The i i JnllLLSB VOL. XI. HILLSBORO, OREGON, FEU. 9, 1905. NO. 48 R Illl'. llWtll'H MAI AUDI ."o on in ) .a I l.ti Money Will he Vx pClldcJ for IllHIICilluluUcMlllH SHUT! iiiri wme, w nan jug nr- russ AKK sow hum; iiul'tr'T'TX1 ,0i lU :V'i ! patented Iiii I he and Major Pro- Ache lira ul Kuail Woik la I'viuiup, i eraatii a lion ynl lo ' foolm' " and ai.J liuud Ko.u. arc now tinted 1 1'" '-0K- it a circu- ;lar funic from a Portland firm, "bowing "ice modal f audi a Whiln nothing ollieial ha j pirca furniture, exactly like tin promulgated, it In Min'tiil that jCaptait.'a with the exceition that t'iH county Ixat.l will verv aoon it waa hall hearim, mad in (((.Id urN l.. ex, end tha extra 2.-..ki0 ; ' '. "Hin for 2ft There . , , . . ! waa Ilia old innchine, In detail, just laxsiioi. lor road, in a mai.ii.-r thai ... ,.:.. . t.m .,,. ' Iniiii'iliut'i reaulte will le olitaii.nd While tha l.tard fur i lion I'oniinlttal. It Beware thai the plan of grading d laying pl.nk on ihe radr, covering them wilt, earth, ha taken a firm hold of tha comi ty adinii.iilratora, for the aitupl rranou that by thia wnthitl we i-an ..... i llal uiul.1 P.iaiIm 1 .11 ftl ' , : lion of the contraption some year one main thoroughfare. M( rulUlli fitlilly ....j, oll. It ta hut conjecture, a yel, it i r an accounting linn, and here it toi.i-i.Ui el more than likly that the tiril attempl will e In c nniecl the Korrt (irova aectiuu with the Portland Mountain rod, thu iv tug the county one llio'oui hfitre, eat and wet. I'here eea.ii. to Uaom. differenrt I if i i.iniii.i aa lo whether the road ehoilld be eight ft, or aider, but 4hi i a detail that can eanily be tiled The extra money win on re man tuiy the lum tier, and if the plank In -:. .....I ...rW . 1,1. ul riuulian 11 mean 01 aome weeaa. necaine -an Ih laid, with the 12.1 Ht, from Oreenville U the Urove. and from there, through, M the Portland mountain, to .onne. t with . ...J .! r,ul n - J. T S illiau.a. of l -iriielnu, w as . 1 waii. ..iiii, inn ouuu v ih-iuk 111 uiv ,n lb. city, Monday. ( ,,(,MriKni(,l few ('int'kel corn, f t -10 )Mr Cwt week, in the any In m hoapilal will Climax Mill. doubtb a bring him out all right . . .. . ,. , jllealated b -lore the court that nil er .of Centarvill-.waM , h- an Argua vU.tor Monday. j , iU .(j Jt.mrd and rta.m by day or week. fHW we k lie haa a brother on $: M per week Mra. M. A. I.ane j ,,,vejoy alree', I'orlluud. llet.tou Bowman, atenograpber in I leiuii Ima received hia new the Home, at Sttletit. aunl Holiday j atHk of Hl.oen, tl.o American (Sen llh hia fuuiily. tlfiiimt and American l.ady, the u.. Wi.;. s-,I.iiI,m..;..i .ni.r. I llneet in the in-rket. Come in and taiued the Ladiea' CollVe Club ut t.rr hnui, laat Saturday altert.oon. The Miaaea Anna, lolti and fclnitltt ItAiniiaiin t1 I'ortlaiiil. Hill. OIlMkl. I.f M,i .Ihiuoh l.onif. ! a"- - ri l u I uutenr Depiuttneiit 011 tha evening W. I!. Darety, of (JWe, baa(l( March , ..leea another date is Wn in town f. r -veral dny, ui.- j ,,!,,tju, J The comiuiiteo on ar dergoiug treatment by a locAl ! i. Mra. II. T. Baglev, phyeician for rheuuiatlam. jMr( lf (j Crrlnnr. Mra. Mae Minnie Wiee. .Uiighter f ! Mia Dr. W. A. Wire, of Suicl.y the gueat of the Miettt' Madge and I alitia Imbrie, .Broken atock "ahoea," juat tha thing for ladiea' everyday wrar, at i if i.', while they $lo.r jier pair. To aa ia lo luy 'The Waehington county li'itii;u iva delcgalioti cm ibmo from Halciii, Saturday, and visited home folk., Suiiday, tetuining Sunday evening The Dra. Bailny performed a C'ltiiul mirKieal opiiralion on It. Kuhn.of Kaat Hillaboro, the laat of the wek. Tha patient ia re covering nic ly. Kor gi4iilemei.'a, ladiea' and children', hoae you can do n- let Lr than to buy of John Deunia We them for