. . A 1-AfKM Tim n.ri. : ! ! I . s rtrmn roa tbi rcoris tt HILLSBORO ARGUS, NOV. 12, 1903. I Cornelius The new resilience of C. C. Hancock will toon be occo pied by Mr. Wilkins, Ute from the ... ... . .. i . Ksst. w. K. t mnpi. wno oas been visiting with relatives for two weeks, sUrtetl Monday fur linu, Wash., taking with him reversl boxes of Oregon apples. The wind BubaWpUoai On Dollar per Annum. I am cuieiuertuie oaiuagn w vur Sii Month, 80 ota Threa Montne ssets. town I uesosv I ign. u compiowty demolished the b rn of Mr. 1 onsue, Eaterad at the Foet-ofuce at Hillsboro, OntM,MSMintlM Mil utUrt, LUCIUS A. LONG, EDITOR. County Official Paper. of Glencoe. used by Mr. Fairchild, of i his place. There was consider able hay and straw stored in the barn. A co v was tied in the struo tue, but escaped tudnjuted. The mess house of Patton & Holscher was blown off the foundation, wrecking it hadlv; the store build n-. ... .v.. n p,,.mii in occupied by Mis. Matthies was larmu up (Hi ui a, urraaiuK nnm 1SSUKD EVERY THURSDAY BY Long & Robinson. A VttRY SAVK MAS. Roosevelt has reco?nted the inde- lendence of a handful of rebels in Central America will caue no alarm In this country. Mr. Roose velt is a perfectly safe man and will not make such a front when there is a nation of any six. His the windows; the summer kitchen if Mrs. McKinste was destroyed and manv fences blown over near lown Tie Wolf Br ther have rented the Schi lfield place for nut vear C. C. Hancock, who is visit iug his sis er at Peoria, 111., will re turn to Oregon in a short time ! counselors aiaiply represented to Dr Everiit, of Gaston, has moved , him that recognition of the insur into the llcox house. : ; genu was necessary in order to gel Tne wimj 0f Wednesday morn ! the Panama canal, and that no ing ws a terrific gale, and close 5 one would show their teeth if Col- observers say it was the highest j ombia were dismembered and we f for twenty years, letegrP I . ... , . . and telephone poles, tres, old : furnished a protectorate. Mr b J fcnCM were blown down : Roosevelt had been advis d that hn a!i sections of the county. The 3 this was an easier alternative than baseball ground fence waa flattened ' to take the Nicaragua rou'e the to the ground on one side, this he. which Congress had given him P The following business waa trans acted by the county court too Ute for publication last week. Inquest of r red Nhulenberg, de ceased; transcript allowed except 50c : some order, inquest John Parsons, deceased. Petition for refui.ding filing fees, John B. Bral, pUiiitilT, (suit with rawn), denied. Peliliiion Carl Pfahl, et als change of Cornelius, Gaston and South Tualatin nrecinc's, a:Ioe-I, Court decides thut school child ren must heenunieral'd in districts when in parents reside, overmans decision of Sunt. Ball to the con trary. This came op in the case of L, Koler, who itved in District SH), but who was sending his children to school from grandparents' home in District 86 . Transcript in State vs. Theodore Sahgebtf, allowed; also in S ate vs Peter Asp. Additional claims allowed: L A Rood, sal as judge, etc $01.55 K J ward, sal commissioner 'JoO W J Butner, " " 17.40 Mrs Roundy, relief.... ... . 5 00 Strayed. here this how "U,W1 eighborhood. Above power to advance ui course, me th dam wag considerable, French canal bondholders will not Ut Cornelius there were several complain, as we can pay them for cases of injury to property their Btoct-whicn in international xhe G.an-ert norlh 0f Glencoe comity we cannot avoid winch ney a fa)r at the Arcade school, on Colombia would not do. the last of the week. 1 here were RaninW i bora are alwavs nlentv some fine exhibitions of apples, to applaud when a grown man J"8' corn' Tta?icKh"to" rr. . , , Iturnns. carrots, etc. Those who slap tne lace oi a dot nnaer had exhibltg were: j. A. Lynn, twelve that is human nature. 