The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 17, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 13
A Comorehanalve Review of the Important
Happening of the Put Week, Presented
In Ceadenaed Form. Whlih It Mini
likely U Prev of Interest to Our Many
Tim war department Inn ordered tli
Marietta, iiuw at Kingston, Jamaica, to
I Ouayra, YcuuiieU.
king I'.dnard Imi an far recovered
that li has been able to go aboard his
yacht li .r a abort criilim,
Tracy' last exploit wan nr Knnm
claw, whore he made a lsy shave liiiu
whlln tlirtHi tnHii looked on,
ll hundred aild t'lKllt IWr have
Jut arrived lit New York from Jlcr
inililn, whore Ilit')" were ooii tl mi
prlouai ol war.
David Merrill, the
Marconi luia received wlrelcs iiiml
at a distance ol 1,400 mile. C
plete message were received a', a dis
tance ol H.'iO miles,
Tlm In I till Mull' trHnvirt IIummi
cratm hat 1hmh hoIiI lor 50,000, a liltlu
more than a third of its coat to the
Itnvermneiit In IStlil.
Four Clilrnuo milroiiln have inaile
iinliviiliial a)(rt4inenti with the ulrik
Iiik f toIkIi t IiiiihIIith. Thin may ran hi a
Itenerul breiik in the trike.
The IkhIv of Iml raumnfoti, lale
amhaimiulor i f (iri'at I'.rltalii at WuhIi
iiiKton, haN Ihhiii hihl to rnt In the
(iimlly tomb, near Newark-on-rrunt,
Two Iuiii'IhmI mliH'mat U'avenworth,
Kan., have none on Htriko,
The I'eary n-lit'f ahip ban Htarted on
her trip to the An-lic ri'niimii.
The'iit him aKiintel I)irtctir
Merriiini aa eriimm'ht ilirwtur of the
The eniror of Corea him awpti'd
an Invitation for that country to parti
vlpatu in the Ht. Iiuli extiOHition.
lllanka for Indian war veterana linvt
IxH'n imiind and applicationa w ill whiii
lie KnliiK In to the pi'inHnn department
at Wanlilit(ton,
Tlm poHMO In pnmult of Trury Iiiin re
turned to Seattle for a runt. The force
will be reorKiinlted and a more deter
mined campaiK inauguriited.
(ienernl Chaffee Iiiih boen relieved ol
ronimand in tlm 1'bilippinea and will
be anHlKiiml to duly in the Cnited
Htaten. lie will bo auiteeedud by (ieti
erai Pavis.
MiiHked men held op n Denver & Rio
Grande puHmuixei train in Colorado.
It Ih not known how much they bo
cured, but the train umially can leu a
largo amount of money.
ly the flndiiiK ul Merrill's body, the
utory told by Tracy haa proven to be
true. The body baa been found a tew
mi leu (rom CbebuliN, at the place Tracy
declared he ought with Iun partner.
A boy panning through the canyon din
overed it lying in the briinh.
Fixing ol coronation date bin iiprnit
Londdiiociety's plana.
The flood flituatlon nt Topcka, Kan.,
m becoming more aeriouH.
A numbor of violont enrthqnnke
ihocka have been reported from Vene
Eiiela. The Vatican Is anxious to eHtabl 1h!i
diplomutio relatlona with the United
A French doctor Inoculated hltnnell
with conmimptive cow matter in order
to dinprove I'rof. Koch's theory.
John 0. Rockefeller offered Smith
college, Northampton, Mum., f 1 00,000
on condition that a like gum bo sub
cribed. I Col. II. II. Williams, of hpringfleld,
0., former pontcfllce inspector in Cuba,
predicts that Cuba will soon apply for
annexation, as such action is desired by
majority of the people.
I -V'T A-" &r
Relieved ol Command In the Philippine
Davie lo Succeed Him.
Washington, July 17. General
ClmlW linn Ihs ii relieved ol tliu cum
IiihiiiI In llm Philippine and ordered Ui
Dim command of tlm l'Mrt mciit ol tin'
Fast hy mi orilnr irmicd liy Secretary
' Hoot, 1 1 ji order in an lollowa-
"i'.y direction ol tlm president, Major
Uciirnl Gt-rog W. Davis will relieve
i Major General ChalW ol tint iiiiiiiiiuihI
Jul tlm (I I v if iun ol tlm Philippines, Sep-
tcmlier HO, 1 101. On Imihk relieved
I General Chaffee will with hi aulhoi-
iul aiil ri'utir to Governor' IkUii'J,
Now York, mill assume command ol
tlm department o tint Kant."
