The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 07, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XII.
NO. 2ti
Saya That lie Dislikes to Pnr.
don Without Recommend
Cutraleck aed Trewley, Sent Fkhu line,
Mut Serve Time
Governor Chambe rlaln, In an Inter
view with the Argus reporter, Kri-
day, etetee that be Ihlnki hit order
Id lake the stripes oil ot convict.
and give theni blue-gray suits, will
work to the well lring of all lbs
prUonsrs, and ha slatej that ih far
at escaping mora eaiily in thta
garb la concerned, that escape! gsn
erellr changed their appareii aa
soon a tbey ran find other clothe
Hpeaklng ahoul Trotulay'a deeir to
gal out, be elated that ha ahotiUI
not pardon him unleaa the trial
judge and tha district attorney
iliUoned him. Tromley wa the
fellow who waa given a iloie of tar
and (eatbera hare a few month
prior to hia conviction for assis'lng
in a jail delivery. The (iovernor
alao elated that be would mil exr
riea necutlve clemency with K. K
Golestock, sent up for 12 years,
without like recommendation
from the trial offlcera. Aa neither
Judge Moltride nor Diatrict Attor
iter Allen will give auch a
mend, theae two will vary likely
remain until their sentence sipire.
Ora and Harry Cook, of Cornelius,
were in the county aeal Monday,
bringing with them a big lynx,
measuring over three ll from the
noae to the point ot bia tail, hia
caudal appendage, however, (wing
but two or three inchta long. The
animal waa a monster of hia ape
oiee, and waa treed by Mr. Cook'e
doge, on the I.ung place, north of
Cornelius. Ora Cook 'a boy Ural lo
cated him, where tha dogs had him
landed, but aa ha had only a email
"pepper box" with him be went at
ler ibe uncle, who eoon brought hie
iyni ship out of the tree. There ia
no bounty on theae animals, but
there should be, aa they are worae
alter sheep than coyoloa.
The fruit dryer near Bchollt can
dry a limiwd amount of prunea for
nutaide parties if arranged for early,
tiood work guaranteed.
Call up Thome Herd, on goholls
P. 0. Address, Newberg , R. V.
D. No. 3.
Married, at the reeldenoe of Mr
John Bledsoe, near Greenville, Or ,
Hapt. :i, 1005, Uev. L. F. Belknap
oflkiaiing, Mr Chaa. Hlrohmayer
and Miaa Clarice N. J. Bledaoo,
hotb of Greenville.
Dr J. P. Tamieeie went to Tort
land Monday.
Dr. P. J. Bailey and F. M. Hei
del were Portland vieitora Monday
T. 0. Meacham waa down from
. above Mountaindale Monday morn
For a good amoke try the Bchil
lar or Kicellenoia end you will
try them again and again.
Dr. F. V. Wood, of Olenone,
came in Friday and made a bum
neaa trip to Portland.
Miaa Mae Snyder, of San Fran
cleon, waa here last week, the gunst
of Miaa Wuluioth Jonee. . .
With your head hot your brain
ia not right tor work. Moral : Buy
vour hate from H; Wahruog k
John Doge, of Farmington, ex
hibited aome fine blue-lop turnips
on the atreeta Friday, bringing
them up lor Fair purposes.
Our midsummer Block of ladies
drees goods ia absolutely tha fluent
in the city, Call and sea. H
Wehrung A Sons. . ,
K. L. Cate, of Portland, and who
la ansnt for the Hawthorne estate,
was out Friday, the gueal of hia
brother, of the Hawthorne ranch
east of town.
You will do well to list your
farm for eale with J. (J. Kuratli
Will also orv auction Bales. Satli
faotlon Buaranteed. J. C. Kuratl
Hilleboro. R. F. D. 4. Residence
Phillips, Ore.
A six year old son of Mr. an
Mrs. Frank Simpson, of South
' Tualatin. fell while playing in th
barn, Sunday, and broke his right
forearm, iust above the wrist. Dr,
F. A. Bailey was called to rduce
the fracture.
C. K. Henry, the Portland real
aetata dealer, residing in Houtb
Hilleboro, through Attorney (leo.
