time to use it. j O. G. Barlow came out from Portland the first of the week, to spend a few days on his Glencoe farm. With your -head hot your brain is not right for work. Moral: Buy your hats from H. Wehrung & Sons. Cornelius. Soehren and wife, of Manning, have been Hillsboro vis itors for a week, guests of the Wilkes. - Scbulmerich Bros, have add! a complete line of stoves to their stock of bardwaie. Come and have a look at them. this office Monday. Smokers like the Schiller and the Exoellencia. These cigars are of the beet stock. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. Miss Arab Hoyt accompanied her sister, Mrs. J. E. Kirkwood, back to Syrscuse, N. Y , laBt week, for sn extended visit in tbe east. Dr. C. W. Lowe, the oculist, snd member of the Stste Board, will again be shaking hands with his Hillsboro friends on the 20th inst. Kd. Rood, formerly of Heppner, and who still has extensive inter ests up there, was a guest of his brother, Judge L. A. Rood, tbe first of the week. The only department store in Washington County. We can sell you anything from the largest farm implement down to a needle. Scbulmerich Bros. Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook, was in the city Monday, and re ports hia son, who was shot last week, as getting along nicely, and that all danger of fatal results is past. W. E. Wells, of Mountaindale, and who soon moves to Galee Creek, waa a caller at the Argus of lice Monday, and left some fine Graveostein apples from his recent ranch purchase. Make your own wire fence. Buy your wire and a superior wire fence machine and you will have the world by the seat of the breeches snd a down-hill pull. Machines $5, and your : wire cheap. A. C Archbold. Deputy Clerk W. D. Smith and Miss Norman have finished an ab stract of the Washington County census, and it will be forwarded Ibis week to the Secretary State. In this abstract the name of each perron is written, ana it was no small task. The oflirers now claim that Pfan ner, the absconding Forest Orove banker, is not in San Francisco, al though a man who is his "double" is sn inhabitant of the bay city. John Boeker Jr ,of Greenville, says that the likeness is very complete. The report was spread here, some yesrs ago, that rfanner had died in Switzerland. Monday evening saw the long drouth broken lust when hopmen were praying it would be continued for a week or ten days. There was more sheet lightning than seen here for years at one time, and the elec- trio light plant phut down two or three times during tbe nigbt, as lightning was playing hide and eeek up and down the poles and wires. liAinceiiii German Presbyterians at Bethany Have New Home SERVICES WERE HELD ALL DAY Baadaone new stractare Built, sad Oat sf Debt Dedication of the beautiful cew Bethany German Presbyterian Church, west of Portland, in tbe valley nestling among the hills of eastern Wat-hlngton County, and the farewell service to Rev. Wil liam G. Laube,' the retiring pastor, were held last Sunday in an all- day service, which began at 10 0 clock in the morning, closing at night. Sunday services were held st tbe morning hour, which wss followed with a sermon by Rev. J. V. Milligan, of Portland, in the couree of which he spoke of the progress of tbe work among tbe German people of Portland, and especially at Bethany. After recess until a o'clock, the for mal dedication of the church, free of debt, followed the sermon by Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D. Dr. Holt was assisted in dedicatory services by Rev. V. C. Laube, retiring pssior; Kev. Allred iierfortb, the new pastor; Rev. August Reinhsrd, pas tor of Zion German I'resbvterian Church. and others. Again in the eveninr a reneral meet. ing was held. Rev. W. C. Laube spike his farewell words, and also the other ministers participated. Four years ago, Rev. Mr. Laube commenced bis work at Bethany, aud leaves that charge with a fine new church and a prosperous con gre- gation. He will leave with hia wife this week for Dubuque, la., to enter upon new duties aa professor la the German Theological Seminary. Rev. Alfred Her forth will be installed aa pastor of Beth any Church bv the Portland Presbytery soon as ne pas oeea dismissed by tbe Presbytery of South DakoU, from which he came. TAX NOTICE The Tax payers of Washington County, Oregon, are hereby notified that the last half of their taxes for