VOL. IX. IIILLSBOltO, OltKOON, TIIUHSDAY. FEHHUAKY 5, 1903. .NO, 47, S EVENTS OF THE DAY OATHLKED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Compnhanalv Rtvlaw of tha Import t oat Happenings ol the Hast Week, PreMntvd la Condoneod l:omi. Mm Ltfcaly to Prove Intoreetlng to Our Many Reader. Middlebury, VI., suffered $150,000 fir lota. Ths wnaUi anti-trust bill. has passed tht F.lklne Canada expwla big immigration Iron F.iiglami tlila yi-er. Tli Idalio liiUUliira voted Iud the measure creating an eight-hour Jay law. Frank Majb-e, a Chicago poUI clerk, bat liven arretted, charged with rifling Ilia malla. President Catro's troopi are said to QOKS WITH PANAMA. THE LEGISLATURE Old Canal'and Plant, Railroad, Buildings and Other Property. Washington, Feb. 4.-11 the United States finally enters upon the constrno (ion ol the loteroceanic canal over ilia Panama route, at now seems probable, It will first pay to tbe Panama canal company Hit vest tuin ol $40,000,000. Tbla payment represents mora than Iba mere right ol way of tbla company j It represents I lie work alrrady dona to warda digging tlia taat ditch, Iba 1'ana ma railroad, the niapa, drawlnga, roc orda, and a balance thrown In by way ol bonus, but It la aald that the latter Item ll comparatively small, lor tbe ditch already constructed, according to olllcial eatimatea, represents an expend Itureof about 117,000,000, and the Panama railroad stock at par la worth almost 17,000,000. Tbe French com' pany will give to this government WHAT THE LAWMAKERS OP OREQ0N ARE DOINQ AT SALEM. BUIa et Importance That are Being Intro- ducad and Acted Upoa la Botk Hoaaea Meeaeree f Igaed ky the Ooremer Progress of the Balloting for Laltce tatea leaator. Taeaday. Tbe vole Fulton 34, Ger 16, Wood 17, Mllla 12, nattering 8, absent 3. Paulsen, ol Clackamaa, voted (or Gear, but belore the reault waa an noanced changed back to Fulton. The Benate Among tbe bllla paated waa one to autborlxe tbe employment among other things, aboat 30,000 acre of convict labor on the public bigliwaya ol land which, with the land belong ing to the ralln-a.i company, cover nearly all the ground requited lor the actual (onatruciion ol t Indiana I. Soue thlng like 2,300 buildingt will (all into r a - i ' 1 " ' ' 'I , .-A X WH TO MAKE ONE STATE. TERMS OF TREATY LEVI ASKKSY. OF WALLA WALLA. The Waxblniitoii Irnialwiure i-IihUh! Mr. Ankony to ropn-aHut b! kUUs la the UiUUhI HUttrt in'imtc. , be engaged with rtoliitloury lorcei 14 tiiilcatoulh ol Caracal. Ft re deatroyed the plant of the Chi cago railway aupply foundry company, at Weat Harvey, cauaing a loaa aitl mated at 1250,000. A new pilot bill It before tbe Waah Ington leglalature. It la the firtt meat ure ot the kind not opposed by the 1'uget aound tugboat compauiea. Profeaaor lUdell, of Cornell,, an nounce! a dlacovury In translation of electricity whereby an alternating and direct current may be aent at the aame time. Tbe national debt wat dwreaeed 13, (100,000 during January. Coercion In Ireland ha been almost abandoned and better timet are In light. The Alaaka boundary treaty bni been returned to the tenite with the clerical errori corrected. Rioting among linking street car man at Waterbury, Conn., continue!, deaplte tha presence of troopt. William A. Wilton, who absconded from Manila with (8,000 of govern ment fundi, bai been captured at Mon treal. Godfrey Hunter, Jr., hai been acquit ted of the charge of murder growing out of the killing ol William FiUgorald at Guatemala. ' Tbe breaking ol an elevator cable at Denver canted the maiming and bruin ing of aeven persona, one of whom may be crippled (or life. Mine Union lVlfld trainmen who ran, between Sydney, Neb., and Chey enne, Wyo,, are under ar-eat, charged with the theft of goods in tranait. Two atock train on the Illinois Cen tral collided, killing two men and In juring U othen. Five cari of etook were coniumed iu the fire which broke oat. ' i i ."" A movement U on foot to cretae a new itate out ol the western portion ol North Dakota and the eastern portion of Montana. It ll proposed to call It Montague. Ei-Secretary of the Navy Long shows Improvement and may recover. Senator Mitchell ii ilowly recovering liom his levere attack ol illness. Binger Hermann hao'turned over the general land ofHce to hla tucoosaor. A Manila official li short $8,000 in hli account! and hai fled to Japan. Tha railroad connecting Havana and fiantiago ia completed and opened to