The HlLLSBga IIILLSHOUO, OHEGON, TIIUKSDAY, SEPTEMHEU 18, 1902. NO. 2T. VOL. IX. 7 EVENTS OF THE DAY HliLP TO I KIMT I IRI!. (UTIII'KED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Cemprchctlv Review of the Import- . ant Happening rf th Peat Week, I'ntMatnl In Condensed form, Moat Likely hi Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. , Danger from forest flrua In Oregon and Washington ia now over. Hakr llmidurson decllnoa to accept the nomination lor emigre In Iowa. Nlchol Flali, a well known New York banker, met doath In a mysterl one manner. I'ennnylvanla coal operator helil a omiferemie, but took nu action toward inline stiike. Mr. Waggoner, th woman who dis covered Morrill' body, haa eloped with tha convict' brother. St. Loui authorities tr hiving much trouble with packers on account of had meat being placed on the market. The government will supply men to light loreet Bret in Colorado and wy Oinliig, hr It haa got beyond til control. The Fremh murine minister msde a mutational tt-h in which he ills- Ginned the renulU ol poasibi waft with (ierumny, Italy tnd r.nglaiid. llockport, tmall town In Kentucky, i in the hand of a drunken mob Citiwna are afraid to ak lor outside aid tor tear the mob may burn the town. Oovernori of Wyoming and Colorado Ap peal to Uovernment for Assistant. Washington, Sept. 18. Secretary llitchoock today received dispatch from the governor of Colorado anl Wyoming appealing for government assistance In flghting a - trrifla forest fire that I raging on government tim ber land along the Colorado-Wyoming boundary line, near the southeast cor MM of Carbon county, Wyoming. The aocretary will give all aid poeaible, and to that and at onoe ordered Supervisor Atherly, of the Crow creek renorvalion, to assist In fighting tho flro reported burning at 1'earl, juat mth of the Medicine Bow forest reserve. They will employ a large number of men t assist In the work. Tin U the only action the department can take. No request will bo made to tho war de partment for aislstance, A new forest that itretcne over a large arva I ntporieu in oiumai advice In the Couth Platte lorel re- nerve, In Wyoming. Forest Hurvl or Slitiiolnoii and a large lore ol men are working to extinguliib il. The dianatcliea report that th fire near Saratoga, wyo., liaa oeen under control. In reapoum to a re-tiet for information on the llillloii m wasuingion, me interior department thla afternoon rivd a telegiam from NEWS OF OREGON ITFMS OP INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. Commercial and Financial Happening wt tba Peat Week-Brief Review of tba Orowth and Development of Various Industrie Throughout Our Common wealth -LUt Market Report. Tha fall run of salmon at The Dalle I exceptionally good, the flub being of a Urge tine, Captain II. L. Kelly, of Company A, Third icgiment, O. N. 0., at Oregon City, ha resigned. IVtowya, Umatilla Indian woman, ha Juat died. - She remembered Cap In in Clark well, Hie wai 113 years old. Extensive preparation are being made for the carnival and diatrict fair to be held at The Dalle (September 30 to October 5. - " ' lloppickerc in a numlier of Willam ette vullev yarda have atruck lor 10 brought mut I"" i To" 'n"""" M I,ven m nin raaur. - , A robber knocked the North Fork Northern Pacific agent insenaible and then went tbrotlgh the office desk and SuperiiiWud- c-4nh drawer, but got very little money. DEATH LIST INCREASING. nut Nindter, In charge of ti e l"ii'l re- There it no clue to the perpetrator. rvo tract in Washington atate, aaying that two Are were raging over a large area Inaide the Mount Kainlcr reserve, Th ranger have been flghting those lr since Ihelr Inception, and extra lielo haa been employed to battle aaaiuit the (lame. The reporta how near hnumclaw t The) Mt. Angel . olhiro opened it Uith yar with an attendant that romi welt for the coming aeaaon. The new atone building to be lined by i he college it rapidly Rearing completion. Two mfki-d men entered the 0. R. that Die lila Hre The mouth of tha Columbia river I mcwl. iiriVat landa. which in re- & N. depot at North I'owder tnd at the In very bad