The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 21, 1903, Image 3

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: All About thi Paoria : s
i a wane with Tm i sorts : : i
v if
Southern Pacific Looking
over Another Route
Tbetr Civil Eoilaetr luoklni over hill.
burs-Tualatla reule.
Hillsboro may yet become a rail
road town -by the grace of the
Huutherit Paoflo nit the natural
ley of land. The proMeed cut-off
between the town of Beaverton and
I'ortland it to have a rival In the
consideration of another route. A
civil engineer, Mr. R. It. MacLeod,
wailn the city yeeUrday, In the
Intereeta ol the Southern Paoiflo,
preparing map of the gradee be
tween IlllUbon and Tualatin,
with a view of reporting the feeiii
billty of buildiog a cut off from
tbia point, leading to the atation of
Tualatin, and from thence in ma
Willamette at Oswego, where the
Comoanv honee to build a bridge.
The Fourth street line, whether the
new line lane Beaverton or If ilia
boro, will not be abandoned but it
1 rv likelv that the road wilt le
used for a auburban service he
tween thii point, or Foreet drove,
and Portland.
The proposed line will tap one of
the lineal aecliona In uregou. ana
the road will acquire a great a
mount of traffic that it now doee
not et. Mr. MacLeod will return
in about two weeki and again go
over the country on which he rnuet
report. Much of the Intereel man
ifeeted in the new Idea ie due to
Ferd Uroner, of Scholia, who hai
been after the company lor tome
time, aaking them to look over the
feasibility of the pronoeml out on
Tba underlined will aell at public
auction, at the Ben Andereon farm
9 milei north of Farmlniton and
four mile anutheait of Hillsboro,
at 10 o'clock a. m . on
Horee, weight, 1,000; apen work
mare. 1.200 each: epa.i work
maree. 1.400 eaoh, all young; year
linn fillv: colt: 8 head milk cows, 1
a full-blood, the balanoe graded
Jereevs: 4 two-rear old gradl Jar
aey heifers; 4 calves; Jersey bull, 8
veare: Studebaker wagon, goo, 3J
buggy, nearly new, top; Osborne
binder; Oaborne mower; Tiger
drill. 12 hoe; Triumph Sulky plow
new; new 14 in walking plow. 2
harrows. 2 eeta team harneee, sin
sle buBnv harneee. fanning mill
cider mill. 2 down ohiokene, lot of
carpenter tooli, mxtt, X cut aawe
log chains; parlor aet, new; good
organ. 70 varda carpet and mat
ting, No. 8 cook stove, heater, 10-ft
extension table, dining chat re,
bedroom tela. 2 bedsteads, mat
treeeee. betiding, etc., 2 clocks,
diaheaand kitchen furniture and
numeroui other artioles.
Under $10. caah; 110 and over,
months' time, without Interest
Daid at maturity: otherwise, inter
eel at 8 per cent. Two per oent off
for oath. B. Anmehbon,
B. P. Cornaliua, Auctioneer.
Mr, and Mre. V. J. Benaon, on a
ip eael. write from the Planters'
del. Now Orleans, to The Argue,
follows: "We have had a
lendld trip eo far. One day in
an rraucitc; where we visum
ilden I'ark, Sutro Park
nob Hill, ClifT Houae, the Gov
nment mint, and the Preeidin
and forte; then to Lot Angelee
We arrived in New Orleana Wed-
needay the 13th., and will leave In
day or an by rail, for the north,
aa no boat leavee until neit Mon
ey. We have jual returned from
bell line ride around tbil beauti
ful Hnulhern city and viewed many
Ihinga of iniereet. Give our re-
garde to all our Hilliboro friend."
Realties Spoke in Afternoon,
Hermann in Evening.
Rfaairs atast a geee atraitbtferward
talk aa Caiard Prleads
Reedville, June 6
Try The Argue a year.
Argue and Oregonian, 12 00
Ride a Recycle and gn easy.
Will buy two email pigs. Ad
dress, Bos 224, Hilleboro, Ore.
Higheet market price paid for
mohair. II. Wehrung & Hone.
Born, Saturday, May 16, V.m,
to the wife of Dr S. T. Linklater, a
Spalding baeeball goods are the
beet in tba world at McCormick'a.
