The VOL XI. HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 14, 1904. NO. lints,' Cuts I cw is & Clark Appropriation. SRNtIR I'OHUhS AMI HILL I'ASMi futcipiUe will (irl fjjs.oou iilioiial Aid. May be liicrrurd The lli iu of I t'li'MkMiUlivM re duced Hi" iv Clark AppKC priatlon to tlTfi.lHX) and Hie bill passed ly a lav vole. Tl e ineaSur wa hi t tu thn Senate, which funtuirted, rihI IVr I tml'it big Fair will ui" I amount to kid ilt wo-k. Tlil i I- lltnn llm Htate of Oregon gave lb mlf tj.ricr, hut It look a though It U all that Washington will ' I'" Oienn delegation in Cuogr Hs eeiiied puarlt to make tlitt House see th Importance f the nmueure. An attempt will be made tu in crease the amount before eiingrrt adjourn, but it l not likely tu bear fiuit Ciinnrriw limy adjourn April 2H l ull, tli Htatfl nf big families, h deulared for H eMievell. Seventy tliiou-aml iwople heard tli Pop My Mil", Hi Horn, in honor of Hi. Gregory, Huuday, Mm F-Iuabelh ruiiiimcrvill. nf I .in i) rounty, pitmen of ISM, died at Albany, Sunday, aeel 78, Yakima, Wash , undertakers, wrnrrii'g mi price', lid to btry I lie uMtr (U ml at on rout r burial. Waller Mile, of Pacific Coll,;, Nesbrr, " lb pmhibilion ora torical din I eit prise Hi Philomath, Friday nlglit Colorado it atill having trouble between lha miner nl the corpo ration, ami tlm militia ami tit laborer clash ev.'ry day or o. The German foritM in S uthiri Africa defeated tlm llereroa, Sattir day, with three or four killml on tlm German side. A Chicago preacher declare that Ilia women ruin tlm churches Hlllll Oil shlltllll iie ami auk I III" gentlemen where the church would Le without tba women. dram Ticket, of Vaucou- e, Sun day waning llred live alwU at Ulia. Hiank. He eopd. The Tiukol woman mint le a tpi er "ticket" A great storm of snow, I.wl ami bail passed over the initdl west . em Half iHi-t Friday ami etc ck auffaritd extremely. The blijUird passed mi to tba state east of the Miii pi. Tlia Sullan of 'Parana, .f the Moro, i badly tlelentrd by Gen eral Wood, and bin fmoca arnllcrpd, lat Wi't'k, with a I ona in tlm Amor ioaiia nf two kilbd and twu woiiml til i llanry Mnlilrum, ( f Oritjon (Mv, Monday lalftl not guilty In 21 count! in lb Frderal Court nt l'orlland Middriini wita thn form t aUhirnfy gniu'ral for Oii'Kmi and be Ialndicled for allfKfil forgery. Hcna'nr P.iltarann, of Colorado, ooiitaniU tbut afli-r t.i'U the Cbiiif e law will have run it couraa, and that wo iiiiihI Imve ad ilitiiHinl liK'liilion if we iiru to ktxp' tlm MoiiK'iliana out of tin country, Many congrraHiiieu deny thin ataliiH. B. K NoMer, rx-poatmafli r nt (;u(illll baa avail) 1oimi airiHicd for'iin)it and will lm triul by the Unilul Hmioa court at Portland Nnttlor ilnfaultcd in the sum iif $1250 For amne nioutlip Nnaler liui Itenn m Biding at Now berR.' Madame Puiwp, a HttuHian wn man, baa licen pfriniUed to enliat In a CiiHMiok rrgiintint She ia 3,'i yeari (if ago. a good liorHcwoniun, a tine khot, ai d Bk tiled in ravalry nianettvera. Blm kIhIch that there are eimigh Hod Grots women and nl.e wanta to tight, A. W Blinn.l.a Cheba'ii tailor, wan killed Sun lay, by a freight train, lit and his wife were walk ing oi the track when the I ruin bore him down. NUikhI pushed bit wile frnm the track aa linen fine (truck him, Having her Hie, al though she ia internally inju oil. It ii reported Unit some one has takf n the skin of murderer Harry Kghert, of Halem, tunned it and placed pii-oea on mile at tho capital city. If thin be true the aubjiot would be a lilting one for the edi torial pen of eel i: or (Jot, and he niht draw cotiipauMona on the nimhldity of the Houlh, when black wen are burned. Win. Mrljiii-Hii, an anari'liini, nat rriur and g ven biniM-lf up in the flifiill id .I'MHiaii; ciiiinly. In '.ete hi lUe yrain' eenient'e fir in filing a riot at I'liti-rmii, N. J., in Jinn', I'll1'.!. MiQiirmi any Iih whi not n tpniiHlili. ( r lb" riot and ImI milliiiig to dii wil It iui i n g the be Irotibli'', n n'l Hint lie Hill bint nil, if poHnihle, tie alain no hi iininn I'.U'ke ('.K-kran, the New York Ciingieniiiiittn, in a ip.eeli, Hmiir tUv, ll clarml ll e limine nf 11. pre mil Htiv.