HlllSBO&O AAUjJ, KB. i, 1900 . .::lnleans s&mt i :.ijtCourageous I ' 1 1 r Mai k.. nw Al'tN.MElBU.L COMPANY :'-.'su did not wan u iot.M. but iiV.l? "f ?: Tp: wrB' T,', ..vvMMM(lUl like . nd the trau.p and i! of itnsli to Oh- fliitvr risv.of lrs tier " Vve pul.",! tte'qiwdM xvlth the tin- . ; BrriBHii.wf WnW'wom- , uu. Mie leaped to hi swv. took the : ' yai-d paliug .nd dew across Its soft loam Beta to th UUHnxwl.- When. Ueuleaant Colonel Ranlstre vXcJvtuj.Wif4 thsv kUcbe ntHugly to Ann" u liv tirvakfaat iitlavtd be fiMlrtai I the room Hod sounds from the ' " outhouse told him tbe ret. Tbe- pet laid Kd lad becem Instantly a rg "lug demoniac, and the crwufaUen men t..i .oif ,..u,hti. . in. creased by tbnran aad nrTlllnjt. A iht nf h h.n.ta. toiler sent tDe leaders passion teaplu lo Vuoirt. 1 wou,d wnteut to know he v ed,re. TU the clrir be cried. Tb Iive- eva lf 1 T bm fl-: vKTyHWirt olrton tbeIU, . . 1 lf -V ,,m -n'W-ow.. 1 And his curses suddenly lulled tbe-; wouW iv' ,lf bT hlui . : -wive 1tb stert sbartt order , th,,t forKv U1":" Mrs. Walker wrung ber bands as th ; was as if all the pent up lousing last trooper galloped off after tbe rest of ,h P"st Uu,e bur,,t ut ,n BJ on a bone impressed from tbe staMvs. er rk ud souk vr? krtT w,tn " "God grant tuejr don't catch herr sue ! ord. 'or ,0 tHUt had ap prayed. proached again., A Aun sped aloof, the curving i A up U-foro Uw tent. : stn'tch of road over the low hill spurs anJ lt rider uiuoute,t. lie wore the she leaned to the horses inane, crying ''"'' t the liue. aud to Juai;JWv ju.jMd4A hoj-- Hun!' Tii i ... ih. .,..,kiv- n.l ih t ViMit iererurA - Uii hr&rrmis bhuNl " bay. snorted and settled to action, hi : Miapld eye eati-hinjf tbe terror-whit as if he. stolen from some Virginia stable. v -knew what the words meant. , , .Gallop and gallop: she heard" tbe red clods patter on tbe rbad behind as she . 'X went. -One mile-two miles. The wind- lng, drunken race of folisged Ueryisbea. ' v ! 'TlirW tulles thev niunt s.urry .know ' 'liv'uow. " . . She passed two, riders and noted their "Hffmitvo't'Vonderr'Ohe "called out to' her, but she did not stop. The terrifl.: pce made her breath come jaggedly, : and it waa only by a tup n-me effort ' "" that's kept her seat on tbe pouiiuel- less saddle.' : 'i -; : - 1 . The last two muss Oung away lu a dulled red roar. wvWwW'irii rrupsv "hpoh- he "court Jiousey steps , whesi; sb palled up ber rortrtng" torse, '"and Tleiiry himself pushed forward t ber side. "Tarletou," "she panted, "at Caatla HlUr-coiulna-tiS-take the swtubly!' Utenry turned and repeated the; uies- iige.' It was caught up on all aides dors. - There wi a rush fur the sheds and-HimTted-'mMatflig. "Then another cry sptvyd: Jeffersoa-bt was at Moi-, Uceiio:'" v -. si "How. mach riuief' asked Henry briefly gfAnna. ,,k'.;w "Ten minutfs aba gnswern at itaz- 'A'k?fr"' ,:. ..rtoo little. They will-be-upon him , bnfore this." He brought his borse and vaulted Into the saddle. -Will Tarle tun know you have comeT' "Yes?,.! "Then vou must not stay." he said - Irmly, -"toil shall ride with me." v JWor-hywia answer a Horseinan nme elattertug In from a bridle path. ltwtloheltTftMer;and he took In the ureoarationa at a Klanee. "Good, he shouted. "Lose no time. -gentleittsnii Capta-in fonett has warn ed Mouticello, , The. Assembly sumfe dissolved,' to meet at 8taunton th days fieure." written into uis uauu. 4iiMVofr rang- heWnd tbe 'Conduct them." be said lu a choked In 1U tlluty road, and Henry and Ann. I v"ft- and w Uu hls sulute the tl'nt flaP rniuedtheitvborses-rutottebrush. Two! ''" beWnd blm. ..' more riders galloped by. to wheel and I - worraut you found Colonel Ar-iun-iiiA" .1 II,.,;,.'. i.ii,.. Ti,u ! niund a brusuue cavulier." said the w ere Mudobu Tylar and Colonel Har- t risun. Fatigued aud hungry a they Were.'both essayed to smile. '-jTre!ridM saTeT" cried tfenry. ' "Aye," Culunel Harrison assured him. "Tbe family" are gone to Colonel Car ter's, aud all of , the geutlemeu who were at iiouticello are in tbe moun tains. Twas a narrow squeak." ' ' "Whither1" think you we bad best A jideiVv-OiJoaet'iiarriso-aked -as they staned. ,,r,( V,- t . , -A tMLafaytte'if high the Bapkl-Adn." said Heury,. ,'T laith" with a smile at the glW beside him "the man who . .tiurucd it. should have seen you ride! Hcst to reach our own lines for the nUrlif, 'and tomorrow we will off fer StujiJoiaOipuaa Nhoukl ur oiir troops, and Mistress Tlilotson can gftt-sae escort to fViNlericksburg," . . " "" AT