The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 25, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 24
mm lose
Since the Sicttc lleRiin ul 1'orl
Kutlin1hlnk Tbcy Can Stand Oil
ibe Bexlrgeu.
Tim greatewl siege that has been at
temtped in modern welfare ia lhat
of the Japanese against tlia Hun.
riant at i'ort Arthur. Up lo Tues
day morning it it estimated that
tin Jtpanete have lout !K),ij0 mtn
by vault knd lb bciu It rI iuii t
continues, i ml rhtrge after charge
ii niade, from day tn day. (lener
l 8lotil, thn KuiHiian ruin maud
ant, it cnnfUitiit lliat hi an
strongly lutrvnchcKt thai they will
Itultt nut unless ti e Japanese, tarri
t!cevery rum limy have in the
Wsieging army.
Thee slopes occupied 1 7 lha Jap
aura run with blood daily, and
the brown oniniiiindera are ruth'
letely nacrilliin men with but lit
tle reserve.
The Japi are confident that they
can force Hloeesel to surrender.
There la now art unconfirmed rum
or that I'ort Arthur haa fallen, but
like all previout reports, and thorn
hat been many of ihem, they arc
not frmn ollicln) source and 8ua-
si continues 14 diree-i Hie urleiiH!
Th Astoria regatta oiwned yea
(leneral Funslon ran stay ' at
Vancouver II ha desires.
Oil baa bean discovered on the
deal inula school lite at Nalrtu.
PoiUand steamships will again
atari (tarrying grain to tha Orient
Willows Lakes, a atuall town In
S. !). was completely wrecked by a
storm, Monday.
An Ohio man suet tha Standard
Oil fur thraa million dollara. More
it a ahining light
The death lint of St. Paul torna
do ratchet l.'i in number, with
many wounded.
Silver City, N. M., waa swept by
aatiiini Monday ami flfly houses
were mahed away. Noluri of life
Twenty flv thousand gold dollara
will be coined next nionlh, coin
memorative of tha Lwia & Clark
It would turprlae no one If Dry
an did not carrf the Nebraska leg
islilure this Fall, and be tin ted
II. 8. aruator.
Hi-Secretary of War Hoot makes
it plain that ha will not, run for
governor of New York on the Ha
publican ticket.
The Democrats have ngreexl to
let Tammany htndle the New York
City campaign, and I'trker will
make no ipeechei.
The Ktalern Oregon and Wash
ington wheal yields' are Immense
tail season and farmera are buying
wore sacks than ever.
St. Louis waa swept by a terrifio
tornado last Friday and the loss ia
estimated at 100,000. One person
killed and 60 injured !
Many raria gonna were ruined
ajt St. liOtiia, during the storm.
Here la a chance for feminity to
weep and why shouldn't they?
The Oiomohoi and HoaHit, tha
truiaeri the Japa ire auppoaed to
have put out of commission , are
again seaworthy ' II Vladivostok
Tom Watson, the populist nom
inee for president received a b'g
ovation In New York, tl e other
night, w han tendered the not idea
tion of hit nomination.
A bug tornado swept St, Paul
and Minneapolis last Saturday
evening fend hundreds ol thousand
of dollare damages resulted Sev
eral people were killed and scores
were injured,
A Rochester, N. Y. girl lost her
scalp iu an automobile accident
and it U again growing on, with a
line head of hair. There's a chance
yet, for we bald men,"
A sawmill and 7 houses burn
ed at Fourth Plain, Clark county,
Wash., IftHt week, and a warrant
was jssned for a woodohopper who
was suspected of starting the tires.
During last weok alono the Jap
anese lost 20,000 men In assault
upon Port Arthur, and Stoeseid,
the Russian commander said be
ul d if he would Bttrrehdor." '
Supt. Potter, of the Chemawa
Indian school, nnd who is aged fit),
married a quarter blood student of
the school, at Redding, Cul , the
other day. In view of the fact
that he Wat in love, Poller's de
linquency in neglecting the sohool
is overlooked, lie was once In-fore
married loan Indian woman, the
daughter of a powerful Cherokee
chief. Tln-re' no accounting for
taslrt and it's Potter's funeral.
Washington, O. C, dispatches,
ray that tint New Y"rk democrats
are calling to Itryau for help, and
that they want him to come to
New York lo make a few campaign
Five hundred men burned a ne
gro Monday, at Cedartowu, ' . for
an assault upnn a whit girl, 13
years (if age. The negro's crime
was alrociouf), aa Ma victim had
just saved him from an attack by
a viciout dng.
