' S - JniILL VOL. IX. IIILL8B0RO, OREGON, THUI1SD AY, DECEMBER 25, 1902. 0. 41. SBR EVENTS OF THE DAY lATHERED FROM AU PARTS UP THE TWO MEMISrilliRES, rwprehen.lv k.vWw ol the Import. U ant Happening of (ha put vvek, Presented In Condensed form, Mot 1 Likely to Prove Interesting to Our I Many Header. ilulwnk W tie l.n.Ven 0al oa th tcifk roast o Mexico, T Kt l?nlil Hut He-nator Dwlgl.l M. twin , ol Minnesota, la dead. i MM in I'aracae, in coiie.iitm ol the bl kede. , , , Ilia Moral tupreum court ha docld- that death on th (allow InvaU 4tai luiuraic polloU-a, . .., ( lanaLir TaiHin declares that Hie $ld Mates will have to fight to 0p. trd the Monte dntrine. grains tliwiulimit tl, Mlddla Weit Jdr'y d lrom 10 to 12 ,u,t oa ac ilt ol arvt.ro aiiow gtoru. ... v f'lro In the piano factory of Krnaal (3 ilr Hroe., New Vnrk, diroyed hall 411(09 dollar worth ol prufHirty. s t train wrk on the Monon ruad In Illaaa it-suited la tlie death of two mi ana to awlou In ury of two olri. . lor id five i tno receipt ha th the1 ' nionlbe tli In Ureal i hava shown a iImitmimi of-.Hl,U03,?0, a roaipaitd rfwnliii period in lwoi. f.lxht hour hill : reported' iruly If h B.'IIKlO fn person killed n wreck on the Sflhero Pacific, i , , ; Merman tWInttau ' preparing bRer election fight. for s-imm Hutlr win- at faili to knock out met In, four round. ... , ;. , lirtland labor leader plan to form aat organization, liniporta. the grr-nt French ".. captured in Matirin.,, Ptneral aervlwa of Mra. Grant Wiliiimiin and Now York. ' , lmtr Morgan warn -. Congress trig iKitb talhiulan caunl route may telnet ,' ; t , ;, , ill to open the aouth half of the Ccalll r4vrvatlon Introduced In Cottreaa, ... , - i riiianl In ItixkT Mountain and prajriA aiiitca hliMkatva rallrouda ami kill llvcatwk. ' Manlilngton Uwla anJ ClwIr ('iim mlajioa r-oninola .a utata' -appro- prtfdon of 1 100,000. rtfdc All W4 siMay Irado th. tpoau kctlvoi on mjt . ,y .... " tjalai-r Wllhclm .weleouioa Ambaa : aatr Tower. ' " . archlat' kllla Ut anarthlat who d noral Uirrbaln! railroad : (Htt1 to U niad at Nw York. . , 5 "Brrlhlo blltaard Uiockal rallroafl In ljUiAnlni And coiariuiw!" fta Houao paaawlf'th pnrefooll- bill with little i oppoiltlon. - tfuae conimlttfetMyt" fnvorthlyj on p-partnwni, ot t orpiiiorco, om. , tixxim't ri" of iho Worli Mi U ceaitul ' loa-folllng" at Uallaa, - m tlkht atatlon t;',tdmfloa BaU aoon to Ho inousuraieu. , AiMrnnr Vf Mlrhlian f)rblda Cor IwtgMvQovarn fight In Uutrolt. Sinter' tella how he killed Flta mH but hit victim1 fnthor aaya It falao. ....... 6ban treaty mftaea sn-nt conoa .i.. i h. itniit Htatoa.' and will odi be ratified. ' " ' " Ikllroftd carry foreign good from thlaaabonrd at lower jnti'a than for l....lln frnlwht OVOf ' th Li tk. nlll,,a ourio to kit Oown KllL hut wLih. reaervatlpnas the bldaiado tukoa effeet HobtiU march Inaton Cracaa4 'V- . , i-.i Root ' finally 'awarded , -nntrnut to Battle COtn paay,.but Portland and San Francis- '. .1 Z..th.uialra in Cuntral Aala Jiut it.vMini' Kav hla flrat t ataTir"wi M UtOitVonovnted white ( CONSPIRACY 5U8PECTI3. Unearthing of Deep Plot May Retail from Arreat of a Cblnaman.- I'urtlsnd, Deo. J5. Forgad (Chlna cortlllcutoa ara bolng inanufai tuied by holuaal aonnSwher on Ilia Pacific ooaat. At Iwaat the federal authoritie bar roaaon to belleta ao, facta7, having come Into thnlr poaaeaalon Uirojigh the arreat In Ban Pranclu of Can Chen. who had In hi poaaaalon countrrfolt Corllflcalo. '" ' -' About a month ago Chlnen Inaorctor Dunn, ol Han Krauclaoo, annt certltt. calo to David. M. Dunne, eollector of Internal ravonua in Portland,' for aiiiiuatlon. Mr. Dunne pronounced It forgery and the holdtvr. (Jeo Chen. waa aiittakd in flan Pranclaco. The forgery la a very clover oue, the United KUtna diua being InlUted to perfection and every do-nil being minutely fol- wed, even to the flniihed photograph. I be federal -MtliorltlM here will not give out definite information about the caett for fear it will defeat theandi of uaUue, but it la known that in tome one of the citie of th PaclOo finait ronuturfelting company I turning out forged certiflcatei. The fin workman- hip ahoat that th counterfeiter not only fiav athorongh nd lntlinU knowledge of th inine workitg of the' interior department, aa rgardi Ohinew affair, but thai they niuat be piMM'atod of ronildcrabl mean to carry ot! 1h t)nalneaa in auch minute detail. Thetilcktof th wily heathen bar irlveo t'nvle Sam trouble alnre the i- lunlon a,-t waa flrat put into effect.