The JnlILLSB!R mm NO. 13. VOL. IX. 1IILLSI50K0, OltEGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1WJ2. EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE POUR QUARTERS OP THE WORLD. Comprehenalve Rtvltw af the Important happenlngl W the Put Week, Prawnlcd! k a Cm4mm4 Pona, Whan I Mori Italy to Prov tl Inter! to Our Mmy Reader The neniiUi Ima immI the naval ap propriation bill. Iti'publiraiia l I" have renominat ed W, I', lltliurii loi roiigieiui. Two 'itegrne were takaii fniu Ilia Cliarluttu, N. ('., Jail and lynched. Tlia llilnl trial of J.-aaiti Murrlwm fur ttturtlttr hu boon cuiiniM)mei at Kldo ri'i. Kan. Tiary ami Merrill, the ewajMMl run viola from the Oregon penitentiary, art' till at large. A tornado In tlie iiortliHUrn art el Inaa 'liil great damage tu proierty. No Hum wire lout, Tlio labor trouble in Mtfuila in grow lug much aoriw. It la estimated that 7,000 men art ii" out on itrika. The iiiemlier of the Cuban liuoa ami senate will receive 13,000 year, I'roaldent I'alnia having signed the bill. A tornado In Clay and Becker coun ties, Mlntiewila, killed at lext five per son ml diwtrn) ml $ltw,i" woruioi iroH-rty. The house hi ped Hi antl- anarchy bill. Ten persona were kllld anil many Injured In a Chit-ago honpltul Ore. Mexican troop anit Yaqul Indiana met In a battle which rtilt-tl ilia trlouly to the Imllana. The flood In Kanawa have not en tirely eubaliM. The Moaho ami Cot ton wood rtvera havo again left their banka. The May ponlnl receipts at 50 of the largel office In the United State ahow an Increaae of SO per cent over May, 1901. Three bualnoaa block at Saratoga, N. V.. were destroyed. Five person loat their llvia. The property loaa la estimated at $300,000. Two convict at the Oregon Peni tentiary alayed three guarda and wounded a life prisoner and eacaped. They are well armed with rlfloa and rovolvera and have plenty of ammuni tion. The forming of the new French cab iuet haa been completed. Mitchell denounced the Panama canal route In a apeet h before Die senate. A plot baa been discovered at Pre toria to blow up the government building. Twelve tralnloada of Myatic Bhrinar . . a. I . . . 1 .1. arrived at nan f ranciavo to auenu we Imperial council. Coal minera In Wert Virginia have gone out. A larger number quit work than wai anticipated. The officer of tha crutaor Clileago who caused the disturbance in Venioa will not be court uiartialed. An exciiralon train on a Michigan roiul wa wrwked, killing one person and lnuring S3, three finally. The mlluf supplies sent by the United Btate to the Martinique sufferer were not properly distributed and did not go where they would do thu moat good Krngnr will not be required to ac knowledge British juverelgnty In South Africa. The previdunt la being urged to aend , a uienage to congreaa on the Cuban question. Flie In Denver destroyed a grocery tore, rooming house and auveral other buslnes concurna. June 8 and 9 have been declared thanksgiving days and holidaya throughout Cape Colony. A boat containing eight Spaniah ar tillery olhVera wai run down by a steamer a Ollon, Spain, and Bve drowned. Ketabultm. a town In Guatemala Central America, haa been destroyed by a volcano. One thousand people loat their Uvea. governor Goer may call an extra session of the Oregon legislature for the purpose of fixing flat aalariea for the state officials. The pavilion In' the horticultural Hardens, Toronto, tbe second larger auditorium In that city, baa been en tiroly deHtroyed by Are. The American Federation wanti to take furmera Into its organization Three men wore aliot In a riot ! twoen union and noli union iron mould era at Granite City, III. Koine of the mines In the anthracite coal region are tilling with water be- caime of the firemen and pumpmen joining tlie atrikera. Lord Kitchener waa created a vis count and promoted to be general and given 50,000 pounds for his services In the South African war. There are 2,740 murder