The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 24, 1904, Image 2

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    HIUSBORO ARUU3, NOV. 54, 1904
Kntered at tha Poet-oMr at Itilbbom,
Orjton, aa oond-c lass mail mailer.
LI) CI U 8 A. MNG, Kdlto.
Giunty OfTicial Paper
Kutaaortplion: One Dollar r Ahiiuiii.
M r Months, cU. ; Thre Months, 3,1 ot v
etl Ktery Thursday
Imi'i it funny to bear newspaper
that eell for 91 per year try to grow
funny about Gov. Douglas, cf Man
.ihuselii, fr-iting ihoea at 1i per
psir? Somehow tha attempt al
waya mat one think oi a watp
rith hit back broken, wheeling in
a circle.
Tbis rounty thould have a tre
mendcua growth during the next
five years, fur the trend of iratnigra
lion ie routing to Oregon. Wash
ingtnn county affords the beet field
in the northwest, for its cloeeneee
to a city of 150,000 makes a splen
did market for product a market
that eah year will be greater. We
have the soil ; we have the market
we have the climate and all that:
are of value as inducements for pro
pie to settle. With its two big
condensers, the dairy business
gaining ground, and a dairy
tion is always prosperous.
The merchants herewith named
have decided to close the contest for
the premium of a caeh gift, on Deo
ember 25, and the winner of the
voting conteet will receive 100
goia coin jnie win mate a very
acceptable Christmas present. The
following firms issue coupon:
W. O Donelton, Furniture dealer
and nndertaker, wall paper, etc,
John Dennis, groceries, boots
and shoes.
Bailey's Pharmacy, Drugs, Chem
icals, Sundries.
R. H. Greer, Groceries, Crockery,
Palinateer'a ConfcctVy, Oysters
Cigars, Tobacco
The Argus, Best Newspaper in
Cate A Son. Finest appointed
Butcher Shop to City.
F. El. Dailey, Bicycles, Musical
Second Street Harness Shop,
HirnefB and Leather Findings.
Tbe vote for the candidates:
Stella Boseow 50-H
Susie McKinney 3434
Airs Claude Greear 24S1
Lura Waggener 1518
Arab Hoyt 978
Gertrude Kendall 510
Mrs. John Bailey 34
Jennie Thome 5
Mrs E. K. Schmeltzer 4
Ada Galloway 28
Mre. Mercy Wheeler 5
wiliua Waggener ,. 9
E'lnalmbrie 312
Annie Hall
Jsora Miller , ,
Mrs Addie Mays
Padie Johnson
Carrie Smith....
Lucy Divie..
Mrs Woodbury....
liirdie Wirtz 2
Bertha Fowles 4
Klsie Miller.... ....... 6
Annie Maxwell 4
Annie Murphy...... .... i 4
Celia Schwander 4
Echo Hollenbeck 7
KuTiy Hollenbeck 3
Ieona Hollenbeck 3
Elsie Hollenhrck.. 6
June White...- 2
Paulina Jooa.... , 3
G A Grre to Fred W Scham-
burg, 8 acres near Tuelatin..fitf00
C irl Peler.on lo Win Loach,
SO a sec 13 t 1 n r 5 w... 900
Urite Wilson to Jos E Hill,
IfiO a sec 21 t3n r5w 1
J E Morback to Geo Bchneller,
2 lota in Sherwood 800
Louis Burkhardt to Mary
WheW.9aseol7tl nr4w WW
Antonia Hack to Ed ward Haek.
78 59aeol7 t 1 r3 w 2500
Bellineher & Large to L J Carl,
t in blk 6, Forest Grove 1500
Martha Higgins toC O Henry.
tract in t 1 1 r 4 w. .3500
Ella Benefi 1 to Albert Knfr,
20 seres near Manning..! 400
Geo Chipman to Jno C Pid-
cock, part of Wm Geiger d 1 c2900
Aug K reuse lo Geo Chapman,
same aa above 1250
Sophia , Freudenthal to Geo
Chapman, HO acres sec 13 t
lnr5 w... 600
Oliver F Huasey to C J and L
8 BirdVll, 170.07 acres tract
1 nr4 at.,. ....7000
Mary E Hatch to R M Dooley,
tract in blk 27, Cornliui. ..400
Frank McGinni lo R M Doo- !
ley, t in b k 27, Cornelius.. ..1800
Tilla Millar to H W Thompsnn,
tract in blk 12. Hyde Park..
