Moos. ffl HILLSB! HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 1), 1904. VOL. XI. NO. 22 ALTON I!. PARKER IS Hits Sent lit UettiKiinllon to Secretary of Still e. h NO LO.XCKK A UIIKP JUSTICE Sivertd bl Relation the Court lis Frhlav Aflcfuoon, II in no l inger t'liiff Junlice Alton II. lVrker of th New Vurk Court nf Airl. Tti llftnocratiornnd id ata lor the President', on Friday afternoon, after fitting with the Court, and during which titling t0 caftea wrr handed down, stint In lilt resignation to Sacrslary of the Hist. John O'Brien, end Mr. Pais kr will now devote hi undivided attention lo the campaign, the re aultauf which will rlicl or ivj cl hiii) aa the nalion'a executive. Parker's term aa chief jneiiim of lh Court would not hava expired until 1812. Salem la to establish a linett mill in tli naar future, ) j I f Portland pollen rounded up 'ill) vagrants Mm.ilay evening. , .... Kendriuk, Idaho, su tiered aqtiar ter million dollar Iom by lira last week. Three hundred niau were needed to fktingulih foieet Area near Oak Point, YVaeh. Portland Jape and Chinese haa!u wudw " on man camp. contributed nearly liO.IXK) to the Japanraa goverotuanl In prosecute Ilia war. The Russian government ha is sued ordeia to ii naval command art In ink no more veaael carrying contraband of war. ' The Japanese made another aa tault oo Port Arthur, laet Friday, meeting with a repulse that cost them ten thoniand men, It ia ieK)rted that (ien. Btoeeael, Russian commandant at Port Ar thur, baa committed suicide. The repor cornea from Jap lource and ia diacredited by outside Rust-ians. While bathing in the Mississippi at Alton, liliuoia, Miohael Riley, hia little daughter, and Ave of her Utile girl companion, loat their live. One little girl wa raved. Tit railroad companion declare that the pataenger conductor on line running into St. l.ouia have defrauded them out , of. over , I wo hundred thousand dollar tince the Fair opened. Arreat will follow Straahourg, Alsace I-oraine, one) of the dtiea which aa the icene of I great uiililaiy activity whan Nairn lenii waa In the unith of hia glory, recently suffered a loaa of ll,riOl),(NK) by Are. General Fred Fnnaton hn been transferred from the Department of the Columbia to the Department of the Lakes, Funaton'a headqtiar Ura have bet n at Vancouver for some month. Gen. Fred Grant is to lake charge of the Department of the Kast. The Missouri Pacific Flyer went through a bridge (Hi feet in length on the- Denver & Rio Urande rail road, and it i estimated that 100 Uvea wars lost. Tho accident wag thn reaull of a weakened trestle over an arroya (canyon or gulch) which had been Hooded because of a huge cloudburst. Borne "of the cars were washed four miles down (ream. Uootavelt denie "commutation of lenience, to hang to life imprison meat in tho case of a Washington, D. C. negro convicted of criminal assault on a child under fi year The president animadverts on the oi hue and aays there is no punish ment autticienlly severe fir such a I crime. This is different than his dissertation of a year ago. Is it a fear of the white vote in the close s'atia? The state supreme court has de cided that the Portland chief of po lice must follow the law relative to slopping of gambling, and eay that ordtrs from the mayor to give immunity from arrest are of no avail. It the chief shall fail to ar reat when there is ' notorious" and open evidence of gambling he can be mandaniusHerJ, and if he still persist he can be thrown out of his i flic. i The Wall Street Journal, a pub lication that wa ineaiicly bitter in it utterances against Bryan, statu that the "big fellows'! , of Wall S'reet are agtiinat Roosevelt. - This i a charming lion umt since thetie. ' big fellow support the Journal and the Journal ia supporting Roone velt. J, P. Morgan it Co. are for -Kooievelt aa against Parker: Came gie