inldafteruoon they "stopped at a Kiualiilnfft ui fl0ge- and asked for Kouii;th.uB to eat. , 1 1 After the meal and rest the four rode some hours through shaggy ruvines Strewn vllh' w rack of storui, where the gr'u.4n6f very growhi thing ran flush with frenzied wip. then to the low . valleys of the Itapld-Ann. - And here At. last spirals of smoke showed thetu where Ifayette lay encamiied', wait , lug a junction with. Wayne to march ' against : Cornwall's. Tlie flrsf cbullenge tljey met came and, tiudiiig an old friend In their ' coiumunder. Major Call, Colonel Har bison and Mr; .Tyler elected 'to go no '- fattlrer; Wy's ' house,' Henry learned, was but a few mil beyond tbe picket . , lines, and as to -the morrow' escort for Aune the major sent a lieutenant with them a- mile down the river to beudijullrters to ask It! ' ', It was picturesque encampment through .which they passed.: There were few tents mere wigwams of fresh vt1mifho-hrtrtW owt 'Here and there fires of blazing fence rails glowed yollowrjjjjjie BathWhig twilight.---The tent of the acting colonel of the Virginia Continental regiment was pitched apart on a patch . of beaten ' health,' was taking no part iu the strug grass. Stools ami a light folding table ; gle, and so far Westover had been In holding jien, and paper, sat Just outside , no way molested. Francis was a eap the open flaps, from whose angle a Ian- j tain In Weedou's regiment, tern liunfi, already winking In the dusk. !" "Only think, dear," wrote Betsy, " 'tis ,Benches were on on side, and here,; tbe same old man who kept tbe tavern while their horses were cared for. Hen-; t Fredericksburg., To think of Frank rjr and' Ann seated themselves to wait. Near by the1 dusty siltW of sycamore awayedjauytffte gti.tt'ddAl carnation ml Um jAMi,.Xo4u the distance " Tby " wh,V HthM.t Ws every Heury w-atehed her. How ' , " In her eyos. i " " , , " ' " '. ! rtde.-lee wld at length. brave act. , as are ail of yourer' She cringed suddenly, "l hate that -word : implored, and be knew f ,,4t w thinking . A" " ouo k,Hl ,a,u- H,k I ,a "wly: .vou v 1 "( wr see him? Oh, If he umld but kiwvr bot tuow that 1 was not Met hlu heart ! At flrst I Uu.(llit r"Q n11 "'ut w now siraukreiy nainu ni clear strn lively pa cut features snowed beneath tbe straight l Pmike be wore. An 'P11 fru,n "w t?nt tn d "'JT ,n dancing uor. aud tbe lieutenant salutel: - . "A 8-tlen.an to see .voir, eolouel. Us requests ""wort tonight for a lady to nrw to Krederkk - The colonel had seated himself at a table and was spreading out a piir. h- went map lu the glow of tbe lantern. "Where are they T ; ' "Ther re here, sir." A they came forward Into t' llgbt e seated figure settled back in ilio hadow and shaded his eyes with his band. The lieutenant saluted aud withdrew a little distance. " ue luv coiouei bijosc, n was in a muffled Totce. "Tour name, sir!" Henry told him. " "for wbst lady do you wish this es cort?" The Mack peruke was bent over the table. Tbe uulil was scratch I ne. . "for this lady." Anne had been staring, breathless. f cluatl, ber eyes Hied in a Vain. She took a step nearar. humid stretch ing out ber arms, ber lips trembling hi a sob. i . .... - "Louis!" Her breotli clung about th name. Henry swallowed an exclsaii- : tion. . . At the nhisper the head lifted, and ' Armaud's deep eyes looked at tbein out I of a granite pale ta. Tliey went past her as lf tbe had been the air aud rest d ugoin tiB Henry. "Her name?" be asked with an ef . fort. ' Anne drew back as if from a tangible ' blow. She flushed, and ber eyes Iced : v'itn 8 S11" of ,he ld- '"idrn P r ite drew benvit up nd ,,wwl fuT u,!Ur'- "- ' "AnDe Tiliotson." ehe said. But In ' I'l,e 01 beTM throb of PaIn i turuugn ute ciear worus. A moment's silence, through which the pen wrote slowly. Then Armani! : ros unsteadily as tbe llcuteuant came j frwird and thrust tbe order he bad lieutenant as they pounded out of camp. "He is somewhat of a mystery, they say. No one knows where became from. He Joined the army in '77, aud Washington took him up because he taught the militia brigades the drill like a Kreuch guardsman. He was at Valley Forge, too. and in New Jersey under Lafayette. He enlisted a legion of his own. It was "cut to pieces at Camden. He's young, too, but be flghtt like Mad Anthony Wayue." , Anne had no reply to make. In th darkness she leaned ber head to her horse's mane and wept with a rage of tear. ", "He Is fighting for us." she told her self over and overtfitb a thrill, and ended It as often with a mental wall. 