traffic The French chamber ol deputlei ii unanimously in iavor ol a large stand ing army. Jean Jules Justerand, the new French ambassador to the United States, hai ' arrived in Washington. and one to make aula office n and em ployee aubject to garnlahment. A joint resolution to abrogate lection 36, article 1, ol tbe itate conatitutlon, relative to negroei and mulattoea, wai adopted. Tbe House A bill lo amend the code relating to marriage tlceuaei wai pasted, A bill lo fii tbe maiimuni rales per mil charged by railroad compauiea wai Introduced. Monday The vote Fnltoa 34, Gear 16, Wood 14, Mlili 12, scattering 0, absent 8 The Benate Tbe bill to reapportion tbe elate Into senatorial and represent ative districts wai pasaed. The Smith bill (or the creation ol a board of health pasaed with only one diasenting vote. A bill waa introduced to repeal the law creating tbe offices ol health officers and boatpuller at Attoria. The Houie Tbe bill to commit Ine briates to the Insane asylum wai lost. A bill lo regulate and limit the noun of employment of females was pasaed. A resolution waa adopted by both branches at king the president to visit Oregon on fata trip to the coast. Satarday. The vote-Fulton 32, Gear 10, Wood 14, scattering 18, absent and paired 8, present but not voting 1. Tba Senate Among the billa pawed waa one relating lo licenses (or selling Intoiicating liquors and one w provide (or transfer of prisoners from tbe peni tentiary to the asylum. The House Committee on education repotted In (avor ol aenate bill appro priating 120,000 (or Kattern Oregon agricultural college. ' Committee on commerce reported favorably on tbe bonse bill (or tba improvement and use of rivers. Friday. Tha vote: Fulton 33, Geer 16, Wood 16, scattering 21, absent 4. The Benate Motion to adjourn until Monday voted down. A bill waa passed prohibiting child labor under certain aires. A communication waa received from the governor calling attention to tbe scandal at tha state prison. A measure wai introduced to- provide an eiecutive mansion Tha iloute Among tha bills intro duced wai one providing a matron at Congress May Admit New Mcilco and Art- lea! as Oae, to Bs Divided Later. Washington. Feb. 6. Strong efforts are being made to bring about a com promise on the statehood bill. Many senator! wbo are decidedly displeased with the legislative aituation would welcome a compromise in order to clear Iba way (or other legislation. Some hope was built today on a statement ol Senator Quay that be "might" have a modification to make to bis statehood amendment to the agricultural appro prlatlon bill, and consideration ol that measure bai been postponed at hie re quest until Friday. The compromise most favored is the admission of Arisona and New Mexico at one itate, Quay contending that such a provision should be modified to au thorise the admission o( A r irons alone when It shall develop sufficient popula tion. It is learned on good authority that the president would be willing to see such a compromlte made, 11 it wai further provided that at tbe time tbe large state was admitted, not only Anions, but New Mexico as well, should have an adequate population htlorts are being made to reach tome compromise which will not arouse an tagonism when tbe bill goes back to tba bouse. MONEY FOR NAVY. ALASKAN BOUNDARY QUESTIONS FOR TRIBUNAL TO SETTLE. ' Document Is Largely la French and Mast Be Translated Three Mca Appointed by United States and Three by Qreat Britain Witt Act as Juriats- Declatoa la Three Month. the hands ol the government on con elusion ol the bargain, among them being offices, quarters, storehouses, hos pitals, shops, stables and miscellaneous iriixinnta. There ia an Immense amount o( machinery, consisting o( a the penitentiary and one lor an eight floating plant of tugs, launcbee, dredg- uour woraing aav. es. a rolling pianl ol loconiomee anu i inna cars, together with excavators, cranes, I Tba vote: Fulton S3, Hear 16, Hood pumps, etc. In addition to all tnii, 17, Willianls 10, scattering 11, absent there Ii a quantity ol surveying and IS. other instruments and mlscellaneoos Tna House Bills were passed ask supplies. (ng congress to enact better land lawi The official estimate ol the time re- ,nd chanina tha time ol flxini the Ux quireu w compieie me i anama w. jMiet A otH Wii introduced comnell ia 10 years, and tbe eatimatea coat u ng rallroadi to erect gatea in the city iibj.uou.uu"' ine naner commission 