follow Buit, and all the big fel lows. As a matter of fact the big fi llowi aro simply not putting Up to ilffral either candidate, doubt leia being lalbliiid witli both. Tim Uiifeiau form to the North, under Kuropxlkin, were couiplete ly lurrounded by the Jap, and the llUHeiun commander will be forced to fight or surrender. From the tacliia pursued by the Japa it ia ev ident that they hope to make thia the du'Uive battle of the war If they dfat the KiiMiane llo-y can inveet i'rt Arthur. If the Itiua iana win, Kuropiikio cn hurry troop smith to aid the IwHicgud at l' rt Arthur. LOCAL and COUNTY T. U liuhrie, l Weal I'nlon, Mra. linbrie and daughters, Mita Kdoa and l.uuille, Mra. L A. Long and Marie, Minn Clare Imbrie and Mra II T Haglr-y returned I ho laat of Urn week from a pfeasanl fort night's outing at Selena, all of them being a black aa' Indiana. While Mr liuhrie wa at the bench he waa convening with a atranger, when lha genllrinan aaid, "Mr. lin brie, you are a Wiaterii man, are you not?" linbre waa naturally pleated with lha Compliment mil j replied rnlhniaticlly that he waa, and asked lha atranger how he knew. "Well," aaid the man, "J have alweya noticed that Wtttern men are a great deal like the Na liven. When July and August roll around each one generally takea from nix to ten ripiawa and puta out for the mountain or for the plain field." Before Iloboould gel hia breath the entertainer waa out "jiggoriug" in the breaker, ami aa Hob had no bathing auit he went and aat down to mediate on tii tiivii m whoiiiuuu vi miiiieii, T. II. say a that it' very nice, to camp where it it cool but he doea not go much on surf bathing. He acknowledges that he can't see any fun in any one going out on the beach and bopping up. and dowu while the cold salt water tlothts down hia back. s Trouble in the family all on ac con n I of poor grocer ien and a con aequent poor meal. Avoid all thia by buying your groceries at II. Wehrung fc Hon, who carry the fineat itock and beat selection in the country. . A. N. Stanton, who ha made a paradiaaout of the former A nder nn place, a mile tiulhweet of thia city, returned Saturday from a trip to- uNcUrl. ,Mr. Sun ton waa well pleated with the trip, but agiee with other gentlemen from here, that the water in the Pacific ia very oold for surf bathing, lie slate that aa a lad in hi teen he wa wont to break a bit f arm in ice on New Kugland lakes and go in bath ing with ( real gusto but that Ne tarts discounted hia boyish chill, He went over lha Wilson river route and returned via the Grande Rondo and Sheridan, and dec) s re that he saw the prettiest land be tween Sheridan and McMinnville that ever hbrorbed sunlight. This ia midway of the "good old summer time," and we art making a big reduction in silk waist good and all summer drea good. We mean buaine. H. Wehrung it Sons, W, II. .lone wis up from Heav erton Monday, entering hia moth er' estate for probate. Mr. Mar garet Jones died at Bevertou, July "3, and wa SH year of age. She wa a nntiv of I.aCroese, Wis consin, and rumo to the coast in the early day. She left fuiir son and six daughter to mourn her loaa. Mr. Jonea wishes to thank their frienda in Heaverton for their many klndm-seea tend mod the fam ily during the mother' illness and demise, Lost: .Fox terrier bitch, while with black and tan head, white snots on earn; boh tail. Notify signer, or W. I.. Davis. II. L FlIUKU.R, Mountaindnle, Ore. Saturday evening about 0 o'clock the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Corteri, an Italian residing near the JabeK Wilkes1 place, on the railroad cast of 'town, caught tire and a portion of tho roof was burn ed. There waa some lively scurry ing there for a little -while, as Mra. Correri hud given birth to a daugh ter but a few hour befoie the blaze. Aside from the damage to the root there wa no loss. Tenia, camp