'Hut he will never forgive in nev er never never !" CHAPTER XVIII. EXKY contrived to send early news of Anne's safety to Cas tle Hill, so that when she re turned there she found tb household undisturbed. , . ;. The sound of war bad moved east ward down the peninsula. Lafayette, the "boy," who the British commander wrote- could not escape blm, without sufficient men to meet his adversary went playing chase tlie fox. He hung on Cornwallls" flanks, covering th American stores, anticipated his moves, harassed him. worried him with a thou sand piu pricks. I u return Tarleton and SImcoe pmyed their wanton mis chief, slaughtered the cattle, cut the throats of the young horses, destroyed the growing corn and tobacco and burned the barns. The path of th British front remuined a trail of ruin and desolation.-' Anne's sight of Armand at the river camp had seared ber heart with a wish to be less far froul blm.. She dreamed of battlefields on wbieh he lay dying and she still misunderstood, atlll un forgiven. ' ' Letters meantime came from Betsy Byrfl. Her father had been falling in serving under him!" . An unconscious indication of the maternal leanings. i If other were needed, it was easily to t found. General Arnold had stopped and Corp, a His! ha ro-'rh rivet1 at vVe(over aud hud Uteu entertained. ! Fayes were devoted to a descrtpUou of; Tarlftoti. oxer whoai IWtur weut luto, raptuiiv. ' I Spurred by her craving fur nearer new s of tbe ariulea thau ivached l'bar-1 kXTeavlll. Auue aiiswsred lu Kraou ; the Invitation the letters held, rode to KlckUKHid with Heury when he re-1 turned ftvu the assembly at St situ urn. aud from Ktcbuioud cauie lu two hours' sail to Westover. the war bad touched Mrs. Hyrd light ly. She w as as haudaoui aud as pep pery as ever aud exhibited a certainty of British, platui whK'b Auue had oc casion to remember later wheu there weiv uo geutl. w hispers of luvestlgat j Ins the self satlsileil lady's cvuduct She treated the victor, however, ou' this occasion with vouslderartoo and , refrained from using the word "rvbel" oftencr than she ' deemed ue-tsary Nor did she atlv at Fntucla' wumila slon lu the t'outiueutal army. A week sivut at Westover, tbe Hyrd pinnace took Auue down tlie river tel Hurwvir. a proceedtug at which Ur. Byrd fe'bly lUMiested, as the pluce was, w ithiu a bait doavu wll of Williama-1 bur, now the center of activity of twth arutiee. But Auue muliKled ner that Colonel TilkMaou was with iioveruor Nelson uiilltta lu th nelghborbood i and would not be dUsuuded. The tlrsj tours of her arrival at Bur well were gilded by two bit of newV -oue that ber uncle was dally expect ed there, the oilier tbst (.iladdeu Hall was as yet undisturbed. j But this latter gleam w as soon to b clouded. Mauuny Kvallne appeared the luornlug after Auue' arrival, half crated with grief aud fear that was not appeased by the nnexpected sight, of her mistress. . , I She threw herself lu a quivering heap aud clasped Auue's feet. "Lor bress yo", boneyT she obied. "Dee come at las'! Co'nwallt done ran- j sack titadde Hall las' Dlgbt. en he sojer kyar'd meb po' boy erway wld Vm. Wbut' we ter do. boueyJ Dee' dar uow. Xo reck'n dee done kilt bint yltr .. ., An bour later Aune took the York town highroad, mounted on tbe least tempting of the horses th Burwell ket hidden iu th wood. Opposite Williamsburg she climbed a knoll, but could see little sign of life In It de serted streets. Small wonder, for Corn wullis was only a handful of miles away. Here sbe turned to ber MX Into au unused bridle path leading by short cut to Gladden Hall She weut bodly enough, with many self assiirauce. and au, a bare half mite from the gates, rod full tilt upon a group of British soldiery resting In the shade. . They sprang to their feet as her horse vent buck uuou his haoacbea, and two of them seined bis bridle, but dropped It at a word trow an officer.. The latter came forward. - "Your pardou. mistress," b said cour teously, but firmly. "You csnuot pass farther In this direction." ' Wby notr she asked calmly. " 'Tts the first time I was ever dented en trance to my own home." He bowed now, with bat In hi hand. "General Cornw all! occupies th house at present as bis own quarters." "1 know it. 1 hava personal business with his lordship." . . "In that case," he responded, "you may pass. I shall take pleasure In es corting you. I am one of tbe general's aids." : '- r. lie mounted, and they