erylmdy, hihI at price, lhal are values W, I.. Soehren, of Dallas, and formerly cf Banka, waa in town ' over Sunday, a gueat of hia aimer, Mra 1 K Wilkes. Mr. Soehron ia eup-rinlendint of the Dallas water Hytiteui, owned by Hon. 11. V', datea, f thi city. The Varlranrt Benevolent Society, inaurancfl orgar.tzntion, held a meeting at Verhoort, Monday. Anlone Hennena it the aeoretnry of the inalitiiiion, ami it ia a mutual protection uguinel lire. Tho niein lieia are ('alholici. Cashier (I. W. Schuliiinrioh, of the Commercial Bank, went down to Ibe lake Sunday, and viewed tha place where Perloy Campbell waa tirnwiied. While the water had alien several feet il ia Ida ei-timnto that at the time of the death there waa in the neighborhood of eix feet jif WHlor, 1 John BcruatdH, of North Kon at Cirove, and who had j net recovered f'r.iui a aerioui illne.H, btmainn mentally unbalanced the othtr day, .and reporta were ant out that were cironeoui. He wan iuietetl down by hia family, and will w all right in a few days. A sensational news . xeporl out of Forcut Urove to a . Portland daily haa caused the 4'aniiiy a great deal of uneasiness, I In III" course of human event t''tr ara often limre thinge tram- rinif which make a fallow frwl ITe mill her ia on of them. A !K)yr4 Mbt ( 't. A. M. Collin', : wihi ii h-hiii., ,imav m ii .p. , i - tier lor Aaeeaenr I ) II Wilcox, and Una a fine thing for carry- Urga volumes. ix or .even i. - a . hadn't hail a high regard for tha original maker ha would have Hi veil iitin a uruoinng right there fur lunilecting to get lettera on bia ! conoepiioii. lun urn. ciaaing me machine will aell one or two in neu'ly every court limine iu the N'l.rlbweal, and, eventually, in averv county feat ill the Tnlon Tin1 Argua made, an extended men- where the Portland tMHkuien final ly got the idea of manufacture. We handle the famoua Napa tan hoe, tha beat water alow make. AUo the Dnuglaaf.irtOeiioa, known all over the world for ila durability m My,a FuU , ,,,,,!,,,. line i "f ladiea' ehoea, lateal Htylca, and a Hue atock of childran'a ahoea. "II. Wehrung iV Sona i A. Drange, a hixhly repe-teil . .!.:.... t . L- . . - t. . icoien 01 near rariningwin, aneri , '""'Hy deranged the laat of the ! ""k "d waa ooiuimUaJ to the ; aayluni by Judge I,. A. HhkI, I Tueeday. the examining phyecian !l'o'K Dr. A. li. Bailey. Mr. j Drange'a actloua tecama ao alarm- . R . ,. ' . . , . ' , f. them. The lateat model.. j'1'bene ahoea aia advertiaed in every ipromineiil matfa.ii.M and uewapa 1 ! Hr in the world Tha ladie of the Collre Club rill (entertain tha riremennf the vol- li"--er and Mra. Klaia tjchtilnierich Ulia the internum to make thia a grrat occaaion aa lnt yeat'a annual vena pi.xtponed owing to circtim. alauctM beyond control. Owen Murray, of Cedar Mill, and who I t riu ixon the propoat-d town site on the survey of the electric lino, waa in town Fridtv. Mr. Murray haa U.nded hia farm for a large Mini, and in case the road goen through the purchaaera expect to realua haudaomely on the deal. Watch our ahow windows for bargains moil's auita for $S.5.rt; hoys' suit., citt from three to thir teen, $"2 ,10; l.adiea' corsets, 8ft and 7ft cents. Take a look at our Imrgain counter which is well III led.-H. Wehrung A Sons. The funeral of the late Parley Campbell took place from the Christian Church, last Fiiday alurnoon, Mrs. Hamilton, wife of the puntor of the M. K Church, of th'iating. Interment was iu the Uillboro cemetery. 