J G Woodard toJnoConzlemsn,
60 sec 24 1 2 r 2 w...
after the gentleman. There are a
greet many things about the ne
paper business that our brother
doesn't understand, but if he Mull
live long enough he may come out
all right. t.o It. Bagley and K.
B. Tongue will appear for Attorney
'Keep "off
see dot sbjnr
Jee (rant Pon't yon
The CM H- T- Baglev.vs
Waller Hogt, editor of tbe Forest
Grove Timet, will oome up in the
eooniy onirt Saturday, and tbe
C;it to xpcetd t wai warm.
Ust -published matter which was
A big anowlall ia reported all
over Kngland, Scotland ami Wales.
Contracts for building the state
portage road will be let withiu
few days.
Hon. Tilinon Ford, republican
presidential rector, four years ag ,
broke bis leg, near Salem, the other
Hatriman, the railroad king,
has ordered 100 new locomotives.
Part of these will he brought to
the Oregon lines.
The Albany city council will
take advantage of the cloee vote n
prohibition, and k the fa loon
men to pay higher license.
Die Columbia river'now baa 24
feet of water on the bar. at low we
ter. We've known schooners to go
over bare that had no water at ail.
A New York man was lollowed
by hie wife clear across the conti
nent. She caught him in Port
land, Monday, and had bitu arrest
ed. Goodwin was with another
woman when the arrest was made.
Henry Weinhard's executors have
cancelled two mortgagee, against
property owned by former em
uloveed, and whose widows no re
side on the pietnitee. His will
gives Urge sums to all charitabl-
institutions in the city of Portland.
The committee to investigate the
tanner Crvek sewer repairs has re
ported that City Eoginetr Elliott
was guilty of neglect ui not having
the work properly done, according
to plans and specifications, and art
rices that be be dismissed from of
This morning's market reports,
compiled from Portland quotations,
Valley Wheat, export value, 874
Barley feed, 22: rolled, $23 50
and 124 50.
Oats, White, $1.30 and $1 321.
Oats, Gray, $135 and $1.40.
Bran, $19 per ton.
Hay, Timothy, $14 and lit'..
Hay, Clover, $11 and $12.
Potatoea. Fancy, $ .75 and $0 85.
Onion?, perewt., $1 75 and $1.85.
Eggs, Oregon ranch, 30 and 31 J.
Butter, Extra Creamery, $ 30
Butter, store, ranch, 12 and 14.
Der German Cobbler
Mr. VofUtyeia Dross la to aVaJsJs
.Mur. of His Wets
ICR wider day, vben I vbaa flx-
ir.$ oop der beels of some
shoes (or an undertaker, so
ilt be can vhalk. nilt alow
und solccn steps, Mr. Vogleateln
comes ia and slU down uud don't say
Bottinir. I don't aay nottlugg, too,
nod tt vLa ten minutes pvfore be
calia out:
Hans, vbas I sonie boraea or oxen.
cot you don't a puke to uief
"But you don't spoke to me," I gays.
"Dot vbaa deeferent 1 vbas abutted
all der time. It vbas so dot I can't
rbalk around uiltout aomeody comes
aome tricks on me. lo you kuow vbat
tutppeaed to me yesterday?"
1 can't tell, onleas you run oafer a
street car."
Vbell, I waits on der corner to see
Mr. Klelnfeldt about aome cabbaves.
J Q (
- - '
nor sioa r
Vhile I waits I lean oop against der
wall. By und by a policeman come
along und yells at me:
" 'Don't you see dot sign of paint ood
1 do,' I says.
Den bow vbas you soocb a fool
ub to lean oop against der walir Your
back vbas all oafer paint. If you can't
read you oogbt to smell.'