stools, and chalrB Canvas hammookB.U. W. Patter son it 8on. 8. T. Walkrr, of Forest Grove, write the Weather Bureau, for the week ending Tuesday. "Hot, 'dry wealher has ripened grain quickly and has been unfavorable for gar dens and potatoes; rain would be welcome by all; much of the spring grain has been cut for hay; hops also have suffered from the dry wealher, and I think the yield will be short o( an average crop." Atgus and Oregonian, 12.00. Wan TraiiHacteJ by (kmiity Hoard I.nst Week. L. SMITH wil l GET HESS BRIDGE. Martin Mrad bad FiiturtJ as Lens Lumber Than Went in Structure. Cotutnluioufrt court mljourued l'liday eve, alter a buy teMioii. After the bid on Hit liea lirldfe were opened Mr Mead dlwovercit that be btol neglrcltd to figure It e tnogtr in luuibar lull, and he withdrew hit Mil for ff anil the nrJ wi given to J. I,. Smith for $ too. Mr. Smith ba bird a certified chrck ia the mm of flluo and wilt go ahead with the work Bridge. mk wa ptibllihed Ian! week. Petition for change of county road uear Rccdvill read third lime aud de nied; principal petitioner, Jaa. Uorwlck, requirrd to pay eipenic ol nrvrying aud viewing. C. M. Kolwrtt, of Tualatin, having paid I400 into couit, and having adver tiaeil according to law, be waa licenaed to aell liquor at that place foi a period of one year. County road 6, petition 8. OrndurT et ata, granted and old road vacated Albrr Uroa. granted warenouae peti tion at Korea! Ciove. C.. W. Marh, John Becb and Tho. Couuell appointed couiuiiatiooera of piainage Iialrict No. 4, and railed to meet at houaeof Henry Carateaa, near Uanka, on Augiut 16, to aaaea churget and bentfila. Correction from last week's report Clerk Goduian reporta f 347 receipt of July, thil including floa deliiupient lai State vt. Wui. Mahlar; traiikcript al lowed, John Milue granted warehome license to operate at llillaboro. Sale ol land, 8. S. Collin cancelled, aa it ia fouud that he paid hi taxes for the year for which laud waa sold. Claim of Geo. Holt, for lebate ol lax becaua pi oof paper to laud office were luat. denied. I'etitioa of H. A. llublwrt, for rebate taxes, disallowed. Ifto. M.iner grunted $6 rebate oa tax es, name having been paid by T. W. Thouiptou and Henry Hamilton. County judge authorized" to advertise for bid for addition and repairs to build ing on poor farm. County attorney autlrorized to appeal case of thia county againat Columbia county, adverse deciaion, to the supreme court. Buchanan, Clark & Crandall employ ed to examine account of variou coun ty ottii era aa soon as possible. Petition Fred Hansen, change of road near Reedville, granted, and will open road when II. Kllner is paid !u dam age. Clniui allowed: D B Peoner, repair Joily bridge, f 100; rod ii'to, Dudley bridge, I5 t Alfred Young, blacksniithiug toada !!9 JO Moor & Sou, uail, roada iK niontli ago 10 O.I 16 00 1 is It 26 835 7S 6 Joeph Mabooty, lumber McNew up V S Gardner, bolli, roada ... . John Miller, 44 dayaaeuperviaor Nelaon &. Keed, lumber J C Mil ler auperviaor Hiihup Bros, lumber T Kuierick, supervisor ...... D V Hutu, printing and ata ..... 5 J0 110 00 Cbas True, fill at Colley place r W l.ivermore, ceoar posts, couit yard, j5; tumlxr Beaver ton district, M.64; total rt 60 J W Conned, aalsry sheriff aud deputy, stationery, etc iro 70 Thompson Bros, lumber Center ville bridge 244 I5 I. C alker, surveying lur county . 35 30 K C Hansen, witneu before dist tty " 4 00 A C Will, work H men in rd dial 35 50 Redmond & Sappiugton, team hire, Judge Rood 800 K J Goduian, clerk, dep. ata, etc I69 9) K I K umt Ii, recoriler aad ata, etc Willis Ireland, dep recorder.... Poresl Grove Times, sta county clerk A J Roy, keep of 11 paupers II II Clark, lorest Grove, rock - crushing road and hire of help 88 85 41 65 3 00 94 00 on asme Sj2 75 Jno Iloneyuiau & Co, bolls R U 10 ... A M Collins, jauitor Julv k U Rhode, lumber II II Clark, aup Buahoug & Co, iuk clerk M C'Caac, stamped envelope, school lupt 11 A lull, supt schtioU, sta, exp.. It D Scluuellier, wood, 7s cords 3 00 3" 00 S 7t 3 S 31 So bo 5o for couit house 104 35 V M Jackson, treasurer's sal July 5o 00 G II Wilcox, assessor July .... 