The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 21, 1904, Image 3

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    HILLSBORO ARGUS, APR. 21, 1904.
. i Vm I'norLB I II
: A Paraa oe tii Panel r : t i
vVusliiiiKtun Oumty Sends
Over 120 lo I'oicht (.rove
HiiLMutKo skmos 25 srtuENrs
Sit In Inlvmitr ami Mncleta In Aca
drmy. l!uiJ Home Support.
That Washington county apprrol
aim pacific I'nlvirailr and Tual
llu A aliinv U evidenced dv lie
fai l it mi U over !. rtudenta t
Foreat (Irtiva. Oulidle nf For!
Drove, send mora alu
dnU ihan any oilier point In lie
Willamette Valley. The rottnly
enrollment I aa f.dln:
i MVaitenv Hii!iKsi
From Formal (1 rove
Cheater Fletcher, It I'eteraon, M.
Markliciii, I). I. IIiiiii)), Miaa F
Noreiiaoh, Mb H Hold nek, Kllifl
Water, l.illimi Hyde, II Ii. Tlmm
aar Frank Klrlrli r, II. W Hpnia.
W Will, Miaa Milnl Huge. K'da
Walker, l.lvla Frrrin, Harriet W
From llillnlxiro
John l'rln, Illanehe HiiMoii,
Minnix lli'iilcl, Frank 1'elera, Alice
Siwell, l.niila IVler.
iitiikh nxvrv hiN r
W. II. Kmuumi, Iteedville; J
O. Tlninipaon, Tualatin; Kiurraon
Hiker, lirriiville; V K. ICmuie!
Scholia; Mmil'arrin Fitch, Hume
Frrnii Purmt drove -
Jdi'e K. HIiMiinnn, I Christian,
(1. Ilrowit, (J Itrown, I, Siarlir. II.
KMder, (J IUkfr, II. .Inlmai : n. M
Wirls. K. Itecknieyer, H, Ibrkney.
er, U Hyde, K ttillingher. K Kit-
hev, N. Ivlta. K D.wlv. A. While,
K. k-i.H. Adirie Cole. M Walmal.
Jeaaii Hia, M. TVinpIr-inn, I. Hil
kna, Ortiella James, L l.aCbap
rwll. M. Hullinger, II. Chandler,
It. Kirkwflod, F. Henry, 1. lUker,
I. Peterson, II I.ralm, J,. Hhorb. li.
Hear, F CUi.
Mer F. Imiiii, A. )tldwin,
I. . Haiti In. I'. lirrion. 1. C.
Krown, W. Jmian, K. Knight, II
Fnrtiu, A Kirkwnod. O. IamiiuIh,
(. Clapp.U. Urown.d Itrown, W.
Traver. Cbaa. Iiiin, Cheater bis
on, II. NV it, 01 ia James, A Kffiy,
W. Weston.
From Ililllnrr.
Meter II. Mrrrviran,0, Huston,.
II. ItobiiiMMi, A. Holiliitun, K Knli
ineon, It Westherrid, I. Tilbury,
U. Tilbury, W. lUrreti, I. Harrelt,
II. Huinphrry, It. Hernia1!.
M larva I Cotinell, (1. Connell,
M. Uikin, F. T.ngtie,IUreear,J.
Tliorna, K Arrhtx.lil.
8. Liwii'iica, FoliulU; I.. I.nw
ranca, Silmlla; ,Min N Kniiml,
H.holli M, Kiniii)', HohfiN. II
Oakfnimn, li.ulvilli; II. lM.
('ornaliiir-; D. Adunp, ('nriv linn;
Miealt Filch, tl.itiliu; U. Ken
I ill, (Vrnaiiu; W. HHrcnl, (iilm
Crwk; Mia A. J..linon, (iulm
Creek; It. Imlny, U-..I V'IV; J
Moor, (ini-nvilh-; J, Hil a. linen
villa; 1, lielhiid, lin-envilh", Mni
M Hull.')', ttankx; (leo Mi-uher,
Hti) lnn; A (',. Allan, l!-avrion;
Ml. K. Welle, (Jalei Cr ik; J. I'ar
ton, ( : ! I Orei k.
