HIltSBORO ARGUS. MAR. 18, 1909 Trespassers By Arthur Koltonwood Copungbt. 1904. U T. C. McOsn a i C Raxrer had followed the stream all tlie morning with indiffereut success, i'our trout, lr far too small to make matters at all ltiterestiuK. had, risen to th fly and now slid about In the creel as he tuatlc his way through the under lirnsli tn the otien lipid, where the stream widened and doeueued and rave lirouiise nf lietter iwt. , At the edne of the fttHd was a wire fence, and (to-ded conspicuously upon it was the notice: , THKSK ARK PRIVATE CKOIND8. No fiihing allowed. Trespassers Wilt b proeeeutetl to the lull ex tent of the law. Baiter read the sign and (runted. There wait no one In tight, and tlie stream twisting through the field wax decidedly tempting. Moreover, four Hiuiill trout are very Vusattsfactory in a ereel made to aceomniod.tte more and "I'M A POACHES TOO." larger fish. Baxter grinned lrouically at the forbidding black letter on the fence and climbed over it. Halfway down the field was a little clump of pine through which the stream flowed. Baxter entered the shadows of the trees, and scarcely had he cast wheti hit reel whirred merrily and the line cut the water sharply. Hits pulaes quickened. Here waa nail ing worth talking about. The Hue slackened, and he began to reel In gently. ,. At that moment the bushes behind blin cracked, and a calm voice said: "Pardon me, but have you a per mit?" Baxter gave no heed until he had landed the trout; then he turned to find himself face to face with a young woman. She waa regarding him stead ily, with a little frown of disapproval. A creel hung from a broad strap serosa tier shoulder, and he carried an un joined rod lu a leather case, Baxter had momentarily forgotten the warning ou the fence. Now her words recalled It to his mind. He waa evidently caught redhanded at his poaching, and the only thing to do wax to frankly admit it. He looked at the girl before him. Sue was tali, well . fonned and unden'ahly attractive. In deed she waa quite striking as she stood there calmly awaiting his reply. "You have a permit, of course?' she auked again. , Baxter smiled, quietly. "I regret to atate," said he, "I am a deep dyed poacher." The girl lifted her brows. "You must have noticed the signs," he said. "I noticed one," said he, "but the stream was too tempting to a man who had luuded but four small trout during the morning. I am very sorry that my zeal got the better of my discretion, and I offer every apology for my unwar ranted Intrusion. Whatever the dam ages are I'll settle. I plead guilty." "I should be Inclined to follow the signs," she said, "and prosecute you to , the full extent of the law but for tlie way you just landed that trout It was splendid and shows you to be an expe rienced angler. If you'd bungled It I should have let the law do its worst. If you promise not to trespass again you're quite free to go this time." Baxter bowed. "You are very generous," he de clared, "which makes me doubly ashamed of my trespass. Rest assured I shall not repeat the offense. May I ask to whom I'm indebted for allowing Die to go unmolested r ' Something in bis eyes made the girl flush. "Oh-it's-lfs all right!" she Bald haltingly. "Now please go at once." Still Baxter hesitated. He was not given to pretty speeches nor to staring at young women whom chance threw ' lu his way, but some Indefinable charm bout the girl made him do the latter and regret bis inability to do the for mer. "I'm very grateful," he said, lamely enough, 'und and" "And what?" she said almost sharply. . 