The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 06, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 34.
CosspraasaaWo It (view of the Import
Mt Haswonlngs of the Pt Wsek,
Presented la CondVaeed Form, Most
Likely U Prove Interessiag U Our
Man Readers.
Tl rebellion In Venesuela It now
practically ended.
A heavy loaded trolley car la Kansas
City jumped llio track, killing two o
la and Injuring sis.
There will bo SHfl members In llio
next rongrms, ol whom ZOO will bo Re
publicans anil 108 Democrats.
England will uae (40,000,000 Ilia
ram lug year to aid lixr subjects In tlio
Transvaal and Orange River colony.
A steamer ami schooner collided of!
(lit Boston barbor, rvsutltng In the
drowning ut the csptaln and tlirvo ol
the crew of llio latter vr el.
A French steamship company la tit-
gotiatlng for Ilia Mtalilltiiiint of a
lino connecting Pan Fran lino, the
Hawaiian lilandi and Auttralla.
An appropriation of 3B0,OO0 hat
boon recommended for the erettion ol
tight lighthouse on the Alankan coast,
In addition to those now provided lor.
Twelve people were killed and 60 In
jured In an accident in New York. A
largo crowd bad gathered to celebrate
their election victory and an ei plosion
of fireworks and bomb resulted In
Com ni Wooer of Immigration North
haa been dlrortod to Inquire Into the
Univerml Brotherhood scheme and de
ride wbetlier or not they tbould bo al
lowed to lake charge of children and
educate them.
Arbitration of French coat miner'
strike baa been commenced.
' The Cuban Conirreaa baa reconvened
and President Palma'a niOMage It hope
ful of reciprocity.
Treaauror Roberta' annual reoort
ibowt the finance of the United States
to be to excellent condition.
Phvilclan are battled In a cate at
Delleyue boaplUl, New York. The
patient la turning entire! black and It
elowly dying.
, The enal atrlke commission ha tub
nlltad a oopt ol Mitchell' tUtement
kr tba mlneri to the coal operator to
take tin ir reply.
Tbe 11 Cuban children, who cam to
thla country to loin the Universal
Brotherhood In California, will be
turned to their home,.
, An old bridge across one of Portland't
eiilchea collapsed precipitating Ave
person and a team to the gioond be
low. Fortunately, do one waa terloualy
The motorman and col dor tor of the
electric car which collided with Pretl
dent Rootevelt' carriage waived ex
mlnatlon on a charge of manalaughter
and ware releaaed on bond of I ft ,000
and 2,500 respectively.
French nilneowoert aud ttrikert are
till nnable to agree.
Another ealmon cannery combine bat
been formed at Vancouver, B. U
" The Nloaraguen cabinet hatretlgned,
but the preaideut leluae to accept.
Benator Quay may be prosecuted for
ting hit own letterhead in tollcitlng
campaign fund.
" A nassenoer train on the' Northern
lUrinn collided with a freight near Bt,
Paul, killing two men.
Tbe kalaer't Walt to England I ex
, ported In bring about more Iriendly re-
latlont lietween Uit two power.
Plan art being perfected at Cleve
land, Ohio, for the combination of H
' toft coal Interest! ol tne country.
A trolley car and a twltoh engine
collided la Chicago, resulting In one
person being killed and three aeiloualy
H . R. Nickerson, vice president and
nneral manaaer of the Mexican ten
tral, dnle that he ha been offered the
pretldenoy ol the Southern raoinc.
Rar.h Bernhardt ha lutt 'Unlshed
tour of Germany. Although the had
abundant applause, the' engagement
wa not tbe financial luoceet ex pet ted.
Another great eruption of the volcano
of Bouffilere may be expected toon.
The German government ba appro
priated 1600,000 for the expenaet of Hi
exhibit at the 1904 fait at Bt. Loult.
President Mitchell has all the data
prepared which he Intend to present
to the Investigating eommlaalon when
. It 1 called for.
The revolution In Colombia will like
ly bt settled without further bloodshed
Th mImIs are now endavorlng to ar
range peace terms with the government
Th United State chief of engineers
' has announced that no dredge will be
KniH for the Columbia, leaving Im
provement to preseit machines.
