The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 17, 1902, Image 3

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: : : Ai.t. About thk 1'KoptR : . :
Messrs. (ruyilon & Sou Meet
With llillsboro People.
An IntcrcKtliig Mccllnu at Court Houe
I'rcacnt From Foreat Grove.
Tliora wan a good sized auditrce
Ht the court hour Saturday eve
ning, to discuns thfl electric link be
twjei) thin ( ity and Portland with
(iraydon A Sou, the promoter. F.
M. lleidnl, Secretary of the Board
of trad, called thfl Meeting to or
der. Dr. J. I Tatnlesia was (elect
ed chairman, and staled the ob
ject of the meeting. Dr Bailey,
the mayor, was called upon, and
pledged the support of the city ad
ministration along legitimate lines
for the benefit of the enterprise.
Mr. Oraydoit Sr. made a short ad
dress, stating that he desired to
have the community awiat them in
getting the right of way for the
company without eipenae to the
company, lie itated that 15 or 20
feet in width would he all the land
necessary, hut he said that they
wanted to come through on their
own line vid did not want to come
along the highway. There might
be plaaa, he said, where they
would want a franchise along the
road, and in response to a quan
tum by Wm. McQuillan, Attorney
Huston aid that the county could
grant a franchise along the roads,
and that, in conformity with the
deal re of the company, farmer
could grant right of way through
their farm, which would termi
nate at eoon ai the road would
eea to operate. J. W, Shute, J
W.Wewell. J. A. Imbrie, and W. B
Cate, (representing the Hawthorne
eatate) promised right of way
through their farma free of charge
Mayor K. T. Kane and Col. Haynea,
of Forest (Jrove, were present with
a delegation, and when called up
on, said they would heartily favor
the enterprise. Dr. Bailey suggest
ed, and finally made a motion to
that elTecl. which was carried, that
a committee of seven be appointed
to see about getting right of way
concessions for the road. Dr. Tarn
ii sin, the chair, is to be one of the
seven, and the appointments were
poat (Mined until this week. Hon.
W. D. Hare made some trite re
marks upon the situation. The
meeting then adjourned to nttet
again, on the evening of July 2f.
The following committee has
I wen named: J. A. Imbrie, F. M.
Heiilel, J. II. Sewell, J. W. Hhute,
A. Kggiroan, Cedar
Mill, and
Col. II. Haynea, Forest
Oregon's Favorite Summer Resort.
llecognizing the advantage of Now
port as a summer resort over other
reaxide resorts in the northwest,
and to make it possible for all who
deaire to do so to spend their vaca
tion by the ocean waves, the South
ern 1'acifio Company, in connec
tion with the Corvallis it Eastern
Railroad, will place on sale, effec
tive June 16th, round trip ticket
from all point! In Oregon on the
Southern l'acillo, to Newport, good
for return until October 10th, at
specially reduced rates.
Round trip from llillsboro, good
until October 10th, 0 00
Hound trip from Hillsboro, Sat
urdavs, good to return the follow
log Monday, $4 50.
For full information inquire of
your local agent.
U. II. Greer has a good, light,
two sented hack for sale cheap.
Miss Bessie Waggener, of Van
couver, waa in the city this week,
the guest of her cousin, Miss Wil
ma Waggener.
C. J. Schnabel, who was deputy
8. district attorney a few years
no, was in town from rortland
tneay, on legal business.
The famous Simmons & Co. kid
gloves for ladies, at II. Wehrung
Sons'. Call and see their splendid
quality 1 00, f 1.25 and f 1.50.
Lilienthal's hop buyer waa again
in the county, the first of the week
and informed The Argua that his
firm had contracted for several lots
of hops in the valley, paying 20
cents tie say mat a snort crop
in JUigianU, find a sbortage in new
York state prospects are the levers
which are giving so good an out
look to the grower, and, as all the
output here is of excellent quality
we'll "be in it." As high as 22
cents have been paid for hops in
the JNorth laklina country.
