The ESSE JnlILLSBR0 VOL. XI. H1LLSBOKO, OREGON. OCT. 13. 1904. NO. 31 ... Siiy There can bi no (loin promise VVilh Jnp in JU'S MIST HE DKIVEN FROM ASIA 8a)a Thai Govet omrnt Mint tit 1 r In vadtis Fioui Aula The leading ailinliiHlriiil n pajier in Uuai-ia eaye that there muitt In) lui iiPNCrt lerma Aim Japan until lht country' troops lire Arthur Cutik ' in. editor of the ; (irani paw Journal, haa ln-eu fined $250 for lilwlling Rnpie Mutative It. li. Smith, elected to tlio legislature ,oii the demorralio ticket 1mI June jCunkliii will appeal, and Hinitli i I now to kItI apapir h'nmwlf, jut I to get acquainted with the libel alattitea. Rtiria and (ierinany are retort d to have made a aecrnt agreement whereby Germany givs certain gnaranteea to Kmiror Nicholas re Harding the Grriuan frontier which wilt tnable Kuaxia lo withdraw tro.H in Kuseia-Poland and dis patch them to the Far Kant. Thomas Ilrown, sged 22 years, wita fatally shot at Oaketdale. '....! I.. ....... T t I i... (IrlvCI)' """KWMi, imnujr iiiumin, it ! Iir.. nit I . w i a lfntir nf ft tMnnur outi.f Aia. Kuri)ialklnirlrt'ii?tli-'tiri, ,, niug every possible lioeiilnn in , , . ' , , , " ' i ... i "0 burglars were recently sen- and around lie laa and Miikd.'n, tl)II0rj t0 thirty-five years liupris and la raprcting to give the Jap joninenl hy a Montana court. aneae hatiie wIhmi they make an advance. The Uuraiiin gnverrimuit will nut conaUler pence overtures from the ouUido, iin'iimlU-r what Jaan may do. A the honora il war are vtl with Japan tint cation will hardly bn I lift Hiat to commit itaill to a p-ace policy, i'trt Aithnr still l.o'd out, and thrrtt U no immediate h pruheu tlin that Stoeaael wilt mii render. A tarn of J. C- Iluchanan, near CorncliuH, llurnH in the Niht BIT EIGHT HUNDRED INSURANCE Three wan lb Battle thin N-l-ie-ki, launch at Seattle, Friday. Tim It'Hvrr Hill coul mine, in ('mm intuit)', U alhe, and the u.ii.e may ha a total Ima. I.ale adviaes nay the Husaian Ar.ny ia to take march to victory at any coel. Thi Japa captured a Hritiali steamer biund fur Port Arthtr, with cullle t nd Hour, Friday. Tliotuaa K. Wataun, populist LOCAL and COUNTY Tim higheat market price paid (or butter ami egg" at Urecr a. Newton Morgan, of Portland, vUited friend in llillcboro Sunday Willii Ireland spent a few dayr in The Dallea the first of the week. Missis I.ura Cornelius and Ida Itiirre'.t vixiled with the family of Mayor II. P.Cornelius over Sunday Mr. and Mra. T. C. Wadaworth, of Portland, aere nut Sm.tlav. Mr Vadnh israeliler for the Amer ican True Foundi ri' Comjiany, of that city. We carry the awellett line ol nl m ' - . . i a : .1 i 1 1, .f(..ii;u- m. I geniiemon a ami lauiee urra anuoa to i jounu in iiib town, ionie and nee theui, at Dennis'. Dr. Jame Withyooinhe, (f thin county, and who ia Vice Director of the Corvallia Agricultural Loliega iilli n In! a UriHir inatlluta at Ln iioiiiinie fur President madu puu'l0'terpiiHn. hat efk. It 1 14 1 In rxt at it am M n t .1 u 1 ' I The floeat line of Fall akirla ever The CapU.n of the Willamette? i,ri1Ki,t 0 the county ia now in al river ooai, loiumia, ay uio river j W-hrllllB & Hon. Drop in am ia luaer than hiatory of the atage of water chronlclea, Portland chemiati are aoking 2.riO to eiamine the atoinach of ;ho infant found dead in a Irl.r acope grip al tho Union depot. Druggiat Hoth, of Cortland, went lo tUletu the other day and lout '2.000 on a fake Amt race, lie will tie them. The latent patterna, and at pncea that will aell them. t'haa. P. Perkins and Mia Kllen (i. Thomaa, of eaat Vanhington dimly, were given a licenae ta wed hv the MiiUni'intli county clerk Sittifday. lUv. II. Oberg, well known here a m . k kar na nrmer paator oi me m r try toga Ida money back In the church, waa Umlcred a big ovation courts. ill L liorars Lost in the Flames Forty Taaa ef Kay C. Ituchanan, the Cornelius bop grower, loal ins barn and Ha con tents KtiJay morning about 2:30, with a Joes of about $3,000. Buch anan waa at ilia barn about 11 the evening before, and everything was quiet. About 2:30 he wss awaken sd and tie building was then nearly consumed. Three head horses were burned to death, 40 tons of hay and 400 bushels of oats, 2 buggies, and all of Mr. Buchan an's farm machinery went up in stnoka. One horse made bis ec oa from the buttling structure, bis baiter having burn.d loose. Mr. Buchanan eays he is at a loss lo know what