A vary pretty weihliiwaa enletnn
nl ai linker I'iiy, 0 I'von, April
15, 1!MM, a I, en Mr' l. W 1'lull.p
aml Mi-K A! ire Kiulic.ili eie mi
itwl in nmrriiiKe, liev. i ,M It Hell
oIlirialinK 'Hih III huh rliil rill
inif in a iioa n o( M ni,elii e d,'
H 'ie, ilmnipHi'iie c lor, aeiirinii
wlil a c'A-iuitiun in liei hair, nil
ifrriiiiK hiiiiiitit of iHiriiKiiuiiH
Mr. (inn. KikeuiiHli waa Kronnie
man, and llio hrideemaiil waa a eia
tnr of tli hlide. Afl'T the lere
iiiony llie pmty wish. u -l
to a d'li(lit(iil Iniuheon, ami
ter Ilia party entertained Hie
Myelin Cinl-i with ice cream ami
Mr. and Mra. F, Snlinen. f Cor
iikIiiih, and who are granilp.iienU
i f the liriiln, j.reienled the happy
OoUple will) a eel nf eilvni knives
nd ft.ike; Mr. J. M Her, of lt.iker,
prtaenled iheni aiih a Imndennie
kitohen range; by Hie parents nf
me groom, Mr. and Mra A. A.
l'hllllpi, of Don nliiia, eel eilvir
apoona; herry aet, Mr. and M-a
Johninn, of itaker.
I'urn Htrain honey at MeeeinRer'e,
15 cent! per pnund.
Mm. Win, Hlreeler.of Portland,
ia tha guiiet of Mn. John Uniley,
this week,
Attorney W. 1). Smith lelt this
tnoinliifi for a aevernl week a' Hay
in Tillamook county and city.
Call lor Waaoo Mills hard wheat
flour, thn llnnat for baking. For
Hale by John Delink
H. H. Oreer it cnrryinn his a'm
in a Ml lift, the trouble being a bad
ly inflamed bruim on hia band.
Neat italionery' marks the timte
ol the writer junt nail and nee
what the 1, M. Hoyt Company line
in this line,
A. Hubin ha been given the con
trantnf rennvatinmlw lire depart
ment meeting moms, (he walla and
ceiling to be )atbd and plaalered
and papered. For this be ia to re
ceive $rtT.
Calvin Jiihnaon, while working
at thn Jolinaon Urn.' mill, Tuee
day, cati(lit hia hfl arm in the
line ahafl loll and auH'urt-d terioue
injury. His llitiiiib waa torn off
and both bonea of the aimi broken
abiiv the arinl The arm waa al
tiadly Iniriii'd hy the frit-linn of Ilia
lelt, and t point of one of the
iMim-a prolrti'lid throu(h the akin.
Ir. I.inklaler waa called and aaya
thai Johneon bora Ilia oiteration
with in ui-li fortitude. Mr Jobnaou
waa inarrinl but a frw Jnyi ago.
hi bride being Miaa i'lowuian, of
We eiirry a nice line nf iliruh
tiery, pereuiiiale, out diair pluritu of
all kiniU, eveigreem and rone,
uhryeauthemuuia, ee., and gren
houe eupplit-e. 1'ilif e rem mahla
Mra. Agnea Canipla-ll. comer of
Sv nth and Fir Hw, HillalKiro,
(ireenville poatofTice ii to have a
rural drlivery route, cnmmairin
in May. with ore carrier. Ililla
lxio a ill aleo have annlher free de
livery cnniiiienring at the eame
time, going out to Farniiegton,
l.auiel Koulb TuaUiin and Hchnlle
C'liniry, aa the elt'orta o( Mr.
danie, of Hcholle, and a few of hie
Hpring la here can't you tell it
by your caprielou appetite? Junt
net p r (! r i ea at Deuuia' ami you
will feel like a new man, and nee I
no eMiiu to hold your digestion.
Fineai line of itaplr in tha city,
Alfred Cuiurulng, of Puilnn,
clioee to pay bia tine nf (35 by
rvlng time in the couuiy jail. In
tbia manner he makea (2 per tiny,
and if e In hia Uiard pretty fair
wage, after alt, coming down to a
matter ot do'lar and oenM Cum
iiiinga pleaded guilty toetrikinga
woman at HuiUm a few days ago.