-M waa 1 ii g ciikU and that it bid tinei'dMl ila con HtiMitional ligbta to itav exei iiiive li.l, nf I't nnaylvaiiia. made a piriel reply, but nf the two e 'cln i. C.M'k rini'n aremed to have KMiuttl the eympntiiy of the galler na. A I (.albralth, manager nf the Pi'iteka mine, at Denver, coufeHcea bat he thot hia wife and little child, Maicb 9 Kach wn Khot ibroiigli Hie bead, (lalbraith ia now in jail on a Hiurg of uiiap prnpriHiii'g the fn ml of the com pany. Mr. Bolkln, of Han Franciaco, baa agitin onvieied of vend ing pniaoned candy to Mm Dun ning, lb wife of a in an who wait Maid to have been infaltiatid with ib former. The trial baa coal the atata of California I.WMKi. The crime waa oouiinilted in l l.S. An Indian woman near IIiMpiiam, Waah , gave birth l twini and the Medicine KlnotuhuiBna are in a grant alate of txcitemunt Yearn a(i lliia would have been conaider- d a disgrace and the little one would have been kilh d. The United Htatee Geolcgical Hmvey ha reported a coal and oil field in Alenka, cin'i,'Uoun to Con Iroller Hay, embracing an area of H.ri equare milea. The coal i more biiuum mi than anthracite. j File Canadian governinent ha given auMiiaiice that it will nulmi .li.e a railroad to the Alaakan gold fleld jul aa on a the company pula up a good and nulticient guar. auty that it will conatruct and nerate the line. - Salem had a big acare Haturday. Two tramp were ncted of try ing to dynamite the walla of the penitentiary and elh-ct a priHon da livery. The tramp made their ea- cape and it wa thought one of Ibein carnrd a package of dynamite. Tiltaiiiotk baa cloaul all the Kaloi i an lar a alot machine and gambling are ooucrucd. The wave ia nnt nf moral nature, but i the result if bitter fading engendered by the recent primaries. The cnnciia bureau nw culinmlei' the pnpuUtioii of the United State at eii h y nullum Una eatimate ih-eH nut incliidrt Alaxka or our Philippine "aubjecl:' A Rpecial car containing CI Indian, on their way eaet to nee i he Pitxidtnt, waa einanhed near MaywoiMl, Illim in, lai-t week, and ilueo Hro killml and twenty wounded. Rmnda will have oO.fiOO men in Manchiiiin by the middU nf May The Jap will call on their Roldiery to a lika amount, it iieceeanary, n the governinent aiya. Allreil Hurad, in a quarrel over a boundary line eh it bit neighher, ICiUard Kimball, wiih IhmIhIioI I I cy live in AUea valley, It nlon county. Five dead and twf nty injured i tho remit of a wreck of a Santa Ibirbara atreet car, Sunday. The wreck waa due to a defeat in the brake, The Arcbbiehop of Mnah, Ar menia, ha been arreetml at Con Ktaiilinnplc. The Sultan eurely nae but little of the milk of kind net a. Colombia baa not yet filed her appeal in the coitit which ilecid d that Panama could aell the canal to the I'liilul State. Col, Chaa. It. Page, a noted turf man of Philadelphia, died at that city, Sunday. Jeffries and Jack Monroe, the Hutte miner, will (Witt in San Fran oiecn, Rome time next month. Senator Matt Quay, the old PeniiHylvanian, ia reported very ill. LOCAL and COUNTY The highest market price paid (or butter and egga at Greer'a. A. C. Shute brought out hie handsome new While automobile last Sunday, making tho run out from town without any mishap. The machine ia a atearaer, and i a beauty. ) Father Hendriok, a Catholic mbl"nery, and who ia preachiag to tu u Catholics, gave lectures at Forest Grove laat week, and is this week at iieaverton. Next week he will be at Uillaboro. AM) ioifflllfcLs Took Strychnine a nd Txpircd Leaving a note. PIIILUI'S It AS AX ExumiExr Moraik'ii Wife llcaeitnl hi in Tuesilay, anil He Suiciilin Friuay, ipoeiliun. Joseph Mor,,ck, nged about fifty,! Otir spring HiP Bre arriving, and a (i-rmui. ri liit near'"'1 M,,T '' " buy you should ii i . . : i i i . , . i.i . . ci ine in an I look over our iiiaifiiifl III. I, i pa, euicnli"! 