The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 17, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 23
May he Expensive if Statute
lit not Followed
Every Family It lalrrmttd, a Well an
Ceuety Officer
At tht rtqneet of tht County Hoard
of Health, ' tba following eitract
from tha state law ia published.
Tba Argua ia Informed that viola
tlona of tha law are numarou,
possibly through Ignoranoa of what
tha law require. It would be well
for all thoaa affected by tha pro
vialona of tha act to acquaint them
aaWea with ita provision,
Rev. 3. It lhall be the duty ol
all physicians, aooouchert or mid
wivea In tha State to report to the
aecretary of tha hoard of health of
tha city or oounty in which they
tuev occur, all birtha and deatht
and ahal! immediately report con
lagbua dirraeea h are specified by
tha Bute board, whiub may oecur
under their auparvialon, with a
certificate of the cauae of death,
and luch correlative facta aa may
be required in tha blank forma
furnished by tha State Baard of
Health. When any birth or death
may occur with no physician, ac
oouober or midwife in attendance,
than auch birtb or death aball lie
reported by tha bouaeholder where
or under whoae tuperviaion auch
birth or death occurred, with the
cause of death, if auch ha known.
Any death coming under the jurie
dialion or auperviaion of any coro
ner ahall ba by him reported to the
aecretary of the hoard of health of
tha city or county in which auch
death may occur, within three daya
after death f r burial purpowe, and
auch death ao reported shall not
le required to be reported by any
other pereon. No undertaker, (ex
ton, or other pereon ahall bury any
human body until be baa received
a permit to do to from the county
or health officer or eome duly ap
pointed deputy. No uch permit
ahall be Seeued until there hai
been delivered to auch health officer
or deputy a certificate of death ac
cording to tha form preecrlled by
tha Stat Board ol Health. In (he
event of any burial- without a per
mit, aa herein provided, the coro
ner of tha oounty wherein auch
illegal burial we made may dialnter
the body, bold an inqueet and,
within three day thereafter, make
a return of hia finding to the near
est local health offioer.
Heo lot 4. It ahall be the duty
of the omnty clerk of each county
to report to tha aecretary of the
oounty board of health, on or before
che fifth day of each month the
number of marriagea for the pre
ceding month, with auch facta re
lating thereto, aa way ba provided
fur by blank furnished to auch clerk
by the leoretary of the oounty
board of health.
Hection A. Any perton or per
ton, any board of health or the
officers of any corporation who
ahall violate any of tht provision!
or tbla act ahall be deemed guilty
of a miidemaanor and upon con
viction thereof tball be fined not
leaa than $10 nor to exceed f 100
Th Owner A Knwpll Co. i now
taller prepared than ever hrfore to
aupply the trade with lumber, hol
low building blooka ami drain tile
They now have on hand a good
aupply of dry Hxrin;, rustic, ceil
ing and thlplap; Ihh a full stock of
all kind of rough lumber House
and barn hilla can be (urniahed on
abort notice. Ill better to order
your large size tile early, than take
chance on the aupply running out,
and not getting what you want, at
we carry only a limited atork on
hand. Do not forgt that the aal
Hpota in your field can he remedied
with druin tile and prevent tbe
repetition of laet year' failuro
Huilding block are Utter and
cheaper than brick for foundation
and cellar. Why ue rock thtt
will eettle uneven and warp your
huildiiiK out of shaiie, when a good
foundation can be had to chenp?
11 u figure with you on them.
A petition ba ltn Tiled in pro
bate court, attacking the will of
the late Chat. W. Rota, who died
near Forest Orovt, in April, leaving
real estate and personal property
amounting to about tM'XlS- Judge
Uollif, who i attorney lor the
petitioner, Mil forth theold gentle
man waa by renaon of age and
tenilily, Incompetent to make a
will, and further that he failed to
mention in the instrument the
oaiuea of one daughter, Ada Tripe,
and four grandchildren. He auks
thai the will he aet aside and the
beira all come in, ehnre aud ehar
alike. Rom's will gave outsit'
helis but ft'iO aud tbe balance was
to go to bis son, John W. Rosa, who
lived with the old man in hi re
maining days.
From this date all who buy It
worth, or more, in my hardware
(lore, will get a rebate of 10 per
cent, and on purchase of between
SO cent and !.. a rebitte of 5
per oent. will be given. Thia ap
plies to everything except oil and
white lead. We are going to clone
our business, and here is a elm nee
to save from f to 10 per cent., and
our prims m't all competition. -
A. C. Archhold, Second Mrcet. In
dependent phone No. 4.V1.