yearly in Italy, 2,400 in BuNgia; 1,000 in Spain. Lesa than one per cent of the land of Norway In in two for grain fields. Orders have been Uaned In India for the return to store of all ammunition containing dum-dum bullets. As a result of experiments with a new secret explosive, tbe Italian gov emmont has decided to manufacture a new type of cannon for garrieori artil lery and coast defense. CKaptd Convlcli Hold Up Twe Ma ol Pom I and Tail HefM and Bujiy. Orvaia, June 11. Harry Tracy and David Merrill, who racajied from the Oregon pinltutiary Monday, came iitoliurvaia at 0:30 lant evening ami nrwd a mi-al at the home of Amnio Hrlifg". who wa made to do their Icamire at the point of a gun. They next apard In an alley back of the drug aUira and xwto(llce on the main atrtNit. They climljeil a fence and imaaed th rough a back yard and then by two boteli). Neir tbia plai they met and held up a buggy containing two member of tbe iionae at-archlng them. Poth men were made to ive up their anna and one Ilia coat. They were then ordered from the boggy, hlch thu fugitives took ami Mtarteil out of town. Ten miniilea later the orne returned with tha empty buggy. Several cllliciis aaw the convicts In town, but none attempted to capture inn. Khenff Durbin mwd came lip tb two bloodhound from tbe Wall Walla penitentiary, in charge of guinl arwm, and agaiu wt out in itirnit. I Ceavkt Ritura I Salem- Kalem, June 11. Tracy and Merill, tbe fugitive convict murderer, came into Halmii Monday night, held up a man, diverted htm ol muclnililtig, ccxe team of borxe and made their e ape. All tbi hpned about 10 o'rbx k, but the olliivr aere not Informed until 4 'clock In the morning, the victim of the highwaymen having fear of hi life if be talked ivioner. The convict then pamc-d through the reiidenre dinlrict of the city into Cartwright addition, here they stole a team of horse from ham w ithin a block of the Kat Hulem Heboid and tlien left the city, going north. They were seen to m through Urook at 12:30 yenteiduy morning. ROB PUR8UER8. Official Veto of VaohM&lon County, Juno, W02. NEWS OF THE STATE mt ol I aixlldata Party ottie FIRE IN A H08PITAL. Ta PtrMM Killed ana Thirty leurtd la a Chkaf. BUu. Chicago. June 11. Nine men and (Vie woman were killed and about so peraona Injured In a Are which yester day afternoon destroyed the eanltar lum connected with 8t. Luke Socie ty, at Wabaah avenue and Twenty- flrat atreet The greater portion of he patlenta received In the Institu tion were those aeoklng cure from the ilrlnk habit and thoe who were ad dicted to the uae of druga. When th Are broke out tbef wa on the fifth floor a number of patient urreiing from delirium tremen and ome who were deranged by drug. Some of thcae were atrapped to tbelr beda and It waa Impoaalble to aave thorn, ao rapidly did the fire spread through the building. The fire originated In the basement of the building and spread rapidly to the upper atorlea through the elevat- cr shaft. Before the occupant of the building could be warned, the flame had been carried to the roof, had ent- en through It and were leaping high In the air. Aa the Are ran through the building patlenta aprang from their beda and before they could be prevented aeveral had Jumped from the wlndowa to the pavement. The Are department was on the arena In few minutes and aa the window were Ailed with people shrieking for help, the firemen devoted their flrst effort to aave lives and allowed the Are to burn. While thla waa the meana of aavlng a large number of people, who were carried down lad' dera by the firemen. It gave the Are such headway that there wna almost no chance for those on the upper Aoor of the building to make their escape. and those who were not auffoeated were killed or badly Injured by leap ing from the windows. im K. I hamborlaln. Kllllam t Kiirni.h . .. . A. i. Hunakr K. k. K)n Holwrt M. llctli II . lion ham '. 1. Htlahl (.'