'But see bere,' I says to dot police
man, 'gife a man a cbance. Dot sign
says paint Vbas it green, white or
black paint? Ybas it paint on der wall
or on der roof? If it vbas paint on der
wall den dot man should put oop a
sign dot tells me so. I shall sue bim
for 10 damages to my coat'
"Dot officer looks at me two min
utes," says Mr. Vogelsteln, "und den
be says I should go home uud sand
paper my bead. How vbas it Hans?
Why should I rub my balr off mit
sandpaper? Does dot take der pajnt
off my coat? Speak oop und tell me,
und don't sit bere like some cabbage
"I can't tell bow he vbas," I says.
"Vbell, you vbas aome shaekass, I
guess. Two days ago I take a walk
la der park to smoke my pipe und
think. I walk vhere I please, nnd
Dooty soon a policeman comes along
" 'But I don't be on der grass,' I
sayt, 'I vbas on der soow.' ;
'' 'Vbell. keep off der snow. '
" 'But vtaer vbas der alguf j
" 'It vbaa here.' he sara, und he :
takes me py der collar mid throws me 1
ten feet avhay uud says I don't know ;
ash uioocb ab a goat Vhas dot right
linns? Vhas dot good society to fling
me around like dot? If I don't see no
sign of 'Keep Off der Snow' rau't I
vhalk on htm? By duader. I vbas
mad, und if you dou't answer tue
queek I aball smash out der windows
of dla abopr
"Why you Vhalk in dot parkr I
'Tecause I like to smoke und think." ,
"Vby dou't you sit ou der fence?", !
IVcauae t won't do It." !
"Den I dou't aay nottlugs uud get '
myself tu aome lawsuit." I
Mr. Vogleateln keeie quiet for flfv
minutes vblle be shakes his head uud
scowls at der wall, und den be says: i
"Maype I sua a niau for $30,000 dam-1
ages. I vbaa going oop Ureeu aveuue
der odder day vben 1 couiee to an auc
tion place. 1 drop In to sea bow ab
vbas, uud dot auctioneer vbaa holding
oop a gold watch to sell. I dou't kuow
him. but I guea be knows me. for he
node bis bead to me uud says ten dol
lar. I nod my bead to bun, und h
says It vbas 'leveu dollar. He nods
uud 1 nod, und so It goea fur Ufa tutu
utes, und den be says dot watch vha
sold to me for nineteen dollar. I aaya
It can't be, und be says It can. uud
Anally he telle a man to put tue out
und keep me arbay. All der eople
laugh uud clap der hands, und 1 vbas
so ashamed ash neffer vbaa. Hans,
can't I sue dot man? Can't 1 make
bim pay big damages? If he dou't
kuow me should be uod bis bead to me?
Speak oop und teU me dot before I do
some damages."
"Vou don't know some beans," I
"Tou vbaa a Bar!"
We don't epeek again for a long rime.
It I look at Mr. Voglesteln bis balr
stand oop; If be looks at me 1 vbaa reO
In der face. Hs gets tired out py uud
py und says:
"Py golty. but I pellef I shall baf a
barber arrested. I vbaa golua alone
der street und I see a sign on a bar
ber sbop dot reads, 'Shave For 5 Cents.
Dot looks like some bargains, und I go
la uud sit down on der cbalr. Dot bar
ber shares my chin und puts avhay bis
razor und says be vhas done.
How vbaa it? I says.
It vbas all serene,' be aaya.
'But you only shave my cbla.'
"Of course. Dot vhaa enough for
Ufa cent
Do you see how she vbaa, Hans)
It vhaa shave for life cent She don't
say now mooch share or bow little.
und I baf to pay dot feller 10 cant
more pefore be rhill shave my cheeks, j
Duuder und blltsen, but do you pellef
I vbill stand dot? Dou't you pellef 1
vhlll go to ash many ash six courts to
get justice? Dot vhaa conspiracy, und
dot barber can be sent to jail tor Ate
years. What you thluk, eh?"
"Maype you vbas drunk." I says.
