TT TT HE JniILLSBR0 VOL. XI. HILLSBORO, OREGON. NOV. 24, 1J04. NO. 37 land n mis1 NOW ON AT IDIITUND Jury has Itccn Chosen and I'uU-r. case In Iteloiv Public Itt'tLVi UKN ACCEI'lllt YF.SI'EKIIAY Hal), U S Altvrncv, lut Sprclaf Cvun tl U Aid lllui Tli cel-brateJ land fraud rare whii'rin the government It ihi. proaacuior and S A. I l'iilr, II. (i. Mi KiuUy, (who vihi.l in IMIm l.oto lat weeki Marin Ware, are defendant, waa called In-forte Jtitlw Bellnigr, at Portland, Monday, ami Ilia twelve jtirora were drawn on thai day, with i.o particular hilch in tlia proceeding. No Waah inglon county jury i'a ii the pan I, ami eoina ju or, (e lected from Ktarn Oregon, awore ihey had never ieid f the case Judg Tho. 0'ly de'end McKinley. tlia potato buyer; Hary & Wood cock, ol F.ugene, defend Mik Ware; ami L. F I'ular, of Ktireka, troth-i-r defendant, defende I'uler. The trial will le concluded nesi week, 01114 lo the break of That nkegivin. Th K uu at d Queen of Portugal viailed London lil weak. TTif HM-ialixi i. element in (he Labor union Federation, now in aeeelun at Si" Fmieiaco, charge luih (!niiiK.ra ami Mitchell wiih leing trait rn ii wnrkingmen--because they will not ail vim people to vol llm HiH-ialht ticket. Thin charge wa defeated liy an over whelming vote of confidence in the two leader. Senator Coekrcll, of Mieaoiiri, the democrat whii limra the MiinHiuri I gia'aiur aa a reault of the reonl landslide, will he appointed aa pieidenl of the civil mrvico torn m Union it hi" will wept ilia p'ace. Oofkrell i noted aa one of the drain v null of I ha state, and haa mi rnperior in the I' S Senate. Ft Ik waa elected governor of Miaaourl hy alightly over 3),(H)0. Tlia total state vote waa 45.(MK) liort of four yrar ago. and one of lhe vote waa that of 1'trry Wat aon, of lloone county, Mo., hut now of Hank, Oregon. The Yamhill county liquor deal era a ill fiifht the recent dry vote to a alandslill. and legal preceding have been fil d. to (act Sixty Per (fcnt. of Reiad Tux COUNCIL AGREES OX A CHANGE Kruiaiaitig Full J Per Cent, to Ik liard tJulide die City LOCAL and COUNTY from from T. H. Iml ria waa in town Plain view Kami, Monday. II. Tavlor Hill wa in Mpnnlaindala thia week. J. H. Vanderwal waa up from Beaveiton the firnt of tlia week. I'anatrle stationery the neatest i iitfiir ladle, at The Dell Drou Yala'e" 'oiIImII team lat llr- nlor vad !.tS.lurd.y,by aseoreolir M(NuU ,u (.,:, to nothing. re ttiUl!l luin( WM ,jow, fr jU) Ametnan thip hmldtr will Corneliu, Monday. hu hi war veaael for Ilia ICulan government. A freight ttain Mnuk a motor car at Toronto, Canada, Iait week, and four itople were killed. Tha t)aiiiah Urk, TafalU. found ered otr tha cnat of tha KarniudaH, the other day, during a terrific gale. Tha American Federation of La in r, in a-aaion at Han Krant'iero, Lua voled IT.I.IXH) aid to tha Fall H.ver, Man., atriker. . The French bark, Oui rvrr, diaap p a rl i ff the coaat, north of Ca; Flattery, the 11 rat of tha aeek, and (hit he la luet ia the hlie( ol the underwiileri. Hoonevell lia offered rx. (lov H'ack.of New York, a caliiu-t po aitinn, oaieniibly to get lUack out ol Pepew'a way in the aenalorial contcat in that at nle. A hot water healing plant at tha H. lAiuii Fair caused the M:Bouri Mate building to lie doatroyed hy lire Ut week. Miaaourl ia having plnity of calamity theee day. Hlowael ak for aniniunition at Fort Arthur, and aayi if he can get it he ran bold out until Marrh. The ItiifHian goverumeiit will get bia material there at all hiuurd. Martin Hoot, aged 18, heat hi dog with a rille the other dity, with the iHMilt that the weaKn wa dia rhaigml, the bullet entering th b..y'a alMlomen. lit may rtcover, The Harkenlloo Makaweli, avail-1 lug from Tai-oma to Mexico, wa luat with all handi on board, nil' the ial of Vancouver taland. 