A ruling has been made by. a New
York Judge that any criminal case tried
In Cuba by American during their oc
cupation may be retried by the Cuban
New Schedule of Wages Soon to ke Pre
sented to the Souther Pacific.
Oakland, Cat., Nov. 4. Within the
next few days the Order of Hallway
inductors, Trainmen and Bwitchmen
will submit a schedule of wag to the
on them lad Ho Coniauy. The. re-
quoala of the men are very much the
Mine as those sutimlltod by Jthe en g Ili
um, flretmn, lulegrepliers land others.
An I in re j tu of 15 to 20 per cent la
sekrd, together with a uniform rate of
wages on ill the divisions of (he Atlan
tic and I'ai' I do a) atoms. The demands
will take the same general course that
the others have. They will be panned
uponby the respective departmenU'aiil
then referred to General Manager Agler
ud Julius Krutsihiiitt, atslatant to
I'realdent llarrlman. These two gen
tlemen lit turn will pass upon the do
manda and send them to the committee
piMilnted by Prealdent Uarrlman to
confer with them.
According to the by-laws of the
unions, the company Is (given 30 days
to make an anawer to the men,
The danger of a general strike upon
the Southern l'aclflc lines Is not
thought to be great. Both the sen and
the company officials are of the same
opinion1. The heads of the departments
are unanimous In saying that the pos-
ihlilly of a great railroad strike is so
small that It tannot be considered even
possibility. Tbe men hold equally
pronounced views. The reason for thla
belief Is found In tbe fact tint llie com
pany has always favored unions. The
coneervative organisations have always
had tli entire confidence of the com
pany, and there have huen no differ
ences which have not been smlcably
Financial Conditio) of United States at
Close of Hasinas Oct. 31, 1902.
Wsehlnglon, Nov. 4. Tbe monthly
statement of the public debt, issued to
day, shows that the clone ol business
October 81, 1902, the debt, leas caab In
treasury, amounted to IU68,507,7ZO.
The debt proper wss decreased through
the purchase of bonds by 1 14,730,682,
and the rath on band also shows a de
crease for the month of 114,831,616.
The debt is recapitulated as follows
lotereat bearing debt, 1016,470,230
debt on which interest has cearad since
maturity, l,2MI,VH0; debt bearing n
intereat. (3118,302,649. Total, 11,314,-
929,699. This amount, however, does
not Include (860,318,009 in reitiBcates
and treasury notes outstanding, which
are offset by an equal amount of cash
on hand held for their redemption.
The cah In tbe treasury Is russified
as follows: Gold reserve, 1160,000,000;
trust funds, (800,310,609; general
fund. IU6.4U4.17I; in national hank
lepoaltorles, 1140,886,012; total, II.
302,006,763, against which are demand
liabilities outstanding amounting to
(940,273,876, which loaves a cash bal
ance on band of (360,421,876.
Interstate Commerce Coasmlssloa Conald-
ere New York Complaint.
New York, Nov. 4. Chairman Mar
tin B. Knapp and Commissioner ). D.
Yeomans, of the Interstate commerce
conxiiiealon, held a brief session here
todsy and heard a statement of charges
Lawrence Whearn declared he had to
present agalust the anthracite coal car
rylng roads. Mr. Bhearn said he rep
resented a number of promlnentcltisena
of New York, Boston aud wsehlnglon
and other cities. lie said he was pre
pared to prove the existence of an
agreement between tbe roads to regu
late tonnage, and (bat thit practically
was an agreement for an equitable di
vision of profits.
It was agreed that Mr. Bhearn should
present hi formal petition to the eom
mlaalon In Washington. The coal com
panies will then be notified and given
16 day to answer.
Pierce County.
Tacoma, Nov. 6. The Republicans
swept Fierce count and elected tbeii
entire ticket by good majorities. Tbe
two state senators and 10 representa
tives are supposed to be sgainst a rail-
10,000 MAJORITY.
How the Vote Went in commissions
Ol l Klickitat County,
the YariOUS OtatCS. GoWemUle, Nov. 6 - The R.pabli-
can Mite ticket has carried Klickitat
county by 400 majority. The Demo- randldataa for onnntv auditor
;u Ui w j vv iu iwe vi assv
. Mason County.