1 it week l,ui'e. ... ,., J ,. !, . , , , .. , cent lino. N e carry the (ir,et In wife had .bxeris l him. I"l J ,Jllaity nd sell you for the leant Friday h waa found dei l i;i hi monev II. Wclirung it Sons. home bv F. Heltgi-t, a ueinlihor v u t i i 1 1 ,, . , , ,. , , Sonn Job. one of our old time Murark formerly lived at ( rout-j j.i,,,, ttru w10 for yrt )ivej dale, ami, nb uit live ye:im ao he just west of the lung bridge, ha married a Mra. Alwyn. Six monlh 1 returned after a winter' in ago they moved into Phillip sec-1 Tul"w nl.1 I'lr eountiea, where .. , , , . ,. , he bus a siater atul a brother. Mr. ton,.,.d mad,a,iumb..roffr.endiJo) MJf there. Mr Morack had a win, ami ; Waahingion county Mtcr than the be visited them recently, and when : land of (lowers, be departed 'I'll' -dnv of lnetweek,! the mother aecnu'ipanted liim ! ,. If yillir''y nt to aee a fine This seeimd to piey on Mora. k' '". e of nh' l11"1 cornft " Rmi 8fe mind, and be told some nf hi ; ','' 1 hiiv recently unpacked friend that ' il was all IT with 'm J"r n' Um for women; him " On Fridav Frederick Sett- for cliilJren, and some of the east went to M,.rcka t,r' make a friendly , call nd foiiml him de id. On the table mi ft ..... . . atryotiiiine iml'Je. ami a note, kav-1 ing no doubt as to suiciib ! SherilT Sen ell and Coroner Large ative of C. Wafer, have received went tu the Morack lmme.'but it ' word that II. Iaely, uncle, Wineg wa deemed not i ecesa.i ry to Ik Id ' burg, Ohio, died a few davg airo. an inquest i In the note lTl on the table Mo- rack asked forgiveness f,.r dui-ing j hia fellow neigbb its so much trou-! hle. i SAMUEL'GALQRE ATH WINS ft r,Sc t It in an ill wind that Wowi no one good and for ooce a dental of fu't brings -nol hu-k. Sa'micl f.altireaili, a well known citizen of Tualatin, lait Saturday drew a prize consisting of a hamlsouie gas oline launch. Mr. Ualhreatli was a prtron of Dr. It K Wright, the Portland dentist,, with parlors at 341 Washington Street, and who h been giving coupons to hia cuslouifrs and Gslbiealh held the lucky ouinlier, having the choice of the launch or f no cash. Perhaps Mr. Oallirealh can lie induced to bring his launch to the upper Tu .latin, to he can give hia many friends a pleasure tiip. ELECTED MAYOR OF CORNELIUS FOR THIRD TERM Thomas Talbot, recently elected Mayor of Cornelius, waa liorn in Kiiglamloii August j, IH44; he came to the United Stales with hia parents In 1X56, locating in I.a I'or e county, Indiana. lieu he was iB year of age, he hail charge of a section on one of the main rnilronils run ning out nf Chicago. In I8T4 he left home hound for Australia by way of San l'rauclnco, I'pon reselling San Fran Cisco, however, he found lie did not have money aultieient to pay his passage to Australia, and cyme up to Oregon. He immediately secured work with the It C. R R afterward the Southern l'a cific and tor 1 venrs had charge of a track (leparlmeut in the vicinity ol Cur nelius, making thut little city hia home during all of anid time, and was after ward ticket ngejit at Cornelius, After two yeata' service he retired from active service and retired altogether from active work. A man of economic habits, he ac quired considerable property, to which" he Is now giving his personal attention, being the largest pronertv-owner wi hin the city limits. He was elected a councilman after the incorporation of the city, and in 1899 was elected tnavor for the first time. Iu I902 he served a second term, and is beginning his third term iu that houorabie position, having been elected without opposition. Pope can pleasa you in work and prion, Call and see. " While Minorca egga, 50 cents per setting of 15 MrB J. II. Hum phreys, Hilleboro. Mrs Dora J. Elliott, of Ktnton, lias gone to Kiona, W'ush,, to re side for the Buramor months. Groceries, tba most complete stock and sin pie lines, at II. Weh rung & Bona.