- It la. a onatMit warlar between their rumiiUg linked ' with' that ot diahoneet white men, and the federal authoritie. tW -are -a reeoo rueful aa Aladdin with hia wonderful lamp, d a aoon th officer "tumble " to on of their gamea they prlog new on, At lb present Mine, It I claimed, there are in circulation 16Q forged cople of habea rorpua arder leaued by Judge llellinger, It U iuioiwtdbie to flgnr out h'oW for'gurica of theee order could have been auaile "without the connirane ot aoine of the attorney handling the aMH. and.Joilirti Bellinter. It ia aaid. lie tx-cr) irXtuked. o that he threatened not only , to illebar any attorney on whom, (uaprlon- mighi fall; hot. to proveruto him a well. Tb order are ttatled in lien ol loet cartiflcalca and paaa for auch . mong th authorities But a Chinariian settins a bosna ofae gntrl!y naea it io another UU, ao aa to ,ei di'tetvlon the mora easily. A low year ago the government ex- pone-l a certi lcat coonlerluitlng gang In' ban Fianelaeo and ' it is known that rertittcaU" bar biwn manufactured )n Victoria, jit. C.L-but it i Nlleed the brrtwnt . company la operating on lamer scale Uian ever belor at tempted. The prompt manner In which ill officers detected th forged certifi cate purporting to come from Portland and linwerHed fh tan "Francisco, show that they are whle wake. NEWS OF OREGON fTFMS OP INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. extensive Apple Canning lndnstry-Drtv tag Lega Down Regno River Marlon County' Prosperity Oregon Meal Dairy Conn try Salem drawing Lota at Wood tor Inaanc Asylum. Balcra la making preparations to enlarge ber city limit. The superintendent of the Tunnel ton mines, In the Oold Creek, district, baa gone to Denver to purchase milling plant for th development of the properties. . Marlon County1 delinquent tax roll for last year la only 13,000, the smallest In th history of th county. The original tai roll was for $221,000 of tax money. 'A Joint "log-rolling1 given by Ash land and Phoenix Camp, Woodmen of the World, was largely attended by delegation from Southern Oregon and Northern California, and was grand aucces. Durning of a heavy growth of tulles on the shore of th Lower Klamath lke attracted considerable attention from the neighborhood of Auhland, 70 ndlc distant The reflection on the cloud was very brilliant Th lire were started to clear off the wild hay lands, while Ice and now would pre vent spreading. Prof. O. U McKay, head of the dairy department of the State Agri cultural College of Iowa, says: "There Is no question In my mind but that uiry product and bacon pork can be produced cheaper in Oregon than In any other country in the world." Prof. McKay baa visited Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Ger many, and Eengand, and hla Investi gation on thl subject make' him an authority unsurpassed. Candidate for U. 8. senstor are ex ceedingly numerous. Linn county tail is full to overflow log, th first time In several year. Th city elections tt Monmouth were rqry quiet, there being only on ticket in the Held. 'NEfcDS OP TUB ARMY. l Coroia fexeuWn Them and Qtvss Reasons . for Favoring Ucneral jMaff. Cleveland. O.. Dec, 14. The fifty fourth annual dlnnerof tho Cleve land- Chamber of Commerc, 1 which was bold her toulght, waa made notable becattw of- the attendance of wvcral men distinguished In war and peace..; The. gueat of honor were Governor Nush. Adjutant-General Corbln. General S.'U. M. Young and Ouneral A. R. Chaffee, U. 8. A.; John 0. Mllburni of ' Uuffulo, and Senator Hnnna. These occupied the platform ...- -. . I! I .... 