"L'nd maype you vhas a fooL"
We don't speak agalu, like It vbas
pefore, uud I pellef Mr. Voglesteln vbill
get discouraged uud go out It vbaa
not so, boweffer. Hs raits a loug time
uud den says:
"One day last week I vhas Talking
out und I see a stuffed bear in der
vlndow of a store. I goes In uud saya
to der man:
" 'How uioocb vbas It for a cord of
" 'Vbat you mean?' be aaya
I like to buy a cord of wood.'
"'Den you must go py some wood-
" 'But I pellef dla vbaa aome wood
yard.' "'How you pellef dot? Can't you
see a bear in der vlndow, und v hasn't
a bear der sign of a fur store?'
"'Maype be vbas, but ash a bear
lives In der woods be vbas also der
sign of some woodyards.'
"Den dot man calls ine a fool, und
says I shall go borne und soak my bead
nnd drink catnip tea, uud vben I don't
mofe along ash gueek asb be wants be
grabs me py der back nnd runs me out
of bis place. Hans, don't 1 be right
about der bear?"
"I can't tell."
"If you see a bear don't you think of
"I neffer see no bears."
"Vby should 1 soak my bead?'
"I dunno."
"Vby should I drink catnip tea?
"I gif It oop."
"Hans," be says asb be stands oop,
"vbas you der biggest d under beaded
Dvotcbnians In all America?"
"1 pelief I vhas," I says.
"Den I shall go borne, und you caa
go py Texas uud Halifax P
ftT'Of Interest to You
The days are passing fast, and soon the Holidays
will W upon us with their perplexities r.f httying
gifts. We arc putting iu a large stock of goods
to make buying easier for the attending purchaser
at these titties. Retnemlier us when you buy your
gifts. Our large sunk will assist you in selections.
Yours for Business,
5e L. M. Hoyt Co.
Main Street. - - Hillsboro. Orrgon
I cau Help You. Having graduated from two of
the best optical schools iu America, I am iu a pv
sitiou to treat your eyes scientifically and thor
oughly. It costs uothing for the exaiuiuatn.n,
and you'll see like a boy ouce more.
Call at my Jewcleiy Store and see me.
My Specialties Are
Scientific Optical Work
Expert Watch Repairing and
Right Prices.
I cau make anythiug that has wheels ruti.
Main Street, - Hillsboro
First Quality Drug Store
We provide for llie jK-ople who have had enough e.
perienoe to know that infeiior goods me dear at any
price; who have learned that p! goods front a litst
quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper
really and aggressively cheaper to buy.
Wo Have Made ii Reputation
Tor our prescription work, tacausc wc do Ihe woik ex
actly as it should U done. Wo pay m one a pcuvitt
age to send us prescriptions, und, therefore, it p,ij;,
you to bring such work to
rhis is an advertisement, ami likewise it is a f.ut
I have in cotiuecliou with my new music More the
well kuow ti Columbia (iraphuphoucs, in disc
and' cylinder styles, tanging iu price from f 5.11 to
$05. These machines ate guaranteed and give
the lest of satisfaction. 1 have the recoids for
sale at the following prices: 10 inch disc recoids,
Jfio.tio jH-rdocn; cylinder records, $t,oo jier dotu.
I will sell you these m.uliiiu-s 011 the install,
incut plan if desired, (live tnc a call.
F. M. Heidel's Specials
.10 acres, 4 miles from Ilillsttoro, 14
acres in cultivation; lo acres good pole
oak Umber; cheap improvements, wen
located on good road, F. R. O. Price,
22 aerea, 4 'A miles from Hillsboro, lo
acres in cultivation; all smooth land;
on good road, R, F. D. Nice little
boiue cheap.
50 acres, J'A miles from Hillsboro; 30
acr-s in cultivation; 8 acres creek bot
tom, 7 seres besvetrism; limber enough
to do the plsce, living water; good
new 7-rooni hoaae, barns aad other
outbuildings. Tbis can be made a
very profitable farm, and Is well worth
the money asked for it, $3300.
