The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 17, 1904, Image 1

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vol. xr.
NO. 30
r m e
Koroki Wiih Killed Over u
Was SiiUik by Spllnur ol Shell, Octo
ber The Jai anase rnuoisliip over news
going out t ' tlx world U well
ftnplillt-d by the fft that Kurokl
was killed ly a ap'.inter fiom a Hy
ing shell, October 8, sod the news
4,f I be thath only reached the out
side world last Baturday.
was mipwrd am) Creniwell aliot
NatU-r three ti . Natter was a
brother-in-law of Thus. Khes, well
known at a pi.ineor Hiockuian.
Mr. 1'etor ltrown, of Molallu,
wan murdered in her home in lb
iiinouttin. alMiut four weeks ago,
ami tlcre who evidence of a trri
blo struggle H husband, who
u away at work, found tint body,
last Friday.
Sheriff Conncll
iiHlman Draw
rawn From all Parts of the County
Court Couvtoca Novtnibtr jH
(int. W, KbI ley waa down from
VinvUndi), Monday.
A frHli lot of hulk pickles lolh
Hi m r and sweet at (irm-r'a.
J. C Crocker, of near Mountain
dale, was a Piiiuty seat vibito-,
I'apottifH stationery Ihe neatrat
The Delta Drug ImiUi.ii at
Tha Russians had a dispatch that ,more
...... .. L -
m il waa tue caw itmr ww ago
hut tha Japanese denied it emphat
ic. I ly.
1 do two big amiiei have Utu in
trenched mur ita another f r four
weeks, wiih only a li;ll skirmish
lug on esch eid, and nsillrr army
runs wbhng to make a gmit rl at
ault on tha other. Tbe death ol
Kuroki aeoma I . hava demoralised
thv Jspaues army, aj)d the sol
dier do not a!D to hnv tha faith
in N dm tbat waa given tha dead
I'etker i to accept a pntntion
with a big law firm.
Kmwt-velt I -rtora carry
lai d l-y about IW)
h.ovelt will visit (lia St
Fa.r on Novf uilor !
Vini'ridnt ult-ct Fairbanks is
Mil for tha presidency iu l8
KuarU rrjwla ail overtures for
liirdilatiou t f tha Kusi u-Jpmt war
Diphtheria and inrssl.-s ate rag
log on the t'ma'illa Indian raeri
Ihosevelt will become president
ol llsrvaid at th Ho.e id dirt ad
luiuiaiialioii in 11MH,
Tha government la rushing work,
dav and night on hig guna for tha
Nivy and forlilioaliuua.
Tha number of saloons put out
l liUsimnthy tha dry county audi
precinct vote lam Turadiy ia 1 0.1.
driver Cleveland went hunting'
the day alter election. He hall
better luck than More the election i
Two waters in Ne York I'tly,
A W.Hmitb, Tigardville'a ruHt.
ling real eatate dealer, waa in town
If you c in't'iiidli Inlying a
unit of c!o lies como and aco ua
Hchuld.edrh Hro.
J, II. UWotl, of (laeton, was
down Monday evening, an attend
ant at the K. of 1. meeting.
Thoa. Wilhyooinhe, of Farming
Inn, waa in town Saturday. Mr
Withy com be now ha a real eela'.e
ollice in IVriUiul.
A delicate ierfumeie the mark
of good breeding buy Ilihbert'a
odors, at The Ilin lrug Htore.
I Adolph lUnsen, formerly of
li. ! .1! ... I.
nrinany, nils couiuv, is eugaireii in
;the furniture bueineea at Maker
Mrs U M Stephnts, of Fo'eat
drove, aged f2 Tenrs, died Novem
ber II. The family but recntly
County Clerk God man and Sheriff
Conuell last Friday drew the jury
st for the November term ol
Circuit Court, and the aummnua to
the panel will be lent out this
week. The county ia well repre
nted frmu Hun Ion to Middleton
nJ Beaverdatn to Ga-ton. ' The
urors are '-'A in nuinlH r, leaving 21
r trial jurors and 7 for the grand
jury, if one eMail be eelectid. it ib
more than likely thai a grend jury
will lie selected thia lime, although
there ia nothing numla'ory abuut
thia. The jury:
Aitliur CuttihK, l-'srnier,
W llsvci,
) lluikbolter, "
Jobii II Cralwl, "
come from Kansas.
