The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 08, 1904, Image 2

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Kntered U th. Post-offlo at Hillabom,
Oregon, as aesnd-las mail matter.
LUCIUS A. I.OXG, Kdltoe.
County Official Paper
SiiUacrtptinn: On Pullar r Annum.
Pis Months, flu tv. ; Three Months, its.
laeaesl Kserjr Tr.mdV
-BV- ,
The pref itl n m ag to Con
greae, Tuesday, dntaina 1200i
Wonls It i dol'ara to doughnut
that not one oul of hur.ilrrj will
leai it through. The goM stand
ard i "fimi!? establish d;" we are
Mr. Isaao Butler baa returned
from a visit with rtUUvee at
C. V. Jam, of the Baseline
road, and J. l Buchanan, uf Cor
nel u, were county seat visitors
It in reported that the l.ewi A
Clark VI uh will nwn five a dram
in the 0ra H use, f, r th tanfit
of the orpnixation.
Wrs Kmraa Watson, llVso (J.
McKinler, s. A. 1. Pn'er ainJ Dai
iel Tarpley were nvioted of land
frauda in the Federal court at P.rt
land thi wet k, and Maria Ware
ai acquitted Thtw w no de
ff nee off red, and ilefen lenta' attor
ney tried eyoi aihy on the jury
It i said however, by many prom
inent atiomeya, that the tae will
he reverted by the higher court.
not rough lead; ararly all la timothe
and clover; an- stress; lust clas
buildings, good orchard, tTIO, (4300,
I have numerous town pro ertiea,
improved and uniinproved. for sale.
If yon want your properte SOU)
then coma at d list it MK. hut
if you only wiah to hare it MSTKI)
you can do aa well eoruewh re else.
Mil shoto. Ore
Notice of Final Settlement.
to keep the Philippines aa a "parti but this will he of but H'tleconv
of our national" work; nothing is! fort at the evidence it o strong
aaid about the tariff or lh-Sancrit;,,1 ',Ticlion '
no mention was made of the aauity
of any one; and aside from the call
for a big navy the umeage might This morning's ruaikat reporla,
11 i. .;. ; rjvk! compiled from Portland uuotaliona.
well Dave
piled I
jrtland quotations.
The merchants herewith named
have decide.! to close the contest ior
the premium of a cash gift, on Dec
ember 25. and the winner of the!
voting contest will receive flflO in
gold coin This will make a my
acceptable Christmas present. The
following firms issue coupon:
V. O Dontlaon, Furniture dealer
and undertaker, wall paper, etc,
John, grooertee, hoots
and shoes.
Bailey'a Pbarraaov)I)rugi, Chem
icals, Sundries.
R. H. Greer, Groceries, Crockery,
ralmteer's Confect'ry, Oysters,
Cigars, Tobacco
The Argus, Best Newspaper in
Cate & Son, Finest appointed
Butcher Shop in City.
F. R. Dai ley, Bicycles, Musical
Second Street Harness Shop,
Harness and Leather Findings.
The vote for the aven highest can
Stella Boacow ..
Susie McKinney
Mrs. Claude Greear
Lura Waggener
A rah Hoyt.....
Gertrude .Kendall
Edna Imbrie
Valley Wheat, etport value, 87
Barter feed, ; rolled, $2:1 50
Oats, White. $1.30 and $1 32
Oats, Gray.$l3.aud $1-10.
Bran, $19 per ton.
Hav.Timothr, $14 and $16
Hay, Clover, $12 and $13
Potatoes. Fancy, $ 75 and $0 91
Onions. per cw't . $2 W and $2.10
Eggs. Oregon ranch, 31 ant 52 J
Butter, Eitra Creamerv, $ 30
Butter, store, ranch, 12 ai.d 14
Tokio is working oviriimw te
porting Port Arthur that fulls not.
F. M. Heidel's Specials
30 acres, 4 ntiles from Hillsboro, 14
acres in cultivation; lo actes good pole
oak timber; cheap improvement!, well
located oa good road, F. R. P. Price,
flooo. .