started the fire, unless tome one ciawl d into the ham Ui sleep and lighted a match. The blase first stKHed up in tht bay-at halt that is the theory. Tlx re waa (800 iosuiauce. The lnes ia a aevire one. but had tbeie leen a wind other buildinji must hive burned. A. C. HALL'S BARN BURNS. I hy the membtirs ot Trinity Church Sunday it was reported that the Portland, Hntuiday evening. Itueaians had taken a atrongly fcr- The fnllowins unclaimed letters titled' poaiiion at liantsiaputa,; j t(ie Hii,boro otlice will driving the Japa beforo them ilh j to lh8 j.j 0,ioa oct0tWr 22, Sunday night about midnight the biro of A. C. Hall, one mile rant of Sherwood, waa entirely destroyed hy fire together with all its cm- lent a. liall is an onion grower and prosperous farmer and bad juat Untuned storing his large crop of onions, hay, grain aud apples for winter use. Claua Uorcher, a neighbor, also bad about 500 sacks of oniona temporarily stored in the barn and these, too, were destroyed The hories and wagon were re moved hut nothing else could tie saved. The fite ia supposed to have been of incendiary origin and the entire loss is estimated at $4000, with but $SO0 insurance. Hall for many years served as Clerk of the Sherwood school dis trict and ia a brother of the late J. C. Hall, formerly County Surveyor. Argus and Oregonian, $2.00. Will Joos, of Olencoe, was in town Saturday. 8am Moon, the Centerville dairy man, was in the city raturuay. O. E. Kdson, the Dairy Creek Mills j r iprietor, wis in town Saturday. Mra. Libbie Cooklin was last we k the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ann Freeman. Misa Trella Ford, of Portland, a daughter ot II. P. Ford, waa the gueat of Mra. John Connell the Gret of the week. Win, Ingram and sons, and John fioje, oi Farmington, came back from Buck Mountain Saturday, with a deer. Frank Peters, of this city, has been elected president of the senior clafH at Pacific, and Mian Lottie Peters, bis sister, has been elected o'sms treasurer. A. Rutten, the creamery man, hss returned from a trip to the old country and hai again started to operate the Centervdle creamery, with a good patronage. ice wet season is due, ana re member that John Dmnis has the lineal lineof umbrellasover brought io the city, with price in reach of all. Umbrellas for children. Cal and Bee tiirm. Captain 0 V. Holm, of the Nineteenth U. S Infant y, Vancou ver, was in the nty Sunday, the guest of Cpt. F. J. Hiiley Cipt. Helm waa in command at Cebu when the Dr. w as iti the Philippine service. You must have groceries why not drop in and see our staple linos, the finest ever brought to the city. We buy nothing but the best, and that il whit you want. Fruits in season. John Dennis. A ROYAL MUSICAL Will be Given on Evenings of October 21 anil 22 I'NDERDIRECTION 0PM E.ROBINSON A Biblical SUry ef Religion Interest, Depleting Wrong, Lsve and Retribution A chorus of about fifty voices, un der the direction of Martin E. Rob inson, of Chicago, will be given by local vocal talent at the Opera House, on the evenings of Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22. There will be many beautiful pic tures formed of young women, rep resenting Orientalism as it eziated during Scriptural times, and the singing will be the beet Hillsboro has heard for years. The Contata, Queen Eether, is is reprear ntative of the reign ot King Ahasuerus, the In Omnia Par&tus" Is our motto, and we live tip to it. Anything you need in the drug line, can be had at our store, and that, too, of the best grade, at cus tomary prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty. &f)e Delta Drug Store Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon hiavy lower. The funeral of the late Hmry C unleHM oall-d for: A. K liot, Klixa Hudson, Mrs Fleck, Mr. A. K Payne, Postmaster (lenrrul, was ! 1 Vpar, r una Hlack. held at Milwaukee, Sunday nrter-j fjeo. Daiety wis down from noon. The remain! were interred lr, the firet of the aeek, and iu Form Home oemetery. j ,lv B t,Bt falir ia getting along The Columbia Pari Stockyards , nicely. 1! expect lo let out aud Coitiiiaiiv. a i.ew inociri.onuioii will "catch asiriimof trout some of tlwee -. ........ . , -.