- Agents for hard wheat flour, Byer's Best, Liberty Bell and lUiser. We pav the higheBt price for farm produce. It coHtH you nothing to come and see. I.mliea' n-ady iinde akirt at II. '.Velirut'g it Hon". On I Jck the Shute lUnk, jieiit Sunday wild hi parents, at Farnrnctfiii. Mr, J. II. Dotuil Ihoii returned Hnturdny evening from a viit with Mra, C. L. limkii, at Sauvici. lalend. Tom Word, well known in Ililla bnro, tnny be the next democratic nominee for eherilf in Multnomah county: Should he l.r nominHUd he will make a Htroug race for the '' '""'IT' utoiwear ' in1 'ml w ""'' ome in ;" for youralf-and you will Liiv. linnlj ' r' Win. and Marie Ilochstetler, rel- Mr. Iaely waa a prominent politi- cian, and served in tho Ohio leai- t u re. He taught school many year in Holmes countv. after er- vice in the Civil War. FINE GASOLINE LAUNCH RATHBONE SISTERS' DANCE. The Rathbone Sisters, Phoenicia Temple, of this city, will give a dunce at the Opera House, Satur day evening, April 16. Walkers orchestra will furnish the music and a splendid lime is expected. Refreshments will bo served, for which an extra charge will be made. Tickets, $100. Everybody is invited. . Mrs. L. M. Beobe, of Foreat Grove, visited in Hillsboro this week. If 1 1 y y : 1 w FOUR YEARS FOR LEE. Judge MeBride Monday sentenced JstnetO. to serve four yei; in the Oregon penitentiary, being nonvicted of the charge of stealing! fiealffn m Beij I', tln in Novem-; ber, l'.)2. le' attorneys, Henry j Mctiinn, of Portland, and II T. j I'ftgley, HiHidmto, movfil for a new fiat, andaeked for a reriifi-j ca:e of probable cause; and forai atay of pme-eilinea until appeal could ba lerfected, all of which wa denied. Counsel state that they will at once ppeal to the Supreme Court, asking tor a cer tificate of cause, and tber exjiect o have the matter thd within a ft-w days. Iee' wife ciu.e down from the ranch Sunday and rhe is uiing every endeavor to get free dom for ber husband. The de fendant will doubtles remain here in the county jail until the .Supreme Court acts on the matter, unless the petition i tardy. In passing sentence on Lee, Judge MeBride said: "I am not giving you the full extent of the sUtule, but sufficient to cause you to remember that law must be ob served. For many year you hsve been before this court on some charge of petty thieving, and there have been lime when a trial has cost the county hundred of dol lars. i ou have been the cause of much diffusion in your neighbor hood, and I can not think you have been the subject of unjust persecu tion. It i the judgment of the court that you serve four years iu the elate penitentiary at Salem.'' NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. N'oliee is hereby given that under the law, frnm this date, a penaltv of ten per cent must be added to ail taxes where halt hag not wen paid, and that w hea said tax is paid, the county must, under the law, collect one per cent per month internet on the tax. J. W. SEW ELL, Sheriff and Ex-Jlicio Tax Collector for Washington County, Oregon Dated at Hilltdioro, this 4th dav of April, V.m. Card ol Thanks. The undersigned desire to thank their many friends for the many kiiidnr BM-s ami sympathy tendered us during our recent bereavement, the death and burial of Mrs. Ter rell. August Kempin and Wife, Victor Lamhott. Glencoe, Ore., April 9, 1504. Dr. F. A. Bailey has resigned as health otlicer for the county and the County Court has appointed Dr. s. i. Isailey to succeed bim. Hetman Dethlefp, of Dilley, and a son of John Dethlefs, died at the family home, Sunday, April 10. Ueceasid was aged 19, and was well known and popular in and around hia home section. Some one permitted two black pups to follow them from the Kel- say place north of town, laH week. D. P. Corren. of the Hare ranch, desires them returned at once, or he will make trouble for the partie. W. G. Hare, son of W. P. Hare, who is attending school at Ann Arbor, has just attaine d oratorical honors in his Class societies. Three judges awarded him tost