rude to silence (o tbe gates. . Here and there a picket stepped from the roadside, but saluted as he ssw her guide. The aid stood aside as she entered the ball. Through the half open door of th drawing room she saw braided uni forms grouped about table from which Boated out the sound of laughter and tbe dluk and tinkle of glasses, filled from the cellars. ; "And they tell we." rolled toll voice, with a bantering chord in it, "that you would have snared the lot of them at Charlottesville were it not for a glrL Flo, colonel! A dragoou should have a sterner ' heart T Come, now, make a clean bteast of It. Who wa tbe light heeled damsel?" "Mistress TilkitsoB of Gladden Hall," announced the aid at the door. Anne went red and white at this contretemps, aud Tarleton sprang up with such an exclamation that Lord Cornwallls, who had risen also, looked astonishment from' one to tlie other. Tbeu the commander caught tbe situa tion and Isngbed. as did the whole com pany. . ' . ' - The merriment seat resentment to Anne's face, end the general sobered In stantly luto courteous contrition. - "You bear easy bouurs, mistress," he said, "therefore overlook our hilarity, which, I do protest, was yet 111 timed In the pain which the hard usage of such a neble mansion must bring. I regret," be added,- "that such thing must lie. War Is not a tender game, and beauty must suffer with th rest." "You mistake," sbe told blm quickly. "I come not to complain, but 'to ask favor. A hegro was taken on thl property and 1 now held by your men. 11a lias been my own body servant all my life.- Surety you cannot lack for servants. I ask you now to give him back to me." - ' "It's the nigger named John the Bap tist, I presume, sir," suggested on of the officers. "Coiouei Duuda ha him." Cornwallls bowed, with an easy, good humored smile on bis big, ' confident, masterful face. "We who enjoy th hospitality of thl mansion can scare refuse so light a fuvor to her who, un der happier circumstances, should be our hostess. You shall have your body servant mistress."-. , "I thank your lordship," said Anne, with dlgulty, , ; Seating himself, Coruwalll wrote hasty line, folded the paper and hand ed it to her. - ' -: "Colonel Dumlii' brigade lie with Biuicoe at Kpencer' ordinary on th Williamsburg road," he said. "He will give you return passes.'? . i. The officer rose a she swept a low courtesy from tbe threshold. Th aid held ber stirrup with deference, and she cantered down through th gate and took tbe west road with joyfully beating heart aud th Written order in the pocket of her gown.. ' ' I To be Continued.) , , " W::"JfWr ,hlfer,. 2 yearn; very gentle; bell With narrow itrap; Under pieaso nouijr rrans; novn tan, Reedville.' " J """ S vJ?21 I SWELL B00T 1 issssSl MAKERS. A ! that individualises I "'w-uCrT" (v wearer as John Dennis v I liillsboro, - - Oregon N GENERAL NEWS. Kusfti an 1 Jin again lockeii hwrim in Northern Msto iiuia th lsst of the werk. Al lirst tbe Ruitn drove Ih Jsim hack, but the Ulter were rHinforcril at ti 1 drove th Kt'sriai back lu their own iriginal territory. It i not extiect- el thai aut big battle will ensue until the weather moderate Tb democrat n (InMsr-ws have voted to sustain Creside'it R ks vlt in hi d-tnsti.l fur railroad tegishtiiin ilial will have a tetidoncy to curb th hiti ratio)' line in regard Ui rales r .rules, eta. 7 he t-puhlicsn ride of the house l lividni on the mailer, and it will take all the democrats to get a real reform hill through. As a matter if fact the proposed mtir l not nil the democrat ask, but they believe I backing up any demand I", r bettrr rreuiia. In the mean time the criminal cUu-e of the Sherman lew remain asleep. Just now we hetvr a great deal of ind about a constitutional con-ven'i'-n, nd a meaiure is before the legiclslure to permit this to I flume to a tead. Oieann is eettingi aim g very nicely with i'l old con i'1,0" " ''"'''"'y !" '"'r. dlitniinri and as a matlnr if fact whil.it rotflicU With the U. S. Cuni'itUUOIl, 110 one is injured by it. Lve'ywl er i ra hear the itiVt of a con ven tinn coiiil.tiuned worthli. AN EXTENDED TRIP. Editor Argus: If vou will give me a suull space 1 will try to give you some 'ilea of ine country 1 nave irsversea uuring me patt I4 nioDlhs, including the stale esat ol St. Louis, Mo., and south lo til Oull of Mnico. Having ptevioualv planned a tiip over thia iciritury, with s Irieml irom ban rranctsco, on 11 evening 01 Ircemher 17, lyo, we left tlie lio'ulen Oate