40 acre, 4i miles from Uillsboro; all
in cultivation, and all nice smooth
prsiiie land. All in crops now. Good
new bsrn; common bosrd bouse; young
orchard, on good rosd, F, K. I). Don't
fail to investigate this. Price, $3000.
r0 acres adjoining Hillsboro, 45 acres
rich bottom Isnn: 5 seres high land,
mostly all planted to strawberries; the
bottom lend is adapted lo alsyke
clover, vegetables, osta and barley.
Price, $85 per acre.
80 acrCN, A'A miles from Cornelius, 70
acres in cultivslion; this rolling but
not rough land; nearly all in timothy
and clover; nice stream; first class
buildings; good orchard. Price, $4500,
I have numerous tote n properties,
improved and unimproved, for sale
If yon want your property BOLD
then come and list it with MK, but
if you only wish to have it LISTED
you can do aa well somewhere elae.
. Hilleboro, Or.
Commencing Saturday Morning. Nov. 26th
And coutitiuing for Oue Week. This will Kud the
money by this sale. Do you want to make money?
Great Closing ()ut Sale. Matiy jieople have made
ll so, ei uiie atul see the bargains that we have bere.
Wa timet tt, l."1...; C.....1. .'-- .1 . t
,.v -v.. ... otocK m me next six uays, ami we are sacrificing the goods iu order to ac
complish it. If you want to buy goods at half price, we are the cople that you should call of,.
Remember, only One Week more to yet your bargains. We Guarantee all our goods as repre
sented, or your money back.
Yours for Barqains,
Manager and Director of Above Sale
In F. M. Heiders New Store Building, Corner of ll.ird and Main Streets, Hillsboro, Oregi
William Tlngler.
B. P. Cornelius and J. J. Morgan,
Awieneo of T. R. Cornelius, an
Insolvent Delilnr, M. A. Corns
liiiN, Alex Limlmnn, Wm, Van
clervelilmi. Jno, VaiidrrveMmi,
M.Busliau'r, H.Hiwbatier, Hcm
inaiiey DelUrl A Co., a pi-ivalt)
Corooralion, Minnie MMonK
Hiele, Nelils II. Moody, Kodiir
iok Maclrsf. Mrs. H. U. Duil
Kcnn, KUiltt M. Grant, lri,
MalK-l M. Kerr, laliella Ma
lay ilsrnwi, lwibella Maclray,
Jss. Moore, K. W. fenrusnn,
and K. V. Uobson, Partners
doing tunines under the lirm
name of Moore Fsb;uhii A Co.,
O. O. Wick son. dolus; biisinens
under tbe lirm nsms of O. U.
Wirkson A Co., W. C. Noon.Jr.,
H. M. Cake, T. J. AniiKtronn. .
Gxm.uUirs of the iat Will and
'lVstKiiiflnt of W. C. Noon. Hr
1 M. Hrvsnt, If. A. Navlllesint
0. M. Oslwrn, thri of Ihe part
ners WMniiOHing W. V. Noon A
Co., Bradley Melcalf t Co., a
Corponttioii.'T. i. A rnml rmiK,
Trustee of W. C. Noon A Co..
W. C. Noon Ban Co., a Corpora,
(ion, and WaNhlugton County,
To Winnie McMonsirle, Nelllfl B. Moody,
II. M. DUUK"'!, I'.mm m. "rani, ,iui,
Moore. K. W. I-Vrnuaoii, K. V. Holt
son, (i. H, Bryftiit, F. A, Naville, C.
M. OHborii, Slid Bradley Metcalf it
Co , eleven of the above named
In the niune of the Rtate of Oregon:
You and each of von are hereby coin-
nuided and reouired to lie and snuear in
the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon,
for WaMiiniton renniy, aim answer ins
comp'sint of tbs Plainlirl tiled aRainst
you therein, on or before tbe expiration
of six weeks publication of this Hummons
tn me "ttiusooro Argus," ine nrw puou-
rstion thereof liiiw on the 1 7tt iliiv of
Novi'iuliKr, IIMM, nnd Die laHt pulilicullim
Itlioreol belna on ilia Mb day ol Jniiuaiy,
TH E i Hi. to-wit, on or tmlore Urn Mh day of
January, Itioj, ami ir you rail no lo ii.)cr
and uiihttPr ull coiiiplnini, fur Whiii
then-of the I'laintllT will apply lo Hie
Court for the mlM prnvod lor and ile
nisiiiled ill bin Coninlaiiil. to wit : rW n
uilKineiitaKiiiiiHt Al. A. Cornelius for tlie
sum of $1,W2W and Inlert-Hi theroii
from Ortnher 15,11101, at the rain of elKht
per cent per minimi, ami JTiHMHJ at, nr.