1 . . -. m-M I l.u. UHUF, Hi WUIIO B'lW mil 1 will UHH' son. Myron T. iletrtck and other The firtit speaker' was Governor Nash, who referred to the growth of the State of Ohio, and especially of the City of Cleveland. Tli next peaner whs Adjutant-General Corbln, .who poke to the toaat "The Army and Its Needs. ' Major Uenorai uorDiu aaia in pun.; "we nave mucB tnai t sshb- factory: our officer and men are of the beat sober, brave and intelligent We arc fortunate in naving a perm nent military eBtabllshment of vol- unteers. What is known a the reg- DCATH IN COLLISION. MAY NOT ACCEPT Tea Killed and Twenty-Seven Mora Badly Injured on the Southern Pacific. Byron, Cat., Dec. 23. Ten persons were killed and 27 injured in a col lision laat night between the south bound Lo Angele "owl" train and the Stockton flyer. It waa a rear-end collision, the engine of the local plowing It way through the last coach on the owl, which was filled with Fresno people. The passengers who escaped Instant death were burl ed to the fore part of the coach, crushed between the mass of debris, their suffering and danger intensi fied a hundredfold by the clouds of scalding ateam poured out on them rem the 'shattered boiler of the Stockton engine. The "owl" left tn Oakland Mole about 5 o'clock, and on the way to this point It was noted that there was a leak In the flue ot the engine. This Increased to such an extent that It was deemed advisable to stop here and take up a freight engine for re lief. The train officials knew that No. 81, the Stockton local, was fol lowing a half hour behind and a flag man was sent back down the track to give warning of the presence of the owl." It Is said that the Stockton train In charge of Engineer MaGuire and Fireman Joyce, got tbe warning signal in due time and gave the us ual response with whistle blasts. Why the Incoming train was not checked, however, ha not been thus far explained, the men who could give the facta being numbered among the badly Injured. LATER REPORT. ROOSEVELT DOES NOT WANT TO ACT AS VENEZUELAN ARBITRATOR, ular Armv Is in the highest sense ai volunteer army, every officer and mf tnking service or jus own moiu But peiTeetlon-'Of organisation is 1 vuandedf-a, harmonious nd . tut gent motnofl w co-oruinaiion aim rocnon. .awa ipr ijin miswimh of tho army have been drafted or statute books in many .part wt cQnttiyltf Of 1mtlTe,t''--' ,that, trtlof. Jnt. A hobo waa sentenced to one year in the penitentiary for stealing a Jar of Jam. , It wa bis second offense. W. 0. Rureell, an actor, was ar rested at Helix on the charge of having played copyrighted play without permission. Registration In Astoria previous to th recent election showed more foreign-born voter than native Amer- iin there. The 0. R. A N. contemplate putting dining car on it through train and Cutting out the stop at th famoni Log Cabin eating house at Meacham for meals. About SO member of the Marion Conntv Bar association will try to have continual session of th crlminsl de partment of th state circuit court In augurated at th coming session of the legidatur. A drlv of 100,000 feet ol pin logs Is on its wsy down th Rogu river If th drive is ncceeiftil many more will follow, a there Is a vast quantity of flue sugar pin in th Upper Rogue river country. Ah extensire and profitable spple- canning industry ha been started no at Unnton. There i an a1 most unlim ited supply of the fruit good for cook ing, but for which there i no market in it natural (tat. Death List Ha Now Reached 29, with Fear More la Critical Condition. Ban Francisco, Dec. 25. -The latest revised list of the victim of the rail road col I ir ion on the Son them Pacific railroad near Byron station ibows that there are 25 dead. There are still 20 injured survivors of the accident, but the condition of fonr ol these is extremely critical, and additional names may yet have to be added to the death lint. An. official investigation into the cause of the disaster bss been begun by Coroner Curry , of Conttacosta county, who proposes to thoroughly sift tbe evidence in order to fix the reeponsi bility. There appears to be no doubt that the Stockton flyer, which ran into the Owl train, wa signalled and that the engineer responded with a whistle and threw on the brake. The question which remains open is whether or not the signal waa given, in time to avert tue acciuent. CANAL PROJECT MAY FAIL. PORTLAND MARKETS. Ybjat WallaWalla, 70fl71o; bin ym 78B79c: valley, 75(9 7o. ' Barley Feed, 123.50 par ton; brew " ' .. i 10; (rah- rCiTejJP - - rM WfIW.vlnora $. Ion 1 " L i Tirti,wtUIIUi - .v wcharr connected' the; ,m WERH KILLED, uLUt. la Aala. wai ! 