condition. A atnd bar lit wnt .leiir, i. iteuaivey lum- point of a revolver compelled the apent formed clear acrta the eiiiranc) anu a. i K,,f, the milla being mot)v located uj otn the wife. Tliey awured uo, at Tacrnna and on the line ol the after which the agent wa bound tnd Northern Pacific. gKgol All l.s.!.nttft nf tkA KAanicnm MASSAtKIU IN lllti UKlKni. c..,, t, ,mnan. IrH-indini iliu aawmlll. box factorv and aeverml Two Engllahmen were suapectea oi roia- lolllWn, ,rrw f timber tribotary to onlng a Spring. . Katjuicun, and O'Hanna, have Victoria, n. C, Sept. 1H. MaililUf n aold to Mioneapolia capital lata no place on It I t itepth of more than SO feet to be found at tow tide. Four year ago there were id lost ol wtter. Ruaaia I preparing to evacuate Man ehurla. Kxplorer Peary ha been betrd Irom In Ibrador. Heoator Thomta It. Bard, of Call for n la, I anrioualy III. A heavy froet in Ohio did coniid arable damage to late crop. rVventeen men ot theii live by tn exploaion In Norfolk, Vt., mine. Fire In coalbnnker at Ptockton, Cat., vaulted In 3U0,000 damage, Yqul Indian are again caualug aerlotia diaturbaucM III Mexltxi near the border. A loromntive boiler explrded on the rnnylvanit railway, killing one man tnd wirioualy injuring two, Reoort from lVkln y thtt Jtoxer are auain becoming Uoubloaome In varlou part ol tha empire. Twenly-Bve village have been twept away tnd 6,000 people drowned by overllowlng rivers In India. Colorado lontlU htvo advtnc-ed the idea that mtn of the foreat lire Thirty-Eight Known to llava Perlahcd In the Lewie River Country. Ka'amt, Waah., Bept. 17. Keporta from the fir tiricken diatrict ol Lewi river continue to grow worae. The charred tnd lileloa bodie ol 38 people hive already been found, and all be lieve that there will be more to follow. Many tettler and an nnknown num ber of camper from outside point are mitalng. Tho burned diatrict wa aettled by per h pa 600 people, moot ol wbom were ptoeperou, while many were well-to-do. Nearly all of the farmer had good building, their barn filled with hay, and their paa- turea well a tucked with cattle. . What wa a week ago the beautiful and fer tile valley of the Lewi I now a hot and allont Valley of death, covered pro- mlwooutly with the blackened bodie of both man and beaat. At one place the iron ol a burned wagon, the roaated remain ol a team of borne and the dead bodie of nine people tell the tale of an nniuoceeaful attempt ol a party of pleasure seeker to escape. While fleeing from the flame they were Hopped by a big log that had fallen acrotm the lead. The team waa burned oa the spot, and ao fierce wa the fir that none of the nine person were able to get more than a few iteii Irom tha wagon. Maoy people saved their livea by jumping into the .Lewis river, the water ol which. In tome place, was warm lmm the Intense beat of the rurrounding flame. About 60 people, who were camping at Trout lake, near the ban of Mount St. Helen, were tared by taking tolh water on iui proviaed raft of polo and log. About 140 sections of the finest timber land in Cowllti county have been burned over, and much ol it destroyed completely. t 1 estimated that the property loss n this county will not be less than 1,000,000. Three bundred people have been left destitute and homeless, at least 38 lives have been lost. BUT NO INDICATIONS AT PRESENT OF HIGHER PRICES. Tenth Annual Convention Meet at Coa- raoa Springs la October, Denver, Sept. 16. The tenth Nation al Irrigation Congress will be held at Colorado Spring, Colo., October 6 to 9, The American Forestry Association will Orego. Crop Thla Year Win be About 125 HIH) gnd ,nd camu Lea. I nan urn rear, ma we (r)rMtrT m be given proper attention. Vuainy very uooo-rnm in Th, Ui,g of repmNmUtioB io tb California la Oood, Which W1U Affect congree will be: a Price in the Northwest. I Ths governor of each tUto and terri tory to appoint 20 dalegata. The prune crop of tl,e Northwest will . m -,.,,.:- to .DDoi. two dele. not oe np to toe usual mara una year, i gtt Tboogh the acreage it larger, the yield I The mayor of each city of more than ill fall considerably below