Olympla, Nov. 6. Incomplete re
turns received from Mason county show
the stste ticket to have been carried by
the Republicans by at least 100 msjor-
Stevenson County.
Stevenson, Nov. 5. Returns from
four of the principal precinct in the
county Indicate the election of JJthe Re
publican ticket by a small majority.
This is usually a strong Democratic
Adams County.
Ritivllle. Nov. 5 Incomplete re
turns from seven precincts In Adams
county show that the Republicans elect
representative, auditpr, clerk, surveyor,
superintendent and two commirsioners;
tbe Democrats, treaauror and sheriff,
with the assessor in doubt. The Re
publlcsn nominees for congress are well
in the lead.
Klttltaa County.
Ellensburg, Nov. 6. Returns a-e
coming In very slowly. Five precincts
show heavy Democratic gains, but tbe
Republican congressional ticket la well
in the lesd.
Lewis County,
Chehalis. Nov. 6. Returns from 10
precincts give Cuahmtn, Jones and
Humphrey, Rep., a lead of 600. Tbe
vote is lighter than it waa two years
Stevens County,
Colville, Nov. 6. The count In nine
out of 61 precinct in the county, not
including Colville or Northport, give
Cuahman, Jones and Humphrey a very
small lead.
Pacific County.
Ilwaco, Nov. 5. Returns are coming
In very slowly. Republican congres
sional candidates are'in tbe lead.
Chehalis County.
Aberdeen. Nov. 6. Tbe indications
are that Chehalis county has given
Idaho Republicans Wla by About 3,000-
la California the Strongest Fight Is
on Oovsrnor, with Lane, the Demo
cratic Nominee, In the Lead-Returns
from Other Slates.
brattle. Wah.. Nov. 6. The Re
publicans have carried the state of
Waahington by a majority that may
run as high aa 12,000, though the Indi
cations are that It will be nearer 10,-
000. The Democratic state committee
does not claim the election of any of
its state ticket, though insisting that
tbe meager i turns received justify the
committee in believing that there is a
chance for Democratic control of the
i tats leuialature. Chairman Morrison,
of the Republican committee, holds
that the Republicans will have a
Jority on Joint ballot of fully 40.
It is likely Judge Hiram K. Hadley,
nominee for Jiietice of the Supreme
court, will lead the Republican state
ticket. 1 he three congressional nomi
nees will run very close. In King
county it Is conceded Kd Cudihoe,
Pern., has been re-elected sheriff by a
majority Somewhere between 1,000 and
1,600. Indications at this time are
that Geortre U. Piper and Andrew
Heinrich, candidates for the state sen
ate, are beaten, sad the Republicans
will lone several members el tne House.
It is likely, boewver, that 20 Republi
can members of the legislature will be
seiiht to Olympia.
Spokane County,
Bpaksne, Nov. 6. -The Republican
coniin-salt nil ticket ha a majority In
Spokane cou6nty of from 1,200 to 1,500
A this time It seems that the Demo
crat have carried seven of the 12 legis
lative candidates, snd the Republicans Wg majority lor tne enure Kepumican
Ave. L'f them five, three are under- "cxet,
sloodt o be for Ankenv for senator, and
two for Wilson. The Republicans
have carried their county ticket, with
the except laon of treasurer and coroner.
Rasher and ( raves, I tern. , for the stste
seuate are elected.
Clark County.
Vancouver, Nov. 6. The oietoion
passed off quietly in this city and
comity. It is conceded, however, that
the entire Republican ticket is elected,
Complete returns from six precincts in
the county give Jones, Cusmban and
Humprbey, Republiauan representa
tives, 630; Cotturill, liomcomb and
Coin, Democratic representatives, 240;
Ranck, Rep., legitilature, 612; Parcel,
Rep., legislature, 4059; Edmunds,
Deui., 2ti ; Ricker, Dem., 801.
OartkM County,
Fomeroy, Nov. 6. Despite rain and
blustery weather, with snowfall in
mountain precincts, a heavy vote was
polled The Republicans claim to have
elected the legislative ticket The
Democrats claim the prosecuting attor
ney, auditor and sherin.
