The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 27, 1904, Image 4

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    HILLSBORO ARGUS, OCT. 27, 1904
I Hearts -
I Courageous
"A title," prompted Jarrat, "good
only m long as I ploaw." j
You will not toll Iwr otherwise. No
Because you wish me to curry out tbh J
purpose this pretty piny the plan I :
wlilcb turn so Joyed the noble earl In '
the fort yonder and made him atnlle I
upon you and swear you were fit tor '
cardinal. Ton would not cloud tht j
Draining favor of his with early fa iJ
tire. No, you will tell no one. A uia
serves cither low or ambition, ami yout
ambition la master. And It I am uol
worthy to kiss her hand. No one pi'
earth, rich or proud aa be may be,
could think himself that Rut 1 could
offer her more than you, for If I had
the whole world. 1 would give It all i
wealth, name, ambition just to be bill '
a vagabond on the street with her! No, !
you will not tell her. monsieur, that I
aui not what I may come to seem. You .
will not tell her." j
Jamit's face purpled.
"teewarv. you spawn he said In
choked voioe. "On other points you arc
free while you serve in tula. But go
not far along the way you hare chosen '
with her. Sue U not for such aa you.".
"She Is for whom sue loves," answer
ed the young Frenchman.
The clatter of horses sounded, and
the lank lieu re of Henry came from
tbe stable yard leading two mounts.
Aa tbe pair took saddle and rode
away Jarrat stood looking after tbem
down the hlituruad. i
"So the lady has lowered her eyes'
to vouT' he scoffed, with a dark amlls'
oo his arrogant lip. "And I dare not '
suoll vonr aav maaaoeradet 1 wouldn't
give a pistole for your chances with '
Foy. He will end you as bewould
undo an ovster. You made a mistake.'
my new laid marquis, in soaring so'
high, and a worse one In bragging of
It. But for that touching scene in the
yard I had stopped that blundering
Idiot but now he may spit you and
The rattle of departing hoofs had
scarce died away when Anne crept'
softly down the stair of the inn. She
had donned a long cloak, and from an-
der the edge of its hood, drawn ovei
ber hair, ber blue eyes looked out with '
a feverish brightness. I
Tbe ball was lighted with a great
lantern, whose yellow flood added to '
the flower white pallor of ber counte-'
nance. The clock was striking 10. The (
soldiers bad sought the fort to gain
early rest, 'and the townfolk were gone"
home. Tbe long parlor was still and'
dark. Through the open door Anne
could see the litter of tankards and
pipes and a lean dog, stretched with
black muzzle laid to tbe threshold,
She slipped through the door and to
tbe highroad, and then, with treinu-j
Jous fits of fear at the shadows, ran al ;
ber best pace toward the tort It wai !
a good half mile, and she reached II
out of breath. A sentry at the gate I
stopped her, and to him she said she
wished to see the governor on impor- j
tant business.
"I know not If he will see you," be
objected doubtfully. "It is late, and j
tbe march is to begin at sunup." j
''But he must see me," she told him.
Tell him he umst!" " j
He left ber for a moment, then, re-;
turning, led her across a court of hard
beaten earth into a log building con-!
taining a single room. At tbe far end '
was a tnble strewn with paiera and '
maps. A sword rack was nailed to th '
In an armchair before the table, hit !
plumed hat and sword tossed across It,
sat the governor, heavy, coarse featur
ed, with reddish, muddy skinned com- j
plexlon under a black curled wig. Hi '
was pig necked and bis eyes were i
She came Into tbe center of tbe room
and courtcsied slowly, while the earl
rose clumsily, bis red eyes flaming ovei
ber lithe young beauty, and sat down
again, tilting back his chair.
"Your excellency,", she began, "will
pardon this intrusion and my haste.
A duel Is to be fought this night on
London field, and I I appeal to you to j
prevent it" I
,"A dueir The earl bent his bulky!
neck. "V faith, this is not the court
at Williamsburg. I have weightier red
skin matters at present to fill my time.
She came into the center of the room.
But 'tis truly a desperate encounter to
cause such a pretty interest from Mis
tress Tlllotsoii. And what tight tbey
over, pray? I warrant me they have
seen your eye eh?"
"At tbe King' Arms tonight," 'she
aid, flushing, "an affront was offered
to gentleman who was absent."
"Who wa this gentleman V
Colonel WtwWngton."
