The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 30, 1902, Image 1

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KO. 33.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
nt Happenings of the Paat Wood,
presented la Condensed For, Moot
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Reader.
Negotiathma for Culmn reciprocity
wilt bo remiwml by Berury Hey.
Governor Yatee, til tlllnnla, I uffer
Ing from in attack ul typhoid favor.
Two of tho largest anthracite coal
romptiitut la Pennsylvania are to eon
olltUW). .
flio Alaska Mlmon Peck vliowi on
InoroftM of 400.000 casn ovar tlit of
I out your.
A for a In, the evidence In tlio
Mollueux com look very bod for the
Another man ha been rrested for
holding op tho Northern Pacific train
in Montana.
W. J. IliYan'e sixm UI train collided
with height In Colorado, and threo
people woro Injured.
Tho cholera death rate In tho Philip
pine la constantly going higher. At
present 75 per cent ol Uio can prove
Colombla'a delay In presenting
canal nolo i probably duo to lie being
Amtvlran activity at
Panama. :
Tho business man who la contented
with hta busliws ha otnppwl growing
The man who toy be ha boiii
nongh, therefore haa no need to advor
tim. haa reached tho fall flood of tho
tldo. But after the flood la tho ebb
alaav. It la a law of nature that
nothing ahall remain In auto of rest.
Everything growa, or It deeaye. No
hnalne can remain at a standstill for
any eonaldorablo time. Printers Ink
Wn Tina- Fang. Chinese minister to
tho United titatee, baa been local led
A flot over nonunion labor at Chi
cago reaulted in Injurie to aovon men
A wool Ih v Quincy. Illinola, farmer
baa been arretted for the murder of bla
daughter'a aultor.
The chief of the naval ordanco Korean
report in favor of sacrificing speed for
armament In tho construction of bat-
President HU1. of tlio Great Northen
In a aoMwh tc Montana farmer, aa
hl niai woold make another cut in
freight ratoa aoon.
A Northen Pacific special agent haa
ofpread hi doubt of the man ar
Mated for holding up a train In Moo-
Una a few daya ago being the right one
Old Monumeata Located aa Indicated oy
Aaglo-Russlea Treaty.
Seattlo, Oct. 30. Advice were re-
oelvod (Km Juneau on tho I learner Dol
phin, which arrived today, that tho
miming Kuaalan boundary monumenU,
wbith have been ao energetically
aearched for by Lieutenant Emmona for
tho paat two aeaaona, have been dlacov-
ared by a prospector of the Porcupine
dlatrict named Jams II. do lilondean
lie la a native of Marwlllea, Franco,
but bo haa been Interested in the Por
ouidno dlatrict and tho modua vlvendl
tlip for several yeara. Through Ilia
friendship with the Chllkat Indiana he
gainoil Information which gave mm i
clow to tho Doaition ol the first moon
ment. From thla aUrt ho followed
along and discovered several more of
the old landmark put up year ago by
tho caar'a follower. The lino marked
hv these monumenta (a about five min
ulna inland from I'leananl camp, which
la 17 mllea from Klukwon. The latter
la five mllea from tidewater, on the
Chllkat river. Thla make the Russian
euivey lino approiimately 27 mile In
and to the Summit laa than lu ma
rino league, and junt where It would
be expected to be from the languaKe
used in the Anglo-Russian treaty of
182S. Tho Kalny llollow dUtrlct
within American territory.
Commercial and Financial Happe nlnge of
tba Paat Week-Brief Review of tba
OrowUi and Development of Various
IndeatriM Throughout Our Cooimoo-wealth-Latest
Market Report.
Governor Gear la making a tour of
the oaetern part of the eta to.
Judge Gray, a prominent citizen of
Atorla, and a native of Oregon, ia
dead. He waa 03 yeara lod.
Tbo merchantable lumber of
Anthracite Coal Strike Commie Ion Hold
Short SeaakMl-Work Outlined.
Waahington, Oct. 28.-Tbo anthra
cite coal atrike commission yesterday in
the bearing room of the interstate com
merce commission beld Hi first confer
ence with partle to the rontroveray
in tho anthracite region. There waa
full representation of both operator
and minora and member of tbo preaa,
and a number of other Interested partita
were present. Tbo com m la ion occu
pied the elevated eeat generally filled
Aa Immcaa Hole waa Ton la to HuH of
the Former and She Sank Twenty
Passenger Aboard, bat AH Escaped
Court of Inquiry Will be Neceseary to
Place the Blame.