0. Westcott, J. Loftis, C. A. Miller, Varilla.a Frenchman, repre.-ents J. A Long and J. H. Davis. These th n.eetincs are of much interest to canal, and he is the man who repre sents the pseudo republic at Wash ington and he is now enrou e to the capitaf. This begins to look like a national scandal but na tional morals no longer count in this age of "progress " the members of the Grange and geoera! public, and should be en icouraged. According to report, the eastern Oregon mine in which J W. haute. A. C. Shute, Hon. W. D. Hare and J. C. Hae ae interested, will prove a bonanza to i s owners ... . hen bedrock waB struck a lew PrParhiW s-rvices at the Chris- weeK8 Pay a .... ... ,.,,V,i. nf IV nr. J 1 gets as h gh as l0 were found uroru. . , 4 (nn . , ci . I rSKKlIllf UUWU IU iU auu vj. uim There is a case of diphtheria in Utions will now be susDended until the Wilkes Brick, upstairs. The spring, owing to the winter rains, family just arrived a few days ago. which flood the mine every fall Letters uncalWd for at Hillsboro The Argus wishes the owners luck Post Office Nov. 7: Stella Hein- and a big turn-out next tan, bach, Jos. Fiahaven and E. R. Jas. G. Hunter, of Portland, and uanieison. a brother to Henrv Hunter, Wanted-Man to travel and sell Forest Grove, died this week, ounty rights on patent fence, in Spokane. Oregon. Liberal Commission, R. The football teams of Pacific Un P. SIMON, Hillsboro, Ore. iversitv and the Oreeon Aericultur F fi. Mitchell drif-.1 in from al College played a tie game lat Cor Sir rAnnVi nnrlh nf TTrwl R ivn loot vallis. last Saturday. The P. l night, and returns tomorrow to ,eiK VM ml,cn 'ne 'gnier 01 PpndltY,n whcM ha ! iniaroBii two, and tie fact that they hel in the drug business with Wilson t,,e bi8 fellows to a draw speak . i .11 r i Brock. well for the boys. W anted Winter feed and care for eight or ten heifers, coming fresh, January to May; or will be let out on shares for term ot years -F. M. Heidel, Hillsboro. Marriage license was today Pntie the Photograoher has sold granted to Cornelius H. Soehren half interest in his Photo business and Miss Elsie Staley, young peo- lo 8 G. Morgan a pratical business pie of the Greenvnle-Manning sec man. For everything in picture tion. line give them a call. All work J( h Ung wa8 out from Port will be promptly finished and ij r.-,aA. i ibuui luvcvnit Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hinshaw, of I Marion, Ore., are visiting with their son, Station Agent Hinshaw, of the Southern Pacific They leave me nrst ot tne week lor a winter's visit at Los Angeles. Try The Argus a year. Now is the time to subscribe COUNTY COURT. OUR BEST ATTENTION 11 VERYT1IINC of a banking nature entrusted to our care, receives our liest attention. We shall be glad to have a share of your business. THE SHDTE BANK Hillsboro - - - - Oregon Large Shorthorn cow; light red, om white on shoulder and flank;! small crop and underbit n one ear; probably fresh now. A'so dark red two-year-old Shorthorn heper; no mark but has lump on right hind leg, Suitable reward for m formation leadii g to recovery. Ira E. Bradley, Forest Grove Or. satisfaction guaranteed. Barn for rent; inquire here. THANKSGIVING BALL. Supreme Master Staples, the Ar tiaans, will come Monday evening, and visit with Ruby Assembly. ineiyagenas prepared an excel- Thanksgiving " n be here, lent program, there will be a ban- Do.t forBet tjt fhe Uniform quet, and the Artisans are going to have one of the finest times in the history of the local Assem- Wy. Rank. Knights of Pythias, will celebrate Thanksgiving evening. November 26, at the Oiiera House, Hill-iboro, with the grandest ball of The religions drama. Ben Hnr. the season. Walker's orchestra will and written by Gen. Lw Wallace, furnish the music. The public is will be rendered at the Marauam cordially invited to attend this REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J W Cline to Ella Higgins 2 lis blk 4 Purdy'fladd t Dillsy.. 