'To like very much," said be, "soma time In the jfuture to express my gratt- tnde to you when we stood on an equal footing that Is. you understand, when I'm not poaching your stream." He spoke so earnestly that the girl flushed agafa. - "It's all right," she reiterated. "You've been quite grateful enough. Now pirate go!" i f Baxter,' trying ralnly to think of eoine plausible excuse for prolonging tht conversation, reeled up hie line and began to onjolat tbe rod. . Suddenly a man came crashing through the bushes and stood beore em, The firt gave i little atartledj Wor leather kfglrigVibd WaS clothed In tweeds. "'As the niaroter given you lUhlu' permits?" he aketl, glaring at Bax ter. "No." said Baxter, "but tjie lady" The tuan wheeled to thflrl. " "Ave you got one?" he asked. "N no." Khe Mid humbly, ami with out lookitjr at Baxter, she added, erl-, dentty far his benefit, 'Tni-l'm a ! poacher too." Baxter's heart Jumped at the word. He mastered au overpowering desire to laugh and turned to the girt. "Well, by George!" was all he man aged to say. "It's the marster's order to take you to the house then," said the man sol emnly. "See here" Baxter began protest ingly. "For $2 apleve I'll let you go this time," the man saltl Insinuatingly. Baxter handed him a $o bill, and, aft er warning them to leave at ouce, the man departed. As the man stumbled back thtwugh the bushes Baxter turned to tbe girl. Her face wa scarlet aud her even re fused to meet his. "It was frightfully mean of me," she explained. "I thought It would be a great Joke to frighten you off by pre tending I owued the stream aud then fish It myself. Then that frightful man came and and to tell the truth. I should have been dragged to the house, for I hadn't a cent of money with me," She lifted her evert to his. "Oh, what must you think of me!" he cried contritely. But Baxter was laughing happily. ' Tk Mask la Italy. The Italian nation is especially ap pealed to by the charm p mystery and all those Indefinite possibilities which lurk behind the secrecy of the mask. Not but that this license of masks was frequently abused. Aleosandro Vl who with Madonna Lucrecia, was sc ; fond of watching tbe maskers go past from tbe balcony of Castel St Angela, had to forbid masks In 1499 under pain o tbe gallows, to such au extent did the factious and III disposed at Rome take advantage of them to pay off old scores, and so many people were killed or seriously wounded every day hi the streets. Connected with tbe old Saturnalia the masks were the especial charac teristic of tbe Fabulae Atellanae aud the leas artlstocratlc Mlmae, and no body who has seen the collection of such antiquities at Rome. Naples and Pompeii will doubt the important part that masks played In the life of the early empire. Thence we way trace them down In tbe antique farces, which gradually blended with tbe aa cred representations of the middle ages until they ultimaMy laicised them and removed tbetu from the church. Gentleman's Magazine. Tk H'Uhtea. The wishbone in birds is called by scientists furcula and is in reality the union of what are lu man the two sepa rate collar bones. These in tbe birds re ceive the brunt of tlie strokes of the wing that turn the creature in Its digbt. Few realize the strength of stroke of tbe bird's wing. It Is said that a swan has been known to break a man's leg by a blow of its wing, and !n like manner tbe wing beating;) of the larger birds are dangerous If they strike the head or face. If, therefore, a large bird Is in the habit of inaklug sudden turns to right or left in its flight it must be fitted with a wishbone competent to withstand the great strain of the wing stroke on one side, with no special action on the other side. For this reason we find In the eagle aud like birds of quickly turning flight a furcula that la a perfect Roman arch, widely at variance with the Gothic arch, which is tbe shape of the wish bone of one common fowls. The eagle's furcula Is a solid rounded arch, every where equally strong and not develop ing those points of weakness that make our sport of breaking the wishbone possible. t Xeeesaltr of Eirrrlae. The variety of beneficial motions that may be had In muscular exercise is al most unlimited. It is interesting to no tice that children, when free to pluy as they choose, instinctively make so many different motions that they seem to use all their