toe JnlILLSBR VOL. IX. HILLSBOLIO, OIIEOON, THURSDAY, JANUAUV 8, 1903. NO. 43. I. I i 7 EVENTS OF THE DAY PROFITS OP STEEL TRUST. OATM-RED rROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISJrOES. Nearly 34,MM),0OO Annually - Employ Eagtr to Take Stock. New York, Jan. . Tbe United Slates Steel Corporation declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, on th common and 1 per cent, on the preferred stock. A financial statement il lsued showing not earning for the calendar year, with pwember estimated, of 132,682,0(10. The net earning for the quarter endi'd December 31 were $3I.33.613. an Increase of 11.679.700, a compared with tbo lime period of 1 llit I. From the net earning for the year. deduction are made of 124,628,183 for Jinking fundi, depreciation and re serve fund and for a apeclnl fund set aside for depreciation and Improve ment; of $15. 200, 000 for Interest on bowls: of 13,040,000 In sinking fund for bond, aud of $&6,0G2,8;9 for In terest on the stock. Tbfse deduc tion leave undivided profit amount ing to for the year, appll- u J t able to Increase, depreciation and re serve ninii accoinua ior nww tuimnuv.' tlon and aurplui. Tbo cash on band Comprehensive Review of the Import aat Happening of the Put Week. Presented In Condensed Form, Mo Likely to Prove Intending to Oof Many Reader. Pavlil Vim commit aulclde at At bany. Cuban reciprocity treaty lure to be rat I dud. Oklahoma statehood bill In danger of defeat. Democrat say women dictate army appointment, 8nto discusses bill to relieve abortago of fuel. Rlgnor Bagasta, i Premier Spain, die auddenly. Pretender of Morocco retreata and u $54,721,100, Sultan I out of danger. The board approved the plan report , , ... a i.... led by the finance committee for prof- X .B,'?rr.w?.C"" dm,ttrM lUb.rlng and inscription to .lock wnmornin margin iw .... hy ,t w sported to Railroad trainmen of the the board thut the plan for toek ub confer on advance In wage. wrlptlon waa being welt received by Oovernor. Innugur.led and leg.!.-"'Jj. 7 '.IT tu re convene In many tate. (lovernnr Taft will succeed Judge Shlra on Federal Supreme bench. Crown Prince of Saxony I aued for aeparatlon, but will aue for divorce. Renntor Depew and McCom have office. declared themselves for an antitrust bill. Poslmlstres of tndlanola leave Mtllppl denying aba yielded to threat. The imireme court ha declared valid tha Federal license ytem In Alaska. scribe wa given, more thnn 16.000 shore had been subscribed for. J. Plerpont Morgan waa present al the meeting, although It la not hi cua torn to attend tneotlnga of corpora tion when they are not held In bl PROMOTION FOR TAFT. Will Be Aaaoclnt Justice of the Supreme Court-Wright to Succeed Him. Washington, Jan, 8. If eiUttng plan carry, ome time next month the President will end to the Benate NEWS OF OREGON fTPMS 0P INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. Mov to Tax Corporation Holding Vale abl Franchises-Horsethleve StUlat Work oo tbo Rang Mining Prop erty Bonded-Creamery Men Object to Pur Food Law. Tho Flint M. E. church of Albany celebrated It GOta anniversary. The Marlon County Bar Aaaocla tlon haa prepared a bill for the com ing legislature taxing telephone, tel egraph, express and oil companies, and other corporation holding val uable franchise. George McKImmen, the 3 year-old on Of Mr. and Mr. George McKIm men, who realde Just north of Grant' Pa, died a a result of the severe burn be received by falling Into a tub of boiling water. Horse continue to disappear from rancbea about Grants Pa, In many case (addle and bridle being taken also. So far tho officers have been unable to obtain any clue aa to the Identity of the thieve or their where about. The Oold King group of quartz claim, altuatud on Josephine Creek, In Western Josephine County, has been bonded by M. Mark, of Seattle, for $10,000. The claims are not de veloped to any great silent, but pre ent a rich and vast body of ore. The Brownsville-Sweet Home stage met with a mishap recently ' after leaving Crawfordsvllle for Browns ville. It waa very dark and the driver ran into a stump which upset the back throwing the occupants out In the mud. There were several pas sengers, but all escaped with nothing more than a few scratcbea and a done $100,000 damage In King CdQn ty, Washington. Financial pnnlc In Venezuela