city for a three months' stay. We first stopped at Sacrsmrnli), wliere we ! ,ii,i ird iniiili stlenunn, ami oeeined lo pent s week. At this plaoe it seeiiint ; , fhsrni to the timlisg public, Slid rery homelike, becauae of th mud and I t,e cxhihit was a vrtv gouil rtprearuls rslu. A strike was in progress aumng , tlt wt,l Oirgon could allow llie the mscliine men and aotue lively tloiea i worll in ttie way nf pioiliictiou and re cosucd. Tiuckce was our nest point ; ufCrt. The insuaneineut t( llie snd our sdvent into the villsge wsa building w.is sucli that rverylliing of concurrent wilb a snow sioiui, which , interest wasalmwn lo Ihe lieal advantage, t cumnioo thing there, i: being io the prom Si. Louis we weiil through t lie foot hills ol the Sierra Nevada, and jual I South, and our travels were chielly con esst of the big now sheda. Alter three j ulltl lo vj61M 0( bsitle lields and places dsys stlrucUee our next point was Keno, 0 inlrfe,t aloug llie Miaaiasippi Kiver. Nevada, s mining town, and where llie We were al Little Rork, Ark., and then thermometer stood 90 degrees 10 Ihe I we moved on to Memphis, Tenu. The bade; this. wa in April; we retnsined j pro,nct of thta sn iiou is piiocipslly here a week, and then moved 00 t i ,;0tion aud tlie woik is chiefly done bv Lovelock, Nevada At this place we nrgn. We w.-re at Memphis a uiontb iined upwith a ball tesm, nnd plsved satl Dim ali-aiurd down the liver, 410 circuit as far east a Witiiirmuci'S. j ,ie, t0 (he old city of Vicksburg, Finishing our enKKenient we went on to 3alt Lake, I'tah, the home of the M'r 01 me .ii'ir - new cut-off, mons U'e crussed the known in railroad purlancc a the 'Lucin" cut-ofl, extending over and acrmt a portion of the Ureal Salt Lake This rut off is the result of about ten vears' work, suit has coat miliums, but the railroad company leers that pasaen ger trsin csu not tie run over ine trestle becauae of the bottomless depth of lbs lake. We fotird halt lke sightly located in a beautiful vslley, tlie Wsh - aatch Mountains bordering on the east, their summits heing covered with per petual snow. The Twiu I'esks rise in tb southeast, Immigration Canyon bordering the west, anil through which the Mormons came July 24 'H47, lo locate their hooie and religious insti tutions We visited the temple ground, snd attended the song service st the irrsnd Tabernacle, the temple being s very sacreapiace, ana scces.ioe on.y to , .,, the best of Mormons, or whst they term Herlect Men. We found the Mornioni verv sociable and hospitable people, however. We spent a month in this de.igbtfnl pl.ee and then irekked for (l i Ogden. where we remaineil s day, paaa- I ' , , wltl,lrlan.l we eif through Kvao.ton Wyoming, cou- ' At iuleiv.l. we were nctitig with the limited for (,rsnger ; . , rv ,)rlnlt ot t,c, pil,e( aod thence to Kock bpring. snd ' k , a , ()ver w ittii Ursmi. Cheyenne w.s our most i.u t Tm, pjf,rt.ur portsut .top in Wyoming taking up s ; J , , f l w,'(lljtl lfi week. We went out o the surrond ngj J , d country, jnjoyed rabbit hunting in the I ,pen,lof , the viill,u snow, and did our shnre of extermination, i"""'.1,. ,.'',, ,, uvml.i,. i.i W mads, several altnrt atnna nn the uravr . . . . : caai, avrisiuK .miiiii, .v.f., m n,,i later. We examined the town in a eeo- erel way and found that it aniacked of Western way, being more western than many Pacific coast towns. Everything wss business and tush. . We spent three weeks her, and atleudsd the dedication of the Dew auditorium, wli ch wss com pleted while we were there. Our next stop wss at Lincoln, Nrhrsi-ka'a capitsl snd the Mecca of lieuiocrts, tle home of Hon. William Jennings Byrsn. Lincoln has about 30,000 people, and is a lively business point. It is surrounded by a rich farming country. We sp-nt three wee'.s in this vicinity snd then departed for Council Mulls, Iowa, and from there we went to at. Joseph, Mo , where we helped Missonrian celebrate s state affair, four days later we made Kansas City, and thence to the Kanaas side. This meant a day's ride through a very fertile country, over Ihe Maple Leaf railroad. Tbe heat was terrible, sud the mosquitoes gave as many a dis agreeable hour. We were here when tb big flood arrived. Mach damage was SAY! Did you Know you could get HERCULES NO. 3 The best STUMP POWDER on Marhet Any Quantity, Any Day, At the Price. From O. F. COOKE General Merchandise Store. Sylvan. Or. A werk st ' , 'i ...'