Hjiring good arriving at II Weh
rung A time, eveiy day. Dry
giMxIa, drea gniHla, cnlieo, etc
i ha Urgi'tt liuri ever brought to
llillahoro come and eee lor jour-
Btrvlcea at the Peptiit church
Sunday, April 24, 11HM: Sunday
achool, 10 a. m ; eermon. 11 a. in.,
(heme, "Soul l'roeerily 8 p m..
aermon, eulijeet, "ihe wcond
Time." You are cordially invited
to each aervire. Hlrangeri made
welcome. J. F. Day, pailor.
For 8aU-N'ice young milk cowe,
well broke to milk, with their
calvea. Thane are hitih grade
graded Jeraeye; aleo mixed timothy
and clover hay, looea, and aeed po
taUiea, F, M. lleidel,
Mta. Malwl Chaetain, of Milton,
I'malilla County, and' who ii
IS rand Chief of the Oregon Katie
Ixine hiKtere, will make an ofhcial
viail to the local Kathbone Temple,
lonioriow evening.
Money to loan on farm proiwrty.
Aleo choice farm! for Hale. T.
Wilbicouihe, Koom 1, Hamilton
Uuilding, rortjand, Oregon,
lleporta trom all over Ihe county
denote that all ciop sowing ia very
late tin Spring, (nana la ahoul
the only thing eending nut it ad
VittiC" ut-'ent, and a big hiy haiveet
ia ateured
All kind of grata mile, clover
eed, giirdeu and tieUI ein-da. at the
M.iin Mriel reed More, Ihllelx'M
We c.n eave you money on tieed.
Hon W. N !A-raU and W. V
Wiley were uunuu ihe HillalHtro
people who vi tied I'oithind to hear
the lecture of llonnr Davetipnrt,
Hie great cartooiiiet, lal week.
tlanltiuiiw la aliont to commence
j'lal remember lint ihe g r.len
wel we eell are aUav of the !(
ami moet reliable. Deniiii.
i'ratl Vit ki re, bo ha lai n af-
i-ieliinl agent at Forexl (i rove, for
Ihe 8 mi In rn l ucilio, in tempi rni
ly agent lor the company at C r
neliiiH. ,
We carry the ewelleet line ol
uentlenieii'n and I in lien' drtBi ehoe
to le found in llm town. Come
and eee them, at Dennis',
Mr. and- Mr. A. A Phillip, of
CoMieliu, pati-ed thiough the city
Huntley morning, on tlioi r return
(roin linker City, whero they went
ti wiin e Ihe wedding of their
eon, Webslo",
Ori'tfnii FireA' Uolief Aaaociation,
a boiiiH iiiHtiuuion, eafe and relia
ble, and cheaper than uthera.- -F.
10. Water, Agent, Foreal drove,
Oregon, llughea phono. Will
Mi Jennie Oreer baa returned
from Portland, and, owing to her
health, hits reaigned l orn the hos
pital, where aha bad a position a
The W, L. Dougln W.50 ahoe is
a world beu'er for the money. We
have Ihe etcluive agency, Price
elaiuped on every pair II. Web
rung & Hons.
Chas. Mitchell departed this
week for Fulda, Warn , and hie
brother K. 0., ol Pendleton, is ex
pected home on a short visit in a
tow days.
flood IfiOO lb. work mare for
salo, reasonable, or will trade for
good saddle pony. W. L. Davis,
Ernest Stewart, connected with
the Portland (las Company, was in
the city Tuoaday night. He has
sold the lot smth. of the Holinan
place to Mr. Cornell.
Ice and Ice Cream delivered to
any part of the city. Greear'e
Argus and Orcgouian, $2.00.
On ThurMliiy, April 2S. it
Quirt House to Name Ticket
County ood LrgihlaUvc, ami I'rcciiKl
Ofliar to be Nuiuiinitcd
The laet county nominaling cjm
veiition nf (he cainjiuiu will lake
piece in HiHalMiro, on Thursday,
April 2H, roiivening at 10 a. in,
when the Unit n pirty will a
leielalive and county ticket iii ihe
field. 'J'li is will formally open the
campaign, and then lie aire pull
ing will commence.