A iiw nay ago licneral l liutli-e was
cabled that lie mold have command of
either tin) department of tlm Fast or the
j department ol the lukrna II h desired
10 0'iiiiw imnm ai tins nine. lis wa
: liilnriiitNl tliat the retirement of General
I llrooko aflnrli-i an jim rt ti n it y ol
makiiiK either exchange lie desired.
jThe cablegram elovd with a commen
dation by the (it-rctsry ol wa' on Gen-
ieral Chaffee' service in China ami the
Murdered Outlaw.
I'liilippineH. A reply wan rcceiveil
(rom lienenil Cliaffee Htating that he
left the mutter entirely with the de
partment, but that 1m Would prefer
Nmw York in caae lie waa relieved in
the I'lillipplnun, He MiKgented that
SeptemU'r HO would be a gmul date to
make any change in the command of
the riitlippinvK.
The utiituf ol the commander of the
department of the Kuat, aa qualified
by the lant order ia an follow
(ienernl Ihooke in at prenent in com
mand, but he in to retire at the end of
the pieaeut mouth. (ieneral Mac
Arthur in in command 'of the depart
ment of the lakea at Chicago, but he
will lie temporarily ordered to New
York after (ieneral llrooke'n retirement
to command the department of the Kant
while the combined maneuver are go
ing on. He will retain tlm command
until relieved hy (ieneral Chaffee,
probably about November net, w hen it
In exctcd (ieneral MacArthur will
return to bin prenent command in Chi
Urge Part of thi Jcnalna,! Field In Loulil
destroyed by Fire.
Jennings, 1., July 17. During
heavy electrical storm that pasneed over
the Jennings oil Held today a bolt of
lightning struck the Held titorage tanks
of the Jenninif oil company, sotting
them allre. The flames spread to the
derricks of the company ndoiulng,
and in a short time the derricks and
tanks were destroyed. Hurtling streams
of oil from the tanks run In the direc
tion of Coulee. All workmen in the
fluid immediately stopped work and set
about throwing up levees so as to pie
vent as far as possible the spreading of
the fire. In a short time, however,
another tank had broken louse, and the
wind bad driven tho flames into the
tanks ol the Southern, Northern and
Crescent oil companies, but they in
Borne manner escaped destruction.
Portland and Jeanie Are Sale.
Victoria, B. C, July 17. Two pas
sengers trom Nome, here by the
collier Melville lhillnr on her way to
Ijtdysmith, report the sale arrival at
Nome of both the Portland and the
Jeanie, Tho steamers, ibey say, ar
rived at the same time, the Portland
towing the Jeanie, which witBdinabled,
part of the way. No hardships were
suffered by the passenger and crews, the
two steamers being within bailing dis
tance of each other. The Portland
getting free first, assisted the Jeanie to
got out.
Mine Magazine Explodei
Salt Lake July 17. A telephone
mesnugo just received from Park City,
Utah, says that the magazine on the
1200-foot level of the Daly West mine
exploded shortly after 1 o'clock this
morning. There were 150 men at work
in the mine at the time the explolson
occurred. Eighteen dead bodies have
already been removed, mid It Is thought,
that the number of dead will reach 100.
Guses issuing from tho mouth of the
mine prevents any one entering.
Commercial and Financial Happening! of Inv
portante-A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvement of the Many Indutlrlee
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
Letui Market Report.
A large box and basket factory i to
lie entahl inlied at Kugene.
Haletn hop buyers are cloning con
tract for the 1U02 crops at '10 cents per
Two Oregon inistilhYes were dineon
tinned July l.'i Irma, Curry county,
and Waldron, Wliatder county.
A blaae at Sheep Hock mine, four
niilraj from Sanger, Kastern Oregon, de
stroyed the stamp mill, holrt and other
Citizens f Crook county are consid
ering numerous plans of ridding the
county of rabbits, which are the worst
pent in Kastorn Oregon.
Mountain cliinliers have started on
their annual pilgrimage to the top of
II'KkI. One party has already made
the ascent. They report much snow
and ice all! on the side of the peak.