Boise. Idaho, Nov. 6. While exact
figure from yesterday' election are
not yet at hand, enough ia known to
assur a Kepubiican majority on me
entire state ticket of some 3,000
French, for congress, leads his ticket
in most sections. Counties that were
an d nosed to be certainly Democratic
have swung into the Kepuulican une,
f igurcs from Shoshone show that the
Republicans have' carried that county
the Re
by over
Ohio Indications are that
publicans carried tbe state
Minnesota Returns so far indicate
that Van Bant, Rep., is elected govern
or by 30,000.
Illinois Republicans have carried
this state by 46,000. Democrats lost
three congressmen.
Michigan Tbe Republican majority
betseen 30,0000 and 40,0000.
Eleven of the 12 congressmen are Republicans.
Missouri Indication point to a
Democratic plurality of at least 20,000.
New Hampshire Republican plural
ity in this state will be about 8,000.
Tennessee Twenty-two counties
beard from give Frazier, Dem.. for gov
ernor, a majority of 37,000.
Pennsylvania Tbe Republicans
elected tlieir governor by 176,000.
Indiana Tbia state went Republican
by 26,000 to 40,000.
Maryland Republican elected four
and Democrat two member! of congress.
New Jersey The Democrats made
heavy gains, but their control of the
state is doubtful.
Kanssa-Kntire Republican ticket
elected by at least 40,000.
Connecticut Tbe full Republican
ticket was elected by 16,000.
Massachusetts Bates, Rep., for gov
ernor, received a plurality of 37,000.
Florida There was no opposition to
the Democratic ticket, which swept
Alabama Tbe state ticket went Re
publican by 26,000.
Rhode Island Democrat elected
governor. Republicans capturea an
other state officers.
West Virignia Republicans elected
only one memter of congress out of
Sooth Carolina The Democratic
ticket carried everything without oppo
Iowa Tbe state went Republican
by 76.000.
Nebraska Tbe result on governor 1
doubtful. Republicans elected the rest
of tbe ticket.
Wisconsin Wisconsin has gone Re
publican by at least 86,000 plurality.
North Carolina Democrats elected
everything by overwhelming maioriti
Mississippi A light vote waa polled.
There waa no opposition to tbe Demo
cratic ticket.
Georgia A solid Democratic delega
tion was returned to congress.
Arkansas All of the seven Demo
cratic nominee were elected to congress
by big msjoritiea.
Colorado Republican carried state
ticket, but one or more Democratic con
gressmen win.
Nevada Entire Republican ticket
South Dakota Republican control
state, but Democrats made heavy gain.
Whitman County,
r..ifv N.w. R finmnlntu returns by at least 300, and elected their legle-
from 20 out ol 68 precincts in Whitman lve ticket. Ada county has given a
munfv ahnar a Remiblican landslide, ma ority ot 00; Aet rerce ana Latan
1 1 . .. ... I . ,t a a . ortrt i. TL t.
Indication piont to the election of tbe u ow tm. urcuBmni u
,,iIm K-mMi.-an i.urUlutiva and noun, southeast everything Is Republican so
... 1 . i i i , : 1
ty ticket, with the possible exceptions iar as nearu irom, ami n m win w
of auditor, superintendent and survey- be clean eweep in that acetion. Ban-
noci roumv lives muniruu, nw., iur
governor. 300 majority. There French
did not do so well, his lead being com'
paratlvely small. Republicans will
havo 47 members of the legislature, a
msiorlty of 13 on joint ballot.
The count is progressing very slowly.
or. The Republican congressional
ticket carries the county by a big ma
Yakima County.
North Yakima, Nov. 6. Election re
turns are coming in slowly. In the
Had $22,000 Hid In an Outbuilding, which
Three Whrts Men Discovered.
Butte, Montana, Nov. bt A special
from Plain aayi that one of the moat
sensational robberies that ha ever oc
curred in the history of Western Mon
tana wat enacted near Plain yesterday,
new of which has just retched this
place. A wealthy Flathead Indian
named Machell waa robbed Saturday
night of (22,000 in cash, the money
consisting of (100 bills and (20 gold
?i Machell waa a visitor in Plaina Sat
urday night, and during bis absence, at
about 10 o'clock at night, a man
dressed at a squaw called at his home
on Camas Prairie and engaged in con
versation with Machell' squaw. Mr.
