The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 24, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 24
' - . ., i ...m.
AritiiH' SukkchUoii In Hearing
(iood Fruit
Orcfoalaa Takra up A((u'
Wild Coaitulakn
I.ait week
called fur
The Argue editorially
a Joe Meek Day at the
I,wli & Clark Fair, and now the
Oregoaian cornea lo llie front, aik
ln (bat Iba day ! lot. The dally
alto quoted the A rgue editorial, and
ill editor hat taken up the matter
with Preeident Oocde. Monday'a
Oregonlan alio oonlaina On follow
ing editorial uote:
Tin u(ttioD o( a Jut Mtk tUjr at
Ilia Fair U tltnaly. At bi cry, "Who's
fui a divide!" at fhaaiporg, Or,, May .1.
IH4), fifty Iwo Americana sprang away
(rum tiny Britishers and French ('ana
dlaea aat mi up tbe find American
goveietnent west o( Iba Kinky Moun
tains. Tbal art gave Iba Oregon Coun
try to Iba t ailed SUUs. 0v alt meaai
a day io uieuiory of Jot Mack, the pa
triot Virginian.
If thia event aball lie celebrated
all Waehington County, and a
large attendance from tbe North'
weal, will be at the Fair on that
data. It ahould be made the prime
vent of the Fair for without tbe
timely action at Cbainpoeg there
would now I no lewia k Clark
Fair. The Argue auggaata ftiat the
lwia k Clark Commlaalon get a
life ilia aketoh of Ju lleek, whoee
rantaina alee p in a quiet cemetery
north of tbia city, and hare it on
eihlhillnn at the Fair. Joe Meek'a
aon, 8. A. D. Meek, of Mountain.
dale, rankiog among our worthiest
ritixena, can lend a great deal of in
formation on the aubject of Meek'a
personal charaolerialioa. Aa aoon
aa the date ia anouueed let a't
Waehington County help to make
the day a auoceea io memory of
the old pioneer ao well known by
our people.
Marrlel, at the reaidence of the
hrida'a parenla, in Ilillahoio, Rev.
F. A. Phelpe officiating, Mr. Jay
Hulit, o Laurel, and Miaa Iva
Zumwilt, of tbla city.
The groom ia at preaenl in the
employ of Contractor J. (Iood
in. on the Tualatin bridge, and the
bride ia a daughter of h. 8. Zuro
wait. Advartiatd Ltttcrs
Kid. M. M. Andereon, Hannah
Urand, A. U B. R., Noah Cooper,
Hoy Chaae, Henry K. Cheney, Mra.
Thoi. Hammon, Wm. Hay, W. II.
Johnson, Mra. I.ticaa, J. F. John
aon, John Looeli, John Moore, Mra.
1. A. Nurlcy, Dr. V. M. Oven, J.
1). Koaelair, Marguerite Heaga, II.
K. Sheckel, Mra. W. P. Turpin.
Janet William and Mra. II. J.
B. P. Cornaliua, P. M.
Krvlna Burkbalter, of Farming'
ton, waa a county aeat visitor,
For a good euioke try the Sohil
ler or Kioallencia end you will
try them again and again.
Jack Killen. a prominent Green
villa farmer, waa in town Tuesday
F. A. Harbcrg, tbe West Union
wboleaale butcher, waa In the city
tbe first or tba week.
With your head hot your brain
ia not right for work. - Moral: Buy
your hats from II. Webrung
Bona. . . ...
Ira K. Purdin and family were
down Tueiday, from Foreat (trove,
gueati of Mr. and Mra. W. R Bar
rett. ,, :
Our midaummer atook of ladlei'
dress goods It absolutely the finest
in the city. Call and tee. H.
Wehrung & Horn,
You will do well to list your
farm for tala with J. U. Kuratli.
Will also ory auction ealea. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillaboro, R. F, D. 4. Residence,
rhillipt, Ore.
L. M. and Clarence Hoyt have
returned from their overland trip
to Cannon Beach, making tbe trip
from here by bicycles to TillariTonk,
and tbenoe down the heaoli to nea
. tide, They had do trouble, except
a lengthy wait for the ferryman on
the Nehalem river,
The Oregon Condensed Milk
Company ia getting ordera for cream
falter than they can manufacture.
The camuaien reaohina out for
trade haa been more than success
ful. and the business has reached
DroDortiona never dreamed of in
the infancy of tba plant.