75 00 J D Hihbs, nails II I. Russell, sup 7 55 T J Harris, marshal Heaverduui precinct clectiou . . . ! I 5o J 11 Matthews Tost, Mrs John By- roaus, imugent widow ; 0 00 Coaat Agency, supplies ro clerk 5 aft Merger I & Son, lumber Hender son, sup W II Lyd, lumber J V Ului, sup W H Iyd, lumber J L Iaughliu aup Union Lumber Co, lumber Hani- is If) 13 00 9 60 el, sup la 30 Lout Maiming, viewer rosd 414,. 8 00 R n Collins, viewer roada 0 00 J Ii Wirti et ala, iuquesl costs j us sioaa., ,, o do Irwiii-Hotlson Co, s.n co crTiceis 54 95 State vs Porter, I) J, before Jus tice Hnrriiug, costs allowed at ao 40 T K RatelirT, registering voters. . 3 80 S lf Van Meter reut of hall, Mil ley election 1 50 Thos Madison, lumber and work, Scolt'a bridge 2s 35 Glass & Prudliomuie, sta county warrants 46 00 Citllaliau & Herring, lmbr dist 33 a 70 T W Sain, 44 Ji days as sup lla 25 John Boge, work ou Pen 11 e bride 13 00 T W Sain, fill at Wilcos bridge. . as 00 S M Olaen, 5oo corduroys Corne lius dist IS 00 The Argua, printing and ata..,., 18 so V M K-clsay, uo days work as aup I j7 so J M Simpaon, viewer road A IG2 & 00 ( V C Me;rr, the same 8 00 J W Good in. Gil at Wooly bridge, i earth, (lo;repair Clencoe bridge, $14; extra lumber, f,H.43; total 414 40 S Ormluff. work of men on Iowa Hill, fill n7 85 I, A Rood, sal aa judge, roads, etc. Juueaml July I.v l' W J Butner, couiniiuioaer end road, June and July 59 40 C B Buchanan, comunasiouer aud road and bridge : . . . . 34 20 WJ Bulner, August cotnmitiouer court, and roads iu July 16 40 H II Clark. 53 day wotk, self, at ' rock quarry Ml 50. EXCURSION RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. . . . ,1 o .1 r. I Cornelius, arcidentally shot and On June lat the Southern Pacific , ... 10.,,,,. Co will resume sale on Kxcureton k,!l6tI Fr",, "','". companion tickets to Newport and Yaquinaj lunler, over on the Nehalem river, Bay. ltolh 8eaion and Saturday-1 Hunday. l lie two were out lock to Monday tickels will le sold. ing for deer. The bullet fctruek This popular reaort ia growing in Ilamblin in the bio. and lavor each year. Hotel rales are reasonable and the opixirlunitiea for fishing-, hunting and ea bath ins are unexcelled by any other re aort on the I'acific Coast. lrndertakers and Kii.balmcr. 0. W. Patterson & Son. Dr. DeWitt Connell and wife, of Portland, are camped at Meachaiu's. Irs. Sylvia Tucker, of Portland, visited with relatives here, Sunday, j There v ill lie services at the llillaboro Catholic church uext Sunday morning at 10:30. Itorn, Saturday, August Ii, 190-1, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Correri, of South llillaboro, a daughter. Mra. John Dennia and Mrs. Claude Ureear departed Saturday for an extended outing at Newport. Mias Pearl Smith, of the Argun oflice, ia taking her vacation at her home in Forest (irove. James Young and family return ed Monday evening from a month's ouwngau Claris returning ua we,hom(, fl)f graal, flimily f iiduu uici luau. Hon. B. P. Cornelius was a Port land vi.iilor Tuesday, whither he went to commune with Dinger Herman, congressman from this district. Homer C. Atwell. Forest Grove's postmaster, was at Portland Mou day, a caller on the Oregon delega tion Mr. Atwell ia out after re appointment to succeed himself as dispenser of mail. 8. b. Hollenbeck's team took a flyer Friday evening and ran into the picket fence around the court yard, knocking off about fifty of the palings. The Argus cilice is in receipt of a fine box of ABtrahkuu apples from the orchard of 10 L. James, on the baseline, between here and