The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 15, 1904, Image 1

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U the He cord for Central Ore
((on 'h Stuck iucu
Csiiliuira art lirlriiulucd I llrlv tul
H"cll correspondence from Prine
VllU Stair that (luring the Season
jul closed lli cattlemen of central
(tff( hav klll'd G.OOO aheap on
tl raiiK. and there not lieen
sIiib.1 indictment by district
attorney of the couotie whei the
unlawful acta obtained The kill
log started at a result of milsid
hpiiiit hrlmtiug iu thtlr Hocks
and it oun spread to hi una o tiers,
ami a roiiiD of terror prevailed.
Tha catiltfintu ar determined to
drive tha ihaep ( industiy nut ol ai they claim the llocks
da tny tha rang fr other elock.
The' rattli men ar reyularly or
ganUtni and I bona who do not wish
to t known la th buin coo
triliut cartridge to the other.
Ditrict Attorney John Hall ra
porta tha adviaahility of the govern
ment imvlmi tha luck at Oreirnn
City, and in raae tha private coin-
a I
panv want too mucn lor ineir
imlditig ba UKKt condemning it
and buying it in, or building a new
The Japans keep closing in
their cordon around fort Arthur,
ami tvery day in awing the brown
men in Wler abap to force sur
render. Hloeeael atill holdaout and
hojie to do at) until tit Baltic Heel
arrival on the oene.
Jury Says That He wan De
ceived by Jeter, lit Trade
Hartramuf Win la Cminiio Caf
Sued by Mr. N'un
Thar a a heavy snowfill in
Cbh ano thia rk.
President Koorevilt will toon
make ft trip to tha Houtb.
Hulh Or-Wit', of 1'onland, at
tempted tuicld Monday, by drown-!
I).ia. the Zionist, ha raid ulT
bia drl.ti ami hi city la now flour
uli llJ.
Th8t. Petersburg police charged
a body of student, Huuday, and
filly were Injured.
Togo' Heat ia to meet tha Una
iu Halite hW far westward of
l'tl Arthur, aud to the eouth.
An, unknown man lawd from
the Oregon City uspension bridge,
Muiday and waa recovered, dead.
Au tirn man tiinal that
two million people from the east
wilt vlxit the tair neil year, at
The commiadou appointed to In-vi-atigate
thTiinwt?ritk newer, by
Mayor William, reporla that the
work ii badly dona.
A Chicago doctor aak l M.r,.') I nd ' M-
fur attending lb late Mra Mo ick
er, w Ho died at I'aMiidona, recently.
The heir will fight lh claim.
A (iaroiin died recently iu New
Jersey, and ho ask that he be cm
mattd and his ahea sent to Ger
many to hi sweetheart.
Uev. A. 0. Jeffrie, father ol
Champion pugilist Jell'rlef, in to
lour the wot Id on a preaching trip
Ilia Mn will nut attend eervicea,
Andrew Carnegie, who claims
Mr. Chadwiok forged hia nam-tfto
miliiona of dollar in securities,
will lie witnes at her examina
tion. Th Southern Pacific ha ordered
ilftv iikw frrlsht enainea and lh 0
H 'A N.and Short Line have an
i.rder in for like number.
Moat of the engine wilt I tor the
hulal receipt fuil to twar the
expHidilure hy oyer H tuilliona for
the year ended. Thia ahortage ia
attributed to lh rural dolnery
Cut oil' the (at railroad foe for Car
' Mr. Cbftdwick, the Clevland.
Ohi.v woman, who ha aaindlcd
banker out of thoutamlo, olalm to
m a. diiuiibiur of Carnegie.. 11
creditor will not get ft ceut ou the
It indita tried to hold UP the Spo
kane tlyr. near I'urilftnd, ttm other
iiiirht. and abot ft hunter who hap
pened aloug th trak, IbinkiiiR he
i a guard, lie muy recover.
The bandits craped. , I
, Tim aeuaU ia inveetignting the
one of Senator Smoot, the Utah
Mormon. It trnpire that the
Mormon innrry ;doad women It
in tha live one that are making
the trouble for Hmoot.
Senator Mitchell ud Congreea
iinrmann t.Uid that thtv are
too limy to come to Portland ami
tentify in th land fraud caa com
menced tbil week, and plead con
greaeionftl immunity.