The ininenwnrra at Ciipple
Creek wrecked a store belonging lo
the miners' eympathizere, Tail
Saturday. No anarchy there, but
if the miners had done such a
thing Bell would have been there
with deportation.
The Oregnuian bureau dispatch
es from Washington, 1. C. state
that those democratic papers whiuh
have been republican for ten years
call Jobn Sharp Wtlliama' notifica
tion em.'h to Ilavia the aillieet
thing yet. it's funny how funny
some Porie-poiulenta get.
A Democratie congreeeman by
the name of Cowherd, and who ia
Mimouri'e National Committee
men, lefurea to run in debt to
oonduct the ltemocrttio ramuaigu,
as ho i poor, and he will not con
tract in the name of the committee
debit that he see no way of pay
ing. Where'a Jim Hill? And
where' the liimta? Cnrlelyou
might divide.
Geo. W. Sclmluierioh, who left
for New Yorkracoorapaitied by his
wile, a fortnight ago, was in Louis
ville last week, and write that he
like that rity better than St.
Paul. Minneapolis or Chicago, as
it is cleaner and more free from
coal smoke. He eayt thai the
heal is not as bad there as he had
expected. Mr. Sobulmerich wrote
from the office of a hardware firm,
one of the partnere being a brother
in law of lion. 11. Y, Gates, of thia
oily. Kchulmerich says that he
likrt the Canada farming country
and that he was enecilly pleased
with Wisconsin. When pawing
throueh Seattle, Mr. and Mrs.
Schulmerich called on J. I.
Knight and family.
If you contemplate building a
barn, a house, or outbuildings, re
member that (ironer A Howell have
a la rue yard of rough and dressed
lumber at their mill el Soholli
Figures cheerfully given on esti
mates We deliver lumber every-1
w here if quanitily ia sufficient to I
muWa m 1tnil tf vtit im nrilntf tit '
build, drop u a card. Sales yard
at Scholle, 1) milet anulheaat ol
Hillsboro. We also have a nice
line of drain tile; also building
blocks for foundations and for cel
lars. Find a fine lot of brick -Cull
ut up on the Independent
telephone. ,.
Mrs. (ieorge Johnson, a resident
ol 5 miles northeast of (ilencoe,
died il the family home on Satur
day morning, August '20, l'.HM,
from an attack of dropsy of the
heart. Procured was a native of
Nebraska, end we about 3H yeamed notae; 3 per cent., discount
ol age. Mie leaves a nur-nana and
one child, a ton, aged ahoul
twelve. The fun nil took plaoe
Stimlity at the Oerman Reformed
church. lectafed was very popu
in the neighborhood where she re
sided. Trouble in the family all on ac
count of poor groceries and a con
sequent poor meal. Avoid all Ibis
by buying your groceries at H
Wehrung Sona, who oarry the
flneRl st ick and best selection in
the country, '
J. W. Puiley, 0, A. Patterson
and W. E. MoCourt; started the
lirnt of thn week, by tea in, for a
two wenke' trio to the little Nea
tucca, Three Rivera, Slab Creek
and other count points, going in via
Sherilan, and looping the loop
back by the way of Wilson River.
They expect to get over just in
time t) have a whack at the first
big run of salmon trout, and fish
stories galore ure expected when
they como back. ' '
This ie midway of the "good old
summer time," and we are miking
A big reduction in Bilk waiBt goods
and aU'eummer dresg goods. Wo
mean hiwinesi.-11. Wehrung &
Ren Donley was .down from
Ranks, Saturday, and Bays that
there i quite a building boom at
that burg. If Ranks shall oontin
tie to grow the county at will
very likely stay at Hillsboro, as
the town on the head waters of
Dairy is an aspirant for the capital
honors, and this will hoodoo Foreet
Orove, that has had longing eyei
on the courthouse tor some yean.
Olives In bulk at Qreer'a. -. -
Must Keep the Peace and Ap
pear at Circuit Court.
Justice II. T. Hauler Holds There Was
, Sullicleol t'siite te HuM.
A good old
that bat I
fnHhioned family row
it, brewing for several
yenrt wia aired " iu Justice If,. T.
Bagley'e court last ' Friday, and
from every evidence it would ap
ear that both are to Idauie, when
John T. Johnson's bearing on a
oharge of threatening lo kill his
wife, wit before tha court! ! The
young fellow, Bbittuck, testified
that it One time Johnson told his
wife the would be found dead in
bed some morning, and that he J
would bury ber in the compost!
heap back of the ham. The wn-j
man tH-tified that she wai fearful
or her life ami that Johnson had
threatened her n great many times.