. W. Harua S A. Iwvla frank I. Imtibar . , tl W.Mcara. Henry lilarkman T. H. MeliwiM I barle. H Hum . W. Myera J. If. Ackurniaa l(. W. Kalaay.. W. A. Vtann . A. M, Crawlvrd. , T. II. iH.yiia.. ... .. Jama If. Baity .... U. IIMnkl Jamta K. Oixlfrejr I. .. lli-mer J K. Whllwy II I ram il.iulil . It. V. Hamp Tbomaa II. Toniru . . J.'K. Wtaibtrluril . T. T. Mm :. K a. w'uud.. Mulairt llcmarda Mllham Mrbiilmtrlrh . Hulottiou W wlirrt, , ...... Ii M. I . I.aull i harlm lllntiv. . II. r. l-unljr J. C. Kiioiiel. Iwl Kntita II. M. Munlevanl. II. T lluiion.. .. . ..... N. V. (iakrman I. . A. tteud... W.J. Hiitnrr W. II, r.iiiiitU.., H. li. Iaaly. C. J. (HMtiiian t.. L. Iliillliiarr imn. A. Murvan Hamiii-I l.allntalh . i. h, llawMm J . nrattll II. It KimlUsjr Knill 1. Kuratll haliih I.. Uaun.. . J f. tiretar William M Jackaun K. II. I'arkar ('. Kmrntl C. A. Itltrwm .. IrfKI. II. Wlloux ... Vlrlor K. Kmnwl . A. A. Morrill ir '. I.. Urxt ... .r. la Iwmnrratle ., IK-piil.liran .. I'mhllillUD .. iallt lll'Ulllran . . Ifemocratle .. I'nhlljilun... H.icllll I'mhliiltion .. IU-pulllran .. Iivuiucratlc . . Itiiiirratle ., I'mlilbiitoa ,. IU-imlillrau ., iniM'lall.t tteirublli-an .. I'ruli I billon .. Itiiiucratlc .. Iltubllcan .. I'rublbllloo .. JtiuM.-raile ,. I'n.blWlli.n .. HtniiN-rallc .. KurlaJlat Kiul(U(-Bn -. I'rulilbllli.n .. ;'laJIt litimbllcan . liKiuocraile ., letubllcaii . . Itvium-railc .. I'nlun I'nlun I'nliiii jllttMibllcan .. ktpublleaii . . iKvpublli-an , . ;i'r.MWili.n .. l'Mhllilili .. I'niblbiiloD . llttpubUcan . . it'rohlUlllun ., irnl'in Krpubllran ., IT.ihlt.lllon . ;l'tilon lie publ Iran .. I'nhiblilun . . I'nlon Kei'Ubllran . J'tolUbUlun iiuvarnor knarnur ixwernirf Ii'oraraor Huiriut lungt Puurttna Juila; Ku vi re ma Judge nacrviary ol Mala Heeratary HtaM . . . , Hwwiarjr ol Hiait .... Herniary of Htaia rttat Tntaurcr Htaia Tnaaumr HileTrvaurr iKrata tn-aaurar. Hu4. I'ub. Inatrurtlon Hupi. rue. uiatructnn KiiM. I'ub. Inatrwllon AtUirnty irtrneral. Aitornty funeral Attomey (antral hum Prinur KUla ITInlar uit Prlntar ., Mat Printer Rep. u l ongreaa Hep. to 'oiirrea l(ep. to ('tin real lieu, to rvngreea U. K Htnator V,. H. htnawr KepreaeniatWt Ilepreaentatlvt Keprewntatlra Kepreeentatlva..., Iltprtmulaitv Keprenentatlva lie preaeii tal I v.. ...... . Representative...... .. iiiepnweniaiivt. Itouuiy JuiIrc ii ounly JuHiie.. ,. ... U ounty Judge routity t'omuitmifoiier. k'oumjr lonimlwUiuer. H'ouuty foninilMiitiner. ;i oiiiny tlerk ..... .. it'uunty tterk It'ountj-1 lcrk Iriberlir Kheriff 3: lilt -ii ltd wt in it"! lif.' 14j ll l.'a M ar, 14 !t III 6 711 ll IHi li 3 I4 7i tU "1 ' M last 17 oi R' ! 4I IK 4 li 9 X7 r i 4 7I 1 TIN li 91 lll IHH in at 3l l(tt 7I Ml Iioi it 'I 1 Ml UK 1 7 I M i i a .W 41 w vm ex! Mt fc.ll K hi l 7.-ij Ml 1U 11'. Ml 4 Initiative A l!e(trntum Yea . Initiative A Kofen'nduiu No . Hwlnt runnlna ai lanra Ve. Hwhit runtitng at larne. .'Xo. . Inlon Sheriff Pruhlliltlon ... i Kecurder Convti aneea . iKeeunler unveyatn-ea .iKeconler fonveyancea. . County Treasurer . County Treanuref County Traaaurtr . County Aaaeeaur.. . County AMtaaor.; icouiity Aamaaor .il'ounly Burteyor. . iCounty burvcyor .k'roner Coroner lepub ;lnl"n Prohibition ;ltepubllcan U nlim il'rohlbltlou Il'nlon Republican iPrublbltlon Kepubllran Kepubllran I n ion K u I lltt II l 111' ll' lm 117 7:t V' Ml v SI m 13; l'Ai H4! . ii. lmt llij VW 211 I u u V 4K- ISflj Si mi , 17 S3; U7 2! l'V S 74i 4Uj lTfi ; 17 f'l 79: m is1 ! 17i 631 l': 2fJ 4; '.'I l:i &a 7 4H 911 371 1161 (W 177! li ai' 2K, ao. 7ftt (Hi luf.i 91 II" 6J l 9.1 ! VUi 4! Hi KC 7 43! i'. 3i ii i a i- n 6 lirJ m; aV li j. r: ci ltd zi! 12 u-A 7l 11 a 3 lia! li7 51 l! 4 IK Mi l 1 1-1 $ i 44 19) VI SI tu 7i 11 72; fct lol fttj li' 77! 1U' i u: ' ! n 41 i n 9i 4 41 HI 4 46i 4 m 7! ' 112! W li 72! U ' iai aoj im 83. 4.V 7i 1 1 UK 39: 49! so ! luH 7 li 2! LSI 43! 9' w ash i bb IH,)! Hill 1A2 llll! llj! ax 73j an' ii Hi 7"i 7 'l 12; ' .i I"' f 61 H 49! li Si ;'i a! 11 SH 7W 49 61 ti' Jli 24i 21 mi 791 IN 1141 S 107; E"! 