Cornelius. Mr. Jiimes bus eight trees bearing this tine fruit, and much of the liearing is going to waste. Miss Hatlie GriUmacher, aged 19 years and eleven months, died at the family horne on the Frank Hice place, north of town, early Friday morning, and interment waa in the Hilbboro Cemetery. Deceised was very popular with her friends, and she will be miesed by them. Frank Weisenback, the manager of the Hay hop yard, at Witch Ha se!, has gone to the coast for a week, accompanied by bis wife aud chld. Mr. Weinenback reports that the yard is in fine condition, and that a line first year's crop will be harmtrd. Picking will com mence in all the yards about Sep tember 1. If you contemplate building a barn, a bouse, or outbuildings, re member that tlroner & Howell have a large yard of rough and dressed lumber at their mill at Scholia Figures cheerfully given on esti mates. We deliver lumber every where if qttaoiuty is eufticient to make a load. If you are going to build, drop us a card. Sales yard at Scholia, t) miles southeast of Hillsboro. We also have a nice line of drain tile; also building blocks for foundations and for cel lars. Find a fine lot of brick -Call us up on tho Independent telephone. J. C. 1 Bobodt, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mis. S. L. Hollenbeck, of Mountaindale, wivb dro li ned at the Ft. Stevens jetty, last Monday a week, and the body has not yet been recovered. The unfortunate young man was unloading dump carts leaded with rock ai the ex treme end of lbs jetty, and in dumping a huge rock tipped one of tho carts over, and be thought it waa about to go into the bay. He grasped the aide of the cart, when it suddenly righted and threw him back over the opposite side, and into the bay. There was a strong ebb tide flowing and he sunk never to rise the third time. There were no lifo preservers there, and it looks a great deal like criminal careless ness. Under the circumstances it would appear as though the widow had a good chrnce for damages against the government. ANOTHER FATAL Alvin Sclioonover, of Corne lius, Kills Fred Hainblio DEAD MA RESIDED AT GLEVWOOD Accident Occurred Over on llie Xcba-U-ni, Suoday. Alvin Schoonover. a youne man of r- paeard through into the abdomen He died eight hours later, and about a half-hour before Dr. Via, of ForeHt Grove arrived at the scene of the fatality. Dr. Via went lo Gales City, accompanied by Nicholas Lilly, and while en route j the Nehalem, met with an accident, J overturning tho buggy and injur- j ne inineeif. I he burs im tieen out hunting but a few d:ye, and the accident ia deeply deplored bv ! Mr. Schconover. Hauiblin'a par-1 enlH rend 9 near (ilenwood. I.yle Pollock, of Corneliu?, waa with the party. FOR SALE. Forty acres, with good house, barn, 6 acrea cleared besides the orchard and gtrden, balance timber and brush land; 4$ miles north of llillelwo; 8 stands bees, 14 head of cows, two calves, household fur niture. Will sell everything, or place sepa'ately. A nice little Close to church. In fine fieiehboihood. Will exchange for Portland proper ty. Mrh D. IIe.ndkkkox, P. 0. addrets, Hillsboro, Ore. Hog: lor Sale The undersigned has about eighteen head of shoats, for this Fall's fat tening, for sale. Apply to Willis Anderson, one mile eaft of HilU boro. COTSWOLD BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned bag a number of yearling aid spring thoroughbred Cotswold bucks for sale, at a rea sonable figure. Jos Cawrsb, Five miles N. W. Hillsboro. P. 0. address, Hillaloro, Ore. II. A. Palmer, well known here as the firBt man who successfully conducted an ice cream parlor, and who had charge of the telephone central, is critically ill in a sani tarium at San Francisco. Mr. Palmer went from here to McMinn ville and from there to Mrdford, wheie ho now has a confectionery store. Hii wife is with him at the Kay City, and