ney'N fee; ami tlmt tIAt Mortgage made,
executed and deltvurud by 'I', It. Cornell
UN and M. A. Cornelius lo lliu Iiiventorn'
MortKaKnHemiritjr I'oiiipany, Limited, on
the 14 .lb day ol . Inly, IHW, ami now own
ed by the I'lalntlil, anil upon ihe fnllotv
liiir dewrltied teal property, mluitlu in
WaahiiiKUin County, Oreirou, lo-wit:
' CoinmeniiiriK at Urn Hoiilh-weat onrner
of the Donation Laud Cluim of T. it, Cor
neliua and wife, in Tnwimhlp One (I),
North of llaiii'e Tlirea (3) West of the
Willamette .meridian, and running them-e
EaiteilyuloiiK the Houth lino of Mailt Do
nation Claim to t ho Hoiilii-wcit corner of
a piece of land aoUl to A. (lonlnn liy iImmI
recorded at uk 411 of Book "Q" of
Deeda, WaMiitiKton County HmmlH.
thence North along shIi A. (lonlon'a
Went line to I li line dividing mh Id Bivna
tlon Cluim liet ween aaid T. II, CormTiiiH
and h s wiliij theiiee WeMleily hIhiik mild
diviHlon line to tli West line ofald Do
nation Claim, llisncn Hnutlieily Hlong
Maid Went line to ihe tilacn of ltflniilng,
contaluinft Two Hundred ami Korty-aix
('4ii) acres, nnire or leas"
Bs declared lo lie a llrsl lien I'pon ald
real property and that aaid Mortgaire hn
forecloaed and mild real property lie tie
creed to be aold bv the Hlierill of Wanli
JtiKlou County, Oregon, in the mai.nnr
prescribed by law and the practice rf the
above entitled Court; and the prnceciln
tliereof he itppllml in NiitiNlui'lioii of the
demanddue the pluintih" upon nniil prom.
IsHory note nnd Mortgage and a de
cree ol aaid Court forecloHlng that cerluiu
Mortgage mnile, eneculed and ihillvcreii
hy T. K. Cornelius and M A, Cornrliu
to David Munroe on the 101 h day nf June.
ino4. upon Ihe folloviiiig doHuriiuui leal
property, situate ill WaNbington County,
Oregon, to-wil;
FIHHT TKACT-Commcncing at the
Noi lli wmt rorner (,f tint Donation l.aml
'"'""Hue und wire, in
owi.Nlilp o.,e ) North, of Itanga tUrtn
Oil W e,, rlh(, Wlllain.lle Merl.ln,,,, and
rn lining the,.,, K.alerly along the Himlh
line ofmihl lioiiiillon i!lm U) ti H.Nitlt
weat corner id a piece of land aold lo A.
"" ".'!,?,!' 'i'f 1 "Wo'ded t page ill of
N.k "y or Deed.. Waah.iigU.n (',,,
Itecon , thence Norlh alouiraalrl A ll.J.