The county bridge over Hubbard
creek, at Millwood, Douglas county,
collapsed while a team with a load ol
nimiier wan ciosmng. Ilia driver was
(atully injured ami both horses killed,
' Citizens of llillshoru held a meeting
and a committee was apKiintfd to se
cure a right of way lor the electric rail
way to the Multnomah county line,
the company having swurcd the right
of way from there into Portland.
The pt opiated railroad into Malheur
and Harney counties liuacauMl timber
lands in that section to be taken up
rapidly. It is estimated that along the
line of the proiKwod road 20,000 lo 25,.
000 acres ol land well covered by timber
have lieen located since March 1.
Oregon counties, for the past year.
have N'n paying out nearly 15,000 a
month for scalps of wild animals, prin-
i-i j ally coyotes. The county stands
one-third of this amount and the state
two-thirds. The 50,000 appropria
tion made by the legislature of 11)01
is exhausted and f '.'0,000 in claims are
on file. The counties are relying on
the next legislature for reimbursement.
Ijine county, however, ha made an
order that no mote scalps will be ac
cepted. Hop buyers around Salem are offering
18 wnts for the lUO'J cr ip.
A sawmill w ith cuiwiclty of 100,000
feet per day is to be built at Astoria
at once.
Hop growers in 1-sne county antici
pate more trouble this year than usual
with lice.
The proNX't are good for heavy
crop of both fall and spring wheat in
Linn county.
The recent rains have brightened the
prospects for the grain and hay crops
around l'rineville.
Cold storage men at Astoria are now
paying 8 cents ter iKiund for large fish,
an advance of 1 cent.
Several cars of Willamette valley
11102 iirunes have been contracted for
at cents in 25-pound boxes.
A. J. Webster has been appointed
denutv fifth warden at Astoria, to suc
ceed Henry liultman, resigned.
Wheat Walla Walla, 65K(968c;
bluestem, 67(tjfi8cj valley, 6667c.
Barley Feed, 22; brewing,
23 per ton.
Flour Bext grades, 13.05(33.60 par
barrel; graham, f3.uS(g3.S0.
Millstuffs Bran, $1518 per ton:
middlings, $21.60; shorts, $18;
chop, $16,
Oats No.l white, $t.201.25;gray,
Hay Timothy, $12016 ; clover,
$7.50(310; Oregon wild hay, $50 per
Potatoes Beet Burbanks, 7585c
percental; ordinary, 40c per cental,
growers prices; sweets, $2.252.50
per cental ; new potatoes, 1
Butter Creamery, 2021c; dairy
16 18o; store, 15lc.
Eggs 20(9220 for Oregon.
Cheese i- Full cream, twins, 12H
13c; Young America, 13tU)c; fac
tory prices, ($ lc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3
4,60; hens, $4.005.60 per doxen,
1 1 (dj 1 1 Sj c per pound; springs, 11
ll.Hc per pound, $2.60(34.50 per doi-
n; ducks, $z.oO($K.ou per dosen; tur
keys, live, 1314c, dressed, 1516c per
pound; geese, $4.00(t5.00 per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 2Sa per pound;
dressed, fic per pound.
Hoga Gross, 6c; dressed, 77sc
per pound.
Veal 78c per pound.
Beef Gross, cowa, S3cj Bteers.
3H4.Hi'cj dressed, 7($8c per pound.
Hops 14(316 cents per pound.
Wool Valley,1215;Eastern Ore
gon, 814c; mnhatr, S5i26c pound.
The insurance of the lives of children
is forbidden in Montreal.
William McGoveru made the eighth
suicide in Merlden, Conn., in two
mouths. A Buicide club is believed to
The congregation of the First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, unani
mously adopted a pledge to contribute
any part of $2,000,000 that may be
necessary to build an immense auditor
ium at Boston.
Granta Put Visited by a $50,000 Firt-Orig
inaiee) in Defective Flue.
Grants Pans, Oregon, July 15. A fire
which i believed to have had iUorigin
in a defective flue in a hotel yentenlay
afternoon destroyed $50,000 worth of
property here. A southwest wind
that was blowing a gale muttered the
flying embers over all parts of the city
and made it practically imposnible for
the firemen to keep the flames under
control. The fire was a moat remark
able one in that it did not sweep every
thing a it went, but skipped here and
there, making the situation all the more
difficult for the firemen and the citi
zens, w ho fought heroically to quell the
destructive flame. Nearly all of the
residences and buildings burned were
insured for one-half or two-thirds of
their value.