Machell noticed that tbe visitor wa not
squaw, but a white man, aa he could
not talk good Flathead, but she did not
suspect what was wrong until she
Com mere ia! assl Financial HapoeamfS of
the Past Week-Brief Review of Uw
Orwwtb and Devslopsaswt of Varloas
ladoatrtsa Tan-owghoat Oar Conatoo
weolth Latest Market Report.
The grain fleet now in tbe river at
Portland is tbe largest on record for tbe
After several weeks' suspension of
work of a part of tbe Willamette pulp
and paper company, at Oregon City, on
account of low crater in the river, work
has been resumed.
Balem hopgrowers and dealers expect
to see some lively buying of hop in
tbst market in tbe next three weeks,
and an advance of 6 cents in the price
would not be a great surprise.
A new corporation will begin business
in Baker City next spring, to be known
as tbe Heilner wool pressing and grad
ing company. Tbe new company will
erect a stone building to be equipped
with tbe latest machinery Tor cleaning,
grsdiag and preening wool.
Tbe incendiary attempts to destroy
bonding at the Fort Stevens barracks
still continue, although a doable guard
is maintained and every precaution
taken to prevent a repetition of tbe
fires Tbe officers are at a loss to ex
plain tbe reason for tbe blazes.
J. M. Clark, brother of Senator Clark
of Montana, has purchased the Pooth
Dysert hydraulic placer mines in the
Jump off-Joe district. Southern Oregon
and tbe adjoining farms of Pollock and
Davis. Tne consideration for tbe farms
and placer is (25,000 cash. Mr.
Clark baa a large crew making exten
sive improvement which will double
tbe output of the mine.
One of the richest gold mines in the
United 6tates i the North Pole, located
about aix mile north of Eumpter,
About (750,000 ba been expended on
external improvements and underground
development work since the mine was
discovered. The property is controlled
by English capitalists. Tbe actual
value of tbe Nort J Pole Cs problemati
cal. Tbe management, of course, is
familiar with the value of the ore found
in tbe wonderful pay shoots, but it
does not know the full extent of the pay
shoots. Development work i being
pushed to determine the richness and
extent of this rich body of ore. If, as
there is every reason to believe, this
rich shoot extends to the depth, then
the mine ia easily worth (10,000,000.
The state piloting office is now work
ing on tbe last form of the new Oregon
code, and the two volume will be sent
to the bindery next week. It is ex
pected that the new code will be ready
(or distribution about the middle of
The present year will be the greatest
from a business standpoint in the bia-
tory of the state land department.
During tbe first nine month of 1902
the receipt from payment on sales of
state land exceeded the total tor any
previous year. '
William Baldwin and his son,
George, were sentenced to serve two
)ears and one year, respectively, in the
penitentiary, the one for aiding and
abetting, and the other for striking tbe
fatal blow that killed Frank Carson in
Portland a short time ago.
Coal Strike Board Starts oa Its Tear of
laspsctloa of tbe Mines.
Scran ton, Pa., Oct. 31. The seven
commissioners appointed by President
Roosevelt to adjust the difference be
tween tbe anthracite mlneworker and
their employers made a tour yesterday
of the extreme npper coal fields, and
saw every step taken in the production
of coal, from the time it isblssted from
the ground, hundreds of feet below the
surface, up to the point where it is sent
to market, ready fcr the use of the con
niMt. The. A-hitrfttare hmA in inftjtr-
eating day, and returned to their hotel
at o -.30 o clock grimy from coal dust
and tired after eight busy boors of ob
servation and investigation.
Tbe trip wa a novelty L most of
those in tbe commissioners' party,
some of whom never had been in the
bard coal regions. The commissioner
displayed the greatest intereat in every
feature of coal mining, and went about
their work In a manner that wa pleas
ing to behold. Tbe mining superin
tendents accompanied tbe commission
ers. Tbe seven arbitrators had to en
dure many discomforts, make their way
through wet place in the mine,
almost crawl along tome of the gang
ways in the workings, and pass through
clouds of coal dust in the breakers.
Notwithstanding this, their eagerness
for information waa not diminished,
and tbey expect to pot in another day's
work today in this vicinity.