It. I'agley, haa secured an Injunc
tion from Hon. T. A. MoBrlde, to
restrain tha City of Hillidtoro from
shutting oil' the water supply he
uws to irrigate hia lawn. 1 he in-
i unction was granted upon Cling a
Ktnd in the sum of f:UXI, and the
case will be tried out. Henry ob
ject e to the turning off of bis water,
and the petition aaya that after tha
city abut olT the supply he had to
nay a penalty of f 5 before be could
nave il turned on. He relates that
the city agreed to give bia a service
for 50 cents per each thousand gal
lone, and that he put in a meter at
hi own expense. The city alleges
that when the water supply became
abort owing to the drouth an order
waa made direoling limited uses
of water for Irrigating lawna, and
that Henry dieobeyed this, eauaing
the water to be cut oil'. Henry al
lege that the city ia bound to fur
nih bim all the water he wants,
both for domestic and irrigating
purpoeea, and that he i not re
quired to take leas than ha need
for the preservation of bis grounds,
which are, a a matter of fact, the
nnwt beautiful in town. The city
odlciala allege thry will fight the
can to the limit, and, as Henry ia
anmtohaL id a fishier for what he
deems a hia riiiht there will be!
plenty doing until the oourt settle
the matter.
Fully one hundred car for
freight are wanted by farmera in
thia vicinity, and the same car
ahortage that waa prevalent last
year ia epidemic again thia Fall.
The company oilers no Immediate
relief, and no one seems to know
when we shall get wheels to ship
out tbe product of the county.
Rest of Hilleboro many farmers
haul to Portland while roade are
hard, rather than to lake Ibeir hay
and grain to warehouses a'ong tbe
line and then not be able to deliver
when they think the price la right.
Csr shortage haa been the trouble
here every year when crops are to
be moved but that is one of the
iaadvanlage of living on a branch
Mrs. C. Rurgland, of IWaverton,
apeled to County Judge Rood to
take charge of two minor children
lielonging to frank Miller, who
aa been logging on the Columbia,
and order tbe children sent to
the Boys' A Oirla' Aid Society, aa
Miller had not been heard from for
several months, and tho woman
stated tbat she waa unable to sup
port them longer. Without know
ing aught of the proceedings Miller
returned, Labor Day, and took
oharge of the little ones, paying all
arrearagea. Miller is hardworking
and sober, and had been working
ever since leaving for the Columbia
liver. ...
Geo. T. Rea. of west of town,
was Monday morning exhibiting a
belt and knife holder which be
took off the body of dead, and,
neoeaearily a "good" Indian, forty
two yaara ago Sept. 4. The Indian
was one of the bind that committed
the New I'liu maSHaore in Minne
sota, and Mr. Rea was one of the
men enlisted to hunt them down
Tbe Indian shot at Rea and he re
turned the fire, downing him, arifl
be went over to see what ha looked
like, The belt la a handsome one,
and has stood tha ravages of time
without losing its beautiful color
ing. Two arrow heads were found
in the little pocket attached to the
From thia date all who buy $1
worth, or more, in my hardware
store, will get a rebate of 10 per
cent, and on purchases ot between
50 cents and fl.lX), a rebate of
per cent, will be given. Thia ap
plies to everything except oils and
white lead. n c are going to close
our business,' and here is a chance
to save from ft to 10 per cent.; and
our prioes meet all competition.
A. C. Arohbold, (Second street, in
dependent phone No. 454.
Chairman Baker, of the Oregon
republicans, haa called for a love
feast to convene at Portland, Octo
ber 12, when all hatchets, knives
snd various other implements of
inoiaion, are to be buried to help
along some of Baker's candidates
for oflioe, of course. W, K Barrett,
of this city, and B. P. Cornelius,
postmaster, are invited to attend.
' For sale (or seed: Choice lot of
Winter oats and cheat seed. Will
also sell five Merino Bucks, from
the Baldwin Land & Sheep Co.,
flock, of Hay Cieek, Ore Wesley
W. Paine, Glencoe, Ore, address,
Hilleboro, R. F D. 8.
Mike Rolling, of Blooming, was
in the city Tuesday, and states
that threshing ia concluded in his
section. Mr. Mooherry, he Btaten,
started bop picking in the Pollock
yard, Tuesday morning.