The precinct repreientation i to
be aa follows:
Itvuvenliini Kail Itntte 7
lluavurlim II I.4IIW Creek i
lliilii 7 M oiinlii! ii 4
(Virnrlnm . I'l N. llllllM.r.i II
Columbia VI H. llllMxim in
liry ....II N, I nrt-ht (irova .12
Inllvy 7 H. fnnml lrovt... W
K. Cadur I'ritok ... K Houlli I'ouliitrn ..In
W. (Vilar Creek.. II Wn,lo In
WcmI ItiitUi 7 WIiiii-Ioii I I
KmmIvIII i
Chairman James II. Sewell and
Secretary John M Wall reipient
that the varinu precinct commit
teemen see that fall delegation are
Swettand'i Famous Ice Cream
Is the la-et. Tiy it, and yon ill
have n i ether. Fp-ciul atlenlion
paid to oiders Uit lue cream for
wedding, purlieu, etc
W e nerve ovler ever wy
We have the lurgct uikI belt
Hun of caiid:ie, cigur ai.d tulucc ii
in the city.
The Ilathbmie Sielert'' Dixitict
Convention will convene here Wed
nesday, April 27, in the Wehrnng
Hall, at 'J o'clock a. M AH mem
bers nf the order, in good etanding
are ietueeted to attend.
9 lo lo o'clock Social Hour
Initrurtiou aiul Iliill in Opening Ivxer
ciaei. plural iom on Mine.
lumiraucc Branch raper liy Mr. Kate
J. Young Munrr.
Mirmulilicaiion ami Drill on and
Stall Woik.
(Jucntioui Anmered.
Some of Hi Thiiica Tlial Harm the Or
der Paper bv Mr, f. K. Inibne, I'.
O C.
ntectuiaioa on above lulijrct.
Wliat Constitute a Good M. nf R. & C
and M. of I'. Taper liy Ml. Margaret
Diaciia on on mine.
Social t'raliiica ai d liow to f nlrreit tlie
Membfia. Taper by Mis. Kile Jliihlun
Discuuion on Mine.
irpbaua' Home Work,
Jueiiion llox Conducted hy llie Grnml
Chief, Mra. HUM ChaiUin.
The Eighty Fifth anniversary of
the f um liiu (if Oild F llnwship
will lie goiiiiii morated in ibe Con
gregational Church nest Sunday
morning, at eleven, and Odd M
low and Uehekahs of Hillehnro
and the count v nt l.rei will be in
a'lendtince, Thee two orders will
intend in a body, tha Odd
Fellow ' Hull, rmrer Main and
Third ll-v Kdw Curran a ill de
liver a b- tun -M rmnn appropriate
lo tb- day, the euhj-ct bring. "The
Larger Lite and the Three Link
hich Unite it lo (1 d " Sp c'nl
tiiUftii Ini hi en ed ctl for the (-
crtlon. r ata w' hereoeivel I r
Odd Fellow mvl lChekhs. The
general pnb'io is inviti d In the-e
Nut ice is hereby given that sealed
bids will he riC' ived nt Ihe County
Court roi in nt Hillaliorn, on Tliurs
d ty, May .r), l'.HU, at 2:.'t() p. m , for
he count Miction of the following
biid.e-: ;
A brhlpn on the river road be
tween llillob no and Faimington.
A biidge across Davis cteek, one
mile north of Hilitboro.
Honda will be required for good
faith and performance of contrncls.
SpecificntiniiM may he i-een at the
County Clerk's nlllce.
Ij. A Riam, County Judgo
By older Commb sinners' Court.
Dited at llillsboro, Oie, this
April 21, 1904
Mrs. Jehu Dennis visited with
Portlaiuf friends yetttrday.
A fresh lot of bulk pickles both
sour and sweet at lireer's.
Mrs. II. T. Rngley returned yes
terday f.'oin an exei:dd vicit with
relutives in the city,
J. F. Day, pnetor ol the Baptist
church, r.'luriied last evening from
a vHt to Prineville, Crook county,
and teports fine i outlier up in that
J. C. Miller, of Olercoe, n;as in
town today and says tho Washing
tin county Pomnna Grange will
meet in tho Arcade school above
(ilencoe, Wednecday, April 27.
Representatives from tho varioin
county granges will he ptcent anil
tha local members will endeavor to
give the visitors a splendid program.