It would be nnfiir to say that one
commissioner displayed more interest
than another, bat it can be truly said
that Bishop Spalding asked more ques
tion than any one of the other. He
was usually in the center of a group of
commissioners, and asked many ques
tions of those who are employed in and
about the mines.
All tbe commissioners were good lis
teners, but poor talkers, when it came
down to getting an expression from
them on any feature of the mining
business. From their action today, it
is cetain they have argeed not to say
what tbey think of tbe question that
will come before them. Several per
son approached one or another of the
commissioners during the dsy, merely
for tbe purpose of having him say what
be thought ol something be saw and in
each ease the inquirer waa rebuffed.
Yesterday's tour consisted of an in
spection of No. 2 mine of the Hillside
coal company, operated by tbe Erie
company, and tbe coal breaker of the
Delaware & Hudson company. The
former is located at Forest City, 22
milea north of this city, and the break
er at Carbondale. four mile south of
Forest City.
city Jones leads the congressional Republican claims are sustained, so far
itcket. He is over 300 ahead of the u the vote is counted.
Secretary Root hi approved the dis
appearing gun carriage in connection
.ith mna nf alx-lnch calibre, at well
a , mim
, ai those Ol larger uore. uu -"
was opposed to lti adoption.
on strike have
French coal miner
renewed their rioting.
Master of British dunboat Will Send De
tachment If Necessary.
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 4. Ihe Boxer
uprising in Sseohuan 1 causing great
alarm to foreigners, though (a plan of
campaign by which rescue is to be
effected, It necessary, ha been formed.
The master of a British gunhoat at
Klahlng, 860 mile below Chengtu,
sent a letter by the French commander,
laying that he would oume with a de
tachment of troops and a field gun, If
necessary. The correspondence further
states that the officials have been in-
fa-twmaui wlaa flAVaat Ititsttlfl tafairlnff
IUI UIVM snv swave ausvuu B a
concerted rising when the harvest is
over. Chengtu li to be the first at
tacked and then the smaller town.
New Destroyer Launched.
Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 4. The lake
submarine torpedo boat Protector was
successfully launched here today. The
Protector is designed for harbor defence
She It 60 feet long and ot 11 feet beam,
and baa a displacement of 66 tons sub
merged. Her power i electricity "when
submerged, and gasoline when cruising
awash. A trap door In her bow will
enable a diver to leave the boat for the
purpose of cutting cables or mine oon
mictions. Her builders believe the can
destroy the submarine defense! of any
harbor in tbe world.
To Study American Labor.
New York, Nov. 4. Alfred Mosley
arrived here today on the steamship
Campania. He said that the members
of the commission which he 1 bringing
from England to itudy the relation! of
capital and labor In the United State!
would all reach thii country in a few
day. A number of Kngimn journalists
came on the Campania to report the in
vestigation ai it proceed!. American
methods are aiousiug great interest In
Democratic candidate. Hadley, tor
juoge, leudsby 175.
Columbia County.
' Datyon, Nov. 6. All the Republican
congressional candidates have, won in
Columbia county, with majorities ap
proximating 200 each. For supreme
udge, Hadley has about zoo majority
Sixteen precincts are,
and only three to hear from. It i an
even break In tbe legislative race.
inn uaaajswai
Cowlltx County. With the exception of governor
Kalama. Nov. 5. Complete returns Republican will probably elect their
from four precintci in Cowllts county, eutire state tloket. The Republican
and Incomplete return from five more, have loet one and probably three mem-
. .... . . . . T ... J I ik 1?IfoL
i m.I 1 f tn thia AiaaMinn tf thai hAtul Af th nArR oi ranKrHRB. IjUUU. JU VI JO rillll.