1 be veiael waa owned in San Fran c'mco. Bloerel eemli word to the Czar tint the main fort at Port Arthur are alill held, and that they are go ing to alick it out until they are re lieved. Ktoeaaal'i wound are alight Al er lUi year of married life ' Mr. Baity, of HaiVm, eiiea for di vorce, and aayt) that all then yeara ahe ha Hood terrillo abime. It would a. em that aho could have mood it a few yeara longer. St-cie'ary 8haw haa oalled upon If you c n'enipUle buying a euit ol ctoi In a come and H-e uh. -ij'chulmeili h Jtro. Deputy ShorilY Kn went to the Sound Monday night, and returned Wednetday iiiurniug. A lli'ckmann waa in town from Bethany Monday, ahaking band with hi trany friend. F M. McNainara and wife, of Portland, are guet of Mr. and Mr. V, I. Davia, thia week. I -oat; 1H month heifrr, red and while apotled; yt arling heifer, red, with while apota in face. Notify John Salzgeber, IlilUlniro, Oregon. NV. I, Davia weul down to Sher wixkI ami viidnity Tueaday morn- ini; to eerve paper on wilneai-ca and juror for Sherill'Connell. Sixty thniiHand hop plant for r-ala al M per 1,000; alao 4,(KK) choii-e Italian prime tree, thin year' growth, at & cent each. F. M. Crahtrea, Laurel, Oregon. Fied Kleiner, of Mouutaindale d parted Tuesday avening for hie boyhood home in HwiUeilaml, where hewiU pwrmaivnlly reeide until he get homeoick for Oregon, the Ih el country in the world. You nuiat have grooeriea why not drop in and aee our maple line, the lineal ever brought to the city Yn buy nothing but the beat, nod 0 at I what you want Fruit in aeaaou. John Denuia. Vm. Pillergcr paared tha Dental Medirnl Kxamii.ation luet weak in Portland, and he ia now in poaaes eion of a diploma, entitling him to practice hi profeaaion anywhere in the alate of Oregon. W. F. Ilellrood, of near Cedar Mill, and who ia an old time print er, waa in town Tueaday. lie ha rented bia place, and ex peel a lo go into buMima in tba near future, He will viait with lelativei in Washington in a fow thy a, Thoaa havinir! jewelry, w niche b and clock to tie repaired ahoulil take them to K L, McCormick'a new jewelry store where you will he taken cure of properly and prompt Iv. All work (Miaranteeil Main tfti.ka in which the government 'treHi op,m(,jie Delta Drug Btore naa uepoana to pay imo win v. a. H,i,or(i, Ore. ............ 111.,.......! 1... Tn If, I Itauahm!! and J. T. Williams, treaaiiry K) par cent, by Jan. 15, ami 15 per cnt. hy March 15. Thia i indeed very kind ol Mr. Shaw. Judge (lenrge, of Portland, up hold Sheriii Word in a aweeping deciaii n agaiuat Portland gamblers and piol room people. Word will not longer be annoyed by damaga vnita brought by gambler whuae place ha haa raided. ilanry Meldrum, of Oregon Cily, an! who waa a former attorney general for Oregon, was Fridny found guilty on many counts, nn the charge of defrauding Ihegov irDment bv for aeriee, during hie incumbency Meldrum was de feiid'd by Geo, 0. Urownell, the C'laokari.aa aiateaman. Father SoheP, formerly of Wood burn, Ore., and who ia under arret back in Nebraaka, charged with forgery, cha'gea that the protecu tiou i the result of hi work in tin earthing Irauda at the Irdlan agen cy at Homer. Hchell goes to Washington this week to lay tha fraud beforthe president, personally. of Corneliu, were in tow A Tueaday morning. Mr. Williams recently came from South Dakota lo Seattle, and then concluded to try the Ore gon country, which suited him eo wtll lhat he bought property at Cornelius, and built a nice rem deoce. J, 1C. Love i in the city, reliev inn H. A !!inihav for a week durimi which time Mr, Hinnhaw and family will go to Marion. Ma rion county, to eat Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. llmehnw a parent Thiai the first vacation that Mr Hinhaw has enjoyed since he took the Hillsboro station. Some one has taken up a heifer calf, about seven months' old, brin die. while on left Hank, and filar in forehead, underhit. left ear.1"' The name ol the party leaving the ad vertisemeut has been niifplaced, so if that person will again leave the name at The Argus nltloe, and the npMon losing such an animal will annlv here an endeavor will be made to gel the two .parlies, togeth CUT CHARTER IS TO E MB City Tim Cily council met Friday even ing ami agree. I to prtwrnt an amendment to the charter to the lenielatnrc, making the county road intide the city limit under rilv control, and lo have the coun ty treasurer pay, over to the city eixty per cent, of tha roid lax col lected i'mida the city limila, the money to bo uml for street im provement, the remaining forty per cent, to Im ued on the road outride the city limit. Tho poll tax collected itihide the city is aluo lie ued by the city on etreet improvement. Thia will give the city abaolula control of all lU Mtieeta, and will add from f UK) to iiOtlto the bfltermenl of our city highway. Another amendment will be to have the city pay 75 ur cent, of atreet improvement there ia planking or paving, the property owner to the pay the remaining '! per cent. The council agreed lo sell the old engine at the water plint for .".'