300 Peter Morel! to Henry Kdi ge 40 a Geo Harris lid .... - A C Lister to G F C Gei- hirt lot 19 Wheeler's suh. diviion . . ; ; . . . . . ....... 450 T A Ritcher to Jos Jorelen 35 a sec 12 tl nr 4 w. .. 1500 Maria Beagle to Annie M Imbrie 15 interest in the Mauiey estate and other land......;...........-.. 2000 ueo M nines to hmma j Hines 100 a sec 2 t 1 n r 5w........ 100 Chas Handley to Emma i Hines 32.18 a sec 2 1 1 n r LC Walker tft Sophia Jack- son 42 100 a en Gales Crk : 1C3 E J Williams to J WSewell 161 a R Williams dl e. .. S A Thwaite to Sydney Thwaite i int in 10 a s e . of Hillsboro...... V 500 Nels Watrous to C F Hayes 17 a in sees 25 and 30 t 1 nr2w 500 J P Birchers to J A Miller tract in Olds d 1 c 3000 Jennie Annans to Henry Brink 34 a Iowa Hill ... . 500 Lina H Ewing to 8 E Mor . gan, residence in ilill.-b to n Second st... COO Enola Lee to E M Freeman, a Jane Horner die . 1 300 John H Rode to John R Beyer 75 a P Kellevd 1 c. W i Weston to PJ M Blam field 'lots 2 and 3 Shat tuck's Orchard Home. . . . Mary Jane Kay etalsto Jno Cummings 96 a near Oil- ley.. Peter Borehers to John A Miller 3 a quitclaim. . . . . J W Sewell and wife tn. F J Williams 98 83 a R Wil liams dlo. 1200 TAandKUtoJohnWCft- pies, quitclaim lot 2 block 29 Forest Grove fi John Crawford to Samuel Crawford 40 a sec 3 t 2 n r3 w Elizabeth Freeman to J A Imhrie, 2C.51 a snd other lands ....'. DENNIS' SHOE STORE .... , Xoiitaius the finest selected stock of jlioes 'to lie found in any store 6H Ihe: ' West side. ' Ask our 3 cttstoiners if our stolk is not The BEST in the City .-' Our Men's Shoes can not le lie.ttcn for quality and style, durability v and grnxl leather. Come in and see for yourself. I?tty from us once M and you will always BE OUR CUSTOMER Why; do we sell so many Ladies' ' Shoes? Because wonicu arc quick to recognize The best and cheapest place To buy Foot wear. The latest styles and the best winter Shoes in town. Conic in and we will satisfy you for footwear. Footwear for children. HILLSBORO OREGON fi 51 7 J. D. HOUSLKV. L. F. KMMOTT HOUSLEY & EMMOTT - Successor to O Koch SECOND SWEET MEAT MARKET , i .... ; . ...Fine stock of Bef, Pork, snl Mu'ton alwavs on huml Home made saussge, lard Finest of Bacon, etc : : : : E itCOMD 9TKHXT I Rm agent for the Pamltier and Wolff American wheels the best wheels for the money 4n the world. All kinds "of repairing skilfully wn ! none, pun line oi sinrung gooos. F. R. Duiley, Main Street. - HILLSBORO, ORCOOH Grand, Portland, Dfc. 1 to Dec. 5 inclusive. The S. P. will sell round trip tickets, Dec. 3 limited to Dec. 4, for 90 cents. Seals at the theatre range from 50 cents to 12.00 affair, an enjoy an evening. lets, ib cents. Tick- PROBATE. 2000 400 249C 75 .1 700 For sale about 256 acres, about Pn Petilio" of " 8. Sturdevant, one-ball under plow, containing line bottom land, balance in timber Fine residence, good outbuildings, fine orchards. Splendid dairy farm, close to public school and milk condenser. Farm will support in cows. For further particulars call at this office. Oregon guardian, he is authorized to turn over personalty of Robert E Slurdcvant, minor, to G B Stur devant, Kansas guardian of minor. Final account Rebecca Wright estate set for December 14. Admr estate of Elmer Nelson de ceased authorized to sell personal The First Baptist Church of P"P"y P"V"B ' . . TtilUhnrn. Sundav. Nov 15: 10 . Columbia Uickereon appointed in.. Sunday 8chool: !1 a. m., Ser- guardian of Jesse Pickerson, minor. moo, subject, "The Utility of Pray. Est G O Rogers deed closed, r;" evening, 7:30. "The Persecutor Est Cvrus Bacon closed of record Converted and Praying." Come, and as Arthur Bacon paid all the let us reason ' together. You are claims out of his private puree, he i! Si n cordially invited to each of thee services. J. F. Day, Pastor. Mrs, Hannahatte Bruce, aged 72 years, two months and 18 days, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H". Ray, on Main street, east of town yesterday morning, Not. li, 103 Deceased naa a stroks of paralysis last June and navar fullv recovered from the at tack Bha had been ft member of th M, E. Church for over 40 years, ghe had no relatives on this coast eicept th daughter, with whom tfc resided until her death. Five aons rtside in the East. The fun eral took place today, and inter est w as In the I. 0. 0. F. Ceme- was awarded the realty. Heirs of Peter Harper cited to appear Dec 7 to show cause why realty shall not be sold. , j. Reduced Rates on Thanksgiving Day. SUMMONS. In ihn Circuit Oonrt of thn Stnto of Orn trmi for iisliliicton Uovint v. T. W. ThomiKKin, MhIiiIIH.I vh. ' ! A. J. Olio Himtn, Jennii Tupiwr, H, , j CTnplier, Tne Kiwi Nutmimi IIhiik i ol HiilNrxirn, Oregon, rt.-U Haniii, ; lieo. Polenf, HHiiiiHti 1'otflt Hint .1. I .ar li.... . .i .iu.a,..v .it Ilia ti- ! tute ol Myrtlfl Italn. ilmaHl, .1. W. I Hiilen, Uoitold J. ltUw, Alice J, Kolstiin, K. V. KoIhUiii, KanniB Kns-1 sell. 8. l. Uolriton, I,. lMvOnMrtnl I Washington (Jounly, l)oliiianttt To the (lefrniliints, A.J. Otto Snillli, .Inn- nie Tuiipr and . nipper, J. w, BaleH, J. W. Batos. AdioiiiiMtmlorof tlm rxtatfl of My rile NbUw, dmtmmnl. ami lopnlii J. Iliitex: IN THK NAME OP THE KTATR OP OHKOON: You and eaob of you are hereby reiilri and commanded l -near In tlio almvn entitled 3otirt in the alHive entitled caimo and answer I ho coin plaint, therein riimi aftainsvynii, on or oe fordUioexpiraiionof nix weoka' puhllca- tion o( Huh HuninionH. lnUie llillsnoro Areim. the Ural puhllcarion. woreor iienig ontl.eai day of UctoooryilllHCi, and the last puinieaiuii i.iieriiMi uvirtuu jim davot IXHWinljer, l!K3 to wi(.,.on or hel'urh the 10 iiav of UeoerrtliflV. Iflfffe' A lid you and oarli of you will ptewiilnlcp-noHi Hint If you rail so to appear anu anpwnr kbiii com plaint, the- Ididntlil! :tH Wy, V the ;ourt lor me ronm iirayeu tor in iiiHeoni plaint, towlt, for a Jud(;i-'nt teftinst tlio ,I,.'Uiii an 4 I t 111.. Mt.itl li T..r lll bum ing Sunday and Monday, giving I of t'mou with lnterwtt thnreou from the Win oavor oepieniiKir, nm, inn ram oi lOporcont. jer annum, and tne further wim of f 11.20 with interoHt thereon from theMh day of Bnptiiibr, IU03, at the rate of 0 tier rent, per annum, and the autn of 1:10.00 attorney's foea. and for hde eroe loreclosinif lhat certain mortgage, made, execuUtlaiid delivvtod by the dfr fendant, A J. Otto Mniitli, to thin plaiiitill' on the 25tli day of l''lirimry lr., upon the followhis described real n-operty. to-wit; "IteKlnnitiB at the Honthwest e..rnnr of KliTalietli HiiMhoh h two aere irm-i or lanu in Heetion 'riilrty-livo,' Townnhip One honlh. Kar.fe Four West of tlio Willain elte Moridlaii, and runnliitf thence North along the County line Uoad I'l feet to a slake; thence J-.aaterly KViJ luet iobhiiikpj thenco Koutlierly KfiJ feet to a stake) thence West, along the Htroct 22fi feet o thejilaeeof bc(iiiniiig," which said ninrt eaire is recorded on Page "70" of Hook Hi" .if Hie ltecordo of MortK?w of Washingloii County, Oregon Administratrix's Notice. Notice Is herohv irlven tlmt tlin niulnr slftnod hn