"Tbe Mount Vernon farmer whom
ti rebel bespeak to drill their bind
I hi AS! wboet wa the affront,
Your excellency aid. Captain Foy."
The governor slapped the table, high
ly amused.
"Twaa Foy? OUs Bsh, but he has
high stomach." He carries a prettj
point, though, and has used It too. II
can take care of himself. And why
think you I should trouble myself ovei
such playful bloodletting, mistress)
Poldieriug makes one not so siiueaiulsh.
Ilaltb. but 1 have had affairs in tuy
day. When I was a braw youug blad
aye. and tin-re were pretty eyes weut
red then, too," he added, with a boister
ous laugh.
Anue'a fingers quivered with resent
ment, and storm eauie to tier eyes.
"Your excellency," she erjed, "tbe
thing was but a trick to wound and
Bout a loyal hearted gentleman:"
-Ah, Indeed: And who this timer
"My Lord Falrfaa."
Tbe earl chuckled lu his chair. "So
the baron took up for his farmer friend,
ch" he asked, shaking his sides. ''I
scarce assume that Foy is going to
light tbe old uiau."
Aune had drawn herself up. her face
pale with this added humiliation. She
I replied with dignity:
"No, your excellency. The affront
i was answered by a French gentleman
j named Armand."
At tbe name the governor dropped hit
feet shuffling, and a quick gleam darted
in)S8 nonu
"Annand" he cried. 'The devil, eh 1
FT to fisht ulniT He struck the bell
for ,lle orderly as he spoke.
" shall be stopped." be went on.
"An affront to Lord Fairfax, you say-
king's man, aye, and a loyal. Lou
,!on t? Foy shall be disci-
pllned, the rascal! 1 thank you, mis
tress, for this information. I shall send
at once and put a stop to the meeting.
He was leading her to the door as be
spoke, not waiting her thanks, amka
she went out she heard him rumbling
angry instructions to bis orderly.
Before she had gone from view ot
the fort gate four mounted men pour
ed out and clattered down the high
road at a planter's pace.
Later, in her own chamber, Anne
opened her window and, leaning fat
out on the ledge, gazed into the night
" 'Like little stars,' " she murtnured
44 'wandering In the blue. " Then, after
a pause, " 'A little nearer, a little closet
than all else besides.' "
HE spot selected for the meeting
was not near by, since Virgin
ia's earl governor had forbid
den encounters within a ten
mile of a military camp. Foy rode thitb-
er witn uis seconds, Koipn and a
tenant in the royal forces.
"I like not these night affairs," spoke
tlie lieutenant "Dew is slippery, and
the light deceives. I have known
Foy cut in with a laugh of contempt
"'Twill be an accident i' faith," he
said, "if I send not bis soul a-scurry to
bell for that glass!
"I mind me that fight at llinden,'
said tbe lieutenant musingly. "'Twai
no white night such as this, but black
as the Earl of Hell's riding boots.
Hoots and slimy grass and"
Foy cursed him, with bis hand shak
Ing on his. rein. ''Let that alone fot
now!" Ue snarled. "They lied an they
said he slipped. They lied! 'Twas fair,
I tell your
"Aye," said the other, surprised.
"'Twas a fulr thrust None doubt
ed it"
"Where are your wits?" said Rolph,
reining close. "Know you no better
topic? When you have triced the young
upstart, Foy, we shall have a toddy to-
! night This air has an ague.
- A lantern had been set at the byroad,
. and at this Henry and Armand turned
I Into the open space. Tbe curving road
. on the higher Blue Ridge slope bad been
I delicately grayed with a gossamer mist
j creeping up from the late downs. Here
j It bad risen thicker, curdling more
; deeply against tbe ground and sopping
the air with the smell of wet beech
bark. With the sailing moon above,
was like going In some murky, dull
toned world whore near things were
shadowy and far vanished into opaque
The other party was in waiting, the
horses. In charge of a groom, tethered
near by under clusters of black scarred.
white stemmed birches, which stirred
dimly as If afraid. Through their
moving branches fitful flashes of fog
mixed moonlight filtered whltely ou
Foy, striding up and down, slashing off
golden rod beads with bis sword and
listening to tbe rustle of late rabbits,
"Gentlemen' said Henry gravely,
"know you no means by which this
meeting may be avoided?"
"The yonng cock's crowing leg loud
ly, eh?" Foy turned to bis second
with a rolling laugh.
