The MLLSBR HILLS1K)B(), OHE(. ON, THURSDAY, IsOVEMUEU 20, 190S NO. 3G. VOL. IX. EVENTS OF THE DAY OATHHRliD I ROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HLMIS! IOF.S. Comprehenalv Review ol the Import nt Happenings the 't wk Preaented In Condensed form, Mont Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Header. THIS IRRIGATION CONOHESS. Kxtretne cold prevail atl over Ktirnpe. T0 mure forent toncrves are ta lie created In Nurtlimmtntii Oregnu. Th lent did imt get a shot at a tur during the lour day ha wa out hunting. It. E. ('lurk, win ul tint kikt' trllic tnmigr of the Great Northern, rum milled suicide on account ul III health. A trnt has been formed at Stockton, Cel., by Chlnm wlimetiy two-third l th potato crop ul Un hun .uiUiu val 17 liaa been fiirntn'il. Htotihcn Pwatnr, jr., grat grandson ol the laniuii Amnricaii C'IiiiiuhIuh) ul thai name, hut Uhw admitted tit the AtinKilU naval academy A New York woman, who claim to bvl'inn Ui a band ol aiiMirhiats, baa re- portal to the pi'lice an allied plot on tb Ills ol the prenldeut. Government tifllrlal look upon Or fffilt with liilUut U-i-aiiMi u( 1 1 in Imt fraud and conflicting r r-ientatliiiia loganllug foiral reeive and irrigation, t'rtiM-I'rilM) ha advised hi fellow revolutionist lo make term with the Colombian iMVertiment, anylng United Slates intervention baa kilted the l.llrl tame. Th attempt nn tint lift, ol KIiik I-kw pold hai revived tin) question ol np- proving anarchy Two diii I mi shocks of .aithqanke In Utah demolished chimneys and crock ry and liind clock. I Fir Ih the freight Ut l Pell City, Ala., resulted in th death ul two men and the lujnry ot 10, two perhaps fatally. All boo of finding K. F., u perln U ndent ol Ilia Great Noithern who waa lout In tin' niutintttiiit of Mon Una. has ln glvnn tip and the search lor hi m abandoned. Four auldiors at Foil Steven hsve Un arrested for ntU'iiiiitintt In burn tlm turtllleall.m, U ' Iwliewd tbat they ae iiutlty o starling all o tlm recent numerous Bib. ' Tim enal strike commission ha reached the liiurth demand of t he in In ra'"' union, which call for a yearly trade agreement, and which uu-ana atrulght out rttvognttlim of tlm union. Tb north bound Knntbarn IVIflo tipmaa waa wrtikinl Buiidy alUirnuon north of CottMga Omvo. Only one man van hurt and h rnya ba wn walking along th trnok and bad atupiil aaidn Ui let tlio train paaa. Kvary car In the train, entJpt tba I'uilnian, waa dam-agi-d. An anarcliUt firwl tbr a'ota at Ring Io)ld, of iUdgium, but hurt no-body. A nmtimr of groat brilliancy foil nuar Uiitigon, Ky., oundiig conaldora bio exciteumtit. Venwiutdan government troop are repurtod lo have won an luiporlaot bat tle with the rt)voliitloiilnta. fionator Elklna, who ha lioretofore fought wiprK-lty with Cuba, baa oome out In favor of the mi-nauro. Congivaaman Bnbooik baa declined to enter the apeaknrKhlp rco and Iota tjirown bla tiipuort o Cannon, tbua a. ' urng the Imtar'i elwtion, th 'American Feilmatlon of Labor adopted ronolutiona agalnt the idiip uliildy bill and demanded a rwix-al of tlie law requiring marlno engliieora to give notice for quitting work. Brorotary Hitchcock bai determined (hat a Intent rexerve iliall be created in . the Blita il Htraw burry mountalna, In Kaatern Oreaon. Th rernrvution will be made on an eritlruly new plan. ' Tlie Southern Paelnc bna algned new agroetnent with the MegrHphore, train dlanaicliera and atntion agenla on the entire ayattmi whereby au advance of 10 por cent lit wage," In granted. In hla report on the army in the rbillpnlnea, General Chaffee n phobia General Hell. A large furniture fit tory at Rwau harboia, Quiibeo, waa burned, entaili' g loaaoll 100,000. The American Federation of Labor, now in aeanion, In cnmddering a plan to Benalod meji pf t)0 and pver. A Bwediah lallor on the transport Bumner iumned ovorbord to ave the ihip'i tlag and waa drowned. BrltlMh (Jolmubln acpnsea Ortgon Aaauclatloa Mavta an4 I'Jccta Ita (Mflcara -Several AddraiMa. Portland, Nov. 10. The flrat day'a aeiodou of Hie Oregon Irrigation A aso cial ion convention waa devoted, for the iiiupt part lo organization, appointment of eottinilttuea, and election ol ofTlcori. A few addreaaea were delivered, but the work of the convention will not com mence