() Ihtre are two proaicctive buyer after thia engine. MRS. HARRIET ATWATER. Mra. Harriet Atwater, a sicler of Key. Iaac llaldwin, of Forest irove. died al his home there Mon- lay morning, ami 73 vears. Da ceaaed was born in Cincinnati, where her girlhood waa spent, then moved lo lilooniinglnn. Iil, in which alate aha resided for So years, and where she was married to Miles At w liter, who died in Polk County in 18!iy. In 1W5 deceased. and her family, removed from Min nesota lo Portsmouth, Or , where she resided most of the time until her death. Thn following children survive her: Jamn 1, Atwaler, Dallas; Lewis II. Atwaler, Hill- boro; and Kmma I. Holliater, ortNinouth. Interment wa in the Naylor t'emelerv, Mr Zimmerman conducting the servicea. TILLAMOOK LAND. The undersigned will e nchange for WaahiiiRton county land, U0 acres, 10 cleared, house and ham, several hundred dollars worth of chillim hark on same;' will make Mini slock ranch; 7 milts from Tilla mook; 7 mileo from Hay City. Al so 22 acres at Hay Cily, I'illamook county; 20 acrts of this is cleared; tine building; for stock and lairy; elor-e to creamery. Or, will sell both properties for part cash; eapy ptvment, the balance -II -Ho- buyck tlioa., HilHlxiro, Oregon. CABINET NEEDLES FREE. The Jou-nal will sin I fre to any reader of thia paper a cabinet of needles all Biies and kimN, who re mits 50 cents for thn Daily and Sunday Journal for one month, or the Sunday Journal tor four month. or tbe rwini-vvecMv journal tor live months, or the Weekly Journal for six months -Address The Journal, Portland, Oregon. Perry Walton, who n-eentlv re turned from Missouri, is religiously slaying awsy from the county peat, as it is rumored that he will be shot on sight should he venture into the county capitol. It has bet-n many years since Missouri went Republican, and all tho local democrats are laying it to Perry, because he went away from the old reliable stale jtiat on the eve of an election. It won't b healthly far Perry to hit town until the excite ment of the election has died away. Farm of WJ acres H mil from Corn-'lius; little further to Hillsboro: 50 aores cleared, Wi of which i best Inaverdam and swale; good six -room fiame house, large barns; all necessary buildings; orchard and berries; menty of water; MO per acre. All kinds of laud tracts of all sizs;town property in Cornelius, Hillaboro and Forest Grove; right prices.-R W.'MoNutt, Keal Estate, Cornelius, Ore, J. JL Schaofer delivered some fine nursery stock in this cily Inst Suiurday, and then wont to various parts of the county. Mr. Schaefer made the largest deliveries that have ever been made here and the nursery for which he is agent ia to lie congratulated upon his work. He 1b still taking orders M C. Steeple departed thia week for bis bom at Hi tjuiain, Wash. SheritT Connell goes to Portland Saturday to attend the State bher ilLY Convention. A delicate perfume is the mark of good breeding buy Hibbert'e odor, at The Delta Drug Store. Wild duck are commencing to lly, and local rirtsnieii tre doing the rivera these dayi for game. ' Mr. and . Mra. T. C. Wadaworth, of Portland, vieiled over Thanke giving with Grandpa J K. Adkii , the dentist. Rev. Herbert W. Boyd, of Ashby, Maa , will take charge of the Con gregational Church, about the mid dle of December, D. I,. Caton, who went from here to Santa Cruz. CaL, a year or so ago, has returned, and says that Wt-hfoot is good enough for him. We carry the swelleat line ol gentlemen' and ladies' drcs shoes lo be found in the town. Come and aee them, at Dennis'. T. B. lUndicy Jr , ol Tillamook, and well known here as a boy, was fined 75 for running a gambling game at the coast city, the other lay. O. K. Elliot Las returned to Clatekanie. Ore., to remain the win ter, having accepted . a position with a lumber company at that place, ',, Rockflroh, of Blooming, has gone to Santa Rosa, Cat., to reside His son, Fred, of Cornelius, will remain to look after his father's inte-resls here. S. B. Huston has inaugurated a hot water heating plant in his rest deuce, and it is working to perft-c tion. More will probably follow, in a short time. Mr. and Mr. C. L Baker, of Sumner, Wash., are visiting Thanksgiving week with relatives here. They retnrn to Washington the last of the week. August Tews, tho tailor, desire to notify his patrons lhat he ha mov'd into the