Attorney II. T. ltngley for John
W. Koia, the exn-utor and I eneflc
iary of tha will of the late Cbarlea
V. lloaa, of Forest (irove, has Gled
an answer to the contest made by
three heimhipa of the estate. These
three consisted of a daughter, a
grandton and tinea grand daugh
ter and they ware not mentioned
in tbe will. The petition filed al
lege tbal the will ii void hrcaure
of lack of form, lack of proper sign
ing ami lack ri attestation, and the
further reason that the teatator was
not of sound and diepoaing mind
and therefore not capable of making
a wilt. John W, ltosa was given
the bulk of tha est Hie. Tbe answer
to tha petition alleges that the will
was Kroner! v aimed anil nroiierlv
executed and that the teatator waa
capable of making a will for tbe
disposal of hia properly; admila
the mniBNion of tbe ,1 heirship,
claiming thia waa the lault of the
scrivener, at Forest drove, who
I row Ihe instrument. Even though
the will jasuntsined the 3 heirsbipa
will come in for three-sevenths of
the estate, but John W. Uosa will
still get hia legacy. In case tbe
will is declared invalid the estate
will he divided into seven parts,
and Mr. Uosa, executor, will get
one of the erven parts, instead of
the home place near Foieat (irove,
or what ia left of it after the other
nteresta are paid.
From this date all who buy $1
worth, or more, in my hardware
alore, will get a rebate of 10 per
cent, and on purchases of between
fit) cents and l (X, a rebate of 5
percent, will be given. Thii ap
pliea to everything except oila and
white lead. We are going to close
our business, ami here is a chance
to save from fi to 10 per ct nt., and
our price meet all compaction.
A. C A retinoid, Second Street. In-
itepiiulent phone No, 4l.
Austin Craig, onca a newepaoer
publisher at Pnret (irove, and who
alao ran the Independent prior lo
ita preeenl incumbency, ia etill at
Manila, ia the Philippine, and
private advices state that be haa
bad a long itinera, from which be
baa been convalescing only the past
(aw aeeka. Craig went over to the
islands to teach the native, hut
after a short period he fell ill and
waa unable to follow the work. He
haa lately been appointed to a small
government position in an Ohio
town, and he ia to leave f ir Ihe
United Stale aa aoon as hia health
w ill pet mil.
Sunt. W. II. Ri lisle, of the water
and light plant, rays that there is
plenty of water for irrigation two
lime a week, and that thia will
not infringe upon the water aupply,
nor rut into the reserve kept for
lire purpoie. A considerable im
provement i noted in the water
since the hot torn of the deeo well
waa dredged. The water ia now as
clear at tha proverbial "hell." and
the result is more than gratifying
to tha consumers.
Ex-County Judge fl. A. Hart
man, of I'endlotou, Umatilla coun
ty, was a caller at the Argus office,
Saturday. Judge Hartman hai
sold a great portion of hia Pendle
ton interests, retaining only hia
reaidence, and he ia looking about
for a farm speculation. He will
continue to reside at rendition,
however, for be aaya it is "the licet
town on Kartb. '
Al. Waddle, with the W. J. Van
Bohuyver Company, of Portland,
waa in town Monday, Mr. Waddle
haa ptirobnifd the 135 acre Pollard
place, near Tieardville, and hie
father, Samuel Waddle, late of Illi
noix, it rem ling on the new pur
chaie. "
Kd. C. Luce, who has been doing
busineri for the Oregon Condensed
Milk Company, in Portland, was
out Monday, rhaking hands with
hia many friends, lie itatea that
hia brother, Sydney, is now work
ing at contracting for tbe Highland
Mine, 40 miles above Sampler,
Andrew Jack, of Farmington,
waa in town Monday, and report!
hia bopa looking nicely, although
he has quite a number of missing
hilla-lhe usual complaint. Tbe
quality of his product is line, and
the yield will be fully as good ae
last year's.
Miss Marie FrariU, of Hillaboro,
Kaa., tii the guest of Mrs. Emit Ku
ratli, of this city, She will teach
the Brooke school thii Fall. Mrs
Olive Frewing, of Tigardville, ia al
ao a guest of the Kuratlis.
Carl Plahl, of Blooming,' waa in
town Monday, and states that he
haa just finished threshing. He
aaya that the crop it a better yield
than last season 'e.
Paul Sterling, assistant to Agent
Hinshnw, haa taken a month's va
cation, and hia place is being sup
plied at present by Howard Uaird
; The Imperial cider mill at Cor
nel iua haa been thoroughly over
hauled and will begin making ci
der on September 10th.