The fire originated in the old City
hotel, on Front tlreet. Flame were
diocovered breaking through the kitchen
roof about 1 o clock in the afternoon,
and probably caused by a defective flue.
Fanned by the tierce wind, the flames
d completely enveloped the City hotel
and the adjoining buildings before the
Are department could reach the scene.
notwithstanding their prompt response.
I he drants Pan brewery was next in
the path of the flames, and in a lew
minute was reduced to ashes. The
blaze then leaiied across the street to
the railroad yards of the Southern
Pacific, where are located the round
house, machine shop and wood yard.
These were soon a mass of flames.
Acron the street were three residences,
and these were next to go. By this
time the whole city was in gieat alarm.
The wildest excitement prevailed, for
the solid business portion of the town
on Front street and all of the residences
of the city, comprising half of Grants
Pass, seemed doomed, aa they were di
rectly in the path of the flames. Every
available team, dray and truck in the
city weie brought into use in getting
the contents of stores and residences to
places of safety. ,
The mayor telephoned to Ashland for
assistance and the fire department ol
that city was loaded onto a special
train and hurried to the scene of the
conflagration, where good service was
rendered in aaviug the remainder of
the town,
It Was Expected, but Not to Soon Succeeded
by A. J. Ballour.
London, July 16. The fact of the
resignation of the premiership of Great
Britain by Lord Salisbury has been offi
cially given out. The prime minister
laid down tiie responsibilities of his
office July 11.
Within 24 honra his majesty elevated
A. J. Balfour, the government's chief
representative in the house of commons,
to the position of premier.
While it was expected in political
and commercial circles that Lord Sal
isbury's retirement would be coincident
with the coronation of King Edward,
it was scarcely looked for prior to that
event. Consequently about the only
surprise expressed as the news spread
through London concerned the date,
rather than the fact of the resignation.
The real interest was not so much in
reference to Lord Salisbury's with
drawal as it was in the appointment of
bis successor.
The liveliest speculation is rife as to
the personnel of the new cabinet. The
most discussed feature of the pending
changes is the position of Mr. Cham
berlain, the colonial secretary, who in
many quarters has been regarded as the
most promising candidate for the pre
miership. As to Lord Salisbury's withdrawal,
the main reason is considered by prac
tically all well informed persons to
have been a desire for a quiet life on
the part of a man advanced in years,
whose activities have been unusual and
whose scientific tastes predisposed him
to study and seclusion.
Although Lord Salisbury's resigna
tion does not necessarily involve the
reconstruction of tho cabinet, it is be
lieved there wilt be some changes. It
is considered not unlikely that some of
the ministers will be made peers in
order to make room for new blood in
the cabinet.
Waters Are Falling.
Topeka, Kan., July 16. The flood
situation is beginning to show some
improvement. The Kansas river has
fallen nearly four inches since 10
o'clock this morning, and the prospects
are that the 'all will be steady now
until the water has reached its usual
level. Railroad traffic on the Santa Fe
and Union Pacific is entirely shut off
between here and Kansas City on ac
count of washouts near Lawrence. It is
thought that the damage will be re
paired sometime tomorrow.
Collide In Malacca.
Singapore, June 9, via San Francisco,
July 16, A collision took place the
night of June 6 in the Straits of Malac
ca, between the local steamer Teutonia
and a Chinese junk. Both vessels sank
almost immediately, and only 68 per
sons were saved out of 106 on board.
Precautions Agalnit Cholera.
Tokio, June 28, via San Francisco,
July 16, Owing to the prevalence of
cholera in certain districts of Japan,
the United States sanitary authorities
will allow no one to go to Hawaii or
America from the infected places with
out undergoing live days' disinfection
at Yokohama. This order also applies
to any person coming by way of Tokio,
as the disease has made its appearance
in the capital.
Body Found at Napavine, Near Chehalii
Brother of the Outlaw Identifies the Re-
malne DiKovcry Wa Made by Woman
and tier So While Out Picking Berries
will Not Oct hull Reward.