Republican ticket by at least 50 ma or- is defeated by W. a. Wynne, tne union
itv. Van Name, the Democratic can- Labor candidate, and Gillette, in the
.ii.iaio lm atuu annatnr. la nrobablv First, and uoomos, in tne eecona, are
k inn malnrltv: Rhanman. running behind their ticket. The re-
rw,n,Mln itanri ilatn for TOnresenta- mainillK nve meiuurre ui cuugrow, wv,
tlve, may be elected by a narrow mar- according to present figures, Republi-
San Francisco, Nov. 6. -Returns aie
still scattering. Those at hsnd indi
cate that it Franklin K. Lane, the
Democratic nominee for governor,
maintains hi present gains, he will be
elected over Pierce, Rep., by a small
plurality. The Republican committee
has reduced its claim for Pardee lrom
10.000 to 5.000. Lane estimates his
malroity in San Francisco at 15,000
exception of governor, tne
two men run from an outbuilding, car- a. J. Kielon, ex-sheriff and tax col
rying something with them. Then it lector ot Lake county, who waa found
as that her suspicion was aroused, as guilty of defalcation in office by a jury
the wealth waa stored in that building, at the May term of court, has been
The robbers Jumped on their horses, sentenced to four years in thepeniten-
hich were near by, and tbe one that tiary and ordered to pay a (0,000 fine.
had been talking to her joined them, to cover the amount of defalcation
and the three rode hurriedly away,
Aa soon a ahe reached the Plaint
with the new, several ot the white
citisens of that place accompanied
Machell to his home to see if the story
was true, which was proved on their
arrival there. A score ot young In
diana started out to try to locate the
robbers, but no clew bas been found
Machell ia the wealthiest full-blood
Indian on the reservation. He bas
large herds of cattle and horses, and
was always known to have money, but
few people knew that he kept it at
home. It develops, however, that the chop, (17
old Iudian waa afraid to trust his .Oat No.
Walla Walla County.
Walla Walla. Nov. 6. ndlcations
point strongly to the election of the
entire Republican legislative ticket.
The Republican! lose the auditor and
one commissioner. Returns are com
ina In slowly, only 13 out ot the 26
New New York, Nov. 5. In ipite of
a nhenomenauv large voio in new
York and Kings county for Bird 8
Coler, Dem., the returns, as far aa re
ceived, indicate the re-election of lien
l.mln R. OHhII. Ren., to the s-overnor-
precincts of Waiiawaua county naving hl (NewYorkitftte b- i.ieo plur-
been heard from. The congreasionai (ity Coler's plurality In Greater New
vote gives the Republicans 250 majority. york exceeded 115,000, but even that
sufficient to over-
large vote wai not
the state. The vate on both candidate
inursion vuunij. ,.,., ,
-Thurston county P-LTJ
O.vmnia. Nov. 5
i i i . k. .; ( Ua
wlow!L ..!. .r DT in the county was lighter than that of
turn, from the 14 lamest oreoinct! give
the Republican congressional ticket
500 majority over the Democratic.
Okanogan County.
Spoxane, Nov. 5. Eleven precincts
out of 24 reporting in Okanogan county
show that the Republicans are carrying
tbe state ticket, with the Democrat!
breaking even on the county ticket and
leading on the legislative.
Butte. Mont., Nov. 5. Late return
from the various outlying counties In
dtcate the election ol the entire state
Republ lean ticket. Countiei heretofore
Democratic report Republican land
slides. Lewis and Clark county Repub
lican claim the election of six out ot
seven member! of the legislature.
A new ledge, with a gnod width and
ot a very rich quality of free milling
ore, haa been uncovered on tbe Lucky
Boy mine, in the Blue river district.
Strike at Several Mines la Renewed Upon
Orders from President MltebcIL
Haxleton, Pa., Nov. 1. The strike
at the seven collieries of Coxe Bros. &
Co., the four mines of U. B. Markle &
Co., and the Silver Brook operation of
J. 8. Went A Co., was officially re
newed today through an order issued
by District Secretary Gallagher, ot the
United Mineworkera, upon instructions
from President Mitchell. The strikers
at those mines were not permitted to
return to work in a body, the Coxes in
sisting that their employes make per
sonal application for their former posts,
and G. B. Markle A Co. requiring each
man before going back to work to
promise to abide by the decision of tbe
arbitration commission.. The mine-
workers allege that tbe object of these
requirements is discrimination against
men who were prominent In the strike.
The trouble at Silver Brook is similar
to that at Coxe Bios.
An appeal lias been taken to the su
preme court.
Wheat WallaWalla, 6870c; blue-
item 74976c; valley, 71c.
Barley Feed, (21.00 per ton; brew
ing, (22.00. ;
Floor Beit grade, 3.20(83.50; grah
am, (2.9033.20.