1. Baughfmaii, of Cornelius, was in town Monday, and It'll wjlh Cornelius it Lyoni a tine specimen, grown on upland. Mr. Baughfman ia preserving sev eral for exhibit at the Lewis it ('lark Fair. Speaking of groceries if you want the lincHt staple and fancy gre'eeriea lo be found iii t he market, try John Dennis. He is after your trade, and nnott a customer, always a customer. The Hillaboro Dancing Club gave one of its most delightful dancing etitortainmenta at the Opera House last Saturday eve ning, and there was a large attend ance. Attorney Huffman was down from Foicst Utove, Tuesday, get ting the bankrupt estate of Jos Mahoney ready fur final settlement before lteferee H. T. Bagley." II. Wilkins, of south of Reed vilie, was iu the city, Tuesday, and made this office a pleasaut call. August Hossi, of Beaveiton, waa in town Tuesday. iiiniiiTrpw iwt i nit mirnn 1 lUUnll DUAKUUIVK l L I L I L L V II I ! 1 1 If h 1 1 1 For the Lewis & Clark Qiun ty Inhibit, Itiard to Direct tOL'M V NOW ASSl'Ktl) OF EXHIBI f VulcJ thr Appropriate ua Evening Friday The roiinly couimixaionara Krid.iy evening, juat liefore aljournmtot, vutrd an atipruiiriaii in of ll.X) ,... i. . ... ....I.. u.i.;l.;j l IIIIT It lk.JMIII.Vb.lll 1TUUIJVT rAIIIUI. ............ r . im inn i.ewiM .v uiara rair. ine uiouey appropriated will be under th." control of I he county cummin- aionrra, who will auilit the mm, watch over the proceeding! of the !.eia A' C-lark coiuniilteea. The appropriation aeema to meet with general approval, although there are aome who are objecting on the grounda of heavy taxation. The money will now ha availa ble, and will be used aa condilioDi warrant. The money will enable the I-ewie it Clark county club to go aln-ad with the exhibit, and a creditable dieplay al.ould reault. IHher county court huainaea: Honda of variotit road itiprrviaore were Pl"el Ordered that warrant lor collection of 1904 U lie allHclinl to rull by clerk; iHirui of ther.ll aa tax rollei-tor approveit; aiitetlra. A Sbolrt, Jot Conneli. K j l.youa, B P t'orneliua an J ImI Scliuliucr- icll. ,. 1 . r. .. u 01 coinumiiuer ueu nanmni . .ff' li V Stilt granted ptr rtn rrliale mortgage laiea. Trlrptione Irancl.iae ijranlfil J j Wirti el al: polea to I erected on outer boundary ol load. 0 K Sirunge appointeil comtable Welt letlar Precinct. Petition of Wiltoa ltuuip to operate electric motor on county road between S I depot, Porrtt (.rove, ami ttat city, and lor four years' time lo build same, denied. tltder.d that land deeded by Suabauer Hroi lor road )e established as a county road. Petition for telephone franchise Anton Hennena, et als. granted; also in re 1' Valley franchise. Clerk's receipts. Umisry, f)7i.6s; re corder's, receipts, 15; approved. U V KubiDHin and C M Thomas grautrd license to run a suloon at liaslon. Kipenditure of I.ewi & t'Urk. Club, fy7 fb, approved. ( Petition ( H Reeves, rebate taxes un paid. dtallowrd. Ilrury Vauliyke appointed supervisor district No I4. tiuit Kiigstroni (ivcn (rceipt delin quent tuxes wliru tax, cost, interest, penally, etc, tire paid. County road II It Cheaiunre et als. I. sirs l reek, otilereil rclalillaued, nunc pro tunc, as ol luu',!; road to be 40 Icel wide. Claima alloweil: lf K Dailey, court f I Oo F J llailey, insane ex s 00 J 1' Ta-uicsie, " " 5 00 j I1 Tanuesie, tf is, contiuurdl . , . . Ilti Hitch, iiiitice jury 7 00 Glass & I'rudbouime, stationery. , b 7 f K liahcrslloli, relief 456 Titos Cox, loads and highways. . . 1 3 00 Allreil ti.ierr, juror ) 00 flex Hunter, roads, Jfi.a.) con) . . (lass & f rudtioiniue, sta. ....... . 7 7ri K Wood, !lxr I list 1: I S!o J II Sbaver, shtl's exp 5 jj w f Atkinson, insane, 1 luiier 75 I) C rielcher, " 9 ah S T l.inkluicr, ex insane 5 00 Wui Itatcbelder, juror 14 So Marion t'.eorge, insane, Brown ... . 11 70 lr l.iuklater, " " .... 5 00 A C.rossen, roads and higl.wava.. 11 00 A A Morrill, ' " " .. a8 00 I'lnon Luuiber Co, rand h," 11 00 A lleiuirohr, rand h.. 31 00 W II Lyda, Ibr roads 17 63 A J Roy, poor lartu keep 113 90 R II Oreer, jurors J P court 2 00 K II Collins, I' " a 00 II T llaglty, juatica x 00 Geo II Wilcox, assessor... 