that ol last population to appoint four dele- t. iiuii -t. : il,r,rf M- u i. m,ure Eh tv.r,l f ,. nnmUnwi. irom me nonowesiern euner biuouuwju i w0 djlegates, t- to between 700 and 800 cars. This Each chamber ol commerce, vear ahinments will be between 100 ciai clnD or real estate McDeJige, two i .i,r... rin t, Aiha I delegates .UU tUV I.IK .UVll. V I , , , , . , . i , , i i in v- i t ,. cn OTgnnixea irrigation, agricui uinu, prouw.i.. tural and live stock sstociation, two able weather ol the spring ana summer delegates. having caused a material increase in Each society of engineers, two .dele- tl, ! nt the frnit. This will be food gates, ... .v.. .... ! n,. Each irrigation company andagricol- B.w., r ta . , . . . dry prunes weighing 60 to 70 pounds The fu ,owing (re delegate by virtoe than it does those weighing so or 40 ol their respective offices pounds, tnd the Increase in weight The duly accredited representative means a corresponding increase in the oi any loreign naiion or coicmy, us year. o.u.l I,. h Kmnr..a of India The consideration was over 1100,000. ' . . I ll. Mfliun riluns avtMiislve intnrove- n,ua,-ra nl Mmm. llrtice and ' t; i - Lewi at Changte lluntu. For week the cholera haa been de mon ta, There is a move on foot to divide IUkr nmrilv liv i ntlinir off a alii-e of potmlaiiug the cltle along the i nan ,ho portion, including the Pan river. lu Changte people died dally handle district, which was annexed to k thuanM. and from roliablo lenorl. Itaker county two years ago. A slice ' ., .,1 i. ..i.i.,.i , i i.i.i.. ;.l... oi aiuiiiour couiuv ia ki w "i" in saute can iw atwo mi m wr,,. - ... " , . , , , as to bring Huntington nearer the The city 1 h iilt on t blllaido, tnd 1" L, of the proposal new county, the renter thereof is t spring Irom I ttitio making It the natural location lor which the people obsaln ntm n oi tneir iim wty st, water, llil was reporiei was reported to nave tHwn noltiiiiwl bv the loreignurs, and henos the high deal a rate. One titer- noon Mr. Iis was studying with lila tesM'her. ami Mr. Bruce was in hi room acris to hall, w hn in tn Instant the house and street became crowded with people. Mr. Bruce waa drawn by his hair out ol the room and Into the yard where, with clubs, stones, knives, killed. The fall fishing season has opened and imliiationa point to a large run with price good. Forest fires ar still rtging In Clack amas county tnd much valuable timber is being destroyed. The pOHtofnce at Glentena, Lane county. Luda, Coos county, and Tamarack. Umatilla conuty, will be The purchasing price was f 14,700, Tho experimental station tt the Ore gon Agricultural college Is to- mtke practical test ol hop drying to save larger amount of lnpulin, which is the active principle and marketable asset of the hop. - The Columbia Southern expects to WASHINGTON DEMOCRATS. K. , K. llol- Stata Convention Meet In Tacoma and Nomlnatca Tkkct. Tacoma. Wash.. Sept. 17. The Democratic state convention, after a session lasting until nearly midnight last night, completed its business and adjourned. The following ticket was nominated by acclamation : Representatives In congress George F. Cotterlll, of Mug: Mepnen Barron, ol Okanogan, and O comb. Judge ol supreme court Junius U. Roavls, of Yakima, United States semitor George Tur ner wan Indorsed for re-elootion The platform adopted endorses the Kaunas City platform, opposes imper ialism and colonialism, government by injunction, triiRts and trust fostering tariffs, and asset currency. It con domns special privileges given for Brazing sheep on government forest reserves, and dumamiB complete exciu sion Irom all American territory ol all Chinese, and denounces the Republi can majority In congress for. "paHsing the present weak and Inadequate law. Abhorrence is expressed of tho tragedy that resulted In the death ol President McKlnley. The convention declared in luvor oi a railroad commission to be appointed by the governor first, and subsequently chosen in such manner as the legisla ture shall determine. British Soldiers Arrive From India. VlotoriR, B.'C, Sept. 18. There ar rived bv the Empress of