Breaking of old engine one
that waa made by the Vulcan Iron
Works, of Hun Francisco, Cel., in
If 02, passed through town Sunday
evening, enroute for Newberg, where
it will le used on a logging mad out
of that place. It is an old timer,
and the men in charge wero having
all kind of trouble with the inject
or. Ita old fashioned smokestack,
its driving rods, its boll hack on
the tender, and its general outline,
together with the fact that it wns
the smallest locomotive ever Bern
n the Hillsboro yard, mane it
luile a curiosity, lhe euuinorr
held it here . for about an hour
making repairs and cooling v divot,
and pulled out at 0:L50. It was
midnight when they reached
Prepared and Will Soon
no to Supreme Court
Kefse!d Kcte Will
From Jury Verdict
Michael Railing, of Blooming.
waa in town Tuesday.
Geo. A. Morgan ia Inspecting
railway bridge timbera for the
Tillamook road.
Trunk, bags and suit cases,
Suit caaet aa low as 11.60. 0. W.
Patterson A Bon.
J. W, Vandervelden waa iu from
Centerville, Tuesday, taking out a
hunter a license.
poreen doora, window screens,
wire cloth beso for the price in the
oity. (J. H. Patterson & Hon.
Parties wishing to pick hope in
the Imbrit yard will please register
between thia and September 1
Peter Nelson & Fred Woir.
Alex Osmund, of Portland, waa
out thia , week, tha gueat of hia
daughter, Mra, Fred Rood, south
cast of tbwn.
Wanted: Hop pickers for Cate
hop yard, east of town. Regietsr
at the yard, or at tha Cate Market,
Main Street.
N. H. Jones, of beyond Qlenooe,
returned Tuesday to resume work
for Contractor J, W. Goodin, on
the Jaokaon Bottom bridge.
-Are you satisfied with the shoes
you have been buying? If not,
oome and am Schulmerioh Bros
Every pair absolutely guaranteed,
W. 0. Doneleon returned to spend
tht remainder of hit vacation with
hia family at Cannon Beacb, tba
first of tht weak.
We r-et tires while you wait with
out "HoiiHe Cold Tire Belter," and
the entire four whocU can bo set in
from twenty to thirty minutes.
Our charges are reasonable. Do
not be deceived by any one who
tella you "the old way is the beet."
Come and sea for yourself Wn do
all kinds of engine and boiler re
pairing, wagon repairing and gen.
eral blacksmith work. 1. (1. Wei
dowitsch, Cornelius. . .
Kay L. Thompson and wife, of
Aio'io, Wash., where Mr. Thomp
son publishes the Asotin County
Sentinel, are here tor a few weeks'
visit with Mr. and Mr. T. P. Good
in, of the North Plains. Mr.
Thompson likes the West, and is
Earllcularly struck with the possi
ilities of Washington Coupty.
They will return about September 1
after a thorough visit at the Pair.
Dennis has received his new
stock of shoes, the American Gen
tleman and Amoriosn Lady, the
finest in the market. Come in and
see them. The latest models.
These shoes are advertised in every
prominent magazine and newspa
per in. the world. :
Mr.and Mrs. P. C. Varner, of
Lincoln County, were here thia
week, guests of their old lime
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tipton
of South liilleboro. They former
ly resided at Sherwood.
Make your own wire frnico. Buy
your wire and a superior wire fence
machine and you will 1ir"o the
world by tbe seat of the breoohes
and a down-hill pu,U.-. Maohines
fo, and your wire cheap,-A, U
Arcbbold. ? ..;
Emll' Wagnrr, with .the- North
ern 1'acltio Uxor ess cllioej rort
land, came out and spent Sunday
with hit parents, Mr. and Mm. K
Wagner, of Third Street. ;
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Excollonoia. Taoae cigars are
the best stock. You. can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
. Henry Delsman, of southeast of
town, is recovering from a cube of
blood poison in his right hand that
came causing amputation of the
member. ,
The celebrate I damage esse of
Delia U Keen versus Sussn Key
nolda Keen, wherein the jury gave
Mrs. Delia Keen $3000 damages for
the alienation of the hutband't
affections, will be appealed at once,
the bill ol exceptions having been
prepand by Attorney Huston, for
the defense. The detente object
on the ground that the evidence
that Keen had alapped bit wife,
and various other personal encount
ers, should not have been allowed
to go before tbe jury; and tba de
fense also takes exception lo the
Court'e giving his observations in
talking to the jury.