't s t-i a.1! rstr 'i.fiRujsit f JIM fss"Tnd theh"abftBi(fea;,heJi. ff Wt cdndltton, :,,,, f' :i V ' '' rt.'.'ct. :. ; '..', ttafent Castro state that Ven fnni lebel Br helping -the allied Irs allle want , United; State to wit) payment Of claims against 0. but Secretnry Ky refuses';., e and Holland send ships to the ,of blockade. , , with the murder i lynched In Ala- vousln of King Alfonao of Spnlg . 1 , H 1 t.ljk. i arresmu in aa u(i te... , 1 Sel a, ii.a. al ,e b far'hav noTBeeii wnu we .uesiiMtuon w unsheltered peopl. i . Coat Oil la let -tH3hs Moliws, . h.', Dn J'ferf discovered oostr brJrBtvth Coon Rlv ".X) f,;ty!i,J 6,i dlnl tn Am v OftW' l-IaVr :'hvii t nnd to be 80 j);.w.it!' frHtrXh dlacoverer, a womaM! fcai'V"' i1aed 66,000 ftcre lat W l ..57? ..-van Bran, $19.00 per ton: middlings, 181.60; shorts, $18.50; chop, $18. i Oata-No. 1 white, $1.151.17M gray, $l.UXfJ1.16 per cental. Hay Tljoothy, $10911: clover, $9.00; chat$8a9 per ton. Potato- Burbanki, 8070( per sack: oninary, 50qo0o par cental, growers' prj6e; Merced sweet, $1,759 $9 per oentftl. " Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11c; a, lot; bens, llsjllHo; turkeys "-dread, 15 17; , $8.5- Senator Morgan Says Title to Panama Route la Insecure. Washington, Dec 23. There were 20 senator In their seats when the Senate waa called to order for th final session before the Christmas holidays. They heard a vigorous ad dress by Morgan on the Isthmian canal negotiations. Morgan contended for the making good of contracts entered Into by President McKinley with Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The negotiation of these agreements he characterlxed as a masterful act. and said they were about to be trodden under foot. Why this was true was not a question tor a Democrat to aolve, but he could, at any rate, say he did not agree with the mind-reader and spirit medium" who had since declared that Mr. Mc Kinley did not mean what he said In the contracts. He then went on to express appre hension that if the United States did not avail Itself of the opportunity to build a canal by the Nicaraguan route, none would be built, and he said the appropriation of $180,000,000 for the construction of the canal could be covered Into the Treasury about June 28, 1904, if not used before that time. Attention wag called to the fact that under the Colombian law, only the Congress of that country can rat ify a treaty. There had been no Con gress there since 1899, and there was not likely to be any unless the Pana ma Cansj Company should pay its ex penses out of the $3,000,000 on hand or the $40,000,000 promised by the United States. He therefore ex pressed apprehension that a treaty that might be accepted by this gov ernment would tall of action in Co lombia. After quoting from the concession granted to the liquidations of the old Panama Canal Company, which Mr. Morgan said wag also made a law ot Colombia, he said: "It Is a surprise to JurlBta and lay men alike in our country that the At torney General, in his opinion given to the President on the right and power of the new Panama Canal Company to revoke a title to the United States of its property in Pan ama, omitted to notice the prohibi tion tn the concessions and tn the laws ot Colombia, through which derived all Kg property rights in Co lombia." vlng,J fi ,W III? r Grant it of the ,n anaiy- PWt (cKy'ta Coat an illegal gambling state gotni ' I tAmnva.il iuiuu via. Washington,"" Dec. ' 2J.Senator Lodge Introduced In the Senate bill authorising Uhe President to remove the -duty oni coal Coming into the United Statita from Canada, when ever the dutvl on coal from the United Into, Canada shall be per