A quick -.laVd of anger wa on Ar
mand' Hps as he faced Henry, which
aieu as tnirnany spoke:
"Let him to his knee and ask Cap
tain Foy to use bis riding whip Instead
of bis sword."
The i renchman'a laugh rang . out
clearly and loud. "I have seen M. 1
Capltaine ride. If he uses bis sword
as poorly as his whip"
"Damnation!" said Foy. "Measure
those swords, Kolpb, and be quick
about It."
Henry hpld Armand' coat and waist
coat after he bad stripped them off and
fcd, slight and youngj in his shirt
He looked at him with rising pity. AU
Virginia knew of Foy's sword skill
He had a brack record in tbe army of
Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, and
these tales bad been whispered wide
In WIllinmBburg. There he had come
to no open quarrel as yet and wa
made a boon companion by such pot
tipsters as Burnsby Rolph and lease?
toad eater like young Brooke. But the
better class gave him a cold shouldei
a unworthy to mix with gentlemen ol,
character and would have 'A "--
to have named blm to his face for
sneaking wbelp that smelled strong
the hangman.
The young Frenctnuaa took Henry
hand between both bl own, "I hart
been so occupied these last three
hours," he pretested contritely. "Hare
I said to yon that you are generous ant
kind to assist thus In the affair of
stranger? llavt I aald that I wa
"Colonel Washington.- said Henry,
"is aiy best friend. Aa I had been
the Inn parlor, air, I bad druuk that
roast with you."
The night was very sic til. Scare
leaf stirred In the vagrant brees ot
shivered in tbe base. Only a dull bum
ming cblrr of night Insect front the
thicket ami drifting across thin a gold
snake on a sad carpet the rich, plain
tive bubble of a whlppoorwlll,
"t tent emeu,' cried Rolph, "la
ready V
"Have you no command, monsieur?"
Heury asked.
Tbe young man' eyes were soft a
be shook his bead. "How sweet
sings!" he aald. "Listen."
It died, ami the tapping of a bell,
very raiut and tar and tenuous,, came
over the still valley. Henry knew tbe
sound. Away to the eastward on
high knoll, stood a long, low structure
of limestone, with a wide veranda.
Perched Umii Its roof were two woodeu
belfries with alarm bells, which had
been hung twenty year before, after
Braddork's defeat when the Indians
turned their tomahawks against the
white chief that dwelt there. The In
dlans bad been driven westward long
ago, but the bell still rang whenever
tbe master, with yelping bound or by
flaring ton-bee, came back to ht lodge.
At this moment, while Armand stood
in tbe moonlight with a naked sword
lu his haud, my Lord Fairfax, for
whose affront he stood, wai come again
saddened to Greenway Court.
Foy' voice broke In, neeringly
wrathful. "Am w come to string
"En garde!" cried Armand, turning
sharply, and tbe two blade rang to
gether with a clash.
Foy's attack was wonderfully strong.
He had the trick of carrying the bead
well back and resting the whole weight
of his body upon the left leg, a sign of
one whose learning bad been without
masks. The other' method wa
differeut from that of hi antagonist
as night from day. tie fought far for
ward, engaging much with tbe point
A uialtre d'escrinie might nave seen
In his action some of the freedom and
directness which later gave Bert rand
tbe greatest fencing master ot Europe,
the surname of the "Terrible." But tc
the watchers It seemed to be utterly
without method barren of rule to
louse, uncoutalned. He possessed the
appearance of a child at careless play
with a serpent, not conscious of It
sinister Intention.
A pain came into Henry' dark eye
and a paler tinge to hi cheeks. He
groaned Inwardly a Foy suddenly
came at Armand, pressing him back
In a furious chasse-crolsse, first tbe
right foot forward, then the left
The lieutenant stood cloee to Henry,
Als lip parted, watching. "Tbey say
Foy wa taught of Angelo," be whis
pered, "and that tbe pupil could best
his master. Tour friend I In evil
So Indeed It seemed. Foy was
brute, and he fought like one, with fact
distorted and breath rattling with rage.
He came on with the lunge of a bunt
er at a boar, bl blade bate heavy, and
the very fury of hi rush sent tbe young
Frenchman back to the verge of the
Armand returned with a stop thrust
parried a lunge and answered by
riposte. Then for a moment there wa
nothing but tbe du-tac-ao-tac of llni
steel, cutting wayward blue white
flashes where tbe milky light caught
Its edge.