India today a contingent ol 132 non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Horse artillery. These are under the com mand ol Captain R. E. Tilney, the only commissioned officer among theru. Among the party are msny time ex pired men, who have seen seven and 12 years' service. After a rent here, they I will make tne trip across me comment to Montreal and thsnos to Liverpool. haul 20,000 tons more grain out of Sherman county this year than last. This is due to increased acreage and tho 10 per cent reduction in frelgh rates on the 0. R. A. N. The Eastern Oregon state normal school st Weston opened with a larger attendance than ever before in both the normal and training departments, New student are constantly coning in and the school s prospects aie vry bright. PORTLAND MARKETS. Ami tf-trtnr. It a una mum Mr. Uwla and his teacher went out al aisoonunneu cpveni.r ou, ar set by meteor falling In the heavy he back door into the yard and slatted The Telocasset lanch. conairting of 1. .. ... I . . DaUtfoMrta, to climb upon an out um, mm ft t.oo-0 aiwn. iituatod in Union and I . I M. -I - .1 ' ' . -.. Crosade agsinst Bial.r.' chl. I. ' " r mntim, has change.! nanus. sua In on in rranc. I . . ,.... ,.,.ui i il mil ifi. il in ui .a v trr ' New York Republican have decided on,i recognition. After thla the mob t endoro Uooaevelt lor 1904. destroyeil all loreign liooks and other p.i.i P,u hi Invited aeve articles they could not use. Tho trunks . , . ... I., .ui, kin. k and lioxea wore broken open, tnu not rai senator o wum . .. , , , , . .. ,i... anv of the poison could be found. ... . I TV ll II WllV Vlw at,. " " " 1" Colombian Insurgents ar waiting lor ,Mnui tnB ci,iifu arrived. On the arms, when they will attack the lath- mlM Am)i alMj , (ww (j()org awgy WK mua of Panama railroad. sUtlonwl sold ion for their protection. Tit am VtirMJt n anvnrnment has I A British warship was sent tc the offered amnesty to revolutionist whoconfl iipon receipt of the news lay down their arms in 40 day. A conference arranged by Governor Rton to settle lb coal minors strike in Pennsylvania, ended In a lallure. The Colombian government ht pur chased a steamer at Pan rranclsoo, which will be fitted out as a war vessel. Purest fires throughout the North west continue to cause widespread de vastation. Th property loss will run Into the hundreds of thousand oi dol lar. Vanderhilt and Pennsylvania railway systems have boon amalgamated. The new combination will hav caultalls ttlon ol 12,000,000,000 tnd a mileag ol 30,000 miles. Every electric line In Ottumwa, Iowa, hat been tied up by a ttrlke. A. R. Shepherd, ex-governor ol tho District ol Columbia, died in Mexico. The cold wave which struck Colorado has damagod th potato crop to great extent. flhlna la disturbed over the determ ination ol Russia to remain In Man- j churia. Th Lake woolen mills at Brldgetong New Jersey, wer destroyed by Hi. Loss $100,000. Great Britain has secured an exten sion of reciprocity treaties pending with the United Btates. Mrs. William M. Stewart, wile of Senator Stewart, of Nevada, was killod in tn automobile accident in San Francisco. American generals who have been witnessing the German war maneuvers have started for home. The Beaumont. Texas, oil Are Is nndnv nnntrol. The los will leach $250,000. It was caused by the care lessneiis ol a watchman. The battleship Oregon, which has kn nnderirolna repair at the Pugot HnnnH navv vard lor th last year, has alll (or San Francisco. It is thought lb will b ordered t China. to Many Burned la Clarke County, Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 17. A number ol deaths In the Rock creek district, near Boll's mountain, have been reported her. The fire was riven bv t high east wind, whan swept everything before it. tire, accord ing to the reports, swept over a strip of timber in the northern part ol this county, 11 mile wide, for a distance of 40 miles. Tha country around th headwaters of Lewis river is known to be full of prospectors and miners, and it is believed that many more lives tre lost than ar now re ported. More than ZO famines in tn vicin ity