pound; j ! Iter 18V. as, 80c; dairy, 20 N8. ; i Hop New e per pound. Wool Valley, Eastern Oregon, SOJMoi m 'X Beef GroM, cow, V pound k steer, 4c; drnd, Veal-7XIJ,f. -.TV Motion Giow, dreaaad, 6c. Lamb Orota, sjc'v. 6Vsied.6Ke. f Bogs One, CXCSf drad, TTt. -To Create Qame Preserve. Washington, Dec. 24. Senator Per ktns. of California, today introduced a bill authorising the President to set tslde areas within forest reserves to e preserved as breeding places for -- rwild animals, birds and fish. Within these areas all bunting, nsning ana killing of game la to be prohibited at all times. The Senator has drawn his bill along lines recommended by the Presldeat. and with a further view largely to doing away with state pro tection ot game within reserves, Think That Th Hague Tribunal Is the Proper Court to Deckle th Matter -Should Allies Insist, He May Accept, Althoagh He Realize tbe Difficulties of the Undertaking. Washington, Dec. 24. President Roosevelt ha not accepted the -position of arbitrator of th Venezuelan con troversy. In fact, when the official day closed be bad not received formal- or officially a request from tbe Euro pean power that b act a arbitrator of tbe dispute. These 'statemenU were made on the highest authority.' . In an informal manner the oresident ba been notified tliat tbe European power intimately concerned in the present Sooth American difficulty de sire that be should undertake the ye sponsibilty of acting as arbitrator of the point at issue between them and Vene xuela. Thu far thev merelr Lara been "taking soundings." with a view. probably, of ascertaining bow he would receive a formal proffer to act as arbi trator. Tho president, as aoon a -be received the first Intimation that be wa desired to be arbitrator oi the Ven ezuelan controversy, expressed emphat ically nit judgment that tbe matters to be arbitrated should be referred to 'The Hague tribunal. His views of tbe sug gestions made have been conveyed -tc we jcuropean powers, together with a trong presentation of hi reasons lor the view be bold. No response of a forma! nature to these representations na Deen lecoived. : The president and Secretary Hav faaal long conference today after the- for mer a return from hi Virginia trip. ! They carefully went over tbe sit'iatiou as it bad developed since Saturday, but is understood that nothing bas arisen during tbe past 8 hours to warrant the president in changing his opinion as to the undesirability of his acceptance ol the position of arbitrator, tso far a can be learned, no specific reasons bave been advanced by the European powers for objecting to the arbitration of The Hague tribunal. It is held by the ad ministration that tbe tribunal at The Hague was constituted to arbitral Imt such controversies as that which Cae arisen between Venezuela and the powers, and that it would be desirable lrom this viewpoint that the dispute should go to -that- tribunal forWiudi- cation. , , How strong are the objections which the allied powers Lave to a reference ol. tbe Venezuelan difficulty to The Hague tribunal is not known to the adminis tration at this time. Even the nature of the objections, if there be anv. i not known, the negotiations looking to the selection of an arbitrator have not progressed sufficiently yet to de velop such objection as the powers may nave. PVRE FOOD BILL. DIAMONDS FOUND IN OREGON. Big New York Firm Developing Mine tn Harney County. Born, Or., Dec. 25 The fulfill merit of the prophecy made 30 years ago by Professor Clayton, a geologist in the employ of the United State gov ernment, that some day diamond mines would be discovered in Oregon, is at hand. The mine is in the Blue mountain range, 40 miles from Burns, .tbe Beat of Harney county. There is no ques tion of the quality and quantity of the precious gems, but there is a question as to their commercial value. The stones thus far discovered are generally too (man lor the trade. They sie no larger than a small pinhead. A few have been discovered that would sell for from $30 to $300, but they are rare. v ere diamonds malleable like gold, If there was