VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 31. 1905. NO. 25 I f II r LAND FRAUD CASES (JETTING CLOSE 1101 Waller J. Smith, Above Cialca Creek, Indicted HKOMINENT TILLAMOOK PEOPLE StcreUri of Crasd Jury, Bailey, Hwt Over Sunday Th Federal Grand Jury, in aessioo at Portland, adjourned Friday eve nlo, until Monday morning, and SdcmUry John W. Bailey, of thia city, and Alex Alexander, of Forest Grove, came out to rent orer tb Sabbath. The scene of the land fraud cata baa shifted until it trikea very eloaa to Washington County, Walter J. Smith, who keeps a slopping place on the Wilson River, being indiuled aa one of the crew. Smith' plso i known to hundred! of Washington County people who make trips over' to the classic ihades of Tillamook . Claude Thayer, atao well known here, and Oak Nolan, an attorney, are alao Indicted alone with the following: Clark K. Hadiey, Maurice I .ach, Thoa. Coatee, John Tuttle and Chaa. K. Haya. The mijority of there people are known here, and they are charged with land fraud. The statute of limitation! bad run within a period of lit houri. An amusing feature connected with the land fraud caeee ia the fact that Judge A. 8. Bennett, well known at preeiding judge of thii county, waa caught by the police foroe playing poker In the Imperial Hotel, Friday night, and marched to the polioe atation, where be wai discharged by the police judge, af ter lecture. NEW TRAIN SERVICE In order to accommodate the local travel and give the people an op- 1 or t unity to spend the evening in 'orlland to visit the Ki position, theatre, eto, the Southern Pacific baa Inaugurated additional service between Portland and Forest Grove a follow!, In addition to the pres ent aervioe, no change in the ached ule of which will he made: (MIINil RAST Forest Grove 12:30 P. M. Cornelius 12:35 " " Hllleboro 12:43" " Keedvill 12:57" " Beavertoo 1:07 " " Portland 1:60" " 001 NU WKHT Portland Beavertoo Reedville , ., Hllleboro Cornelius Forest Drove This train will Sunday, and the 10:45 P. M 11:28 " " 11:39 " - 11:54 " " 12:01 A.M. 12:05" " run daily except service will be maintained as long as the business will justify. This will be a local passenger train of suburban nature, and will not carry a baggage car, so that baggage cannot be checked. of W. McQuillan, of southeast Newton, was In town Saturday. Mist Myrtle Butler, of Forest Grove, visited here over Sunday. Win. Bohulmerloh, the Farming ton dairyman, was in town Satur day. W. H. Lyda, the Bellingher Bridge sawmill man, was in town Saturday. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxcellencia end you will try them again and again. John Kassabaum, of Glenooe, and John Kieni, of Cedar Mill, were in town Saturday. With your head hot your brain is not right for work. Moral; Buy vour hats from H; Wehrung k Suns. Mrs. E. M. Christensen, of Sard Francisco, and who owns the Mar tin Smith ranch, near Lenox, was in town last Thursday evening. Our midsummer stook of ladies' dress goods is absolutely the finest In the city. Call and see. H. Wehrung & Sons. ' J. T. Young and family have re turned from an outing at Netarts and Mies Irene Youog, who has been visiting ber sister Mrs. Booth, at Clatskanie, is home again. You will do well to lint your farm for sale with J. C. Kuratli, Will also cry auction sales. Satis faotlon guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli, . Hillsboro, R. F. I). 4. Residence, Phillips, Ore. Ed. Schiller, the Portland eigar manufacturer, and who employs 55 people tn the business, waB a Hills biro visitor Friday last. His 12 year old son recently suffered two ODerationt for appendicitis, at one of the Portland hospitals. (1. F. C. Meyer, of Blooming, writes the Argus: "On Aug. 27 the Germsn Lutherans of this place and surrounding vicinity had our annual mission meeting In Hel- mold's Grove. A repreeentation from Bberwood, Giston and Hay. ward, were there. Rev, K Eber bardt, of Bnohotniah, preached io the forenoon, and Rev. F. C. Ebe ling, of (Ins ton, preaching in the afternoon. The ladies of Blooming served a splendid dinner tor the visitor and all had a good time. Tbe missionary collection was S5.50." C'orrsri Brothers, the Italian gar deners southeast of town, take ex ceptions to an article in the Inde pendent atating that ait "Italian gardener" had drove his team over a little fellow a wsgon, one day last week. They say neither of them did such a thing, end Marshal At kinson says it was nsitber of them. This correction U made for the IwnefJt of the Correris, as they are the only Italians engaged in gar dening around here, and many might think they, or one of them, had been resklees. From this date all who buy $1 worth, or more, in my hardware store, will get a rebate of 10 per rent, sud on purchases of between M) cents and 1 1 .(Ml, a rebate of 5 per cent, will be given. This ap plies to everything except oils and white lead. e are going to close our business, and here is a chance to save from 5 to 10 iter cent., and our prices meet all competition. A. U. A retinoid, Becond Ktreet. In dependent phone No. 454. Uillsboro row has a local indi vidual wire into Portland on the Pacific Htatee' telephone line, and it is proving a great convenience, as patrons no longer have to wail tbe pleasure of the other wire, which is used by all tbe other Weet Hide offices. Tbe wire was put on at the solicitation of Lome Palma teer, as Ibis city is turning in more 1uaioeaa than any other station on the circuit. M. R. Cheney, the Forest Grove tinner, and who worked in a Wis consin town 25 years ago, where the Argus reporter spent his early boyhood, was down from Foreet Grove Tuesday, getting a permit to burn 25 acres of shutting on bis rsncb near Buxton. While in tht oity Mr. Cheney made this office a pleasant mil. Tbe weather ia getting cooler and a new healer is the next thing wanted. Just .remember that R. Cave keeps the Cule airtight, and it is the finest in the market, and nicely finished. Com in and see them. A line of t steel ranges st rock-bottom prices, will arrive about September 1. After a short visit with thsir cousin, Mrs. R. A. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LaRue, Mr. Jos. Flem ing, Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Randolph, have taken their departure for their homes in Ipava, III, Before coming to Hillsboro they were sojourning at some of the Canadian and Brit ish Columbia Summer resorts. John V. Hale, who is running an engine on the Southern Pacific out of Grant Pass, was here this week, the guest of hi parent, Mr. and Mr. Green Hale, of west of town. John ia looking fine and like the Southern Oregon country. Mrs. Hale, formerly Miss Clark, accom panied him and has been visiting relatives and friends. W. N. Ferrin, president of Pad Qo University, is preeiding officer of the educational congress at lb Lewi & Clark Fair. Supt. Case as well aa many Washington Coun ty teachers, Is in attendance at the big session, which is taking the place of Oregon' annual teachers' County institutes, A change. J. W. Ilsrlrampf will retire from the feed store business, on Main A Third, and H. L. Ber tram pf, hia son, will suceeed htm. All persons who have claim against J. VV. Hartrampf, and those who have claims against ths store, will please call and settle. J. C. Schulmericb. of Banks, and who own a big farm adjoining that thriving station, wa In town Mon day, Mr. Schulmerioh says that Watrou A Hoffman, or IWt Grove, are progressing nicely with their new store building at Banks Grand ball at Bethany Hall, on Saturday eve, Sept. 2, 1905. Tick eta and supper, 50 cent. Com one come all and enjoy the dance in the "Good Old Summer lira. J. B, King. Dr. James Luther and wife, of Westmoreland, Pa, are her thi week, guest of A, P, Luther and wife, of South Hillsboro. They are out to visit the Fair and meet rel1 tiyes. The Imperial cider mill at Cor neliua has been thoroughly over hauled and will begin making oi der on September lOtu. H. Harrington, one of Center ville's big farmers, was a county seat visitor tbe Brit of the week. SOUTHERN FACTO BIG ASSESSMENT Exceed a Half Million Do. lars of Total TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PER MILE Will Psy e Nlstly TboaMad Dtllsrs, Lied, Alose Assessor Geo. II. Wilcox has finish ed tbe Southern Pacific Railway assessment and, the roll shows tbst tbe company must this yesr pay taxes on a valuation of over a half million dollars, roadbed, rolling stock, and lands, combined. The Weal Hide road, running past Hills biro, pays on a valuation of 10, (MX) per mile, while the road run ning put Tualatin and Sherwood pay on a valuation of $7,000 per mile. Of tbe landa ssseesed about $'.V 000 of the assessment is sold under contrsct, leaving the company to sy, first hand, on fW.OOO worth of lands. Tbe tax on land sold, how evsr, Is always psid by tbe com pany to avoid trouble with pur chasers. Tbe entire assessment is as folio, being about one-twenty fifth of the entire Ux toll: Road hrd, 34 miles 1310,120 Rolling stock 29.200 Lands Town lot Depot buildings wss a Portland 182,725 1,420 4,380 Total assessment $527,845 Tli Dtacoa on Oregon's Came Bird I he lived In Indiana?, Where the Uiy Wabash flows. An' I've lived in oT Car'lina Where the sweet pertater grows! I've sojourned dJwn in Tessa Where there's alius lots of room An' I've lived a year ia Georfry Sincllln' tweet Magnolia bloom I Then I cam out West In 'fifty, Kstln' cams root snd game Seltlin' on the fork of Dairy, Where I took m np a claim. You may tslk about ol' Teaa Aa' ber steer with juicy steak; Of your Ceorgy water melons. Both of which aint hard to take Yon csn brag of Indisnny An' ber famous punktn pies; Of Csr'llna's sweet pertaters Rothsr rnlilin' good my eyes! But, I'm satisfied with Wehfo.il; Best the worl' fer fowl and egg An' fer downright, clever ealiu' Give me China phessnnt's leg! , NOTICE The fruit dryer near Scholia oan dry a limited amount of prums for outside parlies it arranged for early. iood work guaranteed Call up Thomas Herd, on Scholia ine. P. 0. Address, Newberg., U F. No. 3. D R. C. Vaugbt, travelling sales man, spent Sunday with his family. M. Cantwell, of Mountaindale, wa in tbe county seal Monday morning. - Chaa. Matlhies, of Laurel, waa in the city Saturday last and mad tbe Argu ottio a pleasant call. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Thornburgb, of Forest Grove, were guest of Sheriff Connell and wife, Sunday Wanted: Hop picker for Cate hop yard, east of town. Reglatsr at the yard, or at the Cate Market, Main Street. Engineer Rankin, with the Till mook road, returned Tuesday from an extended trip to Portland. Smokers like the Schiller and the Kxcellencia. These cigar are of the beet took. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. John Campbell, of Sherwood, wa in toen the first of the week, the guest of Wm. Tipton, of South Hillsboro. Parties wishing to pick hops in the Imbrie yard wilt please register between this and September 1 Peter Nelson A Fred Wolf. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Young, who have spent the Summer at Scholls, have gone to Rainier to re id for the Winter. ' Are you satisfied with the shoe you have been buying? If not. come and see Schulmerioh Bros. Every pair absolutely guaranteed. B. C. Hollenbeck, of Mountain dale, was in the county seat Tues day morning, having returned the last of the week from a three days' visit at the Fair. For sale: fine work hone, gray, weigh from 1 100 to 1500, 5 year old, sired by Kalamar, the Ladd & Reed horse and out of the Imbrie stock of mares; gentle, sound and true. Henry Harris, Cornelius. W. J. Benson Visitor Tuesdsy. John MnFee, of Laurel, was in the city Tuesday. Ferd Groner and family, of Scholia, ars enjoying cottage life at Newport, this week. . Mr and Mrs. J. W. Connell were Portland viaitore, Tuesday evening, attending Last Days of Pompeii, at the Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Abbott, of San Pedro, Cel., were gum of Mr. snd Mrs. K. L. Abbott the laat of the week. Mr. L E. Wilke has returned from e trip to Montana, where ber husband is in tbe employ of the C. H. government. Fine farm, good improvement. 70 acre under cultivation; near Forest Grove; for sale at a bargain. Inquire at Ibis office. City Treasurer W. S. Hudson, of Forest Grove, was in town Satur day, a caller at the office of County Treasurer Jackson. J. W. Marsh, one of tbe pioneers of 1852, was in town Friday eve ning snd ssys that threshing is neirly over in his section. Sheriff Connell went out to Iowa Hill, Tuesday morning, and post poned to ssle of the Henry Becker personal property, set for that date Frank Rowell, of the Grnner Rowell Company, was up Tuesday, and says that so far no will has been found in the Molstesd estate. W. K. Bouceein. who has a ranch above Mountaindale, and who has been doing carpenter work on tbe plains this Summer, was in town tbe first of the week. Albers Brother & Schneider have another big contract to furnish the government oats for the Philip- Sines, and tbey are buying from i'aebington County farmer. Henry Cbeney, eon of Elbridge Cheney, of Foreet Grove, and who serve I three year in the Philip pine, has re enlisted tor another three years in the Hospital Corps. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hinde and family, who have occupied the Mrs. J. W. Morgan home throughout the Bummer, departed the last of the week for their home in Iowa. David Rice, who ia one of the nurses in the Oregon fcoidiere' Home at Roseburg, was in town the last of the week, and went on out to Glencoe to visit relatives. E. A. Knotts, of Tunlatin, and wbo has been at work on the Tilla mook railroad grade this aide of the Roy School, went home, Saturday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Knotts. C. W. Garrison, a son of A. II . Gsriieon, was here Friday, the guest of his sister, Mr. W. A. Fin ney. He has gone to lone, where he has opened a barber shop under ease, with tbe privilege of purchase. Fred Schumacler, of near Cedar Mills, started the last of the week tor a trip to Antwerp, Europe, to be absent several months. He went via the Canadian Pacific and takes the steamer from Montreal. T. P. Goodin and wife went over to Newport along with T. R. Im brie snd daughter, Mias Edna and Lucille, Friday. Kay L. Thomp son, of the Asotin, Wash., Sentinel, and wife, also wore parties to the trip. Hon. Evan Reamee, of Jackson ville, accompanied by bis wife, waa a guest at the Tongue residence the last of lbs week. Mr. Reame is district attorney for Jackson Coun ty, and ia also heavily interested io the eleclrio light business. Contractor J. W. Goodin reports that he has the piling all driven for the big Winter bridge across the Tualatin bottoms, south of town, and his crew commenced work on the timber and floor the last of tbe week, Dennis ha received his new stock of shoes, the American Gen tleman and American Lady, the finest in the market. Com in and see them. The latest models. These shoes are advertised in every prominent magazine and newspa per in tbe world. tii. Wann, W. H. Taylor, Chas. Hochstetler and C. Blaser, went over to retime Ureer, me laei oi the week, returning Monday, bring ing with them two fine buck deer, as a result of their chase. Hlaeer landed one of them and Taylor and Wann, the other.' We ret tires while you wait with out "House Cold Tire Setter," and the entire four wheels can bo set in from twenty to thirty minute Our chargee are reasonable. Do not be deceived by any on who tell you "the old way is the beet." Come and see for yourself. We do all kind of engine and boiler re pairing, wagon repairing and gen era! blacksmith work.-L G. Wei dewitsch, Cornelius. WARDS A BIG TREAT Fifty Orphans and Foundlings Visit Uwa k dark WENT IX CHANGE OP A SISTER Attache of Eiposltisa Stood Eipenars f Refreshments Tb Beiverton St. Mary's Home Monday was a scens of a great deal of enthusiasm for lb day wa one of great importance to fifty of tbe little lad who are being educated and eared for by the institution That number went to Portland and viewed the exposition, free of ex pense, one of the Exposition attach es even putting op the money for the refreshments for the little chap. Fstber Moor ha been making arrangement for some time to give his wards a treat, and when the management of the Fair acquiesced there was great rejoicing by the lads. &e Delta TAX NOTICE The Tax payers of Washinzton County, Oregon, are hereby notified that the last half of their taxes for the year l'.KM and levied in Janu ary, iih, are now payable, and will become delinquent on the First Monday in October, rHJ5, at which time lulereH at tbe rate of 12 per cent, per annum will be charged in I addition to 1U per cent, penalty. which interest charge will be com puted from the first Monday in April, 1905. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Au gust 29, 1905. J. W. Connell, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. BIG LOG CONTRACT Dwight Pomeroy, who in company with Tho. Hi n ton, has seven hun dred thousand fe-t of whiti fir logs down, for the Oregon City paper mills, was in town Tuesday. He states that the loj are all cut, and that they will have them peeled be fore the rains come, and (hen the big drive to the Falls will com merce, aa soon as the stage of water warrants. Nearly half of this cut was held up last Spring by reason of the water falling too quickly, FINE APPLE EXHIBIT S. J. Uafletv, of Mountaindale, brought in four of the largest ap ple ever grown in Washington County, Tuesday, and took them on down to the Washington Coun ty Lewis & Clark exhibit. They are of the Alexander variety, one being over 16 inches in circumfer ence, and weighing 1 pounds, the four together weighing o pounds. For beauty of formation, for color and for aroma, they are world beat ers, and nothing in the Hood River district ever equalled and they raise "some apples" up there. These four are from the first bear ing and tney are so heavy it is a miracle that they have remained on the tree so long. Drug' Store Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. Mission Herb Tea We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions - and Family Remedies a Specialty. Main St. Hillsboro, Ore. HILLSBORO COAlXrRCIAL DAKX Pays interest on time deposits; charges no exchange to its cus tomers, and do not charge ex change on their home checks. Come and see ns. 4. S. SHOLES, JVewcfMSf OFO. MOHULUOUCH, Main Street, KHisbero, Oregon As the Twig is Bent The Tree's Inclined" How is it with the young people of your household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it is: Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar that come into their bands. The next dollar should be treated in like manner, and the practice bo continued until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" sre likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon CONTRACTOR AKD BUILDER I Am prepared to give you figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience. Address, Hills boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States Phone No. 28x4. . r. p. cccnv Fred Zilly, travelling salesman for Irwin-Hodson, was a Hillsboro viBitor Tuesday. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Kxcellencia Oregon manufacture. Hazel Ledford, of Forest Grove, was in - town Monday morning, the! guest of his parents, Mr. and Mr.! (leo. T. Ledford. -v . ., " 1 Grant Mann, of South Tualatin, is fully recovered from his fall a few weeks ago, and was a Hillsboro visitor Monday. ; . For gentlemen's, ladies' and children's hoso you can do no bet ter, than to buy 'of John Dennis, We bve them for everybody, and at price that are values. . John Beetle, who is customs col lector . at Ketchikan, Alaska, is down to visit the Lewis A Clark Fair, accompanied by his wife. This is their first trip down for several years. ' ' Make your own wire fence. Buy your wire and a superior wire fence machine and you will have the world by the seat of the breeches and a down-hill pull. Machines, $5, and your wire cheap. A. C. Archbold. G.F. Carroll, of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived Monday morning, for a vis it with A. N. Stanton, of Holly Farm, southwest of town. - Mr. Carroll and Mr. Stanton are inter ested together in a rubber plants Hon in Sauthern Mexico, and1 they contemplate a trip to thd South llate this Fall. When You Go To Portland Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry; a place where yon will be shown every courtesy and treated as you would be in your own home, town or eit E6e Forestry Inn ' Is such a place, and it stand within one block of the Exposition Entrance, on 25th Street facing Upshur. TUB FORESTRY INN is constructed on the tog cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and man agement conforms thereto It has 150 Urge, commodious rooms, all ojnluf on broad, cool veramlss; with electric lights; hot and cold , water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Exposition grounds, the city and surrouuding country. . Car service direct to all parts of the city. Eniopean plan. Dining service a la carte aud reasonable as in any part of the city, . Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50. Special Rates to Parties of two or more. MEALS A LA CARTE THE FORESTRY INN. Inc. - Address, " , , - P. C, Mattox, ' Manager, or H. M. Fancher. , ? i2tli aftd Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon. -