ijpji irj Janu- Monday in fl")"'rni;1i, ., me interest at the rate of 12 cer cent, per annum will be charged in addition to 1U per cent. Deni tv. which interest charge will be com puted from the first Monday in April, 1905. v k Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon. Au gust 2t, 1903. J. W. Connell, Sheriff of Washington Count. Oregon. HOUSE AND BARN BURN Frank Rah. of Centerville. lost hia house, barn and outbuildings by bre last Friday, while the family were absent in the bopfields. A threshing crew which waa naatino- csrried out the most of the house hold goods, hut it was inrniflsihln to check the flames in time to rave the house and barn. The loss is estimated at about f 1 000. A lnt of hay and grain were also burned. NOTICE The fruit dryer sear Scholia can dry a limited amount of prunes for outside parties if arranged for early liood work guaranteed. Call up Thomas Herd, on Scholia line. P. 0. Address. Newberg., R. F. D. No. 5. Senator E. W. Haines, of Forest Grove, was in town Monday after noon, on business' at the court house. Mr. Haines is trying to make a deal ' to furnish power for lighting Hillsboro, and says he thinks he can save the city several hundred dollars each year at least, he is willing to put up a bond that he can fill a contract, should he be awarded one. '. While you are looking for a fine range do not fail to drop into Cave's pioneer hardware store and take a look at the Moore range, the finest in the market. Considering quali ty and value these ranges are tbe cheapest in the market. ' We carry all kinds of fine heaters, also. Give us a call. Cave's Hardware Store, Main Street. Dr C B. Brown, w ife and son, of Portland, were out Sunday, guests of Mrs. Susan Brown and Mrs. J W: Morgan, making the trip over land in their auto. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Paine, of Los Angeles, left Friday for the east, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Heidel. H. M. Blaok. a nephew of C. W. James, wsa over from Clark Coun ty, Washington, Sunday, a guest of the James boys. E7e Delta Drug Store Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. Mission Herb Tea We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions and Family Remedies a Specialty. Main St. HILLSBORO COEXmClAL CAZX 4. 8. SHOIES, PrImt SCO. mUitUMOUOH, Om Main Street, Fx 1 As the Twig is ft The How is it with the young people of yonr household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the lue of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill Into correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? opportunity to "bend the twig?" Woulcr Jad. suggestion? If so, here it is: Send the vounir folksto dollar that comes into their be treatM? in liVa rnmnftp until a fixed habit of eaving has been established. A v Ka Tr OAAIlnt will Oswn wMaafal 1 a aAitm fnlWa .Tf J wuuuii TV 111 DWU ICDUifj Ulf JVU1JJC IWakB W 114 gVI) an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. North Side Main St. ' OOMTRAOTOR AKD CVILDZH Am prepared to give you figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen S years' practical experience. Address, Hills- htm Orocrnn BUT) Phone No. 28x4. When You Go To Portland Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry; a place where you will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in your own home, towu or city. fie Forestry Inn Is such a place, and it atands within one block of the Exposition Entrance, oa 25th Street facing Upshur. THR FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and man agement conforms thereto. It haa 150 large, commodious rooms, all owning on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold water and free- baths. From the roof garden a view ia had of the Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable aa in any part of the city. Price of Rooms, $I.OO and $1.50. Special Rates to Parties of two or more. MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. Address, P. C, Mattox, Manager, or H. M. rancher. 25th and Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon. 1 Hillsboro, Ore. Pays interest on time deposits; charges no exchange to its cus tomers, and do not charge Ex change on their home checks. Come and see us. i:::bboro, Crez v Bent Tree's Inclined" bands. anrl fltA nr..iiw SHUTE BANK Hillsboro, Oregon - - Tr 1 Pani'Rn Sa r. p. ccczzt "'iista t 1 snare p. I i