muscles. When peo ple's Ideas of propriety shall have be come what they should be grown peo ple can exercise like children without ttelng considered daft or silly. Many it the performances of children seem to older persons purposeless and use less. There Is such a state of Ignorance and prejudice that many people of con siderable education lack very much of having a proper conception of tbe rela tion of exercise to life and health. One may learn and practice with benefit a system of exercises, as iimny do, without having tbe acquaintance with the principles Involved that makes pos sible the greatest benefit and Interest and enjoyment There Is an Important advantage In knowing the reasons for the various movements and' what mus cles make each movement and how muscles use bones as levers. Henry Toelle, of Phillips, and who has been ranching for several year, was in town the Grit nf the week. He will try sawmiiling this Summer. Mra Arenath C Brown, of Iowa Hill, waa in the citj Saturday. She expect a to make this city her borne Ibis Fall. J. C. Miller; of the Arcade dis trict, was in the city, Saturday, and reports the roads at very good up hia way, Chan. Malthea, one of the five of the Malthes' family reading The Argus, was a caller at this office, Monday. J. B. Dawning, of Progress, was in town Monday, and will read The Argus and Examiner for another year. John Ironside and Fred Peterson, of near Cedar Mill, were county seat visitors, Monday. Robt. Wirlz, of Forest Qrove, was J. C. Hartley, of Bank, was in town Stiurday. T S Sutton, of Laurel, visited the city Saturday. T. H. Miller, the Cornelius jewel er, was iu to ii Monl.v. Fred 0. Anickrr, of Kin ton, was in the city, Saturday. S N Tunatall, of Phillip, was a county seat visitor, Friday. John Kassshautn, of the North Plains, was iu the city, Monday. ,llin. A B. Flint and wife, of ronton, were in town Saturday. Mr. an I Mrs. (Jeo. Keller, ol ' Vinelands, wers in town the last o' j the e-k. S. 0 Sherrill, principal of the C rn lus schools, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. and M s. X S Pricket, or IUi k, were callers at this otlioe, Mondiy. Peter Grnesrn was in fr 'tn Phi'-lips-Bethany section, th first of the week. Robert Johnson, ot near tVar Mill, was iu town (he first nf the week. Wi l shetr sheep o- gnt by con tract. F W Btrber, Cornelius. Write or telephone. tVdar fence pote and hop poles for a ile. Send in orders T. S Sutton, Liurel, Oregon. Robert and William Thompson. Ceiar Mill pioneers, were in town tbe first of the week. John Schl-nel, of nsr Banks, was down Tuesday, payirw his an nual tax and while here made The Argus ctl'ioe a pleasant call. White Minorca etas for sale; 50 centa per setting of 15 Easy to raise; good layers Mis. Jno Humphreys, H it Isboro, Sixth snd Baseline. Mm. Mary Mors. wife of Michael Moore, and a pione-r of 1843, oele brated her 75th birth anniversary, Sunlay. Mrs. Latching, of Port 1 ind, was oue of the guest. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES Rusia will send reinf.irc-ments to Kuropa'kin. That was what he needed long ago. Tillamook has raised the iibi dy and is now notifying the rail road promoters to go ahead with the railroad. Geo. Schistler, a Denver team ster, because he was defeated in a law suit, killed his family and tbrn committed auicide. Peabody will not be seated as g vernor, the Supreme Court hav ing decided that the legislature must seat either Adams or Peabody. This means that Adams is the gov aor. Dr. Cawood determines that lie will stay at Gnldendale, even if he were firm a coat of tar and feath ere. He thinks the incident will g've hU evangelising a larger crowd than ever. A Holy Roller evangelist. Dr. CaaoHl, formerly of Port'and. was givn a coat of lar and featheis at Gollendtle, Wash., Saturday night. The Doctor was holding meetings, and many of the women were prostrated with h atari He left Gnldendale without further trouble. Knrnpatkin mida hii retreat away from the