H acres, 4 'j miles front Hillsboro. 10
acrtsia cultivation; al smooth land;
oa good road, R. P. 1). Nice little
borne cheap.
aU at res, St mile from Hillsboro; 30
acres ia cultivation-. 8 acre creek bot
tom, I tcrr betretitkiu; limber enough
to do th place, liviug water; good
new 7 -room honte, barn id.) other
ootbai'diogs. This can be made a
very profitable farm, and ta welt worth
the money aiked for it, fijoo.
40 acres, 4a miles irooi Hillsboro; sll
in cultivation, and all nice smooth
praitie land. All in crops bow. Good
new barn; common board hoiiae; joung
orchard, on good road, F. R. D boo t
fail to investigate thi. Piice, f jooo.
M) acre adjoinioe HilUboro, 45 acres
rich bottom Und: 5 acres high land,
mostly all planted to strawberries: the
bottom Isad is sdspted to slsyke
clover, vegetables, oats sad bailey.
Price, J8j per acre.
80 acres, 4S mile from Cornelins. J5
acres in cultivation; this rolling but
Naatireliihereh gtteit that I, lh under
uriil. AdininiMratrii at the gstaie l
K. It Wuritiii, deroa-wil, have MM my It
nat .vxini m o-h AdnilnWtralriv, in
tlitMinty Court of the Stalo vl OrrKtm.
for WaohiniMou luiilv. and aaitt C.Mirt
ban tiled Mumlay, January u, ll. at the
nour or 1 en o-eloek ul Ml.l dav a lh
tiiiir, and tiie Countv lurt Kunm In
IlilWUirtK tkreaxui. aa llio la- for lirar
iUK olijmiiotw to iid aomHint, and the fi
nal aeUliHitiMil of id ealate.
IViletl IVt-emt-r it, IMM.
AdiiiluNratrll of Ilia Knlat l K. H.
Warren, llwneaiieil.
W. N. Parrvti. Atioriiey fc.r Ksiai.
AJmioiatrator's Notic.
Notice U hereby a-iwn that th uii.lcr
aimied lie heon by the Cmiiily Court of
too Male ui urecoii, lor H tlu:i(tlon
tVuiuly, duly apiHiiutd AduiinMraitir
of the Ktale of Henrteita farstciin, de
wa-td, aHl baa ,lulv qualillel at atu b.
Now, tbarefon', all rona bavlna
claim agaiiui aaid Ktiaie are hereby nt
qtured lo prewtMtt the eame to me at th
Law Offlc of tHw. K. Haley, iu ilill
boru, Oregon, loriber with proper
vooobeM, within tlx montlta ftoni data
Doled at MilUUtrts Orejon, thus !
raiuher I, IU.
Admiiiiatrator of the Km ale of Henri.
el to Cartel ih. lin-eaanl.
'loo. R. Baxley attorney Atr Aiimiik-istrator.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notk-e la hereby given that the muler
iKiied eieculor of tlte laat will and teata
mailt of Mary Jane Stewart, deceased,
baa rtled in the County Court of the Stale
of Oregon for Waahiugtoii County, bit
Anal account an 'aid executor, and aaid
Court haa aet Monday, January Ynd,
WUft, at the County Court room In Hills
boro, (reon. at 10 o'clock A.M. as lb
time and placo of hearing objection to
aaid ttiial account and for th final nettle
uient thereof.
Kxrciitor of th laat will and teatanient
of Maiy Jane Riewart, deceased.
laidat Hillaboro, Or., thi Stth day
of Noreiuber, 1 i.
Administrator' a Notics
Notice is hereby given, that th iinder
iffned ba been by the County Court of
lite State of Urecnn, for Waahineton
County, duly appointed Administrator of
the Eatal of Uarry Hluomau, ilereaMid,
and that he has duly qualified aa auch
Now, therefore, all pernona having elaluia
against the em ale ut aid teceaaeil are
beroby required to preaent the same to
the undersigned at the I .aw Ufhc of (leo,
R. Hagley. in Hillalmro, Oregon, together
with proper voucher) wltbiu six month
from the ilate hereof.
Dated this 25tb day of November, 1904.
A. It. DINliM AN,
AdminUtrator of the KaUle of Harry
Siooman, deceased.
William tug ley,
B. H. riH'lii and J. J. Morgan,
Anaigur of T. li. tirneliiiR. an
InaoUeol IVI.Utr. M A. Coma.
Ilua, Alex Chalmers, Win, Van
dervelden, J 110. VaiulerveMen,
M.SiiMlmuer, ll.Sni.UMer, Hon.
inaney I Ml an A Co., a Pnvate
Corrtion, Minnie McMoua
agle. Nellie H. .M.unly, KoiU.r
i, Macleay, Mrs, II, M. Iu.l
ireon, Kdltti M, (irant. Mrs,
Malwl M. Kerr, Wwlla Ms.--Icy
Karnea, 1-sU-lla Maclray,
Jas. MiMire, K. W. r'ergusoii,
and K. K. llohaon, farmers
doing t usinews under the firm
name of Moore Ke.gimm Co.,
It. I). VK knon, doing tioaittesM
under I lie II rm nam uf U. it.
WHkmni.t Co., W.C. Noon .Jr.,
It. M. Cake. T. J. Arnnlrong,
KxeiMiUira of Ibe Iji-,1 Will Slid
'tVHtament of V. V. Noon. Sr.,
U II. hrvanl, r'. A. Navdleand
C. M, tVUtrn. three of I lie part.
nera composing W. (', Noon .
Co., Bra.tley Md.-alf ,t tN., a
Corporatiou, T. J. ArniKtroug,
Trustee of Y. C, Noon A Co..
W. C, Noon Hag Co., a Corpora
lion, and Washington County,
To Minnie McMonagle, Nellie It. M.xxty.
H ,M. Ittidgeon, Kihlh M. Oram. Jaa.
Moore, K. V. Kerguaoii, K. K. Hob-
sou, tl. II. ItrTant. f . A, Neville, C.
M. UatHtrn, sod Hnulley Miti-alf ,t
Co , eleven of the above named
lefemlanls: t
In the name of the Huienf Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby 6oni
nanded and rsH)Uired to be and appear In
Ibe Circuit Contt of the Ntat or Oregon,
fur Washington County, and answer the
complaint of the I'lamtlit lile.1 agwlnat
yon therein, en or before lb expiration
of six weeU publication ot'inis Sumnions
In the "Hillsboro Argue." the Unit ni hil.
catKui thereof lieiue on Ibe ITih day of
Aovetniier, tisM, and the last publication
thereof being on the Mb dav of January.
I'JUV o- it, 011 or before the Mb day of
January, r", ami 11 you tail so 10 atiMar
and answer aaid complaint, for waul
thereof the Plaintiff will apply to ilie
Court for I lie) relief prayed for and de
manded In hia Complaint, to wit; For a
judgment against M. A. Cornelius lor the
sum of f7,rr.7tkt and tiitert-M thereon
from October l.'i.lHOI, nl the me 01 right
per eent per annum, and iruuw attor
ney' fee; ami that Ibe Mortgage made,
executed and d livered by T. H. Cornell
11s ami M. A. Cornelius tii the Investors'
Mortgage rWurtiy Cuiiipany, Limited, 011
Ihe'JMh dav nl July, l-Wi, and now own
ed by the I'lalntlrT, and upon the follow
ing deecrtbed leal property, aitual In
Washington CiAinty, Oregon, to-wit:
-Cominencing at the ttouth-waet corner
of the Donation Land Claim of T. R. Cor
nelius and wife, in Townshln One ill
North of Range Three (3) West of Hot
11 mameiie oermian, ana runniug tDem-
Kasteily along the Suiuh line uf aaid Do
nation Claim to the Houtu-weat corner of
a piece of land sold to A. Gordon by deed
recorded at page 441 of Book of
Deeds, Washington County Rcorils,
thence North along said A. Uordon'a
Weal line to th Hue dividing said Dona
tion Claim isrteeen aaid T. K. Cornelun
and h:a wife: thence Westerly along said
diviaioi: line to the West line of said Do
nation Claim, thence Southerly along
aaid Want line lo the place of beginning,
containing Two Hundred and Korty-six
('!) acres, more or lea''
lie declared to be a first lien i rxni mid
real property and that said Mortgage be
fnreclnsed and aaid real pnerty le de.
creed to be aold by the .Hherltl of Wash
ington County, Oregtni, in the mai.ner
preseriheii by law and tlte practice of the
above entitled Court; and the proceeds 1
thereof he apnllod n iuttiiamoii of the
demand due the plaintiff upon s.iul prom.
lsory note and Mortgngr; and t r a dr.
crve ol utlil Court fore,-llng thai certain
Moilgnge nimle. exc-mal and dellvemt
I'V I'. U. 'ornlma and M A. Cornelius
lo iNivid Miinroe on the PHlnlnv ol June,
1-H4. up.. 11 1 ho f.dlotvUir iitM,'illw, real
pnH-rl,v. aitusto III Waxhli gtou .-1111I V , ,
On mm, to-wit ,
HKST 'riiAt'T-Commenciiig at the!
South west cot nor of the. HomOioti I.aikI :
t'l.ilm of T. K, Cornelius and wife, tin
TiKMi-hlpOiieilt Noillt.of Kaoge I line
.U West id the W lllHinelln Meiiiiiau. and ;
rontiiug Uiecee Katerlv nhmg the Mouth 1
line of said l unl)oit rlalm to the Month-1
west corner ul a piece of land ld loA.j
Oonloti he deed recorded at go 4lt ol ;
Hiik "IJ" of Ivetls. Waslimgioii I'oiiiuvl
liemirda. thence North along said A lior-1
don's West line lo the line dividing anhl !
Conation Claim lwl -ecu said T. K. Cor-1
nellits and his w ife; thence t esloily along !
sunt divUion line to the West line ol aaid j
l-onalloti claim, tiience Noiitheily al tug '
Mi l West line to the place i( la-ginning, i
tiital..liig Two liumlred and forty an,
CJ4ili acis-s, more or leis,
SKI O.N l TK ACT -The 8, nlli.-a-l ijuar-!
ler of the Soulhcat linitrler of Section'
Twenty onetSI), and l.ol Seven of Kks
tiou i'w enl v-tttn I'M), and the kat half ol
Ihe NorthcM iitaili-r and ll No One
til. of Section Tw enty eight (Vs), T"n
slilpTHof') North Kauge three West
of lira Will, Mer,, containing sens
To secure Ihe payment ut iim
whlrli said mile and itiorlifitge I bete is
now due Ihe sniti of :,-sJI On, and now
owned ty the I'lnlnlilt', an I interest there
on front O. toler IA, '.i, at Ihe rat of leu
per com, ,er annum and 7il utiornev's
h e; an, lor a ii-cree that 'rrty
he sold by the Mii'tlir or Wasliiiigtou
County, Oregon, lit Ihe nntinier i-n-s, nli
el hy Ijiw ami the practice of IheaUiv
entitled tVurt. and tlmt Ihe proceeds he
anplteil tonanls tlte mIi-IsHiuii f the
amount due tint I'lalntitl as lu-reii Iwfore
set forth; and lor a Itecroeof aaid Court
forever barring and forei'lonliig and pre
eluding each ami all ol the almve named
defeiiJatila from every right, title and
iiiiere-11 of, In and lo all ur Ihe premise
above iles.-titwl and every 11 1 Slid r,-el
thereof, save only the statutory right of
redemption, and' lor the cwta' aim ills
biirscnienls ol this suit, and such other
and further ilix ree as uiav lie nectry
and pris-e In the piemsst.
This Suiumoio in sen ed tiin yon by
publication in Ibe ' M illiUirn Argus" pur
iianl to an onb-r mail by llotioralile I..
A. Hood, Countv Judgu of tV aldington
County, Oivgott, and tlaleil the toh ilav
of Novmnlier, ImM, which aaid older
prracrlluvi that the rlrst imhllcatlon there,
ol shall lie 011 Ihe 17th ility 01 Nove-t tier,
I'.Ut, and Ihe last pul llcallun thereof tin
the Mh day uf January, ItU'i, and that you
appear and answer said Complaint uu or
before the ,'ahuay of Jautiarv, pvjrt,
0K. It, II MILKY and II. T.UAttt KV,
Attorney for I'lalulitt.
f . . . ,
Notlo or I'lual Hettleutrnt.
Notice is hereby given tli,, th,, under
signsd adniini-falor or the Katate of
Moaea K. Illllatsiy, tleceasmt. has hied In
th County Court of the Male ol Oregon
for the County ( Wadilmtton, ,ls liual
account, and said Court has livtsl .Mon
day, the l.'th dav of leceutli.-r, p4 at IU
a. in., In the court room In II UUUiro, Or lime ami place for hearing
aaid llnal ercouiil.und lijettiiia loss me,
If any there he, and for Ihe final se
mailt of said estate,
XlosKS lill.LAHOY,
Atlmlnlslrator f the etale Moaea f.
IHHahoy, ib-eeaseil.
Dated this Till day of November. Nil,
W. D. Hare. Alloriiev for A,l,,,,i,,.,,.
tor. '
I First Quality Drug Store
We provulo for the jk'oj.Io wlu liavc lwtl ciiotiKo cx-wrii-nee
to Vww that inferior hkIs arc tlcar nt any
nrier; who have learned that & K'hhIs Iroiu a fnM
quality, trustworthy house are olwuys iheujicr
really ami nj-Rrcssivcly thcajHT t luy.
We-llavc Made a Reputation
l-or our inesiription woik, because we th the woik ex.
aetly s it sl.ouhl 1 done. We uiy tin one a dcii ent
ire to send us ptcsciiiuioiis, and, therefore, it pays
you to hriun such work t
J This is an inlvcrtiseiiieut, aud likewise it is a fai t.
in Si.s.'' " i l Vil'itif i lit nil li
I have in couuectioti with my new music btoie the
well known Columbia (irajihoiihoties, iu loth disc
and cylinder styles, ratiKiiiK iu price from f5-t to
$65. These machines are guaranteed and give
the Itcst of .satisfaction. I have the records for
sale at the following prices: 10 inch disc records,
t lo.ts) tier doen; cylinder records, tytki per don-11.
I will sell you these machines on the install
incut plan if desired. Give me a call.
The Argus-gives all Ihe new ..f! , I'lneliam, rd rsciflti l-nlvsr-
the counly. Otis .loll.r per ye.r. ! ;,,lr:, 'T !?rl. V"". cuTl ?'
"Tlte Curfew
Olinil ClKik Stove fur eat,.'
quire at tlm liaer nlwn. 0
Tuesilav evening.
liH" lieing the numlier.
Hev, Taltxit, wbo In.iflil
llassler plat's tin Ksat Msin el r ',
lis soltl Ihe iru.ertv at a haml-
anltiM liroAt mil svllt a mi leai tt
' hi oltl home in Oslshiima.
And buy a Christmas gift. He has the
finest line of Silverware, hollow and flat, in
this county; also a superb line of Cut Glass
He has presents for all, and his JEWELERY and
NOVELTIES excel all other stocks ever brought to town
We do not intend to be behind others.
We prefer to lead. This weeh our ex
tensive stock of Holiday Goods is be
ing' put on display. Our store is being
tastefully decorated by several extra
clerhs, and when Monday dawns you
will be surprised how beautiful a place
we have made it. p p
, xisajaaaaaSaajBalaBlaaaSaiMBwBiliBSaaBaaaH