-. . i i . iiuya Juki na soon as ine taw aiopa I lliu reft id the lUhermen. i hooao a site in Portland this week for a packing plant and expend -iftOOOO, of its rapital for build ing. Six employes of the (irand Trunk Railway wi re sullioati'd to death in a tunnel near Port Huron, Midi , by era I gas last Sunday. A ooI truiu bmktt in two while pasting through the tunnel. John Pope, a real ealalo man shot himeelf through tlm head, Saturday, nar North Yakima Temporary insanity canned by brooding over htifunens troubles' i supposed to have been the cause. The peoples' parly has fi'ul an Oregon electoral ticket with the secretary of slate, as follows: h II. MoMahaon, Salem ;T. IC. Phtdpa, Malhenr; Dr. J. L Hill, Albany; and C, F. Huhmitlein, Woodburn. A Rang of men hi tf cupped M, Kellcy, at Kelson, Wash , last week ; tvinu him to a tree, whera he re mained four days, being found un conscious. Kelley was soon to have married a girl altondiug M'.hool at Ellensburg. The big auto race on Long Is land, Saturday, was won hy Ooo. H all), driving a French fll) horBe power machine. Geo A mils, a New York millionaire, was fatally wounded umi bis driver immediate ly kill d as a mult of an accident, District Attorney Harrison Allen bus bet n asked by the Fiah Com mission to Btart a suit to dtoido the question of a boundary hetween the states of Oregon and Washington, so that criminal action may ho properly brought by Oregon, in . cases, of violation of the llnbing laws. The LrvFollette mon in Wiscon sin threaten to holt Roosevelt un less the stalwarts pull off their fight against LaFollotte'a ticket. The stalwart have placod, Gan. Schofleld in nomination for bvor- nor against LiFollette, the regular nominee, republican, and this gives Gto. W. Peck, democratic, a chance for election, and the stale may go for Parker, Jos. Honks, of ineiamK waa don Mindav, having his hand treated bv Dr. Link later. 8ome time ago Mr. Hooks ran a sliver in the mi-mher, and blood poison re- rulted. For a liino it looked as though amputation might be neces- faiy. TIiibh hiving jewelry, aatchfB and clocks to be. repaiied should tako them to E L. McCormick's new imvelrv store where you will be taken caie of properly and prompt ly. All work iMiarantetu. Mam hi --cei optxtfile Delta Drug store, llilUhorx, Ore. fioome Meaoham, formerly ot Glencoe and Motintaindale, and who I at nrexeut in Portland, waa last week badly kicked byaborse in a stable in that city, and was taken to thoGoud Samaritan hoa pitnl, where he is under the care of physicians. Roth of his legs were badly injured, but just how much can not be learned. Mr. Carl T. Moe and Miss Benlah Blood. b;th of whom have been residents of this city for the last few voars. were married in Port lard, Sunday, at the residence of the patents of the groom. Mr Moe is a well known painter and decorator, and tbe bride is a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin, who reside south of town. The Argue wishes them much happiness. If vou contemplate building barn, a house, or outbuildings, re member that Groner & Rowel have a large yard of rough and dressed lumber at their mill at SohollH. Figures cheerfully given on estimates. We deliver lumber everywhere if quantity 1b sufficient to make a load. If you are going tn build, dron us a card. Sales vnrd at Sflhnlls. nine mil! south oust of Hillnboro. We aleo have a ni. A Hue of drain tile: also build blocks fur foundations and for collars. Find a line lot of brick. Call us up on the Independent telephone. J Rec'or, formerly superin tendent of the Hillsboro electric ight and water plant, but now in rbarge of the plant at McMinnville, was married at the latter place, yesterday evening to Miss Eva Hambieo, the ceremony taking lacs at the home of the bride s parent. Robert P. Wirtx, of -For mic : rove, acted best man. Those attending the wedding from here, sere: T. R Imhrie and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Umkin, W. W. and Miss Efctella Boscow. Joe ia a good fellow and The Ar gus joins bin many friends in ex tending congratulations. RECTOR -HEMBREE. Ibrtnan and Wiu. Schulmerich Rd. Rose, II. Whitrnore and Dan Burkhalter, who went over on Wil son river last weea, returned &un dav with a big bear and three deer, The bear was a monster, and would dress about 300 pounds. He was run out by Herman, but Dan Burk htlter, who had never Killed any bis (tame, brought him down with a shot through the heart. Dan was watching a runaway when his bar ship came along, and he prcoeeded to bore htm wild an me Bang iroiu of an i Id frontiers-man After throwing 12 itnks at the