A rllble oapitftliat of tho Chi
net ooatt, who ba financed many
hlnnkiiU rnna into I'ort Arthur,
aj that Htoeaael can hold out for
three month unless the Jap carry
j; the lortittcfttion hy assault. He
lay they have plenty ot ammuni
tion except for the big g.
enough of t,hat to last for some
lime. Th probability i, however,
that Janan will risk twenty thou-
mud auldlura rather thau wait un
til th Baltic fleet reach I'ort
M. Ihllahoy, of Cooer Mountain,
waa a county aeat visitor, Monday
Hoard and room by day or week
:j W per week Mra. M. A. Lane
I). J. Barrett, th Corneliut agent
for th Hniiihrrn I'acino. wa in
town Saturday evening.
l'apetrle tatlonry the neatet
out- tor Udtea. at in i'ita urug
Hlore. V
Mr. U I.. Vi, of Foret drove,
U vialitnv with relative in the
Knr 17 head Anora coat.
tuiiad. nanniea. wthrand buck,
all agea. - (lo. Zetzman, Cornelius,
noil la l.
A fin atock of Undard ramr
at Th ltelia standard makes, and
at price that ar seller.
taut Joaae, formerly of Corn
liu, aud later ot lndendeitc, la
now Id bmiinee at Salem, and
write The Argu to give hi old
friend hi beat regards.
Wanted: Reliable young woman
fur general housework. Call on or
addreaa ll. waiaer, iwa
vertoo, lre , Kural Fr delivery
No. 2.
N. A. Brrelt, who ba beon in
ll.i... I n.ui.r '..). ....I. U f..r
several uiontha, (ftftti Mitchell-
l.awi people, waa in town natur
day. We carry th awellest line ol
gentlemen' ami Iwdiea drre shoe
to b found iu the town. Come
aud sue tbrm, at l-nnis'.
'thoa. Wbilrhurn, of Corvallia.
.. .... U 1 . . I
waa Hi llUrsl (! llioa. laioni, ui
Cnrneliu, Ust week. "
A delicaia ieifumeia ibi mark
of gootl brnmlu g buy HiMielt'e
oilora, at The Ivlta Drug Htore
Bom, Deccuiber 11, UH. to Mi.
lima lay lor, ot near
II ul brook, a on.
K. L McCoimick ba a finesn
lection of tt ring, aud wedding
Call and inspect them.
On door east of Commercial Bank.
Th big damage caa brought by
W. A. Spenoe, of Oaetori, and pro
rcuted by Attorney Ceo. H. Bag
ley and W. I. Hare ended rmlay
morning, when the jury brought in
verdict for plaintifl' for all that
wa asked. 4 140
Thl wa a case wherein the
tiUintifl' eouehl to recover that
amount from the defendant, alleg
ing that daceit waa used in trading
mill atock of the Gaston Flouring
Mill to Bpence for hi equity in a
farm adjoining the town of Gaston
Science alleged that th true condi
tion of the corporation, and the
amount of whmt on band, were
misrepresented to bim, and thut he
was consequently delrauded. The
jury waa out all night, although it
i said the first ballot wa lor asm
ages. It wa a list of questions
propounded, and winch toe court
Instructed must be answered, that
consumed to much time. The case
will in all probability l appealed
bv Atlornev 8. B. Huston, who
minimal for Mr. Jeter. The
inrv makliio tin hiit award: J. W
- " . . . . ..... tx I 1 1 .. I
Haves. M. k. uuiey, freu uoou,
Jacob Isli. (3. W. Stilt. Arthur
Cuiiin. O. M. Galloway. B. 11
I'alton, Dan Burkbalter, John H.
(iraW, (1. A. Plielu and Geo.
Kirk wood.
Attorney Huston asked the judge
to submit questions to the jury.
and the queries and anawers t wo
tilT swore that be returned the note
riot agreeing to the extension pre
tumult 1, defendant. The jury
gava a verdict against the husband.
but the court directed a non-sun as
against the wife. Cha. Hchnabel,
t'nrti.iul and K It Tnneue appear
ed for the plaintifTand H B Huston
appeared for the defendant.
J F I'lm wa dismied from un
der the bond to keep the peace, th
charge being prelerreu oy wiin
Vail om months ago.