Huy your eee J at llrori and
save money.
Local new on evry of The Ar
K H. D in't ovi rl.eik this fact.
lireer' ii the place to buy groc
eries, crockery and gla ware.
Mix Gertrude Kendall hi ac
cepted a po-iiion aiih the Greer
II. Taylor Hill, of Mountain
dale, aa in town yesterday, en
route to Portland.
Miss Eva Alexander, of Didey,
waaapuealof Mr. II. C. Vaugbl,
ol Maui Hrect, this week.
A i ice little thunder shower,
Tuesday afuonoon Truly, we are
growing like the Eastern stale.
Mies Tennessee Weatherred has
completed the Winter term of
school al the Job D strict, west ol
The roif U on the Dailey bicy
cle building being constructed on
lid lot tnntcf the Doneleou store
mi Main street.
Wheeler's pump factory has I esn
moved to the lot east of the South
ern Pacific (I i p it, ai.d I lie- machin
ery will be installed in a few days.
The Hartratiipf Feed Store team
indulged in a tunaaay Monday,
tin ally stopping agtinst the eleu
trie light pole in front of the
Schulmerich store. Damage, a
bout ten dollars.
Ed. Austin, of Cornelius, is sell
ing out his home and will in the
near future start for Eureka, Hum
l.oldt county, Cal , one of the finest
sections, along the. Pacific coast,
barring the Oregon coast, i f course.
Congregational church, next Sin.
day: Morning, anniversary Ber-
vici. KelMkihs an.) Odd Fellowi
in attendance, evening, 7:30, Kev
Mr. Winatie, of the American Sun
l.iy School I'uiin, will preach.
All are invited.
Book ljvtrs will find our shelves
a rare treat H we have not what
you want, order it from us, and we
will gel it lor you. We carry the
largest line of nice books in the
county. Tho L. M. Hoyt Com
S. M. Yoran, of Eugene, and who
ia Grand Master nf the Oregon
body of Masons, will muke an ofli-
cial visit to Tuality Lodge, of this
city, Thursday evening, April 2S
Member are invited lo be in at
It might be of interest to hafe
bail fans to knew that Ward
Downs, of this city, now with the
bishop Scott Academy, is pitching
great ball this year, fanning out
nine men, luesday, in a shut-out
game with the Hill Military Acad
emy nine. -
W, A. Goodin, formerly of this
county, but now a resident id As
toria, writes the republican county
committee that private business
prevents hun from running on the
ticket as r preientutive, and he
asks tint his name be withdrawn
and another's substituted.
Mrs. TIiob Uglow,of Mountain
d ile, came out from Portland,
Tuesday, after a month's treatment
for her eye., under a epfcinlist
Sho is much improved and is
pleased that she will pot lore her
Sheriff Sewell conveyed Leer
Fouge'ron, the Fni.chman, to the
limine Asylum last Friday, the
county court having committed
him as unsafe to be hi larne. Foti
seron went f: on bad to wnrfc the
longer he wn de'ained, and upon
medical exanrnttinn he wis de
dared to he ii sano.
Shipper en buying Rurbank
potatoes for Vav shipin- nt to Cnli
fornia and Alaskan vi n's Choice
Burl) inks i tin from $1. 25 per cwt,,
il wn to If 1 10 for noon r qu ility,
Grower im taking advantage of
the better roads to get their pro
duct to lim n. Schulmerich Bros.,
and Lye s it Hare, are the chief
llillsboro buyers.
With the advent of the warm
season ladies are tuming their at
tention to dnss goods. Our line
of dimities, perc.iles, zephyrs,
wash si'ks. fancy and plain Swiss
nnods, ia of the finest. Come ear
ly and see the lattst and most
popular patterns in de(e goods, in
stock nt the L M. Hoyt Company's
store And when you buy ask for
Elder J. A. Campbell, a former
Hillsboro favorite, and now a rei
dent of Portland, will preach in
the llillslwo Christian Chun h on
Sunday, April 21, morning and
evening. Several of his Christian
friends aro trying to arrange to
have Mr. Campbell preach here
every other Sunday for a year, and
if euflicient money can be raised
be will be called.
All kinds of garden and field
seeds at R, II. Greer's. ' .