The eleotrio line committee met
this afternoon, in this city, and
W. Sowed was selected chairman
and l A. Long, seoretary. It was
, moved that the ohairman appoint
no more than ten farmers, rending
bitween here and the Multnomah
county line, as a sub com mi ties, to
assist in getting the right of way
for the proposed road. It was also
voted to hold a public meeting at
the Union school house, near Cedar
Mill, Wednesday evening, July 23,
to discuss the proposition.
The National Pure Food dele
gates parsed through the city Mon
day morning, and were met at the
dmt by quite a delegation of citi
sna. The ladies were present and
presented a magnificent offering
f Washington county roses and
dowers. The train pulled out hur
riedly, and this was the cause of a
deplorable accident. Mrs. S. B.
llueion, in attempting to hurriedly
leave the train, was precipitated to
the ground and sustained a dislo
cated shoulder. Drs. Llnklater
and Tamiesie attended to the in
jury, and the patient is doing as
nicely a could be expected, consid
ering the nature of (be injury.
Two UiHshoroitea, J. A Imbrie
and W. N Barrett did not get to
terra firma, and were carried away
with the eicursionists, returning
in the evening. W. H. Wehrung,
president of the state board of ag
ricullure, took the trip with the
When farmers are in need of ag
ricultural implements they should
m Schulmerich Bros.' stock. Tbey
are factory agents for Osborne and
Deering harvesting machines, Rock
Island plows and harrows, and
Tiger drills. Also carry a full line
of buggies, wagons and general
Dr. C. II. Haffety. Dr. David
IUflety and It. M. iUffety, drug
jriet, who have been in business in
Kast Portland for many years, are
closing out their slock, after 83
yean of business relations with
their patrons. Dr. C. H. and wife
will go to California for a trip,
while tli others wind up their af
fairs. They are sons of S. B. and
Mary KsfTety, who came to the
coast in 1852, and who resided so
long st Mountaindale. Dr Chas
II. was in the city Monday eve, ou
a return trip to the old homestead.
Crescent Flour will give you sat
isfaction. Ask your grocer for it.
Uel it once and your kitchen will
not be without it. We nave placed
this flour with John Dennis, Main
street, for the benefit of those who
use and call for it. Crescent Mills,
Forest Grove. ,
The gale which swept over this
part of the state Monday afternoon,
something a little tbe swiftest
or a summer aephyr that we have
experienced for a number of years.
t housands of tons of hay in shock
were swept over the fields, necessi
tating a recond raking; apple and
penr tree boughs were broken,
bousands of bushels of fruit were
strewn over the orchards and con
siderable damage otherwise inflict
ed. The rainfall was not much,
Wash silks, in endless varieties
and patterns, for ladies' shirt
waists, st 50 cent per yard, at II.
Wehrung A Bona'. Full line of
percales, 10, 12 and 15 cents per
yard; Toils du Nord ginghams, at
12 J cents, and A. F. C. ginghams,
at 10 cents.
Thos. Murphy, of Mountaiudale,
suffered a severe injury Sunday
last, while endeavoring to drive
home a cow and young calf. Mr.
Murphy was trying to carry the
calf along when the cow charged
ui. floured him, and broke two or
three of his ribs, besides inflicting
nternat injuries. He was treated
by Dr. Linklater, who states that
he will be laid up for some time
We buy and sell groceries that
are not excel leu anywhere. Fresh
and staple lines always on shelves.
Buy from us once and you buy
from us always. Highest market
price paid for produce. H. Weh
rung 4 Sons.
Miss Ors, the 13 year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Whit
more, of Laurel, was thrown from a
hoiseoneday last week and sus
tained a fracture of both boues of
the riuht forearm. The horse re
cently threw Mr. Whltmore, and
the owner is thinking of taking
him to Linnton for reduotion.
Riley Cave has a buggy bow
prop to put on buggies, to prevent
the bows from bending when the
top is down. 1 rial shows it to be a
good thing, and they are cheap,
Let the electrio line come Den
nis is here to stay, because the peo
ple must have sterling groceries.
IIih IMniuniu W brand leads the
van. I his is the outing season
Get your lunch supplies from Den
nis. Ark the people who deal with
if his prices and quality are not
A new slock of hammocks juet
arrived. Prices range from $1 00
to $3 50. Call and see them. E
L MoCormiok, three doors south of
Word has been reoeived at For
est Grove that L. N. Gray, former
ly a blacksmith at that place, was
killed at Ventura, CaL, July 4, by
being caught under a moving en
gine. Deceased leavea a wife and
four daughters. It has been some
years since he was at Forest Grove.
The best is the cheapest. Greer
keeps the best and cheapest grocer
ies, crockery, lamps and glassware
in Washington county.
July 15 the open season for deer
was on, and hunters have been
starting for the hills. There are
not very many in Washington
county, but an occasional one Is
found up in the hills.
C. W. Bloom, foreman of J. C.
Hare's sawmill, has taken unto
himself a wife, and the happy cou
ple are now keeping house near the
mill. Congratulations, Chaa.
Attendance From alt Parts
of the County.
Was a Very Successful Meeting,
ter Grouped by States.
The ninth annual encampment of
the Washington County Veteran
Association closed at Cornelius,
July 4. The nwly elected officers
are: Green Hale, llillsboro, presi
dent; Wo. Leach, Forest Grove,
1st vice; Wm. Tucker, beaverton;
2nd vice; R. Crandall, Hillsboro,
secretary; 8. A. Howell, Beaverton,
treasurer; W. D. Ewing, Hillsboro,
ohaplain; R. W. McNutt, Corne
lius, custodian of colors. Tbe ros
ter of the veterans who attended
New York
A B Sabiu, Co I both Inf. Hillsboro
M K Hutcbkiss, D 34 tnf, "
K Cheney, C 10 art, Forest Grove
Carl Wuaderlich, H 4 cav, Ccntervill
O D Campbell, U 8 N, llillsboro
II Majors, Co B 1 ear, Forest Grove
Weit Virglnie
R N Varlcy, Co L 4 cav, Cornelius
C C Hoopes, Co G 161 inf. Gaston
Kdwiu Lea, K 39 inf. Thatcher
N J Goodwin, U 3I inf. Gleowood .
11 U 1'itcu, U9, uwnenue
M C Lincoln Co K 1 jo Inf, Gleocos
H V Gordon, 4 indpt cav, Forest Grove
O W Cooper, 4 " " Reedvill
8 P DicUeraou, Co I 7 cav, Cornelius
Frederick Meyera. Co indpt art, Laurel
J S Clerk, Co 11 J6 cav, Foreat Grove
I U Mtrryuian, I 15 inf, HUlaboro
Joe Kliueuian, B 1 cav "
G C Thouia, Co K is cav, Foreat Grove
J L Raodle. Co E 2 inf. Foreat Grove
M Philip. Co 1 si inf. Hdtaboro
J GarriKua, I 11 inf. Banks
U II Meyer. K 11 mi, torneiius
L Growndyke, 11 16 inf, Dilley
J A Long;, 1 7J inf, Gleucoe
I Paulaell, 1 tt
T II Kvaoe. Co B 1 Ti inf. Portland
W G Haeer, 11 inf, Uiltaboro
J B Pugn, Co I. 1 heavy art, Cation
Geo W Kelly, M 1 1 cav, oiencoe
F Graham, G 9 iuf, Cornelius
M I Sammons, Co I Jo inf, Cedar Mills
J K Glllia, C 17 mi, oaston
A W Barber, Co K 23 inf, Hillsboro
I. T Cornell. A ) inf,
K I Groat. K I inf, Scholia
O R Downs, D 4 cav, Forest Grov
J Varher, C 35 inf, '
J W liariranipf, B 7 Inf, Cornelin
G K Moobrrrv.CoA I50 inf, Cornelius
Henry Cballa'corube, I 97 inf H
John Neep, C 9 cv "
J R Miller, I 160 inf "
Geo Wilson, Co I 119 Inf, "
Wm H Lung, K 47 nf "
a T Adams, D. M M B cav. St Johns
Kti Ssiith, G 4 cav Gales Creek
M C Collier, I) loi inf, Scholia
J C Giltner, G Is inf, Forest Grove
John 11 Baker, G 118 Inf " M
W J R Beach " "
N J Walker, I I R Mea "
B C Smith, II 61 inf " "
Geo Older, K 135 inf, Portland
J L Burngrover. Co B 58 inf. Hillsboro
R K Dailey, M 4 cav "
A M Brown, K 6 cav "
B K lUnes, C l L cav "
Wm W Tennis, H9 inf, Dilley
Minn -sot a
Wm I. Pike, Co I (1 inf, Beaverton
P W Cronin, K 4 inf, Forest Grove
R W McNul, K 9 Inf, Cornelius
Wm Norton, C ft'av. Hillsboro
A M Collins. F 1 H art "
G B khtison. I 1 H art "
u B Alderman, B 10 mi, aeauie, waan
Geo W Long, Co U 25 inf, Hillsboro
GeoTRea,G6cav "
R Crandall, D & cav
Frank Doughty, I 7 cav "
H V Galea. A 6 cav, "
MSB Haycock, A A Inf, Cornelius
Wm Rldgley, F 29 Foreat Grove
II S lleggina, D 4 inf " "
Geo Fetberkite, A 38 inf "
R W Kirkwood, F I3 inf "
J W North, II 31 inl "
A B Thomas, 1 1 cav M
S A Howell, I 10 Beaverton
A B Cady, 1st lieut and adi 48 inf, Beav.
Win Jackson, K 33 inf, Dilley
F H Maury, G 7 inf
H W Hesse, Co C I5 inf, Hillsboro
Wm Leach, I 48 inf, Foreat Grove
John Baldwin, G 93 inf "
John J Reynolds, B 27 inf
J M Bdwarda, B a cav "
S Keffer, B I cav, Glencoe
B H Parker, II 1 cav, Gaaton
M B Johnson, I 48 inf, Dewey
A II Galea, Co B a cav, Forest Grove
L H Willa. B a inf. Glencoe
S H Dunbar, B 6 iuf, Hillsboro
O C Zook, C a cav '
A Runlon, Co K a cav, Dilley
C James, K 19 V C, Corneliua
L S FalrchiMa, Co A 1 inf, Cornelius
A J Maxaon, H aoinf, Foreat Grove
G W Haydon, Co B 1 cav, Thatcher
G N Hale. B I inf, Hillsboro
W D Kwing, J K. G cav
A F Doughty Co K a inf "
Roy Latbaui, II i inf '
Jaa Harper, B 1 iuf "
A Sigler. 11 1 inf "
G W Led ford, 1) I cav
M S Dailey, I a cav "
S D Powell, II 1 cav '
Wm Barrett, 'D 1 cav, Greenvitle
A Spierlues, H a inf, "
Chat Herb, H a Inf "
AT Killen, K I inf, Brnks
J LLsughlin, B 1 inf, Forest Grove
Wm Kane, D 1 cav, " "
O W Reid. cav, Dilley
T L Jenaen, K a inf, Gaaton -
Perry Watson, Co K I cav, Greenville
R T Wayland. Co A 3 cav, Hillsboro
O B Bdson, Co B 1 cav, Harrison
J F Ulm, A a csv, Dilley
Bmoke "Square Deal" 6 ct cigar.
J. F. Davis, of tbe 8t Charles
Hotel, was in the city Tuesday,
visiting with friends.
Born. July 14, 1902, to Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Thomas, of Cedar Mill,
a daughter. 1
Buy your couches from McCor-
raick. He has them from $G up.
Girl wanted, to do housework, j
Wsges, $3.00 prweek. Apply to
Mrs. II A. Ball, Hillsboro, Ore.
Wm. Vinton, one of McMinn
ville's prominent attorneys, was in
town tbe first of the week, engaged
in probate business. He spent
Sunday at Hcholls.
Taken op, three and one-half
miles north-east of Hillsboro, one
black hog. Owner may have same
by paying damages. James liar
wood. Tracy is still ahead and to la
Dennis. He keeps tbe finest selec
tion of boots and shoes on tbe
market. Fit your feet and feel
Mr. and Mrs. Beckwiih, parents
of C. . Beckwitb, departed the
first of tbe week for California, af
ter a several months' visit in this
Mrs. Miles K. Everitt returned
the last of the week from Guinda,
Yolo county, Cal , accompanied by
ber mother, Mrs. Clark, after a
several weeks' sojourn. j
Thousands of tons of hay are
down und so are prices on gro
ceries at Dennis. Finest brands
and best of satisfaction.
Scholls and Newberg met on the
diamond at Scholls, last Sunday,
and tbe game was won by the home
team by a score of 7 to 0. Pcboiie
is now looking for more honors.
Flor de 8umatra two for a
quarter and La Florena, the best
smokes for the money. Genuine
Havana, at II. A. Palmer's and
Tbe Pharmacy.
Mirk Butler, who has been in
the upper country for seven 1
months, returned from Spokane
tbe first ot tbe week, and is visit
ing with bis parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wall, re
turned Saturday from a trip to St
Paul, Omaha, and eastern points,
and are at home to their friends, in
the Goodin residence, on Baseline
George Gaunt, of Heppner, Mor
row county, was in the city last
week, visiting with friends. Mr.
Gaunt is well known here by some
of tbe old timers, as he lived here
IS or 20 years ago. He is now one
of the prominent stockmen of his
When you want a good cigar,
ask for a Square Deal or Carl Star
cigar the best 5-cent smoke on
earth. H. A. Palmer, wholesale
and retail, Second street, Hillsboro.
The Royal Neighbors, of Reed
ville, will give a program, social
and dance, at Allen's grove. Satur
day evening, July 19. Ice cream
and other refreshments will be
served. The public is cordially
invited. The best of music.
Full stock of gents' furnishing
goods, neckwear, etc., underwear
for spring and summer, at H. Weh
rung & Sons', Hillsboro.
Go to Greer'a for bee supplies,
berries, fly bouncer, sprays, and in
fact everything you may need.
Rev. Fred V, Jones, of Portland,
will occupy the pulpit in the Con
gregational churoii in this city,
Sunday morning, and in tbe eve
ning at the Evangelical cburch.
Rev. H. A. Kisser will occupy Mr.
Jones' pulpit in Portland.
Joe. Saxe, a prominent farmer of
Tieardville. was in tbe city lus-
day, and made this omce a pleas
ant call.
J. C. and W. U. Hare bave on
hand, at the Grange store a com
plete line of wagons, buggies and
farm machinery of all kinds, tan
dling the Mitchell-Lewie-Staver
makes. Give Ibem a call and sat
isfy yourself that you can do better
with them than elsewhere.
W. W. Percival, a prominent
stockman and politician of Inde
pendence, was in the city Wednea
day, and while here joined the !ive
heat order in tbe city. Mr. I erci-
val thinks we have a great country
here, and the boys are trying to
get him to sell out in Polk and try
Washington for awhile.
Six-horse traction engine, splen
did condition, for sale, at foundry
of W J. Benson, Hillsboro, Oregon
The Woodman picnic at Allen's
grove, last Saturday, was quite
success, and all who attended from
this point report a splendid time
The dance in the evening was
largely attended, and enjoyed,
even if several ot the boys did have
to walk home after the festivities
The cheapest insurance, and safe
as the safest. O. F. R. Aescoiation.
F. E. Waters, Forst Grove, Ore
Hon. Virgil Walters, county
iudge of Benton county, accompan
ed by his wife, was in the city the
first of the week, visiti.ig with W.
V. Wiley and family. Mrs Wal
ters was formerly Miss Dora Wiley.
Mr. Watters has just been elected
to the judgeship of his county, af
ter two terms of service as clerk
and two as recorder. While here
he conferred with Judge Rood as
to county road work and the
methods used in this county.
First Time Jury Has Been
Called fur Years
Several Divorce Canes no for Trial
S. P. Damage Case on Docket.
Circuit court will convene next
Monday, July 21, and for the first
time in many years a jury hai
been summoned to attend. There
are several casea for trial by jury;
one of which ia the damage case of
Ed. Wilcox, of Gaston, vs. the
Southern Pacific, for damages, the
cause of action being injury of the
plaintiff, aa a result of having been
struck by a passing train. The
ury called is:
Ed Naylor, J B Pricket t, B Scho-
field, A B Thomas, J C Clark and
II B Johnson, Forest Grove; Theo
dore Bernards, C W Fitch, John
Neep, Cornelius; Sam Sorenaon,
Kugene Dant, KeedviIIe; John
Northrop, A C Wirtz, Colombia;
C A Hanley, Frank Barber, D M
U Gault. Henry Toelle. Hillsboro;
E Hedges, East Cedar; F H
Maury, Dilley; Andrew Johnson,
N G McDonald, West Butte; Ed
ward Mulloy, Josiah Miller, J S
Kobinson, South Tualatin; Chas
King, Beaverdam; Henry Wolf,
Bverton;S H Tunstall, Chas D
Parnham, Washington; J N Flip-
pen, Jacob A Uiearwater, Buxton;
Geo W Reynolds East Butte.
On July 9th, at 8:30 p m.. Mr
Jasper Hall and Miss Inez Berry
ere united in marriage, at the
home of the groom's brother, Ben
Hall, in Scoggin's valley, Rev
Robinson, Presbyterian minister of
Hillsboro, officiating. The conple
received congratulations from many
friends and relatives, after wnicb
refreshments were served and ma
sic enjoyed. Mr. and Mra. Hall
will be at tbe home of his mother
Mrs Sarah Hall, for the present,
where they will be pleased to see
their many friends They were the
recipients of many beautiful and
useful presents.
Mrs. Geo. Phillips, a daughter of
the late Leander Williams, died
last week, at the Spokane hospital,
and the remains were brought to
this city last Saturday for burial
Mrs. Phillips was born August 23,
1866, and died July 10, 1902. She
was married October 28, 1886. She
leaves one son, Cecil, and the
husband to mourn their loss,
As Miss Minnie Williams she was
well known to many in this city,
and a large circle of friends will re
gret her death. Her husband is
well known here, where he con
ducted a harness shop for several
vears, and is a son of Mr. and Mra.
D. T Phillips.
The Willsmette Valley Chautau
qua Association will be held at
Uladstone Park, near Oregon City,
July 8th to 19th; reduced rates via
Southern Pacibc Co s lines on the
certificate plan.
special attractions this season,
Chemawa Indian Band; baseball
every afternoon; Chas. Craig, the
noted impersonator; Dr. Robt. Mo
Intyre, the great word painter of
the West, and Thos. McClary, the
entertaining lecturer.
On July 10th the Hon. Henry
Watterson will speak on "Money
and Morals,' ar.d on July 11th will
deliver his celebrated lecture on
Abraham Lincoln.
July lytn the entire program
will be furnished by pupils of the
Uhemawa Indian school, music,
vocal and instrumental, recitations,
baseball, and a grand closing con
cert by tbe Chemawa Indian Band
should make this day one of inter
est and entertainment.
For programs and further in for
mation, call on nearest Southern
Pacific agent.
Married, July 12. 1902. at the reel
dence of the officiating minister.
Rev. L. F. Belknap, Mr. Robert H.
Lambert and Miss Grace J. White,
both of Washington county.
Estate E F Sutherland, deed; heirs
cited to appear August 4, to show
csuse why realty shall not be sold.
Estate H L Smock; Susie Smock
appointed administratrix, and C T
Hall, J E Mohrback and J C
Smock, appraisers.
Estate Thos Stewart, deed. Fi
nal settlement set for Monday,
August 11.
Splendid spring line of dresa
goods, at H. Wehrung & Sons'.
Frank Pauli has returned from a
several weeks' stay in the Tilla
mook country.
For sale: six room cottage, 8
acreB land, good barn; cheap. In
quire at this office.
Cornelius: Miss Cora NifT. of
Salem, ia visiting the family of A.
Phillips Ibis week. 1). T. Phil
lips ia making some improvements
this week, by having his house and
woodshed repaired, house painted
and papered, by Henry Termeer,
of Portland. Mrs. Emma Sirard, a
daughter of N. Noland, and Mrs.
Minnie Noland, wife of John No
land, came out from Portland.
Tuesday, for a short visit with rel
atives. Quite a number came out
from Portland Saturday eve. and
took a trip up to Meacham'a cross
ing Sunday. Thev were accom
panied by some Cornelius people
and some from Canterville. Thev
reported a fine time. Tom Beagle,
of Seattle, is visiting at the Scheif
felin ranch for a few days
H. Wehrung & Sons pay the
highest market price for wool.
Dr. George Merryman, of this
city, will leave Portland, July 28,
on the Steamship Indrasamha, as
ship's surgeon. The vessel will go
to China, touching at Yokohama
and Hong Kong, and will be ab
sent about three months. The
doctor's many friends in Washing
ton county wish mm a pleasant
voyage. The trip is a valuable one
to bim, as he can unite business
with the pleasures of travel.
When yon want good groceries
go to Greer'a.
Louie Manning brought, last
week, to the office of F. M. Heidel,
15-inch branch from a Royal
Ann cherry tree, containing thou
sands of cherries. It is a little tbe
prettieat bit of fruit seen this year.
a. U. Campbell bai sent in a gal
lon of the finest Lambert cherries
yet exhibited here. Tbey are as
arge as wild plums, and are a
beautiful dark red in color.
There will he a grand ball at the
hall adjoining Millet's hotel, in
Cornelius, on the evening of Satur
day, July 19 - Ice cream and re
freshments will be served. Supper
ill be served at Miller's hotel.
Tickets for dance, 50 cents. Sup
per, 25 cents. Splendid music-
Walkers orchestra. Everybody
come, and have a good time. Ora
Look, floor manager.
While Wm. Getter was engaged
in telling a tree near Cornelius,
Tuesday, by the sawing down
method, tbe fir fell unexpectedly.
and a limb struck him, badly lac
erating the right hand, and crush
ing aome of the bones. His left
arm and one of bis knees were
thrown against the teeth of the
saw, cutting aome severe gashes.
Dr. Bailey attended the sufferer.
and he is getting along nicely.
Mr. Wm. R. Bagby, aced 79,
of Mollala, Clackamas county.
died at the family home June 15.
Mr. Bagby was a pioneer of 1852,
and was the father of twelve chil
dren, all of whom live, and one of
whom is Mrs Alice Sandford, of
Glencoe, this county. All of the
children were at the bedside when
death came.
Phoenix Lodge, K. of P., has if
stalled the following officers: G A
Wehrnng, chancellor commander;
R L Wann, vice; Geo K Baeley,
prelate; A M Carlile, master-at-
arms; H T Bagley, K of R and S;
Geo W Schulmerich, master of
finance; Dr W D Wood, master of
exchequer; L M Hoyt, inner guard.
The Odd Fellows of Montezuma
Lodge, last evening, installed M
B. Bump as Noble Grand; L. E.
Wilkes. Vice; E. L. McCormick,
secretary; Cal. Jack, Jr., treasurer.
The Rebekah officers are Mrs. Mae
Greer, Noble Grand; Jennie Greer,
Vice; Lucy Humphreys, secretary;
Mrs. Etta Finney, treasurer.
Two young lads of this city, aged
10 and 11, started out Sunday eve
ning to bunt for Tracy. One of
tbe boys' father started out Monday
morning and caught tbe young ad
venturers just this side of Portland
They returned home penitent and
wining to wan a ww years more
before they started after despera- j
Andrew Bendler, residing six
miles northwest of here, while
mowing away hay one day this
week, stepped on the end of a loose
board, and was precipitated on his
head and shoulders, severely injur
ing his head and the upper part of
his spine. He will recover.
District Deputy R. H.Greer, of
the Odd Fellows, went to Forest
Grove last Saturday evening, and,
in company with Mrs. L. C. Wal
ker, who ia the Deputy for the Re
bekahs, jointly installed the officers
of the Odd Fellows and auxiliary
lodgea of that plaoe.
Mrs. Ray Neighbor, of Dundy
county, Kansas, is in the city visit
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. K Dailey. Her husband is one
of the big stockmen of Kansas.
She will remain through the sum
mer. Mra. J. E. Long, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Leisy, was out
visiting her parents last week. Mr.
Long has been at Lewiston, Idaho,
for a month, and they will shortly
take up their residence at that
The Endeavor Society of the
Congregational church will give an
ice cream social in the court yard,
Saturday evening, July 19." All
are cordially invited.
J. M. Brock, father of Wilbur
Brock, circulating agent of the Ore-
gonian, was in town this morning
Mr. Brock lived in this city aome
mentni ago.
By This Mark You Know Them
The strongest Watch Case
the one that best protects the
works is the
It is guaranteed to retain all the
beauty of a solid gold case for 35
years and the cost is much leas.
All aius her, la all styles,
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rilirtrn. Orpornn
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Residence Painters. Kalsominirjg aad
Papering. Sign Work. All
work Guar an ted.
fbjraiclao, aadSargeoal
Office Vorgan-Baiiey block op .stall
Rooms I3-I3 and 1$. Residence aoU
west corner Baseline and 2nd etraat
Both 'Phones.
S. T. L.NKLATER. M. B C 11 .
a mw
OiJic at Kisnltuce Kaat of Court House
Surgeon Southern Pacific rv.
Consultation in French or English. Of.
w auu skcsiaence sown siae of
near uaa t-cllowa Building.
Rooms 1 aud 2 Saute Building
Office in Corwin-Woster Block,
HUlaboro, - Oregon
Taos h TONcoa. a a tomcotju
THUS. 11. A E. B. TOiNttUE.
Roonia 3, 4, & S, Uorgan Blk, HUlaboro.
Office Upstairs, Bailey Mergaa
Rooms, 1 an! a. '
Notarial Work aad Convcyaaciaf,
Rooms 0 4 7 Morgan Blk.. HUlaboro, Ore
(Successor to Barrett ft Adam)
Office, Up Stairs, Central Block.
Heidel & Wall
Largest list of farms tor sate in Wash
ington County. Money to loan. Con
veyancing, etc. We will sell your farm
for you.
Hillsboro - Orejron
Fifteen years Experience ia HUlabon.
Firstclass Setvices. Charges Reasonable.
Office, Union Block, over Schulmerich
Bros.' Store.
516 Deknm Building, Poitland, Oragea.
Makes frequent visits to HUlaboro. Aa
nouncementa of time published.
Northrop, Proprietor.
Newly Furnished
and Renovated,
A first-class table and
all accommodations
for the convenience
of guests. . . ,
PI Hill