b"ar, to make sure ha was dead, and tilling his ritla magaxine, Dan went up to close quarters and held a post mor tem on the carcass. Although he was watching a runaway and a dter might coma along any minute, as the other boys were- sanding them diwn that way, Dan put up his rifle and commenced to skin bis f aine. Adeerpa'Bdd by while Dan waa atill pulling the bark from the bear, and he lost the ohance to bring it down, an act which he had solemnly sworn to accomplish when he leiu The boys came niicd with deer and bear meat and Dan was so swollen with his success that he Wits obliged to buy a Bull 42 in the waist and take on a number 12 pair of boots. The boys tell a good one on Burkhalter. A deer waa killed ono day, but not brought in, except the liver. Dan was told that this waa a bear's liver, and he triid t be gams and eat some of it. He took a mouthful and then spit it out. After ha killed the bear he suddenly discovered that bear liver was good and insisted on eating nothing else but bfar meat as long as they were in camp. A Ireah lot of bulk pickles both sour and iweet at Greer's. Pacific University Saturday beat the Hill Military eleven at foot 1 all on the campus 'groumls, bv a snore of 22 lo 5. Philbrcok. 'Pacific's captain. sullVred fracture of the collar bone, and will be nut of the game the rest of the season Mrs. Eliza Williams, who has ben spending the Summer with hr sister, Mrs. II. V. Howard, of Wilbur, Wash., will return to her home in HilUboro next Saturday. Mrs. Williams writes her daughter, Mr. J. W. Sewell, that her heslth is much better than when she left here. While ploying with a son of Frank Pauli last Monday, the 10 year old son of Anson Braughton, of South Hillsboro met with a pain ful accident which resulted in the loss of the index finger of tha right hand at the first joint. The boys were n'aying and Pauli'sson struck young Rrauiihton with an ax. The remaining lingers was siso badly lacerated. Dr. A B. Bailey dress ed the woundod members and the young man is doing nicely. Saturday last sevenly-five feet of tha south end of the Scholia bridge was destroyed by fire, the part burn ed being two bents of the new and two of the old structure. W. W. Crowther, who has a farm close hy, wits burning sn old stump on a clearing and tbe fire was carried from the stump to bridge by an ap proach from Mr. Crowther's field. By hard fightirg the main structure was faved. Judee Rood, last Tues dsy, dispatched contractor Dailey mid a ct ew to rebuild the tortion destroyed and it will be but a short time until the road is again open tor travel. v '? 4 li . - HILLSBORO FEED STORE I ' Dealer in Flour, Chop, Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds,Bee Supplies,etc. A Stock of lime and Shingles on Hand We buy Chickens and Fresh Eggs, and pay the highest market price. We deliver to all parts of the city. . J, W. Hartrampf Hillsboro, Cor. Third aad Main Sts., - Oregon Martin F.. Robinson, Director husband of Esther, and is one of the finest in opera, and that it will be well received here, goes without saying. Tbe cantata is to be given un ier the auspices of tbe ftp worth League of the M. E. Church and the Christian Endeavor of tbe Congregational Church. The cast of characters is as follows: Esther, the Queen. ..-Miss Lui Waggner Ahasuerus, the King Chas. Lauikin Hawaii, the Premier. Fred Vrooman Zeresh, Haman's wife Stella Boscow MorJecai, the Jew Dr. A. B. Bailey Monlecai's Sister Jennie Greer Prophetess , Eulah Hoyt High Priest John M. Brown lk-Kai Gilbert Tilbury MeUian Princess Arab Hoyt Persian Princess Lucy Humphreys Scribe H." A. Hinshaw Haman's Child Captain King's Guard.. L. M. Hoyt King's Pages...Grace Kalian), Grace Bath ljueen'a Pages. :..Bvrtle Sabiu ami Mabel Gilbert Queen's Maiils...Mrs. J. M. Brown, Rose Bowser, Stella mouryana Irene ouug King's Maidens.. ....Anna Chalmers, Eva Weatlierml, l. race KODinson, raye Corwin, Maude Wilson, Jennie Til bury and ltertha Patterson. Accompanist - Jennie Thome s. SHOLES, PKCtlOfNT EDW. SCHULMESICH, VKf Pmuomt GEO. SCHUtMESICH, CisHica W. R Barrett recently ran acrofs some old almanacs, for the year 18G7. puhlifdisd in Portland by S. J. McCormic, and they contain a vast fund ot information relative to the Oregon of that day.; For in stance, Oregon in 5 months in 1806 'hiiiDed two and one-half million! in gold through Wells-Far; there were but 22 counties