Souther Portion Reported In a Terrible
state of Lawlessness.
Tacoma. Oct. 30, "It will take 100
yeara or more of hard wnrk and the ea
wnditnro of hundred of Ihouaanda of
dollar to civilize Houthern China.'
Thla atatement t made by Henry W
IlunUell, Methodist Kplacopal mia-
alonary. aeot out by the Chinese mis-
Ion two yeara ago to the t noaong ata
tlon in Southern China. He la now on
bla way back to Chicago on account of
111 hoaltb.
"In Southern China murder ia aa
frequent a meala, and it U ealled cue
torn inatead of crime. Natlvea have
little or no moral lawa. There ia mar
riage law, bnt it ia only for prctction
of male Inhabitants A Southern Chi-
wee woman, once married to a man,
can never deeert him. A man ran have
a many wivea aa he likea.
Slave traffic la rampant in an paria
of tho routberu province. fathera
dlnpoao of (heir daughter and wivea in
the aamo manner aa in una oouniry we
difiMHM of liveto k. NotwIthiiUndlng
condition, within three year alnco our
miaaion waa openei we have made 2S0
convert. We have established two
chonl, and oar meeting are well at
Caacade loroat rencrvo ia estimated at
60,000,000,000 feet, txrd nxiaiure.
The aaametit valuation of Marion
county haa increaoeil 4 pur cent during
the paat year, acconlinj! to me aawweor.
Konator MiUhell haa departed for
WabinaUn. where be wilt take up bia
lalxir prir to the opening of congre,
The Willamette river i "changing Ita
eounse at Halt'm and thrcatena to leave
that city high and dry onleaa Up are
taken to top It.
Men under governmental aupervlaion
have beon doing considerable dyuault-
Ing In the Willamette near Inilepeoxl
en the pl week. everal largo
anaga and bouldera were dUlodged,
making the onoer river tranaportatlon
much aaler than last winter, when two
or three ateamer wore aunk by running
Into aubmorged anaga.
Tacoma. Oct. 30. Tbo well known
by membera of the interstate commerce stern wheel ateamer CapiUl City, Cap-
commliwU ii, Judge Gray, aa preaident, tain Edwarda, operating between
occupying the center. Prcaident liaer Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle, and the
tendered the commission a special train an,u Canadian freighter Trailer, tap.
which, was declined, the member ue tain fi. Partem, which waa en route
the cldina to ask or accent no favora. (rom Bteveston. B. C. to Tacoma with
The commlasion m4 at 2 P. M. Mr. a cargo of canned dog-flsb salmon for
Mitchell, president ol the United Mine- export on the ateamer Tremont, collide
worker, Walter Edward Wehl and Die- od about 6:30 last evening off Dash
trlct President Fabay appeared for the point, threo qoartera of a mile part
minora, and the cot I carrying road I Brown point, toward Robinson'
were repreaenUMl a folios: Preaident point. The Capital City waa rank
Rier. of tbo Philadelphia & Heading; So one waa aerioualy Injured, althougb
K. B. Thomaa, chairman of the board Uie CapiUl City had about 20 pae-
of the l'ennaylvania coal company ana eengere aboard.
Hillsdale coal and iron company; Ai- An immense hole waa torn in tbe
(red Walter, preaident of the Uhigh hnrnwheeler' bull, on the port ido,
Valley; W. II. Truealale, president of just abaft of the forward companlon-
the Delaware. Lackawana Western;
David Wilcos. U preaident ol the
Delaware A Hudaon; John B. Merr,
ie nresident of the Bcratiton coal
way. She tilled rapidly, and had tm re
ly time to run for the beach, where
ahe aank. It waa within a couple of
hours of low tide when tbe miehap oc-
Rtport of Attorney OcneraJ Knox Saya
Panama CaaaJ May be Sold.