71i a 71 17 71', 12W 71 IX 4f. 7. 7 ! H 7 m km 11! mi 2CI teti liW l aw 107I 16! Ki! S3 7H sr.! 9 Hi jj 6 M; 22i .ill ' 17 .V, 7i' 6.V ll 7i 3 "i Mi 921 Oil ai OK! 91; 9W Mi 9Hi 2ll! an! 11 1271 07 .i sal 71 11 1S W 13j 1! in 1! w li 12! l.V 7S 1 - 9i a! wii Ml 94' 26 1H 61 10 71 1 27' 104 . 2 a, 27 126' M 191 a. 12! 23 11! 69) aw TO 67 (M ui 1 21! Hi l-l 121 ij II'! W' ltr 24i 7 Vi 2tn 97 W ' 16; mil ll! 92! 93! l ll V 22! 7J Vy 62! V li1 26! 46! 7,i Jll 112! II S o2; lol 21! 112: 911 15! 93' It 22' TOj Mi at; vm 16H, 2! ax l'V i & : 21; U2 lli 61 11 133 24 l'.-j 7! 2f 27 3i; 91! 02 M 1 li tBi .'' 12) fci 241 l U I 7! I.21 27! i lit' 391 12:11 .Vp( 12 IIH i 7;H 111 7 I J2) 1 1! iff! 291 21 221 as! 6"; Ul! 24 Hi iv Li; W 91 9! l .13 64 7; 26; 73 144' Mi 46 ' 22 701 1661 Hi 29- 7lK 771 4Ki 120) 1H2 Hi X7; ail 7.V 7;ij 104 171 UW el Hi 21! 2 34' S3 72i Wi 1171 111 27l 77! lt m 120i ll7 fj 96! 121) 91 j Ho) 17W 14 24 191 UN 24! 16 71 12 29 l 113! 21! 09; 1121 Si '! V2! 24! 71 4 43i 22) 711 fti w 2:1! an 7-! 42 72 SI 61 6i 6: S7 53 17 21! loi 44! 21, 4j 64! 2i! in J' K2. 109, 43 56! 1 2! (' 119' 191 Si 6l 136! 64) 37 21, S! 64! S6! S7 731 1 661 86! SO! 13 Will 10S( IHI) 17 117! 1221 46! 77! S2! llj 701 76, 66. 741 12H H6i 8J 13i 25) Pi r 74 6 6 7 26 76 32 ! 71 i 61 61 ! a i 4t 7l! .V 3i 6-1 S' , 76; i 12; 67i &V 6; 'i 76! 21 ITEM3 OF INTEREST FROM ALL PART8 OF OREGON. 1,14 Mil 231 HI l.TTo 1,190 S II 2ftt 1.740 1.122 l.iM 270 1.740 123 1.639 241 1,134 ' 94 1164 in l.i 260 1,109 llff 1,36 200 lol llfj 1.926 t 1.017 1.572 1,21 Ki 1,131) 117 i.w 66) 1,J 591 1,44 24 246 16. 2. 16i W nj 1.477 17 191 i! 1.564 9i 1,643 21'; 320 S4 1.2119 .V 1.340 19l 221 9e 1,642 71(1 1,2:17 15. lo 9! 1,7X7 191 234 66; 1.583 871 1,6 i 2H 72! 1,490 311 242 167 tm 1,67 37! 9K2 i"tni5i n.i4 77 7, 1,617 l-l TOj 1,3! 21 1 71 l,li 771 SB1 931 12i 1$ 11 21 lOlll 141 ).; 13a 211 a 2.516 Total votta caal in county, S.339. SIX NEW WARSHire PROVIDED FOR BY THE NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL. 8TRIKE AT MANILA. CONVICTS ESCAPE Soma el Then) Will Ba Ceiutructtd la th Government Navy Yrd Tht Bill a PaiMd by th StiMtt Carrici Over J7. 000 000-Caiial Bill Btlng Cwuiuirtd la t'aver el Niuraju. Washington, June 12. Shortly after the enU convened yeterday couniil- eration of the naval appropriation bill waa resumed, the pending amendment being that providing (or the coimtruc tion of two first-clana battleships, two flrt-clana armored cruiht'rn and two gunboat, l'erkius, a member of the cuininittee on naval affair, argued that aoiiie of the vcanela ought to be con structed at government navy yards, and lie urged that the admirably equipped naval yards ought to be utilixed. Hub lii'y, lie said, was demanded by the labor union. Piatt, of Connecticut, alted if this waa a demand or a reijuet 011 the part of the labor union. "I mean that it la a request," re plied Peiklns. "They maintain that it I to thu interest of the government that the navy yard, belonging to the people, should be utilized for building war vessel. Perkins maintained that the in- creancd coat of construction In govern ment yarda, on account of tlie eight hour law, waa more than offset by the immense salaries paid the management in private yard. In his opinion the government could be protected Irom exctmsive cost cf ships by tlie utuiia- tion of the advantage of government yard. At the conclusion ot rei tins' speecn, without further comment, the commit tee amondnient as to the building of two each of battleships, cniixors and triiitluualH win airraml to. Without fur- nomea. . - 1 ti,, ii,M 1,111 Duid. Unable to secure flremen and pump T. , -. .,,. hi., -... tllB noxt rtnftrT "be order o, bnainess laid before the senate flooded. Cote'a Stockton colliery I re- and Turner spoke in favor kof tho con- nnrlo h tha mine wnrliere aa fill nK SUUCllon OI lIie:iMiarnBim caiuti. ito with water, owing to the depleted uiged that theie .were no diplomatic, IU Extant Frijhtein It Ludcr, Wha Roijiu -7.000 Mta Out Manila, June 13. The strike here are becoming general. The printer, the butcher, the tobacconists, the hemp worker and the cigar makers, estimated in all to number over 7,000 men, are out. Itabelo de loa Kf yes, who organized the strike movement, ha liecome frightened at the condition which hve resulted from hi efforts, and Ima resigned the leadership. A dummy leader ha been appointed in hi stead, but the striker admit that De I o Reyes still issues all order. The majority of the strikers tell their employer that they are tatined with their present wfcges, which are today three times higher than they were be fore the Americans came to the islands, but that they must obey order, aa otherwise tljey will be killed. When De los ltoyoa resigned, he said it was a matter of indifference to him whether the American hot him on account of hi effort. CUBAN SITUATION NOW ACUTE. SHOOT THREE OREGON PENI TENTIARY GUARDS. MINE8 FILL WITH WATER. Compankt Cannot Kup Mta to Optratt the Pump. Haiteton, Pa., June 12. Superin tendent Kudllck, of Coxe Brothers, waa attacked by women ' on the atreets of Freeland today, but waa not injured. About 800 atrlkers gathered today nt EbervrtlA, and about 1000 at Jeddo, to Intercept traction car carrying non-union men to North Side collier lea. Sheriff Jacob waa notified last night of the atrlkers' Intention, and accompanied by eight special officers. went to Freeland to prevent any tienv onstratlon. District Secretary Galla gher preceded Sheriff Jacobs and per suaded the men to return to their life Prisoner Interna and It Shot i th LJ Beth Mta Art Dtiptrate CrimiMb -They Ar Wall Armed With Rifle a4 Revolver and Have Plenty of Ammuni tion Large Potat Ja PtirwiL Poor Pretpect for LttjilaUo tt This Set (loo of Coarui. Washington, June 12. The Cuban reciprocity situation! becoming very aiute, and the prospects are not very good for any legislation at this sea- Kion. it is understood tnat a move ment i on foot to demonstrate that ! nothing can be done, and even to com- f promise by appointing a commission to investigate tlie condition in Cuba Kvery effort made to secure a majority of the Republican for a straight reci procity proposition haa failed, as ' there are a large number of beet sugar Repcb Means who are determined to vote to strike out the differential if the bill ever cornea into the senate. Great pressure is being brought to bear on every man who is known to oppose the Cuban reciprocity bill, and it i be lieved it is having some effect, but leaders of the beet sugar men say they have enough men who will hold out to prevent the passage of the bill if it does not offer terms satisfactory to them. New General Retired. Washington, June 12. Brigadier General Sumner H. Lincoln and Sam uel M. Whiteside, recently promoted, have been retired. ! Salem, June 10. Harry Tracy and David Merrill, convicts, escaped from the Penitentiary at 7 o'clock yesterday morning and made their way to liberty, leaving murdered be hind them Guarda F. B. Ferrell, S. R. T. Jonea and B. F. Tiffany, while Frank Inghram, a convict, who tried to bar their road, waa shot In the knee which was ao badly shattered as to require amputation. He is now resting easily, and strong hopes are entertained for his recovery. Clad In their prison garb, well armed and pro vided with ammunition, the men are now lurking In the woods not far the fualllade, sent shots repeatedly after them, but none of them hit Its mark, and the escaping men in an other instant had jumped from the wall and disappeared. Running along to the spot where the men had crossed, Tiffany and Ross leaped after them and followed them around an angle In the wall, where they met them face to face. Instant ly the guards were covered and com manded to Riyje up their rifles and cartridges. With the memory of the murder that had already been