We carry the awellest line ol
gentlemen' and ladies' dreai ehoei
to In found in the town. Come
and se them, at Dennis'.
Mr. John Raynard, of Laurel,
and Mim (irsce Crablrfe. of Yam
hill county, were married in Port
land, Nov tuber 7, and will reside
at Laurel.
Next Thursday and Friday. No
21 ami 25. Dr. Lne, the will
known oculo optician, will be at the
Hotel Tualtlin. Dr. Lowe hue been
In HilUboro for over 15 years
Fred J Sewell haa b-nn doing
nfliOf work for tha Oregon ( on
den nut aii ill company lor some
time. Thecmiii any ia now doinit
M K Uilley
1-: I Want.
I'eWilt Merrill,
A J Roy
A a i.iav u.
'.to Kirkwtxxl, rttirrd,
H.liii, real rsldte.
U M Ralluwsy, furtnrr, ..
r Cornriiui,
II Knick, mrrchaot,.
U Jacksou, launuercr.
II l,oll, lunner,.
M K Hlrlikia, retired
I'red Kooil, farmer.
N Hale,
K lltilgri, men haul,
C L. Shaver
losim their fmniturc, suicide! and ! -! in;p:l ,he Mlail lrftde
diid in each olhen arnii, taking lho Nthweat.
the gua route.
Tie Uussian battleship (Iromo
tml struck a rock lu the Vladivm-
lock harijor, last wet k. and is aifuin ! ciy
laid up fjr repairs.
Argentiiiia ia to spend 1 5,000 (HKl
in building up her navy, euppoa
ably in view of possible hoHtilitie.i
oil tha part of liraxil.
The railroads are preparing to
mm t tha big immigration (5 Oregon
in the Boring, and rales will ha
made at low aa pinaible.
The Hooialita polled four per
cent of the tot al vole in the reo nt
election, according lo I Mm' etate
lueiil in the New Yolk World.
You must have groceries why
not drop in and eeo our staple
lines, the 11 nest ever brought to the
We buy nothing hut the
liest, ami that W what von want
FrnitN in Benson. John Dttnnie.
Jol u If. Hall, of Portland, has
again been appointed ae U 8. Die
tiicl Attorney for Oregon Drown
ell and Judge Moreland are thus
led out in the cold.
Urant county citizens ara pre
paring to run down a gang of cattle
rurilere, nod they are arming and
ininluK tha sheriffs posse. They
lave decided to end tha reign of
terror there.
Mrs. Weber, her son and her
dauiihtftr. were burned to death in
their residence ai Auburn, Cal ,
last Thursday night, ltiathmighi
that they were killed and thehouee
tirtd to conceal the crime.
Two c.ittle rusllera were oaught
ek lining a atter by two oattleiuon
and a pitched durl, with revolvers,
ensued, lb two mailers Intrench
ing ihemeelvea I ohind the iai cubs
of ' the animal. One of tlv.tu was
killed and the other eut rendered.
Menttora Mitchell and Fulton
will endeavor to have Coiwress
live tha follnwirs for Columbia
river improvement: south jetty at
mouth of tivtr, 1.820,000; river
below Portland. 625,000; Celilo
canal, 760,000.
National Chairman Oliver Stew
art and John 0, Woolly, the big
prohibitionist are having a news
paper war, and charges of bd man
agement are being hurled hoardejet
uyaiuat the former, who saya he
will sue for lilml unlem things are
straightened out.
Frank Natter, a Hepnnar sa'onu
man, waa killed But tml y( night by
former Marehal C'eeawv v The two
had trouble and Natter canned
CreB'well'a arrest. Natter then fol
lowed the arretted man to the Re
coideVa office , where the altercation
Hcott Cirnelins, t'Ulsop county's
anfeH(r, and who sowed nata bee
aa a hoy, ana tin from Astoria the
first of the week, and went up to
dales Peak lo look eastward to see
how the country looked after it was
eacpt by lho Kooeevell nmjority.