Both congreealonal candidatea Wanted: A girl to learn drees
viaited tbia place Saturday laat, making. Apply to Mre. W. L. pa-
. I I If . a. I 1.(111 M. n.. laBBUIB. ISUS B 1 1. a. IU.I , - W ' " n
A goon Dreaaiam aiwaja uiaava - . (-..
the day eaiy. Start the day right afternoon and Mr. Hermann in the M"w. ure-
by treating your inner man right, evening. Mr. Reamee, by a few Kll Pee, the Laurel-Faruih.gton
ut get Bed Jackal Fhked w hea .-...j 0iening remarks mu.c.r"?.r.' l".!n """""
or Red .l.ckel Rolled Oate, menu- ... . . . . ' " . , K. stead In Klickitat, aen .ana say
factured by the Climax Milling -"-' there la room lor more.
Company, and .old by all groom; of the audience and the young man w th-hIght kel price
enjoy you nreaaiaet, ana you win wno ie mating m, . for pr(X00. tnd sell you the finest
nisi! the day In good spirits, with ik man the. admlnlatratlon twice-itAnl vrwiriM &t nriia that com-
theee palatable breakfaat diabea you ,.-j j onoa talked him. rv.tit.nn ran not miwi H. Weh
can get nulrilious food without over- . . mMlhiM 0r the rung & Bona.
loading and being miserable. Juatl ' ...I . . u. ... .
Decoration Day, May BOth, tha rit
ualiatlo services of decorating gravea
of comrades will be held at the
cemetery. All are invited to loin
with us in the observation of the
day, and tha Hilliboro band and
the publio sohool are earnestly re
queated to asaist with the ceremo
nies. We wish the school to atari
promptly at U o'clock a. m. from
the school house, marching to Third
street, thence to Main, join the U
A. R . W. R. C. and the band at
oornen of Second and Main Pro
ceeding from there to the cemetery
to assist in the ritualist eieroisee,
whioh will be oonoluded at the
long bridge, in memory of the sail
ore and seamen, deceased. The
Erogram will be in tne uiiiri
R. CaANDAix, Adit
Oen. Ransom Post No. 09 0. A. R.
Meeting at the Courthouse
last Night.
..w -..7.. r,....m. if. iV..m- auditors. lie ia an eaey wiaer, i.aurei n. noyi, major
' ... . t .sil ii ., Aft.. I a A Lt J I Vim RttttalliAn flpatmn'l i.lauaa wntl and rll W nM fllfMl ID UH UOIUl. 1DU UU IU r waewiuwu, v.Bv..
Regiment. U. R., of K. of P., at
nmhUma a ..Utable baa ..... ' . Unded the Pythian Grand Lodge,
been solved. Lf k. oldtimere of all Dolitlcal
Th. Arua nublUher and family faiths, and that he added to his James Lee waa releaaed upon a
.,,.,1. .nn.l irln to the hill. Donular atrengtb ia believed by all. 1700 bond last Tuesday evening
.hove Olenooe. Sunday, where thle was bis Brst appearance before lata and at once repaired to
they were gueeta of Mr. and Mre a Hilleboro audience, and that he Domain raiwn vauey me caae
ir v.ii.... T... inani I la nr nnn vrMinni CAiinra was will uut vuuia uu uuui u,
ii . ivokivt. i u --- - n I
looking over the improvements patent to all bla auditors. I am agent for the Kambler and
which have taken place to mall Mr. nermann arnvea a. six in w0 American wheels the best
ewtloo. All the bill couolry Is the evening and used tne eany pari ---1, for he money in the world
coming along fine and some day of tha twilight in exemplifying the Au klnda of repairing skilfully
there will be bundrela of vlneyarda loigneei type oi nanosnaae. in nia jon, pulj line of sporting goods.
up there, and the two townsnipa epeeon ne -panawoa ma iuo oi F R Bailey, Main Street.
ui i.inUh f..r thnuunda of anv runture between himself and
..1. Tk. .M I. an am. H Inr I tha ailminiltraUOD. "JUSl a dll DDiemnge oromers. OI ureeu
irwifii, a uv warae aw I I .