Washington. Oct. 28. "Tbe title to
tbo Panama canal ia valid," la tbe gist
of tbo report to Preaident Booaovelt by
Attorney Central Knox on bia Inveeti
fation of tbo offer of tho Pautma com
pany. Tbe next step, on tbo part of
tbe United States, will bo to negotiate
and ratify a treaty giving to it tbo
right demanded under tbo canal legis
lation of last aeseion. President Booao-
volt will do everything in bia power to
eeenre tbo completion of ouch a treaty
in time for presentation to congress at
tbe coming abort session, aa he believe
ample time intervene for eccomplieh-
ing thla object. Should the Colombian
government delay or decline to accede
to tho condition! laid down by congree,
thereby causing a postponement until
the first eeMion of tbe Fifty-eigtb con
greet, there ia a possibility that tbe
preaident will again take nnder consid
oration tbe construction of tbe canal
over tbo Nicaraguan route. Tbe opin
ion prevaila bore, however, that i
treaty of satisfactory character will be
negotiated, and that tbo first step
looking to the construction of a canal
will be undertaken early next year.
tirely to a dicnmlon of the time and
method of proceeding with the pro
mend investigation. The commission
Tbo Willamette Valley Prune aso- aoridod to begin it work next Thura-
ciatlon, of Salem, la ahipplng three ()ay morning at 9 o'clock, the first daya
company and r.miiM enai aim iron curred, and the alter wp oi uie lapiiai
oomplany; J. II. Torrey, attorney for City'a house aft waa barely out of
the Lehigh valley company. water, her paddle wheel entirely out ot
Tbe proceedings covered about two sight. Forward tbo main deck waa
boors' time, and were given op en-lclear. At high tide only the Texas i
waa out of water.
The Trader's stem waa torn off and a
bole gouged in ber bow above the
water line. Slie made port in aatety.
A court of inquiry will be neceaoary
carloads of unities a day and 1 Operat- l,,!i,,H(in tn ha devoted to a I tn iWarmin hlame for tho accident.
. ' . . i . I " l . . I I t i .: . - ., . -,
Ing iU packing house nay aim nigni. physical examination of tho miner aua The captain of the Trader cUim that gene description aosner w uiu
All prune are slilprxnl in boxes bearing
the association braud. Salea are being
made on the basis prico of 2 centa
for the four aire in ban and a ball
cent more for fruit in 25-ponnd boxe
Judge Burnett ha rendered a de
cision which seems to be very weeplng
tn it effict and which will prevent
hopbuyera from recovering possession
of boa covered by tbo ordinary con
tract. Tbe uecialon is to me eneci ioi
the contract ia a mortgage and that the
grower can discharge it by paying the
monev advanced to him, with interest
Tba Bobbers Take Their Time, While Pals
Keep Off Intruders.
Dea Molne. I., Oct. 30. At Prairie
. . . . - . ...i li. City, early thl morning, robber dym
President Koowvou ceie0r. .... -. . . . , . g. Unk
4tb birthday wow ' "7' and aecurod an amount approximating
tbo day attending to hla customary do oxchanged a fualllade
lb. Many mossage oi ooi gra..n. lnd
wero received. kum Watchman Krsklne discovered
A Louiaian train waa wrecked by four men approaching the bank at 1
rnnntne Into a drove of cattle. The o'clock. One of tbe men cornered him
engineer and a tramp were killed and im kept him covered with ride for
tho fireman fatally Iniureu. none oi three hours, While another oroao open
tba passenger were hurt.
A Wyoming woman haa been arroat-
d for having four husbanda.
Tbo Are relief fund raiaed In Wah
Ington amount to a little, ovor 15,000,
Minister Henry L. Wlloon decline
to be translorred from OhiU to Greece
Dr. Woodrow Wllion baa been lorm
the homes of tbo minera, atarting in
the vicinity of Scranton. The entire
anthracite field will be covered. There
waa much discussion over a proposition
made by the commission to have oxpert
ho tignaled twice to pass tbe CapiUl
City on tbe starboard aide. Tbe first
whistle waa not answered, but tbe
second waa responded to with tbe star
board signal. Tbe next thing be knew
acconntanta appointed to audit tne the Capital City attempted to cross bis dined to toop .and wore when arrested
eiatemenui oi wages sou cnmuuuii oovs. ine captain oi too ipiuu wi;
of minera to be made by tbe operators Mra be did not aee the trader. Tbo
for use of the commission, but no do-1 night waa perfectly clear.
Hon have reached 25 cent at Salem
and a good many aalea are now looked
claion waa reached on thia point beyond
tbe announcement by the chairman ol
tbe commission' intention to appoint
such an accountant in case bia services
should bo found necessary
Jndeo Gray, the preaident of the
commission, read the order of the pres
ident creating tbo con. mission, and tn
general way outlined the procedure to
t followed from the presentation of
Three hundred goata were shipped to the issues. He stated that in accord
Montana from Monmouth fow day anco with the immemorial practice
I n i i 1 .v..
sen. among tnniiBii guessing ucuuiot, u
enmmiiwion would nrsi receive me
Two new steamers, one for tbe , . jn.i. nr th miners.