been', by the County Court of it iiiiiikiuii i iHimy, urejjnii, tuny a)i IkiIiiIimI AdmiuiNtralrix nl tlin estate n lloberl II. Whitehead, doreaiwl, and ha ouiy (iiiuiue(i ami enteimi upon I lie dm i iiniKi! oi hit "linen as alien, Now, tliei-fore, all )Hrsnns liavln elalniH against tlio eiitale of Roliert II Whitehead, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, together with pror vouchers, to the iiiiilorsigiuHl at tlie Ijtw Olllee of (leo. It. l auley. In Illllaboro. Oiegoii, within six moiitlia from tlie dato liereor Dateil at Hillsboro, Origoii, on this Oeto- iwrn, imii , CM AltUiTTR WHITKIIKAI). AflininlHttiilrix of iho estate of Hobert II, W lnteliead, deceased. Portland and Return Only f 85 ' The Hon I hern pacific to. is now selling round trip tickets to Port land from Hillsboro for ?.8i, good going Saturday or Sunday, return all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same arrangement applies from Portland, giving peo ple a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Administratrix's Notice, Notice Ik hereby given that the under signed has been by the County Court of Waahlrgton Coiintv. Oregon, duly ai: pointed administratrix of the estate o Kreil KchulenlierK, deceased. All pemnit having claims against said estate are noti fied u present lliem to mo with proper voncnors at my rosiiience at itiooming, Oregon, within six iiiiuil lis from thlsdale. Dated at Hillsboro, OrOKoil, this Mill day or unioner, mw. AHOUMTA HflHULKNItRKO. Administratrix of thn estate of fred Bcliulenbor(, deceased. CITATION. Executor's Notice. The Southern Pac'.fio Company will Bell tickets at one and one third fare for the round trip be tween all points on its Orrg n lines, account of Thanksgiving Day. Tickets will be sold on No vember 25th and 26th, and will be limited for return to the 27th. All who desire to take advantage of this reduction can secure tickets f rem nearest Southern Pacific agent, on dates mtntioned. - Notice la herebv given that the under- signed has been by the County Court of tlie mate or Uregon ror wasnington ixinn ty, duly appointed Kxecutor of the last will and testament of Chas. A, Har tramnf. deceaned. and has duly oualified and entered uimn the discharge of his duties as such Kxecutor, Mow, therefore, all persona having claims against the estate of said Clias. A. Hartranipf, deceased, are hereby required to present the same to me at the law office of Geo. K. Bagley in HillsWo. Oregon, together with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. Dated at HillslKiro, Oregon, on tills Octo ber SUth.IMB, W. V. flARTRAMPF. " Executor of the last will and teslau.oiitof Chas. A. Hartranipf, deceased. Proposals for Board of Prisoners. The County Court of Washington County Oregon will receive sealed bids up to two O'clocK f. M., on 1 inirsoay. ijecamiwr , i 1903. for ixiardlng prlsonem in the County Jail in Hillsboro Hid must stale amount for each prisoner, per meal, and bonds will be required for faithful performance oi contract. County Judge. The right is reserved to reject any and all tuns. By order Commissioners' Court, HllUboro, Oregon, Nov. 8, 1903. That caid nreniises be sold by the Sher iff of Washington County,, Oregon, end the nrocecds of such sale bo applied In eat isfaction of said sums dun this plainllif and for a decree forever Mrring and fore closing each and nil of the deleiidautx in tils suit from every right, title and in terest of, in and to the preinlHos above do scribed, save and excepting only tlin ht.iit utory right of redemption; aim for such other and further decree as may bo neu esiry and proper in tlio premises, Tin mimmoiiM is served jigainst you by order of Honorable L. A. Hood, County Judge