Cbenette Row, into the rooms foimerly occupied by Dr. W.D.Wood. K X. Harding, who is interested with-Kertson & Harding in the lease of the liatdon flouring mills, was in town Friday, and says that Caston is coming right along. . The wet season is due, and re member that John Dennis has the finest line of umbrellasever brought to tho city, with prioes in reach of all. Umbrella for children. Call and see then). Saturday night and Sunday the gala was fomething terrific, and rain fell in torrents. Water is slow ly raising over the bottom land along the rivers, and the lake south of town is coming back Mo its own. Oliver doublo disc jdowa, $65; Rock Is'and gang plow, fur; Sulkv pi ws 1(1 inch, Hr; 50-1 oil h peg harrow, fvz r0; l i in. etuiiui nlows. tH 50 AH other farm im- plcmcn's at lowest prices Schul-' merich Bros. Jerome Palmateer has bought the H. T. Bagley building on Seiond Street, one door north of Hotel Ililliboro, arid will locate the Pacific States' telephone central and confectionery there. He ex pects to bo moved in a few weeks at the outside. . . Everybody who sees them aays that our fall and winter overcoats are the swellest things ever brought to the city. Our new line of suits are merchant tailored, and you will practice economy by calling and looking over our stock. II. Web- rung Sons. Onions are looking up these days and Washington county growers are correspondingly happy. Ed. Thomas, of Beaverton, shipped a carload last week, and received $2 per sack As Washington county raises nearly 100,000 sacks, the high price will mean a great deal to local producers. Peter Jansen, of Yerboort, has Gled suit against L. Bailey, the Cornelius warehouse man who dis appeared a few days ago. Janaen has made an attachment. Jt is said that Bailey had no warehouse bond tiled; and in this lie was tia ble. The law requires that a ware houseman must have a bond of $1,000 which must be filed with the county court, as a protection to thopo who store product. ' The basket social at Grange Hall Friday evening for the benefit of the school library was well attend ed and a financial succeeB Wesley Boscow, salesman at the Wehrung store, was the auctioneer, and he was the whole show. He made Willis Ireland raise himself 45 cents on one basket when there was no one bidding against him. The highest basket was $2.20, bought bv Claude Cate. Alter all the ex penses were paid .the proceeds were I) IV Ml i AT ST. LOUIS Fill Remember Hon. W. II. Weh rung with Handsome Present APPRECIATE WOKK DONE FOK STATE Presents Consist of Wioe Set aod Odd Vanes, Finest is flohrmiaa Art St. Louis, Mo, Nov. 21. (.Special) Hon. H. Y'. YS'ehrung, special Commissioner and general Superin. ' tendeiit of Oregon's display at St. j Lnui was today presented by the; Superintendent and employees ef Oregon's exhibits with a handsome i wine set and pair of odd vases over laid with gold, all of which are of the finest production of Bohemia art. In the presentation speech made by F. R. M-.-llir, SupL of the Mineral display, it was manifested lhat the donor not only appreci ated the invariable courtesies ex tended to them by Mr. Wehrurg. hut also the vaat amount of gi oJ accomplished by him f r the Mate at the Exposition. Mr. Wehrung attempted to respond fittingly, but was so overcome with emotion, that for that purpose be proved a colos si! failure. - WINTER RATES' TO VAQUINA BAY. In order to accommodate the manv people who wish to make a winter trip to 1 equina Bay, the Southern Pacific Ce. will sell, on Wednes days and Saturdays of each week, until March 31, l'.05, round trip ticket, at low rates, to Yaqnina and return, limited to sixty days from dale of sale. Those who de sire to take advantage of this rate should apply to nearest Southern Pacific agent foi tickets. Agent In Omnia Paratus" Is ottr motto, and we live tip to it. Aitytrnng yon need in the drag line, can be had at our store, and that, too, of the best grade, at cus tomary prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty. 2fe Delta Drug' Store Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon . HILLSBORO FEED STORE . i.m Dealer iu Flour, Chop. Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds, Bee Supplies, etc, A Stock of Lime and Shingles on Hand We buy Chickens and Fresh Eggs, and pay tlie highest market price. '. ; We deliver to all parts of the city. J. W. Hartrampf Hillsboro, Oreejoa Oregon City Aurora , Wood burn Salem Jefferson Springfield Brownsville Eugene Harrifburg Ililbboro Newberg Sheridan Forest Grove McMinnville Independence Lebanon Frank Stewart, well known here aa a boy, and who. through the civ il service, haa been given a position as postal inspector, has been changed from San; Francisco to Los 4"Ke'p wbere he will have his headquarters for several months He writes for The Argus, and says its weekly virits are appreciated more than orders from Washington. Frank says the Orange groves just now aro beautiful in the Loa An geles section, and the weather is lika Oregon in July. He says he misses the grain fields of Oregon, and the tall firs and Thanksgiving with Oregon turkey and Long Beach cranbeiry tauce ob, well! We're sorry for you, old man, but you can't have all the good things and be away from Oregon. Come home, and you'll be contented. If you contemplate building a barn, a house, or outbuildings, re member that Groner & Rowell have a large yard of rough and dressed lumber at their mill at Soholls. Figures cheerfully given on estimate. We deliver lumber everywhere if quantity is sufficient to make a load. If you are going to build, drop us a card. Sales yard at Scholls, nine miles south east of Hillsboro. We also have a nice line of drain tile; also build ing blocks for foundations and for cellars. Find a fine lot of brick. Call us up on the Independent telephone. The Grangers' excursion train looping the loop, passed through Hillsboro early Tuesday morning, r aching this poiut about 8:00 o'clock. The morning was heavy and foggy, and passengers could see but a short distance from the train. So tar as seeing Washington coun ty was concerned the weather was most unfavorable. The train went around by Corvallis and Albany, and then down the East Side, thus making a complete circle. The ex cursion, lelt roriland at tne un earthly hour of seven, so there were not very many aboard the train. Janitor Barber has been exercis ins the two bounty bastile prison ers, Oakuian and Hays, this week, in raking up the fallen leaves in the court house tquaro JNeither was in the notion of skipping out, nd the mention of $2 for one of them to make a break and run, so as to furnish a good news item, was of no avail. This oner was not insist ed upon as far as Hays was con cerned. for $2 is a whole lot ol money. , , . E. L McCormick has a fine se lection of set rings, and wedding rings. Call and inapect them One door east of Commercial Bank, A S. SHOtES, PRtSjOtIT EDW. 8CHULMERICH, Vki fMWcirr GEO. SCHUiMERlCH, ' Oleic a Hillsboro Commercial Bank Capital Stock Paid, $23,000.00 Equipped with the best burglar-proof tafe and fire-" ' proof vault. Members of American Bankers' Associa tion. Also carry insurance against burglary and day hold-ups. Every precaution taken lo make money and valuables secure. We invite T the public to visit our banking houFe and investigate cur nietheds ol busi ' nc.s. Large and small depositors alike will always receive prompt? courteous, -careful attention. Drafts, bought and sold; collections given prompt attention. Money ( Loan on Steal Claim amaf Otr 6f Mmmurlty. Win. Bagy John Connell Main Street, DlrecttMi! C. S. Russell Edw. Schulmerieh A. S. Sholes Geo. Bagley Geo. Schulmerieh Hillsboro, Oregon SHOOTING SEASON, OCTOBER I We carry a fine line of single and double barrel i shot guns, which we are selling at marvellously low prices. All kinds of aniniunition. . Loaded shells on hand. WE CAN LOAD THE SHELLS FOR YOU We also carry a complete line of phonographs, with records, and all kinds of . VIOLINS, BANJOS, AND AIL STRINGED INSTRUMENTS We have the best equipped bicycle repair shop in -Washington County.; Charges reasonable, and " . work speedily turned out. i F. R. DAILEY, MainSt., tastofl,0. 0. r.Bldg. HiTllst)0rO J it AS SOLID AS GIBRALTAR Is very aptly' applied to financial institutions that are reliable, and that justly have the confidence of the community. This means the oldest and strongest bank in Washington County. ' THE J. W. SHUTE BANK This bank furnishes a secure depos itory for your money. Loans made on acceptable Becuritv in any amount from $10 to $100,000. . Ex change to any part of the world We sell bank money orders, con veying your money cheaper than theU.S Government. Collections promptly attended. . . , North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon .4 er. " for Fall planting. between $40 and $50. .