. - . I omuaurout Wl xawMww -
Columbia river and one wr rugei sounu mhQ wvn to ei for tbe pur
are being built in rortianu. . tlli. M the prosecutor,
, i- .-..i.ii- k. The renlv of the other side woold then
n. Hnnth.KBiiv sawmui ai oniiur "v i -
mill In .mint nn h the first of the It a definite Issue,
year. It will have a capacity of 250,
000 feet of lumber per day.
id, in order
Chinese Steward oa Qovcnunent Vessel
Charged with Smuggling.
Seattle, Oct. 30. Eighty pound of
cpium, which a Chinese atewird on
the coast aurvey ateamer uedney will
be charged with attempting to smuggle
(rom Victoria to Seattle, waa seised
aboard tbe cutter by customs Inspectors
today. Eight parcels, worth in the ag
gresate $1,024. were fouod in tbo
steward's department. Gong Gee, tbo
steward, is in tbe county jail awaiting
trial for attempting to smuggle a coon
tryman between tbe aame point on
the same voyage. A strange feature ia
tatted States Now Asked to Pay 110,-
000,000 The Old Ft gore $7,000,000
Waste Yearly Payment of (600,000
to Begla at One, Instead of Waiting
14 Years Ncgotletlofls Not Closed.
Washington, Oct. 29. Tho long ex
pected response of the Colombian gov
ernment to tbe proposition made by the
state department for tho negotiation
for a canal treaty on tbo lines of tho
Spooner act has reached Washington,
and waa presented to tbe state depart
ment by Mr. Her ran, secretary of tbo
Colombian legation. It 1 difficult to
learn tbe exact nature of this commun
ication, but it is known that it ia not
altogether an unqualified acceptance of
the stat) department proposition. It
is. however, friendly and dignified in
tone, and does not close the negotia
tions by any mean, though it unques
tionably acta back the date of final
agreement by opening op new topics
for argument.
For one thing, the Colombian govern
ment is now entirely dissatisfied with
the small amount of the payment to bo
made to it by tbe United Statee under
tbo terms of the protocol, which it ia
proposed to use aa the basis for the
treaty. Thia sum is $7,000,000.
Colombia wants at least $10,000,000.
Moreover, tbe original proposal looked
to await 14 yeara before beginning the
payment of annual rental, tbe amount
of which waa to be fixed then by mut
ual agreement. Colombia now ask tbe
Coiled States to agree at :nce upon a
lump yearly payment of (600,000,
which will largely increase tho imme
diate cost of the enterprise. Tbe
Colombian government clings to its
contention that it baa no const ituiional
authority to alienate any Colombian
territory, and reiterate that tbo beet it
can do to meet tbe language of tbe
n i 1 . . 1 . , ,
-i. i.k ,A . .ii., lit. opoonor act. wnicn looaa . to perpetnai
a " v - - . K. .k. rriti c.. k.
tie cap of blue color, and bad two 46- " v..
r-i... ...... M.I canal atrip, is to make a 100-veer
He acknowledges he waa at Uoid 2ZZ
n i ,i u. ,1,. v.i j i uniteu states at too upirauuu vi uiv
nr. .rvt nv. ha la a tie maker looking finft Century.
Maa Who la Believed to Have Held Up the
TraJa la Mob Una la Captured.
Missoula, Mont., Oct. 28. Deputy
Sheriff W. W. McCormick arrested
near Bonita today a man believed to be
tbe individual who, single-handed, b id
up the North Coast Limited passenger
train and murdered Engineer O'Neill
near Bear mouth. Tbe man'a size and
the robber. He givea tbe name of
Alfred Vanbazendoct, and at timea tries
to talk with German accent and, again
uses plain English. He i of medium
statue, has heavy shoulders and ia in
for. em ploy ment and "that ho waa en
route to Missoula when be passed
through Gold Creek. Ho explains bia
alownesa in getting over the ground and
hianot being aeon all day yesterday
along tbo road from Gold Creek to
Missoula by stating that he missed bis
road abortly after leaving Gold Creek
and bad to retrace bis steps. Tbe
officer discredit the man'a story.