end ed; Catro defeata rebel; Germany want more vlgorou war, CRISIS IS PAST. Floods In While River Valley have J tT.L7, " hakln UP- suite. Hunreme Court, to aucceed Jus- R. W. Hathaway, a creamery man lice Bblrea. who Is expected to retire from Corning, la., haa located at Med during thnt month. Governor Taft ford and ha, a the result of a con- wl II lie succeeded as Civil Governor Of rcrence wuu a nuniimr oi uairmu thn I'hlllmilftea ttv General Ijke R.I of this section, decided to put in a The Secretary of War ha. asked for Wright, at present, vice-governor and. creamery, .nd expect, to bave It In . .,.mnr.ilnn for the construction the latter place win on n.ieu py i -i " Z-7"J. of a cable from Fort Uwton to appointment of W . W . RorthM A !... . 1 I'lVIH'IlI. till V-l IUI f IH" M I tM . n nil i iv sail muui'm b, Alaska delegates rondemu the pol- rn.iv , amilrant for the place lev nf the IJchthnuse Hoard In erect-1 whi,-h will l vscnted bv Mr. Rockhlll. tng expensive lighthouses on the Ala- mit l0 (ttr the President baa made no kan coast. choice. OppmULw to the confirmation of It appear, ttat Oowiror Taft wm j.i.i. I onereu piece on mo ouiinrai. '' r Z, 1 . r has "d on tho retirement of Justice Gray, 7u"' n,,ir. Vl. iwn nerannal attendance. Democrats In the House are grow- .,. , ..rrifli(Ht hU chance. The . . , l . . I, Inn ,1 ,.ruli I n of I , , . . . . ...... U I - I in resiiTw u .M.-r v -- rresmeni nn. .mn iorait ii.. ..- .- . ,hl. .,.. hll. , Richardson, who is as hi io oe unequal nMM ttv,n thiat the work in me .;; u mTn .iihieet to ,o the occasion. He will be displaced wlll hr , ,,. by FebruJ "e '."d a - to In the next congress. sry. so It mny well do uaen over oy ti.. .r. hln formed to defeat General ..right. Is expected In securing sufficient cream, as there are now 22 dairymen shipping cream from this place to the Roseburg creamery. A bill haa been prepared and wlll be submitted to the Marion County liar Association, the purpose of which Is to reorganise the State Land Roard and define the manner In which It shall conduct the work of selecting lieu landa. The bill propose to con tinue the power of the Oovernor to appoint a ttate land agent, so that the democratic governor will not be Washington Floods Have Ceased to Rise, but Recede Vtry Slowly, Seattle, Jan. 7. The flood situation south of Seattle does not aeeni to be greatly Improved. Only the.mot meager particulars from the various points have been received. The first casualties aa a result of the rising of the water are reported from O'Brien, on the Northern Pacific between Se attle and Tacoma. There the water Is six or eight feet high, and last night It was rushing past the house with the swiftness of a mountain cur rent. Two men, Martin Cummlngs and F. Shaughnessy, were In a boat rescuing people from second-story wlndowa, and on one of the trips the boat capsized and Cummlngs and Shaughnessy ware both drowned. From Orlllla come the news that the water haa receded about six Inches, but that half of the town Is Hill Indoor or compelled to go about In boats. Many bead of cattle are Im prisoned In barns standing In two and three feet of water. No trains are running through the flooded districts, the Northern Pa cific making no effort to resume oper ations between this city and Tacoma. The wagon and railroad bridge across Nesqually River were tn dan gerous condition, but It Is thought they wlll be saved, as the flood Is sub siding. No train has reached Olympla from Portland alnce Friday. Deschutes River Is raging and the highest volume of water Is pouring over the falls known In years. The greatest loss by the flood ha been the bottling works belonging to the Olympla Brewing Company, wrecked Friday night, and damaged to the extent of $20,000. Fine weather today will probably avert any further calamities. A lake of water 20 mile long, and from one to Ave miles wide, and vary ing In depth from three to 20 feet cover the entire White River Valley between Seattle and Kent. The like was never known before In all the history of King County. W. H. Al vord, a farmer living near Kent, who settled here over 40 yeara ago, said tonight that never In his experience waa there 4uch a flood a prevails today. The damage done by the waters In King County alone wlll reach at least 100,000. and In all likelihood when all