place, ad agreeing in their judg me nt. The old oak treo prostrated in J. W. Morgan's yard during the re cent gale, is an old landmark and is well remembered by the oid pio neers. When iin W. Wood came here in 1S51 the oak had been struck by lightning, and some travellers had trimmed ofl'some of the lower limbi for firewood. The tree bad very slow growth owing to the lightning incident, and looked about the same the day he fore it fell as it did when Mr. Wood pulled into the county. The Nelson & l ed sawmill, sit uated north of Glencoe, has com pleted its contracts and, having equipped the mill with the moBt modern machinery in the market, will this seuson cut for the trade Their mill is located in one of the finest timber belts in the North west, and their lumber is of the finest in the market. Give them a call if you have an order. It will receive prompt attention. We manufacture all kinds of moulding. Nelson & Reed, Glencoe, Ore. Circuit court opened late Mon day morning and all because C E. Ilunyon, court reporter, had no chart of the Washington county highways. Early in the morning Mr. Runyon, his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Allen and Judge MeBride. started from Portland to Hillsboro in Mr Runyon's White auto. When' they arrived at the Perkin'B place, instead of keeping to the right he went towards Farm ington, and was soon stuck in a huge raudhole. This delayed them several hours and it waa nearly noon when they made this city. Our Spring Millinery Excels Any line ever brought to HillsWo. Years of exper ience in buying, and a constant study of the modes give us results that are bound to please the ladies. We can give you the latest styles at prices that can not and are not duplicated. Best values for the money. MRS. L VROOMAN, Hillsboro a H I. n Tmi'CTCV HOUSLEY A EMMOTT Successor to O. Koch SECOND STREET MEAT MARKET Fine stock of Peef, Pork, and Mutton always on hand. Home made sausage, lard. Finest of - Bacon, etc. : : : ; KOOHO rKZT . WE BUY AND SELL LAND W msmmm One door west ol Bank, BICYCLES! Rambler, L ffl. and Colum facycle W) Wheels RACYCLE, the Best Wheel on Earth! We keep nothing but Standard Wheals and sell on easy terms. Buy a bicvele but come in and see ours first and get our terms. Full line of sporting goods. Skilled workman for repairing. Best Equipped Repair Shop in Town E. R. DAILEY, Main OREGON JR. The fine 3-year-old Stallion 7-8 PercK eron. Sired by Oregon, will Stand the Season of 19Q4 Monday at Carl Kruger's farm. 4 mile east ot Philltpa, 11 a. tn. until Tuesday at 8:00 a. 01. Tuesday at J. J. Kuratli'i farm, 1 mile south of Phillips, 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. Wednesday at owner's home, I mile northwest of Cedar Mill. Thursday on call. Fri day at John I'ierson's, 1 mile south of Reedville, Baseline road, 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni. Saturday and Sunday at owner's hqjne. Oregon Jr. is a finely built horse, 17 hands; good action, fine disposition; color, dark steel dap ple gray, nearly black; weight, 1600. TERMS: Single Service, $t; Season, f 7; Insurance, 510. Care to prevent, hut will not he responsible for accident. J. A. Vandehey, Cedar Mill Or. WALL PAPER W. 0. Donelson's New Line of Paper just arrived. Ile- canshow the, finest line ever brought to town. All the latest deign direct from the Eist and his prices are tha lowest iu the county. Step in ' and look it over before making a selection. Also a full line of all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Rugs Art Squares. IN FACT ANYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE WA nrVLiri a?VI Cor. THIRD and MAINE STS. . 0, D0NELS0N ,. 0. o. r. mmm ' 1 T tj t-vm Ml hillsboro, omtvom If you want to sell your land list your farm with us. We have a larger list of intending purchasers thn n any other office in the coun ty. Here is the place to sell your property. F. M. HEIDEL Hillsboro, Ore w ' BICYCLES! St., op. Tualatin, Hillsboro