This ctte was tbe result of W.
R. Keen leaving Delia Keen, his
wife, and, sfler she had procured a
divorce, marrying 8uan Rey
nolds, a widow, wbo then resided at
Cedar Mill, and whose farm Keen
had rented.
Mra. Keen No. 2 is worth several
thousand dollars, and propose to
Gght the case to the bitter end. H.
T. Bagley, wbo was associated with
Davis iv Spencer in tba prosecu
tion, is prepariog a bill of excep
tions for the plaintiff's aide of the
rase, and the matter will gel lo tbe
supreme court by winter.
In order -to accommodate the local
travel and give the people an op
portunity to spend the evening in
Portland to visit the Exposition,
theatrea, etc, the Southern Pacific
has inaugurated additional service
between Portland and Forest drove
as follows, in addition to the pres
ent service, no change in the sched
ule of which will le made:
Forest Grove 12:30 P. M.
Cornelius 12:35" "
llillehoro 12:43" "
Reed villa 12:57 " "
Beaverton 1:07 " "
Portland...' 1:60" "
Portland 10:45 P. M.
Beaverton .11:28 " "
Keedville 11:39 " 14
Hillsboro 11:54 " "
Cornelius 12:01 A.M.
Forest Grove 12.05" "
This train will run daily except
Sunday, and the service will be
maintained aa long as the business
will justify. This will bs a local
passenger train of suhurhan nature,
and will not carry a baggage car,
so that baggage cannot be checked.
Herman Bitmap was down from
the Shady Brook sawmill, Monday.
Hon. 8. B. Huston made a trip
to Salem and Southern Oregon
points, the first of tire week.
Mrs. K. I,. McCormiok and son
are spending a few weeka at the
home ol Mr. and Mrs, Bern, jtird-
sell, of Forest Grove.
Notice lo Hop pickers: All per
rons desiring lo pick hops at the
Witch Hazel ' Farm must register
before August 15. Frank Weiaen
hack, Manager,
W. V. Wiley went to Portland,
Tuesday evening, to atteud the big
day at the Imposition with tbe
luoh order he is a mem-
lay at It
Clks, of w
T. 1). Campbell, of Independ
ence, and wno is mresmng on int
plains east and north of tbe city,
states that grain is turning out bet
tor than last year, some wheat go
ing as high as 20 bushels, whila be
has threshed oats which went w
For sale: fine work horse, gray,
weighs from 1400 to 1500, 5 years
old, fired by Kalamar, the Ladd
Heed horse and out ol the i ratine
stock of mares; gentle, sound and
true, Henry Harm, Cornelius.
W. M. Metsker and wife, of But
ler County, Ksb ,- and Mrs. N. J.
Metsker, and daughter, Mrs. Arct,
of Winlock, Wash., arrived Tues
day for a visit with H. D, Schmelt-
f r i i i , ir r .L
.er ana lamiiy. nir. nwnr uu
Mr. Sohmeltzer were school boy
together back in Kansas.
: From Laurel: Miss Frankie
Striai, of Portland, la the guest of
Mrs. J." Mainland. Mrs. Crawford,
of; lo'wa,' was the guest of her ion,
B. Crawford, laet week Tht fol
lowing from htre attended tha Fair
last week:. Ben aud F. L. Brown,
Chtia Wabasher, Mitt Mainland,
Jennie Lilleaard, Klma Neun and
Enoch Crawford and family.
John Myer, of Cedar Mill,
in town, Tuesday evening.
Robt. Porter, the Forest Grove
hopmtn, waa in town Tueaday.
J W. Marab, of Centerville, waa
a county seat viaitor, Saturday
W, V. Bennett, of Cornelius,
was in the county rest Monday
morning. ,
K.C. Ilea, of Kveritt, WaBh..
wsa here laat week, the guest of
hit uncle, Geo. T. Ilea.
John O'Meara, of Reedville, was
np Tueaday to get a fire permit
from the county clerk.
Larkin Reynolds, one ol Hillsbo
ro'a early pioneers, waa in from be
yond Phillip, Monday moroing.
C. F. Smith, of South Hil'sboro,
haa been awarded tht contract to
build the W. E. McCourt cottage.
John Goodin, of Mt. Tabor, wat
out Monday, shaking hands with
his Washington County friends.