. . i .i ... a inii'Kiy' knew',, we wt gellnfg oil Ih. Ir.ln ., i St. tome. . i nritviiiic iii nic ui-jiui wu imwi i,m . Mtslii ul (irevoii, lor niMiiiiiKioit i iimhijt. eltwws wilh thousand nl vititurs Iroiu , ,un., the I'itli ilsy of Jsu , l4. in fsvor of ifsrsndmar, who lisil iiun toe the 1 II. W. I'atlewnn, I'lslntilT soil kim Worid's grtairM l.ilr. I'p to this tioie ; lid J. H'rir. Kinlly J'orler. M. II. w. had .pent s,B monlb.' rnrout. I'"l. W, . Hare. ' f,o, the I'scticslooe-lhi. ws. July W. ! I004 ami ws hnve ntvrr rrK'tlied Ihe ()f 1(,(,,.0i tawvct J. Toner, a ilniik ; time invo'vril. W'e verv easily spent ! ,.,, r auui itf lev.oU ami Internal three inoiilhs st tlir l'ir I Ity, suit were im.v rv..rv .lit . eeeioif tlie iriounda. l,.e !,utltling. Hie srchitrclnre, the rthitilta, 1 , c Sluts Huilduiga; Mscniurry Hail, Rlrctric Hal',; Oosetnuirnl; l'slst ol : Varied Imlu.tiirs; suit many more loo ! numeioua to iiirnlioii. The L-iunileur of tuch wmk ran only be ,appreriaud bv a prraoniil vuit. The ijri-foti Iml liiig.. while inrspeni. computed to eonie nf the aisle building. Mias . the present site of tlie slioiial , cemetery, snd wliere 1(1, 000 people weie 1 buried lro-u 1X61 lo 1K66. Tins place is well riiren tor tiy me povrruineni. i few marks 'if the old fortifications U'l the historic cunal, dug by Gen, I'. S. Grant, are Still visible Aftrr two weeks here, we Irsviled through Louisiana, slopping ul Shrevenort. Marshal;, and otlirr pio- , mineut cities, and crossed over lo ieo. j traversing Ihe beautl'ui cmmry around 1 port Worth snd Dallas. This section la 1 chieflv interested in nock isising. Ths country is immensely rich, ami s paia diite for rattle -neil and farmers. We stopped st various places in New Mexico, aud then i:rosed into Colorado. 11 the vicinity of Tiinlilsd we found levers! oil wells in operation. Oue day wits columned st I'ueiilo, snd then we were on our wsy behind a "double header." sneediiig through tbe Koval iCorpe, wilh all its inspiring grsndeur fliri?r, wiiii nil , ij ,.)lt.n(lor, of D,tll.. Heing a clear day 1'ike a 1'euk, tlie Holy roaa, snd other nstural ellscts ol the gorge were immensely enjoyed, sndaUrsclive In Ihe n . .1. tur. ......,, 11. ,i. - K .7 . . 3. n saw iiotliiug mucli ot inierHsi save unow capped mountain, sage brush, and cattle grafting on the provertusi ' inotiaami hills." Reselling Idaho our firsl stop of Importance win t I'ocstello, ber we encountered a snow storm and extienie cold, Ti ere wss hut little satisfaction tu being on the streets, ' ' Hoarding the Oregon Short Line, we aoou readied Huntington, and st that point made our last chsuge uf cars for Portland, Oregon. After seeing the slorma, the cyclones, the heat in autumn snd coid in tbe winter, prevalent in the east snd south, it is my conclusion that the rsins of Oregon, through the wet season, aie vastly preferable, and . I believe the Willamette Valley and Western Oregon furnish a better section for personal comforts than any of the sections we traversed, and. alter fourteen or lilteen months of travel I am home, with a better opinion of Oregon snd here I shall remain lor. the future, I'ukry Li Abbott-j Hillsboro, Oregon, January 27, 1905. Sheriffs Sale. I " i ::un:;:a0V..V; i sud mil of the flnnll t'ourl of lbs ; it,rrmi (roiuJsu. II, lm-6, ul the ral if ln par tenl. er annum, ami in ruriini auiii of I.H Wi nxla. anil 111 fkvor of SV. ('. Kirl-'Ui ami ssamai. llsvlil J. I'oiler, fur ilia mini H7i and liiirnit ibetsoii (nun Jan It, t. si the rslsol seven wr rut. par siiiium Slid th Inrthir sum of 1 17 3U .nil. Ui nit directed anil ilvllvrrail, voiii tnsiiflliiu in In rusks Mlent Ilia real ptu perty linreinsllar ilrsurllird, I have Isrlrd upon smt pimuanl tonal, I eaeculioii, ile rrm noil unlrr "f sals, I will, on Mniiilar. tlid JHll liar r (rb.lUUA, al lha Mniltb I.Hir ol lbs Cnurl lltiiiita In llillalkuo, Washington t'liunly, Oregon, si Hie limir ol ten nVliM'k a. m. of said dav, h-II st pnhllr, siimliiii lo tii hiuliwl hlililer for i-aali lu hand, all of III follow iiiK drw rllieil rrsl properly , lyluK. briK ami altuate In Waahlnelon t:iiiiiiy, Ora tnn, and niorr psillculsrly Ueaeriixd its ronuvs, lo wit : - riiiiiiiieni'liiii si "take marking the N, K. iiirnnror lh I'oriinr of llalon In the rriitiTnf the O. aud (,'. II. Iloail an, I run ning tliimt'e H. HI ilrgrm-a W. tt.U I'd., lu llir H, K. mruiir uf K. Ileal 'a arrn lul; llirm-a N. I ilrgree tit inlniili-e W I.Arha, in a stake; thence Kaalerly a.iNH-ha. to iho i-eulnr ul uulil O. aud I.'