until Ulay. The following olllcera were elected: I'reaident, A. II. Iever, of Portland; vl- prenident, W. K. King, of Mal heur; Mtcretary, J. M. Moore, of Port land; trcamircr, W. T. Wrlglit, ol Union. Ad'lroa.ea were dellveied by Geo, II. Wllllame, may ir of Portland; J. N. VYillUmiHin, repreaenUlive-vlect to eon grtM and ulata miiiuUh Irom Crunk, Kla math, Uke and Waaco omul lea, and K. lieach, iia-aident of the Portland Uiaid of trade. There are about STS dulegatee and vlnlUira In attendance at Hie aemiioiia. The great entbuxlaam that ia being nhowji liy the delegalea to the Irriga tion convention will have Ita weight toward aeciiringa liberal apjiortionnient ul the iialioiml irrigation fund fur Oregon. It ia the iliwlre ol the depart ment of the Interior, which liaa tbe Ut in hand,. to ratify ptihlio amiti- meiit. Much will depend up n the urvA' and the condition of the conn- try, but tlie dvpartment will not think of forcing Irrigation upon aectiona that In not nuid to w ih It. A aection ao tltuati d aa to le eauily and eoonom- icaliy accmcible to water, tnd abowa. riiHitmlann, U prolwbly the ona that w ill be the uioul favoied. Uck ol en- llinnlaim may tend lo turn the depart ment agalont taction, but any amount of enthuiiaain cannot change the Datu ra! coudliiniia of tbe country. NEWS OF OREGON ITFHS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE, WHEAT ESTIMATE TOO LOW. So Saya the Stale drain (nipactor of the State ol Waahlngton.. Taeoma, Waali., No". 20, State (irain lnMi tor Arrainiitli, in an in tmyifw, raid toilay: ''I lielieve the ea timato of tbe 11102 wheal crop, recently publifhed, 1 much Uyi low. The pub linhml (inure place the yield of the late at lH.UOU.OOO buabela. I have nodeaire U pad the figurea of thU vear'a crop, but I am natiaded tbat 2 t.tJUO.OOO bunhela la a very conserva tive eBtimato. I bane my estimate ai M Iowa: Tbe acienge auwn to wieat tbia year aa aiit a 10 per pent in creaw over tie acrenge ao'w n laat jenr. Tbe crop tbia tr baa been much ILfhter Ulan lat, but the decreate tier aura will not amount to more than HO per cent. Add the 10 pur cent in creased acreage, ami we haw at leaat 74 per cent of laat year'a crop, ol afcoit a5,(lOO,00O biiflieU. "J b f" turiieil from a trip through the eastern purl of the mate, and And that in many countiea tlio yield waa conaiderably nndorcMlmated, For lnatnr, n Wbitmaq county the yield waa from AO to 40 buHbela to tbe acre, which ia a very fair average yield. There are other localltica where the yield baa been overestimated, and where ti e crop did not run over IS bunhela to the acre, but thoNt iilacea are no, many. There ia an iminenne amount of wheat held in the warehouaea of the eaatern part of the state. n many of the to win along the line the warulmuiiei are lull, and great atacka of wheat are piled up along the aldotracki and covered with tarpaulin. There la aim a large amount of tbe crop ttlll In the handa of the farmer. While eat I vljited many farma where practically the entire crop waa atill Blacked up in the ttcldd or atowed away In the barna." u n, rv . m U.U IDBECTCn Cemmerclal nni FlaancUl Happetilnga o( the Put Week -Brief Review of thr Orowtn and Development of Vartaa Meatrlaa Ttaretigbovt Our Common-weaiU-Latt Market Report. Tbe fourth annual Angora goat how of Oregon will lie held in Daliaa January 14 and Id. Operationa at tbe Tillamook flab baU bery have been appended on ac count of the recent heavy raina The frcahet on the Siufla river cauecd by the reint heavy raina did conrider ahle damage to the flub hatchery on that river. A ponUifTlce haa been etUblUhed at Inglia, Columbia county. An office baa alro been eatabliahed at Tiller, Dooglaa county. The aale in the depot at Newberg wan opened Friday night and f 1,180 ao cunl by a burglar. The crook evi dently knew hia buiineaa, aa be worked tbe combination of the lock. There were 300 balea of bopa mid at Pa liaa lent Haturday for tJ rente I. o b. lo alea have bereUdure been made atxive 20 cent, though oflera of 2ti,S centa were out The liourd of directora ol the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua aaiciution, at a meeting held in Oregon City last week, decided to take aome atepa toward reorganiution and appointed a commit tee (or llml pnrpone. Two different companiea are endeav oring to tecure frnchia for operating atreet car ayntema in tbe city of K burg. One company ta computed largely of local capltaliata and the other In made u,p of Kantern men. It la eipected that the limiln-rnmn on the lower Columbia, will frlrance the price of yellow fir logi from 7.60 to f 8 per thoiiaand. Yellow fir Inga bring a much higher price than ordin ary fir, and are in great demand. Puring tbe first two yearaof hirterm Governor Ueer granted 15 pardona. and 20 commutation, and during lua lart twoyeara 10 parloiit and 10 cutnmuta' lion Of the 10 men pardoned In the laat two veara two were uuiltv ol mur der, two o( muinlantor, four p( lar ceny, one n( neini wnn a aangerou weapon and on of obtaining money under (alee pretenaea. Gmirge L. PI 11 man, eUta engineer for theeiaminatinn of laud applied for under tbe Carey arid land act, epreasei tbe oplnon that private operation wi no prevent government work, aa the amount reclaimed ia small com pared with the total area ol arid land In tbe itate. FIRE LOSS ooo,000. ONE ROBBER LESS Superintendent ol Public Instruction Ackerman baa decided that u eooo aa parent or guardian movea intQ a achool dieti let with the intention of miking it hia bona fide residence, a child of aucb parent or guardian la en titled to free tuitiou from tbe time be movea Into tbe district. Made palm In Idaho That He Waa a, Son, pi . W. Corte u Bpukane, Wash., Nov, 20. Saturday night Harry Corbett and a pal attempt- .l ... I,. .1,1 ii Am a a i.tplr ttl tlm nwpw.piw,!. - .....,. , recidencedlatrictol spokane, wote later wptiired by the pollee, and Coibelt prepare w oiiioieannoue h. w mv made a full confvaaion. It now Linn county farmera are oreparlng i protest to be presented to the neit leg' Islature againat the proposed ohange of the game law, under which upland bird may 1 shot from September IS, Instead of from October I. Open seat on betoie October 1 meana at a time when the farmera are busy with liar vesting and they desire to have an even chance with hunters from tbe cities. Twenty thousand, of he'75,Q00 book lets advertising Lane county have been printed, and are in the handa of tbe Advertising dejiartmeiitof tbe Harriman company lor distribution in the Eastern atatei, i George Smith, colored, who murdered hla white wife in Portland, baa been sentenced to hang en December 10, Big Armour Packing House Plant at Stoui City Entirely Destroye. 81onx City. Iowa., Nov. 19. Armour & Co.'i packing plant, which occopled foor acres of tbe etot kyarde, and was valued at !00,000, waa toUlly de stroyed early tbia morning by a fire which started on the second floor ol tbe lertiliaer building, and is thought by Manager Lennon to have been due to either spontaneous combustion or to an imperfect dryer. Tbe lose ia partly covered by $721,000 Insurance. Five hundred men are thrown out of employ ment. Within an hour after tbe flames wore discovered by a waUhman aix streams of water were being tbiown npon tbe flamee, which were gutting the fertiliser building, 120x00 feet and lour atoriea high, but tbe preanore waa inadequate. The floors and contents of the building burned like chaff. Tbe root fell, and the fire burst through into the beef-killing boose. At the same time the cattle chute ignited, and in five minutes fell with a crash. Once lutide the beef-killing house, the flames began to dam merrily. From tbia bouse to tbe oleomargarine build ing was only step, and when the oils started to burn the lire presented a most spectacular appearance. The big beef house, containing 500 carcase- e, next caugtii nre, ana tne wnoie plant, except tbe bog bouae, was lake of Sre. Tbe roar waa terrific. Tbe country for miles around wca illuminated. Suddenly there waa terrific detona tion, followed quickly by another, and then another. Twenty-four drums of 100 pounds of ammonia each exploded before tbe reserve supply in the am monia cistern wa reached. Tbat ex plosion almost rated the entire plant. The Humes were blown through the Are wall which separated the bg bouse from the other bo I dinga. Tbe bog boune contained 2,500 dressed hogs and 2,500,000 pounds of pork products. Steadily the fire crept against the wind and through the office building. Not a