the facts are known it will reach double this sum. At least 300 fami lies In the valley have been rendered practically homeless by the floods, and their household goods have been well-night destroyed. Hundreds of head of sheep and hogs have been drowned, while other Uvedtock has suffered. CASTRO'S ARMY DEFEATED. the Oklahoma-Indian Territory state hood bill, to which the President U said to be opposed. He favors admit ting Oklahoma alone, Castro laugh at the Idea, of hi ab dication MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. the order of the whole board. The two land departments are to work In harmony, and, In fact, to constitute but one department, so that hence forth, It this bill should become a law, there could not recur any aucb conflicts as have recently caused so much trouble, Creamerymen don't like the law Rode too Feet Under Pilot of Locomotive and Had No Bone Broken, New York. Jn. 8. To be Jammed No direct bag ship, from Calcutta hinder the pilot of a hog locomotive, j which prohibits them from remolding im. v.r ss me oiu-s i iiriieiniB m ni i "tub butter" into squares ana selling Oriental liner with a big cargo, Indrapura arrives "inh hiiHor" tntn iniiurM anil aelllne vented are railed, to have hi legs lt "creamery butter." Much tub curled over the axle of the coney I h,,, .k.. ... i. iBt rmvi the wheels under the pilot and be carried i,l.n.iard creamery, and some of It Is Pugct Sound country hna greatest along ror iuo teei ana yoi io eii- )ettcr In fact, butter stored In tubs flood In 25 year. wiinout a urosen none ims ubbh wi kw,pi bettcr tnan squares. Food . ., ii.kiiv r th, esperiBurn uuuj. ...... ... Rlia uairy uommissioner uauey Gorman papers speaa iiguuy u I trlclnn of Mtmnt Vernon. I... tho. h. rtrtAai nrtt rPA hftV miirh Monroe Doctrine. Huysler wns found with hll legs ,h hllr r-mni,! but h insists Colorado legislature promise, a hot curled around the axle of the coney thRt the bnttor ghall be sol(1 for ju8t time over election of senator. Pies Armstrong says he did not In tend to shoot Miss lCnsmlnger. . Alhsnv Methodists celebrate the 0th anniversary of thutr church. French senatorial elections result ed In gain for the present ministry Irish Innd report la made that both Iroland and England appear to favor. Loaded ahlp has narrow eecnpe from ClnUop beach during thick tog. Spokane legislative delegation spills wide open on senatorial ques tion. wheels. His bead waa Jammed back wh.. lt i, ,n(i nothlna- else. "If tub under the pilot Itself. He was In a huttPr B just as good aa creamery position that made I Impossible to M. .n.r" ld Mr Bullev vester- I extricate him without lifting the loco- Lay "the people will soon find it out. motive irom me rnnn. nun uu All I Insist upon I. that Wings anau finally removed Huyslor'a left knee be M tney ,re represented when sold. was nmnu to oe oiHiomiea, me nmu The creamerymen say that the brand knee nruiseo ann me leg cm. ne aiso .tuD butter' condemns their product. had some cuts on tno race ana oouy, but not a bone was broken. SAQASTA IS DEAD. But why doea It? If tub butter Is Just Sa good as the regular product tn squares, I ask why the brand con damns it? I do not doubt that some tub butter Is Just aa good as any. All I contend la that whatever a man sells, he sells tor Just what It is, whether It be a threshing machine, steam engine, a paper of tack or a roll of butter." Heart Failure TsUs Away Aged Spanish Statesman and ex-Premkr. Madrid. Jan. 7. Ex-Premier. Prax- edes Mateo Sngasta died at 11 o'clock Ronort of Governor Taft speak of tonight In his 76th year. At 6:30 he dllDcultlet and encouragement. In the had an attack of heart failure and it Phlllnnlnes. was then thought he was dead; ne o .hi hniMav rallied, however, ana uvea tor tour recess and senate take up omnimis . ... n. ,,,, tn lt. 78c. -.n. 75. till I ouuvri onauuiu b 00 1 - lUienuUU Uiu. IvmnniilHa ami grnntrln trnilhln. Hll D..laM VA KA M. iAHi Km.. I I Uliilliviu Bhw v - I 4MJ IOT A VUi WaW(VW WH f WSVff' wasn ncion touiuy larmwni uw ram y wa fll me aeainueu, anu iui- na ioi nn . ... .1 Ar AA AAA .