Cornelius: Seven town lads were
ai reeled here yesterday, for violat
ing the city ordinance which pro
hibits swinging on to passing cars
inside the oily limits. The fine of
$5 waa suspended during good be
hsvior D. Jrf Barrett, tho South
ern Pneilio ngent, departed for the
bedside of his father, Jamestown,
North Dakota, Salurdiy. Henry
Hinderling has relumed from a
business trip to Pendleton. Hills
boro and Forest Grove K. of P. were
visitors at the Pythian lodge meet
ing, Tuesday night. After the ex
ereiscB were over a splendid supper
was served.
John Oliver Met Death by
Accidental Drowning.
Wan browned April to, and then Neigh
bor Started Sloiy of Foul Play.
On April 0, John Oliver, aged 70,
was drowned in the Nehalem rivert
beyonl Buxton. His loi; a re
covered snd buried seven miles be
ycnl Buxton. There was no
thought nf an inquest and after the
buril it became currently reported
that Oliver had hem killed and bis
body thrown in'o the river. Sher
iff Seaell and Deputy District At
torney E B Tongue weM to Bux
ton Tueeday and. Coroner La'ge
being presint, thi body was ex
humed and examined for evidence
of foul play. There wa none, and
a jury impanelled, deeltred that
deceased met death by drowning.
Carl Hudi-on, of Forest Grove,
mora readily known as "Paddy,'
dropped dead at Cornelius at three
this afternoon. Hudson was driv
ing Prince Almo, the stallion own
ed by John McNamer, and while
passing the Aplin Mills, fell in a
fit .f epilepsy and dropjied off
from bt hind tha vehicle. He-was
picked up snd taken into a near-by
house, but life wa extinrt. Hud
son wis a native of Wisconsin, and
is a son of W S. Hudson and wife.
nf Forest Grove, both of whom are
very elderly people. The remains
were taken to Forest Grove lale
ibis afternoon.
(Glencoe Camp, No. 461.)
"Whereas, It ha pleased Almighty God
to remove from our midit oar faithful
D(1 highly esteemed Nei((hbor, Terry
Miller, of this Camp, and who departed
this tile March 9, I904, at the age of 24;
be it
Resolved, That thi Camp, deeply im
pressed with the loss we have sustained
in his death; and the great loss to hn
family, do extend to tlieui, ia open
C nip assembled, our heartfelt sympa
thy, and be it
Resolved, That this Camp has lost a
faithful Woodiuau, acd one who was
ever ready to practice iu hi everyday
life the tenet of the order; and who was
a faithful son and brother, and, a we
think of bis many excellent traits, we
pledge anew hi remembrance and our
lovf-, and be it
Resolved, That the charter be draped
in uiourninK for thirty day, and that a
copy of these resolutions be spread upon
our record and the same published in
the Pacific Woodman and the Hillsboro
"Can we torget our friend? Ah, no!
Within our heart his memory buried
The thought that where he is, we too,
shall go,
Will cast a light o'er darkest scenes of
Joh.n H. DoriAnd,
Committee A. C. Winnky,
( K. M. TaNNOCK.
Married, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mr.i. I. E
Beret, of 4SS East Ash, Portland.
Ore., April 10, 1904, at Hih Noon,
Mr. E. Franklin Monahan and
Miss Mary Lee Beret. The bride
is a well known Hillsboro girl,
having lived here several vears
She is a grand daughter of G. X.
Thorn is, of Beaverton.
The Argus joins with her many
friends here iu ti tillering congratu
lations to the happy couple.-
White Minorca iggs, 50 cents
per setting of -l") - Mis J. H Hum
phreys, Hillsboro.
Herbert P. Simmons, a son of
the late Whcelock Simmons, and a
trandson nf Mr. and'M'S Michael
Moore, was married to Minnie Bell
McCoy, of Gales Crek, April 16,
UKM.Rfv S S. Dallas ollicia ing.
The ceremony took place at the
In-1111 of the bride's mother.
With the biggeet evaporating
cream fictory "this side Ihe Missis
ippi; with a factory turning out
gasoline engines; a new pump and
sash and door factory ; a big, new
lumber yard; and a steam laundry
coming, this year has been a great
one for Hillsboro.