Peter (Irosren, of Phillips, has
bought and moved to the F. Woll
farm near Lennox, and was in Mon
dnv to see if he could not get into
Dint No l. eo hm children aould
not have three tnilea to set to
rohrnl The farm is in the Helve
tia district
Those hiving jewelry, watches
and clockH to he repaired ehnult
take them to K L. McCormickV
new iewelry store where yon will he
taken care of properly and prompt
lv. All work vtiaranteed Main
street oppomte Delta Drug Htore,
Hilhboro, Ore
Kye strain is responsible for a
very large per cent, ol Drain lag,
at.pnrent stupidity in children, ir
ritiible, sni those letnhie neaa
aches whoso periodical occurrence'
make lifo miserablo. Dr. Lowe's
repression glasses relieve the above
Iw relieving the cause. Consulta
lion free.
Neighbor John McCallen waa up
from Odar Will Friday, ami
brought in some fine specimens of
Hurhank ' 'spuds whtoh weighed 3
at d 3) ponudM t aoh, grown on high
Und olnte In the t'oi tland nioun
tain. John is thinktntj of putting
in ten acres of hops on his ranch
next season.
Edith Hamlin, wife of J. K
Hornlin. alias J. H Rurke, com
milled for 0 years for forgery and
who waa caught and held by the
prtsent deputy sheriff, F. T. Kane
nt Forest drove, when he waa
cashier of the lLiines' bank, has
heen ornted a divorce by the
Multnomah county jude. Mrs
llAinlin waa. here when Hitrke re
ceived his sentence, and wept hit
lorlv when Judge McBride pro
nounced the terms of years of
incarceration. This seems to be
cane of where "Absence Makes th
Heart Grow Fonder" is up against
a Roosevelt cyclone. But such is
and Clerk
List Friday
..Wrst Itutte
I'orrat Grove
. Fnritiiii(toii
. . .Ilillaboro
I'orrat throve
. . . . Ilillanoro
..Went CtiUt
Hnirat Grove
Fuieat Grove
Korcat Grove
, Koreal Grove
. .. .Kr aver tou
... t'omtlun
. . lira ver tou
lariiirr Tualatin
J C. Riach, of Glencoe, was in
town Monday.
Throdore Vandchey, of Verbmrt,
was in town Monday.
Paul C. L mg, of Portland, was a
visitor here, Hunday.
Jacob Hiltbraml was in from
Phillips, Friday.
Dr. 1x5 we, the eye specialist, will
Win II ilUboro, November 24 and 25
The Argus gives all the news of
the county. One dollar per year.
Hon. A. It Flint waa up from
Kinton Saturday Uel, on telephone
Horn, Friday, Nov. 11, 1M4. to
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Peters, of Cor
nelius, a daughter.
The heavy rains will likely put a
stop to ploughing, but the farmers
are not troubling umcb, aa they
have already sown a large acreage
of wheat.
There will be a shooting match
for beef, mutton, turkeys and
chickens, at the Foreutal place, one
and one fourth miles northwest of
Cedar Mill, on Thursday, Novem
ber 24 Thinksgiving shoot. All
marksmen invited. Come and
shoot. Lunch at the noon hour.
Says That Some Rascal is
Trying to get her Money
tt'ss up to Hillsbore, Monday .Night, to
see Officers
I C Carateua, "
B K I'aUuu, "
Win HatclielJcr. "
W Schultnericli, dairy,.
oliu McClartu, fanner,..
A I'lietli, " ..
W Copelaml, " . .