scrap of paper waa saved. When the last of the ammonia drqma was going oQ, a burning chute leU npon a bunch ol live bogs, and their squeals were added to tbe appalling chorus. After the lire got good headway in the bog house, the shops, chicken pack' ng plant, ice houses and ice runways and smaller department houtea were consumed in Quick, iiuweesion. lUe terrible roaring continued un abated. The high brick walla crum bled and Clashed one by one, and the conflagration gradually ate ita way through building after bndding. The fire department waa inadequate. The pressure waa hardly strong enough to throw water to the roof of the poi k house,. When the walls of this de- Pftrtjient burnt, the firemen played their streams on tbe buildings until daylight. The 8r burned all day and this afternoon there was another terrific ex plosion, which threw bricks and pieces of iron for hundreds ol yards. No one was hurt. EXPRESS MESSENGER USED HIS GUN INSTEAD OF OPENING DOOR. Four Men Attempted to Hold Lp Pasacit ger Train in Colorado Other Robbers Took the Dead Man's Body end Raw lor Cover Sheriff aad Posse la Close Pursuit. Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 20.Four masked robbers beld op a passenger train No. 7 on tbe Colorado 4 (southern road, 12 miles south of here today. One of tbe robbers waa shot by Express ilessener H. W. Bberwick, ol Fort Worth, Tex. Tbe robbers flagged tbe train, and aa it alowed op they ran alongside ol (be engine and coveied tbe crew with revolver!. They then compelled tbe engineer, John Gnillril, to alight, and, after placing a sack containing dyna mite under the baygage car and attach ing a luse to the exyl sive they order ed uuillril to ignite tbe use. Tola be attempted to do several times, but tor some reason the luse would not burn. Puring this proceeding tbe robbera kept op a fusillade in tbe direction of tbe train for the purpose of Intimidat ing i be passengers. Wbile they were preparing to rearrange the dynamite and (use, Messenger hherwick, after ! extinguishing the lights in his car, quietly opened side door In the car far enough to admit a gun barrel, and fired at the i.eait at robber. Tbe la,tter dropped in bia tracks. Hia au riled companions picked him up and qnickly disappeared in tbe woods near by. None of the passengers were rtoleited. the abend of Las Aoimaa county im mediately organized a posse and ia now iu pursuit of the holdups. BOND FOR DREDQE LEASE. Ppltpd 8iites of eteanng thousand Muere nillm ol territory near J'ortl the ol .iA.i inre miles ol territory near urwii oanal. General Chaffee was tendered a ro osption in San IranclBCO by the busi fleas men. A gang of robbors operating In Ely i, N. Y., were interrupted and in rla the fight that loilowed one olflcer was tally wounded anil one rouoor auieu Knur of the men hiiured in the fnrn o oTnWmlnn nt Lebanon. Pa., have tUl. maltlnir tbe death list eight, Many of the injured are not yet out of dangei The official return from the rocent, ejection in Pennsylvania show that the Repub loans elected their governor hy a, plurality oi moiv devel opa that the young man 1 1 veil in Ken- j drick, Idaho, for two months, and while thero claimed to be a sun ol Millionaire II. W. Corbett, of Portland, ex-l'nited Htitte senator. Young Corbel t showed intimate acquaintance with tbe family affairs of the elder Corbett. Corbett told tbe Sopkane police that he was a , high liver, and hit money went last)1 hence It was necessary to do a little rough gambl Ing, Alter bia departure from Kendrlck a black sateen shirt was fouud in hla room with the back cut out. It was then remembered that a boae of ill- fame in tbe lower part of Kendrlck had been robbed of a small sum ol money, two maeked men holding up the in- mates of (be place with drawn revolv- eis. It ta buliuvea ttiat young ijoitieii and his pal vpie the perpetrators of this out f age. , Apple Rqt on ground, New York, Noy. 20. Tb,ousnda o( hiishe),s ol fine a,ppes are rotting on tho ground in tbia state, fays a Tribune dispatch from Greenwich, Conn. If barrels could be procured Ue farmera iy they might ship large quantities to England and even to the rttiiippinei, but they cannot procure them, Every thing in the shape of a barrel com. manda a high price, tne most