done fresh in their mind, the guards com plied and threw their guns and am munition on the ground. They were then ordered to stand forth and were marched ahead of the convicts for 100 yards.when a guard from one of the posts fired at the fugitives. They In stantly returned the Are, and Tiffany whom one of them had selected for a tareet fell dead with a bullet through hia right breast. Ross Immediately droDoed. and his presence of mind Cammereial and financial Haaala at hav paruaca A Brief Ravkw of the Growth Taraajnaat One tMvtaaj Cawiaii laMi latest Market Report. A street carnival will probably bo held in Eugene tbi year. The Woodmen of the World wilt erect a hall at Dusty, Benton connty. A lodge of United Artisan with a membership of 18 haa been organized at Fall Creek. A two tory brick building to coat 115,000 will be erected at Boaeburg for the Dottgla County Bank. The prospect are that the fruit crop of Joaephine county will ba heavy and of exceptionally good quality. Lower Colombia river cannerymen have raised the price of fish weighing over 25 pounds one cent a pound. Farmers of tbe Waldo hills have pooled their wool, feeling confident that tbey will be able to secure better prices theieby. A company ba been formed that will absorb tbe La Grande sugar factory and two in Utah and hereafter the three will be run a one concern. Tbe Snow Creek jgroop, consisting of fonr ciaims, In tbe Greenhorn mining district. Eastern Oregon, ha been sold to New York capitalists for $65,000. Tbe cnltivation of corn as a crop i becoming more general in the Wil lamette valley as diversified farming is extended. There is a much larger acreage this year than ever before. Two special features of the 1902 state fair will be tbe livestock department"" and county exhibits, the present indi cations pointing to increased competi tion and more creditable displays in both departments. Tbe final reports of the committee of awards for the Charleston exposition give Oregon and Oregon exhibitors a larger percentage of medal than to any other state. Two hundred and fifty three medals and diplomas were se en red. Tbe run of fish in the Lower Colum bia is atill improving. Oregon grand lodge A. 0. U. W. will meet in Portland June 10. Richard Cheadle, an Oregon pioneer of 1S48, died at bis home near Leba non, aged 72 year. Commencement exeicises which will last s week are in progress at Wil lamette University, Salem. Asbby Pearce, prominent pioneer of Albany, is dead. He was born in 1841 and came to Oregon in 1847. By authority of .the secretary of the interior an institute .will be held at tht saved his life, for the men, believing t in8titute Newport, for the benefle that ne, too, nan oen a... 0r teachers of the Indian. further attention to the ahots behind them and ran for cover. Tlie old opera house at Weston has been purchased and is being remodeled by tbe Odd Fellow. Woodmen of the World and Knights of Pythiaa. Cuban Minuter Coming. New York. June 11. Gonxalo Quesada, Cuban Minister to wash- The Nehalem Logging company has I ington, and his family have sailed ior organized in Astoria with a cap- New York", says a i rioune aispaicu ,a of 110.000. Thaob ect of the com. from town, and, aithougn nunareas 01 from Havana. Mr. uuesaaa win go .., ia tn RnOTlm, imroino- nn h citizena have recruited the posses that Immediately to Washington and open clainii owned by the members in the they have force of firemen and pumpmen. Paying Honolulu Pir Clalmi. Washington, June 12. The Senate committee on Pacific Islands and Por to Rico haa authorized a favorable re port on the bill allowing pay for the destruction of property In Hawaii on the order of President McKlnloy on account of tho prevalence of the plague In 1899 and 1900. The commit tee decided to recommend that an amendment shall be made to the gen oral deficiency appropriation bill pro viding for the payment by this gov ernment ot $1,000,000 and authorizing the Territory of Hawaii to Issue bonds for the payment ot the remain- der ot the claims, Boeri Will Bt Loyal. Allwal North, Cape Colony, June 12. legnl or equitable dithculties In the way of construction of the Nicaiagua canal. Ho presented at great length the difficulties In which the United States might become luvolved by an acquirement cf the rights, concessions ami property of the Tanama Canal Company, saying that it waa manifest that this country could not get clear title to the property, based, as the sale would be, upon an insuiticieut oraer 01 a lower court of trance. Morgan discussed the legal difficulties of acquiring the Panama canal property and declared that the united Mates could not buy the property without ao quiring the encumbrances upon it. War la Colombia, Colon, Colombia, June 11. All the Commandant Fouehe, supervising I novernnient troop who were stationed the surrender of various Boer comman- here, numbering over 1,200 men, left does, said the Boer had been good citi- for Panama today. At Fanama they sen in their own country, and they will loin force with the government would be equally good citiiemn under troons at that port, who number several the British government. thousand, and the combined army will u ,.. r-.i:. j start immediately to attack the insur .,..., , , hrents by land and sea. Some of the waBningion, June it. iuo ewuiui-i" -, , . . i . 1 m t 11 4Liiiii- - k I ttoorj embarked at lanama today ry 1 nr.ui .... ,,4 Previous to bo inn on board the soldiar VUlilllU III VWIUUIUQ, una wim uivi, 1 - , ' by the senate. wm wamiw vto u. Boers Pralie American Alliei. Pietoria, June 12. Boer comman does arriving here bring reports of fresh instances of fraternization be tween Boers and the British troops. Tlie British soldiers stationed at the blockhouses between Balmoral and Pre toria in some instances held up the trains and proffered coffee and tobacco to their late enemies. Tbe Boers gen erally hold unfavorable estimates of their foreign allies, except tbe Ameri cans, whom they declare to be crafty and great fighters. Arbitratloa at Chicago. Chicago, June 12. Alarmed by the disturbances that marked the strike of the packing house teamsters last week, employers have started a move ment for the prevention of strikes in the shape of an arbitration board. It Is proposed that all difficulties that cannot be settled by the men directly with their employers shall be sub mitted to an advisory body, composed ot representatives ot the Employers' Association and the unions affiliated with the National Teamsters' Union for arbitration. are searching for them. thus tar eluded pursuit I The convicts, who are professional criminals of the most dangerous type, had secured rifles and revolvers Sat urday or Sunday, probably from some confederate previously released from the Penitentiary who had smuggled the weapons ln. The men working in the stove foundry, among whom were Tracy and Merrill, had just been marched in from the chapel and were about to report to work to Ferrell, when Frank Girard, another guard, heard a rifle shot, and, looking quick ly In the direction from which It came, saw Ferrell dead and the two thugs, both armed with new rifles, approaching him. Girard, like . all shop guards, was unarmed, and he in' stantly took to flight, running for his life down the center aisle ot the build ing, while his pursuers gained on htm at every step. Suddenly Frank Inghram, a life prisoner from Linn county, seeing the peril in which the guard waa placed, stepped out and endeavored to stop the highwaymen, I Tracy stopped long enough to fire shot at him. Before reaching the yard Tracy and Merrill again brought their murder ous rides into play. First tney rid died the extreme southwest and northwest guard posts, but fortunately did not kill a man. Then, with single shot at a distance ot 150 yards, one of them brought down Jones, who was on the wall in charge of the north post. As the