-..kHl..t fAF I t .4 Ik. -KI I PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 70c; blue Lewis and Clark Fair. Sultan of Morocco has discredited the pretender by effecting a reconcil iation with hi. brother. Torpedo-boat destroyer MacDon ough, on trial exceeded her contract requirement of 28 knots, were near their old leader. A bishop admlnlstred the last aucranient this afternoon. Tho now. of the ex-Premier's death created a painful Impression through out Madrid. King Alfonso expressed profound regret Sonor Biicasta's Intellect was unim paired until hU last hours. He talked Floor Best grade, 3.90(84.40; grab' am, 3.2093.80. MUlBtuffa Bran, 19.00 per ton middlings, $83.60; short., 1 19.60 chop, (18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.1691.17 W; gray, $1.1291.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $11913; clover, ONLY TWO SAVED NORWEGIAN BARK 00INQ TO PIECES 0H WASHINGTON COAST. ElghUea Loot Oat of a Crew of Twenty Indian Rescued tho Two Survivor by Forming Hems Chain Throoga Sort -Captain Mistook Uaaatllla Lightship for Cap Flattery Llgbtboos. Port Townend, Jan. 8. With 18 out of her crew of 20 drowned, the Norwegian bark. Prince Arthur, He a total wreck on the treacherous rocks two m'les south of Ozette, 29 miles south of Cape Flattery. The accident which resulted so dis astrously occurred on the night of January 2, but the news was not re ceived until today, owing to the Iso lated location. A private letter reach ing here this afternoon with the sad news was carried 25 miles through the wilderness by an Indian courier before being mailed. The particulars contained are meag er In the extreme, telling simply that the vessel is a total wreck In the breakers, while but two men of hei crew of 20 survived. These were res cued from the surf by human line made np of the frontiersmen living In the vicinity, assisted by the native, and were too exhausted at the time the left to give any particulars of the terrible calamity. The Impression prevails that mis taking Umatilla Reef lightship for the becon on Cape Flattery led Cap tain Markussen to hla doom among the breaker in one of the most dan gerou. and exposed positions on the entire northern coast The scene of the wreck is where many vessel be fore have piled their bones, the reef extending far out into the sea, making the approach of assistance impossi ble. When the settlers first saw the op- FLOODS IN WASHINGTON. OPPOSE NEW STATE Miles of Railroads Washed Out or Bwrled Immense Property Los. Seattle Jan. 6. White River over flowed Its bank near O'Brien Sta tion, four miles below Seattle, at 1 c'clock this morning. The people of the town, not fearing disaster, bad re tired last night, but were awakened by the water, in many case creeping into their bed. Orillla, a town on the White River, two miles above O'Brien, waa also flooded, but the peo ple were warned and many of them left their homes and secured places of safety before the rushing waters had surrounded their borne. At O'Brien, however, little children, wo men and men were Imprisoned in tbeir houses with eight and 10 feet of water about them. A relief train was ordered from Se attle, and on arriving with boat, the rescuing party found several families the women and children of which were huddled on chairs and tables in order to keep from the water that was more than two feet deep on the floor. All persons were taken to place ol safety. No live are reported lort, but much household belongings, fences and some buildings have been ruined or lost. PROBABLE RESULT OF PLANS KEBiQ LAID BY SENATORS. Tacoma, Jan. 6. There waa noth ing doing on the Northern Pacific to day, not a train leaving tne city, ana the railroad officials are unable to make any definite statement as to the future. The chinook aUU prevails, and water is pouring oown the Cas cade in torrents. At Martin, on the east side of the tunnel, there is a washout of nearly 300 feet, while sev eral places between the tunnel and Ellensbunc are under water, or the tracks are covered deep In mud. Rebels Won a Decisive Victory Only Eight Mile from tho Capital. New York, Jan. 7. According to Ihe Herald'a correspondent in Wil lemstad, the revolutionists are ad vancing In three columns on General Castro' army. A desperate fight oc curred within eight miles of the City of Caracas, resulting favorably to the revolutionists. They are cutting all the telegraph lines, tearing up the railroad tracks and are hourly expect ed In the Immediate neighborhood of the city. A condition of extreme pan ic prevails among those