Kmil Osnelt,' of Mountaindale,
was in town Tuesday, snd joined
the Argus list, to keep informed on
county news.
8, L. Hollenbeok, of Mountain
dale, waa in the city Tuesday. .
Warehouse and Wood Burn
cd Friday A Iter noon
Csuted by Spark Prom Engine, Igniting
Tha Alexander warehouse, at Dil
ley, now owned by T. 0. Todd and
Mr. Bisbee, of Forest Grove, caught
fire Friday afternoon, tbe blaze
starting from a apark from the en
gine, the roof catching, first. Many
turned nut to extinguish tbe fire,
but owing to tbe strong wind, no
headway could le roade. The
wurehouie, which contained $SiK)
worth of bay and grain, waa totally
consumed, lbs loss on the building
being estimated at $500. The loss
of wood is estimated at $400.
Henry Parsons, a firmer near Dil
ley, loet a lot of cedar poles, which
he had in the yard.
An old warehouse waa also de
stroyed by Ore at Cornelius, the
aame day, but by a strenuous effort
the II nie were prevented from
spreading to other property.
Mr. Fred Adams, of Ibis city, and
Miea Adeline Zimmerman, of Ice
land Farm, Southeast of Hillshoro,
Southeast of HilUlniro, were united
in marriage at the home of the
bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Zimmerman, on Sunday, September
.1 1K)5, Rev. C. L. Hamilton, of
the Hillsboro M. K Church, oflici
a ting. The groom ia a former resi
dent of HchoIIs, but for several
months has been employed as Bales
man for J. A. Meesinger and G. W.
Patterson & Son. The wedding
waa attended by a large number of
friendaof bride and groom, Elmer
Scott being groomsman and Mias
Marguerite Freedeen, of Portland,
the bridesmaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams departed
on tbe evening train for Aatoria
and o.bcr paints for a short honey
moon, after which they will take
up their residence in thia city.
Work on tho Portland, Nehalem &
Tillamook railroad is at a stand
still, owing to lbs failure of Rec
ords, of the Alias Supply .U'm
tract Company to make goxl on
demands made on bim by virtue of
the Forest Grove electric line. It
appears tbat the men on the Port
land end of the electric line were
ieeued checks in payment for their
services, ami there were on tunas in
the bank to cash them lUis Slop
ped work on the e'entrio line, and,
of course, he being the same con
tractor on the Tillamook road,
Wakefield, of the bridge force, or
dered his men into Portland, pay
ing them off. Other contractors
worked several days longer, the
last to quit being contractor Knott h,
grading up at Roy'a. All tbe labor
employed by the contractors, Wake
field, Knot to, J. C. Hare, and
Thompson Bros., have been paid,
or will be paid on the 15th, the
only men not being paid as yet be
ing tha engineer parties and the
Sweden, who were working for Rec
ords, , direct. Kfforts are being
made to patch up both the affairs
ol the electrio line and the Tilla
mook project, and a return to work
promised before long.
Attorney Geo. It, Bagley made a
business trip to Portland Saturday.
Thoe. Wann waa out from Port
land, Labor Day, visiting with his
brother, Ed. Wann.
Miss Rertina Cramer, of Hood
River, in a guest of her cousin, Mrs.
W. K. Hanley, or rorth Hilleboro.
Aleo Gordon, of Glencoe, waa in
town Monday, preparing to snip
hay to Astoria, where ho Bella his
crop nearly every year.
A.' J. Roy, of the county farm,
and who Buffered a dislocation tf
his knee recently, is able to be out,
but ia Btill unable to do any work.
The Imperial older mill at Cor
neliua haa been thoroughly over
hauled and will begin making ci
der on September 10th.
C. F. Barrett was down from
Greenville Saturday, the guests of
hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxoellenoia. TheBe oigars are of
the best stook. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar,
C B. Buchanan and Benj
Soholfield, were down from Corne
liua, last Saturday, attending i
meeting of the Lewis & Clark Ex
ecutive committee,
0. G. Barlow, of Portland, was
out Fridsy, on business.
John Bledsoe, of near Banks, was
a county aeat visitor Saturday.
Jewry Henton, of near Laurel,
waa in town Monday morning.