0j Portland Congreaamea Favor Big Appropriations lor New Vessel. Washington, Feb. S. Sentiment in tbe hosue and in tbe naval affairs com uittee is strongly in (avor ol Repre sentative Dayton's resolution calling opon the secretary ol the navy lor a permanent programme lor tbe steady Increase, equipment and manning ol tbe navy, with a view ol giving to the United Slates a navy as efficient and powerful ai that ot any power in the world. This resolution is now belore the committee on naval affairs, but action on it will be delaved until dis posal ol tbe Lessler bribery case. Many member! ol congress, some ol whom are identified with naval affairs, and some ol whom have only the-in terest ol seeing the country protected by a well manned and powerful navy, bave expressed themselves as unequivo cally In (avor of tbe resolution. Representative Cannon, ol Illinois, chairman ol the committee on appro priations, who believes not one penny ol the government! money should be other than wisely spent, endorse! Mr. Dayton i proposal. Similar view! are held by many oth era in the house. The present situa tion in Yenesuela has had considerable effect upon members of congress, and, more tbun any event of late years, bas impressed congress with tbe necessity ol placing the United States in a better position to defend itself against the European powers, if need be. MONEY IN DANOER BY FIRE. New York Assay Offks Ablaze, with Mil- Boas la Bullloa ea Hand. BIG APPROPRIATION MILLION DOLLARS FOR JETTIES AT MOUTH OP COLUMBIA. thought it would take but eight years to build a canal at Nicaragua. It li estimated that mlUioni will need be spent by the United States engineers in making Colon, Panama, and the canal route unitary before much work can be done. The Panama lever bai The vote Wednesday. today stood: Goer 16, Wood, 17, scattering 20, absent 3, total 00. , The Senate Most ol the day taken up in passing charter bills. Tanncl Under East River. Nwe York, Feb. 6. Atfer lying idle lor 10 years, the tunnel under the East river, between Forty-second street, Manhattan, and Long Island Citv, will probbaly soon be rushed to completion. Plani lor the tunnel are all ready, so the work could begin today, according to the engineer. The New York & Long Island railroad company, owners of the franchise, completely reorgan- Fulton 83, 1 ,,ed nM 06811 todytoB' the question ol through the agents. Washington. Feb. 6. There was soma discussion yesterday in tbe execu tive session of tbe senate with reference to making public tba treaty recently negotiated by Secretary Hay and Sir Michael Herbert (or a settlement of tba Alaskan boundary disputo. Owing to the (act that a number of articles are in French, it was decided to await a translation before making the treaty public. The secretary of tbe aenate waa directed to prepare a translation Article 1 o( the treaty provides that tbe boundary line tribunal shall be im mediately appointed, and shall consist o( six Impartial jurists, three to be named by tbe president of the United States and three by bis Britannic ma jesty. All questions must receive majority vote of the tribunal. Pro vision ia made (or the appointment of other jurists to fill vacancies and (or officers of tbe tribunal, including ecien tide expert! and agents. Article 2 provides that a written or printed care of tbe two parties and oth er documents, correspondence andei dence shall be lubmitted by tbe two parties within two monthi cl the ex change of the ratifications of thii treaty. Two months afterward tbe counter case may be submitted, but tbe tribunal may extend the time if it to desires. Article 3 provides that the tribunal shall consider in the settlement of tbe questions submitted to its decisions the treaty between Great Britain and Rus sia of 1825 and the treatv between the United States and Russia of March 30, 18G7, and "particularly articles III, IV and V of the first mentioned treaty." Tbe original text ol these articles is given in French. In tbe treaty be tween the United States and Russia articles III and IV cl the Anglo-Rus sian treaty are quoted as describing the line of demarcation between Russian and tbe British possession a. It is provided that the first meeting of the boundary tribunal shall be in London. As soon as possible after the arguments are concluded a decision shall be prepared and within three months, unless the president or the British king, by common accord, ex tends the time. Provision also is made as to how the decision shall be prepared and banded to the agents of the respective governments. As soon as possible a decision'shall be prepared and banded to thi agents oi the re spective governments. As soon as a decision baa been sent to the contracting parties each shall send one or more scientific experts to lay down the boundary line in accord' ance with the decision, i Should there be a failure of the majroity to agree on any of tbe points submitted, tbe re spective governments are to be notified New York, Feb. 3. Fire broke out today in a laboratory in tbe second story of the United States assay office, which ia next door to the United States eubtreasury, and destroyed a portion of the roof and upper story and some of tbe apparatus. Chief A stayer Torrey id tbe loss on tbe building would be nominal. He thought tha business of tbe assay office, which amounted to about 7 assays a day, would not be in terrupted longer than three or (our dsys. Mr. Torrey believed that nitric acid, which ia used in testing bullion, was the cause ol the fire. A - .1. - a. . J 1 a a iiiruiwii lurneu in ana me oo . : i government, employes in vthe building ll """" " hastened to aave the million. l tn in 1,000,000 to be available alter ure in their care. There was about July 1 lor the work on the jetty at tha 140,000,000 In bullion in the vaults mouth of the Columbia river, in ac .naaoout,i,oou,ovu lying ooisiae in eordance with the anthoriMtlon Tnuua pun oi me ouiiaing. , ine (1,600,000 and about 1 100,000 in melt- Money Is Available as Sooa as Report of Beard la Mane' Alaska to Have Eight : New Llghtaoaaca-BcrtUlon System to Identify Chinese-Closer Watch Over Forest Rcaervts. Washington, - Feb. 4. Tbe sundry civil bill, reported to the house yester day, carries a number of Pacific Coast con tained in tbe last river and harbor bill. ed itate, as well as the books o( account There is a distinct advantage In having and records were hastily locked op.' the lump appropriation, aa it enableo Tbe building need by the assay office th chief nl ii uiminc. i lore ii oegan w oe nsea .j . . , , , . at an assav office. 40 rears am . it waa ' -b wuv.. s. a government mint, and (or a time it Th" moaey wUI lble in tlma was tbe United States or government I or commencing work when tbe present bank. Tbe structure is of gray stone available balance ' hia been nand and and brica and very old fashioned. ' lhe .u, wj reDort , --j. approved Other coast appropriations are: En OeBartment Store BW. Canrin 'Low largemeni ana remoaenng the 1'ortland of f S0O.0OO. posiomce ana court Duildings, au,. BIO SACRAMENTO FIRE. Sacramento, Feb. 3. Tbe great de partment store of Weinstotk, Labia 4 Co., was destroyed by fire this morning, One fireman was killed by a falling wall. One other fireman was fatally injured and several others received serious injuries. The store was one of the largest in California. : It was a (oar rtorv brick SARA- Mnfrinitlnal mln.Mliv.mlii.MAii.' and cement building, covering a large in AiMflU bj geological survey ,5160,000. area ol ground. An immense stock o( The T(Mah.T , .nrnntlJiTn. . . department store goods waa ear r led, as I marie for tha nrotection of the end in addition to being tbe leading store far ajBOn fisheries o( Ala. Sacramento it did a large business .j,- .p.;r. i..l.. ,j u.;; thronghout Central and Northern Call- .0OTnnwnt fi.h atationa in Or- gob and Wasbintgon, food and clothing was A cost 100,000 lives, and no one can live bill waa passed to create a state board lone there under present conditions, of health. Bills were Introduced ex it is thought that Chinese and Negroes Ing the salary of state printer; making will need to be Imported for work in I eight hours a day's work in all occu- the ditch, as the climate Is too oppres- pations except domestic and agricul siva to permit much labor by Ameri- tural; and a number of unimportant cans, and the natives will not work. . measures. ELE EN WOMEN BURNED. Awful PORTLAND MARKETS. 75o; blue- Holocaust on Malcolm lalaad Seventeen Injured. Wheat Walla Walla, RHI. Feb. 4 - A aneclal to the "m 88cS "" 78c. Times from Vancouver says: Thursday evening witnessed a grim tragedy with dlre:results to the Finnish settlera on Malcolm island, some distance np the coast from Vancouver. In a terrible holocaust which broke out while the men were at a meeting, in a common I chOD gig ii j i .i i l oi f nt M ri T living noiiBO in which oi miliums won Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew ing, 124. - Flour Beat grade, I4.804.85; grah am, 13.45(83.85. , 1 Mlllituffi- Bran, $18 19 per ton; middlings, (23 O 24; ihorts, I1B20 resuming the woik for a year. New plans are complete, and practicialy all preparations have been made for a con tinuation of the long delayed project. Railroad Provides Free Surgeons. New York, Feb. 6. The New York Central railroad has perfected a plan to minimise loss of life and Injuries in accidents by employing 60 surgeons, who will live all along tbe line, so that they may be reached at once. Each physician will bave charge ol a section. The station masters will be kept in formed of the whereabouts of the physi cians, so that they may De reached Dy wire at any time. These surgeons will also respond to calls ol passengers taken ill and to attend employes. Every train will carry surgeon s tools. The exchsnge of ratifications, as soon aa the same has become effective, provided (or. DOBLIN IS OUILTY. 000, with 125,000 additional for rent o( temporary quarters (or postoffice and ' courta wh.ie repairs are being made; ( eight. Alaaka lighthoatee, 1 200, 000;., continued improvement of Crater Lake national park, 12,000: reindeers for Alaaka, 125,000; improvement' ot Ta coma harbor, 1100.000; - purchase o( . site for military pott, Skagway, Alaaka, (ornia. in. ... I O " ' voionei neintiocK ana we company a ii. at pi ..j a. a. . . t ' I ...l l M. . . W U. A au .uu u,, u ire .tors utve aeciaeu to , renaua ai once. Meantime, the debris will be cleared away and temporary ware rooms pot up. About 400 people have been thrown out ol employment. . ; - Tbe total insurance is estimated by Colonel VVeimtockat about 1300.000.' Loss, probably $500,000. . . HOBSON QIVES LP.' Hero of the Merrimac Resigns from Navy on Account of Hi Eyes. Wasbintgon, Feb. 3. Captain Rich mond P. Hobeon, of Merrimac fame, bas tendered his resignation as a naval George island, Alaska, etc ' A significant appropriation is $500.- . 000 for the exclusion of Chinese, $300, 000 more than was appropriated (or the purpose last year. Tbe increase ia authorixed became the committee pro- - videis (or tbe adoption of the Be. killion system of identification o( Chinese en- tering and leaving at all ports of entry, -it being found: this ia the only sure method ol identification. '- Tbe appropriation (or the protection ' of public lands against illegal and fraudulent entry ia . increased from $150,000 to $185,000, tbe committee - directing that more special agents be constructor in the navv. For- aome employed next year. time Captain Hobson has sought to bei There hai also been an increase to ; relieved, but the board before which he $325,000 for administering forest re-. waa examined pronounced him fit (or duty, and be was ordered to duty in charge of construction work at 'the Bremerton navy yard. It is well known that (or some time Captain Hobson has suffered " from an affection ol tbe eyes, he and hia friends bave declared, incapacitated him from active duty. A bill to retire him . has passed the house of representatives, atd recently, when it was called np in ' the senste by Mr. Morgan it was passed over on an objection by Mr. Cockrell, wbo insisted that, an examining board having pronounced him fit (or duty, Hobson should not be retired In a letter to the secretary of the navy Hobson sets out tha reasons (or his resignation, the princpial. one being the bad condition of his eyeai , It is understood that Admiral Taylor, the chief o( the bureau of navigation, will mate a favorable recomendation on Captain Hobson'i resignation. serves, $25,000 more than latt year. The increase u made necessary by tbe increased area of reserves and the grow- ' ing demand for forest reserve timber. The appropriation for examination ol lands with a view to their inclusion in : forest reserve! ii increased materially to $130,000, indicating future activity , in this line. . i i ii ' SHOOTS ESCAPING PRISONER. - . living, 11 women and children were burned to death and 17 injured. Tbe anguish of the men, who were powerlosi In many cases to help the women and children, owing to there being no water supply, was terrible. Ai they stood outside the blilng build ing, children were thrown from Ine house at their feet and (rantio women were (ailing all about them crippled and bruised as they leaped from the second story ot the doomed hotel. There are about 100 families on the island. The building burned wai put up to provide temporary shelter (or the more recent arrivals, who had been living in tents. Many ol the men per formed acta of great bravery, and were badly burned. y , Effect ol Free Coal. New York, Feb. 5. It is the general opinion among local dealers that the DHat InrtiintrAninnrA Canada hv ncarcltv Oats-No. I white, 11.15 O 1.20; I mal la at an nml. and from now on i ml., i M ... i - I ' gray, f naignu per nuiwi. tv,. M wju continue to drop, espe- Uay Timothy, $11 12; clover, cially it the present mild weather con $8(99; cheat, $9(810 per ton. tinues. In some places yesterday hard Potatoet Bast Burbanki, 60 975c pef coal could be bought lor 17.50 a ton sack; ordinary, 4050o per cental, and one dealer put his price at 17, witn To Colonize Venezuela. Joplln, Mo., Feb. 4.-"Tha Vena- suelan Company," which organised here several days ago to enlist men lor colonisation in Venesuela, has, it was stated today, received over 1,000 men, all with military training and some ol whom are stated to have held commis sions in the United States army and navy. Applications (or membership are pouring in from all parts of the United States and Canada. The com pany expects to secure large land grants. growers' prices; Merced sweets, izg 8.25 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, llc; young, llffll2c;hens, none; lurxeyi, live, 15016c; dressed, 1820c; ducks, $77.60per doaen; geese, I78.60, Cheese Full cream, twins, 16h' 17)foj Young America, 17X18Jic; factory prices, llHo less. ButterFancy creamery, 8032)c per pound; extras, 80c; dairy, 80 22c; store, 1518o, Eggi 26 per doaen. Hope Choice, 2526Kc per pound. Wool-Valley, 12W15c; Eastern Oregon, 814Mio; mohair, 26(28c Beef tiroes, cows, 8Sio per pound; steers, 44c; dressed, 7o. Veal-7K8)io. i Mutton Gross, 4o per pound ; dressed, 7Ho. Lambs . Gross, 4c per pound; dressed, 7Xo. Hogs Gross, 6)tfa per pound; dressed, 7970. 1.000 tons on hand. The price of soft coal was aa low as $2.50 a ton, with independent dealers retailing coal at $6 and $6.50 a ton. Committee In Lessler Case Says He At tempted Bribery Minority Report. Washington, Feh. 5. The house committee on naval affairs has reported tc the house its findings in the matter ol the investigation of the Lessler brib ery charges. It finds that Philip Dob- lin tried to bribe Lessler, and is liable to punishment for that offense and (or perjury, but Lemuel E. Quigg and tbe Holland boat company are innocent in the matter. A minority report signed by Repre sentative Kitchen (Dem. N. C), Van- diver (Dem. Mo.) and Roberts (Rep. Mass.) wai also submtietd. It finds that there was no attempt at bribery, or in effect, that Doblin's whole story ia a fiction of hia imagination. It argees in the rest of the majority report. Will Have to Change Plans. Seattle, Feb. 5. It may be neces sary to change the plans of the new federal building in this city, as there is not enouah money appropriated to build tbe stiucture entirely oi stone. R. Brainard, representing the archi tect's office of the treausry department, is here now, consulting with the vari ous federal officials in regard to the matter. While here he will examine the sandstone product of the state with in Direct Vote on Senator. Denver, Feb. 6. A bill introduced in the legislature by Senator Rash pro vides that at the general election and preceding the time (or election of a United States senator, eacn political party may place on the ballot the a view of having that material need names of five or leu candidates for the the building senatorship, and binds the members of the legsilature, under penalty oi expul-1 Fifty Middle Qraduate, ion, to vote (or tbe candidate of their Annapolis, Feb. 6. The 50 midship- respective party receiving the greatest ,pen 0f the class of 1903 today received number of the popular vote. Philadelphia to Stay at Bremerton, Washington, Feb. 5. The navy de- partment has decided to retain the Philadelphia at the Bremerton navy yard as a receiving ship. ' This vessel was one of tbe first crusiers ol the new steel navy and already has become an tiquated in many leipecta. their diplomas from the hands of Secre tary of the Navy Moody, and became full fledged officers of the American navv. The exercises took place in tbe new armory. The midshipmen aesem bled in front ot tbe barracks and marched to the armory, where a large crowd had gathered to witness