The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 22, 1904, Image 3

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    MlllSBORO ARGUS, DfC SS( 1004
Girpsof l'littinceis Will Kcnch
Hillshoro Tomorrow
Will all iMriKBii a Few lhoyiaoJ
UollaiV Stock
There ia lot of railroa.1 talk-tlie
wry air i charged with' it A
eorpaof locating engineer is now
wiiti'iia lew milt of the oily, am)
thry are epete) to reach town to
morrow. It ia further said that a
San Francisco ftrni haa the money
in ear-row for the purchase of the
Woods, anil thai they stand rrady,
and are uudor contract to turn
over the money when the prenenl
construction company alall ahow
lOO.OOt for cunslruution.
The company ia now said to have
nearly all that linn raised (or the
purchase of stock, larking Ixit a
f. w thousand dollars, ami thia,
thfy aver, will have to rome Iwfore
things will atari.
The promoter esiwt to alart
within lit) da'ya it thia money i
I aoed and the jeel to rain it.
Andrew Orayd n, one of he pro
molar, waa in town thia morning.
Thr will h a graml insMiirade
hall at llm Hi'lehnro Oiwra H mse
un Nw Veara Kve, leoeinlr
and a hitr tiui ia promised, a
uitiiy will come from alt pan of
ihetounly. A print will I a given
t.i Kith lady and gentleman, heM
auatained i-herat'tere; for the moet
ouiuical character; ami dr the hel
A four piece orohte'ra frtm Tort
land baa been engaged f- r the
dance, whioh guarantee the 11 of
inueiti, and H. l Mbuielti-r will
l chief door manager.
The young people ate already
galling their roiluinee and mark
and thia affair ia expected to
evlipee any uiarquerade fur year.
Card of Tbanka
We the undersigned deel'e iu this
way to lhaok our many fritnda of
ritrminglon ami vicinity who so
kindly assisted u in our receotjue
leavennnt, the illneea and death ol
our bt loved wife and mother.
i H. f'ieper. Sr.
Mr. IV Return,
J. F. 1',
A I). 1'ieper,
J. If. I'ieper,
K. I'ieper,
J. I'ieper. '
Ketat VV L Curtia.decd; W K fur
tie apptd administrator, boiida at
700; il T Buxton, C V Odell and
II T tfhorb, appraiaer.
KstateJohn W Luther, deed, is
appraised at 1S2U; personal prop
erty exempt from execution act a
aide to widow.
U 8 Fidelity bond of Frank A
Bennett, guardian of Adelaide and
Henry Mcponald, minor, and the
old (urelie released.
Do not forget that John Dennis
i laying in an extra fine line of
Holiday gifts, snd he 'is Helling
them at price that are value from
etart to finish. Call in and tee hi
Chief of the liillaboro Fire De
pertinent Kd. Wann has an assiet
ant these day which is explained
a follow: Born, on Hatntdev,
Dec. 17, W04, to Mr. and Mr. ltd.
Wann, a son.," 1
Mr Dora Heiorlch, wife .nl
John Ileinrichs, died at her home
from carcinoma, yesterday, aged 41
year. Deceased waa prominent ia
her neighborhood and her lot will
l deplored hy a large circle of
friend. The funeral take puce
tomornw at the Cooper Mountain
Evangelic! Church. ,
A the Holiday season i now on
I more take pleasure in thank
ing you all; for your kind and lib
eral patronage ynu have given me.
J assure you each and every one
that ! appreciate It very much and
I hope that in the future, a in the
pat, we shall be ever ready to ca
tt-r to your wants, doing all in our
power to please you. Again thank
ing you all , for your patronage and
winning you all a Merry Christmas
and a Haiinv New Year. I am.
Yours ,Truly. VV. O, " Donelton,
the Furniture man. '
Wm. Wohlsohlegel, mention of
whose death was made in The Ar
gus last week, wa born in Baden,
(lermany, in 1848, and came to the
United States when 20 years of sge.
He., lived. In New York, removed
thenn to Ohio, and from Ohio to
Oregon in 1876. He was married
to 'Clara MoGnire, Jan. 4, 1877.
There were thirteen children horn
,4a. them, of whom there are nine
J..l II. 1 . it.- nL.L.l.
living. . lit innvru in mo vjueiiuiniu
I nun tain, near scholia, in June,
1890, and died December 13, 1904
Jeceasad waa an adherent of the
(Lutheran Church. -Funeral ser
vices were neia at nonoue, in me
Artisan Hall, last Thursday, Rev.
J. Booer. of MoMinnviile. othoatina.
-(MoMiuu villa papers please
:; .,., ... '.. t .. ' .
Forest llmva hoys tell a gocd
story on a IV I' etudent, who 1
something of an athlete. Thl
student went to Eastern Oregon
after echod adjourned, Ust Sum
mer, and hired to a ahrep grower,
to herd a llock. Th owner offered
the Ind a hore, hut he declined
this, aayiu he wa the crack
sprinter of V. V , aiol he muhl gel
the sheep in the .rrl at night
with no trouble. At uightfnll the
owner went out and, sure en&iiiih,
they were all in the fold. The
etudent, however, waa tired, and
was stretched out by the fence,"!
told you that you'd le tired," an id
the grower The sheep didn't wor
ry me any," said the student, "hut
those four durutd Uruhi gave me a
chase, and I had to catch the whole
lot of them ,' . "There art no lambs
in the hunch," said the grower.
"Yes there are," said the student,
tnd he took the grower to the other
tide of the corral, where the I. ('.
Uy had (our jack rabbits tied to
the fence.
II, Wchrung it- Bone, will give a
coupon with eich tl.00fNh pur
chase entitling ynu to a drawing to
lake place lecemhr "4: First
prixe, II.'! in trade; Second, f 10 in
trad; Third, $' in trade; Fourth,
ti M) in trade; Fifth, 4 piece tahl
eet; Sixth, Perry set, Chtnt; Seven
th, China Salad Howl. Ak for
your ticket with rach II ch ur
clinee II Wehruug t Sons.
Fred Konit, agd alxtut 21, re
siding within a half mile of Iteth
any, had a misfortune today that
cost him the third, or ling flnier,
on his left hand, He waa working
around a feed cutter and In en
deavoring to right something, hi
lull hand, on which was a g'nve,
was csuitht between theooge, mash
ing two lingxr. the third and last
lie was brought into town ami Dr
A. II. Ilsiley found it neceseary to
amputate the third, but saved the
little Anger Mr. Ruutx r(urd to
take chloroform, ami ufl'irered the
amputation like a stoic.
To the l.iwest bidder. We bav
bid our holiday stock down to low
er prices than you would oner si
first bids at an auction. Hurry up
and you ran havs some of these at
tractive bargains a gift and at
prices which will leave your pocket
book with funds on whioh yen did
not count Nelson Hardware Cum
There will he a ichool meetiug of
the HilUboro district, at thafcbnol
house, on Wedfltalay, number
2S, to vote for ogainit the sup
port of a nine months' school, and
to puy otf one of the llflOO bnds.
There seems to t e no opposition to
a nine tiMinth"' mlnKil, end. since
the ninth grt,d ties l-oi added, we
have one of the Wi rchi.o! in the
state. Clerk llosro hss posted
netines of the meeting next Wsd
necday, and there ehnulil lie a
good attendance
Oand Msnpieiade IUII at Y.
0. V. Hull, Cleiuoe, on Uecember
'22. Walker' Orchestra .Tickets,
including g ol supper, l. Kvery
body coma end have a good time
Three priies will be given, Iwo for
Ihe beet sustained rhttfaoterN, and
one for the oddest or most comical
ForesHi rove will have pity elec
tion in a few days and the iiueMj.m
to he fought nut la a matter of li
censed saloon. The following tick
et for high license ha len nntni
nated: C. N. Johnson, Mayor; B.
II. Laugblin, 11. K. NicholHon, II
0. OolT, councilmen; W. 8, Hudson,
treasurer, and l'al Cronln, marshal.
Another ticket, entirely opposed to
saloon of any kind, will follow, and
an exciting time i anticipated.-- .
Just one more word before you
make your last holiday purchases.
If you can find a more beautiful,
more attractive and a higher grade
Una of good than we are nll-rlng
at prices below your fondest hopes,
then go where you can, but first
convince yourself by making a call
on? The NeUoii Hard wars Com
pany. ,;. ., ;;";'--;:v,.''r ;,v
Mr. (lav T.nmhard. nf P.oilnn
Mass., and Miss Marie Tongue, of
Uillsboro, daughter of the late
Congressman Tongue, wilt be wed
ded itt Portland, December 25, 11)01.
After a tour of the east they will
return and take up their residence
at the Hotel Portland until next
summer. . ;
A good shoe Is half of your com
fort in the winter time. Dermis
ha the fnmoua Hamilton-Brown
shoes, and can sell you anything
from a dree shoe to a plough ahoe;
shoes for ladies and children at
values that can not be beaten, in
the county. , ,
Local hopgtower are not at all
alarmed over the dullness of price
at present, a they say tbia slow
market always prevails just before
the Holiday season. After the first
of the year they txpect the market
to advance. None of the big grow
era here has told at yet.
See that piano in McCormick's
window. Just the . thing for a
child from 3 to 12 year old, Spec
ial price for remainder of this year,
$125; ten per cent, off for cash. ,
' Call at DonoTsWs store for your
Christmas ' present He can lit
you out on Itockers, Ludles' desks,
rJofas and in fact any thing you
may wish. Call in and toe. ,
John W. Gates will deliver fresh
mut in uiiimioro eucn morning
after January 1. Leave, orderjvjTualatin; and Arthur D. Hill and
Meaning1 or leleuhuue Fari-f ; liss Lottie Heiiierk, ol near Lau-
316,: ..; I -Li : . i, .
A it ii tin I Meet Inn of Dairymen
at I'oi thuul. This Week
Wilbur K. N'rwrll, f llillry, K levied
Vic I'rralilrnt
The Oregon State Dairymen's A
(Hialiou ia in session at Portland
this week, and HilUboro and viciat
it v have taken a leading part In
the proceedings, Dr. James Withy
eomhe, vice diiector of the Agricul
tural College delivered one ol his
characteristic, addresses; William
Schulmnrit h, of Farminglon, re
eonded to the address of welcome
by Mayor William (Mr. Hchul
uierich has been president of th
aSHMiiallou for two years;) ami Dr
J, I'. Tamiesie, of Hillsbnro gave
au address yeli rday afternoon on
The State aecitioii haa ad
mlited the value of ita Waahinglon
county uiernliers, as alteeied toby
the lant that they always have a
place on the program, and the (ur
tlier fact that for two yeara the el
eculivH has been given to lis.
The Oregouian yeeierday con
Islned a very good oarlnon of Wm
Hchulmeiich, who presided at the
State Dairy convention, as well as
a neat caricature of Dr. Withy
condie, Wilbur K. Dilley, and
who is a representative elect, wss
elected vli" preeident of the tlregoii
Dsiiymen's Association in I'orlland,
The HilUboro Voluotser Fire De
psrlmsnt' will give a hsll at the
Opera House on Salurdav evening
December 24, VMM. and the boys
have procured Ihe Walker' orches
tra, of Forest Orove, to furuieh the
music. The proceeds will go to the
benefit of th Fire Department, end
il should be liberally patr'nuUvd by
the public of the city. Tickets, II.
The boy alwaya give an excel
lent time and every holy 1 invited.
The committee on arranxetuenie Is:
Kd. Wann. chief; Kd. Hohulmerich
andO.O. Wilkes.
The following pupils of Ihe Hills
bora public schools were neither
absent nor tardy the first three
month of the school year:
Mat tit l'M
lmel Jiooli
Oisnt Ntwell
Kverelt t'itice
Herald Kotiiuton
fccond Grsilr
Kdwsrd V rsiiiUalktl
Roy foole
Lola Ritehey ,
Third Grade .