guard fell dead they turned and took several shots at Tif fany and Ross, guards on the north wall. Then, believing that they had suffl clently cowed their keepers, they coolly proceeded to take a ladder from one ot the shop buildings, placed against the east wall and mounted It while bullets from guards on more re mote parts of the wall flew thick about their beads. Tiffany, who had not lost his nerve at any time during the legation at the Hotel Raleigh un til he secures a house. He is the bearer of the good wishes ot Presi dent Palma to President Roosevelt Nehalem valley. To Favor American Ships. Washington, June 11. Senator Perkins today Introduced a bill dir ecting the Secretary of War to favor American built ships in transporting supplies for the Government to the Philippines. CollUioa la Colorado. Denver, Col., June 11. Four men members of the train crew, were In jured today, none fatally, however, tn headon collision on the South Park branch ot the Colorado and Southern Railroad, two miles north of Valverde, between the fishermen's train return. Ing from Platte Canyon, and the west bound passenger train. Railway offi cials attribute the collision to the failure cf Engineer Latham to follow orders. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 656SKc; bluestem, 6a367c; valley, 66 Wc Barley - Feed, $2222.50; brewing, $23 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $1.20ai.30;gray. $1.15(31.26. Flour Beet grades, $2.85(43.40 per barrel; graham, 92.50(32.80. Millstuff Bran, $15 16 per ton; middlings, $1920; shorts, $1718; chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $12(115: clover, $7.50010; Oregon wild hay, $5(36 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanka, 1(31.15 percental; ordinary, 60 75c cental; growers prices; sweets, $2.26(92.50 per cental ; new potatoes, 2c. Butter Creamery, 18l8jic; dairy. l4ioc; store, I3ic. Eggs 1718c for Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 W 13c;YoungAmerica, 13X14Xc; fao tstiMr nplPAa Ifl I V. r loam n:.i a.. a I J ... - " Pniiltrvf!hi.-lrna ml. tl KAA oioeuiioniein, orange mver 5-50. hen. 15.00(36.00 ner down. Colony, June 11. A strong contrast lira like ner DOtwd: sorinm. 11 A to the feeling between Boer and Brt- 11 c per pound, $2.505.0O per dos ton the bitterness existing between Ln: ducks. $4.60(85.00 ner dozen: tur. the burghers, who are surrendering keyB) nVe, 1314c, dressed, 1616o per uuuci LUC FCOtrj iciiuo, nuu ww I nftllflri ! ffAARA. In.lIiHd)? till nap riswnn 1-. -.l .1 j il. I r -r-.-v,. . awr. . ,g ui Mutton Gross, 4e per pound; rnmnalrn When tho Hour landers . . . . . . ' cami to Bloemfonteln. previous to the 8h 'XS'1'!9 P'JSS?" conclusion of peace, they curtly re fused to shake hands with those who had previously surrendered. The general belief Is that relations be tween those two classes ot Boers will be embittered for a long time. Killed Two Highwaymen. Des Moines, la., June 11. It is reported from Talmage, 40 miles southeast of this place, that two un identified men, alleged to be - high waymen, were shot and instantly kill ed by Claude Bristow. of Cawker City, Kan.,who was hunting. Bristow al leges the men sprang upon him from behind a clump ot bushes, attacking him with clubs. He drew a revolver, shooting one man through the head and the other through the lungs. He says both were armed. BrUtow ex hibits a wound on the back of his head, caused by ttia waymen. Hogs Gross. 6 Wc; dressed, 7X8c per pound. Veal 6X8c for small; 6K97c for large. Beef Gross, cows, 4Wr; steers. 6 Jic; dressed, 88c per pound. Hops 12415 cents per pound. Wool Valley. 12 14; Eastern Ore gon, 812c; mohair, ?6o per pound. A healthy person breathe about 20 iime a minute. The average duration of life in towns is 38 years; in the country, 65 years. The sun's flames spi ing at time to a distance of 95,000 miles from its ur- face. Seed potatoes can be prevented from sprouting by being smoked with ul-phur. 1