The semi annual meeting of the
Washington County Veteran Asso
ciation will take place at Cornelius
on Thursday, May 5, according to
the call of President Win. Leach,
of Forest Grove. At that time the
veterans will . decide where they
hold the Annual Encampment thiB
One of the oldest deeds filed for
record lately is that of the United
States to the heirs of Francis Mc-
Kinney. for 320 acroB of land, un
der the old donation land claim
law, in section 22, township 1,
south of range 1 west. The patent
was signed by U. S. Orant, presi
dent, in 1S73, and for over thirty
years it has laid away in some box.
The Portland agent for a refris
erator comnanv nlaced ten cans of
Oregon Grape evaporated cream in
a solid cake of ice and lelt it tbere
for ten davs. Uoon oneninit the
cream and taking out the freeze it
was foui d to be in excellent condi
lion. This means that the cream
will stand Alaskan shinment and
storage without any trouble a big
thing for the llillsboro uondenser.
Slnrifr Sewell i lumii g each,
tax colUctinne, over to Treasurer
W. M. Jackson, as rapid;y a cnni-
puiatiMn lor the various fund
aiil iwrmit. Alrta lv he hi turn
ed over about MteOO, and more
will m sent in a few day
Treasurer Jaeknon will this week
lend one half of the state tax,
ainnun'ing to ls,4.'5i.2., and the
balance will wait oe- until next
Fall. The biggest check for a
echool clerk ever drawn in Ihe
county was signed by Mr. Jackson,
Imsday, when he gave Cierk B
cow, for iheMthool district in Hills
boro. a neat little draft on the
Shute bnk for 2, 103 0'. The
llillsboro school district pays an 1
receives more money than any oth
er district in the county.
At the meeting of the Portland
Presbytery, held 01 Wednesday,
the Key. A Rr.binson, of the Tual
alin Plains Presbyterian church,
llillsboro, and thapla n Gilbert, ol
the Calvary church. Portland, were
elected as comiuisMoners to attend
the Presbyterian General Aifenn
bly to be held in Buffalo, X V.,
neit month Mr. Robinson ha
been in this stale for over seven
teen years, and as both he and Mrs
Robinson have friends and rela
fives residing in the East, the op
portunity thu offered of visiting
them will be taken. Mr and Mrs
Robinson will leave Hillsboro for
the East about May 1st, returning
about tbe end of the month.
The democrats of the fifth judi
cial district certainly paid quite a
tribute to Hon. T. A. McBride and
Harrison Allen, judge and dis
trict attorney for Clatsop, Colum
bia, Clackamas and Washington
counties. Xo nominations were
made against these two republican
candidates, their popu'arity and
records being such that it was not
thought neceieary to name an op
position, lijth of these are popu
lar with tLe people hre-pective of
partv, ai d thty have given univer
sal satisfaction. For the first time
in many years the canidatea for
there two offices will have to make
no campaign.
The Nelson & Reed sawmill, sit
uated north of Glencoe, has com
pleted its contracts and, having
equipped the mill with the most
modern machinery tn the market,
will this season cut for the trade
Their mill is located in one of the
finest timber belts in the North
west, and their lumber is of the
finest in the markets. Give them
a call if you have an order. It will
receive prompt attention. We
manufacture all kinds of moulding.
Aelson dc Keed, Glencoe, Ore.
Miss Mona William, daughter
of Mrs. Jane Williams, wife of the
late Lee Williams, met with a
painful accident at the Oregon Con-
densid Milk Company's plant,
Tuesday afternoon. This was Miss
Will ams first day at the plant,
and she was operating one of the
canmaking machines. The ma
chine in question was used for cut
ting small round pieces of tin, and
in some manner cut off the tip ol
the third finger of her left hand
Dr. Tamiesie found it necessary to
amputate at the first joint.
Mr. J L. Banks, nf Banks,
brought iu three small h-m eggs,
laid by a big Brown Leghorn, Tues
day, and they range iu size from a
quail's egg to that of a wren. Mr.
Banks Bays that the hea makes ae
much fuss over the smtille-t, not
much larger than a Lima bean, ae
she would over a fn duct as big as
a goose egg. Each egg is perfect
in formation and has the regula
tion yolk, the same as the big ones.