any process known to sci ence by which the miniature stones could be welded together, tbeu Harney would no longer be known as tbe ''cow county," and Oregon would rank with the diamond producing regions ot the earth. The commercial value of the dia monds is now being determined by the great diamond firm of New York finany & Company, whose confidence in the new field is sufficient to warrant them in furnishing the capital for fur ther development. They are co-operat lng with toe local owners. The diamonds are found in layers of volcanic ash. Geologists and mineral ogists agree that the formation being the volcanic ash of ancient origin the same as that indigenous to South Africa, where the largest diamonds in the world have been exploited. Thi is the formation that Professor Clayton reierrea to wnen ooservmg the geoiog ical conditions of Oregon in his offlical capacity, 30 years ago. .It is said to be next to the oldest formation found on the North American continent, only that through which the St. Lawrence river runs being older. , The layers thu far mined yield only extremely mall stones, but it is expected and hoped that other layers will be dis covered that bear the precious gems of commercial importance. Congress Passes Measure with Little Op ' position Text of th Law. ' Washington, Dec. 23. The House bas passed the pure-food bill by vote of 72 to 21 There wag not ,.a quorum present, but the point was not raised by the opponents of the measure. The speaker Were Rich ardeon of Alabama, Hepburn of Iowa, ,,Gaines of Tennessee ' and ScMrm of Maryland, for the measure, and Chan dler of Mississippi agalnBt It A bill was passed to donate a piece of ground to Clallam; Wash. jit 1:30 the House adjourned. . What the BIO Include. The pure;food bill Inhibit the in troduction into ny state or territory, or the District of Columbia, from any other state or territory, or from any foreign country, or tbe ahipment to any foreign country, of any article of food' or drug which Is adulterated or misbranded. The above inhibition is made to apply to any one shipping. delivering or receiving, within the re gions named only, such food adulter ated; Adulterations in the bill are de fined' ag follows; In (ae Cas of drugs, if sold under a name recognized in the United States ' Pharmacopeia, and the. drug 4ifferg from the standards ' Idf strength.' quality and purity as dttlr mlned by the test ksV down lo such pharmacopeia,' at the- time of the In vestigation; so .that it atrength or parity "falls below th professed stand ard iiuderwhich it is sold; it it be an imitation of or offered for, sale nnder the-name' of another article; and, in tbe -ease of a confectionery, if It con tain terra, alba, barytea, talc, chrome yellow or other mineral substance, or poisonous colors -or flavors. In the case of foods, when any sub stance U mixed with it so as to lower or. Injuriously effect : its quality or strength, so that such product, when offered for sale, shall tend to deceive the purchaser.-': ' If any substance or substances have been substituted go that the product when sold .shall tead to deceive the purchaser... , , , . - . i . .' If any valuable constituent of an article bag been wholly or in part ab stracted. ':,,. - ' If it be an 'imitation of or offered for sale under the distinct name ot another article. If it be mixed, colored, powdered or atained In a manner " whereby dam age or inferiority is conceded. If It contain any added or- nolsonoos Ingredient which may render such ar- ticje injurious to-health. If it lg. falsely labeled aa a foreign product f imitation of another sub stance of previously 'established name, or which has. been - trade- marked ot patented. - If K oonsiats. in- whole or In part. of a filthy, decomposed or putrid an imal or vegetable substance, or any portion of animal unfit for food, or tr it is the product of a diseased am mat-or one that hag died otherwise than by. slaughter. -. The last section ot the bill pro vides that any article of food or druf that li adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of thig hill, and