the cere monies. Tonight the exercises culmin a ted in the annual grand ball. Nome Becomes Sob-port. n aehintgon, Feb. 3. The secretary of the treasry has issued an order roak ing Nome, Alaska, a sub-port of entry. This action waa taken after a thorough investigation of the whole subject of officials in Alaska, and it is" expected that it will add very materially to tbe prosperity of Nome and the whola ter ritory. At present all vessels going to Nome are necessarily subiect to many inconveniences and delays. Under the new arrangement vessels' will enter and clear and duties will be paid at Nome the same as at all other porta of entry. Trolley Cars Mobbed. ' Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 3. The trol ley strike in this city tonight reached the proportions of a general riot.. Every car sent out from tbe barns was greeted with a volley of stones at various points, and no car escaped without broken windows. Thousands of people filled the streets, and the police ..were powerless to control the mob, and were at length forced to request the company officials to call in the cars. The re quest was complied with, and the last car pulled into the barn at 11:15 es corted by the police. Torpedo Boat Crashed. Corfu, Island of Corfu, Feb, 3. The British ciuiser Pioneer ran into a tor pedo boat destroyer near the channel of Corfu today and 13 persons are believed to have been drowned.,". The torpedo boat destroyer was the Orwell,', She was cut through at the conning tower during night naval operations, and ' her fore part sank in deep w ater taking down 15 men. Onlv two bodies have been recovered. The after part Of. tbe Orwell has been towed here. 1 '"; Attempted Break From Idaho Penitentiary Neatly Frustrated. Boise, Idaho, Feb. 4. While at- ' tempting to escape from the pen i ten- --. tiary this afternoon, Bob Meeki .was .. ; shot down by Deputy Warden Robert Fulton. Meeka slipped out of tha yard ' " behind a wagon ' and started to ranr- north. Guards on the wall opened fire . on him. The deputy warden ran into the office and, grabbing a rifle, stopped "' the fugitive at 300 yards. Tha ball .: struck tbe convict in the left leg, sbat- tering the bone so badly that it .has been necessary to amputate the" limb. : Meeks was sentenced lor 35 yean for,., participation in the robbery of the Mohtpelier bank in 1897. ' He made li previous escape, but was recaptured 1 after, being out two days. It wasvt found Meeks had sought to commit - suicide by attempting to open an artery in his wrist with an improvised knife.- This was apparently done last night,. :; ' Chinese Importing Arms. '' t Honolulu, Feb. 4. Tha Pacific Mali- steamship China has arrived here from. Hong Kong and .Yokohama, on her,, way to San Francisco. She brings the 1 news that large importations .of arms ; and ammunition are being made .by Chinese, in violation of the agreement of the powers". Vessels ' disguised as trading boats are going intaJbe interior laden with war material. It ii thought that these unusual importation! of lire arms and ammunition are being mad by the reform element, which, ia ftot.t; ting to overthrow, the Msnchurian- . dynasty. ; ' ' ' Must Olve Preference.., ' Beriln," Feb, 4. The foreign . office officials say that the interchange of 3 views between Mr. Bowen and tba rap-, resentatives o( tbe allies at Washington. 3 continues on the question of what form ' of preference the blockading powers ' shall have President Castro will- not a be allowed to reach a settlement with- , out giving some form of preference. . ' The attitude of the United States eon'-' 1 tinues as from the beginning to bei di- i ninea and lnenmy toward all Orders to Rush Rifle. Springfield, Mass., Feb, 3. Orders have been received at the United States armory to rush the shipment of 100,000 Krag-Jorgensen rifles to arsenals over tbe country. The original cause of the order was the passage of the militia bill, but the rush feature of the order apparently has a special cause. i. .: Can't Haul the Traffic. Chicago, Feb. 4. Because ol inaJbUt ity of eastern roads to handle aU the traffic offered them, western roads haw) issued blockade notices that affect "set"'' eral ol the necessaries of life. Amroag tbe latter is flour, which the! wt3rn roads will not receive for deilv: y to eastern roads nntil farther notice). Jt condition of congestion on tha eastern i roads is veryj much worse 'than ort western roads, - .-.-.. .i