of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated at Hlllblioro, Oregon, on the 'litli day of October, IMO.'I, which said order )irescrllies the dates of the Hist and last publication ot said summons and that you appear and answer oit or before the 10th day of December, 1009. OHO. tt. BAOI.EY, Attorney for 1'laiiitiir. IN Tllfi COUNTY COURT OF Til , HTATK OH" oriHCloy, FOIt - ' WAHIIINdTON COUNTY. Id tlio mutter of tun (jnnrillHiiMlilp of the person and estate ol .John .Summer. Insane I To John Hommer, William Oraf, guardian of said John Hommer, Insane. Dr, J Oalbrcath. Hupurlntondimt of tlio Or on Htate Insann Asylumi Fred 8oin. mer, 1'lrleh Bomnier, Jacob Hommer, Andrew Honiinor, Catherine Hominor, Mary Hoiuiuor, John Hiegnnthaler, Fred HioKoiilhaler, louie Klegent baler. I.ydla Hicgenthaler, (llnrtnian), Mary Hlegen- Minier, and to lolin Hlegenlliaiernr,, anu to all persons interested In suiil estate, greeting Jil Do You Pay More Than Once? "bMm When you bring your prescription to us you may be confident that it will k' filled accur atcly with the lest quality of tlrttRS, ami that you will lie charged only what is reasonable for such service. We pay no percuitano to any physician for his prescriptions. .This is one reason why you obtain full value for your money at BAILEY'S PIIAKMACY s Pure Drills, Sundries, lite We take pride in the quality of our Roods, and sell as cheap as we can afford. We carry the most complete line ever brought to the city. The Delta Drug Store t Hillsboro l ecu Store We will constantly kt'ep on hand a full supply of Hour, chop and mill I 'd, Imlwl Imy, etc., whittli wo will s II at reasonable prices. Stock and Poultry foods (round chicken lione, shell, rock salt. All kinds of seeds, (iivo us mil. t i T t J. W. Hartranipf Corner Main and Third, 1 1 illsWo, Oregon SUMMONS. Argus and Oregon-inn, $2.00. the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are linrnhy cited and required toapisjar In the County Court of the Htate of Ore(olli for the (.'ounty of Washington, at the Court room thereof, at HlilslHiro, in the County of Washington, on Monday, the 30 day of November, WOD, at HI o'cloek In l ho forenoon ol I hat day, then and thereto show eause, if any yon have, hy an nr dor . ol said Oourt should not bn made, liennsiiip and directing William (Jrsf, guardian ol the person and estate of John Hommer, Insane, to sell eertuiu real prop erty, beloiiKlnx to said insane, described as follows, to-witt liOls seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS) in block four (4) Kliiznl i'ark Addition to l'or'lund, Oregon In Miiltnomuli County, Oregon, as prayed for in tlin mtillon of said guardian now on file herein, Witness, the Hon, L, A. Rood, Judge of the County Court of the Htate of Ore gon, for the County of Washington, with the seal of said'Coiirt allixed, this '.mh day of OetolHT, A. 1).. IWW. Attest: OKO. A. MO ltd AN Clerk, Hesl V Hy J, W, MomiAN, Deputy, in tub ciitcurr couut op th HTATK OK ORKOON FOIt WASH INOTON COUNTY.' Marguerite M. Hell, plaluliiri vs. V Ksrl I., tlnil, defendant 1 To Karl U Hell, the rImivo named de fendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon; You are herebv required and commanded to appear In the above entitled Court in the alsive entitled eause and answer the com plaint therein tiled against you, on or be fore the rxiiiratlon of six weeks' publiua Hon of this summons In the HlllslHirn Argus, the first puliliea'ion thereof being on the SUlh day of Heptemlier, IIUS, and the last publication thereof lieing on the nth day of Nnvomlier, IIK1, to-wll, on or before the 12th day of Noveinlrar, IUH: and you will please take notice, that if you fall so to spiieai' and answer said com plaint, the planum will