J. J. Meacbaro, of above Moun
taindale, waa in tbt city Labor
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
H. ElUngben, of near Beaver Ion,
waa in town Monday. Mr. Idling-
sen is a recent arrival.
T. P. Goodin, the contractor, is
? letting out plana and specification
or the new theatre building.
Ixmia Caretana, of Manning, wa
down Monday, alter a viait, tbe
last of tbe week, to tbe Lewi A
Clark Fair.
Fine farm, good improvement,
70 acres under cultivation; near
Forest Grove; for sale at a bargain
Inquire at this oflice.
G. W. Kelley and J. A. Long, or
Vinelands, were in town Monday,
on business with tounty l-ierk
Mrs. Cora Rhea Ragley, who
starta for Council, Idaho, Thurs
day, came out from Portland for
the day, Sunday.
C. W. IOiidon came in from
Glencoe Monday, to meet Mra.
Loudon, returning from a week'a
visit at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Mrs. Johnson, of Philadelphia,
a aister of M. C. Collier, and Mies
Alice Johnson, her daughter, left
Saturday for their home, after a 4
weeka' visit at Scholia.
W. McQuillan, residence 3 miles
southeast of Hillsboro, will cry auc
tion eale at reasonable figures.
Postoffice address, Hillsboro, Ore. .
Miss Bessie Tiffany, daughter of
the Mrs. Tinany who taught here
aeveral years ago, was here the last
of the week, the guest of Miss Jen
nie Thome
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's boso you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
E. II. Lytle, a prominent rail
ronl builder, and former owner of
the Columbia Southern, between
Biggs and Sbaniko, waa here Sun
day, the guest of C. K. Henry.
Monday waa Labor Day, but the
spirit of the day was not particu
larly observed here where labor
unions srenot rooted but why not
call it "Rest Day," anyway.
Geo. H. Paine, of Fonda Lac,
Wisconsin, and who haa been
spending the last four years at Los
Angeles, waa here the first of the
week, the guest of his old time
friend, F. M. Heidel.
Make your own wire fence. Buy
vour wire and a superior wire fence
machine and you will have the
world by the seat of the breeches
and a down-hill pull. Machines.
5, and your wire cheap. A. C.
R. Rasmuson, of Reedville, waa
in town Saturday, accompanied by
his family. He states that some of
his wheat went 30 bushels to the
acre, and that his best oata went 82
bushels to the acre. That ia pret
ty fair, considering other yields in
Dennis haa received hia new
stock of shoes, tbe Ameriosn Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest in the market. Come in and
see them. The latest models.
These shoes are advertiaed in every
prominent magazine and newspa
per in the world.
Tha Oregon Condensed Milk
Company reinrts a car-load ship
ment to Montana, this Monday,
and another to Portland, aside
from their retail shipments. The
Company now has hundreds of
patron who buy from them whole
sale, instead ol through wholesale
Joe S Robinson, of Farmington,
was in town Tuesday, with a load
of the finest Gravenateina yet seen
this season, the fruit being perfect
in formation and almost without a
blemish He says that all Wash
ington County needs to beat Hood
River fruit ia care of orchards, and
plenty of spraying at the light sea
son. In ten or twelve boxes of ap
ples brought in by him, one could
not detect a worm note.
Will Convene on Monday,
October 9, for a Week
RelU VIII be Cuoipletei a Precedier,
Saiarday Sight
Ufe Delta
Drug' Store
The Washington County tax roll
for the year of 1005 will be com
pleted on Saturday evening, Octo
ber 7, and Assessor Wilcox will
convene tbe Board of Equalization
on Monday morning, October 9, for
a session of one week, to adjust tax f
matters with those dissatisfied with j
valuation, and to add to the roll
any property that may bs found. J
Should the hoard, which consists
of Aeawsor Wilcox, County Judge,
L. A. Rood and County Clerk:
Godman, find it impossible to com-1
plete its labors by the Saturday!
adjournment the county commis-l
sioners must take up the work
where the Equalization Board i
leaves ofT its work.
It is expected that more people
will attend the session than before
because each year sees more ownero
on the- list of taxable property.
The Southern Pacific is expected to
send out a man, also, aa their aa
aeeament hsa been raiaed nearly
double, and in rome instances a
trifle more.