HruliU MeHiegrr
Kfiscii Teeter
Itarolil koyct
Kumis Tiipper,
fourth tirade--
Hrnel Atklnuia
Luii lluinphrtys
Marl ha f ttaileulhal
fifth C.
llrsal Connell
Koy Hchultnrrlrll
Bra Schnlinertcli
Alice Male
Lllah Nryhart
Slilb Grail-
Ronalil Yautht
alilrmar 1'ralil
Toney Olirtn
Klislittb Atklnaon
Clsrenc Conklin
Lara Tsmiesl
Msrgsrttha I'ralil
Ivlltb Ohteo
Ulsachs Uowman '
Seventh -flora
Arthur Tetter
Charlet Marlin
Kayiuend Taylor
Wgbth Ormlt -Willie
Rex fop
Jtnnievt I'raii;
Maty I'ltrc
Sarah Jan Vitro
Robert Greer i
llHbrth I'tteiaou
Albert Ksy
Ague l-'ruetaon ;
Kv Kuhn
Ralph 1'iahl
liaiay Oouclaon
Willie Nttaon
littai Simon
Mtlvin Crow
lltlru Andtrsoa
Mail Alkietna
Wtretr 1'iahl
Ittn rerkiut
llainon Grerr
Mamie lliokley
Heiait Sapptn;ton
Kail Wall
Mary Anderson
Ada Kohinson
Mary Stwell
Albert Aahahr
Tom Marlui
Mtal Kiouiott
Roy Simon
Margaerlle Keduioud iVrlt He well
V ictor Jlurris
Ninth Grade
Ivarl Dnatlton Cnrrlt llrchrn
Koy K ice Waller Calloway
Harry Uowman , .
Miss Irene Spence, of Browns
ville, wa a guest of her sister, Mrs,
P. jl. Houthwortb, Isst week. '
T. P. Ooodin and family are here
from Asotin, Wash., and Mr. Good
in expeot to locate in lbs Valley.
Jacob and 8am RstTety killed a
full grown bob cat at the barn of
the latter near Monntslndale. Tues.
day. The cat had just caught one
of Hum' chicken, when he waa
A complaint charging John Loot
li, of beyond Weat Union, with
Helvetia, was filed Tuesday, but
the warrant will not he executed
unless Lixisli heoomss demonstra
tive In hi notions.
Miss Louisa Wehrung, of Pitts
burg, Pa., accompanied the Weh
rungs home from Bt, Limit, last
week, and will remain here several
months. Miss Wchrung is a niece
of Henr Web rung.
County Clerk Oodman hflH Issued
two X'brlBtmas marriage licenses:
Ohas. II. FitZHimmons, of Garfield,
Wash., and Mis Kva;:")uley, of
Flour and Feed. Cate's Market.
. II. Dorlaud. of Pdiady Krook,
wna in town yesterday.
Chett seed for sale, any (identity.
Ilartrampf Fee I Store.
W. N. I lay nam, of beyond
Mouiitaiuditle, waa in town yesier
A iMtttle of ierfume maks a
nice Chrixtmaa preeeut, and It. II.
Oreor has the best.
Try McCormick's lor your Christ
maa presents.
Horn, December "20, 11HM, to If r.
and Mr. L. II. Iliganhotham, of
Hillslioro, a daughter.
Oreer haa Anything you may
need for a first-claa Cbrlstmss
dinner. "
Mist Wilma Waegener's class
gave a recital at the Tualatin Hotel
parlors, Tuesday evening,
Diiut buy your Christmas goods
until you see what Hob tireer ha.
He ket-ps the liest and cheapest.
The Masona and Hauler n Htar
expect a hig time at their joint in
(tallatlon next Tuesday evening. I
For hardware, tinware and
crockery, we ara headausrlers.
Schulmerlch lirothers.
Mrs. Winifred Ketssy, widow of
lbs late Isaiah Kelnay, and one ( f
our early pioneers, is very ill at the
home of her Son, r, M kelaey.
Misae' aud children's rihlied un-
derwer, lleece-lined, elm 1H to 'M.
at 25 rents a girmeut, while they
last. II. Hebrung v rkms.
Advertised letter in the Hills-
bnro rnist ffl."e: B. K. Collirian,
John Kun. I F. Ab'hier, Will
be sent to dead letter office, Deo. 31.
The final account of the trustee
tiin of the t. anion Mill remnenv.
in fnitril dank rutiK'v. will lm hMtd
11 ire Hefi-ree II. T, liagley, Jaim
sry U.
Vaaea walef Seta, luntiwi hooka
i - 1 . -
dolls, doll toads, terlumiie, albums,
sml in fact anything you may need
fur a nice Christmas present, at H.
II. Oreer'o.
The firsl of the vear will aoon lie
here, and all parties owing lr. J
h. Adkln will please call lu ami
F r sale: Angora nannies, one
buck and some wethers, in good
condition, and mostly young.
Krel llerger, lli'.lslmro It. F. D. 4,
aud reesding near I'etbany.
The All 8aints K pi opal fiuihl
will have a sale of ueful articles on
Friday, Deo. 2:1, from 2 to 5. aud
from 7 loUp. in:, nt the residence
of Mrs. F. J. liuitey, ApMtiS a
It makes a difference to a gentle
man if his neck wen r is proper.
Novtl'i-s in Kngliwh squares, as-
cols and four in-hand. A tine pres
ent for a gentleman. Also fancy
suspenders, st II. W. Wehruug .v
Win. A. Poole, who has been vis-
itlng with son. K. B. I'oole, now
carrying the msil on Route 15, left
this week for his home In Cloud
county, Kansas.
(Irnid groceries are all your liv
ing. The new crop of raiains, cit
ron, spices, eto, il now in at H.
Wehrung &. Hon. The purest and
best line of staple and fancy gro
oeriea in the city.
Civil engineers are working on
the plains, eaet of town several
milee, and it is said to ho but a
mettion uf a few week before
Hillshtiro will be asked to put up a
subsidy, or lake stock in the pro
posed electric railway,
. A handsome watch and chain; a
well-set ring; a diamond riiie; a
few pieces of music; guitar, banjo
or marnioiiu; some select silver
ware, are all appropriate Chrislmss
gifts. We nave many other arti
cles that will make acceptable
presonts. , Call in and see. K. L.
MoCormick, Main Street.
The a. P. Co. will toll round trip
tickets to all points where the (are
one way does not exceed $10, for
one ami' one-third fare, except
where faro une way Is lee than 50
centt, Hale days'. Dec. 21, 25, 20
and .11, Jan. 1 and 2. ,
When you purchased holiday
giMids last year at half again the
prices which you afterwards found
in our store you had a little some
thing to regret. Don't make the
tame mistake again. Come in and
you will find bargains equal to
those of last year. Nelson Hard
ware Company.
Silver Leaf Camp, Modern
Woodmen, of Keedvillu, elected ihe
following oflicera for l'-Klfi: Consul,
H. 0. Rhodes; Advisor, I. M. Pal
mateer; Banker, Wilbur Hayes;
Clerk, K. 10. Halderman; Ksoort, J.
Millar, Fred Hamel; Watchman,
Otto Wolf; Hentry, W. B. Curtis;
Camp Physician, Dr. J. P. Tamie
sie, of Iflllsboro. ,
Chat, llicketbeir, of Cedar Mill,
whose address is Portland, K. F. D.
No. 2, has the agency for the Smith
(i rubber Company, which handles
the best stump puller on the mar
ket. There ore already a large
number of tbulo machines in use in
Washington county, and they ere
highly recommended. Farmer
who want a cheap and eflVctive
machine will do well to call on Mr
Hickciheir at hie home, or address
him at the above nlane. and ho will
send you a catalogue, with priota.
Save your muscle aud get your
land cleared, t
Wan Recommended by Ore
Kn Delegation Saturday
a mt
Staatert and Hrratiae Agreed le Cm
pruuilut Caadidatc
The Hillshoro post office Incum
bency Is settled for another four
years, and Hon. B. P. Cornelius
one time sheriff, county judge, leg.
tslator, and Myor of the city, now
on his second term, has been recom
mended hy the Oregon Delegation
for the comuiiesion of postmaster
to succeed Rufus Waggener. The
newt cam as a thunderbolt to
many, for it was expected that
aggener would get a re appoint
There were two candidates, each
having a pxlilimi of several hun
dred nsnus The present lnciim
bent Had so application in and the
other candidate waa Mrs. 8usir
Morgsn, widow of th tale J. W
Morgan, and sh hsd a very strong
local einlaraeuieiii. It le said lhat
the honor were a evenly divided
hetwern Mrt. Morgan and Wsgge
iter that the delegation concluded
to compromise, and selected Mr
Cornelius for the place. Mr. Cor
nelius was very active in Mrs
Morgan's behalf, signing I er pell
lion and being an active psrtifan
of her candidacy. At that time he
stated positively that b was not s
candidate himself and had no
thought uf the petition. I'pon lie
log told that neither would lm ap
pointed, and being tendered tbt
place, he accepted. .
Mr. Cornelius is well qualified to
fi'l the position, and that be will
conduct the ofllce in a manner sal
Is factory tu the general public h
conceded by all. Mr. Waggeuet
has made a very acceptable ollirer,
aud will leave the office with credit.
Mr. J. II. Piepar, diml at the home
of her daughter, Mre 0. Uehse, of
Farminglon, Dec. VMH, after s
lingering illness of several week,
at the age of 77 year. 4 months
ami 1 1 days.
Deceased was liorn in Germany,
in 1X27; waa married In 184S; and
in IHS2 they (migrated to Califor
nia. After residing 12 yeara in
that state she moved to her present
Kigbt children were born to thr
union. Her husband and the fol
fowiug children are left to mourn
her lost: Mr. C. Hehse, Farm
ington; J. F. and A. IVPieper,
Willow, Cal ; Krnet Pleper, Port
laod; J. II. I'ieper, Milton; tnd
fohn Pieer, Lexington.
She was ever a loving wife and
mother, and a friend to her neigh
bors, both young and old.
All her children were present to
follow her to her last resting place.
Sanla Claua has hi headquarter
at lkio tireer s.
Bnow on the mountains between
here and Tillamook.
mince meat at
Hon. B. P. Cornellu was a Port
laud visitor, yesterday,
A (irossen, the Phillips sawmill
man, wa in town Monday.
Sam Sorenson, of Farmington,
was a caller in Hie city, Monday.
Attorney Geo. H. Bagley trans
acted business In I'orlland, Tucs
U. ' Mattbies, of Laurel, waa a
Hillshoro visitor the last of the
J. J. Van K leek, the manager of
the Lsdd farm near Klntnn, was in
town Friday.
Nick Kemmer, the Cooper Moun
tain hop grower, wad a county teat
visitor Saturday,
E, J. Huhbert, with the Acme
Mills, of Portland, haa been a
Hillshoro visitor for a week.
Arrangements ara being made
tor a big masquerade at tbe Hills
horo Opera House, on the evening
of Deo. 31, 1904. , Get ready for It.
Rov Thomas, whose father was
Hillaboro's recorder in the aarlv
life of the incorporation, was in
town thi week, visiting relative.
Many compliment have been
pasted on the raoent jury panel
called to the session of circuit court.
They had some hard crbss to try,
and in the Jstor-Spence case bad a
list of questions tcr answer that
would have taxed the patience and
Ingenuity of a Philadelphia lawyer.
For a lot of "jolly good fellows,"
the boys were entitled to the
premium for first plaoe, at well.
The New Yeat't Oregonian for
1005 will be issued on Monday
morning, January . 2 next. Tbe
illustrations will be numerous; they
will he attractive, and they will
cover every feature of the World's
Fair that will lie opened In - Port
land on June 1 next. The text
and the engravings together will
advertise fully the merits of, the
great 11)01 Exposition. Leave or
ders at R. Cave't. -
Hillslioro it getting more me.
trnpolitan every day, tnd a new
departure in bueiuess is the Havings
Department of the J. W. rihu e
Hank, which will be oiiened to bus
iness on Jsnusry 1. Interest will
he paid .n savings' deimail, and
any man, woman or child can de-
poit a few dollars and permit it to
raro a dividend. The Bank has
opened this system with consider
able expense, a fid ita customers
wilf appreciate th ' innovation
That it will lie a good thing for all
concerned goee without eavint.
and the lesson involved -that of
thrift for the Iwnefit of the young
man or woman will fx of lasting
benefit. The system will he ex
plained by the oflicisls of the hank
at any time one makes a refluent.
The idea is one inaugurated by
Cashier A. C. Khule, snd it is cer
tainly a worthy one. It is exist
ed that many will "get that habit"
of putting away a few dollars on
interest from time to time, and this
it what leads to building tin com
W. I). Bradford, stricken with
psralyaia a few day ago. is not any
better,and tbe oountycourt sent him
to the poor farm. Tuesday, where
he could have care and attention.
This is a sad caa. Bradford wss
two terms ueri!T of thi county.
and waa succeeded by J. W, Hewell.
tie had many friends sod made an
excellent cflker. Durine his last
term he suffered much misfortune.
his wife being ill fur year, and
suffering a stroke of paralysit him
self. Hundreds of dollar were eat
en op by the expense, and be left
the omee with very little means.
Since that time be has seemed to
hive lost all ambition. The end Is
near, and ifhe shall not pass away
at once, he will never again be re-
lored to health. Bradford Is, or
ess, a man of considerable execu
tive ability arid husinet menage
nienl. For years Indore goin into
the ofiice he was connected with
aw mill work.
Mrs. Minnie Gurske. of near
Blooming, through her attorney,
T. H Tongue J r has sued Krnet
(iurske for divorce. They were
married In Germany in 1870, and
have raised seven children, two of
whom, Paul and Otto, are 17 and
15 years of age. After thirty-four
reara ah claims she can ttsnd hi
brutal treatment no longer, as she
ayt be has repeatedly struck her.
although she heliwd him in the
Held at well as doing the -housework.
She a'ks one-third of the
real property and $20 per month
for ber support, and 100 to prose
cute her case in the circuit court.
If you want a new outfit for the
Holidays, just call on H. Webiuns
& Sons and get ne of their tailor-
mie tuns, me latest styles and
finely finished, at prices that are
bargains. Boys' clothing big
stock for Christina. II. Wehrung
Si 8on.
Dunhsm, Fletcher & Coleman, of
Wsyne, 111,, have recently sold one
ol their best imported Percheron
unions to a stock company ol
Bohollt. The horse it a 8-year-old
black, weight about a ton, and cost
the purchaser f 3000. Messrs. Dun
hsm ii; Co. own the farm known st-
the Oaklawn farm, situated twenty
five miles west of Chicago. Oak
lawn haa been tbe home of the
Percheron horse for the past forty
years, and about one-third of the
l'ercberon stallion sold in America
during that period hat at one time
been owned at Oaklawn.
There will he a social dance at
the Banks' Hall, by the Bank's
Hall Co., on Friday evening, lec.
'a. tickets, f 1.00, including ovs
ter supjwr. Free barn room for
horses. Walktr't orchestra. Kvery
body Invited.
Tbe Misses Clare, Madge and La
titia Inibrie went to Seattle thi
week to attend the wedding of their
cousin, Miss Mabel Ballard, who
was last evening wedded to Lieut
Nelson r.. Martens, stationed at
Bremerton, Navy Yard, Wash. The
wedding took puce in Trinity
church, of Seattle, and Mr, and
Mrt. Margetlt immediately started
on a wedding trip to the South,
The bride has a large number of
friends in this city, where she has
made frequent visits the last few
yeara. . .
Circular wool shawls and fasci
nators of all descriptions. Ladies'
handkerchiefs, suitable for Christ
mas; handkerchief linen, doilies,
Filo and Royal, silk floss of all
kinds. U. Wehrung & Sons.
The Southern Pacific Company
will run a special train from Cor
vallit to Portland and return, Mon
day, Deo. 2(Uh, on account ;of the
football game at Portland, between
0, A. C. and Multnomah, Athletic
Club, and for this occasion will
make round-trip from Hillshoro,
LOO; good only on special train
' M IL Nelson, of the Nerton-Wil
cox Lumber Company.' beyond
Glencre, was , in town yesterday,
and states that the mill now has
all Ua modern machinery In opera
lion, and that ita steam dry kiln is
operated every hour, in filling
" A fine line ol corsets, reduced to
"5 cents each, and others at reduced
pricot. A" few flannel waist pat
terns at cost. H, Wehrung it
Mrt. Nettie Figley left' for her
home in Macomb, 111., the first of
the week, having been here to at
tend the trial of her brother, Bert
Oakman. : u s ,-:...
fbf aiutaw, ea4 ftargeoal
OlCc Uirfyan-Beilejr block ap sUira.
Rooms la-U eu4 i$. Raafclatu aoxh
wsal cot uer Raaeuue aoj 2nd stmt.
Uolb 'I'iioue.
OfflM ,i,Lira ,,P X)e Urug Htore.
feanlanee Kaet of Court Honar,
In Um uriir of ,a Murk.
SurK.oo. Southern Pacific Railfoed Co
Conaullalioo lu French or F,nKliu ui
hre upata.ra In Corwin-Wooater Work."
North aula ol Main .Street.
i. J. UAILEY, M. D.,
Offioe with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Kealileno on corner Kaconil and Oak Kta.
wrrgim riwina Mnin lt'l.
R.WUIS3-4, Wa.liinKton Street
lliou Ktd 1956
Portland, . . . Orwon
l-lxaiiiin.itioii free
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rms 7, 8 and 9,
Maiicy-Alortaa Block.
Hotu I'lionea. liillsboro. Ore.
IVXaajxiotlo XZoaler
Hueewwfiill, tret!VlllNCM without the
ut or Kruiri or fry, by the Well
iimr Syaiem of Mfiu-itc HealuiK. Call
ami mc nii ( iiliKiiliutidii fivo.
Oftlee BpHtalw.over the City Bakery
HIM.HUOUO, Okwjox.
Room 1 and I Skate Buildingl
UILI.SBOEO, . . 0HKU0.1,
Office, upstair, oer the Post Office,
UUlsooro, Ofeajoai
Taos 11 TONcoa. 1 tomocb.
0Tat .
Rooms 1, 4, It 4, Morgan Blk. UilUboro.
Office Dpauiis, Bailey Vergaa Meca.
Rooiua, 1 m! .
Office, Up Stein, Central Block.
Building, Upstairs, (lillslwro, Ortgoa.
Morgan lllk. Upstairs, Roouis 3, 4 snd 5
Hillsboro, r Oregon
..Central Meat Market..
Iucaii lm it. TUkury
Keep constantly oil ha ml a fine
supply of fresh, meat of all kimls.
A Mow Era lm Prloo
We are going 10 sell meats at pfices low
er than those which have prevailed In
the past. Call iu and see us. We mean
business. 1 'Puon . and Free Delivery.
Main Street, opposite Tualatin Betel,
HilUboro, tOregon,
Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In
aurauee Business. List your farm with
them and find a sale. They will treat
vou right. Add your sale to our Int. ,
ball in and see u. . .
lVtain Street, . , HiUsboro, Xlr.
General Merobantttso
. , , . v' I
I carry a complete line ot Get"!
Merchandise, Groceries, Dry O"""'
- Hardware and Building Mate- 1
can get yon anything you yfi1' on .
order, at 1'ortlaud price. . "
I make a specialty of ci A ,,f
poatsand cedsr ahlngles'v '!"" .
of Groceries can't be be'1, lve
me a call. 1 buy farm v",c CMl1 .
or trade. Give me air "
' G.S. Rfi!d?
1 V- -i - at