Cliehalls, Juiy 16. All doubt of
Convict Harry Tracy' sUiry that be
hal slain his pal, David Merrill, hi.
been removed by the new that Mer
rill' dead body bad been found, four
mile southeast of here, partially con-
cealifd by two logs, between which the
murderer had thrown it. Although
partially decomponed, two bullet
wounds were plainly discernible in the
body, one in the wrist and another in
the back, and it is believed that a
third bullet found lodg nent in'the ncek
of the victim of a fellow criminal's
treahcery. The discovery wa made by
Mrs. Mary Wagoner, of Napavine, and
her 1 2-year-old son George, who were
picking blackbeiries in the woods near
the Northern Pacific railroad track.
ai d were attracted to the body by the
odor. Thinking at once of the story ol
Tracy, which, with the many tales ol
his adventures, is known to everyone
in this vicinity, they at once made an
The body was lying between two logs.
luce down, and with the legs and one
hand up. The spot where it lay is
about 200 feet from the Northern Pacific
track, on an unfrequented road, and so
distant from any dwelling that the
crack of Tracy' murderous rifle might
have sounded without attracting any at
tention. The surroundings and the lo
cation of the bullet holes indicate that
the story Tracy told to the cerw of the
launch which carried him down Puget
sound from near Olympia, July 2, may
be true, although there is reason to
believe that the convict, fearing that
Merrill would reveal the whereabouts
of the fugitives by his clumsiness
killed him in cold blood.
Three 90-30 shells, found a ilttle dis
tance frojo the spot w here the body was
found, destroyed whatever doubts re
mained in the minds ol those who
answered Mrs. Wagoner's summons,
and subsequent developments have
demonstrated conclusively that Tracy
not only Is toe slayer of six men who
were obstaejes in his path to liberty,
but also shot down his own companion
and fellow fugetive. The face was un
recognizable, and the body in a bad
state, hut a comparison of the descrip
tion of scars on Merrill's hands, his
foot and knee, and the color of bis hair,
tallied with those on the body. War
den J. T. Janes, of the Salem peniten
tiary, did not swear that the body was
that of Merrill, but expressed an opin
ion to this effect. J. W. Studebaker,
of Castle Rock, who had known Merrill
many years, said the body was that of
the outlaw. Ben Merrill, his brother,
who has been working in a Chehalis
livery stable the past two weeks, ex
pressed the same opinoin. '
Will Not Oct Full Reward.
Salem, Or., July 17. Superintend
ent J. D. Lee, of the Oregon peniten
tiary, today received a message asking
whether the reward will be paid to the
person who found the body of Meirill.
Superintendent Lee replied that the re
ward would be Fid according ;o the
language of the offer, which was for
the "capture and return" of the con
victs, dead or alive, but that in any
event he would pay liberally for the re
turn of the body, even though not cap
tured as specified in the offer.
Illinois Striku an Obstruction in the Harbor
of Chriitlana, Norway.
Christiana, Norway, July 17. The
United States battleship Illinois, flag
ship of Rear Admiral Crowninshield,
and the United States cruiser Chicago
have arrived here. While the Illinois
was standing into the harbor, leading
the squadron, her steering gear failed,
and her helm jammed bard to star
board, with the ship beaded straight
for the shore. Both anchors were let
go and her engines were backed prompt
ly, but the port anchor chain parted.
The ship struck an obstruction and a
bole was punched in her bottom. Two
small compartments filled with water.
The crew were piped to quarters and
the water tight doors were closed. The
rest of the apiadton stood into the in
ner harbor. The Illinois was eventu
ally backed off and anchored safely.
Rear .Admiral Crowninshield will
probably shift his flag to the Chicago.
Tornado In North Dakota.
St. Taul, July 17. Tremendous dam
age, and, it is thought, great loss ol
life, were caused by a terrible wind
storm which early tonight swept in a
southwesterly direction from the inter
national boundary across the north
eastern portion of North Dakota.
Three towns, according to the meager
reports which are obtainable, were
totally wiped out. Telegraph lines are
wrecked and there is no communication
with the section where the most serious
devastation is thought to have been
worked by the tornado.
Explosion of the Kaichl.
Victoria, B. C, July 17. Details are
given in the Chinese papers, received
today by the steamship Empress of
India, of the blowing up of the Chinese
cruiser Kaichi, which was lying at
Usiuknan, and used as a training ship.
The first report placed the loss of life
at 250, but the more reliable papers say
it it will not exceed 140. At the time
of the explosion Captain Lee and sev
eral of the officers were ashore, four
officers having been left in charge.
Department PropoKt to Make Vancouver One
o( the Largest ia Country.