ol Rocky creek are rendered home less. Measures are being taken among the authorities and citizens here render speedy assistance to the unfor tunate fire sufferers. As reports say lame number ol people are left desti tut for the time being by reason Ui destruction of buildings, crops tnd stock unless they are given relief soon, much suffering is sure to result. Bad Fire la Montana. Kalispell, Mont., Sept. 17. Forest fires are raging on the north fork of the Flathead river, on th Flathead reser vation. Ranchers have been fighting flames for two days and they are now beyond their control. They hav sent lor help, and men will immediately go to the scene. The fire started in a windfall, and spread rapidly over one ol the best belts ol timber in this sec tion, the exact location being near the large beds ol coal. It ia gradually go ing east and south, and threatens de struction to the timber in the vicinity ol McDonald lake, unless soon checked. 'RUNE CROP SHORT NATIONAL IRRIGATION CONGRESS. tolling price. From all this, however, holders of prunes need not think they are going to find profit. There seems to be a gene ral impression about the country that prices will be as good as last year, but the indicatioiit do not point that way Growers must not overlook the present situation in California. In the Santa Clara valley, for Eastern shipment, packe'S are quoting 2 eents for the four sizes, which is cent less than last year. The prune crop is large there, but not alone ar prunes plenti ful all other Iruit is in abundance In the East it is the same story. The apple crop there, which is large, is i strong factor in the price situation governor of any state or territory, toy STATE FAIR OPENS ATTENDANCE DOUBLE THAT OF LAST YEAR'S 0PEN1N0 DAY. visitor Express Much Pleaaar and Sat Mactlosj with Thla Year Snow -few ti Fake sad Sideshows, but Plenty t Entertainment Specc hs by Oovenaer Oeer and President Webrong. Salem, Or., Sept. 16. Opening day at tba state fair yesterday was a great success. The attendance for th Initial day watlarger than for years. Presi dent Wehrnng stated that tb gat re ceipts for th dty were doable tho of th opening day last year. Tb grounds ar well supplied with exhibits. , Linn, Lane, folk and Washington conntie hav creditab! displays of their ratoarce in th pavilion. The art and manufacturing department ar largely represented. There are not as many fake show, midways and entertainments a ostial, and only good wholesome entertain ment ia allowed by th management. There are mora campers this year and every indication aognra well for tb success of the exposition- Tb visitor appeared pleased with the show, and member of tha Uniter1 State senate were complimentary in their remark, and house of representative, member The fair was formally opened last of any state or territorial commission, I evening with exercises in the musk) all member in good standing of th hall at th pavilion. Tha Fourth regi ment band, ol Eugene, wbicb is en gaged for the week, played two appro priate opening selections. President Wehrnng presided and introduced Gov ernor Geer, who gave tb address of welcome. The response was made by Dr. James Witbycomb, ofCorvallis. This year's state fair not only pre- National Irrigation Association. ' (ML OL'SMER STILL BURNING. Beaumont will Endeavor to wtU Stcaat. Smother ft Beaumont, Tex., Bept. 10.- Tonight one larg gusher is still burning, send- KaU more ,or Tigitor to wit ing a volume ol flam high in th air. profit to himself, bot mora for him to Effnrta made thi afternoon to extin- enjoy In tba way of Iigbt amusement. guish tb flames were not successful, I but TUNNEL THREE-FIFTHS DONE. (treat Subway of Rapid Transit Company Under New York. more boiler hav been sent for. When dried apples are cheap people M th plan of smothering it with tre ts tpt to buy tbem as they ar to , team will again be tried. Many of purchase prunes. The European crop the oil comnanies have lost their Doma in abort, but Europe draws on this I ; and ham wired ordera for flew York. Sept. 17. After an ax- country for fruit to only a limited ex- new machines. An