T W Sam, "
A S Vaughn, bop Krowcr,
,. .Greenville
, . . . . Progress
t . . . . Glencoe
. . r'aruiinxton
.Gales Creek
. . . Butte
'. . Weal Cedar
The pupils of Columbia Academy
II give an entertainment follow
ed by a pie social Nov 23, tho pro
cefds lo go toward a library fur the
school. Admission Two cents per
foot, K 10I1 lady is rrqnested to
bring a pie which will be auctioned
oil' after the following program is
I March Mather Chalmers
' Thanksgiving Song Ky School
x Welcome 1 lor man Ciocker
4 Rec. "II I Knew" .Joe Cawrae
5 Mmic iJinilrtle. . . Messrs. Will and
lav Koh, Will and Walt r Chalmers
6 Rets.., Nettie 1'lulips
7 Duet The Misses Ileriington
8 Dialogue "Oolu' Somewhere"
9 So'o..., , .Damon Greer, llillslioro
lo Kec. "I.tltle Mias Mischief" Kthel
1 1 Duct. . Florence Cawrse, Nettie White
u Rec. "Papa'a I.eltei"..Mvrtle Itowstr
i Duel The Misses Herrington
14 Rec, "Guilty or not Guilty" Faume
1,1 ThauksnlvliiK in TurkeylanJ. .School
16 Kec. "A Hoy's Pockets"..,. harnrat
17 Duet (In ( tannine) I'.alher Uisl-
meia, hva I awrse
18 (JUHilette
The undersigned will exchange for
Washington county land, 1(50 sores,
10 cleared, house and ham, several
hundred dollars worth of chittim
hark on same; will make ideal
stock ranch; 7 miles from Tilla
mook; 7 miles from Bay City, Al
so 22 acres at Hay City, Tillamook
county; 20 sort 8 of this ia cleared;
line buildings; good for stock and
dairy; close to oreamery. Or, will
sell b.ith properties for part cash;
easy piytuent, tho balance Hdle
buyck bros., Hiilaboro, Urcgon.
If you contemplate building a
bam, a house, or outbuildings, re
member that tlroner A Kowell
have a targe yard of rough and
dressed lumber at their mill At
Scliolle. Figures cheerfully given
on estimates. We deliver lumber
everywhere if quantity ia sufticient
to make a load. If you are going
to build, drop us a card. Sales
yard at Scbolls, nine milt s south
east of Hillsboro. We alto have a
nice line of drain tile; also build
ins blocks for foundations and for
cellars. Find a fine lot of brick.
Call us up on the Independent
Another farmers' telephone line
is about to be built out north of
town, the parties to have in
itrnnicnlp being Uichrd Beamish,
It B Collins,' Mr. Frost, Louis
Manning, Herman Kamna, Pe'er
Gnltlfib, Win. Rose and Wm. Jolly.
The olheers of the new company
are, Louis Manning, president;
Wm Ross, secretary and treasurer
The poles will be set as Boon as the
fall work is over.
8. A. D. Meek, a prominent
Mountaindale farmer, was in the
city, Monday.
Typhoid fever ia prevalent in one
or two places in town, and a prom
inent phyxician advises that resi
dents ue parts green with which to
sprinkle toiluta and refuse deposits
in their yards, as a preventitive lo
spn a ling by flies. Pat is green
will kiil the Hies and their egg de
p.isils, and there insects do mote to
spread typhoid than one can imag
Farm of 8!)J acres 1) mihs from
Corn, litis; little farther to Hillxboro;
50 acre cleared, 32 of which i best
litaverdani and swale; good six
-room fiame house, large barns; all
necessary buildings; orchard and
oerriee; plenty ol water; too per
acre. All kinds of land tracts of
all sizeejtownproperty in Cornelius,
Hillsboro and Forest Grove; right
priccs.-R. W. McNult, Real Kstate,
Cornelius, Ore.
The windstorm of Monday night
canted quite a general shaking up,
and many fences were blown down,
and some timber suffered. Owing
to the fact that the ground was no
thoroughly soaked the damago to
the limber, however, waa not ex ten
sive. The lights in this 6ity were
turned out about midnight, on ac
count of the velocity of the gole,
as it was feared that the machin
ery might sutlVr t the power house
The farmers of Vinelande, on the
ridge beyond Ohncoe, are trying to
gel telephonic communication with
the outside world, and several have
agreed to make arrangements to
have phones put in their houses.