Washington, July 15. The action of
the war department in allotting 1 142,
000 for immediat expenditure in en
larging the present quarter at Van
couver Barrack indicates that this post
is not only to be retained ((department
headquarters, but is to be gradually
developed as one of the largest perma
nent army stations. The money now
made available will be expended nnder
the direction of the department and
constructing quartermasters in enlarg
ing and fitting up the 10 barracks
buildings now standing, making them
sufficiently large to accommodate a full
regiment of infantry. New quarters
will alno be erected for the accommoda
tion of two large companies of field
artillery of 120 men each. Such addi
tional officers' quarters will be erected
as are necessary to accommodate the
complement of officers in command of
the troops provided for. A large build
ing for the "bachelors' mess" will also
be erected, together with several smaller
building not yet arranged for.
The apportionment of funds made
does not provide for sewer, water and
heating systems, for which additional
funds will be allotted later. In the
construction of all builidngs, local tim-
oer will be used, as experience has
taught that on the Pacific coast frame
buildings are a great deal cheaper and
equally as satisfactory as brick. Plans
for this new work are now being com
pleted, and will be advertised at an
early date, fcs most of the work will be
done by contract.
At Fort Lawton, $105,500 has been
apportioned for erecting new quarters
for two additional companies of infantry
in addition to the two companies now
quartered there, while headquarters for
a regiment will also be built, making
this the most important poi-t on Puget
sound. These buildings will be frame.
At Fort Wright the $27,000 allotted
will be expended in erecting officers
quarters of brick, to replace the quai
ters now provided. Work at the late
named posts will be done by contract,
under supervision cf the constructing
quartermasters now at these stations.
Plans for the work will be completed as i
rapidly as possible.
Syndicate Formed Which Propoiea to Equip
Brooklyn Bridge.
New York, July 15. It is learned,
says the Herald, that behind the plan
to equip the Brooklyn bridge with mov
ing sidewalks are men of great promin
ence in the railroad and financial
world. Tbey is stated, perfected
a preliminary organization, and if their
proposition is viewed favorably by the
officials of the city who have power to
act they will organize a corporation
under this state and become practically
a local concern.
It has been agreed by the representa
tives of these men that they will with
in one year equip the bridge with mov
ing sidewalks at,t heir own expense, and
will pay the city $150,000 a year for
the privilege ol operating them. They
have agreed to charge not more than 1
cent a person for each crossing. There
will be no total suspension of traffic at
any time during the progress of the
work, they promise, and the public will
not even be inconvenienced for more
than four days, or certainly more than
a week, while the termials are being
put in place. It is proposed to operate
the moving sidewalk for about 10 out
of the 24 hours, during the times of
the greatest crush of passengers, and to
operate the trolley cars as at present
the remainder of the time, thus giving
opportunity to inspect the.sidewalk and
keep it in perfect operation.
Union Pacific Strike Promlitt to Be s
Struggle Both Sides Determined.
Omaha, July 15. At the end of the
fifth week of the Union Pacific shop
men's strike there appears to be little
hope for an immediate settlement.
Both sides have shown themselves de
termined to fight to the end. The offi
cials of the road today made a brief re
sume of the conditions, stating that 65
per cent of the strikers' places in this
city are filled. The company is not
hampered, according to the official state
ment, in the handling of motive power
by reason of the strike. Strike leaders
declare that there has not been a sin
gle defection from their ranks; that
the new men at work are not generally
skilled mechanics, and that a long
fight is in propseot which will eventu
ally force the company to their terms.
Will Hold Their Coal.
New York, July 15. At a meeting
of the ooal operators yesterday, an
agreement was reached that until the
meeting of the bituminous coal miners,
to lie held July 17, becomes known,
the coal operators in the agreement
will hold their present stock of coal,
and that which they will receive this
week, and not sell any in the open
market The operators ray they are
impelled to protect themselves because
of the scarcity of soft coal in or near
New York, which the consultation dis
closed yesterday.
Great Northern Strike Settled.
St. Paul, July 15 Four hundred
I boiler makers and helpers on the Great
j Northern railway system, who went on
strike for higher wages some six weeks
ago, returned to work yesterday morn
I ing. The strike was settled at a con
: forence between a committee of strikers
and officials of the company. There
j were concessions on both sides. Under
the new schedule, the men will receive
. an advance of 25 cents per day over
' the stale in effect before the strike.
Both Railroad) and Freighthandlers Say They
WiH Yield Nothing Mora, and Expect to
Fight It Out to a Finuh-Bu.weia Men
of the City Losing a Millioa Dollar a
Day No Siga of Settlement.