She r-aid lliat Johnson would tc
cuie her nf earing for other men,
and that he would without provo
cation tty inlet a rage and make all
kinds of threats. The family came
from Nebraska about two years
ago and for tome time Johnson hat
run a milk wagon for the Forest
(irove condenser. They have ben
residing on the Tongue rsnch inuth
of town. Johnson wis required to
give $H(K) lionds to tppear before
the circuit court next November.
The husband 1 apparently from
40 to 4.5 yea re nf ice, while the wife
ia somewhat younger. They have
two or three-small children, and,
from appearances on the witi.ea
stand the woman has a temper of
her own. She ia quite a large
woman and if properly scirnced
would give Johnson a standoff in a
knock down-an l drag-out. She said
Johnson would hare whipped her
several times if
she bad allowed
will eell at public sale at my
farm 4 J miles Northeast of Hills
boro, and J mile east of the Tuala
li Plaint Presbyterian church,
Commencing at 10.00 A M. on
Six bead milch cows; 7 head heif
ers, coming :t years; Jeiiey bull, 3
year"; 3 yearling heifers, 2 spring
heifers, "ill head giadtwl Shropshire
sheep, gnats; - farm wagon, buck,
new 14 inch plow, barrow, cultiva
tor, let tem barrens, hayrack,
pitch fork I, grindstone, cradle,
scythe, eawa, carpenter toils, 10
gallon milk can, Lady's Rambler
bicycle in good order, Davis tew
ing machine, nearly new; bed
steads, heater, cook stove, -dishos,
chairs, tables, carpets, rocker,
cupboard, barrels, 2 shotguns, nine
stands of bese, lot chickens, and
other articles too numerous to!
mention. , , '
Under $10, cash; 1 10 and over, 12
months time, li per cent, approv
caah on all sums over 910
Mks. D, Hknukuson.
Cornelius, Auctioneer,
R. P
Intense Interest has been aroused
in thia community by the an
nouncement that Ricgling Brothers'
immense circus is to exhibit in
Portland, Monday and j Tuesday,
August W ami ,10. Several big
excursions will go from the , West
Side, and locel people will bn well
represented at the big show. Those
who go from here ehouhi, make
vry effort to - arrive in time to
lee the magnificent hew free street
parade, which ia given in the morn-!
ing preceding the opening perform !
anoe. Three ' miles k of parade
glories are divided into thirty sec
tions, and each section is a show in
itself n, parade Such as the world
has never seen before. "In this
wonderful display are shown 108
beautiful dens, lairs and cages of
rare wild animals, a herd of forty
big and little tde-phanls, 050 horses
and over 1,000 people, One sec
tion of the, procession is devoted to
magnificent and costly floats, lep?
resenting Germany, . Russia, Eng
land, France, India, Persia, Soot-
land, the United States , and other
countries. The performance that
follows, and which includes, the
superb spectacular production of
Jerusalem and the Crusades,' ia the
most magnificent display of arenio
woudera ever presented by any
amusement enterprise in America.
The menagerie is filled to over
flowing with rare bcustB and birds,
including the only , babv elephant
bred and successfully raised in the
United States, tha only rhinoceros
inciptivity and the last living
pair ef giraffes.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at the Ruller Donation
Land Claim, four milet east of
Hillsboro, at ten A. M , on
Two horses, II and 12, weigh 1450
and l.r)'0; bor, 1100; nine cowa,
Jerseys and Holstein. eight young,
a'l in milk; giad.d Jersvy, i year,
with calf at side; ceven heifers,
graded Jersey t and shorlhornes,
one and two year old; o sluuta
weighing about 100 each; ten 6
weekV pig; H tons loose hay.
timothy and wheat; 5 tout tare
hay; 22t buhl4 While Spring
oats; 84 bushels of Fall oats; 174
bushels wheat; 300 poundt clover
teed; 100 pounds Ali-ike eeeel, 100
pounds timothy seed; 15 tons loose
traw; Sin. tide tire tubular axle
new wagon;' hack. 2 harrows,
Gundldch drill; Jones , mower,
Jonea binder, Bain wagon, Z in,,
hayfork, with pulleys complete;
thovelr, forks, farm' wo', house
hold furniture, iceluding steel
range, dishes, tables, etc., lot pota
toes and apples, numerous other
article!. I
terms of sale.
Ten dollar and under, cosh; over
10, one year' tioie. bankable
note, six per cent, interest. Cash
over 110, two per cent olr
. B. I', Cornelius, Atjclioneer.