:xjiu-ivciit nawiuut ..-!. i - - i tne smuggler s uuoi urrvo iu Dviwkiuii a
The company hopes to have the that tne commission mignt u. overnroent veMe, for m vehicle with
s . it i is et inn nun iaatin i . .
Washington Court Decides Tbey Cannot
Become American Citizens.
Olympla, Oct. 28
Ocologlcal Sunrey Says the Field Equals
, Russiaa District In Size.
Washington, Oct. 29. The Texas-
Louisiana oil field ia discussed exhaust
ively in a report of the United States
geological survey. The existence of
petroleum in tbe Gulf Coast Plain,
which extends inland for 100 miles,
baa been known as far back aa 1860.
Tbe report says the extreme porosity
of Spindle-Top oil rock fa vera tbe
storage of a very large volume of oil
and a very rapid yield when tbe reser
voir is tapped. Bot it also favora the
which to carry on his Illegal practice. wort ln , declgioll jnded down today, early exhaoaUon of the oil in the pool,
the bank door and worked on tho fa fee.
The other two men patrolled the street,
and by a system of signals were able
to hold at bar several citizens attracted
to tho eoeoe. Five dynamite shots
were fired by tho man In tbo bank be
fore be aucceeded In gutting at the cash
box. At 4 o'clock the men escaped,
alter firing a number ol shot 'to terrify
the citizen and shooting through
ally installed aa preaident ol Princeton door at rakIM wn0 had opened fire,
a Tinnsmnlr. 01.. nonstable waa
lain by thogs becaoet ho had run them
out of town.
a rank Norrla. a well known novelist,
died at flan Francisco (rom the effect of
an operation
Rninr Hanna aava hi purpose in
A posse waa quickly formed and la now
on the trail.
Oregon ha a most promising copper
district In a section little known.
This Is the Imnaha. on tho Snake river,
not far from where the Seven Devils la
located on the opposite aide. A yet
litis development ha been done.
Tbe recent rains throughout the Wil
lamette valley have enabled Itlie farm
or to push the work of fall seeding.
All fruit la picked and other fall work
oyer and a few daya more of good
weather will enable tho farmer to fin
ish seeding.
Trlutera of Oregon City have formed
a onion.
Tho Necanlcum spruce lumber com
Tennewe Will be a Powerful, Inatead of
a Fast Boat.
Washington, Oct. 80. Acting Socio-
settled tho question
Demand an Advance ot 5 Cents an Hon
or a Strike WUI be Ordered.
Chicago. Oct. 29. Grand Master
Morrlasey. of the Brotherhood of Rail-
way Trainmen, and Vice Urana Master
W. G. Lee, have arrived at unicago to
look after the interesta of tho7,ouu
yardmen employed in the Chicago dis
trict, who havo presented a demand to
the railroads for an increase oi o cenis
an hour. The railroads have been not
ifled that an answer is expected oy next
. . a . r l
The action taken oy tne wucago
vardmen is said to be the first step in
th movement wbicn itariea in iism
lnirtr asm l Rw1 Stf snlnh
"... . . . . . a I rriaj q,.!.. ipla J -
tative of the Uelestiai te aay mat oong i a citizen oi zoe vmwu brfng aand are reported from some ol
bee wanted bia enecta tnrown oyer- point came up directly in tbe matter oi .ha walla on Rnindle-Ton. and hade of
board. Thia gave the offioera a cue to the Emission of a young Japanese gypsum and of aalt from othera. The
search for opium. ,.. ,h, v,aP n, tM. ,t,i.. Taknii eonclueion is reached with regard to the
Contraband Chinamen Have Been
Conveyed from Mexico. .
El Paso, Tex., Oct. 30. What ap
pears to be a gigantic smuggling con
spiracy for conveying contraband China
men from Mexico to California nas
jnat come to light here. For tho past
sis months a ball dozen united tetee
marshals and secret service men have
Yamashit. of Seattle, paaed a very
creditable examination for admission to
the bar in thq examinations last May,
bot the law making citizenship a qua!
ideation for admission to the bar of
thia abate ia very plain and is undis
puted. The main point in .the case
which waa presented to the Bupreme
court in tho form of briefs was whether
haan wnrklne on the case, but the facta
City last June, when tho chairmen on , Kma hiln todav. It seems
pany, of Seaside, la making some ex- the scale committe of ail aystems, rep- ,n(lt tJ)e chinamen have been stowed
tensive Improvement to ita plant. resenting both the Brotherhood -My in box car of outgoing freight
k mainrltv nf the Lewis and Clark Railway Trainmen and tbe uiuer Mtrainaand carried as far West as tbe
1.1. .llMnr. favor a snec al session of Kallroau conuuciors, met iu
.k. i..i.i.tnM n make an annronrla- aion and decided to demand
f" i.A..nn.uin T),. hel leva Increase in waaea for all
J m. 1.1 h. don. at once in order to both organizations. The question was
Senator Hanna aaya nia purpos- .,., piling haa
nolltlcs Is to esUbllsb uetter reiatiuus () nin.t.c.
between labor and capital. rA relative to tho proposed
Major General Corbln and Young armored cruiser Tennessee, by accept-
... kn.. isi Enrotie. where mey ing tbe lecommenuation oi too muion
have boon impacting foreign armies. , ty of the board, which la in favor of
.n.i.n.i I. becoming alarmed at the t ,n"Ti 0 ' " 'TJ'. 1"" .T
?i , ." .i.. i-i-h ciaion waa innuonceu, pernaps, vj nu-
fV,,ta".",!?n!Bta ',., miral Melville himself, who assured the
Bhlpmantaofarmitotbe Island have .Uy
been prohibltoa. , though ahort in speed, would
Tkm neranna were seriously and a aive tlio government a most formidable
groat many other slightly injured a and desirable warship. Therefore, by
the reult 01 an expioioii u u .-r.- , direction oi mr. zaruug, nuuija aht
inU subway ol New York. oate General Umly today aont out ad
vertisement caning lor proposals lor
j..-. tt.. ..m. in iu minimum -- ----i---
Older of
joint ses
a general
members of
California line.
For these services the Chinese agent
is said to have paid 1100 for each man
smuggled to Tucson and $150 for each
let the other state havo an opportunity submitted to a referendum vote of the owj (0 YvttM u WM sported
to see what wo havo done in the matter membership of both organizations, and today that certain trainmen bad been
.mi allow them to act accordingly. mis voio u 1 discharged lor participation in me con-
w..v. - - - , . !. tk. ..1 . nnln tn nrtW . a
sniracv. but this report naa not oeen
verified. " "
of tho Tennossee class ot about 14,600
tona displacement, tho bida to be open
ti.a miImf Olvmoia I being oe- ed January o, ivua. ine conitructma
..ii .. tKo Nv York navy yard for board now will perfect tbe plans for
lack of a aupply ol coal
nnu.rnnr fitona. ol Pennsylvania,
haa Issued a general order withdrawing
the troop from the coal flelda.
Tho coal strike arbitration comml
elnn haa perfected an organiaatlon
Judge Gray wa chossn chairman.
Tf ti.a tiMn announced that H. R.
two amall
gunboats to be advertised
For Chin Trad.
Chicago, Oct. 30. The Record-Her
aid tomorrow will aay: The manage
ment of the Harriman line I prepar
ing to make a vigorous campaign for
increased Oriental traffic, with this
end in view, orders will be given lor
Mtckerson, loe president and general the construction of four mammoth
m.n.unr of the Mexican uenirai ran- owiau vi
ro.rha.boenoC The cost
12 P.lfl. of the steamer, will bo between $2,-
000,000 and $3,000,000 each, and con-
the Southern Paclflo,
All mambera of the New York build
li trut.s threaten to BO on strike,
Seventy-five thousand men are Involved.
ni .ra tn he nlacod at once for
struotlon will begin at once.
Qot th Wrong Man,
Butte. Mont , Oct. 30. A special to
the manufacture of the new three-inch the Miner from Missoula says that Van.
euna to auoolv the field artillery. It hazendoct, who was held on nisplolon
of being the lone bandit who beld up
the North Coast Limited on tbe nortiv
em Paclflo at Bearmouth last week,
haa been released by the authorities.
Trainmen who confronted the prisoner
9 a a. I iI.a afdilino
to bolldlnga along tne wawr iron. lwww
will require 180.
nn nf the worst atormi that ever
..mwi in tha Rnhrlna sea raked the
from October 11 to 14
Three Uvea wars lost in the Nome
Wheat WallaWalla, 8768cj blue-
item 7374o; valley, 87e.
Barley Feed, $21.00 per ton-, brew
ing, $22.00.
Flour Best grade, 3.20(83.60; grah
am, $S03.20.