apply to loo Court for tlie relief prayed for In her complaint, to wit, for a ileeree dissolving Iho o.ari luge nod marrlna contract exist ing between the plalutilf and deleiidant, for decree awarding the care, custody and emit ml of Mary Hell, minor child "(' the plalntlir nml defendaiit, to the plaint lit', and for a decree adjudging and decree ing that those certain promlsorv notes, each for thn sum of JUKI.' 0, dated Neplmn- horin, m, niaue, cxitciu'ii ami ileliveretl by Alovls Uassner and secured by a mort gsire upon the Honthwest Ouarler of I he Hon1 li west ((uarter of Hocllnu Twenty- lour, Townsniii (me oouiii, nange two West of tlio Will. Mer., containing forty aures, wlileli salil moitgage Is ris'.ordisl upon pago "ii" or hook ";ih" or the lteeonm of Mortgages for Washlnifbiii County. Oregon, to bo the property of the pialiiMf! ami mat ine proceeds inereor lie applied towards the payment of the cola and disbursements of tlie above entit led suit, reasonable allo'iiey's fees, the imsl support and maintenance of said minor child and tlie luture support and mainte nance of said minor child, and for the Hiiimorl and maintenance of the n In InlllV and for such other and further der ree as may bn necessary In tlie promises. , This numinous is served upon you bv publication by order of Hon, I,. A. Hood, County Judgo of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated nt Chambers, at IiHIsIkiio. Oregon, on the 2Hd day oi Heptembr, IWK1. ' W. 1). H AUK and (IHO, R. rtAOI.RY. Attorneys lor I'laintlll'. OREGON Shout line jHeKil Lost Monclav 15ve, October 19, between Corm litis and Forest Grove, navy blue overcoat, large size, velvet collar; reasonable re ward Leave at this office. AimUNlilWPACinC.. 3 TIIAIMH TO TIIK KAST I,li.Y UtOM IHIKTI.ANU, Tlirough rullmnn standard snd tnurlit sleetitug-csrs daily to Onislis, Chicago, Kpokaiir; liurist slecplng-csr daily to Kansas City; through 1'itllitian tourist sleeping-cars (rarsonally comlurted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re clining chair cars (seals free) to the Kant dally. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given thai, the undnr slvued AduiiulHtriitor of the nsla e of Krnnk ,1. Ilnrber, deceaned, lias filed his llnal account In the miltlei' of Hidd I'liile, and that the County Court for Washing lou County, Oregon, has set Monday, the 2,'lrd day of November, IIKW, at the court, room In IllllNboro, Ore., at tlio hour of It) o'clock A. M. of said day as the lime and place for hearing olileetlons to said ilmil account ami for the llnal settlement of said estate Oil AH, It. It A ItllKK, Administrator of the Untitle of t runk J llarlsir, deceased. Oen. 1!. liagley, Attorney for Admin lstrutor. tIKI'AUT roa PAII.V Chicago Hpeclal via Atlantic Kx presi S:I6 I', m, via Hi. Paul I'BHt Mall (1:00 p. m. via Hpokane TIM 14 HlMIKIIULK.H VNOM I'OKT'IAND Halt Lake, Denver, l'"t. Worth, onialia, Kansas City, HI, Louis, Chicago and Knst Halt T,ake. Ilenvsr, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. lioiils, Chicago and KlIMl Walla'WaifaTirwTiir lon.Hpoliiiue.Wiilliieo I'ulliiiau, Mlnneiip. oils, Ht. Paul,. Dm lull., Milwaukee, Chicago and Hast ASKIVS raoM pAii.r 4:,10 r, M. 10:30 a, m OCKAN AND 111 V Kit NCIIKIHIbK PIUlM l'OUTI.ANn Hteamshlps between I'orlliind and Han Kraiielsco every ti vo duys, Hlvnr boats on thn lower Columbia mid Willamette daily except Hundiiy. low hv;ks To and from all points In the Kat. '1 lekels via Hi In route on sale at a'l depot ufHniis of the Houtlirn Paul lie Co, , A, h, CltAlO, , General Pnssengnr Agent ' Portland, Oregon, Hhvo one-helf your money by in suiinR in the Oregon Piro Itrlief' Association. Write to F. IS. Waters, agont, Forest Grove, Oregon,