7H 00 Wn. Jackson, treas 6060 I, K Barber, janitor 35 00 W II Uyilu, Ibr roads at 03 M C Case, supt Sid, etc 61 oK Willis Irelond, dep recorder 41 65 U I Kuratli, aal, slat and post. . . . lou Jj Uillslioro Initepeiuleut, ata US 40 M I' Case, supt exp 11 00 W U Oouelson, relief 43 75 H J Gorliiian, clerk .301 86 The Argua, sta at 75 I, A Houd, pidge etc 60 1S3 I) C Ptetcher, rouds , 2 to J V ('onnell, shft eto jia 6s Matthews' Post, Indigent 6a 00 Road district claims: Schicllelin Bros, Oist 18 t. 00 J II llrowu, 17. 1 00 I4 6 00 " 3 00 " ., 5 5" " 3 00 " 9 00 " 3 50 O llurk, C 0 Oixou, II Smith, li Honshu, Jno Nooner, C 1' Jackson, District 17- W Pricket, roads .... 7 00 W Davidaou, roads , 3 00 C R l'rickett, " 29 50 J Hill, a Ls li A Kirts, " la 00 II l'rickett, " 6 00 G W McGraw, " 14 00 M II llskcr, " a 26 J 1' I,oyd, " 7 60 M J Baker, " u 00 acob Shearer, " 7 60 11 M Vauderauder, roads. . 75 Jesse Heard, " lo 00 A David, " 6 00 W ft l'rickett, " 1 50 N I, Nelson, Diat 2l, " 9 00 W Heddiim, " " " 6 00 Win Bag lev Sr, Dist 18.. 7 fto A Keverman, . " " , . j 2s U lister, " 19 18 00 Chat Garber, " & 20 I L Kirli, dep eupcrvieur jo oo l Wenger. roi J9 25' V II LyU, ll.r nwili 1.1 V lleruerl He bun, Ibr roadi lo 44 U M l'uc, pliolo (iurrliu. I 00 C II Bucbaimii, coin m! i5 .o W J Butucr, " " U4" Clark Si llucluaau.cxt'il'K i"ll'.'o oo M li Claik, al r Hup 6 oo h A l)iiou, ' J' Kiioiii I'imI. imligruta - 2j 40 City of ilboru. wutrr ami Iik.M- . . is 40 T M llayura. wiluna 4 oo ' Flour and Kml. Cuie's Market. It. H. (ireur went to l'ortiand. Tinaday, oa liUHinesa. ('. K. Deichman wai a l'ortiand viaitor, 1 ueedav. Deputy Clerk V. P. Smith waa on theaick liat the first of the wenk Cracked corn tUerai.d cheaper . k !"" l"t. for chicken feed I pij,,,.. miii Wi Bagley, the Leiayville hoplllm, " ortion of the coun grower, and Joa. I. aw ran, were io Portland, Tuesday. (). (1. Barlow, of Portland, and who ban farm interests in thia vi cinity, waa in .town Tuesday. We do watch and clock repair work at reasonable prices. K. L McCormick, Hillaboro, Or. Washington county onion grow er are calculating 10 put io a big 1 acreage next soaaon, if there is a 1 li. .j lavoraoio npnug. Immigrants are coming in rapid- j L. E. Krone. er southeast part of ly, and one day this week there county. were about a dozen of these viaitoraj C. W. Allen, of Beaverton Bea lookiug over projierty in thia vi-1 verton and Township 1, s. r. 1. w. cinily. I Assessor Wilcox asks that all Truck gardunera io ea.l Waah-i f,roP rl '"V"" Pr"Pre. . ' ingtou county ahould remember :h-,r 17 nd hve" J ,Md' .1,.. ...... in 1,. . .:.. .u 1 r... loess, ao that when the Geld denu their nroduct next summer, owine i lo the large number of visitors to the Lewis & Clark Fair. A street car on the Montavilla line, ran away Monday morning, the reault being one killed and 31 injured. John Miller, a son-in-law of Mrs. Brown, of this city, with bis sou, 1eelie, waa on the car, but they escaped irjuriea, except tbair beads were slightly bruised. The Conaohdated railways of; ,he iie of ,he deceaft,d Herein ig Portland bad a crew of locating en-! a iW8on lhat ev v mtQ gmecrsin the city last Saturday, !,hould lake to heart " When Mr. and in many placea tht line of , jackson was in health he took out aurvey run. alongside the Traction j iite jnsura0ce, and bis wife and company s hue. One thing ia cer- f(4mir can now enjo , reasonable tain, and that is, the Consolidated !iUpprt for life, if the esUte is people are going at it in a business !jU(Hciously managed. In these like manner, whether they ever !daya of life insurance il is criminal build the line or not. for