who have heretofore believed that Castro was Invincible. A committee of the most prominent citizens has gone to President Castro and made representations of how hopelessly untenable is his posi tion. But he Insists on holding on un til his forces are defeated In a decU- slve battle. It seems that this cannot be far distant. President Castro is already planning what he shall do when the Inevitable comes, but he wlll make a desperate fight before quitting, as he has no chance to ea cape. The only alternate la Imprisonment. The correspondent add that no at tempt is now being made by the allies to conceal the fact that they are af fording assistance to the revolu tionists. Washington. Jan. 7. The response of the allied powers to Castro's last proposition to ubmlt Veneiuela'a case to the arbitration of The Hague tribunal have not yet been received but It Is believed that the answers wlll not be much longer delayed, aa a continuance of the present state of affairs on the Venexuela case is not viewed with satisfaction. The block ade Is believed to be working injury to American Interests, therefore the de sire Is strong to see the protocol, which will Include a provision for the ter mination of the blockade, speedily agreed UDon. Mr. Bowen'a advices from Caracas show that condition, there arc very much disturbed: that internal revolu tlonary troubles have Intensified and that President Castro la sareiy oeset, Castle Rock. Wash- Jan. 5. The proaching vessel, she was beading due situation here is somewhat improved. west, which confirms the belief that The flood reached Its highest point Captain Markussen supposed be had at 11 p. m. Saturday, and has since passed Fattery and was shaping tne receded about 20 inches. The rain proper course to enter the Straits of has ceased. It ia estimated that about Juan de Fuca. The vessel is report- 12,000 cords of shingle bolts have ed to be in Identically the same place gone down the river. The center span as was the German ship FlottbeK two 0f the Toledo wagon bridge is gone years ago, from which in daylight and and many smaller bridges also, but a calm sea the three powerful towing communication with the country dia- vessels on the Sound had great dlf- trlcts is almost impossible, and full ficulty In rescuing her. details cannot be learned. Th The Identity of the dead survivors Wrieht mTll boom gave way today, could not be ascertained, the hardy letting out several hundred cords ol woodsmen having no means of iden- bolts. All the piling recently driven tlfylng the badly battered corpses for a bridge across the CowliU at this which are washing ashore at irregular point ia also gone. Intervals. Tbe rescuers consequently contented themselves with giving the Everett, Wash.. Jan. 6. Traffic con- unfortunate. Christian burial near me ditlons on the Great Northern and scene -of their tragic death. AOAIN IN SESSION. Roosevelt Would Admit OkhboaM Oary, but Is Against Indian Territory So, tors Will Endeavor to Sidetrack the Measure by Talking en Tnut Ugla- latloa Throughout tn Sesstoa. Washington, Jan. 7. The resump tion of tbe debate on the statehood bill yesterday gives rise to a number of rumors as to methods which may bring about Ita defeat It is reported mat President Roosevelt would Teto the one-state bill which the malnrtt of the committee favor, coupling Okla homa and Indian Territory together, . and that the President favors a single suiie oui 01 uKianoma alone, without either New Mexico or Arliona being admitted with it, or Indian Territory uiauo pan 01 11. , If such a bill had Passed the Hniiae the last session, it would no doubt nave become a law, as it Is recog nized that Oklahoma Is entitled to statehood. Another aunetlnn I made that the statehood hill will sidetracked by bringing forward anti trust legislation, the Hoar anti trust bill or some similar measure to be re ported to the Senate, when it will be taken np for discussion, but without any Idea of passing 1L it is believed that a motion to take np an anti-trust bill would command democratic votes, even against the omnibus statehood measure, and thus the omnibus bill, which hold. Its place ucrause a majority seem, to favor It, uuia oe pusnea aside. r FAVOR A TRUST BILL Northern Pacific are worse than yes terday. Bridges No. 95, 97 and 99, on tbe Great Northern, near