Pon Hare, of. Portland, waa out
Sunday, with an automobile party,
Ih leaded With Parwcngers
Every Trip lo City
Cempaay Well Pleased With (be Retail,
and Relieves Other Traia
Tbe suburban pasaenger aervice
that the Southern Pacific has in
stalled on tho West Hide between
Portland, Hillaboro and Foreat
Orove, with tbe latter place at ter
minal, baa been so well patronized
that the company will not take off
the schedule after tbe Fair cloaca,
if traffic can keep op lo fifty par
cent, of the present proportions.
Each train it crowded with passen
gers, and the receipts are, accord
ing to a high official of the com
pany, away beyond original ex
pectations. Thia train haa another beneficial
feature that none but a railway
man can appreciate it relievea tha
other trains to a wonderful extent.
for they have been badly congealed
witn travel for several yeart.
The Deacon' Dissertation on tha Poor
That "the pore 1 allot with ua"
lias bcea hearted itowa tioce Time
Hlrt set up aad took due ao4l
That a nun could 'era a dime!
Hul Ihe pore Almighty bleat aa!
They're the pearlca' kind of lolkt
With Inim tbal 'luted to labor
An' with back at tlotti at oakt!
Their betrtt it simple at a child 't
Tho' their hta't it allut sure.
Workio' In Ihe lield or forest.
Keepiu' hunger from tbe door,
Rockrleller't kI the price
's got
Wt ve paid (lulible lor hit uil;
Hut IM rather he a rancher
An' a ilixgin' in Hit toil
s' come buttlln' lo my dinner
With a hunger like aa ox.
Than a pore oT rich dytprptic
Wbo Ih weirin' ailkea torkt!
I'ore Rockfcller't ttutunilck't gone,
lint n-gotn tit can I litvt mine
I'er when Sue mrt. "Si! Come! Dinner!"
You can btt I'm there on lime!
Yet, "the pore it allot with in"
An' will allin be, I gnett:
But they'll lake a ni.ich km with 'em
Al Ibe rich, when detd! l.o.b! Yet!
In order to arcommcdate tha local
travel and give the people an op
portunity tosend the veiling in
Portland to vi-it tbe !. position.
thoatrrt, etc , the Southern Pacific
hat inaugurated additional service
between Purihtnd and Forest (i:ove
aa follows, in addition to the pres
ent aervice, no change in the ached-
11 le of which will bs made:
c.oixn EAST
Forest drove 12:00 P. M.
Cornelius 12:35 " M
Hillaboro 12:43" "
12:57 M
1:07 "
1:60 "
10:45 P.
Foreat Grove
Thia train will
...12:05 "
run daily except
Sunday, and the service will be
maintained aa loog as tha busineas
will justify. Thia will be a local
passenger train of suburban nature,
and will not carry a baggage car,
so that baggage cannot be checked.
Mra, Jennie Clark, of Spokane.
Wash., ia the guest of the Botcowa,
thia week.
, Eli Poo, an old time Hillaboro
residenter, haa moved back to Cor
nelius, from Dilley.
Born, Saturday, Auguat 12, 1005,
to Mr. and Mra. Henry Vanderzan
den, of near Greenville, a ton.
C. Yungen, who hat been at Loa
Anielea for several montha, haa re
turned and is stopping north of
town. : ,
W. K Pruyn, of Ihe Heppner
electric light plant, arrived Monday
for a fortnight'! viait with hit tie
ter, Mn. II. V. Oatei.
Geo. Butler wai in town thlt
week, returning from a strip to
Portland. He goes to the Kloyd
Sigler mill the last of the weak.
There are hundreds of Chatham
fan millR in thia County, and they
are giving great satisfaction
Sohulmerich Broa. are now tola
agents for this section. .
J. R. C. Baach, of Foreat Orove,
waa in town Tueiday, rustling for
hia fire insurance association. Mr.
Beach hai been nailing up notices
nrovided by the secretary of elate,
relative to selling out firea without
a permit, add they have dona much
lo apprise people 01 tbe law.
Cbaa. Farnham was in from the
plain tbe first of tbe week.