utiapi- duted bringing 35 centa each. Farm laborers are also extremely scarce. In an appeal to the supreme court. OREAT DAMAOE BV VOLCANO. Destruction In Ouatcmala Oreater Thaa That on Island of Martinique. New York, Nor. 18. Astounding revelation of great loss of life and prop erty by the ernption of the Santa Maria volcano are being made daily, says a cablegram to the Herald from Guate mala City. Eruptions continue. Many hundreds of human beings perished and tbe destruction of property is considered greater than that in tbe Island of Mar tinique by the eruptions of Mount Pelee. , All ol the estates in tbe neighbor hood ol the volcano are baried under volcanic ashes, which reach to tbe top FAVORED GERMANY KINO OSCAR GAVE US CONSIDERABLY THE WORST OF THE DEAL. FuB Extent of Declalos) Jut Mad Kaowa The British aad Americans Had No Right, According to the View of tho Arbitrator, to Protect Life aad Prop erty or Uphold Saumaa Coart, Washington, Not. 19. By p rev ion arrangement between the official, there wa today published simultan enosly in Washington, London and ol tbe houses. The richest coffee eo-1 BfliB tD 'o'l ext ol the decision Utes are completely ruined. Tbe fiveB bT n' majesty, King Oscar II, principal losers are the large coffee arbitrator between the three eenn plantera, mostly United 8tater citi trie named, of certain claims owing to en and Germans, whose propertiea military operationa conducted in Hamoa are ruined. , lfiuo T. . . A nr thru ermtmrn hir hMn ' 0 formed on the side of the volcano. There wa no eruption from tbe sum mit, t'umice and ashes were carried chiefly in the southern and western directioas. Tbe sea has coating of volcanic material extending for many mile. Tbe low of the coffee crop, which ia Guate i ala'a principal export, ban com pletely demoralized commerce and gov ernment finances generally. The na tional paper currency, which la tbe only circulating medium, ha fallen to 7 cents gold for one paper dollar. Prices for all necessities have risen and abounds in whereases and concla sions, and in inbtitance it haa been announced heretofore in the cable die patches Irorn Stockholm Tbe preced ing publication, however, did not con vey to the official here a loll realiza tion ol tbe complete victory won by Germany in this arbitration, lor it ap pears that on every point the arbitrator adopted tbe most extreme German view, in opposition to Great Britain and the United .itate. TtiA orhitratinn vme nnt nff minima t.a, to prohibitive figure for many persons. Germane or Brith-h subject, oe Aaa-ri. can citizens for compensation on ae- fhe athoritiee are trying to force tbe dealers to send goods at the usual prices, but the condition of affair is Micb that bntinemia entirely paralysed. Violently worded handbill aad poster are being circulated. ANCIENT RELICS POUND. BOOK O.N PHILIPPINES. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat WallaWalla, H869c; bine atom 73 SO 74c; valley, 70o. Barley Feed, $81.00 per ton; brew ing, $28.00. Floor Best grade, 3.60(83.70; grah am, 3.00 50. Millatoffs Bran,' $19.00 per ton; middlings, $23.60; aborts, $1.50; chop, $17. Oata-No. 1 white, $1.1291.15; gray, $1.10f 1.1SH per oental. Hay Timothy, $10(11; clover, $3.00; cheat, $9 per ton. Potato Best Hurbanks, 0(3O per sack; ordinary, BQflsGfto per cental, rower1 prior; Merced sweets, $l.75 12 tier oental. . rouiuv -tinicxen, nnxeiij f.i.oum 4.88: per pourd.lOc; hens, $494.60 per doett',trfli Uci springs,- $3.Q0 . . n i " iVftK . f. - an uido nn. ,W, r. lbwS ti- Hiu'ka. UMOi 8.00tr7 turkey, young, 18 H Big Haul In Lisbon. LiHbon, Spain, Nov. 80. Thieves have broken into the underground strongroom of the banking' firm of Pelnrinbo and have stolen a aum ol $106,000. One o the clerk of the bank ha been arrested in connection with the robbery. The frequency with which such robberle have occurred recently I musing great alarm here ai3c:Vfea.6.00ut.60 per dozen.' CheeB 4all oream, twins, 16X8 Ic; Yonng Amerioa, 15(814 factory price, IA lo lea. Untter Fancy creamery, 3038c per pound; extras, sue: dairy- au Q28Ko; (tore, 18318. Ell 85(30o per doaen. Hope New crop, 82(i85o per pound Wool Valley, lSkaiSci Eastern Oregon, 8014Ho; mohair, 2623o Beef Gross, cow, 8SSX Pr pound j steers, 4o; dressed, 097c, Val-7W(S8o. Mutton Qroas, So par pound dressed, c. Lamb Gross, le per pound droned. 