Chicago, June 16 While the whole
sale business of this city is almost com
pletely paralyxed, and while it bul-
nesa men are standing a loss of $1,000,-
WO a day, the striking freiahthandier.
and the railroads are in a deadlock and
announce their determination to fight
to a finish over the anmiinn ,.t n..t,.i
a cent per hour per man, or a total of
ouy wr every 24 hoars, this being
divided on one side Mimn 11
roads and on the other side between
10,000 men.
The situation tonishr ia
than at any time since the commence
ment of the tronhln n,l . nn i.
since the walkout have the point at
issue been so obstinately maintained.
Three times yesterday the freight
handlers sent committees to meet the
general managers, and three times
came back without reeults. The first
call was made without giving warning
to the managers, and when thammmit.
tees arrived, they were unable to find
any oi mem, tor tbe reason that the
managers were havincr mu.;n
their own, and were not at their offices.
inesecona call produced more effect,
as several of the committees saw the
managers, but nothing definite resulted.
mo lam committees were sent out by
President Curran. of th r,.i.i..-j
- iviUUMUI.
lers, at tbe demand of the teamsters,
uo waniea sometning attempted to
ward a settlement. This time the com
mittees were started an it-. t. k.
afternoon that it waa a fnroonn.
sion that they would not find many of
..., geucri managers at tneir offices.
All the committees rennrta.1 iw.f
that they had failed of any result.
j ne committee tnat went to the Mil
waukee & St. Paul rrA k...L.
bearing the information that they had
u-ttu munu aamisaion, and were in
formed that their former employers did
not care to receive them, th.t tk. k.j
all the men necessary in their business,
and that hereafter
would be received from employes who
had Kone on strike. Th nffis.u i
the road declared later that they woold
uiAiutnill luia position.
After this had been nnuiiul y.A.
quarters of the strikers, President Cur
ran announcea that the fight was on to
a finish, and that hereaftei when the
railroads had any overtures to make, or
wished to do anv hnainaa. mith !,:.
' "www ...v.. ,uil
employes, they would be compelled to
viaurwv eucn ousmess through the
officers of the Freighthandlers' union.
itn sides now declare that they
have reached the limit, and that abso
lutely nothing? will h mnj ti.
men demand 11 cents, and the man
agers say that they will not, under any
circumstances, pay more than 17 cents.
The railroad warehouses, ordinarily
a hive of industry, were almost as quiet
as on Sunday. At a distance from each
warehouse was a company of pickets
posted to keep freight from entering or
leaving the sheds. Nearer the 'depots
were guards of police on duty to protect
the men in the warehouse n,l n n
'- wu V, 11 V I .
any disturbances which might arise.
liangs ot nonunion men brought into
the city to take the places of the strik
ers lounged about the warehouses or in
their cars, with scarcely anvthin.,
City Government to Be Reitorcd to Chineie,
With Limitation.
Pekin. July 16. The
tera to China have AffiwH
conditions for the restoration of the
government ot lien Tsin to China, and
inese conuiuons only await the signa
ture of the Italian minister, tbe Mar
quis Palvago Raggi, who is absent, for
presentation to the Chinese govern
ment. According to the conditions,
the 30-kilometer radius from which
Chinese troops are excluded is reduced
to 20 kilometers, the limitation of the
number ot police which the Chinese
may maintain within the radius is
eliminated, and the concessions granted
by tbe provisional government are ig
nored. The members of the government are
considering the question of devoting the
surplus in the treasury to the reim
bursing of the concessionaries for in
vestments made on the strength of their
The negotiations for the lestoration
of the Pekin-8han Hai Kwan railway
have reached a partial deadlock.
The German minister to China, Dr.
Mumm yon Schwarzenstein, started for
Berlin today for a six month's leave of
absence. He will proceed home by way
of the United States.
Choler Spreading in the Island.
Manila, July 16,-Cholera is spread
ing somewhat in the islands. The
ratio for Manila is maintained. The
rains now falling have not checked the
disease materially.
Sayi Boer Peace Will Be Short
Colorado Springs, Colo., July lfl.
H. C. De Roo, an adjutant in the Boer
army under Delarey, is in the city on a
visit. He says in his opinion peace
will not last two years in the Trans
vaal. The arms turned in to the Brit
ish are worthless, and the good ones
have been buried in secret places. He
says England is trying to make Eng.
lishmen of the Boers, and when they
put on the screws too hard the latter
will rebel.