Japanese, and the trap that tbe Japanese had Bet for him wih tint sprung in time. Th Rusiai losses are estimated at 1(K),0"0 and the Japaiee losses are considerably less. If Kuropatkin keeps on he will yet bf at the Japs into St Petersburg. A Portland man, In a legal paper, filed in court, declares that one at torney. C H. Piggott. is a 'dr.arn er. poet and philosopher." If the plaintiff eould but se one of Pig gott's letter heads, in rubber stamp wi'h a hrisiling hog r-mpatit, he would change his mind about rig gott being a poet." Senator John H. Mitchell has re turned to Portland, to stand trihl for land fraud The care will p'ob ably be commenced in June, some time. The government believe its case against the venerable aemtor to be perfect, although Binger Her mann's ca is not so strong Sen ator Fulton will not act as counsel for Mitchell. It is stated that as yet the gov ernment has no evidence showing that Binger Hermann ever took money fcr advancing titles to the fraudulent land titles issued in h:s ofhee, while General Land Com missioner. Williamson, Congress man from the First District, may aleo escape on the same grounds. Senator Fulton is said to be in no way connected with the land frauds and tbe government will make no attempt to implicate him. This is the way they do busineii up near Colfax, Wash. David Asohenhrenner eloped with an elder brother's wifo. The father of the boya caught up with the runaways at the depot and father and son had a regular slugging match The boy was too much for the old man, but the officers interfered and the young Lothario waa arrested, along with the woman. The fath er of the boy says that ha will prosecute both the younger sou and the woman, and send tbem both to the pen. Tbe woman ia only 17, and was married to the brother, A. California, in the I.ne Atgeles section, has been having a tige of wind and dood for several days, and all tratlic was at a otamlatill Sundav snd Monday. Two livis and much property were loet at; I. os Angeles John Breitton, nf Cottage Oiove. who shot John Fletcher, tluongh an alleged accid nt, and now under I rret Wue it is ailegtd lint be ehot Fletcher sn i tried to make it appear as a strcide, in order to get insurance uiouev as Fletcher's beneficiary, has been mirriid twoi or three times, and he may vrovej an 0ecn Johan Ho h. Hi las) j wife died in lVoemlicr, but lie isj known to have a rorrespnitih new I with two women regarding tnatri-j tunny. FOREST GROVE MILLINERY Grand Millinery Op- n'n, March S.i at ;:IX A. M , at the Pan- M.llue Pa'lors, next door to the I Kid F I Iowa Hall, Foreet tic v V-u tre cordially invit d t ra I and see the new styles Yours fur Trade. I Mia L. B rdan, Foreet Grove. j WANT PHOTOGRAPHS I Snwinill men and manufacturers nf ail kinds are rettiraled to semi in photograpos nf their htiilJing, and articles descriptive uf their indus tries, ss soon a po sibV, to Mrs it dch.iHield, Cornelius. The Lewis t& Clark ptople are to get nut pamphlets dencripttve cf the coun ty, aud thote e important pen tials. They al-io want eieiially tine firm scenes A lilrei-s l matter to Mr. B S h..ltild, t' .r nelius. Oregon. Notice ot Fiual Settl merit. Notit-e In In n by given, that the umler aixne.l AilniiniHirairn hits lileil her filial accnnnl In Me in ttir of the estate of K M nay Jones ilms-aa,l. ami mat I h I '.unit v Court of lit slate ol tiretfon, fur Wsli ig. ' Ion Onunly, has set Mntnlay, Hie lith ilay of April, ilHO, at the County Court Itoom in H ii lxrt). Oreiron, at lea o'clock a. ni. i of naitt tlay ai Hie limeau.l plare lor Inutr- ! tag nlijeclioiis U eahl final account an.i I f.r the tin.il settlement of utiu ratal. Dalnl llila March tn, WtV SoPllrtoNIA JONKS. ! AilininittralrU of IhettlaUof lliiiiney , Joilt, iteeraaetl. Notice of Final Meeting of Creditors. IN THE DWTllKT CoUK'P OK Til K UNITKD BF ATM KOlt THE j DISTRICT OK OHKtlON ! In th Matter of the Katale I of Iiavi.l J. Porter, bankrupt I Notice ia herehy given, that Ittintoii . Bowinan, the duly elrcml, tiialillil ami acting Trustee of the ahove iiame.1 Mlale, I has tiled wlih the iiinlcitigcuxl Keferee, lm liual report ami aiTonnl ami Hi lira-' tlay, March Zi, l!J5, at 10 o'clock . in. at the nttii-e ol the untleraigneil UlTetee at llillnborn, Oregon, has heeii llxeil as the: lime and pla.T for tne unit I ineeiinx of tlM ereilltori of aaid bankrupt and hear.) lug of object ioiw, ii any, to mtiil dual ac-1 count ami th final leitlemeot of iwul ct- i late. Daleilat IIillluiro, Oregon, t hit 27t It day j of telirnary, r.m'i. II T. HAliLEY, Heferee in Hank nipti y. Eiecutor s Notice, Notice Is hereby given, that th under aigued hai lieeit liy Ilia Court Court of llio Mlote of Oregon, fi.r M aalniigton I'liniity, iluly apixTnted ami continued sole KieeuUir of the lait will and Imatiient of Vemlel f'rherwhel, ileeeaaeil, and haai iiuiy (piatineil anil eulered upon the ills .-harife of hm duties aa such. Now, therefore, ail persons having claim!! agiiiiiHt said eslta of Van- ilel HcheiHchel, tlctease.l, are hereby rrquiren lo preaeut trie same to the omlei-iiKiied at the Ijw Ofllce uf (Jeo, K. Ilagley in Hillahoro. Oregon, together Willi proper vnncliert, within nil mo:iths irom l lie date bereor. Dated thialfTth tlav of Jan., KIU5. WILLIAM 11 HM1TH. Kieculor oflhe last will and testament or VeniJel Hciieiacbel, deceasiHt. Executris' Notice Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed eieciitrix of me eaiHie oi unver ualbreatb, dweael, liy an order made and entered in the County Court, of tlm Ktatnuf llnwin f r Washington County, on the 21al day of January, rn, anu all persons who have cisiini against said eatate are hereby notified lo present them to me, with rrper vouchers, at the law olltce uf K H. itiiigue, iiiusDoro, Oregon, willilu au inontli, from the date herool. Daiotl this lt day of January, 1B05 HA RAH OAl.nftRATH. Executrix nfthn Katateof Oliver Ual- nrrath, Deceaaed. K. ti. i'ongue. AtUirney for Kieeiitrlx. NOTICE STOP dolnn what makes you ill, QUIT using- poisouous drugs ami start to tske Nature's Own Remedy. HbKLWKIHS nr. kb ij'.A ts arisolutely pure, a true friend to women, a sure cure susintt La Grippe, CouKhs, Colds, and Luog, Liver ana Kinney complaints, Indigestion, etc. It cures; it strengthens; it lortifies end a wilt i tbe system. It is a Tonic not a Physic. Try it! Price, 50 cents per package, prepaid. Cir. ulars snd infor mation free. John F. Grsf, Belhsnv, W'aehlngton Couuty, Oregon, agent for Oregon and Washington. Mail Address-JOMW F. ORAF W. B. Cate CATE'S MARKET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds. Fish and Poultry. Vegetables in season. Lowest prices consistent with Good Business Policy. Will handle Farm Produce. Hop supplies a specialty. Main Street, East of Livery, Ilillsboro, Or. CITATION IS TltK OH'STY t'Ol liT OF TIIK NTVI'K OK OliKiiON, KOI! WASHINGTON rot'STY In the Miiiti'r cl the Ksiaie j Margaret tVJ.'iim, IVceaimll To Albert 1.. Jonm ami all oilier mntiiiN ImmvKted iu tlioKi.tRtn.it iil Marga ret l. Jonrn, IVcuuol, (iitHHuit; In the nam f the ti .f Oitkoii: Yon are herelor vilcl mnl ritiirwl to ap pear in tlx- I'ontuy t'ctirl of Hi Slide uf Oregon, .or llie Comity of V.iii;i..ii, In llu court room thereof at lill:.r.i, in llio I'oonly of VYatiinig on. on Moit.lay, tlie '.Mill itsvof March, Itm'i at III o'clock a. in. of mnl day, Ito'ii mi. I tlirr alio ca if any thev have, liy an tinier ol aaiil I'oiiH i.ioii. not l n. ml authoris ing; anil cni nulling Henry W. Jonca. AditiniiHlrut.tr of the cut of .Mmaitivl l. .lone. itcctHtanl to . II all of tli rigid, ill tool interval oh he al,ii, of Murvurrl l. .lone, .