Millituffs Bran, (19.00 per ton;
middling, (23.60; short, (19.50;
1 white, (1.051.07),;
money in the bank, and kept it in an gray, (1.0231.05 per cental
old trunk
in an outbuilding at his
Hay Timothy, (10011; clover,
(7.60; cheat, (8 per ton
Potatoes Best Burbanki, 60970c
per sack ; ordinary, 50d65c per cental
grower' price; Merced sweets, (1.75
2 per cental.
Poultry Uhiciena, mixea, ss.oua
Commission to Spend Four Day More la
Various Coal Workings.
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 6. The mine 4.25; per ponrd, 10c; hens, (4(14.50 per
strike commissioner have gone to ldoien; per pound, 11c; springs, (3.00
Haxleton to spend tour days in further I (18.50 per doxen; fryer, (2.60(93.00
acquainting themtelve with the phys- broilers, (2.0092.60; ducks, (4.50(8
leaf feature! ol mining, iney naa not u.oo per aosen; turkey, young, iz
decided, up to the time of leaving, how aiSe: geeee, (6.00(96.50 per doxen
they would divide their time while in I Cheese Full cream, twins, 14X9
the middle and lower district. It15Kc; Young America, 15 9 17
wa definitely decided, though, that not factory price. 191)40 lea.
more than tour day would be devoted I Butter Fancy creamery, 30332 H
to the trip. Assistant Recorder Neill per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20
d22Xc; store, 16913
Egg 85930c per doaen
Hop New crop, 22925c per pound,
Wool-Valley, 13X9 16c; Eastern
Oregon, 8914Xoj mohair, 26928c.
Beef Grose, cows, saH per
was left behind to receive the mlneri'
statement from Prealdent Mitchell.
On Thursday it ia expected that the
operator' counter statement will be
presented. The commissioner will
then take a recess until Friday, No
vember 14, by which time the two pound; iteera, 4c; dressed, 697c.
parties will be expected to have com- Veal 7)fe98)iC.
pleted the preparation of their cases, Mutton Gross, So per pound
and to be ready to go on with tbe hear-1 dressed. 6c.
Ings. The commissioners will also de- Lamb Uross, 3)e per poud;
vote the interim to preparations for tbe dressed, OMO.
hearings by acquainting themslves with Hog Groat, 6)i96Xe par pound;
the details of the two statement. 1 dressed, 797),.
The New Monitor Wyoming.
Washington, Nov. 1. A telegram
received at the navy department from
Captain Dickens, at the Mare Island
navy yard, contains the following re
port of yesterday' trial of the mon
itor Wyoming:
The two hoars' full ipeed trial of
the Wyoming in the open sea was suc
cessfully completed today. The mean
revolutions for the two hour were
201.3. Thi corresponds to a speed of
11.8 knot. The general behavior of
the ship In moderate sea and breese
waa satisfactory."
Wrecked by Runaway Cars.
Oxford, O., Nov. 1. The expresa for
Chicago over the Cincinnati, Hamilton
A Dayton and the Monon route collid
ed with two runaway freight cars here
last night, wrecking the engine, bag
gage and mail cars. The fireman and
two tramps were killed. The wrecked
cars were burned. No passenger were
hurt, although they were badly shaken
up. The freight cars were detached
from a train that took tbe siding here
to allow the Chicago express to pass,
and were not noticed by the freight
crew until too lote.
Big Forest Fire.
Missoula, Mont., Nov. 1. The Rocky
mountain division headquarter of the
Northern Pacific railroad hai been in
formed through private message that
an immense forest fire is raging across
tbe river from the Flathead reservation.
The flame 'are spreading unchecked,
and million of feet of the finest timber
in this part of the state are being de
stroyed. It is believed that only a
heavy rain or snowfall will serve to
quench the fire.
Paper Factory Burned.
Minneapolis, JNov. 1. Six firemen
were Injured at midnight In a fire that
entailed a damage estimated at (260,
000. The six-story factoryjbuilding oc
cupied by the Minneapolis paper com
pany, and owned by J. C. Oswald A
Co., wa gutted. The stock ot the
paper company, known also a Wright,
Barrett A Btillwell, wa consumed.
The content aie said tobav
(300,000 In value.