Geo. Miller and wife, of Heppner,
Ore., came down Saturday, and
wtnt on out to visit with J. C.
Miller and family, of beyond Glen
cot. Rev. Father Moore, of tht St.
Mary'a Home, Beaverton, waa np
Sunday, the guest of his ro worker.
Father St. Matthews'
Catholic Church.
Mis. Geo. Thomas and daugh
ter, Mrs. Arthur Hathaway, of
North Yakima, Wasb., areguata
of Mrs. R. H. Greer, who is a sister
of Mis. Thomas.
Chaa. Lamkin haa returned from
a aeveral days' vacation at Roder
ick Falls, Galea Creek, where be
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
M. Wall, who are spending tht
warm season at that delightful re
tort. George Arraentrout, of Foiest
Grove, and one of Green ville'a early
pioneers, was a county teat visitor.
Monday, coming down lo aee how
tht railroad wat getting along and
incidentally remarking that be
felt better than he had for years,
Mr. and Mra W. Mahone, of
North Branch, Miohigan, art here.
guests of Mr. and Mra A. S. Sholee.
Mr. Mabont it in the banking buei- j
neat, and takes advantage of hia
vacation to visit the West and the
big Fair.
The moon was in eclipse Mon
day evening, about 8:00 o'clock,
and nearly one third of the lunar
body wat in darkness Deputy
Clerk W. D. Smith and K. Cran
dall first discovered the phenomena
and upon consultation of tbe calen
dar found that it appeared on time.
The Assumption of tht Blessed
Virgin was celebrated in St. Mat
thew' Catholic church, Tuesday,
Father Bucholxer officiating, with
Father Othmueller, a Benedictine
Brother from Mt. Angel, assisting.
Six children were for the first time
in the church given holy commun
Peter Welly and Fred Bishup
have completed the ball tower and
spirt for the Catholic Church, and
the lip stands higher than any
other steeple in the city. It is
handsomely painted and as tht
gift of John Salzgeber, the West
Union hop grower, it a present that
the parish is well proud ol.
Passenger traffio over the South
trn Pscifio into Portland has in
creased about four or five times its
usual average, this year, and it it
not uncommon for forty or fifty
Sitstngert to go out of this place,
onday morning, with 20 or 30 on
other days, to say nothing of the
noon and evening trains, it is a
well established fact that Hillsbo
ro sells more transportation than
any station on the Corvallia branch
Thot. S. Wilkes, ex-county sur
veyor, and who resigned that posi
tion tomt yean ago to go with the
federal government at the Denver
office, arrived here irom Phoenix,
Arizona, last Sunday evening, and
will make an , extended vitit with
relatives. Mr. Wilkes was offered
$10,000 lor his interest in bis patent
cash register, just before he left
Arisooa, and refused it. Mr.
Wilkes looks hale and hearty and
time has dealt lightly with him
since leaving the Webloot state.
Supt. W. H. Ringle, of the water
plant, started Tueaday afternoon
to dredge the bottom of the big
oity well, using steam at bis mo
tive power, A big host wat insert
ed in the bottom of the well and
the accumulated sand and mud of
yean was "syphoned" out of the
cistern. Several yards ol the do
posit were taken out in thia man
ner and tht now ol water was in
creaaed a gteat deal. The method
involved was not dissimilar to that
need by the big dredgers in dean
ing the bottom of the Columbia
river. Tht soheme ; saved a deal
of time and labor as compared to
what would have been expended In
cleaning out the well in, the "old
fashioned'' way with a windlasi
and buokett.
City of Several Thousand in
Fen Years Hence
Railway I'll! Belt
Give Mere Trade
Uhe Delta
That Hilisboro's future 1 full of
promise that will end in fruition ia
tht concensus of opinion of all wbo
have eloeely watched tbe growth of
towns in tht Northwest. At a
matter of fact Hillsboro hat grows
in the last two or1 three years, as
building and development go to
show. Many new residences have
been bult; a fine ntw Catholic
church has been added to our
houses of worship; a new bank hat
been Instituted; through Dr. Tam
iwie, J. W. and A. C. Shuts, Gaol
R. Bagley and Fred Schomburg;
the Oregon Condensed Milk Com
pany is running tha evaporated
cream plant successfully; an tlc
trie line ia onder way from Port,
land; and the Tillamook road, now
under construction, will reach out
from thia place into the finest tim
ber belt in tht northwNt. A new
opera house will be built tbit Fall,
and an eastern man is ' here, negc-
listing for real estate on which to
rect a brick hotel building.