-I, In ami to all of l.ota itrnly. four, twenty lite, I toil y eight. TttenlV llliiDUIitl I lurty fi;lil to Crtiioilt iitMl'l vimoii of lll.ak " A" of Ih Tuan ol Iteaterlon, Vnliliil;l.nl I olm'v, lrgoil, ill pulilie aiiclion ol (nital atilr, a.a nray c.l for in the petition of .,. Atl'iilinxir'a lor lll.st liotTiii, V ii n.". Hie ItoKorNliI I. A. Ititotl. Jtiilgt. ol lli I'oimlv t'oiin ol Hi Sial til Orcaoii. lor Hi t'onnlv of Waliiniilon nh the aenl of aai.l t'oiirt alllxttt, llila imi ilav ol January, lmrt, AHtt: K. J.tlti UA.', l leik. PRICES on MILL FEED Compare these prices with what you have t pay for mill feed else where: (ratked rorn, $1.40, cvt Wheat 1.50 " Bran 20.00, ton Shorts 23.00 " Middlings ' 26.00 " Barley Chop 27.00 We also have a small quantity of seed wheat and seed barley on hand Both 'pMo,l,-'s' Climax Milling Co. Ilillsboro, Oregon Oregon SHOffr line Ana Union Pacific S TKAINH TO TUK KAHT DAILY KHOM I'OKTI.AND. Through Pullman standard and tourist leeping-care daily' to Omaha, Chicago, Spokaue; tourist sleeping-car daily tt Kaneas City; through I'ulluian tourial aleeping-cara (prrannally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas city, re clining chair cars (seals free) to the Bant daily. PKPA ST to a DiLir Ohlcago Rpeclal 9:iJ.M. via Atlaiitio Kiirwi 8:16 r. m. via H lint tngton St. PaiiT Kast Mall 6:0U r. u, via Hpokane TIM II Hl'IIKfJUIXH raoM POHTIiAMI) ARRIVE raoM lH.T Salt Lake, Iienver, Kt, Worth, Diniiha, Kansas City, Mt. Uiuis, Chicago and Jaat Halt Lake, Iienver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kaunas City, Nt, Uniii, Chicago ami Walla Walla.' liwlii tmi.HiHikaiie.W'Hllnce PlillliiHii, Milineae olli, Nt. Paul, tin hit!., MilwnukAn, Chicagn ami Kant iM r. m 10:30 a. a 7::a.m OCEAN AND RIVKK HCHKPIII.K ' FROM POUT .AND Hteanmlilpa Imtween Portlaml and Han Francisco overy tlvedaya, Rlvor hunts on tho lower Coliimhla and Willamette dally except Sunday. I.UW ItATKH Tn and from all points in tha Kait Tickets via this route on sale at all depot olllom of tha Houthrn Paclllo Co. A. L. CKAIG, . Gsnoral PaHsengor Agsnt Portland, Orngnn C. C. Cate .. Prince Henry .. The Clydesdale IVrcheron Miimiged by F. C. Pauli, the voll knovn Groom I I iv fat Jk 7 (j iFj ; u UK . ff .... . A1' A J Will make the Season of 1005 in this County At (lieenville, Cornelius, Clcneoe, Bethany and Hillslxito, under the care of Frank I'auli, tlie well known groom. LUtes and jdaees will 1 later, in this ad. and ou posters. 1 1 RMS: Single SmUr, $1; Senior), $10; Inturnin e, To insure wheu jatrott has two or more to breed, u.5o each. r. c. Piiuii, Groom i i &e W. J. ,Hus atlded to the New (Juarters STEAM AND CASOLINK l'lumliing suiilies, slcaiu ntnl cnHuline tngins iackin, line Krtila of fulilntt tnelnle; nils, in mm ittul live gallon iiiiih; wants and C(iinnunilH, Hteiiin ami wu'er valves ol alt kiiide, littiiiKS ami iie. I.argo nily i( lulii lcaturM sml iiijccltirs lor mill ami IrtU'limi mgii.es Pitcher ond Force Pumps Main Street, Rowell Bros. (EL Co. of Scholls, Want to TalK to You Why carry your Farm Produce, Veal, Poultry, etc , to Portland, whrn tte will ay you the hiliei.t uiaiket price lor it. We also handle a Com plete tine of General Merchandise, etc. Dry Unoilt, nlendid line of Shoes, fiiocerief, I'lour and Peed, l'rtlnla and Oils, Hardware, We alto han dle all kimle of Farm Mucliinery, Watinns, Uuggics, Hacks slid ( arts, McCurtuii'k Hinders aud Mowers; Plows and IUmoms. (live u a call. We Can Save You Money MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS J t We carry a fine line of musical instruments, which we are selling at prices that arc astonishingly, low. Get One For Your Family Mf filsn rn'rrxr a fWiiiitlrtp r... records, aud VIOLINS, BANJOS, AND ALL SI RINGED INSTRllMLN IS a vve nave tlie nest equipped bicycle repair shon in i Washiiigton Couuty. T 1 IM woik spteuiiy uirueu out; . F. R. DAILEY, Main St., rst of I. o. o. f. Bidg. Ilillsboro II. 0. S( IIMUIIK, t)v.er Benson Co. business iu their u Main Street, Engine Supplies A lint litis of gurji'ii luiso ntnl rvorylliinx (niiiul in cui'li an celnlilifhtucnt Call ami sen our slick 0i(wiiu )r. Tamil hic'a reKiili'iirc. Ilillsboro, Ore. J lino iC nllntoM,.l !.i ... jiiuiioj; .IJJUS, Willi all kinds of . Charges reasonable, and t I