in the state; land was worth from 15 to $15 per acre: farm laborer! received from $25 to $40 per month; Marion county bad 9,000 population, Washinnton county nau havi, ana Multnomah, embracing the present Portland, had but 7.UUU. Wash inston county then had 14,224 acres in cultivation; Hyer Jackson, now deceased, was county judge, Thos. Tucker, and A. Luelling, OMnmiBsioners, Jesse C. Moore, of Greenville, was sheriff, John Scott waBassefBor, Leonidas Patter con, deceased, was treasurer, O. Q. Hardpenning was school superin tendent, W. E. Smith, deceaBed, was surveyor, and the late Joa. L. Meek, formeily U. S. Marshal, was the coroner. E. D. Shattuck was Fruit Drier and Cider Mill. Hillsboro Commercial Bank Capital Stock Paid, $25,000.00 Equipped with the best burglar-proof lafe and fire proof vault. Members of American Bankers' Associa tion. Also carry insurance against burglary and day hold-ups. Every p ecaution taken to make mor ey and valuables secure. We invite the public to visit our bankirg hot Be ard investigate cur rxe hedr of btsi ncsa. Large and small depositors alike will always receive prompt, courfeouB, careful attention. Drafts bought and sold; collections given prompt attention. Maay ( taaa aw Rami Erntnt awt Cawaf StirHy. Wm. Bagley John Connell Main Street, Director: C. S Russell A. S. Sholes Geo Schulmerich Edw, Schulmerich Geo. Bagley Hillsboro, Oregon L II Atwater is operating the fruit drier on the Humphreys' place, now owned by Mr. Bates, and he will dry fruit for custom. Any one desiring to have apples or pears dried should see him at once, and get in their ordr. tie is also running a cider mill in connection, and his figures are reasonable. Remember the place Humphrey! plaoe, Seventh street, one street south of Baseline. then chief jvutice, and he held court here, Multnomah Clacka mas, Clatfop and Columbia coun ties. The late Col. Cornelius wtfs senator and Geo. C. Day and A. Hinman were represen'ativee. H. W. Corbett was U S. Senator for Oregon. D. M. 0. Ganlt was then a notary public at Jacksonville. Waahinston countv then had 824 voters. A business man of Mountain Home, Idaho, hss bought out P. P. Reed's interest in tbe Nelson & Reed sawmill, on the ridge beyond Glencoe, and will hereafter be as sociated with- Mr.. Nelson. The firm has bought a lot of new tim ber in that finest of belts, and they will have several vear's run with out interruption. They took out a fine new moulder, Saturday, and it is the finest in the northwest. As they have a fine steam kiln in oper ation they will soon be fixed in fine T. I shape for the saw m 11 business. Cleve S. Silver, who had a donr tion claim on the Chehalem Moun tain, many years ago, who is known to many old pioneers here, will cel ebrate his 90th birthday in Port land this week. Silver was justice (f the peace when Andrew J. Mas ters, of Reedville. and a pioneer, ws killed hy J. H. MoMillan, yet alive, and recently married, and Mr. Silver bound MoMillan over to appear before the grand jury. Bartholomew Kertson, Mr. and Mrs. H. li Rusiell, of Gaston, and W. C. KertBon, of Forest Grove, transacted legal business here last Monday. l 'w - - - - - W CUAATIrVISl CTACAM nrTAOTD I ? OIIUU I I 111 Ol-AVJSll VJV, I VULIl I We carry a fine line of single and double barrel shot- f guns, which we are selling at marvellously low prices. ? X All 1 z I I I J J -UaIIh mm ixu Kinas oi ammuuiuou. .uuaucu sucus uu uauu. WE CAN LOAD THE SHELLS FOR YOU We also carrv a complete line of phonographs, with records, and all kinds of 4 VIOLINS, BANJOS, AND ALL STRINGED INSTRUMENTS j We have the best equipped bicycle repair shop in J Washington County. Charges reasonable, and work speedily turned out. ; F. R. DAILEY, Main St., East of I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Hillsboro J "AS SOLID AS GIBRALTAR" Is very aptly applied to financial institution! that are reliable, and hat justly have the confidence of the community. This means the oldest and strongest bank in Washington County. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK S This bank furnishes a secure depos itory for your money. Loans made on acceptable Becuritv in any amount from $10 to $100,000 Ex change to any part ot the world We sell bank money orders, con veying your money cheaper than the U. S Government. Collections promptly attended. North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon