The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 14, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 22.
A Comprehensive Review ef ths kwperiani
Hsppaaaaji ! lh Pwt Wee. Prceeated
k a Ciadiscid Pone, which b Mm4
Ukary to fw at iaeerel to Our Many
. The transport Mend hM sailed from
Manila (or 'Frisco with the Fifteenth
infantry aboard.
The North A mot lean Trading and
Transportation Company's warehouse
at Fort Cndahy baa boon entirely dea
troyad by lire.
Canadian Pacific director have de
clsred a semi-annual dividend of 2 per
cent on preferred atock and 2 Si per
cent on common,' : f '
An attempt waa made to assassinate
Prince Oholinski, go very nor of the
province of Khsrkow, Russia. Ha waa
slightly wounded.
Tlie steamer Miowera, just arrived at
Victoria, B. C, from Australia, brings
reports of a terrible drouth. Millions
of sheep have died.
Sir Joseph Dimadale baa presented
to King Edward (576,000, the corona
tion gilt of the City ol Loudon towarda
the King's hoapital fund.
For International Mining Congress to
be held at Butte Sept. 15 a rate from
all points in the Pacific Northwest of
one fare plus (2 haa been made.
At the final aeaalon of the meeting of
the Colonial premiere held in the
office of Colonial Secretary Chamber
lalu it waa decided to art on the princi
ple of Imperial preferential trade whet
ever poaaible.
The Philadelphia Tlmea and Public
, edger have combined.
The International Typographical
Union ia in aeaalon at Cincinnati thia
weex. .'-...'
The Lead and Zinc Nawa ol St. Loula
says a merger of white lead companlea
eapitaliaed at 150,000,000 ia being
formed. ' (
After three daya of fighting at Barce
lona, Venexuela, President Castro's men
were beaten, loaing 60 men and Gen
eral Bravo, their commander.
Mra. Elisabeth Young, the olileat
actreaaon the American stage,' died
Sunday at the Actreite Fund Home, on
8taten Island, aged 92 years. ,
King Edward'a coronation waa cele
brated by 41 American gunboata at
Caveito on Saturday. They dressed
hip and fired a aalute of SI guna.
The aeventeenth annual aeaalon of
the Oregon Preaa Aaaociation conrenea
at Newport, Or., Thureday evening,
Aug. 14, and continues until Aug. 17.
In the sedition case of the M.iniia
Freedom, Judge Ambler baa denied ita
editors a jury trial, saying that ia their
case the Constitution of the United
States does not apply.
The Philippine Catholic church haa
been organised in detection from the
Church of Home. Governor Taft, Ag
uinaldo and Departo de Tarvo, mem
ber of the Philippine commission, are
honorary presidents.
Irish I Jtil won the great sporting
sweepstakes at Saratoga.
Senator McMillln of Michigan ia
dead. He had been in congreaa since
1889. ' ' '
A tornado in Stearns county, Minn.,
Saturday evening did much damage to
farm buildinga and crops. ' i
Ooneral Corbin la authority for the
statement that Pacific coast army
headquarters will not be moved from
Vancouver, Wash.
The San Francisco police commMpo
"has decided to enforce ita order of July
22, requiring saloonkeepers, to remove
their slot machinea paying cash prizes.
A syndicate of Americans, led by T.
B. Hoard, of Nebraska, wealthy cattle
man, will establish the first boaanaa
wheat farm In Canada, between Craik
and Davidson. Forty thousand acres
have been purchased. ' :
The house of commons haa adjourned
to Oct. 16. "
The report of the comptroller of the
treasury ehows national banks to be in
good condition.
An advance in Erie stocks has been
caused by rumors of J. J. Hill's con
nection with the road. . ,, ,
N. C. Hopper , the Chicago amateur
rider, lowered the world'a half-mile
amateur bicycle record, onpaced, on
the Salt Palace saucer track, covering
the distance in 0:63 2-5. The previous
record was 0:68. ' . t ;
The British premier, A. J. Balfour,
has announced the appointment ol the
following committee ol inqniry into the
conduct of the Boer war: The Kan
ol Elgin, chairman: Sir Henry Nor
man, Sir John Hopkins, Lord Eilier,
and Sir John Edge
Floods have devastated the low coun
try on the coast of the Black tea,
Thirteen men were killed by an ex
plosion in a mine at Bowen, Colo,.
The expedition which started from
Vancouver, B C, to search for Cocos
Island buried treasure, nave returned
without success. . - ,
Lucy Hoving, chief organizer of the
Socialiat party in Utah, waa run over
by a horse and buggy at Ogden and
instantly killed.
The Colorado Republican convention
will be held at Denver Sept. 4- The
Democratic convention will be held in
the tame city Sept. 8, r , . .
Northern Peellie WiH Abandon Big ferry at
Kslima as Sea as Poecibte.
Portland, Aug. 14. President Mel-
len of the Northern Pacific arrived In
Portland on a special train from Fugot
Sound about I a. ui. leaving again at
4 In the afternoon.
"We are going ahead with our plans
to get fronijVaocouver into Portland,"
aald President Mullen, in response to a
question on that subject. 'There will
not only be the bridge acroae the Co
lumbia river, but also one arnwa the
Willamette, to give us a proper enhance
to Portland. It will also be necessary
to tunnel through the backbone of the
peninsula between the two rlvera. Our
surveys have just been completed and
we are going ahead carefully with the
other errangeiueuta. It will take about
(3,000,000 to bring oir tralna into
Portland from Vancouver, and we will
not undertake such a large work with
out the most careful courlilcrutlon. We
cannot bridge the Willamette river until
congress gives the right to do so. itiit
the Columbia bridge need not wait for
that, and ita construction will go for
ward at onoe.
Chicago PeUce Mala a Roundup After Twe
el These Have Besa killed.
Chicago, Aug. 14. rol Icemen Tim
othy Devine and Charles Pennell were
shot and killed at daylight 'thia morn
ing by two burglars whom they caught
In the act of robbing the house of Dr.
Shaw, on Asbland boulevard. Tbe po
licemen detected them at work in the
rear ol the house. Wheo the roblwrs
took alarm they rushed for a back fence
only to meet a volley from the officers'
revolvers. Their biulete (ailed to dad
their mark, and a the men tuahed aat
the policemen they fired point blank.
Both ollicers ell, lvlne dying instant
ly, while Pennell lingored hall an hour,
The rohhera made good their eeca;
A general roundup was made by the
police, who have HO auspecta under ar
Sikcsm at Dr. tUnfi Mluloa New Said te
Bs Practically AtHirid.
New York, Aug. 14. Ziouists of this
city have just observed the anniversary
of the destruction of the City of Jerusa
lem. Addreawe were made on the Zion
ist movement, the principal one beint?
given by J. . Delimit, the English He
brew, secretary of the federation of the
Aniericau Zionists, and memlier of the
8iiireme council of the order, lie said
that the auxesa ol Di. lleral'a mission
waa practivally assured, and the dltll-
cult lea in the negotiations with the
sultan, newt of which waa recuntlyl re
ceived, wmce mod diplomatic features
of the desired concession to the He
brews, and were not because of finan
cial questions.
Ssrtcluli, Leak aad Gags All Uadsr Arrest sa
ChsrjM sf LM.
San Francisco, Aug. 14. Bprwkefs
and Leak, of the Call, were arrested
dnrlng the afternoon for libel on a
warrant sworn to by Governor Gage.
They were immediately released on
I.os Angelea, Aug, 14 -Governor Gaw
baa been arretted here for libel on the
complaint of Sprockets. He waa re
leased on bail. Detective Gibbons, who
served the warrant, later served a writ
of habeas corpus returnable tomorrow,
The governor argued before Judge Shaw
that the governor of the atate could
not be arrested, but the contention was
disallowed., - . ,
Cibls Tcrmlnui Net Satlifactery.
flew York, Aug. 14. George W.
ClippertAnpMnager of the Commercial
Cable company, aays, according to the
Times, that the company is not satis
fied with the coalitions imposed In the
memorandum made public tew daya
ago bv President Roosevelt, regarding
toe laying 01 the cable between Ban
f rancisco and the Phllipines and Chi
na, and adds that a reply to the presi
dent's terms will lie made in a lew
days. Mr. Cllpnerton was not pre
pared to say what the company 'a reply
would be, but intimated that it would
be iu the nature ol a counter proposi
tion. ,
To Allot Rhotfti Schslsnhlps.
London, Aug. 14. The trustees of the
will of Cecil Khodei have appointed
George Robert Parkin, principal of Up
per Canada College, Toronto, to prepare
a plan for the allotment of the scholar
ships provided for in the will. The
Times editorially lays the trustees are
to be congratulated upon the selection
of Mr. Parkin, and that they could
hardly liave found an interpreter of Mr
Rhodes' intentions better qualified
than If Mr. Parkin to put them into
practical share.
Clvti 0iborae flouw te England.
London. Aua. IS. Klmr Edward has
signalled his coronation in a memor
able manner by the munificent gift to
the Nation of Osborne House, one of
the favorite residences of the lute
Queen Victoria, In his announcement
the king hopes it may be devoted to
national DurnoHes and converted into a
convalescence home for offlcera of the
army and navy whose health has been
impaired in rendering service to their
Bsn On American Lard.
Berlin, Aug. 14. A recent PruaNian
army order forbids the use of American
lard in army kitchens, and directs that
hams must be bought from domestic
alaugbter housea.
Cesasasitlel aad riaaaclal Naaesalafj el Inv
perteeee A Brkf Rsvtsw sf tfta Grewih
aae? rmerewatnt, el the Maay baiustrlas
Threetkewt Oar thrive) Cswwsawsalth
-Istsat Markat RsperL ,
Seventy-five tone of hay waa burned
near Gaitton Sunday.
Two hundred and forty Salem people
went to Newport Sunday on the Honth
em Pacillc'a trial excursion. Other
valley towns sent good quotas.
The Baker City council haa called
for bids to furnl-b and maintain 40 arc
street lights for one year from Novem
ber 1. The contract will be let Sep
tember 1.
The growers of Bartlett pears in
Southern Oregon will this week begin
packing and shipping fruit. Sixty car
loads will I shlpied to Eastern mar
kets during the season,
Judge Boise of the supreme court has
rendered a decision that building and
loan companies In Oregon canuot col
lect a combined Interest and premium
charge to exceed 8 per cent
Fire completely destroyed the O. It.
A N. atockyurd at The Dalles Monday.
The origin waa parka from an east
bound passenger train. Several sheep
and 00 head of hogs perished.
The Oregon supreme court hi Ids that
a shipper Is bound by his agreement
that property shipped is of a specified
value, and cannot disregard the agree
ment and bring action for damage, at
common law.
A. T. Keller, a prominent lumber
man who has Just returned from the
East prophecies Hint Oregon will have
1,000,000 population by 1U10. He aays
a great rush of Eastern settlers la just
now beginning.
The little folks will be delighted
wltbthe d"g and pony show at the Port-
laud Elks' carnival. It ia one of the
features of the Jabour Oriental Clrcns
Carnival aggregation which furnishes
the principal part of the amusement
leaturea of the carnival.
Independence haa two octogenarians
who do the work of men 50 yoaia tliair
junior. One, Mr. Dickey, Is a wsgon-
maker, ami each dav Amis him at his
accustomed lienrh. The other Is Joseph
Urottnk, who celebratod his birthday
Friday by shocking lour acres of oala
during the morning hours.
A new large gold dredger ou John
Day river has started op.
C. A. Francis i f Mount Tabor was
drowned at White Salmon.
Machinery has been ordered for a con
densed milk factory at Hillsboro.
Forest fires are causing considerable
damage in the vicinity of Or ante Pass.
The Portland Civic Improvement
association la making war on billboards.
A large amount of content sidewalks
are to be ordured by the Portland city
Citliens of Independence have de
cided to give a bonus of .1,000 to the
first railroad building to that place.
F. A. Schraclit. who waa In the
employ of the. O. R. & N. Co. for 20
veara as a shin snd steamboat builder.
died Monday at hia home near Damas
cus. - .
Ihe marriage of L, Hush Livarmore,
editor of the Raker City Herald, and
Mine Ethel Cox, occurred at Stephen's
Episcopal church at Maker City Sunday
The Sugar Pine Mills, constructed at
Grants Pas, on the site of the old
factory are about completed and will
be ready for operation by the middle
of the month. .
Wheat Walla Walla, 8081c for new
crop; 63(gflla lor old; valley, 66u;
blnestem, 65g0t)c.
Barley-$17.76 for old, $16.50 for
new crop.
Flour Best gradea, (2.06(83.80 pet
barrel; graham, (2.96(93.20.
Mlllstuffs Bran, (15916 per ton;
middlinga, (21.60: shorts, (18:
chop, (10. ,
OaU-No.l white, (l.OOf 1.05:gray,
9c.ff (1.00. -
Hay Timothy, (11016; clover,
(7.60010; Oregon wild hay, (5(98 per
Potatoes Beet Bnrbanki, 75(9 86c
per cental; ordinary, 60c per cental,
growers prices; sweets, (2.50(83.00
per cental ; new potatoes, lc.
Butter Creamery, 20021c; dairy
17018c; store, 17017 Ho.
Eggs 20021c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12S
0 18c; Young America, 13414Xo; fac
tory price, 1 lic leaa.
Poultry Qhlckens, mixed, (3.60(3
4.60; hens, (4. 0006.60 per doaen,
HOllHc per pound; springs, lldj
11 Ho per pound, (2.6004. 00 per doa
en; ducks, (2.80(93. 00 per doaen; tur
keys, live, 13014c, dressed, 15016c per
pound; geeae, (4.00O6-00 per doaen.
Mutton Gross, 23c per pound;
dressed, 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, 6io dressed, 19Tt
per pound.
Veal 708c per pound.
Beef Groas, cow, 80Sc; steers
864f(c; dressed, 708c per pound.
Hops 16017c; new crop 17018c
Wool Valley, 12X015 ;Baateru Ore
gon, 8(14Hci mohair, 26026a pomnd.
Msrila Detphla Sugtuts Mesas ef Eadia
. ths Big Ceal Stria. .
New York, Aug. IS. President
Roosevelt lias In hia hands, according
to the World, a plan submitted by
Martin Dolphin, ax- president of the
Internatrtmal Order of Railway and
Commercial Telegraphers, by which
Mr. Dolphin thinks the strike in the
anthracite coal fields could be ended.
President Roosevelt referred the prop
oaltioa to the attorney general's de
partment, and it is now being consid
ered by II. M. Hoyt, acting attorney
Thia plan la to have the government
exercise the right of eminent domain
and seise a certain number of mines
and 0erate them for the purpose of
taking out all the hard coal required
by the government for its various build
ings, on the ships of the navy depart
ment and fol all other governmental
purposes. The right of the govern
ment to Intervene in a strike which
Interferes in any way with govern
mental functions waa proved, Mr.
iKilphln contends, by President Cleve
land's action In the Chicago strike of
I8U3, when he ordered out united
States troops to keep the strikers
from interfering with the transporta
tion of the United States mails.
Ia the present case the intervention
he advocates, Mr. IMphin says, would
also break the backbone of the atrike
by forcing the operalura to resume
work in all the mines.
Attacked Tewa el Settle. Wyornls j. la Retsl
Mltee far Slsujhtsr W She, p.
Itattle, 'Wyo., Aug. 13. A crowd of
Mexican abeepherdora attempted to take
the town of Battle, with the result Uiat
two of the members were killed, Sev
eral made their escape Into the woods,
one man being ahot In the leg. One
cltiren waa hit on the heel and Miss
Estell Sanders, a resident, was severe
ly cut in the face by a window pane
broken by a stray shot. Every man In
Ilia town la armed, fearing the Mexicans
will swoop down on the town, as there
are scores of 'them In thia vicinity.
The attack waa In retaliation fur the
slaughter of 6,000 sheep by the towns
people, who had ordered the sheepmen
to teep away, as thia territory is
reserved lor the cattlemen.
Chlmaeyi Tamklsd, Wisdswi Brokea, lynn
Caaal Rom Nv reel
Seattle, Aug. 12. A apecinl to Ihe
Times from Skagway, Alaska, aays:
Yesterday a most severe earthquake
waa felt here about noon. The flmt
shock waa 60 seconds long, rattling
things up generally. Several large plate
glass windows were broken. Chimneys
ia the northern part of the city were
tumbled down. The water In
canal rose Ave feet very suddenly, then
subsided as quickly. A reriort from
Juneau thia morning aays the little
fleet there waa pitched around and sev
eral capaised. The first long shock was
followed by a lighter one.
Yesterday evening at 7 o'clock an
other light shock waa felt.
Railroad Wrack la lews Worta Thaa at rt
Marshalltown, la., Aug. II. It is
now known that 16 persons were killed
In the freight wreck on the Milwaukee
road Wednesday afternoon. Of the in
jured two or three cannot recover. It
is thought that more bodies may lie
found, aa the wrekage baa not yet been
entirely cleared away.
Tbe premium list of the Oregon
State Fair la now out and ia' being dis
tributed among the farmers and breed
ers throughout the atate. It carries
(10,000 in cash premiums on livestock
and agricultural products. Every farm
er and breeder in the state is invited to
bring something to the Stare Fair this
year and help swell the big exhibit
that la already promised. The South
ern Pacific company hauls all exhib
its to and from the fair free of charge,
which enablea everyone to send some
thing to help the good cause along.
Rilia Bulb ea Sound.
Everett, Wash., Aug. 13. George
Glbbs, of Whatcom, aays that from
experiments he has demonstrated that
the bulbs of hyacinths, tulip, iris, nar
cissus and jonquils can be ralsttd in
Western Washington aa successfully as
In Holland. - At no other point in the
United States has it been -demonstrated
that this can be done. Thia may per
haps form a part of Washington's ex
hibit at the St. Louis fair.
Bad Gang ef Ruitlen.
Creston, Wash., Aug. 14. The big
gest gang of stock rustlers, with the
best organisation, and the most syste
matic mode of operation since tlie days
of tbe celebrated horse and cattle
thieves of Wyoming and Southern
Montana, is now operating In the Okan
ogan country of Northern Washington,
and ia causing endless annoyance to
the stockmen of that wild, unsettled
The Oregon State Fair this year
promises to be one of the greatest in
dustrial expositions and livestock shows
'ever held dn the coast. The fair has
been good the past two years, ' but it
will be better thli year. Don't (ail to
aee it.
At teait Such le Ihe Tenet ef Rccsat Advices
Received ia Wathiattoa-Parpeea WIM Ba
the Rallflcetwa. If PoeilMe, ef a Recip
rocity Treaty Belwesa United Statu aad
Republic ef Cuba,
Washington, Aug 14. Advitea re
ceived here Indicate that President
Roosevelt will call the senate In extra
ordinary aeasion early in November.
Ever since (t became evident that noth
ing would be accomplished as to reci
procity with Cuba at the recent session
of congress, rumors of a more or less
definite nature have boon In circulation
that the president would call aa extra
masliin either of the entire con areas to
enaet Cuban reciprocity leglalation, or
ol the sonata to ratify, 11 possible a
reciprociry treaty with tuba.
A treaty with Cuba practically has
been prepared, it only requlree tbe
finishing touches and the aignatuiea of
Minister Quesada and Secretary of
State liny to make It ready for presen
tation to the senate. Tbe president, It
Is said, hopes to have the reciprocity
question cleared away entirely before
ins regular senslou ol congrers
The Cencrel'e Attorney Criticises ths Action
ef Preildent Roosevelt.
Portsmouth, O., Aug. 14. Judge
J fnes Its n nun, brother-in-law and at
torney of General Smith, made the
following statement regarding General
Sinith'a retirement by President Boose
veil: "The sentence of the court-martial
was that General Smith he admonished
by President Roosevelt for his order.
President Roosevelt seem to have
construed the word aa meaning reprl-
n aminu. i iiave said It once, hut be
lore 1 am through 1 will repeat many
times: The president has no legal
right to Increase the sentence ol the
court-martial. I have advised tke
general and will continue to advise
him to gn into the conteat with heart
an! soul, t'nder snch circumstanci-e
bis army friends ran do no less, for
they are more vitally interested than
be. Many of them are now Impor
tuning him to In tiln action at once.
Mitchell Sayi He Believes Mlntre Have the
6ut of the ConttiL
Wiikeahnrre. Pa.. Auir. 14 Pi.l.
dent Mitchell states ho has received
Information from Pittsburg that the
strike of coal miners along the West
Pennsvlvanla milroad la atmnt tn iw
settled, and that the men will be back
to work in a short time. He aald it
was uratifvina to him to know that all
such strikes were being netted. These
would enable the miners union to con
centrate all Its ttrelitfth In Ihn anthra.
cite region and the West Virginia strike
region. Mr. .Mitchell said he waa con
fident that the Pennsylvania hard coal
miners were going to win.
Animal Bearing Tut Worth (300 Killed by a
Qutnlaull Indian.
Aberdeen, Wash, Aug. 14 An Im-
menae sea otter was killed on North
lleach lust week that breaks the record.
Nearly all the Indians from the (juin
luult reservation are out on the beach
hunting sea otter, and one of them haa
succeeded in killing a fine one which
meafiircd eignt feet and two inches in
length. This is one of the largest ever
killed on this coast, and will probably
bring tne lucky native (600.
Dreaded Plague Appears la Several Cities ei
ths flowery Kingdom.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 14.-According
to advices received here from the
Orient, the enidenilo of cholera haa
spread from Manila and tbe - porta of
China to Japan. Up to the middle of
July casus and deaths to the number
of 231 and 142 had occurred, the
largest number being at Pukuoka.
Two Weihlngton Mills Destroyed sad Another
in Danger,
Titcomo. Aug. 14. Forest fires have
destroyed the Dennis shingle mill at
niontetano, the lllair mill at Arlington
and is raging about the Connell mill at
Elma. Lumbermen are fighting the
nre iu many places.
To Cron In Hve Dave.
btettln, Germany. Aub. 14. The new
liner, Kalxer WUlielm de Sweite, the
larirest vessel In the world, wkleh U
707 feet long, was launched here this
morning, ihe emiieror witnessed the
ceremony, ihe new vessel will have i
speed of 25 knots, and lstoorossthe At
hintio in live days. , .
Silver Mlpn Are Loilns Orders.
Mexico Cltv. Amr. 14. Owino in
depreciation ol silver and the liiuh nre.
miuin on gold, various large contracts
for ailver are held back and some have
been declared off.
' Thone who wild) to take their (ami
lies and spend a week at the state fair
will find one of the finest camp grounds
on the coast, absolutely free. Any in
foimatlon regarding the fair by the sec
rotary at Portland,
Reraslas ef Marry Tracy Interred at the Salem
Salem, Or., Aug. 11. Tbe remains
of Harry Tracy were rel ieved In Salem
Saturday niornlug, and were quietly
burled In the prison cemetery by the
side ol David Merrill, the confederate
whom tbe outlaw had cowardly mur
dered. A few people were allowed to see
the corpse, but at the depot many
tucked mementoes from the cheap
coffin. Tbe burial waa unattended by
ceremony. Before the coffin was low
ered chemicals were placed in it for the
purpose of destroying the corpse, but
the grave will be watched in order to
prevent any person from stealing the
body. Aa the body waa positively
Identified by the prison officials, there
is no question of the payment of the
reward, but just who is entitled to It
is a problem for tlie claimants and the
Jate to solve. Hia famous rifle waa
given to tlie officials.
Merrllra rifle was found in the brush
within 200 yarda of tlie spot where bis
body waa found.
SearsaM Ceewt ef Washiagtea Decides the
Geveraenhlp Cass.
Olympla. Wash., Aug. 11 The state
supreme court has handed down an
important decision in the test case
brought at the last term of tbe court
aa to tbe permanent Increase of the
membership of the supreme court, and
aa to whether there exiaU a vacancy in
tbe offices of governor and lieutenant
governor aa a result of the death of
Governor Rogers. The opinion of the
court is unanimous that there ia no
governor to be elected thia fall, but
that McKride fills the vacancy to the
end of bla term. The judgee are di
vided on the question of an increase
from five to aeven in tlie membership
of the court.
Mca Get Work la Mors Dcilrskle Unci, aad
Cheepers are Hard te rind.
Independence, Or., Aug. 11 A condi
tion that demonstrates the Improved
commercial conditions in the valley ia
the scarcity ol cord wood. While the
shortage does not assume the character
ol a wood (amine, yet the price is con
siderably advanced over that ol last
year, and the wood marketed Is not as
good. Wood dealers say the cauae of
all this la the inability to obtain men
to cut wood, and they think next year
will see a still greater advance. Men
can obtain work at more desirable and
profitable figures and so the demand
fur wood fuel ia greater than the supply.
Cemptay Incorporated le Build New Portage
Road ea Oegoa Side el Celerabla.
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 0 Articles of
incorporation have been filed in the
county clerk'a office for a company to
build a railroad between Tlie Dalles
and lligga, Sherman county, the termi
nus ol the Columbia Southern. The
right of way sought ia by way of the
Seufort ranch up. Five Mile to the
Intersection of Ten Mile creek, thence
up Ten Mile creek to the Cooper ranch
and acrosa tc the bench land above
Celilo, on to and across the Deschutes
above tbe old Millet Bridge property.
Portland, Aug. 9. An independent
railroad on the line indicated in the
Dallea dispatch will serve two pur
rosea. It will admit the traffic of the
Columbia Southern railroad' to free
water in the Columbia river at The
Dallea, and it will serve as a portage
railroad past the nnnavigable stretch
of the Colombia below Celilo Falls.
It will be able to do just what the
Paul F. Mohr road waa designed to do.
The new road Is believed to be in the
interest of the Columbia Southern.
Vysajuag Dsraocrati Adopt a Platform aad
Make Nomlnatloat.
Rawlins, Wyo., Aug. 9. The Demo
cratic atate convention nominated the
following ticket:
Governor, George T. Beck, Big Horn
county; atate treasurer, Colin Hunter,
Laramie county: secretary of atate, D.
N. Stickney, ' Albany county; state
auditor, W. D. Hays, Big Horn county
superintendent of publio instruction,
Mrs. Delano, Albany county; con
grass, Charles P. demons, Carbon
county., ,
The platform adopted declares al
legiance to the national platforms of
the past. It demands the election of
the United States senatora by the
direct vote of the people, the compul
sory arbitration of labor disputes; the
divorcement of 'state institutions from
partisan control, municipal ownership
of publio utilities, and a return to the
original Australian ballot. The estab.
Ibdiment of the Initiative and referen
dum is advocated and the opening o
the Shoshone Indianreaerve is urged f
Portland Elks' Carnival ;
Everybody remembers the great car
nival on Sixth street, which th Port
land Elks gave two yeara ago. , The
street fair on a scale twice as great, and
many of the latest midway attractions,
ia to be reproduced SeptemW 1 to 13
in Portland, extending from Seventh
and Washington streets to Flanders
street, taking in the park blocks.
I Shipbuilding Plant Sold.
Wilmington, Del., Aug. 13. The
shipbuilding plant of the Harlan &
Hoi lings worth Company has been sold
to the United States-. Shipbuilding
Company., the syndicate of which
Lewis Nixon ii the head, for(l,600,00t)
Has Mad Twe Strokes ef Apoplexy and Coa
sidcreel Die Uierelaacs Eaded- PrcsMest
Appelate Oliver WcaatU HoIsms, Cniel
Jeetlcs ef Mssssctiaectta, te Tut Vacancy
Justice Osy's Career,
Oyster Bay, Aug. 13. Preeident
Roosevelt baa announced the appoint
ment of Oliver Wendell Holmes, chief
Justice of tbe supreme court of Massa
chusetts, to be an associate justice of
tbe United States, vice Justice ' Gray,
The resignation of Justic Gray was
due to ill health. Several months ago
be suffered a stroke of apoplexy, which
sometime later waa followed by an
ther. He haa not appeared on tbe
bench since he was stricken the first
time. Hia advanced age, 74 years,
told against bis recovery with serious
lorce. Realising that he probably would
never be able to again aaaume the
prace which he so long filled with dis
tinguished ability and honor, he de
cided a abort time ago to tender his
resignation to tlie uresident. With th
exception ol Justice Harlan be had
served upon (lie bench ol the United
States Supreme Court longer than any
ol his colleagues. He waa appointed
by President Arthur in 18MI, Lis service
extending, therefore, through a period
of 21 yeara.