T II l.ittlebales vs baseline win-
lr Co; non-Buit; thi was a suit
herein Liltlehle claimed atump-
a . .1 fit
age on Iorb aoia to tne miu com
pany; John M Wall anu n a nua
tnn arwra counsel for defendant and
Geo U Bagley for plaintiff.
Bowman va Bowman, sun tor ui
vorce; referred to Itunyon.
UnA va Porter, suit for parti
tion granted; Surveyor h C Walker
to survey a per petition.
John T Johnson released from
liond to keD peace, preferred by
JfihriBon. The suit of J T
Johnson against Caroline was de
cided by Keferee Itunyon in favor
i.f thn wife, and tha ex-husband
must psy 15 per mouth alimony
for the supiort of the three little
children. The case wa a racy one.
a neither plaintiff nor defendant
ia burdened with brigtitnes. iieo
U Baglev was plaintiff s counsel,
while T H Tongue Jr wa attorney
for the lady in the cae.
; m m BOARD
Chas. Wescott, Forest Grove,
a Deputy Sheriff
E. U. Hardiag sad W. C. Kertao, Gas-
too, Get WarehBM Uceaae
Xmas Days Are Near
Call and see our line of
Fancy Toilet Articles
Bargains in up-to-date-Holiday
Mm. Sarah Mevers Pollock died at
her borne, in Forest Groye, Friday,
at the age of 1U. one was born in
Menhelm. N. V., October 1-1. IS38,
and was married iu 1301 to Colonel
Uoliert Pollock, at Oakland. Cat
Her husband was Colonel of the
Twenty-first Uoited State Infantry,
which waa stationed at different
time in California, Arizona and
A recant isau of lh Argu stated
thai T. K. Curnbhua. U( td mar
shal of Salem, was a eon of th lata
T. H. Cornelius. Instead, u u a
in of the late .left Corntliu.
Tub wet season ia due, and r-
Dieuiiier that John Uenni baa the
lineal line of umbrellas ever brought
to the oily, with prices in reach of
all. Umbrella lor onildren. uaii
and aee tuetu.
Great record breaking ditto, Ce
dar Mill. M. W. A. Hail. New
Veat's eve, Deo. Ul. Grand music.
four nieces. A celebrated ttm
iromiaed. Come, "the ball is
Taken ud: four head Pulaud
China hnsa. one btiuK ft brood tow
with pigs following, and tha other
shoal uf aix month or over. Ow-
- ... , , i .
ner win piease can, prove prupnrv,
iav chariras. and lata same away
r -----o - , -
U. U. larnnam, tittisnoro, ure
It. V . I), o.
You must have groceries why
not drop in and see our staple
lines, the finest ever brought to th
nitv We. buv nothing but th
IwbI. and that is what you want.
Fruit in Heason. John Dannie.
Advertiaed letters at Hillaboro
nAuuillioA: Haail DeVruse. Daniel
Brown. Mr. Iou Pul. If uncftlUd
for will Iw sept to Dead Letter of
fice, Decembor 24.'"
1 Oliver doublo dine plows, 05;
Book llud gsng P'nwB, tW;
itu nt .wa til inch. I4.ri: 50-tooth
peg barrow, f 12 50; 14 in. fttubble
plows, f 14.110 Ail omer iiinn mi
plcmcni at loweBt prictm -Sohul
merich Bros. t WoiaAiihanlr. annerinlend
. nf tha Witch Haitel hop farm.
-. in iin Mondav ana atate
iKi th enmnanv has iust finished
planting another 100 acre of hon
vine, making 200 aores which will
k k.puaaaioii nAi vear. iiuh ib
the largest yard in Waahington
county. tiaviua iAwelrv. wnlcheB
,t ni,u.Wa to hfl repaired Bhottld itiam to E L. McCormtck's
'new jewelry store where you will be
taken care ol propeny suu uiuik.
t.. Ml work uuaranteed. Main
street opposite Delta Drug store
Hillslfro, Ure.
Uuwtion Did the drfeodant aiisrep-
rcMtit snv fact to Hie plainlilt in con-
ncctiou with tbe sale ol the mill stock to
Answer. Yes.
y. Hut Hie plaintiff have full ojor
tunity to iuvuligate the condition of the
corporstloo nelure nityioa i
A. Not under eiitiii conimions
g. Was any altruipt mle tiy the oe
feudant to-prevent th ptaintill fnm in
vesligatilig (he condition of tot corpom
A. No.
Jj. Did the plaiuliff rely wholly upon
the defendant, or did he rely upon the
lalementtof any other peran, or upon
hiat nut it nnullii?
""""A" . " , . .l.ll
A. lie Tailed principally u mrua
leudanl and to a ceiiain e-tent upon
y. 1 Hd the deleadsnt represent 10 me
plaintilt that the debt which the Osslon
CO-operative Mill Company owed toT.
Vv. Thompson wsa tor wheat, and that
tbe wheat on account of which said debt
was incurred wss then ia the mill of the
A. Yes.
y. If you foul that he did so represent.
zvi,i !, niaintiiT. in the exercise of
ordinary car and prudeuce, as an ordi
narily intelligent raau. to have awer-
laincd that tuia was a iiiiibk wmun a
.hnri ti,.i. iir h mir, liaed said SUK'k ?
A. uuuer ine exisimK "
could not, abould he have tried.
y. Ou(ht the plaintilt, in tue exercise
of ordinary cure ami pruueoce, aa ou up
linarilv Inlrllivent uian. under the cir
ciimslsnces snown in wis raac, va nre
-.n.. i uiwn ili aiaipinenta and retire
...i.ii.,.,. la linn, anil nave ac
cepted said statements as true, wunoui
mnra lion lh teatiuiODV itt tlllS
case sstisfies you that he did do touicer-
tain th truth or lalaity oi aucit siaie
iiienla and representation?
a ii ia raaannauia ia uc ictq bihiv
rueuta uiade by orlicers ot a corporation
to be true.
X5 '
Waahinglon. Twenty year ago
they came to Washington County,
where she has since resutea, ana
where Colonel Pollock died several
year ago. The children living
John R., of Feme, B, C ; Mrs. U.
fl. Hanna. Miss Flora. Dr. W.M.
PnllfM-k. of Forest IGrove: L. v .. of
North Yamhill; and C. U , of Banfl,
A llinrla N. T.
Tha (iinernl took tilace Sunday.
interment being in the Naylorcem
The December term ot county court
waa a big one. County road No.
41G waa established, and viewers
were paid.
It waa voted to build the Hend-
rick' bridge in the spring, sooth of
Cornelius, the citizens having sub
scribed $450 toward same.
Warrant for $7.75 ordered to go
into fund Jno. Connell et all, to
aid in burial of late Michael Kelley.
Ordered that upon W W Crow
der paying $40, in payment of
damage to Scholia bridge, he be
receipted in full for all damage.
! A J Roy awarded contract to
keep poor farm for 2 year, and
owing to poor crop, three month
rant waa rnraitbpd.
All petition for appointment of
road supervisor will be considered
at January term.
Harding and Kertaon, of Gaston,
filed ft bond of $1000 a warehouse
men. Approved and license was
iaaued. r
FriU Strobel granted rebate of
50 per cent, on mortgage tax
J D Laughlin resign as super
visor at Forest Grove and A B Todd
amounted to fill vacancy.
Recorder's receipt. November,
ft.m- f lark 'a (mm. S 249 60.
L P Spencer and Harry Weicott
confirmed as special deputy sheriff
G W Marsh. Centervil'.e. W F
Ifnllenliawk and J H Dav'ia. Moun
taindale, all granted rights to erect
telephone noes.
Ordered that pauprs buried
nn lot in Presbyterian cemetery
j may be moved at expense of peti
! turner Win Bagley.
Supervisors directed to make an
nttal reports by January 1, 1905. '""
(tr.lara.l that Sheriff Coanell
board prisoner u0 i expiration of j
0 mlract witn jereunan
The following election claims
were allowed:
W O W Hall rent
R.ihart Thomuaon. Tudve......
Christ Schindler,
R BReevea. " .......
Julius Peterson, Clerk
Fred Berger, y- "
Nels Johnson, "
Ueorge C luompson, aisranai..
at S Barnea, Judge......... J 00
A V Pike " 5 oo
J5he Delta Drug' Store
Main Street.'liillsboro, Oregon
Dealer in Flour, Chop, Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock
Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds, Bee Supplies, etc.
A Stock of lime and Shingles on Hand
We buy Chickens and Fresh Eggsj and pay the
highest market price.
We deliver to all parts of the city.
J. W. Hartrampf Hillsboro,
Third and Mam SU.,
The anneal case of J. W. Har
trampf et a's, against Mrs Nixon,
of Forest Urove, resuiieu in a ver
.li.t fur Mr Hartramuf. Mr. Nix
on was awarded a verdict of $50, a
commission sued for in the justice
nnnrt at Voi-eat Qrove. for land al
leged to have been sold by ner, ana
the case was appealed, nonman
A Welch appeared for Mrs Nixon,
and H. T. Ba?ley and Geo. R Bag-
le were oounsel for uartrampi.
The court directed ft non-suit in
in the case of Mr. Hartrampf, but
the merits a to Mrs. Hartrampf,
were tried out. The jury was out
all night and decided that Mrs.
Nixon was not entitled to the coirt-
mlHaion. The inrv in the case: K.
I Ward. lino. A.. Moreen. Henry
Hesse, A. J. Roy. John Y . Sewell,
K. P. Cornelius, Thos. Kmertck, u.
N HaU Win. Schulmerioh? M R
Hotchkiea, Wm. Batohelder and J.
H. Grabel.
Thenaae of L. Christen. Portland,
versus Henrv and Margaret Villi
ger, of the Colonial, forest, urove,
t,rin nlaintiif RUtd for a balance
due of $002 97, was heard Saturday
by the following jury: u w mm,
l V Havea. Jacob Lnsli. Fred Rwd,
J W Copeland, A N Cutting, M K
Dilley, O M Galloway, J H uraoei.
a A I'llmli. B U Palton. Jos Hick
enbottom. The defendant claimed
that, ha owed the mOllBV. Dltt Con
tended that tbe plaintiff had agreed
to wait a certain length Of -lime,
further, and that he had sent a note,
payable next Marou, out tne ptain-
Argus and Orcgonian, $2.00;
Mr. and Mra Thoa. Murphy, of
Motintaindale, were in town
day. I
I'. 1). Shafer and wife were in
front northeast of Glenooff, batnr
day. f
C. .T. Palmateer expects to get
moved into the new telephone
head quarters in a few days
II fl. Jackron. of Clarno. eastern
Oregnn, was in towu the last of the
week, being cftlleu to uiencoe on
account of the illness of hi mother,
Mrs. Lucinda Jackson.
Winter is here can't you tell it
by yonr ravenous appetite? Just
get groceries' at Dennie' and you
will feel like a new man, anu neeu
nn raisin to ho d vour. aiireBuon.
Finest line of staples in the city.
Tnlm P. J rnes. Travellinc Past
t ' for the Southern Paci
e. . . Tii.i
no lines in uregon, was a tiiusooru
visitor Tuesday, and dropped into
The Argua' office for a pleasant call
The Hillsboro Glencoe-Phillips
Bethany mail, ;conlrac awarded
nhna Swp11 baa been roecinded bv
the postal department, and Bethany
. . . . . . . i . r
will bo discontinueu aiier uecem
ber Glsncoe and Phillips will
remain aa offices and their mail
will be supplied by the rural car
rier ay stem '. , V ; A
W. D. Bradford. ex; sheriff, was
ITrldav evenlna stricken with
naralvtis. this being - tbe second
r. .'. . 1 .......
time that lie nas sutierea irom uns
In the nast six years. When he
n aliariff hn waa taken with the
first stroke and for a' long time bis
life was in danger, tie was tasen
in Kmerpon' restaurant Saturday
morning, and . Dr. Bailey attended
him. The physician gave it as his
nmnion that the siok man ciuia
not lt verv lone, even it he
should rally. . ?
....... ,:v,,;,.l
. $J SO
..7 fto
..J oo
..3 00
..3 00
..3 00
..a oo
...3 00
...3 00
...3 00
...3 00
... 00
...3 00
...3 00
...3 00
. ..3 00
...7 00
...3 00
.3 00
,. 4 o
,...3 00
...3 00
....3 00
.3 00
Hillsboro Commercial' Bank
Capital Stock Pmld, $25,000.00
Equipped with the best burglar-proof safe and fire- .
j proof vault. Members of American Bankers' Associa
tion. Also carry insurance against burglary and day
bold-tips. Every precaution taken to make money and
valuables secure. We invite the public to viBit our
tanking houee and investigate our n ethcdB of busi
ness. Large and small depositors alike will always
receive prompt, courteous, careful attention. DraftB
bought and wild; collections given prompt attention.
Lm m Hmml rata aMtafOfftav Bern
Wm. Bagley
John Connell
W O Hockeu,
Willirtn Hunter, Clerk.....
Earl Fiaher, ", .....
11 G Vincent, 1..:
Wm Deasinger, Constable .
OA Peterson, Judge
A L Stephens, " .......
A A Mead. "
John T Jchiiaon, Clerk
r ii tiuzton, - ....
j H Rinck, "
Antone Herman. Tudee
Carl Pfahl, '
CV Fitch, "
Allien Bunuing, Clerk....,
T K Miller, "
G W Miller, Marshal at election t,a 00
.Mra Miner, rent 01 nan lor eiecnon.z ou
J C Crocker, Judge 3 00
j v. miner, ...3 ow
J H Davis, " ....,....s,.3 00
1 I Northrop, Clerk... ........3 00
S I Raffety, " ... 3 o
C Corey, v " ..-3 00
J C Schulmerich, Judge 3 00
John Ireland, ' 3 00
Martin Keiling, " 3 00
J V VauDerveUeu, Clerk ....3 00
tohn Boektr. " ..3 00
George McGraw, ..........5 ao
IT oil Banl 1 tO
3 F. VaaMtV, judge .............. .4 80
W Steohena. ' - 3 00
I W Huehea, " 3 00
ToUn Uraphleltt. Clerk ...J 00
llaxOlcl J tiauaou, . ..3 00
Goettelman, M 3 00
Kait Butte
John Hohman, Judge ...3 00
BULeedv, " 3 00
K A Knotts, 6 ao
W E Shaver, Clerk 3 00
attain Street,
C. S. RuBsell Edw. Schulmerich
A. S. Sholes Geo. Bagley
Geo. Schulmerich
ir.ilsboro, Oregon
Wa rnrrv a fine line of single and double barrel shot- J
guns, which we are selling at marvellously low prices.
S All kinds of ammunition. . Loaded shells on hand.
We also carry a complete line of phonographs, with
records, and all kinds of
We have the best equipped bicycle repair shop in
Washington County. Charges reasonable, and
, work speedily turned out.
F. R. DA1LEY, Main St., East of I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Hillsboro J
1 ( . 1T.ILI. I a main ai., losi. ui 1. v. v. wiw "
G A Plieth.
C KTigard, j "
Raat Cailar
Sain Gulbieath, Judge..
y iiimnu, 1 ,
1 U Henry,; i
I. P Speucer, Clerk....
CCCritn, " ....
PWirtli, " ....
Gales Creek
F Lafiertv. ludBe..-,.
k r uiiy,
1 S Dallas,
...3 00
...3 00
... 3 00
...3 00
...3 00
....7 00
....3 00
....3 00
,i,.i...3 00
. 3 o
3 00
n.., (So
James Churchill. Clerk ......... X. .3 00
1.. i w
Charles Staley,
Gaston -v
George K Mixner, Judge....
Kdwartl Best, " ....
Hardin HWaUl, "
Arthur L Matteaoa, Clerk. ,
George H Beat " . .
lamaa t Honnea. "
K x Haiuinu. na u rent lor eiccuoa 1 w
Sherman Bacon, Judge 6 00
TH Murphy. " .3 0
I W Thompaon, . . . . . . . i . s ;-3 00
S L Holleubeck, Clerk 3 00
(Continued on page 4.)
..3 00
..3 0
11 r
II ;
I u
la very aptly applied to financial
institutions that are reliable, and
that justly have the confidence of
the community. This meanB the
oldest and strongest bank in
Washingtoa County.
This bank furnishes a secure depos-1
itory for your money. Loans made
on1 acceptable seenntv in any
amount from $10 to $106,000. Ex
change to any part of the world,
We sell bank money orders, con
vevinir vourmonev cheaper than
the U. S Government. , Collections
promptly attended.
North Side Main St.
V ...