. It. 11; tutime M lu ilrgrses K. I.MS rhs. lo Ilia plsre nf lirglp. riliiar Alan iHigiuiiliic st liie N. K, rorunr nf alxiva tlmrrlbeil tia.it and ruiiiiiiig Hieni'n N. IU di-grtmi W l.M I'ha. to Ihe H, K. iHimiT of the lot recunlly owuatl by J. M rll, II, Wlm-tmrlw .... HU,I Purtliiw'i) H. line I'll, lo tbe K. Hue of K. Iliat's sura lot; tlieucs Houibrrly un anlit KaM line l.ilH ulia. to the N. W, cmr nsrufaaiil Hut ilraitrlbeil iari-rl ; IIikihii Kaalerly on Ilia Nortli Hue i,t eajna is i:Iih. Ui th plitueul lieuliiiilna; all lying Slid being lu Nec. t,1,T. 1, 8. II. 4, W. Will. MMr, nii't In Hie Uunty ufWaah Iiikuiii soil Ntsle orOragmi, To anllafy Die hernlnlHifore inentiiiiiHil ailiua in I'svur ol raid U. W. I'altursoti hiiiI mil'l W. ('. Kerlsuii, Slid for tlie uoata and eipaiifra of aaln anil autil Writ, Hkkl wIh will M iiiado subject to re clmn illon as er atalule nfOroguii. Ilatnl st lllllnooro, Oregon, this Hth luy uf Jan , IVU3 J. W. OONNKLt., Hlierltrof Washiiigtou County, Drraoii. (leu, K. llHgley, Alloruey for I'lsliitlll. H. n. II iikU.ii. AlUiruey fur W. U, Kerl sou, Diiluuilant. Executor's None Notice Is heriiby glvsn, that I, ths iiudrr aigui'il, Imva In, an duly appointed Kxeuii torof the mtatn of (iottlelli Vsrgln, dn dittoed, by the County (Jourl. of Ilia Statu ol (iriiKon, lor Washington County, and have duly riislllid as such. All pursuits having I'laliiiRsgulualsatd nstalesru hr by liotlllrd tn prmwut the same to inn with proper vouchors, at tlie law oltlca of W. N. llsrrntt, In lllllsbnro, (tri'gon, within six (HI nioiitliH from lbs date bureof. Oatsd st II lllsboro, Oregon, this Janu ary 0, im. v, w. l kiwi hat, Kiraiilorof the eslals of Uotllelb Vsr gin, dnci'ssad, W.N. larndt. Attorney for lis motor. Notice of Final Settlement, Nolle Is berehv irlven that I. lbs undnr- slgued, Aiimiiiiplratrli of llie Kstalu of Clara V, Hummers, deceased, have II ltd my rlnul account na such Adinlnistrutrli, lu tlui County Court uf ths Mtatn ol (Irrgon. fur Washington County, and said C.inrt has llnnil Monday, I' ehrtiary 18, IMWi, at the 11011 r 01 inn o ciock 01 sain tiav aa uni tini", snd tits County Court Itootit In II lllbnru, Oregon, as ths plaoe fur henr Ing (ibjmitlons to suld sneoiint, and the li nal Huitleuinnt of suld sstata. Hated January III. IUU0. ' ; MAULIlA II. fsllMMKHM, Atlinlnlstratrlx of . Ill Estate of Clara C. Siimiiiei'H, Uuceused. For sale" Good a new Mitchell wide tire wagon. Cheap for cash J. W. Hartrambf Peed Store, Ilillnboro. ! (Eecutia' NotK V.. II.- L h.,r.l v I Oit b Hll'b-f- Ilia Mints l Oliver iiHreli. t -""l. I,v .ler mit.i i " l..l.llV.Hirt.ollh M I'M'li"". I ' V,bliig.iu Cou.ily. " 'it-' 'v Isimnrv, ! nit 'i"'ii '" elauii sgslHirt ssut t """'' nuilllsd I" iph- tb"in I" ""l iri r iuehr. l ll'' U o'"' "' " luiijiiv. mII-Imih, r-it'it, UliHi limmhs frmii lhdl Imreol. ,sll.lltll IlitK.Mil. K ill ris nfl h Kslsieof Mvf Iiirmli, 4'Mil. K. II. I'.mtfiie, Alloriiev t"t heculrH Ksttutita' Nome Sollre In lierebv ultra I list I, His under slgiml, lisir Ini ii apiHilnii-.l I viniliU i t III r.Ule uf Job" ''i'll. ileiMM-d. i'y III Co nil I'liiiil of llirMslsol le"i'. ir Ws-liinsluii Couiilv. ami llr qusllllnl nueli. All M'rii eUlins sgsliml will t!. hi"'!' " illlwl In prewul tlm aaniB l.i i. iirui'tir voiiclier. i olil'W "I N. Haiiell, HI llilUlHiro. nifnnu, millilii all i,.,ililh. friilll III lisle lli-ivol, lsii il IhN Jniinsi ... AllIK I'KIMW. Kvtwutris uf lit Mlale til Julm IMi, W. N. Ilirit. atlorimjr for eli. Adiiilnlstrstor's Noma, Sutli-e In berehv given Ilial the iiiuli'raleii. a. I has Iweil by Ilia t'ouiilv I iiurt i'f lb" Hlaleot U11M011 ftir. Waahlliglnii 'iiiiil, tat ly Kiiinlril Ailmliiiaiialur nf lim Kalai nf l.utlwlg Hull. ileiMwl, ami haa duly ijiillllrranil enlaie.1 Umih Ilia dlM'llsrge ul III" duties as eiu'h, .Sue, llmrrr.ir. all iHirauiis having 'aln.a naiiug irel.y re.iilid lin.li-rlnn, Itaglry. In llilW sgaluat aeld ealale ms here lireaenl the aaiiia 10 in ihe laai nltl.-a uf linn. It. Maul ! boM, logolliar with iirojur viim hrra, Wlllilii sia iiiuniiia ipim tin- uaie ipnii. Ilaleil title Jaltuarr ?X, !'"' KllWAlll)HilIIUI.MKIti'll, AilinliOatraliir of Hi Kal .id uf 1. 11 1 lg Holla, lievmaod. ClTAflON IS itiK cor NT t'otKT or riu: M r ATK UK OUkutiN. Kull WAHUISllTONrol NTY In the Mstli-r of lbs Ksisle 1 of Margaret l. Jo low. Hm-hM To Albert L. JmiM and all nlhrr fierwuia liilaretnd In Ilia Kalalnuf said Alaiga rrt l. Jultrs. Ilrcea.wl, lirnallng.' Ill the llama nf III" stats uf Ur-g'Oi: You ara brmhy i-lli1 ami rriiilrit In p ar In Ihe County Court of lh Hiainof Orrgoli, or Ilia I ounly of Wa'lilngtuii. 