Ai,.r,.. .. ..11 aa inr vamuhlM faranca over deUile" he aaid. villa, have purchased a new ana
V.V..-.V,-, - - "I .... ..... I 1 .L " I .C. f ...
and the many homes that are now Then Mr. Hermann startea in to compieve wreeoer ou.ui, m m ..
being hewed out oi the wilderness esnori. meiogicoi ma arguweoi .. vu
will eoon be pneelees. and appeals was that it would be a ty, oonaieting of a Buffalo-Pitts
, .... . , ..,,!- tame not in aenu a mau ui iubu lurwum uu ciiB,io. ....
The thirty-flrel annual reunion . .zoerienced in this line and
the Oregon Pioneer Association . ,r. , . . . n.n,r-. -ill viva ood satisfaction
.ill h. K.I.I In lha Kinoaition --K- . . . ..- ----.
bnildin.. Portland. Wednesday. . ! Zrl " "T "u";u Good fuel is the secret of power
v - - i rwA a n i nan i a an ana nav m nit in aiiasi . ; a m
1?. All pioneers who came '"v TT"" r or macn.nery-anc. p .or ma
ik. ii-..r fira.nn tarritorv """ -"" " ling the Deal man. uei yourgro
prior to Feb. 14, 1869, and all lTVir' a T- Dd '
k . . ih.t H.i. .r. .Il.ihla different Umea, obeerved a repute- t zooi dsy.R work ,n you lt
' Ll'r.. : :.... ,.Vili nlnthelkolthen)om,aolto i(1 und to come. All kinds of
. . . voce, and then Jar. n
commence In tne aiiernooo, ana i mi. , m . M.,.
will close with a banqoet In the rZl.JT. " 6
evening. Rail lines will grant
iKIx-l fa tfm I Ka mil nn HERMANN IN HOT WATER,
U1IV IIIU UIIVll- I BBS awe weaw ivwaaw aft.' U
Hip. All pioneers are Invited lot in oouree oi ma speecu
ttl,nj I Mr. Hermann referred sneeringlv
lil101" loreignere, ana voeir ibk
nm. iNeieon nae puronawu m-u.k i, a on noachanical lines
hardware store of W. D. Hare and Tu lhi. fohn MiiD. 0r uiu, uiii.
win tiereaiter winoucv me ouaineaa j. MOtpUoD, and when Intro
He will carry a complete and up AnaA ilt Harmann. after the meet
Mayor Barrett has appointed a Genera'
Committee. A Good One.
At the Mass Meeting held at the
Courthouse last night Mayor Bar
rett presided and J. W. Bailey act
ed ae secretary. It waa decided
that a big celebration was "the
thing,"-tlte biggeat yet held here.
It was the unanimous sentiment
that we should do everything to
make the old veterans comfortable,
and then wind up with a Fourth
of July celebration which will
warm tne cockles of every heart
with a hit of National pride in its
pulse. Upon motion, the following
general committee was appointed:
Hon. W. X. Barrett, R. H.
Greer. Geo Schulmericb, Hon. W.
II. Wehrung, John Northrop, J. W.
Bailey, J. A. Imbrie, W. V. Wiley,
J. W. Morgan, and L. E. Wilkee.
This committee will appoint sub
committees, will arrange for caring
for the Veterans, and map out a
program for a celebration that will
eclipse any effort yet made on the
Weei Side.
the art
to data hardware stock, farm tools
of all kinda, wagons, buggies, farm
machinery etc Anything a farm
er may want from a neeaie to a
threshing machine Mr. Nelson
will supply. Give him a oall, gel
hia mines, buy from him and save
vegetables and fruit in season.
Staple brands only Diamond W.
We have taken up the famous
W. L. Dooglas line of boys and
men's shoes known all over the
world as the best. We also carry
the Drew-Selbv shoa for ladiee.
Consult us before buying II
Webrung & Sons.
Frank Weaenbeck was up from
ing, be look tba Land Commission- Reedville the first of the week and
er that waa to task. nr. uune Mya that he ha entered bis poultry
said: lam one oi tnoee ioreigoers rd for the premium list From
of whioh you spoke, Americanized, one egg a pair of twin chickens was
and wo "loreignere win aee to h I hatched and when grown they will
. a.i. . .-
that we snow you unaer on election be warranted to out-icratch any
day." Hermann tried to smooth p,.r 0f chickens in existence
over Die ramaraa out tar. aune
This is going
to he a year of im
provement, and when you contein
plate using any lumber, ne sure
and call at the Qroner k Rowell
Co. rawmill at Scholia, where you
find tba largest and finest stock of
rouoh and dreased lumber to be
found in Washington county. AI
m a suddIv of drain tile on hand
The Rosa Society of Christian
Endeavor under tha management
The incident was
by many republi-
Here we are again! Wall paper
of every design, cheap, and some
not so cheap. Megant patterns
Come in and see them. We will
surely please you Donelson's Fur
oiture Store, Msin street.
Austin Craig, the ex-postmaster
of Whitney, bad bis day in court
at Portland last week, and the
that the case be
court. 1 his was
was obdurate.
hugely enjoyed
cans present,
At Foreet Grove the Roaeburg
candidate went after The Argus,
referring to the advice to "paint u
you may . get a Cleveland
1 1 a a 1 J L.. a.. im.
miDiurtuou uu im wu jmur w , instructed
! i i Tia ai- .A thrown out of auu. m.r.uo done uwn the request of the Fed
amnia ni vnai mifrm nanDHn 11 1 .. .
Lll. Da.ik llan chairman .a," i.i mt Crmi UlKni'l Kiiuiiivii wmi dmuuiiv
VB - uiiiiiH uiuii a us wan
ol social committee, gathered in k, comical n the extreme con-
round numbers at the home of Mr. ,ij,rin ikai Mr. Cleveland sets
and Mrs. A Chalmers, last Friday his plaudits from the republi- Sohulmerich Bros, are getting
evening, and in response to smiling Mn ,id 0f tD9 house, and that Mr. their stock of implements for spring
decorations an evening oi minn D..n,M a running on a platform and summer on band, iney carry
was spent in games amusing and L0IMiamnina trust control, not only the most complete lines of any
instructive. Who would not be a nf tha monav leslalation. and aa to merchant in the county. Get their
Christian Kodeavorar? I the tariff, asking only what the prices before purchasing
Next to your etomeoh you ahould leading thought of the Kepuhlican LeWi Carstena was down from
. . . .- . 1 I A . m . na I . m . . , 1
oare for your reel, uresa inem in -... Manning xuesaay ana reports me
Bond reliable footwear bought oi
John Dennis and you will have AUCTION SALE.
your feet well olad the year round
and till have money lenas com- The undersigned will sell at pub
pared with your resources when ifo tuition at the Jacob Halvorsen
A T Linklater to Erick Erick-
Bon 38 a in Baldra d 1 c ... $1750
Fred S Olsen to Chas George
40 a near Scholls 2000
E J Lyons to Mary J Forter pt
of lot 3 blk 10 Forest Grove 175
Geo Graham to Archie Gra
ham 7 Its in Cornelius 400
John Baxter et ux to Emma J
Patton 80 at 1 ss r 4 w. . . .3600
0 Westcott to W F Johnson 80
a on Punkin Ridge. 1500
Zina Wood to Zina Wood Jr
285 a at Hillsboro 20,000
H A Jasper to H A Eckstrom
19.26 a at Beaverton 2300
Henry McXamee to Wm Muir
147 a sec 19 1 1 s r 3 w. . . .3000
W H Bender to Claude Greear
residence property Hillsboro 350
C T Scoggin to J W Sewell
F Cornutt to Mary Dixon 60x
185 feet in Forest Grove
Grace Sutherland to Mary
Sutherland pt of Jos Hinton
d 1 c 3500
Manche Langley to F W Bern
hardt 4atlnr4w 100
Willamette R E Co to F Schoen
3 lots in Cornelius io
ted that there was
I evisdence to convict.
. m . at
you buy oi otners. onoes mr
Hillsboro ia putting ou metro
polilan airs these days-the towu
la to have two passenger stations
The company ia now building a
aiding in South Hillsboro, between
the Dlaoes of C. K. Henry and Geo
H Wilcox This will aooomodate
all who have service from thst part
of the oily, and save them a long
walk each time they wish to travel
on the line.
place one-fourth mile north of
Farminglon, at ten A. M. on,
28 head graded Jersey milk cows,
mostly young, all In milk; 4 grad
ed! Jersey heifers; registered Jer
sey bull, one span rercheron oolte.
4 and 6 years old, broke, weighing
1,400 eaoh; horse, years, weight,
small-pox epidemio sa about done
for ud that way. lie states tnai
none of the afflicted was so very ill,
and that where people had been
vaccinated veara ago they seemed
to be immune from the dieeaoe.
The tvoe is very mild, and seems
a -
now to have about run its course.
We invite you to come in and
. , , i
see our nne line oi uoya aim wen
clothing. We Bell you best values
at prices that are of the lowest.
H. Wehrung A Sons.
Zint Wood Jr. has purchased
Memoritl servloes will
at the Methodist church
morning, at 11 o'olock,
be held
Rev. A
Reedville, Jane 6.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.
Bargains in second hand wheels,
McCormick, Second street.
Dressmaking Mrs. John Hum
phrey, Sixth and Baseline streets
Large numbers took advantage of
the presidential visit to go to fort
land today, to see the chief exeou
John Dennis can take your
measure for that summer suit and
have it for you in plenty of time
for warm weather. See him and
get his prices.
Hon. W. H. Wehrung, represent
ing the Senate, and Hon. D. M, 0.
Gault, representing the House,
-committees, of , Reception, went to
Portland to officially receive the
1.300: 2 14-inch plows: springtooth the sulendid ranch owned by his
barrow: spike harrow: Tiger drill, father, and located at the end of
. ' t . I . .. . .
12 hoe; land roller; reed culler; city, south, the consideration being
fanning mill with self sacker; 1 1 twenty thousand dollars. The
Will vou have an addition built fiye-ehovel "cultivator; platform ranch has one of the finest hop
to vour house? Will you build a scale, 660 lbs ; 3 Mitchell wagon, I yards in the county, is within
w . i a l a ! t-l 1 I m a.i i
fencer Carstens uromers nave a i nearly new; ugni nau-apring quarter of a nine ot me etauon,
fine stock of rough and dreased wagon, new; 2 seta double harness; land the most it is rich bottom
lumber constantly on hand at their Wood binder; Wood mower; grub- lnda
Mill, at the Manning posiofHoe blng machine; Bulky rake; six ten- Th. Washington County Knights
Uive them a trial, vnargea ra- gauon milt can; nayraoa; aoaiu- 0f p-tniaa are mi.,ng big arrange
tonable. WrlU for estimates. ing trough;; new a-cui saw; .arm .. for tce'p,thitn District
Hlll.l-.rc.-a hand waa reoresented to" nd n""ou otter artiolea. Convei.tion to be held here June 5
in the presidential parade at Port 1BKMS or AL,K,: A fine program baa been arranged
land today. The boys went down Four months' time, approved note, and the day will be ooncluded by a
i.. ,,nir,.rm and with a com- without in Ureal If Daid at maturi- big banquet, which will be pre-
ty. If not paid when due to draw pared by John wonarop,-tne once
six per cent irom aaie oi saie. popular noiei man.
Two ner cent off for oash, sums
over $10.
John Halvorsin
Wm. McQuillan, Auctioneer.
nlete membership. All of whioh
is very oreditable to one of tha beet
bands on the West Side.
Our spring-weight dress skirts
have arrived, and they are ol the
fineat. Come in and see them.
A splendid line of spring dress
goods and wash goods; the finest
ever seen irt the county, now on
our shelves. Inspect before buy
ing elsewhere. H. Wehrung A
Hon. W. D. Hare has opened his
law office in the Grange building,
next door to Geo, R. Bagley's law
offices. He and Mr. Bagley will
utilise the same waiting room,
Reedville, June 6.
E. W. Haines
the Deputy Grand Chancellor, of
Foreat Grove, hopes to have this
the most successful meet hip ever
held in the district.
WAahinston County's dairy herds
.ara oi i aanas. hiv hnan undanroina iniDrovemen
this year, and farmers are add in
Tha undaraisned desire to thank better strains to their stock. Pe
their many friends for the many oent. of butler talis what ma nee
kindneasea shown them in their re-1 the dairy pay and the sooner our
eant haraavement. the death and dairymen take up the blooded
burial of the wife and mother, milkers and let go or the general
Joswa Bishup and Cuildrsn, purpose cow, the better. The Ar
Lenox, May 18, 1903. gus predicts that within five years
Washington county win nave me
Furniture, wall paper, trunks, finest lot of dairy stock in the
etc, at E. L. MoCormiok's store. ' Pacfio Northwest.
A large crowd from over the
county waa in the city Tuesday
afternoon, visiting Norris & Rowe's
circus. These people give a nice
entertainment, have all tbey ad
vertise, and people feel, generally,
that they receive their money's
worth. The show was especially
good for children but it was quite
noticeable that the "old folk" also
went in to see the elephant. Two
good bands were in the parade and
the big crowd thought that alone
worth price of coming to town.
Greer leads and the reat follow-
in groceries, crockery, lamps, china
and wooden and willow ware.
Some of the circua hands, be
lieved to be the Japaneee acrobats,
became involved in an altercation
with two young fellows from south
east of town, after the show closed
Tuesday night and a black eye
waa the result. The buggy occu
pied by the young men waa found
in noutb Hillsboro, yesterday
morning, somewhat of a wreck.
Just how the row started no one
seems to know, nor does any one
know who the local combatants are.
riiraiuiAB, a
Oilier M.Ku-RalWy black
Room lt-l aad I J.
waat cornel- Batallae aa4 tavd
Both 'PlMaaa.
Offlca at RMldaaca laat of Oaart He
Sufgcoa SmUmtb fadfie Bailfwa Oe.
Coawilutioa im Franc at KegMsai, . M
ice aad Baaideace sooU side mt Kate,
Odd FaUowa' Bttildiac HUttam.
Koom 1 aad I Shite BalMiagt
Oftoe la Cocwia-W
- OragM
A good road cart for sale at
II. Greer's, the grocer.
The ladies of the Congregational
church are proceeding nicely with
their Carnival which tbey will
hold at Grange Hall next Wednes
day evening. A fine program, con
sisting cf a drama, fine musical se
lections instrumental and vocal,
etc., and a big supper to follow.
The admission will be 16 cents for
the program and fifteen cents for MWwVwVwV
the supper. Everybody is invited.
Maple syrup at Greer's. 30 cents
per bottle.
A sixteen year old son of C. C.
Bennett, of this city, broke a leg by
falling from his wheel the other
day, near the Connell place north
of town. Dr. Tamlesie attended
the fracture. The leg was shorter
than the other, owing to a recent
break while in Southern Oregon,
and the physician hopes to have it
full length when he i through
operating on it.
Peter Zurcher, of near Phillips
experienced an exciting runaway
the other day while breaking a
young horse. He was riding on
the running gears of the wagon
a a vmkwb.
THOS. H. A S. B. TOHttUB.:
Roowa j, 4, ft . Mafgaa Blk, HUlatei.
Office UpaUirs, Bailey Meigaa Bleak
a, laa' a.
hen the team started, throwing ATTORNEY AT LAW
him out giving him a baa cut on
otherwise bruising
F. J. Bailey is at-
the head and
him up. Dr.
tending him.
Mr. Carl Harria'and Miss Minnie
Onmund, late of Hillsboro, but now
residing in Portland, were married
at the home of the bride's parents,
Wednesday eve. May 20, 1903.
Mr. Harris is a son of Mrs. C. T
Bowen. and the bride was ons of
Hillsboro's popular school teachers HILLSBORO
for several years.
Notarial Work aad CoavaytadH
Rooms S7 Morgan Blk.. Hiliabora. On
insMssor to Banal A
Office, Op Sulfa, Central
The undeisigned will sell at public
auction at his farm, three-fourths
of a mile North of Lenox P. O., at
10 a m. on
2 eood work horses; double team
harness: Bret cla6S dairy cows
mostly voting and all in milk, viz
1 3 4 Holstein: 1 7-8 Holstein: 1
half Jersey & half Holstein: 1 3-4
Jersey; 2 heifers, year and half old
one of them 1-2 Holstein; 'L calves,
one of them 3.4 Holstein 6 months
and the other 1-2 Holstein, two
months; 3 1-4 wagon; Osborne
diec harrow, nearly new, 101b;
12-inch plow; Osborne Columbia
mower, nearly new; cultivator; 4
10 gallon steel milk cans, two new,
two as goou. as new; land roller;
hay rack; hay rake; 10 tons cheat
hay; lot potatoes; 4 ehoats; lot
chickens; grain sacks; carpenter's
crank power auger; farm tools; etc.
10 and under, cash; over that sum,
twelve months time, approved
note, at 5 per cent interest
Otto Leisman, Auctioneer
Married, at the residence of Mrs.