When the rail lines, an built
Hillsboro will have an . advantage
not possessed by any town in the
county. The fact that this ia tbe
county teat make it a buaintta
center, and at the town it tha hub
of tht finest farming section in
Oregon, wt may look for a sub '
atan'ial growth from this timt
forward. What we need in tbe
future it more manufacturing, and,
with the advent of tht rail line
this must sunly follow.
Use oitr latest Spring Remedy for constipation
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc.
Mission Herb Tea
We recommend this preparation. Prescriptions
and Family Remedies a Specialty.
Main St
Hillsboro, Ore.
Pays interest on time deposits;
charges no exchange to its cus
tomers, and do not charge ex
change on their home checks.
Come and see us.
4. S. SHOIES, !
tSmbi Strwmt,
KXUboro, Outs
The fruit dryer near Schollt can
dry a limited amount of prune for
outside parties if arranged for early.
Good work guarantead.
Call up Thomas Herd, on Scholia
P. 0. Address, Ntwberg., R F.
D. No. 3.
(From The Oregontan, Aug. It.)
The hrrrt' ilrnwln' lo a clow,
The held to ail one glare.
Am' in mitber month. or two
We'll (eeltha frosty air.
The qiil'M sharp not I hear a-tleM,
Tb C'liiua pheasant flies
Whiiim' thro' the yellow Ware
The M'.n beats fruiii the allies.
Rut as the days come om apace,
An' fcjuiiimur shorter grows,
I tint is that the flowers ia gone-?
The vl'let au' .hi rose.
01' Summer's d vin' days are here,
An' with it all, I'm nail;
For Fall an' Winter seem more drear
Than when t was a lad
An' we walked down the bottom with
The lrown leaves msilin' thro',
An' pledged our troth one Autumn day,
Me an' my sweetheart Sue.
But that was fifty yean ago,
An' liflv Tears ia some
There's sumthin' hurtin' In my eyas
it's that (turned sun oy uum:
L. A. Loso
As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined"
How is it with the young people of your household? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comet into their hands. The next dollsr should
bs treated in like manner, and the practice to continued
until a fixed habit of raving haa been eatablished. A good
ly tank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being , thns "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon
Miss Evthel Pierce returned Sun
day from a short visit at Corvallis
E. B. Tongua went to Eugene,
Oregon, on business, tht last of tht
0. 0. Barlow was out the last of
week, looking after hia farm inter
ests. Carl Christener and Gottfried
Schlaedi, of Mountaindala, were in
the city, Monday.
. W. V. Wiley and T. R. Imbrit
went to Newport for a Sunday visit,
returning Monday.
Mist Wilda Crcsley, ot Tacoma,
Wash., vitited with Mies Pearl
Smith, tht last of the week.
Tht cottage of B. F. Haines, in
East Hillsboro, ia about completed
and ready for the painters.
Rev. A. Robinson's new rtsidenoe
on the Warren tract, north of east
Main, is about completed.
J. H. Davis and wife, of Moun
taindale, passed through town Sat
urday, on their return from a visit
to tht Lewis & Clark Fair.
. County Commissioner VV. J. But-
ner wat up from beaverton Satur
day, conferring with County Judge
L. A. Rood.
Geo. R. Bagley returned Satur
day from a business trip to San
; Francisco, in the interests of the
Oregon Condensed Milk Company.
Allison & Finney havt practical
ly finished tha addition to tht pub
lic school building, and tht Forest
Grove painters have commenced
painting on the main structure,
ocrmtAOTcn akd cjilder
Am prepared to give you figure on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience Address, Hills
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
When You Go
To Portland '
Make your plans to stop at a home-like hostelry;
a place where you will be shown every courtesy
and treated as you would be iu your own home,
town or city.
56e Forestry Inn
la such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition
Entrance, on 25th Street fachig Upshur. THE FORESTRY INK
is constructed on the tog cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and man
agement conforms thereto. It has 150 large, commodious room, all
opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold
water and free baths. From the roof garden a view i had of the
Exposition grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service
direct to all parts of tha city, , European plan. Dining service a la
carte and reasonable as in any part of the city.
Price of Rooms, $I.OO and $1.50.
Special Rates to Parties of two or more.
. Address, : '
P. C. Mattox, Manager, or H. M. Fancher.
25th and Upshur Sts., Portland, Oregon