6Ko. Hoc tiro, 6)'a6Jtopr pound ditattd, 77Hft New Work Just tuned hy Insular Bureau, oi War Department. Washington, Noy. .-The Pro nouncing paz,Qttoer and Geographic! Dictionary of tbe Philippines, with maps, charts and illustration!, which wa prepared in tbe bureau of insular affairs of, tb wr department, ha ust Vnen leaned, and contains a wealth of infoi nation concerning our Oriental possession. The gazetteer proper con teini 8tl4 page, including the index, while the geographical dictionary occu pies 008 pages, exclusive ol tho map, charts and illustrations. When Dewey's brilliant victory awoke national Interest in the Phil ippine, the obtainable literature in nglUh on the question was meager, while the Spanish worka were to be fouud in but few libraries, so that the work of obtaining complete and accur- te information of the islands, their geographical resources, history, etc., lias been a very difficult one. Requests I ready received for the edition exceed the limit ordered by congrem to be printed. Columbus' Aahes Moved. Seville, Spain, Nov. 19. The cere mony of depositing the ashes of Chris topher Co umbus in a, special nmnso. Imim wa, carried put in m catliwirai toda,y wtb beftttipg solemnity. The collin containing the ashes of the illus- tious naviaator waa borne on the shoulders of a party of naval seamen, and behind it walked in procession the archbishop ol Seville, the cathedral cnantor. tne minister oi manov aau a number of other dignitaries. Flagman Made Fatal Mistake. Chleaao. Nov. 19. One man was killed and a dozen men, women and children more or les seriously injured In a collision tonight between a West eru avenue electric train and a Chicago Burlington A Uuincy freight train at the Eighteenth street crossing. The motor and trailer which made up tne electric train were crowded with pas sengers, and it seem a miracle that so many escaped instant deatn. Upoa It Approval by Sectary ot War Work Will Be Commenced. Washington Nov. 80. The Fort ol Poitlaod wdl he required to give bond befurd tbe secretary of war will ap prove the contract recently made for the lease of one ol its dredges for u on the Columbia and Willanette below Portland. When the, cc tract recently made oetween tbe Port of Portland comtftiseiun and Captain Langfitt was received here it wa referred to the judge advocate general, who ba just recommended that a bond be procured to free the government from liability for any expense incurred in the. opera tion of the dredge. Under tbi contract the government can lease either dredge by psying $155 per day for the old one or $338 per day for the new dredge Colombia. The Port will be expected to furnich the crew and fuel, and bear all expense ot operation. The bond ia required a an extra piecaution, inch a is frequently required in government contracts. The department expects tbe bond will be readily furnished. W hen at band, the contract wilt be approved and expenditure can, be commenced under the. appropriation of $'JoftjOOO made last session Now tbat the government has the potion ol operating a dredge of the Port of Po'ttand, it ia thought by some en gineer that it will bo uonecesaary to ask for future appropriation for build ing a government drede for the river below Portland, Tbo epglneera' office has about com uleted plans for remodeling the trans port Grant into h sea dredge for use in cutting a temporary channel across the bar at the mouth of the Colombia fiver. These plans will won be widely ad' vertiead, but the work will undoubtedly bo done at San Francisco, where the Grant now lies. Anktrtcan Discover Prehistoric Cavern la Mountains of Mexico. . Hermoeiilo, Mexico, Nov. 18. A re markable story, duly authenticated, of the discovery of bidden Altec treas ures, ha just been reported to tbe gov ernment authorities at Tepic by Kev. Pablo Martino, the parish priest ol Vewa. Tbe priest make a statement, which ia concurred in by several reliable wit nesses, that a party of Americana. headed by an arcbaeologic expert, who gave the name of Heverick, arrived at Yeeca several week ago, and went from that p'.ace into the mountains, accompanied by three Mexican guides. Tbe archaeologist