. 1
Fred Adams waa op to (iastnn
tbe last of the week and save the
(aston warehouse, oned by the
Wapato Lake company, ia one of
the finest on the West Side, having
dimensions of GO x '300, mads of
dressed lumber and nicely painted
He itatet that the fiiston Houring
mill is now running full blast un
der the management of J. A. Mc
Cune, and that the business is a
success. Fred was aloo not dead
to the fact that Gaston hat a new
distensation in the way of an at
tractive gallon house, operated by
K. A. McDonald, where the weary
wayfarer' can iuencli hi thi'st
without - going through fourteen
trap doors. All of which goei to
show lhat Gaston is improving.
John Beal, a young man of For
est (irove, and a son of the late
Phillip Bee), died at Spokane last
week, and interment was at Forest
Grove, Sunday. Mr. . Beal has
neen a suuerer irom iUick con
sumption and he knew but a few
months' illness. He was a straight
forward, reliable and conscientious J
young man and his untimely death i
is regretted by all. Ha leaves a
wife to mourn his l''8-. His father's'
rdace,"1hold Bal donation, ia In-1
cated not far from the Vcrboort!
Catholic church, northwest tA Cor
nelius. For eome years Mr. Beal
was a resident of Foreet Grove,
and some years ago he was deputy
county Recorder under IK. L
Wann's administration.
The team ol Julius Aehahr. nf
South Tualatin, indulged in a live
ly little runaway along the east
side of the court yard, between the
chain and the picket fence, Friday
evening, and the result ens several
hnnelreei picket stripped from the
fnce. Otherwise the damage war
not worth mentioning. There was
a good day's work for Capt. A. M
Collins, in putting on pickets, but
the genial Capt&in is getittig ac
customed to that sort of thing.
.Mr, and Mrs. f. A. Imbrie and
daughters, the Misaes Clare, Madge
and Letilia, Mr. and Mrs J. W.
Sjwell and daughter, Mary, left
Monday for an ef tended sojourn
at Netarte, where they will . enjoy
the late August and September
breezes, ami incidentally fish and
hunt along the Wilson river."
J The , Buxton forest fires last
week resulted in a great deal of
damage. Frank Peteriilk: lost a
fine house and ham, Mr. Kenney,
also a house and barn, and a house
belonging to M. J, Cileanon was al
so destroyed. Mr. Peteriilka had
1500 insurance on his property and
this will be something toward re
building. I
Commissioner C. B. Buchanan, of
Cornelius, was down Saturday lo
have a shoulder bolstered up and
he will oarry it in a sling lor a few,
days. While getting out of t bug
gy, Friday, he tripped and fell for
ward ana a slight dislocation was
the. result, i .. if - .
Tents, camp stools, and chairs.
Canvas hammocks. G, W. Patter-
sort A 8on. Tents to irent, l $1.00
per week.
. Chaa, SeyvelVthe, Bethanyi mail
carrier, left' the finest 'peach seen
this season, at this office, Friday,
isr . nr t i ii
w vv. jaqiuiu,)Oi . iscnous, was
in the city Monday, and jmade
this office a pleasant call, i
W. H. Lung, of Cornelius was
down to the county seat, Saturday,
Undertakers and Embalniers.
An Excess Over Last Year's
Rolls Owing to Furniture.
(Wilcox Tbiok Kaioe will Ix
1 ' t t . t : I
tter Mail Hilltop. ' i ,
Aie.sor Wilcix states that the to-'
tall ai-sessment of Washington;
county this yeai.will be over five !
millions of dollars and excess'
over last year, perhaps, raneinei
from $000,000 to f 800,000. This is !
due to the asseesmrnt, under the!
new law, on . household furniture,
ami the fact lhat theie it this year
no exemption of 1,300 aa formerly.
Last year's assessment was $4,3.r2,
762, net over the exemptions.
Aa a matter of fact the ateeidng
of household furniture and the cut
ting out the exemption it not a
forerunner of heavier taxation, as
the increase will only make the
levy the lower. : Of a surety there
wilt be no reduction of taxation,
at t'.ie state tax is likely to be a
'hummer," iwing to tbe heavy
drain for tbe Portage road aud the
Lewis & Clark exposition. Mr.