examination leads I penditure of $21,000,000 and th aacri tent, fcurope oeing an eany ouyer, to tb belief that none of the wells a oi k. iim ihnMiK l. . it. ..U.. .Ull, 1...L 1 , --o - . '"i vi i nave Deen permaniHiiiy taiureu. ., i .; .11. want, may be said to be practically There is a new problem to be con- Umbw nnder nroctlfn in th filled. fronted as soon as the burning gusher a city ia, according to the world, exactly There is only a limited demand iorieitiDga,8hed, and that is the control of I three filths completed. Ibis state- the Oregon crop for early delivery, the well. The gate valve has been I ment of the state of progress is based according to Portland dealers, and as melted off, and while it is probable! .... (V,m-Itlr, in ,t,K nffifA n. rhi.f soon as that want u supplied, what that this can b replaced it will Engineer Parson. - sioct remains on iianu io piw uraK, cumcnit operation, tsttmate wine fh principal means of reckoning or, to move it, lower priees must be damage still vary, bot there is a gene- . m h uShn .m,li.hed and made. I ral acceptance of about $100,000 as the I , u .- , VtA Jona las VSk inn nriuieuuu iu r-anwiu Bsuuig- Dlture loft I will CCvcf Urn lOflS inmi i K;nk t.. frn On.1 l.fflhn U'lil HA IflTVA thlfl Vflflf. 1 k,.. row.. Ki nn fatavlitwt art (caaa 1 - J . vwia u4 "... J i 11 Oal uucu ajuss vuv ssaMBta r av . . . i 1 J U"a- 4-b. A n.aHAn Clark county, it is reported, will not ; . , f 2i ooo ooo in ronnd nave over nan as many a mrnsrMuu. TRAINS tOMK TUUfcltlbK. . . .j jj.k-..! . n,- raui iiiassoii, a wiiiurm. uu.v u,.u, , ..... - t,s nnn nftn hiK T ... . I? n nn I I UlaUD Vl IMO w wv,swv ivi n ubvm a a wno laieiy revurueu too. Runaway Freight Cars Crash Into a Fast McDonald contracted to bnild th tins year s prune crop in xrance PaMenirer-Three Killed. , I ,i tv, K. v, I-ISL.- bTyi Denver, Sept. 16.-Santa F passen- figure, is born, out by detailed report. w. -j l ... k ana l .. il. atnl-mn. IS" '.... t : 1 . , i paper train, suitu nui 4 uiicfiiuuhu a Kim .,,,, v. --- , - . n,h,Hiati r v shnnt the or n(w thev """""I had received for their fruit," be said L' ... .LI. u.nMA rt infnnnaitnn T ItHklllOU Will. XV JW. French growers bad received an aver news-1 on the various sections. Denver this i There have been only two notable at 3:50, bound for Colorado disasters to call attention to the danger Springs, Pueblo, Chicago and St. Louis, of lite involved in th great nndertak collided with a freight train at Strnby, ing. These cost th number of live oast the enm" vown several miiee souw oi i uiciiuounu. ii io ouui,m "" .n Littleton, and three members of the task will occupy another year at least, tn aver- j jIti. i i . k. . l . : i k ,. , mH fnr thair passenger iram crew wore auiea ana in uu m " TM. IZ nVer extrava- "other perhaps fatally injured. Some th opinion that they hav been lortu- Wheat-Walla Walla, 6162c; blue- stem, 63X94ci valley, fl284o. Barley-Feed, 19.00; brewing 20. Flour Bent grades, $3.0693 75 per barrel; graham, 2.05($3.20. , Mlllstnff Bran, $17 per ton; middlings, 121.60: shorts, if 18; chop, 17, Oats No.l white, $1.00; gray; 960 ft.' :. ' - Hay - Timothy, tlOdM! clovr, $7.60; Oregon wild hay, I5fl per ton, Potatoes Best Barbanks, 6066o nor oeutal ; ordinary, 6056c per cen tal, growers prices; sweets, $2.00 2.26 per cental. Butter Creamery, 2527Jc; dairy 17k20o; store, 12 15c. . i Eggs 22Mc lor Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12H (ai3c;Y0MigAmerica, 18)il4Hoi fac tory prices, 1(8 IMC less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,003 4.00: hens. $4.60(46.60 per dosen, liailKc per pound; springs, 11 11 Ho per pound, $8.0003.60 per dot-en- ducks, $3.004.60 per dosenj tur keys, live, 13fl4o, dressed, 1618c per pound; geose, $4.oub.uu per oosn Muttoh Gross, tSo per pound; dressed, 6c per pound, Hogs Gross, 6Ho dressed, 17t per pound. , :. Veal 7(3 8c per pound. BeefGrosB, oowt, 83Kc! steers, $iMc; dressed, 67o per ponnd. Hops--l(l7c; new crop2022o. Wool Valley,1216;Ktstern Ore gon, 8Q14HO: mohali, 30(3200 ponnd Cascade Locks Narrowly Escaped. Cascade Locks. Or., Sept. 17. Ex cept lor