obtained bis bearings I arbitrator saya: "We have found nothing in the said FIRE AT NORTH YAMHILL. Demands on Two Railroads, - Chloaiio. Nov. 19. Enginere and flrmen representing the entire "St Paul system have made a demand tor increased wages and an entirely new schedule. I he same classes of employ' es on the Northwestern have made similar domands, the increase demand ed ranging between 10 and 20 per cent count of loetea they alleged they bad suffered is consequence of unwarranted military action on tbe part of German, British or American officers in Samoa, between the first of January, 1899, and the 13th of May following. The ques tion really at issue wa whether or not the British and United States govern- ments should be considered responsible ioi the losses. The arbitrator recites that the United States (bip Philadelphia and tbe Brit ish steamers Porpoise and Royalist, on March 15, 1899, opened fire across tbo town of Apia, Samoa, directing tb same against tbe lore of High Cbiwf Mataafa; tbat the tame vessels brought tbe newly appointed king of Samoa, Malietoa, and hia forces to Molina- point and supplied them with arms and ammunition for the ensuing straggle against Mataafa. In answer to tho British and American claims that under the treaty of Berlin, any one of the signatory powers wss authorized to enforce tbe decision of the cbiei justice of Samoa, declaring Malietoa king, tbe by means of a chart which be is said to have copied from an Axtec (tone tablet in the National museum in the City of Mexico. He located a vast cavern in a mountain near Yesca. Im mense stone images stood about this chamber. In one end was a handsome alter, above which burned a blight flame, supplied by natural gas from crevice in tbe wall. In a chamber ad joining this main temple was found a great store ol ornaments and utensils belonging to the Astecs or some other prehistoric race. Twelve barros were required to trans- part the articles to San Bits, where they were shipped to San Francisco, ac companied by the Americans As suih articles cannot be removed from Mexico without the consent of the government, an investigation is in progress. MITCHELL ON THE STAND. Five Buildings Destroyed -Loss, $20,000, Partially Covered hy Insurance. North Yamhill, Or., Nov. 19. North Yamhill suffered a $20,000 fire loss last nisht. About 9 :30 o'clock fUmes were discovered issuing from the gene ral merchandise store of Messner & aulheim, and s rapidly did the fire prsad that all efforts at saving the building or contents were utterly (utile, and the attention ot the citizens wss directed toward saving adjoining property. The lack of adequate fire fihtging apparatus made difficult the work of subduing the flames, and before tbe fire had burned itsell ont fonr ad ditional buildings were in ruins. At midnight the flames had subsided and were under complete control. Tbe lire drew a great crowd of people to tbe streets, but fortunately no one was in ured. It Is not kuowu how tlie nre originated. $10,000 Fire In Helena. Helena. Mont., Not. 20. Fire early todav threatened for an hour the com nlete destruction of East Helena. A fierce sale was blowing, and to protect the residences and business buildings blankets were made use of to prevent isnition from flying firebrands. With the assistance ol a steamer from Hel ena, tbe fire was gotten nnder control, after four buildings had been destroyed, the loss on which is estimated at fully $10,000. Coal Attorneys Put Him Through Lively Pace Stood Examination Well. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 17. President Mitchell, of tbe United Mineworker' Union, occupied tbe witness stand thioughout both sessions ol the coal strike commission Saturday. For fonr hours and a half he took the croF-Bre ol two brilliant attorney of the coal general act, or any subsequent grea- ment, which authorize one of the signatory powers, or a majority of them, to take action to enforce the conditions oi the act or to make the decisions of the chief justice binding on the part of the United States." The derision con cludes as fellows: That tbe military action in ques tion, namely, tbe bringing back of the Malietoans and tbe distribution to them of arms and ammunition, tbe bombard ment, tbe military