a young man wilh a wife and Phil Withycombe, the North j children to neglect furnishing a Yamhill tile msnufacturar, was in j protection to hia borne, ia case the city, Tuesday morning, atid j d'eath should come to claim him. was gratified at Hillsboro improve-1 H the editor of The Argua waa ments the past year. Mr. Withy- j 'uarried to a man who would not combe says that Yamhill suflered from the ahort hay and grain crop last year, and that, already, North 1 amhill alone haa imported 20 car loads of feed, and if the Spring ten.. shall I late it will import that Rahl Guerling. alias Frank Mr much more. t was" Monday afternoon Uken Attorney H. T. Bagley has been j Wore Justice II. T. Bagley, where having a turnkey and parrot timej"9 ' arraigned on a charge of wilh the Ben E. Jones' estate. I larceny in a store, the complaint Jone was a bachelor, and reeidud J alleging that, the young lad was a at or near Kioton. Some months ago he died aod H T. was retained b look up some Knglish heirs. By an advertisement in au English paper he found tha ones he wanted, but ever since nearly every mail ha brought him a communication from some Jones over in England, who imagines that he is a direct descendant cf the dead man, and just the one woo is entitled to a ahare of the estate. I heesutc was disHsed of by will. Andrew Westberg, of near Firm ingtnn, came to the city Monday with a goodly supply of golden sesterces, which translated means $20 gold pieces, and proceeded to grow richer. By 7:30 he waa able lo navigate only with extreme dif ficulty, surveying the entire width of tha sidewalk. Marshal Atkin son ran him into the holm palace and Tuesday morning he went be fore Recorder Bagley, who fined htm mx and one half citnoleons for his bad b-tach of etiquette and travesty on walking a chalk mark. He paid up and went out, dreaming of the Vikings of old, who walked with a swagger but that was be cause they were seamen. Andrew will probably be good, now, for some time. Apropos of the IWverton saloon oase, wherein a minor has given much trouble to hi mother, as well ai aaloon men, by going into a re sort and representing that he was of age, it might be well to state that there it a law governing those cases which affects the minor him self, where he is over 16 years of age, and carries a fine of $25. There 1b scarcely a young lad of that age who doe not know that the proprietor must pay a line in a case of this kind, and when he wil fully goes into a saloon slid repre sents that he is of age he should be fined. The law makes it the duty of prosecuting 'officers, the sheriff, or police officers, to see that the law is enforced, and the Beaverton in cident would Dot repeat itself many time if lad imposing on proprie tors would be made to toe the mark. 'I HI I Will Start Six Men in afield. March 1, Promptly ; WANTS OWSEKS Ttl LIST PROPERTY Sara Tlii Will Eipediir Matter for ihr Drpuliea Aaiwaaor fiao. II. Wilcox will Hart tiz men in the field to make the 'M)H aewQjent bv Afarcli 1. Tha ,HVBh,ir j . . , !of Hilliboro and vicinity hioiaelf ty will be handled at follows: Krwin Bitter, Pbillipa nortb eaat portion of county. John Vanderwal, of Beaverton, formerly cf Greenville northwest part of county. Herman Scbulmerich, ex-post master, Hillsboro Cornelius, and south to the county line. H. T. Buxton, of Forest G rove- Forest Grove and southwest part of county !" c.aU matti-r. can be exped.te,! in a hurry. He further states that all proper ty will be aaseaaed at full ca-ih val ue this year Mrs. Jackson, widow of the late 0. K Jackson, a former Washing ton county school teacher, Monday received a draft of 12,000 from the Supreme Lodge A. 0. U. W life insurance. Thia makes f 1,228 in surant a'reailv nil.) (ha n.. oiu a