writes the local Pythian Lodge, of which Palmer is a member, that he recently 6u tier ed a dangerous surgical operation. The county commissioners have decided that they will build an ad dition to the poor house, as the quarters are somewhat cramped at present. The new addition will be 2'2;ii, and there will be a porch and two closets added besides. Superintendent Rov, as well as those before him. has been asking for larger quarters for some time. The work will be appreciated by the inmates, and the room will be a convenience to the keeper of the farm. M. C. Collier, who has not seen his Massachusetts home for over thirty-five years, departed Tuesday morning for the old Bay State, to be absent the summer, visiting with what boyhood frienda he will be able to find at the "school-boy spot we ne'er forge', though there we are forgot." He will have company as far east as Chicago, as he takes the same train with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Schulmerich. Screen doors and - window?. Screen doors complete, $1.00 G. V. Patterson & Son. Mrs. Mary Valentine, well known as a Miss Toei'.e, and who was a sister of the Toelle boys, of the Bethany-Phillips section, and to Mrs. Joe Schulmerich, of Banks, died iu Portland last Saturday. G60. Schulmerich and wife left Tuesday morning for New York, to be absent about a mouth. Mr. Schulmerich expects to take in the big Pythian conclave at Louisville, Kentucky, and the St. Louis Fair. Mrs, Robert Blanc-hard and daughter, of Oregon City, returned home Monday evening, after a few days' visit with her relatives, Mr. Jerome Paluiateer'e family.. it In Omnia Is onr motto, and we live tip to it. Anything you need in the drug line, can be had at our store, and that, too, of the best grade, at cus tomary prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty. 56e Delta Drug' Store Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon HILLSBORO FEED STORE isi Dealer in Flour, Chop, Mill Feed, Baled Hay, Stock Salt, Stock and Poultry Food, Seeds, Bee Supplies,etc. A Stock of Lime and Shingles on Hand We buy Chickens and Fresh Eggs, aucl pay the highest market price. We deliver to all parts of the city. . . J. W. Hartrampf r I f J. D. HOUSLEY HOUSLEY EMMOTT Successor to O. Kooh . SECOND STREET MEAT MARKET Fiue stock of Beef, Pork, and Mutton always on hand. Home " made sausage, lard. Finest of . , Bacon, etc. ; : : : SECOND STKCTI - . WE BUY AND SELL LAND a III Tf vnn ami One door westot Bank, . WWW.WWPWWWWVWW w w w w w w w w w w w r BICYCLES! RACYCLE, the Best Rambler, iWA and Colum- Racycle g bia Wheels' We keep nothing but Standard Wheels and sell on easy terms, i Buy a bicycle but come in and see ours first and get our 4 terms. Full line of eporting goods. Skilled workman for repairing. 0 Best Equipped Repair Shop in Town ! ' F. R. DAILEY, Main St., Cast of I. 0.0. F. Bldg. Hillsboro . ' V - ava How People Lose Their Money By concealing it about their person; by stowing it away in mugs, jugs and jars; by Bowing it up irt skirts . . and ticks; by tucking it under the couches and carpets, ' in cupboards and bureau drawers; these are tome of the ways by whi"h people Iobo iheir money and some- " times lose their lives. " '' V How People Save Their Money By depositing it in a good, reliable bank Confident that this bank fully meets the public's needs, we ten- ' , der its services to all who believi in keeping on the safe side. '"V;." J. W. SHUTE, Banker Hillsboro, , '. - ....'.'i.-i' Oregon' Paratus" Cor. Third and Main Sts., Hillsboro. - Oregow L. F. F.MMOTT B HIUMOKO, OKBOM ....... In noil t-nnr lanit llaf vAnr farm If you want to sell your land list your farm with us. We have a larger list of intending purchasers thsn any other office in the coun ty. Here is the place to aell your property. F, M. HEIDEL Hillsboro, Ore. BICYCLES! Wheel on Earth! - avvViV 4