Madison, are out, owing to slides. No trains have come from the East since Fri day, but the Great Northern expects to bring a train in Tuesday. The Stil- laguamish River Is covering the town of Silvans, and fs higher than tor 25 years. Plank and skid roads are washed out The Great Northern come Anthracite Strike Commission Resamos Its Work at Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Jan. 8. After a re cess over the holidays, the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission resumed Its work today, hearing the nonunion men's side of the controversy in the Coast trains from that point great industrial war In the anthracite over the Nortnern Pacific tracks. The coal regions during the past year. It Snohomish River is still booming. Is exnected that nearly a month will Great Northern bridge, at Sultan and be occuoled in taking the testimony of Lowell are washed somewhat out of the nonunion men, the coal operators line, and the mineworkers In rebuttal. The session began at 11 o'clock. The courtroom waa well filled when the Commissioners Bled in ana toon their seats. All the prominent attor- neva were present, excepting C. S. Darrow, leading counsel ror tne min ers, wno was aeiayea m me wesi. Thn first business brought up was Senators Dcpew and McComas Declare Themselves on This Qoestion. Washington, Jan. 7. Two aenAtnra on the republican side, who are sup- iea 10 oe very iriendly towards trust legislation, have declared them selves in favor of any measure thai seems practicable. They are Senators Depew and McComas. The sentiment in Maryland has no doubt had great deal to do with influencing McComas, for there is a great demand there that something shall be done to curb the trusts. Senator Depew announces that he I. In favor of publicity a. a mean of reaching the trusts and say. the best example of the soundness and benefit of publicity in the affair, of great cor porations is tound In Insurance com panies, which are under the careful supervision of state authorities. Senator McComas say. that he be lieve, in Government .utervislon and that no corporation should be afraid of Government supervision. Both of the Senator are members of tie Judiciary committee and will vote to report a bill, if a satisfactory measure can be prepared in time. NEW ELECTRIC LINE. CASTRO WON'T ABDICATE. Says Revolution Would Soon End Without Aid of Foreign Powers. Caracas. Jan. 6. The report that President Castro proposes to abdicate m voaltm iha Preairianrv 111 nntme. the Dresentation by their counsel of the wage statements of several of the Pre MW the pgent with regard small independent coal companies m to tnlg matter today. The President the Hazleton region. laughed when Questioned and then John J. Williams, a mining engl- aid thouehtfullv: neer. employed ny me uenigu ..You are t liberty to say that I Wilkesbarre Coal Company, was me have fought during two years to re flrst witness. He told how he was set . tho BUDrcme DOwer which was ia- upon and beaten while on his way to vested in me by the people of Vene- work, but ne coma not swear mat me lue)a 1 wln no more abdicate than strikers committed the assault. r wni reslen. The Matos revolution SheWS Schadt, of Lackawanna wIthmlt aasistance from foreign pow- County. gave In detail bis epertences ers wm g00n be past history." during the strikes, and finally his call The course pursued by the allied uoon Governor Stone for assistance. 1 in m nlntalnlnar the blockade The sheriff said that President Mitch- n . r.navra has caused astonish ell had several limes assisted mm in ment among the foreign residents of preventing trouble. Famous Commander of the Oregon Likely to Accompany Roosevelt. Washington, Jan. 8. It is quite Cantro send, atr army to fight the to his daughter., the president, of the $g9.00; cheat, 18(99 per ton. rebel. New diamond field discovered In the Transvaal. Washington legislature ha. no cap- Itol for Its meeting, Pension Burenu hurries action on fclals to Inquire aa to hlaprogres. Indian War pension. A new anti-trust bill to be Intro duced by Senator Hoar, Sultnn of Morocco send. hi. broth' er to fight the protender, 'u lu " Potatoes-Bert Bnrbank., 6080 King Alfonso haa written a letter r . k of sympathy to Senor Sagnsta's fam- grower 'price.; mteroM sweets, iz uug lly, During the ex-Premler'a Illness, 112.25 