This, with the rural route now at
their doore, will put them in
reidr touch with all r.oinU of the
llie isalionat u range met in
Portland yesteidny, and Washing
ton county is well represented. B
(5. Lcedy, of Tigardville, Grand
Master of the State, and his wife,
are doing the grand for the Web
foolers, while W. J. Wall has charge
if Ihe Washington county exhibit
of agricultural and horticultural
productions. Many have attended
from all parts of Washington couu
Frank Wesenbeck, superintend
enl of Ihe J. M. lluscell Hop Com
nany'a big 100-acre bop Urm,, at
Reedvtlle, and of winch A J Uay
is manager, was in town rridsy
and states that the company has
purchased 100 acres from the KStld
& Reed farm company, and will
this fall plitnt it to hops. This
will give the company 200 acres of
hops, and they will build another
hop house, nnd enlarge the old One
Sven teams ate now ploughing up
the prospective yard.
Alfrtd Luelling, who in the 'CD's
was county ciers 01 vvasnington
county, and wnn also resided at
Greenville in the early day, died at
Oregon City last week. Many old
pioneers here remember htm, Lu
elling was one of the first to start a
nurBtry in Oregon. He came to
the coaBt in 1857, and waa 72 years
of age. 1 ears ago a brother vtsitsd
htm while he lived here, and em
cided in a grove near the cemetery
L'eceased a son was a ho county
clerk here, and the late J. W. Mor
gan was his deputy.
Emile Hering, the 17 year old
son ct llie liasion sawmill man
was drowned Monday morning
about 8:00 o'clock, in tbe Callahan
k Hering mill pond, about 4 miles
above Gaston. Several witnessed
the young man when he fell into
the water, but there was no boat
bandy and by the time they were
at the place whore he fell in, tbe
body had sunk .for the luut time.
There was nothing handy and the
rescue work was therefore hindered.
The body waa recovered three hours
after the drowning, and the funeral
took plaeeTuesday. Coroner Brown
was notified, but did not think an
inquest necessary, as there were
witnesses to the death.
M8. Ada Gran, a widow, of Sand ,
pit, near Sherwood, still insists '
that some rarcal is trying tomb1
ter, and exhibits a threatening let- j
ter, demanding that she place'
money on the railroad track near
her rrsidt nee. 8he has her suipic-1
ions as to whom the party is, but!
othtr than ihe letter, has no evi
dence that would warrant an ar
rest. Mrs. Gran slateo that she ii
disraiisfied with the way the of
ficers handled the case, and says
that Roberta and Lreen did not
wait long enough or they would
have caught tbe intending thief.
The officers still think that Mrs
jiran is somewhat excited, but even
if she is right, there is not sufficient
evidoiu e, as yet, to cause ihe iesue
of a warrant. The man whom she
suspicions of sending her the letter,
end attempting to get her 111 "m-v
1 Sherwood man who has been
n trouble in the past.
Mrs Gran left fi r home Tuetdav
wiih an idea thai odicera thnuld
act, even on evidence that would
not implicate anv one, and would
only make costs wiihout results.
"In Omnia Paratus
Is our motto, and we live up to it. Anythiog
you need in the drug line, can be had at our
store, and that, too, of the best grade, at cus
tomary prices. Mail orders promptly filled.
Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty.
U)e Delta Drug' Store
Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon
. . 444
Dealer in Flour, Chop, Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock
Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds, Bee Supplies, etc.
A Stock of Lime and Shingles on Hand
We buy Chickens and Fresh e Eggs, and pay the
highest market price. ;
We deliver to all parts of the city.! ,
J. W. Hartrampf
In orJrr to accommodate the many
people who wish to make a winter
trip to Yaquina Bay, the Southern j
Pacific Cc. will sell, on Wednes
days and Saturdays of each week,!
until March 31, lWo, round trip;
ticket, at low rates, to Yaquina'
and return, limited to fixty days
from date of sale. Those a ho de
sire to take advantage of this rate
should apply to nearest Southern
I'acthc agent foi tickets.