Mlllstuffi Bran, 10.00 per ton-,
middlings, $23.60j shorts, $19.50;
chop, 117. .
Oata No. i wnive, j,.uoiai.i n
gray, $1.021.05 per cental.
Hay Tlmoiny, fiuigii, oiuor,
7 K0; ebeat. 18 per ton.
Potatoes Beit Burbanka, 60070c
per sack j ordinary, 6055c per cental,
growera' price; Merced aweeti, 1.76(i
1 nor Rental.
Pnnltrv Chtckona, mixed, 13.50
4.25 ; per pourd, 10c ; hen, $4(94.60 per
dosen; per pound, 11c j springs, $3.00
93.50 per doren; iryera, x.ou(;
broilers, $2.00 2.60; ducks, $4.50(9
ft dO er dozen; turkeys, young, iai
9it. h. 16.00(98.60 per dozen
dhMM- sun oream, twins, itstvs
16XCJ Tfoung America, 10 (9X17
factory prices, ll)4'o lea.
ztutter Dancy creamery, ziiaow
por pound; extras, ouej u.rj,
9200J store, lxtaio.
Egg 269S0o per dozen.
Hops Now erop, 2225o per pound.
Wool-Valley, 12K15o; Eastern
Oregon, 814Xo; mohair, 2828o.
Beef Gross, cow, 83Ko per
pound; steeri, 4c j dressed, 67o.
Mutton Grow, So per pound;
dressed, 6o. ',,'" 4
Lambs Gross, 3Ho per pound;
dressed, 6Xc ... ,
Hog Grou, 6a8Ko per pound;
dmd, 737.o.
this vote la not all in yet. About
three-fourths rf the entire vote I now
in the hands of the executive officer of
both organizations, and the remainder
is expected before November 1. The
Chicago district of the switchmen is,
separate, and the vote was
almost unanimous In favor ol demand
ing the Increase.
rwn a. il.i At.. -
native of Japan could become a citi- iU8 reP" - lu" " 'VV
sen of the United Statee, and whether T T T.i. T? .L
the auperior court of Pierce county act- "h, have examined the field is that the
ed within ita jurisdiction in granting f11 & J! n?1 : P
naturalisation paper, to Yamaahta. duc,0 f', i T1"!8 "Jj A"? '.V
point cover a u""u""' "." " "
gvrvsv. muiivatiug vsa vu m wuiurottiaii
basis. , Its value aa a source of asphalt
and as a gas oil are aa yet undeter
mined. The experiment seem to
establish both Ita availability and ita
economy as a generator of steam.
Whether the Beaumont petroleum may
be successfully used in metallurgical
processes is not yet settled.
Tbe decision on tbl point covers a
matter on which it is said there is no
recent decision by any court, and it
therefore becomes a matter of wide in
Minera are Now at Work, and Can Take
Care of Themaelvca.
New York. Oct. 29. Daniol 8. Ja-
cobs, chairman of the miners' defense
fnnd committee 0! tne uentrai reari
ed union, said, at a meeting of that
hodv todav. that a tbe striae oi tne
anthracite miners had been declared off
the committee did not think it neces
sary to lew any further contributions
tor the miners.
For Puget Sound Navy Yard.
Washington, Oct. 29. In hi annual
report tho chief of ordnance recom
mend that an appropriation be made
for erecting an ordance workshop at
thn Piiffst sound navy yard, also
storehouse for gnni. Fifty thousand
dollars appropriated last session for
ordnance machinery 1 asked for Imme
diate use in commencing work on in
workshop. Negotiations are in pro
gross looking to acquisition of a site on
Dye's inlet for a navai magazine.
Sharp Naval Battle Promised.
Colon, Oct. 29. The safe arrival of
the Colombian cruiser Uogota at rana
ma promises a sharp naval engagement
in isthmian waters very snoruy, as
American gunner are on board both
fleets. The government hopei are
now wintered in the career ol the
America Now Understands How and Why
It Lost the Samoaa Case. -
Washington, Oct. 30. The offlciala
here find an ample explanation of tbe
adverse decision of King Oscar in the
matter of the Samoan claims in . the
statement that copies from Stockholm
to the effect that the king' decision
was influenced by three jurists, one of
whom was M. Cedarkrana, at one time
chief instlce of Samoa. It la stated
that while filling that important poet
M Cedarkrana came into Ireqnent ooi
liaion with Judge Chambers, the Amer
lean land commissioner, who afterwards
succeeded Cedarkrana aa chief justice
and it ia believed that the personal ill
feeling that followed undoubtedly. In
ftuenced the character of the advice given
to King Oscar. :
s " "
Korea Break Pacific Record.