s transported, or being trangported from obe state to another for sale, o if it be sold In the District ot Colum bla or the territories, or if it be Im ported from- a foreign country, ghal' be liable to confiscation by a process of 'libel for condemnation. In the United States courts. Such gooda. It it also provided, shall not be sold rn any state . contrary, . to . ue laws thereof. WIRELESS MESSAGES EXCHANGED BE TWEEN CANADA AND EUROPE. BLOCKADE IS ON. AU Venezuelan Ports are Closed; Grace . Allowed Ships En Roots, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Dec. 23. Admiral Douglas, of the British fleet hag ordered the blockade of La Guay ra, Carenero, Quanta, Cumana, Cam- pano and the mounthg of the Orinoco River. This-blockade-la now In ef fect. Days of grace, are allowed as follows: To vessels' sailing prior to the date of the decree of blockade from the West Indian porta and from the east coast of 'the. continent of America Steamers, 10 days; sailing vessels, 20 davs. ' ; From other ports Steamers, 20 days- sailing vessels, 40 days. - Vessels in the blockaded ports will be allowed 15 day to obtain clear ances. Vlolaters of the blockade will be liable under the law. . It is intimated here that the block ade probably will not last longer than SO days. . . , . . Ocrmans Hurried Them. . Caracas, Dec. 21 When the Ger man cruiser Falke captured the Ven ezuelan schooner Victoria" in the Guh of Maracaibo, thd captain of the ves sel was given 10 minute to leave his ship. A heavy sea.wn.funnlng at the time, and the sma.il,boat In which the Venezuelans dlsenibarked wag nearly caDsized. Ag it wag, one of the gchooner's crew wag drowned. hag been learned that the captain ot the Victoria wa not aware of Ven ezuela's difficulties with Germany and Great Britain. V , MARCHING ON CARACAS. : Per ; p Successful Trial Trip. Rockport. Magg., Dec, 23. The trial Monitor Nevada was held off Ann today. Aa timed from the , the Nevada covered 26 miles in 0f Brooklj' -v 9 minutes and 30 seconds, or I plan - waa 1 13 knots an hour, allow- Tbe asseesey yites for turning. Her posed to be i tot 11 Vk knot. amounts to To Wipe Out Coney Island Bowery. New York, Dec. 24. The first im portant step tor the acquirement for park purposes ot 132 acres ot land at Coney Island, thereby wiping jout the Island's Bowery and converting the island into a national seaside reeort. hag been takenAt a meeting attend ed by rnan'" Voralnent resident id , officials , the Taously approved. "-of the land - pur- (VIRES OUT OF DATE King of Great Britain and OoverttW gen eral Canada Exchange Oreetlngs- v Experiment was Entirely Success! ul Practical Utility ol Ortat InveWloa Folly Established. t New York, Dec. 24 The followlnir dispatch from Marconi, dated Glace Bay, n. 8., December 24, ha been re- ceived by the Associated bear to inform too' fnr tlon, that I -have established- wWo.. , telegraph communication , between Capo Breton, Canada, ah Cornwall England, with com Diet a kucpmu. i. augatory messages, including .one from the Governor-General of Canada to King Edward VII hir,i .in.4. been transmitted and forwards the King of England and Italy. ' A message to the London Time tiaa alio been transmitted in the presence of Us special correspondent, D; Par- at. r. ... . "Q. MARCONI.", . Text of the Messages' ' f 'i London, Dec, 24. The . '. London Time confirms the receipt of a me, sage by wireless telegraphy from Mar. coni at Cape Breton, N. S'. 'The 'text' of the wlreiess messaze .-fm'tft "W Time correspondent, whfch . transmitted from Glace Bay, N. gio roinu, Cornwall, lg as follows; "Being present at It transmission in Slgnor Marconi1 Canadian "statiofi, I have the honor to aend hmni, k Times,- the Inventor's flmt wireless trans-Atlantic message of greeting to England and Italy." ...... , ! . Exchanged Compftoieat. : ' !' Ottawa, Ont, Dec. 24. Th.ftfll6a: ing message, received by Lor Mintoc Governor-General of Canada, front Marconi today, shows that, wtreleaa trans-Atlantic telegraphy "lg a gu eeas: .. r- . ..- ,'..-.. . .