Oregon City
HarrUburg i
Newberg j
Sheridan j
Forest Grovel
Independence j
Lebanon j
Dr. J. P. Tatniesie, of this citv,
is the first in the county to avail
himself of the parsRite, a "special
iatrogenic bacteria," furnished by
the I . S. Dept. or Agriculture, to
ufo with tha sowing of alfalfa. This
parasite is necessary lor tbe growth
of this forage plant, and the germs
are sent free to any one making ap
plication to the department. The
germ draws the nitrogen, so ne8
eary for the plant, as nitrogen
that is the large per cent, of its
growth in fact it is the real feeder.
hue the state chemists advise
sowing alfalfa in the Spring, the
government advises sowing in the
rail, and this Dr. Tamieeie has
done, on his ranch north of town.
Tho government will send pack
ages of the germ free, with direc
tions, and one package will inocu
late 5 acres. , The germ is placed
in, water, and in this the Bred is
dipped before sowing, or, in case
tbe seed is already sown, it can be
mixed with earth after the solution
is made, the water drained off, the
earth dried, nnd then town on thb
field. An experiment recently
showt d that where the solution was
not used and oOO pounds of alfalfa
were grown, a liki area, with the
use of the germ, produced C.OOO
pounds. The germ helps to make
the plant take deeper root, and this
is the life and strength of this for
age plant. Dr. Tamiesie has found
in his experiment that alfalfa sown
later, by two weeks, where the solu
tion was used, gave a better growth
than the older sowing did, where it
was not used. He believea that the
government is right about Fall
sowing, as the plant has a moist
soil for the roots to penetrate, and
alfalfa must go down from C to 12
feet to make a success; should be
mowed when six inches high, when
first coming up, to force the roots
downward. The plant must not be
sown on land subject to overflow,
or it will water-kill, and sheep and
goats must not be pastured on the
meadow. 1 he crop will stand 20
years wiihout chaugo, and is a great
producer, making the nnest dairy
feed imaginable, Dr. Tamiesie pre
dicts that when aitaila is proved a
success, which it wilt be later, land
will be worth $100 per acre, in this
section. Those wishing this para
site can get it by addressing the
Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of
Plant Industry, Lab. of Plant
Tliys., Washington, D. C.
ArguB aud Oregonian, $2.00,
A S.
SH0LE3, 1
Vice Pmmdent
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
Capital Stock Paid, $25,OO0JHI
Equipped with the hest burglar-proof safe and fire
proof vault. Members of American Bankers' Associa
tion. Also carry insurances against burglary and day
hold-ups. Every p'ecaution.taken to make money and
valuables secure. We invite the public to visit our
hanking hocse and investigate cur nielbeds of busi
ness. Large and small depositors alike will always
receive prompt, courteous, careful attention... Drafts ,
bought and sold; collections given prompt attention.
Farfatf mml Othmr Bmm MmetrHy.
MotMjr to Loam aut ffaal
Wm. Bagley
John Connell
Main Street,
C. S. Russell : Edw. Schulmerich
A. S. Sholes , t Geo. Bagley
Geo. Schulmerich ;
Hillsboro, Oregon
We carry a fine line of single and double barrel shot- S
guns, which we are selling at marvellously low prices, t
All kinds of ammunition. Loaded shells on hand. v. g
Wc also carry a complete liue of phonographs, with
records, and all kinds of . - . .
We have the best equipped bicycle repair shop in
Washington County. Charges reasonable, and . '
work speedily turned out. ? '
F. R. DAI LEY, Main St., East of I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. HUlsboro J
Is very aptly applied to financial
institutions that are reliable, and
that justly have tbe confidence of
the community. This means the
oldest and strongest bank in
Washington County.
This bank furnishes a Becure depos
itory for your money. Loans made
on acceptable security in any
amount from $10 to $100,000. Ex
change to any part of , the world
We sell bank money orders, con
veying your money cheaper than
Ihe U. S Government. t Collections
promptly attended. , ,.
North Side Main St.
JUkm m mm bb bjbh bw ''' H
. Hillsboro, Oregon 1 I