San Francisco. Oct. 30. Tho Pacific
mail oompany'a new ateamer Korea a
rived at noon today from Yokohama
breaking the record across the Pacinc,
The ateamer made no stop between: the
coast of Japan and ber home port, and
came flying through the water at the
average oi nearly ouo miles a aay.
Yokohama, in a direct line to can
Francisco, Is 4,700 miles, The Korea
made the passage in 10 days, averaging
470 miles a day.
Spindle-Top field that the rock contains
about one-fourth of ita volume of oil.
Even if the estimate ia one barrel ob
tained for - every 26 cubic feet for
Spindle Top, and a little less for other
fields, there shsuld be a yield equal to
the Baku fields in Russia, and a much
greater output than that for all ol the
other American fields.
Recorder la Added to Coal Strike Peace
Commission Both Skies Agree,
Washington, Oct. 23. At the request
ot the members of the anthracite coal
strike commisaion, and with the assent
of both the operator and miner, Pres
ident Roosevelt ha appointed Carroll
D. Wright, recorder of the commis
sion, a member of that body. Mr,
Wright has accepted tbe appointment,
Mr. Wright, as recorder ot tbe com
mission, baa received replies from moat
of the coat mine owners who are parties
to the controversy, indicating their ac-
Reject Treaty Offered by United States.
. . . and Makes Counter Proposal.
Havana, Oct. 29. The represent
ative here of the Associated Presa haa
learned from official source that the
proposed treaty between the United
States and Cuba was returned to Wash
ington by mail last Saturday. With
the treaty was sent a counter proposi
tion by the government of Cuba to
that of the United Mate, the nature ol
... , .l. lusi VI ,uq vuimi Dinim. tiro uun ul
ceptanee ofthe invitation . of the com- fc '
mission to attend thej l be etood that President Pal ma, In a letter
1.I1 Ssvm ia iiwwadii m rrrnn l n n ntinn
UUAU IUI bUU yJkl pVUV VI ' "Usaj uae
plana for the hearings to be given by
the commisaion, and also a reply from
Mr. Mitchell, saying he would be rep
resented at the meeting.
Cubans Up In Arms.
Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 28. The
International Brotherhood league sent
to New York by the steamer Orizaba
today 20 children, whose destination is
the league school at Ban Diego, uai.
The representative of the league offer
to educate free an unlimited number of
intelligent children. Their operations
are being opposed by tbe Cuban press,
the Catholic church and Protestant
missionaries, who declare tbe league is
making proselyte to Buddhism.
New Torpedo Boat to bo Tested.
; San Francisco, Oct. 28. The sub
marine torpedo boat Grampus, recently
built at tbe Union iron worka, ia in
drydock here being made ready for her
official trial on tbe bay. This will in
dude not only the submarine trip, but
a cruise ol some distance, with perhaps
aent with the treaty, says the accept
ance of the propositions made by the
United States would be ruinous to
Cuba, ai it would result in a large re
duotion ol the customs revenue of the
Mr. Elizabeth Stanton Dead.
New York, Oct. 29. Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, the well known woman auf
fragiat, died today at her home in West
Ninety-fourth street, in thl city. Old
age was given aa the cause ol death.
She was conscious almost to the last.
About a week ago Mra. Stanton began
to fail rapidly. This became more
noticeable last week, and then it was
known to the family that ber death
waa only a question of days or hours.
She wai born In 1815.
Entire Freight Train Burned. j
La Porte. Tex.. Oct. 30. An engine
spaik today started a small prairie fire,
. . . . , . i i tt,
A imihiii min iiiiifiwiiiv i. ii imi ...v , m vftuanv w. wuaw w.hw.vwv ... r r ,
blase and cotton on a flat car waa ignltr a teat of her efficiency in approaching a wracked and iron was thrown for mllea
ed. The entire train waa burned. vessel unaware. arouna.
Explosion of 600 Keg of Powder.
Fairmount, W. Va., Oct. 29. The
Fairmoont powder worka, located 18
miles from this city, waa damaged to
the extent of $30,000 by the explosion
ot 600 kegs ot powder. No one waa in
jured. The machinery waa completely