Mary Owens, Cedar Mill, May 13,
1903, Rev. Lee, of Beaverton offici
ating, Mr. Francis N. Bunker and
Miss Maud Owens.
If you want a good, warranted
range or cook etove, ol the latest
design and one that will wear,
call in and aee the line carried by
R. Cave, the pioneer hardware Largest list of
merchant, Main Street. Also car- ington County.
nee a oomplete line of tinware, veyanciog, etc.
hardware etc. Our prices are for yon.
riul- Hillsboro
The strawberry crop of W ashing-
ton county promises to be a record
breaker this year, if we can only
have soms good weather in the
near future to ripen them. The
Hood River crop will soon be ripe,
and posters are now up, asking for
three thousand pickers.
John Northrop haa taken the
th r.1 il raliahla Alhanv
-8.., ------- :. . ' I tr
Nursery and will soon oall on lar-
mere to supply fruit trees, snruo
bery. etc. Save vour order for the
Married, at the office of the offi
ciating judge. H. T. Bagley, May
16. 1903. Mr. Frank L. West, of
Sherwood, and Miss Clara Gal
briath, of Tualatin.
There will be no preaching at the
Congregational church Sunday, as
the members will attend the Mem
orial Union services at the M. E
Deputy Clerk J. W. Morgan is
very busy this week, getting the
ballot boxes ready to send to the
various precincts.
Marriage license has been grant
ed Harry A Alexander end Miss
Eva E. Jones, of Eaat Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bunning
. .1 t vt -J n; .
nave returned irom new ion vuy, yaj0
and are at home in uornenus.
V. U. BBIDBI. W. 1. W4U
Heidel & Wall
farms lor sale la Waak
Moaey to loan. Cea ,
We will Mil yoar fara
A. B. BAILEY, D. D. 8.
Rooms 10 and 11,
Morgan-Bailey Bloei
Hoc as 9 to ia a.m., and I to 4KB
1 316 Dekam Building. Fortlead, OiWgai
Makaa frequent visits to HUlaboro. Ai
noanccmenta of time published.
..Central Meatllarket
Fresh and cured meats of all
kinds. Fresh fish on Friday!
and Saturdays. Fine lard on
sale. Full weights guaran
teed. Highest market prioe
paid for fat livestock and hogs.
Will of Geo B Day admitted to
probate and county clerk of Crook
county authorized to take proof.
Final settlement of Thoa Sell, es
tate set for June 22; Catherine Ma
cleod appointed guardian of ChaB
Seth, minor.
Mary Scherschel estate settled.
Citation issued to heirs of John
W Lemmon to appear June 29 to
show cause why realty shall not be
sold as upon petition of the admin
istrator, Erwin Hitter.
Dime Social at R. Crandall'e,
Friday evening, May 22, by the
Epworth League.
Street, opposite Tualatia list
Hillabore, Oregea.
Mrs. S. Q. Sutton, of Laurel,
who is visiting with her danghter,
Mrs. Williams, wife of Dr. Wil
lianas, a former Hillsboro dentist,
writes that she will start for Ore
gon in two weeks. She states that
Dr. and Mrs. Williams are now
the parents of a nine pound boy.
J. H. Cornelius was down from
the town of Cornelius this after
Married, at St. Petera church, May
14, 1903, Key. L Stuebe officiating,
r. Henry W. Harms and Miss
Alma Sohwanke. Mr. Harms is a
well known young man and a pro
gressive farmer of Centerville, and
the 01 Ida is a daughter ol Keinhtld
Sohwanke, of that vicinity.
A very pretty home wedding occur
red at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Berst, of
this city, May 20, 1903, the high
contracting parties being Mr. Wil
bert B. Davey, of Portland, and
Miss Myrtle Berst, of this city,
Kev. Alired Thompson, of the Trin
ity M. E. church, Portland, offioi
atintr. Mr. and Mra. Dave will
take up their residence in Portland.! Main St., Opposite Bank, E-J
Do a General Real Estate, Loaa aa4
auranee Busineia. List your farm w
them and find a sale. They will tr
you right Add your sale to oar I
Call la aad see us. -. .
Main Street, Hillsboro,
The Best That They Make.
' Come to the
We sell the Swetland lea CriN
and have the exclusive eootraJ
this delightful service. DelV