operationa on shore and the stoppsge of the street traffic, cannot be considered as having been warranted; and that, therefore, hia Brittannic majesty' government and tbe United State government are re sponsible, nnder the convention of tbe th of November, 1899, ' for loseea caused by said military action; whi e reserving for a future declson the ques tion to the extent to which the two government, or each of them, may be considered responsible for such loisee." "TIMBER ORDERED SOLD. ' British Are Worried. Peaharcur. India. Nov. 20. The British expedition to put down the uprising ol the Waxirl tribesmen on the Afghan frontier is meeting witn determined opposition. Colonel Ton ochy, in command ol the fourth col umn, has been mortally wounded in an engagement with the insurgents, and Major Beresford, the next in com mand, has asked lor reinforcements. Idaho Land Board WIN Dispose of Twenty Thousand Acres. Boise, Idaho, Nov; 19. The state land board haa ordered the tale ol about 20,000 acre more of Idaho ,9nlu ' TI.A AB1., l . L. companies, and ended the day with few amonnt o( tinbep to dJ scars ss a resun oi me oaine. xmvm iao.000,000 feet. The agent of the Wilcox, of New York, of general coun-1 Howard land, log and lumber com- sel for the Delaware A Hudson com-1 pany, of Coeor d'Alene City, appeared pany, and Wayne MacVeagh, of Phila-1 before the board and asked tbat the lelphia, who i representing the Penn-1 tract ol timber on St. Mary's liver be svlvania coal company and the Lehigh I sold. He deposited with the secretary coal and iron company, were the pi in- a certified check for $500 as a guarantee cipal questioners, snd they put hun-1 tbat bis company would bid the p- dreil of questions to Mr. Mitchell. The praised price. best of harmony prevailed between the After some discussion of the matter lawyers and the witness. The mem- Governor Hunt moved that (he land bers of the commission took the same which is located on St Mary's river interest in everything, and frequently and tributaries in the counties of interrupted with questions, that thev Latab, Kootenai and Shoshone be pot might have a better understanding of up for sale, and that the white pine what waa being said. The afternoon timber be appraised at $1.50 per session waa more interesting. Mr. tbonsand, and 70 cents per thousand MacVeaeh's cross-examination was, as for red fir and yellow pine. A resolu- a rule, very keen, and while he assured I tion was passed instrncting the chief Mt. Mitchell he was not radically op- clerk to advertise tne sale of the tim- posed to him, he did not miss an oppor-1 bar. The sale will occur in Kootenai tunity to place Mr. Mitchell's reasons county December 22, Shoehone, Decern- for better conditions in the anthracite ber 23, and Latab December 26. coal field in a bad light before the com mission. Poll" Were Ready for Emssa. flhiraicrft. llAV- IQ.Meai XB ifcH 9 Art vn 1 1 - Morm oi uust ana oa-u m rir. , d . , , w.oni hl,iA London. Nov. 18. According to a Uirva at the East Rhiraim nuns t. special to tne Man irom eyoney, a. o, tion, with Inspector Campbell. Lieoton- W., an extraordinary dusi storm, nas ,nt gmitn ,nd Ax detectives in the been experienced in Victoria and JNew hl, and Justice Hamburger in his Sooth Wales. Darkness enshrouded ntt ready to iesue warrants. Emma the city of Melbourne at noon tester- Goldman snoke before 400 anarohlsta day, and balls of fire fell and set fire to ,t CUrk ,nd Erle itweU (wt Di hu several buildings, ibe people were police precaution proved unnecessary, thrown into a state ol panic, a they however .for the carnation in her hair thouaht the world was coming to an end. A similar cloud of red dust hung like a p ill over the city of Sydney. Son Succeeds Father la Congress- was more fiery than her talk ' Increase of I Cent aa Hear. Philadelphia, Nov. 19. The Phfla- delphia Rapid Transit company today Paris. Tex., Nov. 18. A special I announced that, beginning December 1. election was held today in the Fourth I the wages of the conductors and motor congressional district, Morris Bhepard men in tbelr employ would be ii being elected to congress to nit ice on- ereasea irom i. to u cent an nonr. expired term ol hia lather, recently de- Nearly 8,000 are affected by th la- ceased.