the hard work ol the men ol the town and t gang ol Japanese rail road hands, the Cascade Looks settle ment would have been swept clean by Are. Faities arriving from th Wind mountain country, seven miles east of here in Washington, state that a fire there laid wast almost th wtioi coun try. A sawmill belonging to Joseph Peters, ol The Dalles, was burned; also about 8,000 cords ol wood, and most of the settlers are homeless. Another fire near Stevenson burned a large amount ol wood, and several farms were also swept clean. A party arrived yester day Irom the mountains south of here and report that a large amount of tim ber on the forest reserve is mirneo, ano that there is a big fir on the Bull Run reserve. t Vf .kH thm If thev would ol th passengers were badly shaken np n.te thus tar in reducing the peril of rlimnD to tntract the , fruirS and bruised, but nop wvi killed or lite and limb to the minimum.' They be willing to contract ; heir fruit at of that price for the ensuing 10 years. Thev replied that thev would not. I talked prunes all over France, and met manv of the large dealers. I found the conditions described to apply generally to that country." JUSTICE QRAY DEAD. seriously in lured. I say Tb freight when ascending a steep been walking, driving and riding street grtd tt Struby to let the passenger cars for two years on the brink of an train pass, parted in the middle tnd excavation extending lor miles mrougn 15 or 13 heavily loaded cars started the city and thousands of men bay back toward the approaching passenger been employed in hazardous nnder- traio, which was drawn by two engines. 1 ground work, the wonder is mat tn Th engineers tried to back out of the list of victims Is not much larger. way of th running cart, but did not It has been necessary to excavate succeed. Th crash when the two 3,000,000 cubic yards ol solid rock, trains met was heard for miles. Both and for months the contractors hav passenger engines were thrown into been nsing one and one-half ton of the ditch and freight car were piled dynamite a day foi blasting. ' It ia up On them. , promised that New York will begin to recover irom its tornup condition wiin- VOLCANO AOAIN ACTIVE in a short time. Only a few blocks here and there remain to be excavated, been in poor health for some Souffle,,', ncw Crater Is Throwing Out and several sections of the tunnel ar Mysteries of Railroad Time Cards. How perplexing they are, those gieat big folders, that tell to much about trains, dittances, connections and all the other information travelers need to know. And how hard to grasp tl' Information they convey. None of i can read them intelligently, and some can't read them at all. They have needed fixing, and that "fixing" was applied this month by the Northern I'aeiflc railroad when it gave the pur lic a little time card that can be tucked away in a gentleman's vest pocket or in a lady's purse. Get one and see how s mole and helpful it really is to tne traveler. It's little, but il diamonds were as large as cabbages nobody would want them. War Forces lor the Isthmus. , Philadelphia, Sept. 17. In response to hurry orders irom Washington tne auxiliary cruiser Panther, in command of Captain Wilson, left the League Uland navy yard tonight for uoion. un board the Panther is a battalion ol marines, numbering 320 men, who are in command ol Lieutenant Colonel Russell. The cruiser took along a field battery of lour Colt's rapid fire guns, two field pieces and ample ammunition. Served on United States Supreme Court Bench Over Twenty Years. Lynn, Mass., Sept. 18. Justice Horace Gray, who- retired from the United States supreme court bench re- Mtntlv. died at his summer home in Nahant yesterday morning ol paralysis, He bad time. Judge Gray was born in Boston March 24. 1828. and was graduated from Harvard college in the clasr of 1873. and from the law school in 1849 He was admitted to the bar in 1851. He was a reporter of the supreme judi cial court of Massachusetts from 1854 to 1861. He was appointed associate justice oi that court in 1864, and chiel . . . . . i . justice in 183. rresiuem Aimur commissioned him as associate justice ol the supreme court ol the United States, December 19, 1881. 