per cental tho Queen mother and other members Poultry Chickens, mixed, lOQllc; of the royal fnmlly frequently sent of- Monterey Strikers Are Firm. Laredo, Tex., Jan. 7. A Monterey, Mexico, special, says: young, 10o; hens, llHHc; turkeys, live, 16ltc; dresoed, 18 a 20; duck., 9797.50 per dozen; geese, 18 8.60. Cheese Fall oream, twin., WQ 17X01 Young America, 17K18X The strike situation here remains factory price., 191Xo less. The local marine engineer' strike on ocean nteamer. Is ended. Bclence association elect. Carroll D, Wright president. practically unchanged. The manage ment of Bmelter No. 8 has offered to permit the men to return to work un der old conditions, that Is, the com pany to continue the payment of a premium lor 21 days' consecutive Pacific cable completed to Honolulu work. The strikers, however, refuse Butter Fancy creamery, 273(V per pound; extras, 30o: dairy, SO 922Ho; .tore, 15Q18. Em 2B35o per dozen. . Hops New crop, 2326c par pound. Wool-Valley, 12 (9 15c; Barters and first mossage received. Democratic leaders choose the tar iff a. iBsue of the next campaign, Moorish rebel, march on Fe, and the Sultan goea out to fight them. Bloodshed 1. expected among the claim-locators in Wyoming oil field.. King Edward proclaimed Emperor pf India with great pomp, at ueini, to return to work unless granted the Oregon, 814Ho; mohair, 9628c. Increase asked for. West Indian Failure a Big One, London, Jan. 8. The accounts filed nf the failure In Mny last of Park, Me Faddon ft Park, West Indian mer chants, who had a branch house In New York, renresented bv Park. Son dressed, 6 Ko. & Co.. show gross debt, amounting to I Hogs tiroes, OMSSDHe per pound 11,295,000, and itiUD.uoo assets. I dressed, 77t. Beef Gross, cow., 8 3 HO pet pound; neer., o; dressed, eg 7c. Veal-7K88Kc. Mutton Grots, So per pound I dressed, 60. Lamb. Grot., 3 e per pound Blockade Still In Force. Berlin. Jan. 7. Great Britain and Germany came to an understanding four day ago to enforce the blockade of the Venezuelan coast precisely as thoueh the negotiations for arbltra tlon were not going on. It was doubt less In consequence of this under standing that the vessels at Porto Cabello were taken, though both the foreign office and the navy depart ment are yet without aovice. snow ing that vessels were taken or ma rines landed. Commodore Scheder telegraph, that the Germans on Saturday seized number of large Venezuelan sailing vessels at Porto Cabello. The prizes were towed to Los Reques, where thev remain under guard. Otherwise, there have been no developments at Porto Cabello. CITY IN THE COAL BUSINESS. Detroit Wlll Supply Ita Population With Fuel at Cost Price. Detroit, Jan. 7. The City of Detroit In eolng Into the coal business and will supply the people with coal at cost prices. The Common Council ap propriated $50,000 for the purchase of coal to be sold by the municipality, and Mayor Maybury approved the res olution today. Advertisements will CLARK MAY COMB TOO. this city. When the Dutch steamer Prlnz Wilhelm I arrived off La Guay ra to take on board the European mails the authorities at La Gaayra sent the mail out in a small boat. I This boat was stopped by the British cruiser on blockade and the mall bags were taken on board the warship. probable that Admiral Clark, who The postal clerks who were In the commanded the Battleship Oregon at I gmall boats, say the mail bags, not- Santtago. may accompany frestdent withstanding their protests, were Roosevelt on his trip through Oregon opened on board the cruiser. next spring, aitnougn dennue pians have not De-en arranged. 11 is me Dr,nk Made a Murderer, I1AAI. k. Dunaldrtnt r I ECTS "1" " , "1" u " Missoula. Mont.. , Jan. 6.