If you want to see the smallest hen
egg ever cackled over, come to thu
ollice and vou will find it.
A? the Union county convention
approaches there is but little talk
of aiuliddt . The friends of John
W. Sewell are asking that he run
again for the shrievalty, and it is
said that he will accept if there is a
practical unanimous desne that be
go on the ticket I, eatherred
is mentioned for e'erk. arid has
manv supporters in fact, there
seems to be no other candidate of
fered. It is a week yet until con
vention day and new candidate
may then Le in the field.
Mr. Talbot Millar, of Sc.igg:na
Valley, died at hie home Monday,
April lath, alter a simewhat pro
longed illness. Deceased leaves a
widow and one little daughter, and
an aged mother to mourn his loss
The funeral service, which whs held
at Gaston, was conducted by ihe
Rev. A. xtobinson, of Hillsboro;
afterwards the Woodmen, of which
order d( ceased was a member, held
a service at the grave Bide.
Today it is learned that the new
rural route leading south out of
Hillsboro will not commence de
livery until May 16. This route
will have 111 patrons, and will also
carry a pouih mail to Laurel
Scholle and Farmington poBtoffices
will, so it is said, be discontinued,
as well as the mail routes now.mak.
ing delivery. The new delivery
will embrace 28 miles of travel and
leave Hillsboro at 9:30 a. m., re
turning at 5:30.
C. E. Beckwith and Max Cran-
dall, who have been exporting the
city books, find everything in good
shape, Recorder Bagley's accounts
and those of thexity treasurers, be
ing in shape barring a few minor
errors. Their report has been sent
in to the oouncil and adopted. Mr.
Cran dall now awaits orders to go
to work again with Clark & Buch
anan. -
i'bialclaa, and Mar(MBl
OSce Muresa-Baiky block p stair.
Room la-1 1 aad 15. Ktatdcaca aolk
west corner Huelina aad Sad atr.
Uoth 'Phones.
Offica utairs over The Delta Drug 8 lor. ,
K aid East o Oonrt Ha. - -in
tbe comer of ihe htoea.
Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Ca.
Consultation in French or Kogiiab. Of
fice upstairs in Corwin-Wooster Block,
ortb lule of Mam Street.
F. J.. BAILEY, M. D.,
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Kesiilenue one door north Catholic cborch.
Oregon Phone Main 116.
Booms 1 aud il Sbite Baildlurl
Office, upstairs, over the Peat Offica,
HiUaboco, - Oregoa.
tho Tonees.
Room 3, 4, & i, Mofgsa Blk, HUlabora.
Office Upstairs, Bailey afsrgu Block
Rooms, 1 aa ' a.
(Suoeasaor to Bantu A AaainM
Office, Up Stair, Ceatral Block.
TaaoVVMM ,
W. D. HARE, ,
Shale Building, Upstairs, Bistort, Orogti
.Central If eat Market.
c TH.BUKY, Proprietor.
Fresh and cured meats of all,
kinds. Finest kind of lard on
sale. Full weights guaran
teed. Highest market price
paid for fat livestock and hogs.
Fresh fish on every Friday.
Main Street, opposite Tualatin Hotel,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In-
suranee Business. List your farm with
them and find a sale. They will treat
you right. Add your sale to our list.
Call in and see us. -
Main Street,
Hillsboro. Or.
These are Finest Bicycles in the Market
All kinds of Bicycle Repairing Done on
short Notice. Prices Reasonable. ,
One door north Downs' Blacksmith Shop
3XfSxxetlo XXocvlox-
Suecessfiilly treat disease without th
use of Drugs or Surgery, by the Welt
mer System of Magnetic Healing. Call
and see nie. Consultation free.
Office upstairs, over the City Bakery
Hillsboro, Oregon
Union sets, ill cents per pound
at Me Bsinger's.
For a fine picture call on Pope
the Photographer
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is hereby given that alt Hillsboro ',
warrants drawn on the General Hand
and endorsed "not paid for want of
funds" prior and up to December lo,
iqoi, are now payable at my office in tha '
Bailey-Morgan Block, and thai interest
will cease upon same after this Marck
3'. 904- ' ;
John M. Wall,
Treasurer of the City of Hillsboro, Ore,
Dated at Hillsboro, thi March 31,