Hon. A. B. Flint, of Scholls, waa
in the city Sunday, vtaiting friend 1
J. W. York, a prominent Reed
ville farmer, waa in the city Satur
day. Mra. Sylvia Tucker and daugh;
ler, Maude, were visitors here Sun
day. "
Smokers like tha Schiller and the
Kxcellencia. Tbeaa cigars are of
the beet stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
L. L. Langliy, practicing law at
Portland, waa out Monday, doing
huaineea with the county officials.
Wanted: Hop pickers for Cale
hop yard, east of town. Register
at the yard, or at the Cale Market,
Main Street.
I. II. Maxwell came in from
Mountaindale Monday, enroute to
Parties wishing to pick hop in
tha Imbrie yard will please register
between tbia and September 1
Peter Nelaon k Fred Wolf.
John Boeker, Jr.; of Greenville,
it spending a few months in San
Are you satisfied with tbe ahoea
you nave been buying: U not.
come and aee Schulmericb Broe
Every pair absolutely guaranteed.
Mra. Cora Rhea Bagley departed
for Portland, Monday, enroute for
Council Crest, Idaho.
J. B. McNew, of Greenville, near
tbe Roy place, finished hauling bis
grain to thii city, Saturday lait. j
Mri. Jot. Fleming, of Ipava, III ,
arrived Friday evening, and ia tbe
!ueat of her cousin, Mra R. A.
J. J. Hartley, of the Caratena
Broa. Sl Hartley sawmill busineas.
of Manning, waa in town Saturday,
greeting old time frienda.
Hon. H. V. Gatea returned the
last of tbe week from Klamath
Falls, and attended the Irrigation
Congreaa the Grst of the week.
Theodore Pointer, of Sylvan, and
who ia one of the pioneers of the
fifties, waa in the county aeat, Mon
day, a caller at the court house.
J. W. Bailey, of thia city, and C.
R. V. Russell, the Forest Grove
ihoe man, ware called on the Fed
eral grand jury, to convene Tues
day. Chris. Heeae and W. W. Crowder
and wife, of Scholia, were in town,
Monday, oq a real eetate deal.
Mr. Haaae ia buying a piece of land
from the Crowdera.
C. Blaser and John Houser went
to Willamette Slough, near Linton,
the first of tha week, and returned
with 03 fine, large baaa. They re
port fiahing fine down that way,
and tbe returns well worth the trip.
For sale: fine work horre, gray,
weighs from 1400 to 1500, 5 yean
old, sired by Kalamar, the Ladd k
Reed horse and out of the Imbrie
stock of mares; gentle, sound and
true Henry Harris, Cornelius.
A. Niman, residing east of town,
has purchased the lot and hauled
lumber for a oottage, to bs built
just eaat and adjoining the Evan
gelical church. Hillaboro contin
ual to grow and grows without
watching, or waiting for something
to turn up. 1
Make your own wire fence. Buy
your wire and a superior wire fence
machine and you will have the
world by tbe seat of the breeches
and a down-hill pull. Machine,
15, and your wire cheap. A. C.
Thoa. Burkheimer, an old time
oonduotor of the Southern Pacific.
has taken the Portland-IIilleboro-Foreat
Orove run aa a permanent
selection, by right of seniority.
Thii conductor haa been with the
company since the daya of first
operation in Oregon.
Dennit has received hii new
stock of shoes, the American Gen
tleman and American Lady, the
finest in the market. Come in and
them. The latest models.
These thoea are advertised in every
prominent magazine and newspa
per in tbe world.
Wiley Phillip, of Shawnee, O.
T., is here, the guest of bn brother,
1). T. i'hiihpi, of Cornelius. Mr.
Phillips came to Waahinston Coun
ty in 1850 and remained 12 yean,
until 1SG8, when he Bold out and
went east. He waa in the county
aeat, Saturday, shaking hands with
the pioneer frienda of 40 yeara ago.
Wa ret tires while yon wait with
out "House Cold Tira Setter," and
the entire four wheela can be set in
from twenty to thirty minutes.
Our charges are reasonable. Do
not be deceived by any one who
tells you "the old way ia the best."
Come and see for yourself. . We do
all kinda of engine and boiler re'
pairing,' wagon repairing and gen
aral blacksmith work. L. G. Wei
dewitach, Corneliua.
Isaac Allen, Reedville Far
mer. Suffers From Robbery
Alae Lett Xetes Representing Hundred
sf Dellars
Isaac Allen, of a mile north of
Reedville, was in tbe city .Tuesday,
and tells the Argua reporter that
tbe robbery reported io thii paper
in tbe latter part of July waa larger
than the figures named. He itatea
that the partiea renting tba place
were away, and that aoine one en
tered the windows, which were
open, and robbed him of over $1300 :
in gold coin, beside taking away a
number of note, the amount due
on which ran into hundreds of!
He has laid no complaint before
the courts because be rayi he haa'
no proofs, nor suspicion, ae to who j
committed the theft. At thia time!
Allen is having trouble with hia;
renten over soma dispute about
the place.
Mr. Allen came to Reedville 111 !
the aixties, and haa had a great
deal of litigation over hia place, but
anally won out in the courts.
The fruit dryer near Scholia can
dry a limited amount of prunea for
outside partiea if arranged for early,
(iood work guaranteed.
Call up Thomas Herd, on Scholia
P. O. Address, Newberg., R F.
I). No. 3.
W. A Williams, a native of Mia- j
aouri, died at the family residence
in East Hillaboro, Monday, August
21, after au illness, with dropsy, of
several weeks duration. Deceased
wai born in Audrain County, Mo.,
in 1843, and was married to Sarah
Frances Long in 1863. They moved
to Vancouver, Wash., in 1888, and
from there to this place in 1810
His wife died in this city several
yean ago. He leave the following
children: Elizabeth Davis, Jasper
and Joe Williams, Mrs. Molly
Gardner, wife of Dell Gardner;
Thos. and Nick Williams. The
funeral took place Tuesday and in
terment was in the Hillaboro ceme
For several yeara deceased had
been in the best of health. He has
been employed for soma time car
ing for the otlicet and grounds of
Dr. Linklater.
Dr. J. P. Tamiesie was in Seattle
on busineas the first of the week.
Will Perkins, a veteran of the
Philippine War, waa here the first
of the week, the giieet of his parenta,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Perkins.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of .John Den nil.
We hkve thera for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
H. H. Showerman, of the Walla
Walla Argus, and hia wife, are on
their way from the Garden City for
a viait with Wm. Bagley Sr. and
wife, of Leisyville. They will first
visit at Everett, Waah.
Med Moehier, of Los Angeles,
and wife, A. C. Shule. of tbe Shute
Bank, and wife, returned Sunday
evening from a week'a outing on
the Wilson. The boyi caught sev
eral hundred trout, 125 of which
they landed last Saturday.
Frank Stewart, U, S. postal in
spector, and who spent the day
here, August 6, is now located at
San Bernardino, going thera from
Loa Angeles. Mr. Stewart is doing
nicely in hia new position, and hia
many friendi here are pleated at
hia luocest.
Lafe Pence, who filed on McKay
and the east fork of Dairy, for the
alleged purpose of taking water in
to Portland, and wbo tben did a
great deal of work on tbe Portland
end of the diloh, haa shut down
and ha haa been tued by creditors.
There will be no pipe line out of
Waehington County ihii reason.
The condition of Main street is
just now occupying the attention of
tbe city council, and new planking
will aoon be a necessity. It wa
expected that the Oregon Traction
Company would repair, or pave the
street, when the line built through
the city, in consideration of the
franchiae being granted without re
muneration, but tha line will hard
ly get through thia year, or, at
leaHl, it will be too late, aa the
atreet must be repaired before
many mouths.
Ue Delta
Drug' Store
Use our latest Spring Remedy for constipation,
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
Mission Herb Tea
We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St.
4. 8. SHOLES, Prlent
As the Twig is
How ia it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it ia:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that cornea into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice io continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been eatablished. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of busineas, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into Btraight and thrifty
North Side Alain St. Hillsboro, Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
uilding in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Addreaa, Hills-
boro, Oregon, II. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States S
Phone No. 28x4.
r. p. oocyst :
When You Go
To Portland
Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry;
a place where you will be showu every courtesy
and treated as you would be iu your own home,
towu or city.
56e Forestry Inn
It such a place, and it stands within one block of the Eipoiltion
Entrance, on 15th Street facing TJpchur. THE FORESTRY INN
it constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and man
agement conforms thereto. It has 150 targe, commodious rooma, all
oi-euing on broad, cool verandas; with electric ligbta; hoi and cold .
water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is bid of the
Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service
direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la
carte and reasonable as in any part of tbe city.
Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50.
Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
P. C. Mattox, Manager, or H. M. Fancher.
25th and Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Hillaboro, Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange , to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex-,
change on their home checks.
Come and see ns.
Hillaboro, Orogom
Tree's Inclined"