-- o.;t "Grace Bay. N. S Iw m v49mLL' His Excellency, the Governor-GencraL Government - House. Ottawa: Hivs the honor to Inform Your Exceiteecy' that your message hag been Uapsni? ted by me from Cape Breton to Corn wall by wireless telegraphy, and tan" been forwarded to destination. . . . - MARCONI." Lord Mlnto teleeranhed Marmnt i 1 follows: . ,. .... . .. , Delighted at vour messapa inr- received. Warmest ; congratulation" on your splendid success. " " . I"MJNT,QI..3 Hon. W. S. Fleldlne aent a toWram of congratulation to Marconi tonight, ' and Sir Richard Cartwrieht Artln Premier, hag cabled to England. con--sratulatlng the British people on "the new method ,of communication be."- tween two countries. - WARSHIPS' FURNITURE. American Navy to Be Fitted Tau-oaursjeot ! "as nreprool Furnishings. , ( ... v New York! IJet" 24. Steel furnVv. ture, made in the Brooklyn Navy yard, will be used on the new'chiiia- 1 er Baltimore. The furniture of-'the : state rooms, crewa" Quarters the. ommander'a office, and even of 'the show-room, will be of steel.:, Seveeab'f months of experimenting on the. part -. of Naval Constructor Capp and his " assistant. Constructor Nuttine 1 han-.? developed the fact that almost all the . , essential furniture of a 'man-of-war can be made of steel. . f, ,. .Zl Serious damage wag done durlnar : . the war with Spain by furniture 'tin the ships taking Are. The Baltimore "w' In the battle of Manila Bay wag aer-' rf lously damaged by- such a flrfe. " The equipment of the Balthnorn- V I with the new furniture will cost $301- . s 000. .The old wooden furniture, hand some and elaborate In design and -fin- isn, did not cost more than one-third of that amount. All the ships ot the ' ' navy are to be fitted with the steel -i ! furniture as fast as the plant can turn -our the articles. The United Stale " Navy is the first to . adopt the fire- proof Interior furnishing plan.. , -j a; TRANSPORT CONTRACTS. Portland Oct a Share, but Balk of. B? Iness Goes to Seattle. Rebel Army of 10,000 Said to Be Coming .Towarda the Capital. ; Port of Spain. Trinidad, Dec. 23. It lg reported here that the Venezu elan revolutionary Generals Penaloza Rolando, Riera and Solague, with a force said to number 40,000 men, are marching on Caracaa, and are be lieved no to be near that city, Cable messageg coming from ' Venezuela to this port are subjected to censorship. i i by th Chinamen Sent Back Horn. New York, Dec. 23. United States Commissioner Benedict hag ordered the deportation of 12 Chinamen who had not been registered under - the exelueion act and could not snow that city they arrived in the United State be fore the paiaage or me act. Washington. Dec, 23. The ', flgbti over Government transportation bus iness to and from the'-Phillpblne is " closed. President Wlnsor.r ot i the - 'i Boston Steamship Company. . waived . the condition in his bid that hla line should receive three-fourths -of -the ' Government business and. agreed to take such shipments at his contract rate aa the- department, sees fit - to dl- ' vert to Seattle and Tacoma. . Secre tary Root, under these circumstance, ' accepts the Ptiget Sound bid, and ; from now until June 30 next all ship- -ments of troops and supplies made" from Seattle or Tacoma will go by the Boston Steamship line. Under . the adjustment made ' today, Port land's status is unchanged. Whenev- -er hay, oats, lumber or other supplies are purchased tributary to Portland, they will be ehlpped from that port ' on vessels chartered for the trip,, ag . heretofore. ' Portland trade will not be monopolized by the Sound; hut will ' depend altogether upon the relativa. bids at Portland, the Sound and San Francisco. ., Cltlzcna KIU Highwayman. Ardmore, I, T., Dec. 24. Two high- waymen, heavily armed, were tacked by a posse of citizens a they ' rode Into the town of Provence, in the Chickasaw Nation last night, and " an exchange of shot followed. The horse was shot from under one of the men, George Blocum, and finally he -wag hot and captured. The m4 man escaped. Sloenm died Inter " men are supposed to tiav a bank robbery near Pro: terday. ' . :r I f . I h ? .--iJsi-nJ -M' . i;f