Judge Holmes, whom tbe president
has selected as Justice Gray's successor,
ia one ol the most distinguished law
vera and iuriste of Massachusetts. Ilia
career on the bench, particularly aa
cruel justice ol tbe Massachusetts
court, has attracted wide attention.
Like Justice Gray, he ia a native of
Massachusetts. He ia a son and name
sake of the late Dr. Holmes, the poet.
Justice Gray waa born "in "Boston in
1828; graduated from Harvard Univer
sity, 1845; graduatodj from Harvard
Uw School, 1849; admitted to Manna
chusetU bar, 1851; reporter Masstchu
eeite supreme court, 1804-1873; chief
justice Massachnsetta supreme court,
1873-1882; associate justice ol United
States supreme court, 1881-1902.
Frteldeat TelU PscMk Cable Company What
It Meet De.
Oyster Bay. An. 13. Preaident
Roosevelt has made public the' condi
tions under which be will approve of
the plan to lay a submarine cahle In
tbe Pacific to connect the United States
With its Pacific Oriental noaaeaainna.
The principal requirements are:
l ne government business shall have
The United States shall at all timea
have the right to purchase the cable
lines, property ana eftecta at an ap
praised value.
The government shall have anthorit
to assume full control of tbe cable
when at war or when war ii threatened.
All contract entered into by said ca
ble company with foreign governments
for the transmission of messages shall
be null and void when the United
States Is engaged In war.
The oners tors and emnlovm nf aaiH
company above tbe grade of laborer.
arier rem came snail have been laid,
shall he exclusively American citizens.
The conmanv shall asree tn main.
tain an effective npeed of transmission
over the main cable route from Califor
nia to Lnaon of not less than 25 words
per minute. '
Plrmlnlree Declare Caps Hsytlea a Cloud Port
McCrea Gets Instruction.
Port au Prince, Aug. 13. The gun
boat Crele-Pierrot, which is in the
Firminite service.
day of the blockade of Cape Haytien.
ine loreign consuls here and Com
mander McCrea, of the United States
gunboat Machias, protested against
thia action. Soldiers have gone out
from here, and a battle in a few days
ia believed to be inevitable.. The bad
feeling against foreigners has increased.
Washington, Aug. 13. Commander
McCrea, of the gunboat Machias, today
cabled the navy department that a de'
facto blockade had been established by
the insurgents at Cape Haytien. The
M ichiaa is at her anchorage.
Acting Secretary of the Navy Darling
sent the following reply to Commander
McCrea: "If the blockade is not
effective, Cuban, American and mi-.
protected innocent neutral vessels shall
be protected in their international
rights. Can send you collier from San
Juan if necessary."
B. P. 0. E. Day at Portland,
Soptomber 4 will be Elks' day at
the Portland carnival. Lodges of the
B. P. 0. E. will be present from all
parts ol the state and seveial adjoining
states, also Texas and Colorado. Prizes
amounting to (2,600 will be distribut
ed among thedrill teams that will com
pete. Au elaborate turn-out ol the bro
therhood, with novel floats and strik
ingly beautiful effects will be seen.
Oenereli to Be On New Council.
Brussels, Aug. 14 It is officially an
nounced that Generals Botha and Dela
rey, who were with General Dewet, are
expected to reach England from fcouth
Africa next Saturday. They will be
appointed members of the new Trans
vaal executive council.
-, "Seo" Tracks at Blimsrck.
Bismarck, N. D., Aug. 9. The
"Soo" railroad crossed the Northern Pa
cific railroad south of thia city last
night, and reached Bismarck tonight.