-Crazed the suggestion ha. been made that with liquor and opiates, Louis H during his visit to the State the .word jjott emptied the content, of a re presentation to the Admiral should volver lnt0 his wife thi8 afternoon. U Is said at the White House that She died at the hospital five hours If Admiral Clark desires to accompany later. Mott was arrested. MotU the President on this occasion, he will laundry was sold some week's ago be gladly welcomed by Mr. Roosevelt, because of his drunken habits. The possibility ef an extra session, since then Mbtt has been drinking however, makes it Impossible for the heavily and abusing his wife. The President to definitely arrange foi couple had words in the parlor. Extensive Road to Bo Built la the Wash- ingtoa ,Whcat Country. Spokane, Jan. 7. Surveyors are ex. pected to begin work this week lay ing out a route ror an electric railway to run from Washtucna, on the O. R. r N.. through Rttzville, on the North ern Pacific and Odessa on the Great Northern. The proposed line will be about 45 miles long, passing through a fine wheat country and reaching three railways. The enterprise Is backed by reel. dents of Ritzville, C. Lunchford be ing president; P. R. Clark, secretary: O. R. Holcomb, lately democratic nominee for congress, being vice- . president. They propose to secure power from Hooper Falls, of the Pa- louse River, and may also sell light and power. The cost of the enterprise Is esti mated at $1,500,000. Ritzville Is now said to be the largest initial shipping point tor wneat in the world, and It is thought such a road would increase iU shipments. POISONED NEW YEAR OlFT. this Western tour. No definite plans will be made until Congress adjourns. Mott, fearing violence, went to kitchen and then outside. He lowed and shot her. Mrs. the fol- Boers WIU Participate Pretoria, Transvaal, Jan. 8. All doubt, as to whether the Boers would Indians Killed a Witch. Seattle. Jan. 6. United States Mar- participate In the entertainments given snaj ghoup arrived from Juneau to in nonor or coioniai secretary v,um- , . . Hoonah Alaska In on.l M fhamWInln were W Wltn lnree HOOnan AloSKB, in dissipated by the appearance of Gen- dians sentenced each to four years' orals Botha. Delarey. Cronje and tmprosonment in the United States Smuts at the garden party given by penitentiary on McNeil's Island for . s. j mv a- j I me governor yesieruay. iu .- cau8,ng tne death of Indlan IgaaC- not laree. Mrs. Chamberlain is tact- whom they claimed to be a witch fullv aiding the Secretary in his pa- They kept Isaac tied to a tree ror ciflcatory mission. eight days, the exposure and hunger resulting in nis oeatn Pretender Retreating. Madrid. Jan. 7. Premier Sllvela has, presented to King Alfonso official A Colorado Coachman and HU Wife Drink Strychnine ia Whiskey. Colorado Springs. Colo.. Jan. 7.' James E. Bailey, a coachman, died un der mysterious circumstance last night, and indications are that he was poisoned from drinking from a small vial of whiskey which contained a white sediment On the bottle was a label completely hiding the contents and bearing the inscription, "Happy New Year. Have a drink with me." According to Mrs. Bailey, her hus band came home at 11 o'clock and af ter bathing remarked that he gueaaed ; he would take a drink from his New -Year's gift. He drank about half an ounce and shortly after retiring he complained of cramps and remarked that he believed he had been pois oned. Mrs. Bailey aroused tbe neigh-, bors, but by the time assistance ar rived ner husband was dead. Mrs. Bailey state, that when her husband returned home from a barn where he was employed he brought. tne ooxtie witn mm, but did not tell her where be got it Dynamiting aa ice Jam. New York, Jan. 7. A great crowd of spectator, gathered on the banks of the Connecticut River Sunday to watcn me process 01 dynamiting the ice jam to save the great temporary bridge, says a Time, dispatch from Hartford. At 10 o'colck a piece of Ice wag blown high In the air, and. railing zuu ieet away, .truck Frank Stavalo, aged 11, on the head, frac turing hi. skull. He 1. now In the beau pltal, where lt is said he can live but a short time. He has not regained consciousness. ' - Mexican Smelter Strike. Laredo. Tex., Jan. 6. At Monterey, dispatches confirming the report of Mexico, 250. of the employes of the the retreat of the Pretender to the large Guggenheim smelter have gone Moroccan throhe. thus allowing the out on strike because 01 dissatisrac- be nrlntcd this afternoon calling torlsultan to reorganize the army audi tlon with a new system of pay. About bids. I stamp out the Insurrection. 1600 other, are affected. - Suspected of Robbery. Des Moines, la., Jan. 7. A man wot gives hi. name as Jim Borden has been arrested at Eddy.vtlle, su.tect ed of being one of the men who rV bed P. Sullivan of f 1800 near Kr fc ton, Friday night The robber, vo was wouiiilud by Sullivan, i ., etui alive but his condition la erltJL