11 theouurt loom tlirrvor al llliisi,ro, in ths I'mtniy uf Waalitng on. on Moinlay. Ihr'.IKh Uayur Msr. h, l'Mj at ill u rim a m iii i.r Mal.l iIhv iIimii ami llinlll sluiw cause If any the liars, why an oi'drr uf aaiil Court sliuttlil nut maiir auiiiuria lug ami iniKiwailug lluury W. Julius, AiTniliilalralur of ths mat" of Haigairi II. Junes, diHwaard to srll all 'if lha llglil, till and liilerxsl of lh ralnieuf Mataaiot 1, Jonm, -f, In mid lo all of lots I i'lv four. 1 wrlilv-llm, I'wenly right T nitty nine and I lilny righl In lUimus huh.lt vision of Itlis'k ' A" of His Ton 11 of llravriton, Wstlilltgloit I'nuii'y, llrrgoii. st public aui'lloii or private aalr. as piay d for III tbalirtilliillof aalil Ad'"liiltl tor fllrd hsrrtn. Wiiiicm tbe lliiiioralila I. A. I lo.nl Judge uf ths County Court of III Stat of iniy loon in 111 niair hi Ciiuuly of Wa-hlwlou, said ('our I sll f"1, ihla ary, W Oregon, fur th t ouuly with tbe anil of inn day of Jauoar Attest. K, J. UuIlM AS, I lurk, NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOK LIQUOR LICENSE V To w bom It may vuiiiwru: Sutli-r is brr. lis uHeti thai lite iindriaiguiHl sill, uu WeiluesKlay, tb 1st day of Msr. h. lisil, at llie Couniy Court Hiioin In Hillsboro, Oregon, prsaeut to Ihe Cuimiy Ciiurl of the Htale of Oregon. for Wsaliliuilnii Coun ty, I'ntlllon lor Lltiuis to anil spirilu ous, mall and vlnlious lliioni, In Irsa iuanlltirs limn on gallon, wllluii HI liny k'ratiiii'l. W aalilngiiiii Couniy, llirgon. said I'rtiiiuu lining hereto slim hrd and putillshsil lirrnwltli. Dated this ?ftih day of Januarr, I'Mo. Ol.lYlvK I'liiiWSlMI. Applicant. lllllry, Oregon, llrceinla-r, Itsu. To ths Honorable- Comity Court of Wash- iiigtou County, llrrgo.i: Ornlleiiieu: W11, lha iiiiilnrslgunil, Iw lug a majority uf Urn h-gul voters iu Dlllcv I'renlnci, Waabliigloii t'ouitlv, lliegon, do resiei'llully iH'iillon your honoralite iHiurt lo grant lli'enae to iiltvar Chotvit lug to wll Silritiiiius, mall and vlniioiia liiiior, In les iiuaulitiea than nns ks'Ioii, within said lutlvy I'timincl, County and Nlate afuresalil, lor a pr-ilod ofoiiM year. We further represent that lit said par ty la a mllahle, law abiding rttlsi'ii and rrstldeut of said prm lilcl. NAMKS J K Itinhardanii Kri d Parsons 8 t VanVlater I. Chowntng I isn It huiilon I) Chuwnlng 11 Csrauisnr . I, M Pottiir I lav Id Ittinion ' H A Calkins laka 'I tipimr Oeliner Martin Wm (loHitiiliniui Will llainoluiauit (t Iltiseuioller John Dsthlels liOIlolhlHrs M Parsons A J Wllks Jns Nuibols Kll I'oe W J McKay H W Hldgley I'J ll un, Hey II Chowntng Mini John Vsullouteloii A r litillili'ls . .lolin l) I'uiumluua Henry Htrlukotiilrr Win Irwin A It Wolf T N Hlewsrl U W Hlnnsil lau Flour H Davis J II Coiillnr Hugh llrsuaii J M llntl J C Psrsiius Hay Hall Tonl Hluay Joiliii Ileal A Parsons A - J K llryst.i i'Mlltp Hahnllue I lit v lil Kvatts John Williams II A Hiwiklus J Cliiiwiilng K W Dethlels Notice of Final Settlement Nolle Is hereby given tlisl (lor Hull V........ lf...llu L" v.. 1..- i,fiiiiHH,i,i,j iu. 1 Hung, fti-r!ii.ri xra of tlie last will and tuslannint ol Adaui Young, dneeni-ed, have tiled lu thn Ho. tor able County Court ot tliHNlitlsol llrngou lor Wsablngloti County, tliuir lliial itenniiiits, tinil that suld Court ha llxd Monday, the nth day of March, V.m, st the hour ol leu o'clock a, in. nf said day, st the court room of said court, In Hula, born, Ore., s the lima and place for hom ing objections to said ttiml account, and for the II tml settlement of said uiWU. Dated ul lllll-lioro, Ore., this Kith day ol January, HKift CO H A DKI.L YOIINtl, ,1 KMILY hi. YolINd Executrlnea of the estate ot Adam Young, deceased. W. I), 1 1 nit), attorney for estate. NOTICE STOP doing what makes you ill, fjlMT using polaouous drugs and shirt to take Nature's Own Remedy. IvDItLWKISS HKRIl T1',A (s abiolutaly pure, s true friend to women, s sure cifj sgsiust L Grippe, Coughs, Colds, amWLu'ng, Livr snd Kidney Complaints, Indigestion, etc. It cures; il strengthens; it lurtilies and assists tbe system, it Is a Tonic ni ,1 Physic. Try itl Price, 50 cents per pai aagr. prepaiu. urvular and lulor- matlou iree. ' John P. Graf, Ilethanv, Wtnlilngton County, Oregon, agent (or Oregon ami Washington. Mall Address-JOMrV F. Ofttf ' PoHlmnJ, OaKiamrf ,1, , r.ToTko. a Argus and Oregooian, $2.