The Deacoa en Thrasbtn Tim
01 thraibla' time t here again
I'm tmget a a kid
To tee tbe grain come poutin' out
That little painted lid!
I like to see tbat ol' tuasheen
Kat up tbe yaller straw,
'Till all tbe field are likked np bare
In her capashns maw
Hut ttill, the thrahin' aint the same
A when I wa a lad
An' some one drove tbat ol' hone-power
A-awearin' like he's mad!
Fer now tbey hitch an injine on
Which puffa, and iwcau, and pants
An' make the men jes' jump aronn'.
Like they're that many ants
An' (till, I like the thrashiu' time.
To me it eem a joy
It take me back to old-time days
When I wa jet' a boy'.
The Tax payers of Washington
County, Oregon, are hereby notified
tbat the last half of their taxes for
the year 1004 and levied in Janu
ary, 1005, are now payable, and
will become delinquent on the First
Monday in October, l'X)5, at which
time iuterest at the rate of 12 per
cent, per annum will be charged in
addition to 10 per cent, penalty,
men interest charge will be com
mit ed from the first Monday in
April, 1005.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oiegon, Au
gust 20, 1005.
J. W. Connell,
Sheriff of Washington County,
Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
ttion. U
Mission Herb Tea
recommend this preparation. Prescrintions
- j----
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St - - - Hillsboro. Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see ns.
4. 8. SHOLES, PrmaMmnt
Main Strt,
HHisboro, Creom
As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined'
How is it with the young people of yonr household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideaB concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to onr bank with the first spare
dollar that cornea into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thtw "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
Sheriff Connell. D. B and Henry
Reasoner and Frank Sellman re
turned Saturday evening from a
deer hunt in the Mountains above
Gaston. H. W.Scott. Herb Mat-
tieeon and Alec Hoodenpuyl, of
Gaston and vicinity, made up the
party and tbe seven landed five
deer, making one for each of the
hunters, as your "Uncle Henry"
watched camp. The Sherifl and I).
B. Reasoner landed one each, Mr
Reasoner killing one with Connell'a
J. W. York, the Reedville farmer,
waa in town Tuesday.
N. H Johnson, of Glencoe, was a
caller at the Argus office Friday,
K. 0. Wolf, of Reedville, was up
to the county seat Tuesday.
Poitmaeter B. P. Cornelius and
F. M. Heidel were Portland vieit
ora Tuesday.
Gottfried Schlaeflt, of Mountain-
dale, was in town Tuesday, getting
out a fire permit.
H. S. Swallev, of Reedville, and
who owns one of the finest farms in
that section, was in the county
seat Monday.
Fred Corneliua is suffering from
a painful attack of .blood poison in
one of bis fingers, caused by a mere
J. W. Shute, who is interested in
mines, made a trip to Baker City
the first of the week, and went on
out to the mine by stage;
J. H. Dorland, of Shady Brook,
was in town Tuesday, and saye
that the boys out that way have
bsen busy fighting fires this week.
Sheriff Connell went to Iowa
Hill, Tuesday to sell the Henry
Becker stock to cover an old judg
ment A daughter of Becker bid
the property in.
Stanley M. Crimp, chief day tele
grapher for the Postal Telegraph,
in Portland, accompanied by hia
wife, was a visitor at Mrs. U. K.
Trumbo's, beyond Glencoe, tbe first
of the week.
Thos. Humphreys, Heppner's
popular druggist, was here tbe laat
of tbe week, he and his wue and
children being guests of Judge
Rood and wife. Mr. Humphreys
left the middle of the week, ' for
home, .
J Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
J boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
WHen You Go
To Portland
Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry;
a place where you will be shown every courtesy
and treated as you would be in your own home, '
town or city.
56e Forestry Inn
I such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition
Entrance, on 25th Street facing Uptuur. THE FORESTRY INN
i couatructed on the log cabin atyle; furnishing, cuiune, and man
agement conforms thereto. It ha 150 large, couiniodiou room, alt .
opeiiiug on liro;ul, cool verandas; with electric light; hot and cold
water and free bath. From the roof garden a view it had of the
Exposition grounds, the city and unrounding couutry. Car service
direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la
carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. '
Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50.
Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
, . , : . Address,
P. C. Mattox, Manager, or H. M. Ftmcher.
25th au(l Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon.