The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 01, 1904, Image 4

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    XILLSSOnO ARGUS. DEC. t, 1904
! : I
l' IS
! i
"""" "T""T"TTT"f ? 1!"TTTTi"TT"""TTii
1 Hearts
I Courageous
Tb carl narrowed Uli eye.
"I have done your eicellenej'e bid
tain. Toy are not Mtixttri. Very good,
monsieur. W turn th page then.'
-nor aaid Kay. "TU not m dl moult
for notdViuan to ret money, eh. Mat
ter Clerk? What fine colonial bin have
you plucked now? 1' faith, a aloe swag
ter of a sudden! Marry! Art going t
wed with a plantation UtenT
. Lord Duuiuore auortetl and threw
klniaelf forward In his chair. '
'Xayr be thoute-d. "The bargain
end not here, my Illy Uvered poaeherf
Letters, haith. when there i open re
bellion? Small ueed 1 have for pea
work now! TU neck twlatlug I aw for,
and you aba II aid me with a bait foe
that atubbora rump Henry T'
Koy drew forward pen and paper.
Will you writer be asked.
"No," said Anna ml composedly.
Hta lordship's face, from livid, turned
a volcanic purple. I
-Your excellency " went on the young
man, "will recall my social position.
Spy? Betray? Surely not, mesaieurs!"
lie moved bla hand as though dismiss
ing an indiscreet pleasantry.
The earl bit off an oath with bead
thrust forward. Hla Jaw dropped like
a Uon lapping blood. !
Annand had risen. "I shall see you
tonight amid the ladies, monsieur?" ht
asked of Foy. "A very good night to
jour excellency."
"I shall be eager to carry out any
plana your excellency may be pleased
to favor." said Foy as the door closed. ;
The Apollo room that evening was a
blaze of splendor. It was tht but
dance of the old regime. AU knew tbt
nearness of the cloud. AU heard th
rumble of the ttonu. But courtesy in
Virginia waa as the grain In wood.
There it was nut until the last that
Tories had perforce to leave the colony:
when alt who were uot Tories turned
Democrats and went into the Revolu
tionary armies; wheu gentlemen took
the field and their ladies tolled at
home with lint or homespun. !
Now, though the bolt was speeding,
until it fell Tory and Whig met and
danced lu tavern and in hall Smile
and bow changed not a whit 8parkl
was over all. :
But it was only shell of gayety.
The core was a volcano. j
In the outer hall of the Raleigh, be
hind the shifting throng of gallants at
the door of the Apollo room, Jarrat
looked across a minuet and In glimpses
caught between the stately moving fig
ures he saw Anne. ,
Never had she seemed so beautiful,
her besd golden "jutted in the light, bet
long, friuging lashes shading the dusky
blue of her eyes She stood, full vein
ed, exultant, under the white candies,
her dress dove colored, flowered in
large trees, with cherry tinted stays
trimmed in blue and silver. On bet
hair, drawn high, sat a weblike cap-,
uchin. . j
Jarraf s face sprang acarlet-a hope-'
less, helpless rage of bitter longing.
With him It was moth and flame, and
the wing singeing had become a Joy
of torture. j
The Marquis de la Trouerie passed In-1
to the assembly. Gallants crowded to
greet him. Brooke fawned upon bis
band. He became a sun with s train
of lesser satellites. He moved leisurely .
through the tbroug, answering the'
shafts of the wits, bowing to plump
Mrs. Byrd among the dowagers, ap
proaching the end of the room, where
Auue, beide Colonel Tillotson's sol-j
dlerly black, held her constant court,
glided by the effulgence which the open
worship of the favorite of fashion had
thrown upon her. j
Very lovely she looked to Breckin-'
rldire Cary, Just arrived on a visit from
Lancaster. He watched her from where
he chatted with Byrd, whom be had
last seen In CoTent Garden shortly be
fore he left England for home. He had
known her from a child at Gladden
Hall. The old world, he thought, could
never have bred her; she was fruit of
, the new, of its Are and full blood, its
daring, its pride and prodigality, born
of its dewy valleys and its untouched,
cavernous forests, a thing that must
have withered in the heavy air of Lon
don! !
"Yonder comes our glass of fashion,
Mr. Cary," boasted Brooke, joining
them. "Ah, you can always tell your
real nobleman! What a waistcoat!"
be simpered,' ogling It rapturously.
"Demme if Master Coolbaugb shall not
cut me oue like it!"
Cary looked with a flash of recogni
tion that broadened into a stare of
amazement He saw a figure Incased
splendidly in satin, with rare point
dropping from the sleeves, Jewell
gleaming from the ruffles, a sword bill
on which blood rubies burned, a breast
sparkling with a bedlamoned order.
"The marquis Is late," Brooke added,
"The marquif ?" Cary's eyes opened
"That" aald Byrd, "is the Marquis
Ae la Trouerie."
Cary bent closer. There could be no
mistake. So mistake! And all Wil
liamsburg deceived! The circle ol
beaus parted, rolled back at the new
comer's approach, and Anne's face lift
ed Itself, startled and Joyful, a one
look wblcb told It all to Cary, flashlike.
Ob, the pity of it!
Jarrat in bla red coat saw, too, from
the ball saw ber smiling, but not to
bis words, glowing, but not for him,
and evil crept Into bis face till every
feature seemed a sin.
"Sweet Sir Lobster!" said a lacka
daisical voice behind blm. "Peaceful
as ever I see, and with uniform all un
sullied. I' faltb, I warrant no redskin
might outstrip you on the far Scioto."
"Not now, Master Freneau," said Jar
rat breathing heavily. "Not now! To
night I am occupied."
"Alas! Poor Scarlet! Is it not a
rare show May Us 'twill usplre mt
U aa ode. Shall I sing a Trouerie ca
parisoned for the lists of love? Seel
To be aaast at so la It not worth a
?Ttttf f tUtxtHIHf !!!!!!
oa the nther" smokiertug face. "Be
hold the dlscomtiUMl!" he went ou.
"Think you Misitvsa Tillotson baa
Ufclit for the spruce coxcombs with!
diamond shoe buckles and a macamou!
elbow for snuff taking? Nay. nay! Nor
for a king's spy with a rusted sword!"
Jarrat for once htid no retort The
outer door opened, and Foy aud three
sokltera la his majesty's uniform euter
ed. Foy carried a folded paper.
The four entered the Inuer door and
stepped ou to the crowded floor togvth
er. Freneau and Jarrat both pressed
after them, the former lu eager curt
naity and the latter to slip tuto the
Anne stood with the marquis, bet
Angers ou his arm, awaiting a minuet
The Addict were weaving the first
meshes of the tune. She felt his arm
suddenly tighten, his clasp ttke closet
"What la It r she asked. There was
a bustle at the lower end of the room.
He looked down at her. Something la
bis voice smote her. "Keiueiuber what
you said to me at Greenway Court-
what you said w heu we stood uudtt
the pines by Gladdeu Hall. If I should
come to be mean and low and dishon
orable before the world"
"Look!" she cried. They come this
way. What can they want?"
"Listen low before the world, but
still loving still loving you"
An indefinable tremor came to her.
The dancers were beginning to stop.
Colonel Tillotsou had turned his bead.
Foy, followed by the soldiers, bad
paused In front of them and was point
tug to Armand. "Take Mm!" said be.
The fiddles broke off with a screech.
The whole floor was stricken suddenly
hushed, suddenly motionless. Anns
could hear in Foy's throat his hoarse,
savage breathing as the soldiers step
ped forward. The assembly gasped,
Then instantly there waa an uproar.
"Stop!" they Insisted, A dozen dress
swords, among them Freueau's, came
out clicking. The ladles shrank, th
gentlemen came up furious, muttering
curses against the royal governor.
"What is the meaning of this out
rage, sir?" Colonel Tillotson Btood tall
aud threatening. "By what right lay
you hands upon the person of the mar
quis" " The marqulsr " said foy. "I want
do marquis. This Is uo wore marquis
than 1 am. I have here a warrant
sbjned by the royal governor of Vir
ginia for the seizure of the person ol
one Louis Aratand. calling himself th
Marquis de la Trotu-rie, swindler, im
postor aud eoiwpirer against the peace
of his majesty's colony. A tine sport
he has made of you, ladies aud gentle
men! WIU you come hence peaceably,"
to Armand, "or shall I have yov
The hearers wavered. Mrs. Byrd
had fixed her eyes ou Anne's face, aud
lu them was a tiny, feline glitter.
Anne's hands were clasped about At
niand's arm, aud a spot of ludignaul
red burned either cheek.
"Oh, infamous!" she said clearly.
"Tls a Her
"Sir," asked Colonel Tillolson of Ar
mand, bis tone halting, "will you an
swer this?"
The young Frenchman's eyes were on
Anne with a look ineffably tender,
struggling with a sudden anguished
shadow. White lines bad fallen around
his lips.
"Colonel Tillotson gentluen," said
Foy, "there is not a particle of doubt,
though the rascal bus been clevet
enough to deceive eveu his excellency.
Lack of proof baa prevented bis earlier,
exposure. This man crossed on th
same ship as the nobleman be repre
sents himself to be. The passengers of
the vessel knew blm lu his true char
" 'Twas the Two Slaters," Anne de
clared. Her eyes sought out Cary.
"Why why you were on that ship!
You left her In Hampton Roads. Voa
must know. Tell him he lies!" Hei
tone was certain and defiant
Cary's Hps twitched. He looked at
Armand, where be stood straight aud
quiet his eyes on Anne's, and be seem
ed again to see that lithe form hurling
itself against the brutal mute of tlrt
ship for the hurt of an outcast woman's
heart He struggled against a wish to
cry out that the matter was not bis
business aud fly. He dared not look at
Anne, knowing what he must see tbers
when be spoke.
"Mr. Cary was on the ship?" asked
Foy distinctly.
Anne drew a long breath, and a pal
lor suddenly struck ber face. But sh
bent forward and luid her hand on
Cary's arm.
"Answer!" the bade him. "Who 1
Cary raised his band. "He is a gen
tleman, aud he Is a brave man. Be
yond I ask uot!"
"Is be the Marquis de la Trouerie?"
Anne's voice was clear and dim.
"He was my friend!" cried Cary.
"Is he the Marquis de la Trouerie?"
Cary's look turned to her. He saw
the grayuess In her cheek and th
brave light in her eyes burned his heart
cold. He looked from side to side al
the sneering laugh of Foy, at the calm,
stern evenness of Colonel Tillotson, at
Anne's face, now grown deadly white.
"Is be the Marquis de la Trouerie?"
"Answer, my friend," said Annand.
Cary's voice was husky as be spoke.
"He Is the marquis' secretary," said he.
The men standing nearest drew away
from Armand at this. Anne bad givea
a flinching start as if smitten by tbt
flying terror of a bullet It seemed to
ber that present, future, dreams, real
ity, beuven, earth, eternity, were all
slipping away from her. Armand
touched ber band gently, bis face tora
with conflict
"Yon told oie If the man yon
loved" The words failed.
Sbe raised ber great eyes to his. 'Mrt
jran be Marquis de la Trouerie?"
"I am Louis Armand,
" he !UtM OM
wboee heart Is broken.
Anne- closed her eyes aud stood trem
bling, aitd lu that moment he tltvpix-d
Ills anus to his sides and to root to the '
tvalliinj soldiers.
"Take him away!" said Foy.
Seeing, Anne struggled plteotisly to
cak. She stood an Instant with both
hands stretched out after hl'.ifc then
he slipped hack into Colonel Tlllot
u's arms.
The dance was breaking up as tha
Jour oiened tor Armand and his
guard. across the quiet struck discord.
k far Italilde drew suddenly nearer.
There w as a lln and a scurry of cry
ing. Windows were o(eued.
"Haste!" fretted Foy. "To his ex
cellency with the prlsouer! Ciwiolly
has been seen. The alarm la out, and
Hie town will riser"
Gallants and dames Issulug luto the
strs-t In their ball Hnery, the hi dies'
routed cheek faded In the early light,
M' a horsenniu who rude by saw ling:
"The iMtwder! The powder!" he shout
ed. "Ouiuuorr's men have robbed the
huigaiiuc!" Aud with the hut th
great bell of the slce begau tolling
the suiiiinoin calling all soldiers of the
tins to assemble.
"The governor has come to his senses
at lust." Mr. Byrd said with satls
fact'.ou ms she came out to her cbulr.
"We shall presently see these precious
rebels acauirtng to their holes. You
must go. I suppose. Frauds?"
"Aye, mother," he auswered. his eyes
brlulil with Anne's puin, aud gave her
his check to kiss.
But he did not go to the palace. The
resignation of his comuilsslou weut to
the earl lustead. aud he himself hasten
ed to the narrow bouse lu I'uke of
Gloucester street Which bore the name
Albert! and the sign of the vlollu. It
was loug before be saw his mother
The volcano had burst. There la to
be small doubt from this time where
any Virginian stands. By noon the
bank of the James river at Burwell'a
ferry, where Ilea the man-o'-war Mag
dalen, whither Duumore'a crafty agent
Couolly has -marched his mariues with
the iKiwder raped from the Williams
burg magaslne, is black with threaten
ing men.
Steadily numbers swell the crowd
thut chokes Duke of Gloucester street
city councilors, some In furtive delight
at this loyal ruse, others stamplug an
grily, wilh powdered wias askew and
bunds seeking the hilts of their dress
swords: sober men mounting and dis
mounting horses; ladles, brilliant at
ever. In red heeled shoes aud clocked
stockings, eager, excited. Voluble, llcrv
Is all the aristocracy, the blue blood
of the valley planters; here are the
duller garbed burgesses of the inner
The mob surges up and dowu past a
square, prim house of glased brick
brojigbt as ballast lu the tobacco ships.
It is r routed by a little garden, through
which leads a path letweeu exact
flow er beds of white lupins, love-In a
mist and .Canterbury bells, and here lu
his chair "its old Baron Fairfax, lean
lug on his cane, listing to the tumult,
knowing it means anger against the
ruynl authority, but not bending his
stubborn loyalty enough to pass tw
yond the gate. He is all a-qulver with
rage at the seizure of the marquis.
Fools r he storms, grinding bis
teeth. "Idiots! I will to the governor
so soon aa this cursed uproar ceases.
The king shall near of it!"
lu his stronghold on Palace street
the royal governor sits glowering, lis
"Take him r
tenlng to, the hum. He has the powder,
Let the rebels rave. In the nlgbt he
has converted his palace into a fort.
Cannon look from the windows. Kowa
of muskets are lying on the floor to arm
the household.
The council, hurriedly summoned, is
met In the library a few smiling,
Colonel Byrd wavering, some indig
nant At the ludlgnaut ones the gov
ernor rages like a wild beast, vowing
that if violence be offered liiin by the
people be will proclaim freedom to the
Haves and lay Williamsburg in ashes.
The streets are In a boll. Betsy, who
has wept an hour for Anne's sake,
looks on from the Byrd porcb, while
ber mother, having heard of the defec
tion of Francis, watches red eyed be
hind ber bedroom curtains.
The crowd has centered opposite lu
the wide square at the foot of Palace
street There are cries: "The palacel"
"To the palace!" The mass moves rest
lessly as If meditating an attack.
Blower cnsnsel prevails. There la a
hubbub of talk.
(To be Continued.)
Trustee in Bankruptcy Geo K.
Bagley HaturJay told a lot ,of ac
counta against ri aidants of the Gat
ton taction, and in favor of the de
funct Gaston Co operative Milling
Company. Ihe account! amount
ed to several hundred doll art and
tbey told very cheap, some one get
ting; a $180 account for about tiz
bits. B, F, Purdf , formerly con
nected with the mill, waa down
and bought tome of the old claima.
of S'stlle, was tlie author uf an in
lerview in Sunday's Otvgonii.n,
trying t square him -elf with the
Oregon Condensed Milk Company,
of HiiUlmro, tv r the irouhh ht Im.l
cauted thrm. He says there 't, or
aa. nothing in the cream deleteri
ous to health Probably thai It,
000 reward ('fifd for ptoif of
alulleration h -d something to do
with the gentleman's backdown
Oliver double dine plow, i.t;
Rock Is ami gmg plows, Jto;
Sulkv pi we lt inch, H"; TiO-'ooib
IHjghurrov, tTioO; 11 in. auibble
plows, $11 ."0 A l other farm im
plcmen t l lowest prices Schul
merich Itroa.
Klitor H ign was down from For
est Grov, Sttunlay, an interested
pectai' r at the tfc.uit house, an I
he incidentally found out that thetr
it a diffen nee between favt an 1 lie
lion. It it said that had It g won
the case he woubl have toM The
Argut and Mr. Hagley lor publish
in the signed article calling the
forest Grove fditor a liar and a
few other uncomplimentary pel
Suiumerie gone can't you tell it
hy your ravenous appetite? Just
vi fiiiiiiia I'ciiuin iiki yon
will feel like a new nun, and nee I
no pepsin to hold your digestlm.
finest line of laplet in the city.
Farm of $! acts It utile from
Corn liut; little fsMlic to llillsboro;
50 actet cleared, ll of which i best
taverdam and twale; good six
-room fiame bouse, large barns; all
nere.siry buildings; orchard and
wries; uleniy ef water; C0 pel
sere. All kinds of land trad a ol
ll sizetjtown'propftrty in Cornelius
Hillsboro and Forest Grove; ruht
prictw.-R W. McNu t, Heal Kstsie
Cornelius, Ore
A ru'pripe was tet.dertl Mrs
LuoVni a Andeison, on Fourth
S.rett, Sunvliy, the guests being
e'a ive, as f illosr : Mr and
Mr Tho. Ghem and family;
Adolph 11 naik aud family; Geo.
Harrow and wife; James Jackson
i ml wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Steph
era and Mies Stephens.
A fine slock of standard razors
al The 1 Vila standard makes, and
at prices that are sellers.
Mist Lizzie Thomas, of i'ortlandi
and who has been' visiting with rt-l
ativts st l.turul, came in Saturday,
md departed for Halls, Texas, to
-pend the W inter with relutivet.
She will be met at lallas by her
brothe, John Thomas, who is with
the Collier people.
Gaston's wort, ruu by Alex
Axelrod, was demoralized lust Sat
urday night, and the battle ground
looked like one of the raptured
forts al I'ott Arthur wheu the in
vaders had spiked the last gun aud
he ivhitrt Hag ee run up Truly,
Gaeton is keeping up with the pro
cession. J. II J1 ilzherald, who wsa arrett
ed on a charge of larceny by bailee,
of products trout the Hcoggtu farm,
tear Helvetia, waived examination,
ii, d Justice lUgley bound him over
to appear before the Circuit Court
in the sum of 4'i(K).
John Schaer wtt down from
Mnjntaiudslrf Monday, and ssys
that the Fall rains and la k ol
i'rts sre making his potatoes grow
-ight along. There is no place like
Oregon, after all, with all its draw
backs. The L. Bailey warehouse at Cor
nelius, baa ten letted to K. O.
Kdson, ot the Diiry Creek mills.
Wm. Boyd, of Forest Grove, vie
ited with his dieter, Mrs. 11 Cave,
the first of the week.
II rn, to Mr. and Mrt. Kd.
Schaler, of North Hillsboro, Nov.
26, 11)04, a daughter.
The undersigned hat a number of
yearling and epring thoroughbred
Cottwold bnnki for tale, at a rea
sonable figure.
Jim. Cawukk,
Five miles N. W. Hillsboro. I.
0. addreet, Hilluloro, Ore.
In rrrbr to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter
trip to V4uitiR Bar, the Southern
Pacific Co. will eel I, on Wednes
days and Saturdays of each week,
until March SI, HKJ5, round trip
ticket, at low rates, to Yaquina
snd return, limited to sixty days
from date of tale. ThoHe who de
ire to take advantage of thit rale
-hould apply to nearest Southern
I'd ei Pic agent fot tickets.
Oregon City
Foreet Grove
Tha undesigned will exchange for
Washington county land, lCOaoret,
10 cleared, bouse and barn, several
hundred dollars worth ot chittim
bark on tame; will make ideal
stock ranch; 7 milet from Tilla
mook; 7 miles from Bay City. Al
to 22 acres at Bay City, Tillamook
county; 20 acres of thit is cleared;
flue buildings; ood for block and
dairy; close to creamery, Or, will
tell both propertiee for part cash;
eaty payment, the balance, Helle-
Here We Are
With a full
line from u
lino of overylliinK
ClitM's RiK-kor to
Carpets. j "
Linoleum a B jA , ii
In fact everything foiuul in a first-class, up to date
I'm nit lire Store. Call ami see our stock.
W. O. Donelson
Undertaking a Specialty
NY. B. fata
Dealers iu Fresh and Cured Meats of all
Fish and Poultry. Yegctahles in season,
prices consistent with Good Husiiiess
Will handle Faun Produce.
Hop supplies a specialty.
Mttin Street, last of liery,
The Journal will sm l free to any
render of lint tuner a citbinet of
needli'H nil hiiet and kinde, who re
mitt V) rents for
the lily and'H.T. InwHr.
Sundiiy Jourrml
I.- .i
iir nun nioiiin, or
the KundHy Jonnml fir four t:iontli'
or the Sttnt-U eeklv Journal for
live tnnnihe, or'the Weekly Joiirital
for nix mnnlliH Addrrat The
Journal, I'ortlitnd, Oregon,
Miea Weet of I'ortUnJ, wtt Ihe
gueet of Mitt Helen (taint, Sunday.
Mist Ivy log am and Mitt Maud
(iilwoo, of 1'orlUnd, vititrd with
Mrt. Ciirrie Irrland, Httndty.
A delieate teifuineis the mark
of good breeding buy llibbert't
odors, at The Ilelta Drug Store.
I'Mwtrd I! I'od but been ap
pointed regular carrier on Itoutn
r , , ,. , ., . , !
rural delivery, out of this eity, !
wilh S .1 Talbot, substitute. 1'oolei
it now carryhg the mail, and
had Ibu riiulo eiue it aturled.
The nleitaint full hot Ml
with a Hurnlim of IndieM' akirle ' '" 'lV I'1 'v nainnl -,iiniiil
w in a surplus in mutes tttrie,, ,, n,n hIh.v nam,! Ilur..iliilH, Or
whieh we sre tellmir at creatly r'- imniM j foiiuw, to-wit:
dttced prices Km h one nf lht-s
earments is a beauty -and here is
the chance fur you to iet a bargain.
II. Wehrung V Sons,
Guardian' Sale ol Real Property
Notit-e H liTfliy u' "!. Hist tin- niiilr
IkiiikI Ouitriliaii of the t-nluf Klu
bath Ht tiuiiilt, hii liiiiiiH (H'tHon, w ill, hy
virtnt) of an orilt-c. snil lu eiiHtt mailt' ami
nOTi-ii liy iIih ( (innly t'oiut of IIki Mtntt'
of Orntron, lor Wit-liiiiitoii County, on
tba Will iltty o' H'-itfii)lr l'H, ll at
(Mililii: aiK tlon U tttct li!(ihi-l hlililttr for
imIi,iiii Huliiilay.t'ii' tilth dnv of liwi-nilifr, I tie ton t It iloorof lint Court Hunan,
in IlilUlHiro, WiiNhiiiKluii I'niinty, Orn
gun, ul the hour ul In o'rlurk a. in., of
aald day, thti following ilntirll.i-il ral
riropi-rty lylnif, lit-in;; mnl nIIii tti In
VVftaliiiiKtoii t'uiiiity, Orfon, antl tin
wrint'il aa lollowa, Iti-wit :
('oiiiiin-ni'iUK hI a point In Him i miiIit of
tha Lou n' j' Itoao i iiiiiiIuk from tlio l'nrl
lunil hihI llarri llrlilira Koail Hiiiilh
through Hie Donution I.iiiiiI tlaliu ol
jHtiif H. KbIiI, In Mw:tion NinntHOii T. I
H, It. 1 W., in Wa.ihiiiKtoii I'minty. Oi.
Hon ; 40.21 roilH nurili of tlitt South ilnn of
aiiiil Clitiin; HiiMinn riiiiulni; Went it in T 1 1 I
with the Hnu III llntttif Haiti Cliilm IZMH
rrala; llit'iii-H Nnrihcily -tft.vil roila; llivtioa
Kaat parallel with tha .South Hum f aald
claim 70 lis roil to tlit'i'autt'rol rnilil Comi
ty Koail: lliuui'tt HiKith fit! lowing lliot'Hii
ttirof auiil Koail 4H.2I roda to plai a nf iie
glmii'ift, iviutaiiiliiK lit) (12 hhhm,
Hnid sain will he Hiilijwt to coiifiiiiialiun
by the County Court of WanliiiiKlon
County, Orcsoti,
Uausl Hti NovfinhtT 3, M4,
fllianliaii of lh ptra;li and catale of
Elizabeth Hchmidt. mi intiiim ptiraon.
W. 1. Hare and tlfti, It. HiikIi-.v, Attor
neys fur tlimnllitn,
Edelwoiss Herb Tea
Nature's Own Remedy
Indigestion, Liver uuil Kidtit-y Trouble,
etc., canaed my coniplete breakdown nix
years ao. Ail nirdical aid laileil, slid
alter iierouiiiitf courpk-triy
from the waitt down, I wan givt-n up aa
incurable, l.uat January my attention
waa called, to thi Tea. Today, alter 9
months' treatment, I am Hip mrprise of
1'rlendn and N L-i)hlHr. Providence hint
bletaetl tltia ainiple l-eutedy lo me; it will
also benefit you. Try it! I'rice, fio crnl
per packaKC, prepaid. Circulars and in
formation inn.
John P. Graf, Ht?lliany, Washington
County, Oregon.
Portland, Ofmaan
H. r. O. Mm. 9
in the furniture
HeilriHtm Suites.
( . 1 . 1 .le
Hillsboro, Or.
IN TIIK I'IKt TIT Cot'ltr op
STATU OK oltKiloS, KhK
, t.u,, i...
tin, mul TIkh'hiw nh.'viin, ut
InialMiiil, Aium K.Jiiiii Hint
Itli'lmril It. luiRlmiut.
'rtiimiaa K bhikuI y , Martin
Kcinmly, tlrai Ijihkiiii, mi.l
Iawwiii, ln-r ImikImiiiI, NhIIId
.UllOim,!!, ami i. H, Jinlfviii,
lirr IiiioIwiiM, VYlllUm Hull,
lull ii Hull, Antlrrw Hall, Mr
iiurt Hull, Mwliu IUI n,
KU Hall, inlliiiln, lIYlllil.
To Anns K. J.uif, Ul. ImrJ It, Joiim,
Tlmiuivi, SUrtln Hull, J..ui
1111 mill VYllluiii Hall, li,r ln l,u
iiHinnl ilri-iiiHia-
lu tliM iimim of tha Htm of Orvnu:
Ymi mill nut-it ur ymi mn lirmliv t-oin
inmiili-d mul ri-i.ilr.l lu lw mnl iM-nr In
lli Circuit 'iiiriif Ilia HUlrnf On-Kmi,
lur WahiiiKliiii t'.mnly, un ur Ix-roru tin
x -1 1 n 1 1, . r all rk Irmi) tliu ilnta i.l
thellrxt n til lial urn nf iln .Sninni,m,
' '. ' X, ''
i"" the V4III clny nf Movniiilwr, l' K, urn
n,.r ti... CumpiRint ,,f Dm i'tiitirt
'"'rl' tS"'1"- .n,n,lif y.m Ul)
; ... t . " , Nimn THIM :itllIINin!, Hum tln'rtnif tha I'luoulil will a j t v
; to tha t'lini-t lor tli rohrf iiraywl fur mul
! .u...H.t.M.l la. l.iM , Iu...t ... I. -
! ....xm,,.,.-,, ini'iHiiit, nw it, ior n
liw rn-ol wtlil t'Mirt thai tlia Imiil timiail
! , ",;7,,,,t; b"",l " l Waahimr
Ion t ouiilr, orison, tu-wtt: A lairilmi ul
Ill, A. , Mill, ,1, ,, l HI , Bji
W. Will. Mtir,: l.t-KllllilliK at Hi uioki
WtMtfily SoutliHt t-nriirr of tha laml
(Ifatltxl tit Ittirnartl U-ia, hy limit rwonlwi
on imttf 'M7'' of I ihiIc ' " nf tha ItaoonU
of llnmla for WanhliiKtiiu Comity, Orfiron
anil riiiinliiK thfiiitt Noiillitmatfrly aioiiK
Ilia H iinlinral Unit nf auiil laml of aa,j
llariutril I .pi. In tha rt'iilrr of Hit, lil
I'utiyon Koail; t limit- Hoiithwi-atail
nlonu Hit- Cfiiler ol HHt.l ol.l Canyon Koatl
tn the Wfat, linn nf tha Ininl orislnally
ottlllHl ,y Mlfhacl Kl.llliwly; allflicct
Niirlhfrl V hIoiik nan Wl linn to tlio
iilai-n of Im-kIuiiiiih. voiilaiuliiK I.', arrm
lfiiicrea, inora or U-aa," lat tmlil hy h Ht-fti
ii' to lie spiHiliiltttl hy tha Court fur Ih n
urn pout', anil that th nu:wil of t,,lr,
aula of auwl prpiiiiafa, altt-r tht- iiayumut
of roalij ami ilinltiirannu-iila of anil ami
voHlH anil cxpoum-a or aula, b prliliuu,
anil iliHlribuiatl litwcmi lliaabova nmnail
I'lalntlir iinl ilia aUivu naniail w
ftfiuliiiilu nfforilliuj to their n-HiiiaHvi
iiitttrf ntn to aniil rral imiu-rty u ,,
in tha Complaint, anil fur aui'h othnr iiml
iiiruifr raiifi aa may la- liact-naary ami
I ""V' '" premUna,
Thin Hmiiimnn 11 Mtrvnil lllliall Uilll t.ii
tiublicatitiii lu the ti illatKirti Artrtia li
order of llonombltt a, Itooit, Comity
Jin ho of WaMliiiiKhiii Coiintv, Ort'm.ii,
wlilt-li Maul onlttr waa matin and dated tin
the l.'lth day of Molr, M, and rtHnilr.
inuytm to appear and ttimwtir on or l,..f,,if
the wih tiny of Novninher. IIM, ami ihe
Uatfof Ilia liritt puliliriitiuii of HiIhNiiiii
mtiiis Ih Oi'ltibitr 1H Unit,
Atturimy fur pialntill',
Notice to the Public
VyU.",i "'"'"MlKHB'1. resldliiK atiiilhnaal
ot llillaboro, Blvi. iio'ti. that Ha will prim.
tinnfmnitiiiK, nmiiinK, running of
, 1 .mi iiunt-a, Dwneti or ntiilnd
by any ol the iindoraiKMad. In thn full ,,.
taut of tht; law. Hmileia will ,,hM take
,1. H. foi-Hiinif
filial. Mnynrs
O. . Iiuiialaoii
John II, llritlifl
J. K, I' Itrown
l''rml Koud
It. I1. Ciuriari
A W. Donabon
K. M. KoIhhv '
J. H. Nleinka
C, h. (Jrmrker
Administratrix'! Notice,
Notlf In liarehy Kv0ll that 1,'lhe umlnr.
" ItUHtl, have duly ummlnleit bv L
oonniy i;, t ,,f ibeNiHtn f or(JK, r
Vy.ialiln,;ioM County, A.lii.lriWiairU of
tb eHtHlo of (!, M, Johnsttn, dncaaed
and thuH have duly tualllled aa amdi a,.
'"iiillratrix. All pttraoua having nlalniH
..rn ,.,, rH iitAit-ny iii,ii,., ,.H.
sunt be hiii to me, with pmiier vutinli-
Hillalairn n f N' "tvn, i
Hills ro, Ore., within six inuiillia fr!im
Iati UrUuerlf7, ltnTvf.
, 1 ... , , LiJOINlM JOHNSON,
Administratrix ot the eatal of 0, M
ll.ts ojH'iiotl fir htisiiicv,
tn Scioiiil street, 2 iltmis
south tif the ralniittecr
Telephone Central, whew
ytui eau et a nice, elean,
whulesniiie meal fur
Our Short Ouler l'aie is
complete, mid we have all
that the maiket alfonls.
Private rooms for fami
lies, or for holies.
Every Delicacy
in Season
(Jive us a call. Sunday
dinners a sjeiialiy.
Stvciul line totmis
tiitusiciits. lto.inl ly
or week.
Seioml St., IlilUhttt u. Otn
Shorj Line
Ana Union Pacific
rltOM I'OltTI.ANO.
Tin utiu It I'ullitiaa landaij aud lotiilit
lrrtiiDt cur dally In I'malia, I tn-k"
SKkane; tt.utut alerpliiK tar tlaily lit
Kauaaa City, Hi rough I'ullltiau tunti t
IrepiiiK car (prituually loinlu. l.-.h
wrekly to lliltano, Kanaa til)-, ir
i'liniiii chan car rala trrt) to ll.c
Kaat dailv.
.Jl t. x.
K I prnw
s:ia r. m.
St. Paul
!: r. M.
.Hall Ukn, Iiniiver,
I t. W11III1, tuitalia,
Kaitoaa lily, M
Uuita, I'ltlt aau and
Salt take, IVnvrr,
Kl. Wittili, Omaha,
Kaiuuia City, ei
litil", I'blruiru ami
Walla Walla, Unit
tou,SMikaue.W allatti
I'ulliuaii, Ml 11 u ,
nlln, HI, I'aul, I'M
lot!,, alilwmikiit-,
I IiI.'uko anil Kail
I T0 t H.
rHuu eoMii.vNO
Mtnaniahip bt-lwrrn l'ttrtlaml ami Hun
I'laiifiat'o nwiy nvadaya,
Ittyer luiala mi Ihn loiter Culumhi mid
W illamalU! dully a(i-ep hniiday.
To ami from all.Mtiiila In Hie Kut.
Tli'kl via tlil run it. un ale al all dfiil
olltt-n ol II. t. Mniith-rii I'aiilim Co,
A. L. CUAK1,
( inner al I'stsener Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Adaiiniatratrix Notice,
Nnllca I hernliv slven, that Hi ninlitr
msnt'tl haa limn by Ihn Coiiniy Cuurtot
the Mlataol OreKon fur V1nh1nut.u1 Cnuii
I, duly a..utuiml AdmlnUli mrU of Ilia
Knoll nf 1J011 I'slry, tlivaawtd, ami ha
duly . na mn li
Now llinrnliire. nil prrtona ImviiiR
flauiij aiiHimtt aald Kmalti are lurehv re
quired lu priivenl Hie 4iitn to Hut uinlur -ikhetlBt
llm lnt tilllif t.r lino, It. IhiK
I'y in llillilioni, Or)(u, tni:i.llii-r vmiii
(iriiir voiinhi'ra, nllliln at lilha fiuni
the tint,,,
Diittnl (hi yfiili tlay of Nov., Il't.
.Vt A It 'I'll A I'AHI.KV.
Adiniiilalialrlx nl the Klale ul tun,
l'iilt.y, lli.-eail.
Hfo. It. Itagloy, Attorm y fur A. Inn.
Adtniniatrator't Notice.
Notice ia harehjr vivau Hint Hit miliar
xiiiii.d bai 1 11 11 apiioliilnil admlnlHtruinr
nl Ilia Dttaluol Haiiliali IIiiiikIi, tlft-eai-eil,
by Ilia ('omily Cuuit of llm SVile nf Oim
Son for the County of W'sMhluplun, and
that h hai it hiii-Ii, Now Ibeiit
font, all piuaous' IiiivIiik I'lnliua ununi'it
Ilia hunt i.'i,ii. urn hfiohy liulllit'd In
lrt-Mtntt, llieni tu nut, w ith 'proptt' vuin li
fra atliu tind, at thn law iillli'aof .I1.I111 M.
Wall, in HillNli.irn, Ori'Kuu, nllhlti ti"
uioiillia from ilnta hero.. I.
Palml at lllllalioin, ma , thin iifilh d.ty
(if Oi tnbi'r,
,T. A. K 1 1! K WOO 1 1,
Adiniiiiiiiiiliii' f tin Khihiu uHlniu'iili
lloueli, iNtfmiaed, Juliii M, Willi. Attor
ney lor AdininlHlralur,
Adiiiluiatrator'a Notice.
Null l:i luireliy lveil Hist I lis nndiu-
"IK I Inia bueu by Ilia County Court nf
Him HIbIh of Orison, fur llm' Cuiinlv nl
WsaliniMlim, duly uppulntt'tl sdtuliilalia
tor ol tha thn iihI.iImi.i CvuHiln A. Ilium., and llmi In, biia duly iUulllli'.l
aa aimli. Now, Hii'ialurt', all piirnnna lut
inn i iuliiiH axnliiitt auiil tiHtnlii urn hnn'hy
tiulilled to pivHtml tl lu nie, with prop
er vuiii'liniH Htlai'lii'd, hi. tli liov oltli aof
II. T. Untilcy, ill HllUlmrii, OreRiiu, wlH'
I11 six uioiillii Ironi ilulu
Ihitwl at Hillahoro, thin Oi-tnber t:, l!"1'.
. , , , . K. ItY.lN, , ,
AduiiiilHtiulor nT Hiu MnIuIh of ( yiillHH
A, hurriH, iltji'MiKi'il,
11. T. HitKley, Atturnny for AdinlnWli'
Thn Argut (lives all jtTie" newt of
hn ennntv Ons dollar HPf vetr.r