reasonable lite jnsar ance it is dollars to cabbage that' Judge McBride would have a di vorce auit to decide at the next! : Prty ta the Uaston store burglary I jsome weeks ago. Young Guerling! " bound over in the sum off j 11.000, and will remain in jail, in default of bail, to await the March term of circuit court. The kid de manded a hearing and he got it. Sheriff Conneli went on the stand and testified that the boy had ad mitted going into the store, and then comiug out and standing guard while the accomplices went in and robbed the building. Guerling admitted this, and -then waa placed under bonds. Justice of the peace Claud Greear Monday gave the Wheeler Manu facturing Company a judgment for $95.00 against the Ward Lumber Co., of Forest G rove. The suit was a result pf a dispute over a running accouut. Ward Lumber Company claimed they had not received the material, but the plaintiff put wit nesses on the stand to show that it had been delivered, although the bill of lading had not been "0. K 'd" by the defendant at time oi delivery. The many citixen of North Washington county will be pleased to learn that Tillamook county is trying to get a railway, and the ciluens of the coast section are willing to put a liberal subsidy in the hands of the builders. Forest Grove business men, connected with the Board of Trade of that place, have written, guaranteeing the right-of-way through the Gale Creek country, if that route shall be elected. List of new v piano sheei musio just received at MeCorroieLjiuueic store "The Bashful Bachelor," two Btep; "Love' Desire," walU; "Moonlight," a serenade; "Iu the Shade of the old Apple Tree," aong; "Down Where the Suwante River Flows," song; price 25 cents each. Mrs. J. W. Conneli visited with her mother, Mra. Earner, at Moun- taindale, this week. L. L. Long and brother, P. C, were in tewu Sunday, guest of the Argu reporter. I Why Pay More For Other W. B. Cnte i .9 .. Q f: I o ? I y ! a I GATE'S MARKET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds. -Fish and Poultry. Vegetables in season. Lowest prices consistent with Good Business Policy. Will handle Farm Produce. Hop supplies a specialty. Main Street, East of Livery, Hillsboro, Or. Dill..... v HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BARK A. S. SHOUS, Pr9id0tt GEO. SCHULMCRIOH. CaaauW Main Street, v-v'-eav.vvvve' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS We carry a fine line of musical instruments, which we are selling at prices that are astonishingly low. Get One For Your Family We also carry a complete line of phonographs, with records, and all kinds of VIOLINS, BANJOS, AND ALL STRINGED INSTRUMENTS We have the best equipped bicycle repair shop ia Washington County. Charges reasonable, and work speedily turned out. F. R. DAILEY, Main St., r 1 1 As the Twig is The How is it with the young people of your household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it is: ' Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar that comes into their hands The next dollar should be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good' ly bank account will om result; the young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon flour When You Can Get MOSS ROSE and GREAT RAISER FLOUR See ua before buying eWwhere. Discount on large iiiiantiliei. Bran Shorts $20.00 per ton . 23JO - 1.50 pr KM) . 1.50 " 25.00 per ton . 26.00 " Cracked Cora.. Chicken Wheat. Rolled Barley.. Middling ( PricM subject to change.) Your credit i good with m. CLIMAX MILLING CO. C. C. Cat Pays interest on time deposits; charges no exchange to its cus tomers, and do not charge ex change on their home checks. Come and see us. Hillsboro, Oreoon t East of I. 0. 0. F. Btdj. HillsbofO t Bent Tree's Inclined"