'ions Weal line in tho i,,e dividing .aid
""',t Mn aeuanM f. It. Cor-
iiel iij aiid lilH tvllcjihenee We.lerly along
..lid liviMli.ii line to Hie Weal line ,, w(1,
Iioi alloii t lalm, thence Houtlimiv nlmig
said UeHtlhieiniha plucn of Ix-glnnlng.
con Two hu nd Vnny-mi
VJtmwtm, more or lew, '
KM'ONI) TRACT- The H.-uthcaNl Wur
lerof , Houtheu.l. gnarler of Heeilon
I wen y oner.'l ), and lJt KVfi ol' Ne"
'.1 v .."'y .'r"' m H"" h KNt l'lf f
e N, irll.eaat ourler Ul N ;
II), of Section Twenly-eight t'H). Town-
1 iV,,o2'.Nor"' ""'W" ' h'" ' W WtHt
ol the Will. Mor., enntaining 170 sri-
To accure the psynientof $l),Hu:u Up0)1
o'h.."":' '" " ' '""teagc there la
......... oi oi'O, nni now
owned by (he .1t,r, t(,reuh I
mi from October i, t ,hB ,.(H , ,;,
, . ' ""r" '"m 'iu SiUO iitloriiey'a
'ee; a ml lor a Decree that HuM prnnr,y
o d by the Hherllf of Waildi Pi.m
County Oregon, In the manner pr .Nerj .
' 'y .wuu.l Ihepraclioeof lUjlX
entitle.! Court, ami thai. 1 1. .... ".. . . l
't'l' llllH IW
-iMioen uiwiinu tun HuliMtucI inn of the
27,",',',' U"M.t,f ,'l"1,,""r ''"fil'daTore
e lorl.1 ; a, for a l)1(1!r f H, (!,.,
loiyi;rlmmnKaiid foreclnalng and pra
eluding each anil all ul the h",v. , j
delen lunta from every righi, lit in
interest. of. In and lo.lof K L' ,! H ,lHeN
in n!..i ,',11
thereof, uve only the statutory rlilht of
ledenipllon, und Inr Ihe cost.' aid ,"
buraeiiiiiiilHnrililK m.u i
; m "uiy ne
an; propee , u,H prittiiictoM.
rhla HilininoiiH ih annul
piiiiiicallon In the
II Hull vonsl,u
HlllHlion. .,'ii .... '
auaiit to an order maile by llonoiahtj l
. ... . vuuHiy ji uge or HHS , ,igton
County, o.Hgon ami lMmi UiB ,fhK,
of November, 1IKH, which aaid or,l,,r
prescr bps that the lint mihlieatlon there,
of iliHll be on the 7lh day of Novsir ber
Bml, and Die lat pill llcallon Ihereof on
Ihe.'ith ilay ol Jaiiiiary, lIWi, anil that vou
apmrnr anil aiiMvar aaid Complaint on or
Indole the Mh day or January, IMk,
OKO. It, 1IAHUY and II. T.UAlil.K.V,
Altonuiy lor I'laliitill.
Notion of final Helllciiiciii.
Notice la limeliy given that thft liml.-r-"Igned
udinlnlHiralor id the haliilo of
Mime K. DlllalHiy, ilcceaaed, liai tiled in
thel'onnty Court of the Hlulii ot Oregon,
lor Ihe County of Waxhinglon, Ida hual
Hcwnnt, and anld Court ban lived M.m
day, the ivth duv id Dimonilixr, ImU, t I"
a. 111,, Iu tlmcniirl room in llillahnro, i -'gnu,
aa the limn and place lor licaiinx
Nald Hual .ccouiit, and objoctloiui to some,
if any there he, and for thslllhrl aiitll'
iiiiinl o Mid eniuie.
t Monks Dir.l.ABOY,
Ailuiliilntiatiir ir the enlale Mhmm
lilllahoy, deiTaxed.
Dated Ihla7th day of November. I'm).
, w. D, Hare, Attorney for Ailniniiali''
W liereiiN, my wife, Winnie T.nnir. Ion inK
left inuwilhout Jiiat ciiiimk or provocation
I lon warn all pernoua from Iruatitig her
on my iiccounl 11 I will pay n i dubm
ber conl meting al'lar IhlNibiie,
Dated at t'ornellua, ibis October S, IWl,
W, II. Mi Nil.
For Bale, hy J. T. Younp, Ik mile"
west of IIiIImImic,, HHrnleR ty niu
"ito, .Cbnmiinn fiiiprnvi'il a oil
Sitiitii (Jriii! liUHting powder, foer,
caps. etn. Portland prities. W
fl. T. Young. ,
Argun and OregtJxUn,