500 PEOPLE IN A HEAP. Volumes of Black Smoke. nearly completed. Kingstown, St. Vincent, Sept. 18. An official at Chateau Belaire reports that Souffriere's new crater, which has been quiet hitherto, is today throwing ont black smoke. The old crater, which in the correspondent' opinion did all the work since May 7 19th WEEK OP COAL STRIKE. Temporary Steps Leading to Synagogue Oav Way, but Few Were Injured. St. Paul, Sept. 17. - While 1,100 people were struggling to get into th new sons ot aion synagogue io wuuws the dedicatory exercises, the temporary steps leading to the entrance gave way and 500 oeoDle fell in a heap. The police platoon, which led th proces sion to the church broke ranks and rushed into the crowd, preventing Irantio men, women and children from crushing one another in the scramble to get out When quiet had been restored, it was found that a few were bruised and cut, but no one had been fatally injured. National Finances of England. London, Sept. 18. A return of the national finances today sho-. s that the orosa liabilities March 81, were $3,282,216,930, an increase oi saia, 597,540, due to the South African war, . High Price for Beef. '! Kansas City. Sept. 19. Seventeen bead of native steers, averaging 1,268 pounds, sold here today at $8.76, which 1 the hioliest orice for beef ever re- ivd n tlii market. And Still No Sign of Weakening of ether of th Contestants. Shenango, Pa., Sept. 17. Monday and began the 19th week of the coal strike. which erupted September 8, is still The date on which Senator Piatt pr- issuing white steam in dense Sclouds, dieted that the strike would end has which can be seen from Kingston over passed and the hope that was instilled the northern mountains. The craters into the people in this locality because and the Wallibon and Richmond dis- ol that prediction has been succeeded tricts could be seen yesterday. s by a feeling that the end Is still far The volcanic matter which fell it off. Richmond and Wallibon was finer than The reiteration by the coal president that which fell at Chateau Belaire, during the week that no concession although the places are very near each would be made and the resolutions other. ;; ' ' passed by nearly all the local unions ol There haa been a further subsidence the United Mineworkers pledging in Wallibon in four different places, themselves to the strike until conces and the local opinion is that these sub- sions are granted show that neither sidences on the coast line may aconnt side It weakening. for the sand-like September 8. substances ejected Coal Prices Soaring High. Chicago, Sept. 16. The prio of soft coal in Chicago has risen to $9 a ton, General Gobin, in charge of the state troops encamped in thl county, denies that he 1b preparing to remove the troops at an early date. Strike-Breaker Killed. Omaha, Sept. 17. Earl Caldwell, a as compared with $3.75 on September machinist who recently came her 1. Anthracite is practicably unob- from Chicago, wa killed in the street tainable, and is quoted by some dealers here early today. The tragedy 1 an as high as $25 a ton. The sudden ad-1 outgrowth ol the Union Pacific strike. vane in prices is attributed to demand I Caldwell and another strike-breaker caused by the cold weather, whieh, who came into the city from the shop whil not severe in itself, has aroused were let upon by six men and tetribly householders to a realization that their beaten. Caldwell's companion escaped, but when help came in response to Cladwell'i cries, he a as unconscious. He died soon afterward. buildings are empty. Passengers Drowned In Flood. Madras, British India, Sept. 16. An English mail train yesterday, 25 miles Irom this city, dashed over a bridge that had been undermined by floods. Fifty passengers, Including eight Europeans and four soldiers, wr drowsed, Leopold to Visit America. Brussels, Sept. 16. It Is annonnced that King Leopold will visit the United States next year. - The tim of the visit has been definitely fixed for February and March. !umil"! Ui n ri") 1