Wilcox thinks the houfebold furni
ture will add a half million to the
roll, and, here aud there, we have
more buildings than last year
hence the increase of from six to
eight hundred thousand ' dollars,
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at the O. G. Barlow ranch
near (ilencoe, at ten a. m.r on
Bay horse, 8 years, 1100; ' graded
Jersey cow, 8 years, calf at side;
graded Shorthorn cow, fresh Oct
ober 1, C heifers, Holsteiu and
Shorthorn, 2 year old, iu milk;
Holstein, 3 years, fresh soon; 2
Jersey heifers, 2 years, in milk;
Jersey cow, 5 years, just 'fresh;
Jersey heifer, 3 years, with calf at
side; two 2 year heifers, shorthorns,
in milk; Holstein bull, Jersey bull;
sow, dozen pigs; 9 dozen chickens,
9 geese, Peoples cream separator,
nearly new; Deere gang plow, 10
inch; 14 inch steel Oliver Chill
plow, Mitchell fan mill, Monitor
drill; I'etaluau incubuor, 5 ten
gal'on milk cane, 2 grindstones, X
cut taw, cultivator (garden) 10
ton loose hay, oats and cheat, in
bam; large milk cooling tank;
barrel vinegar, grain sacks, tome
household furnituie, etove etc ,
and numerous other ar i ilea.
110 and under, cash; over $10, one
year time, bankable note, six per
cent, interest. Two per cent, off,
cash over $10.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
A quiet wedding occurred at Port
land, August J4, 11)04,,. at the
nee or tbe rirst I'resbvterian
church, when Mr. D. E. Davis, of i
Seattle, ami Mips Jda J leltacel.
formerly of Banks, were united in
marriage by the Rev. E. T. Allen.
The bride was dressed in a nearl
gray travelling costume. Miss
Cyril Hellzel, lister of the bride,
was bridesmaid and Chaa. .Smith
wis the groomsman,
The groom is a well known
young business man nf Seattle and
Spokane, and is well known all
o er the state of Washington. The
bride is well known throughout
Washington county, where she!
spent her childhood. A large cir-j
cle of friends around her old home;
wish the happy couple every hap-i
piness and a long aud happy mar
ried lifer ; ,jui l" :
After the ceremony Mr. and
Mfa Davis departed for San Fran
cisco and the East, where they
will visit at Minneapolis, where
tin parents of Mr. Davis reside.
Upon their return they will reside
in San Franoisoo, where Mr. Davis
will be engaged in burineee.
N v . ; T
Miss Edna Stanley, of Portland,
is the guest of Miss Eva Cornelius.,
Geo. Morgan and family have re
turned from an extended , stay at
uenuey s. , ,
Screen doors and windows.
Screen donrs oomplete, $1.000.
VY Patterson Son.
Van .DeLashmutt was up from
Witch iHlzel, Saturday,, and. in
discussing the dairy situation,
stated that he had recently receiv
ed a letter from a Puget Sound
tnan who wants 50 head of Durham
and HolBtein cows Here is a
chance for the Washington county
.aurolui..' ,. , , : ... - ,
In Omnia
Is our motto, and we live up to it. Anything
you need in the drug line, can he liad at our
store, aud that, too, of the best grade, at ens- '
ternary prices. Mailorders promptly. filled.
Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty.
Uf)e Delta Drug' Store
Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon
Dealer in Flour, Chop, Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock
Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds, Bee Supplies, etc.
A Stock of Lime and Shingles on Hand
We buy Chickens and Fresa Eggs, and pay the
highest market price.
We deliver to all parts of the city. "
J. W. Hartrampf
Stiooaon to Om Kook ,
Fine stock of Beef, Pork, and
Mutton always on band. Home
made sausage, lard. Finest of
Bacon, etc. : : : -
KooMomm . . HuiMmomo,omaom
Onm dooi wmt ol Bank,
: 1 1 i
Rambler, and Colum' J
Racycle ba '"C68 8 1
RACYCLE, the Best Wheel on EarthI J
We keep nothing but Standard Wheels and sell on easy terms, i
Buy a bicycle but come in and see ours first and get our X
terms, Fnll line of sporting goods. Skilled workman for repairing, f
Best Equipped Repair Shop in Town
F. R. DAILEY, Main St., East of I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Hillsboro
How People Lose Their Money
By concealing it about their person; by stowing it .
away in mugs, ugs and jars; by tewing it, up in skirts
and ticks; by tucking it under the couches and carpets. ,
in cupboards and bureau drawers; these are tome of .
the ways by which people lose their money and some
times lose their lives. - 1 , ' , ( ,,
f How People Save Their Money i
By depositing it in a good, reliable bank. - Confident
it that this bank fully meets the public's needs, we len
" , der its services to all who believe in keeping on the
safe side. ' ' 1 . .: ''
J. W. SHUTE, Banker
d Main Sts.
- - Oregon
L. F.
... .. v
If you wmt to sell your lind lilt your farm
with lit. We have a larger list of intending
purchasers than any other office in the coun
ty. Here is the place to tell your propeity.
HUtmooro, Of.
- -
'! 1