"End tbe cub, Foy," cried Rolpb with
an oath, "and let u to townl You
could have spitted him forty times!"
"By heaven!" suddenly bunt out
Henry. "Bravo!".
The Frenchman' blade, beating up a
flanconnade, bad nicked a crimson
gash on Foy' iboulder.
Tbe latter, smarting from the prick
and enraged beyond measure, came on
again cursing, bl chin set forward
from bis neck and a fleck of foam on
bl Hps.
Armand bad changed bl tactic. He
still bad tbe appearance of looseness
and lack of close defense; but, atrange
ly enough, Foy's point though wielded
by the redoubtable swordsman that be
was, bad not so much a slit a ruffle of
bis shirt He was untouched, Immacu
late, careless and debonair.
Now be became of a sudden winged.
He turned, circled, wa here and there
with the rapidity of an Insect. The
fight turned this way and that, crushed
tbe bushes, was all over the ground,
There wa a mase of pricking, whirl
ing arrow of sulphur colored flame In
the moonlight Foy's breath wa com
Ing hoarsely In bl throat like that ef
strangled dog. Armand began to laugh
outright a be thrust and parried.
Tbe lieutenant wedged an exclama
Hon amid tbe flick and scrape of steel.
Foy' face wa become a welter ol
sweat and rage. This wa a sort ol
fighting new to blm. He tried every
attack, every feint, double engage,
coupe each ineffectual, Armand, ulm
ble, laughing, began to bum a tune ai
be ran.
Nothing could bare been better cal
culated to goad bl adversary to point
of Impoteney. Already Foy bad be
gun to cut and lunge In utter, whirling
madness. Rolph no longer called tc
him to end tbe matter. All alike saw
that such ending was fait coming lute
Armand' power alone. '
Again and again Foy laid bl guard
open to Armand' throat, taking nc
thought, but (till tbe Frenchman with
held It Instead bl leaping point slash
ed tbe other" coat to flapping ribbon
pricked blm on the thigh, In tbe arm
pit, In tbe band wasp sting that drew
blood and rage, but banned not
At tbe first spurt of crimson Rolpt
leaped forward, crying that it wai
enough, at which Armand politely low
ered bl blade, bnt Foy reviled bl see
jnd with such curse that be went back
to his station gritting hi teeth.
The lieutenant raised bl band, with;
drawing bl eyes an Instant from the
combatant. Henry listened, and bl
ear caught the tattoo of hoof beats fling
ing over tbe road, mixed with the fall'
Ing of a lash upon horn flanks a
' - of Impatience la. the sound. A
It cam nearer Kolph turned bis beat
with a quick gleam of relief.
At the saute tnstaiit Armand, swerv
ing far forward, wounded his antagonist
In the right wrist, and, Foy' finger
relaxing ou the hilt with a swovpiug
twist sent tils sword rattling a good
leu feet away
Foy was af rr-r It to "match It up, with
a snarl more like a wild beast than a
uiau, when an ottlcer, at a gallop, lead
ing three soldier, broke htto the clear
lug and spurred fairly bctweeu.
"Stop!" he shouted, out of breath.
Stor In the governor' name!"
Amount tossed hla sword to the
"Hell and fury!" foamed Foy as he
praeg back, slashing at the horse'
"Nop.' In the uoprniui mimcf"
legs, "Out of the way, curse you
The anliual plunged aside, and Foy
came at Artuuuil liko the uiaduiau he
The officer threw himself off the
horse too late, as Heury rushed for
ward. Armand stood perfectly still,
bl hand pressed to his side, where a
tain wa spreading crlmsouly among-
the white rulHea.
"Bear witness, Uolph laid with cool
neas, turning to the soldiers, "that Cap
tain Foy Is not hlu'sclf for liquor."
"There has been uo liquor drunk late
ly, lou meant murder!" Henry turn
ed fiercely opou Foy, who, his rage sul
leuly sobered. Blood biting his mills.
"tuoUKh. gentlemen," Interrupted the
officer. "There will be time for that
I have his excellency's order lo bring
II here In bl command to the fort
Captain Foy, Mr. Kolpb, lieuteuant, t
cU on you to accompany me without
delay to town!"
You are hurt, monsieur," cried Lien
ry, throwing an arm about tbe yeuug
Frenchman, who staggered slightly.
"Sir, you will not leave him so, bleed
ing, nere by tbe roadside? Greenway
Court la not far distant In the name
of humanity I ask you to assist me to
take blm where he can have proper
attention for his wound.
I have Imperative orders, sir. Mount,
Well to leave blm to the doss!"
burst forth Foy in a sudden simmer of
white fury a be turned In hi saddle.
And you, you upwturt rebel, Virginia
would long have been the easier for
your gibbeting!"
Ibelr hoof beats grew fainter, then
were gone lu blankuess and echo, and
Henry, feeling the young man form
grow suddenly limp, laid him geully
uown upon the turf.
The baron had driven from Winches
ter that night with a hurt In his gu.
lant old breast. When be settled back
In hi seat hi bauds trembled greatly,
clasped atop bl sword. The huge
chariot, drawn by four wild poiile
that would go at any gait except trot
together, swung swaying from Its
leathern springs, and the road seemed
very long.
Are we almost there. Joe?" be ask
ed more than once.
And the old negro riding behind hi in
would reply stoutly, "Aluio" dar, Mars'
Tonn; alinos' dar."
The fog, fold on fold, shut out the
beauty of the way. Lower lu the
wooded valley the shadows lay very
thick, like dead men strewn on a battle
field. Hiding, he beard the leaves full,
like the Illusion of youth, like hap
piness, like glory, like power.
"Almost there, Joe?"
"Almos dar, Mur' Tonn; aliuos'
dar." .
Up the craggy way a flicker of light
stabbed down through tbe dnib-lttce
tree traceries, and the chariot, turning
In to the clearing amid clamorous dogs,
Woke the cloistral silence of Greenway
Court. A negro came out, beat back
tbe dog and let down the step, and
the old man descended, leaning on Joe's
irm. "
Joe brought my lord hi supper of
venison and bordeaux, standing behind
hi chair till bl master wa done. Tble
wa not long tonight.
My lord took up a book, but threw It
down again. Then he lit hi pipe and
(at long silent till tbe fire domed black
ening. Joe came In, plied pine knot
on It and went ihuffllng out again.
Tbe bound yawned about tbe hearth
or whimpered softly In their dreum.
Crackling" steps ' roused them, and
they scrambled out to bay and sniff
and yelp, when the negro clubbed them
A heavy tread stumbled up tbe step.
An aged mastiff, curled under the old
man' chair, bunched shoulders, growl
ing, and the baron, sitting by the dead
hearth, with tbe ashes fallen from bl
pipe, turned bl bead,
Henry stood on tbe threshold, carry
ing Armand In hi arms.
A bl bearer stood, rocking, the
young man stirred, opened bis" eyes
wide on the baron and thrust down hi
leg. "My lord." be cried gayly, but!
with weaknew and husking breath, "I i
come early to keep my appoint-
nmn M Ua tAnl m. J I..
ward on to tbe floor. i
T tli.l-t . M II,.- -
m rainuA aiuou up use a uiasieu
tree with two dead bough, left .wing-
Uae '
Foy killed blm Y' -
"Not ret," Henry answered.
fault o? bis, my Jotd,"
Possibility of Southern Paci
fic Putting on TrtiiiM Stum
would be a Great Thin Fer ibe Count
and Mean Development
I. dome from a very reliable
source that tbe Southern Pacifio
is contemplating, ami now htt a
B.-lmlul prepared, a ruburtnn er
iceon the Wt SiJ roul to
Washington ounty p.iints, and the
trains are to run a far ai Forest
Grove The West SiJ liai an iin
mn iamengr traffic, ant some
thing must he done to relieve the
congestion. It is raid thai thi
service will he celled ul'd and
Operation before many mom h and
it to, W ahingtni county will be
much brneGiied. A psm-enger ruiiuii g out of the principal
street of 1'ortland every hour or
fo would attract i:oiue.knr, and
many would fettle here, rither
than g) iulolhe interior.
If this service i established
many I'oriland businesa people
will own l o. nes out in toe country,
ana neaveri m, tint city and r-ur
eit drove, will profit from thi
Webb Phillip, of Cornrl.m, wa
in town Tuesday.
Mm. I). J. Porter, of Guton
was in town Monday on legal busi
H. G. Wright, the Portland
monunmit nan, w in the city
tne nisi oi me week.
Advertised letter. HilUboro rmol
offic: Mrs James Babbell; will be
brl t until November 5.
Finn tomittoes for ale
liver in the city Win.
Lace place, llillslmro.
Will de
Mita Maud Hoover, of Foiail,
well known among tb young pro
pla bere, is qt lie ill at the Good
Sama'it in II ipiial, m Portland.
A 0. Smart, who hat been lay
ing steel on the Tacoma & Kat-
ern, 14 bourn lor a few day, while
i P'ra'ion are impended for the
lime being.
Pitcher Higanbotharn, who lne
one of tht bt-st games of any of the
oung frll-w in Oregon, wt in
town the fin', of the week, visiting
with hie brother He and Frank
8ina, tho Cornelius catcher, have
an opportunHy to sign with the
Hots, i lab i, team, next spring.
The baron shouted for his sorvanta
and for cloths, hot water and Illy vine
gar, "lie must have a leech," he said.
"1 will ride myself for the doctor at
Ashby' Gup," Henry answered. "Rut
I will dress the wound first" With
Joe's help skins were spread on one of
tbe couches and Armand laid thereon.
Then, with a woodsman's knowledge
of wounds, Henry drew his knlfo aud
cut away the clothing.
"It Is not mortal?" asked tbe old man
"No. But 'twas a foul luuge. Think
not be was tbe poorest swordsman.
Never wa such a skill seen In the Vlr
glnlas ns be showed thi night."
"Is It so?"
"Hlr, he held that rat' Ufa on th
point of his steel. I swear to you he
could have run blm through a score
of time an he would. Tbey (topped
the duel soldier from the fortaud
that red devil of Dunmore' attacked
lilin when he bad thrown bl weapon
by and wa empty handed."
"Ab!" cried the bnron.
At length Henry stood up. "I am off
to the Unp now. I shall not return
with tho doctor, since I must go ou to
AVIIIInmsbiirg tomorrow. Hut for safe
ty's sake I shall prsiy him speed."
A struggle showed In the baron's
face. No ono bud ever gone unentered
from bis door. He kept open table at
the Winchester courts, fed tbe poorer
settler with bis owu produce and
would have filled the rugged hat of a
beggur with guinea. Ono passional
hatred he had hatred against tbe en
emies of hi king. All were alike to
blm, high or low. The times, growing
beyond blm, had put forward patriot,
But, all alike, he deemed them viper
that bit tbe hand that fed them.
As Henry approached the door my
lord wa fidgeting In his chair. The
band wa upon tho hitch when he could
restrain himself uo longer.
Joe," be thundered, "fetch a stirrup
cup! You may be a rebel, sir, but,
blast my whips and spurs, you shall
drink before you go! I could wish you
were not an enemy of the king."
"Not of the king," uid Henry, and
smiled. "Not of the king, but of the
king' rule."
A gleam of fierceness, of the uncom
promising principle of hi life, (hot
from under tbe old man's brow. "I
hold with no disloyalty."
"I hold," said Henry In a low voice,
"with my friend Colonel Washington."
"I abe( no treasons," flamed the old
Henry' eye Lid a sudden gleam of
satiric humor. He stretched out the
glass the negro had brought blm and
proffered It to his host
"I must decline," he said, "to accept
hospitality from any man on earth who
has aught to say against tbe character
; T"c;,0Be,
Vh-h"! ,"1?
The baron stood for a moment with
his jaw dropped, then coughed.
-j. i
"Joa ,
nrh?JV. If ,l"""Dg "ke
" I
'God knows I"
xtnt ho
tMrrZZk' "1
got uo further.
.7. w k T 1 "
- umu
(To be Continued.)
Svco0or to On Koch
Fine Mi-ok of Href, I'm, and
Mutton alivay ou hand Hume
made sausage, lard. Finenl of
Haevn, eic, s : :
seoono truer!
The Southern I'aoilKi Co wilt tell
round trip ticket at greatly re
duced rates to St. I ,mi is and Chica
go, aooounl of the Si. Umi repo
sition, on the following dates: Au;
gust 8, V), 10; September 4, ft, 7;
October . 4, f.
Going trip must bn completed
within ten day from dat of sale,
and paaxenger will be permitted lo
atari on any day that will enable
them to reach destination within
the ten day limit. Itettirn limit
ninety data, but not later than
Dec. 31, 1J04
For lull information a to rate
and routes, rail on Agent Southern
Pacilio Co. Uillsbcro.
K, L McCormick ha a flneie
lection of tt ring, and wrdding
rings Call aid inspect them.
One donreant of Commercial Hank.
rfMSMsWaMrhMtwlH ffMMWlM
Ekfelwetsa Herb Tea
Manufactured by
oumamtmc meoiomc oo.
II your health le gone, your Stomich on
a eliike, your Nerves ami I.uoki weak,
lit this Kcuiedy faithfully, ami, if pot
alresily pant hope, you will be well
gain. It doee not lorce, but auitti Na
ture. Trice (to cents per pscksit. re
paid hymsil. Wrtle lorpltnin nr
culsrs. l'sitirs wanted lo evtry d wit let
to pUc my choice Family Remedies on
AJdrest-OfViV f. GRAF
Pllmad, Oewswa
. r. O. f
(I'leat mention llllwboro Argue)
Nolle of Final Settlement given lint lh nmler
lgiiil sdiiiiinslntior of the KtUla of
I'bllomana Permit list II If. I in tlo. Coun
ty Conn of the Nlal of Oreiton for Wiwh
iiigloti Cotituy, Ins rtnul seixiuul In ll
mailer of eaiil enlate and eil.l Conn lu
wit Monday tho ifiat day of November,
IU04, al the County Court room In II III
bom. Uregon. al lUo'ulork A.M. as ilia
time and lue or hraritig lo
auiil lliial aecoutil and for (he Uual ull le
nient of aald eilate.
I'ated tide Oct. lath KM.
. , , , AlUt'Ml' KKMIM.V,
Adnilnlatralnr ot the IMatv of l'hllo-
men I'errelt, Dsn'd. t
lo. K, llaa-lry stturney for Ailmlii
Administrator' Nolle
Nutlra e IllTliliV Blvrn tlml llm ,,,.,1...
iH'ied h broil by thn Coumy Court ot 1
the fllateo! Oretj.m for Waaltliiirlnn Conn.
If, duly spiHiinioil Almlnltralor of lbs
Kutate of Mariiarct l ionee, ilix-enaa 1. 1
Slid ba duly imalillad and iilrt noon ;
the illwlouifs of hla ilutir. I
luririni,, Mir0ie IIHVlllU'
claim axsinH the t.itB of anld oWa.",
are hereby required to prant llm mono
U the i undersigned at (lie law ollloe of
Oso, R. HsRloy, In lubom, lireiroii, :
within n months from the ilatsol this!
not I. e.
Dated this nth day of AuenH, llM.
. , , , . HKNitV W. JoN Kit, i
Ailmillktrnlor nr Ilia i.iu ,rf u ...... ... 1
I) Jonus, deceased. j
Notice of Final Heitlemenl,
Notice is hnrehv vlvan that th ,i...
Ikh1 KxoeulrU of the l.t will hm. I.
Imunil or A. O. Itroan, deressril, has
til ml In the t'ountr Couit nf the Mate or
Oriiron, for Waahinaton Ooiintv I
aoeoiinls of the matter of aald mtnte, and
anld Court has ttiad Monday, the 7ili tlay
of November. Uol. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. rn., of aald day, at the court
r.Kiin nf aald Court, In t'lllxboro, County
and Htuta aforesaid, as llm time anil place
for bearing obleetloiie Ut nili.l uocounw
and the tlnnl atitilsment nf nihl ealnto.
DaUMl line SMin day or fflptomlier. 1004.
Kxectilrlx of Ilia last will ami irn.,i
of A. ('. lirov-ii, dttcraaod.
Administrator's Notice.
Nollre le hnruliT elven that tlm iin.liir.
alRiiixl lias lftn by the County Courl of
tho Htiila of Oregon, for tho County ot
Washington, duly oi.oolntml ailmlnl.lp..
tor ol Ilia iir (mUlo of Cynthia A. Hurri, I
ilrwHMfil, ami Hint bo ban duly iHiilltlpi
na aiii:b. Now, thrreforu, all pt'rnona Imv
Inif cniliii avslnut anld vaLniH firn Immhu
ionium m imimii main io me, with nrop.
or vouchors attached, at thn law olllne of
II. T. HiiKloy, In Hillalinro, Oregon, with
in ma moonlit mini uuie neroor
Dalod st ilillaboro, this Ortolwr II, Iikii.
AHuilnlxtrnlornf I he Estate of Cynthia
A. BurrU, lnTnfil.
.11. T, IJniflay, Attornoy for Arlinlnlilra
tor. Guardian's Sale of Real Property
Notice le hereby irlvou. that tlia uti.Ur.
igiiftd Gimr.liiui of llio oitutoof 1011a-
uein ncnmuii, an iiimuiu nerson, will, bv
virtue of an orilur and licsnae made anil
entered by tho Counte Court of llm Hta'.u
of Oregon, for Wadilnidon Coui ty, nn
the "Mill day oT Hnpteiiihor Hum, ut
oubllu auction to the hlulicxt hlilil
caali, on Momluy, I'm Hist ilny of October
vm, hi me nour or in o'clock a. in . of
uuiu imv, -or loiiiiniiiK oencr ufill null
property lying, being and ultu to In
WuHhlneton Coiintv. Orcoim ,n,i ,i..
I scribed an fol'owa, to wlt:
C'oiiiiiiuiiulng ut a point In tho router of
HtU i Vttltlttf ll.tdll MM,, I. .. .
,m,h ."on inn rori--
laiin arm jiarria I'.rino itnH,
through mo Donation l.nnil
Claim ot
Jamas H. Rld, In Hectlon Nliietoon T I
m it i w I,, u'. i.i. ........ i .'.:
'...,. ' """ " ""my, un-
nn;i)M runs norm or tiioSouih lino of
Bilid CUiiii: tlieoi o rnnn nir Wui ........ y.., I
with the South lint) of anlil I'lni,,, ii,:a
roda; thence Northorly lll.'JI rodn; thence
r.iwi, paraiici mm inn raoutn Hue of said
claim iOOH rods to the center ol nnll Conn.
tv iioaii ; iiiHiice no .iui loiiowing the ecu
I ...I. I (..-. I Alt . ... .
uiu ivooo tu.ii roiia w p nco of UB-
v ,,., ,1ii.1i,1 .ini
Nald sale will he suiijoct to coiiHrhmllon
by the County Court of SVaehinvton
County, OrcKon, "
Dated thin Sept. ?A. Hill,
Guardian of the person and eatat'o of
Elizabeth Hchmldt. an inaano pereon,
W. p. Hare and (Jeo, K, Bugley, Attor
ney for Ouardlan, " " 1
lias opened for business
on Second street, a doors
south of the Palniiitcer
Telephone Central, where
yon cau get it nice, clean,
wholesome meal for
25 cents
Our Short Order Pare is
complete, aud avc have till
that the marlcet affords,
l'rivate rooms for fami
lies, or for ladies.
Every Delicacy
in Season
Give us a call. Sunday
dinners a specialty.
Several fine rooms for
transients. Doard by day
or week.
Second St., HilUboro, Ore.
A"" Magazine
I Give fiuo picture of
tiunural MoArthur am other
army omecrs Ucscntxi the re
runt military maneuver In
California, each article k-inn
profmoly illumraffd with
ha f-t -ne, and colored draw
ing by Edward Cucuol. In-lo-tMlliig
arlio'ea on Califor
nia and Oregon: How Olive
Oil is made; How Almond
are Grown, ami line do rrij
tioiwof Pluinai and Sut or,
twog eat Cilifuriil coui.lien;
224 imgo of article, UVturn
torlcii, kkutdics and verse
Ten Cent a Copy.
You can buy Sunset Maga
zine at all new standi.
Snoip line
ao Union Pacific
Through rullman standard and tourl.t
elceplng-CHr. dully to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tturlet le-plng-car daily to
Kansas Uly; through I'tillman tourint
leepng-cari (pereonally conducted)
fe1ky ? Chicago, City, c
e In ng chair car. (seat, free) io the .
Kant daily.
' laud
Salt lake, Dmivor,
H, Wnrlli, nmaho,
KsniiHs City, ut.
-oiile, Chicago and
9:2!) a. a.
tiW r. t.
8:1ft e.M.
8S,ll rHk0' I,",vr.
Kt. Worth, Omaha
Karma city, Ht
Uule, Chicago and
I'nlluian, Mlnnaap
ull, Nt. I'aul, 1) ,.
lilt!.. Milu.,,,,1,....
Ht. f'ttuTT
6:00 r, m.
7:!lfi a, k
!)hujoand KbhI 1 1
Htramshlpn between I'ortland and Han
Kra,laoo overy Bveday. 1
wVlUni.Iu.HlJl n" 11,6 iov"r Columbia uud
" I'lamett dally exoopt Hunday.
TUke,t.dvlH'i,hl.,tl, ,pol,,t" KU
ueneral faoRenirAr Ani
Portland, Oregon.