The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 05, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 12.
A CompfthtMlv Review of Dm Important
Happening, of tht Pail Week, PreMnlcd
In Ceadtastd rrm. Which li Mod
Wuly to Prov of Interut I Our Miny
Tin' senate has iini-nn l the Philippine
Tim hmim Ik connlderiiig th anarchy
Tho entire French cabinet haa re-
Tim senate U rnnsldeilng the Nica
ragua canal bill.
Tl rebellion In Southern China has
The Idaho tl Republican enliven-
lion will be hld in Hulse August 20.
Two village were destroyed and 75
pn.ple killed by i volcano In Bolivia.
The Oraml Aerie of tbe-fmteriial
Onterof Fagles l In wwlon at Minne
apolis, The .waiiitr' atrlke In
timiee with no algn. of an early nettle
nmiil. Mr rioting ha occurred.
Joiii.i. 111.. U suffering Irom me
Text ol the Mteaure m It Pmm CohJmm
Slgned by Iht Prt-ldent
Washington, June 4. The following
In tho text of tU art creating the Cra
ter Uk National I'ark, in Oregon, a
It Anally m1 congreita and a,
signed by tht president:
it enacted by the senate and
house of reprenmitatlve of the United
Stat" of Ameilc In congrwn assem
bled: That the tract of land bounded
north by the parallel 43 d-gre 4 min- . i iiat).lt,ry , be established
uta north latlttule, aouUi by 42 degreea on isig rreek, near Yaiiua.
48 minute north latitudu, eat by the A, Junction City lt twk 25,000
meridian 122 deifreea went longitude. Bounds of wool wa, aold for M.ceut
ltd west by the meridian 122 degrees per pound.
ill minutes west lonitltude. having an The Dayton Co-Operative Creamery
.....( 24U loiiare milea. In the .tale Co., of Dayton, ba ben incorporated
,.fn liu'liiilliiv Oater lake, with 12,500 eapit
Commercial and Financial happenlnjj ol Im
portance- Brief Review of th Growth
and ImprovcmtaU of tht Many Induitrtu
Throeghout Oar 1 hrlvlnj Commonwealth
Ltt Marlul Report
Term, Si(M(j After Two Year, and Eight I
Month, ef War.
London. June 2. Peace baa hewn de-
clareiJ after nearly two year, and eight
uionthi of a war which tried the British
empire to iti uttermoet and wied tlie
Boer, from the liat of nation,.
Tbe war baa come to an end with
Lord Kitchener' announcement from
Pretoria that be, Lord Milner and the
Boer delegate had aigned "tortus of
surrender." Tbii announcement bad
The Lucky By Gold Mining Com
nanv. ot r-umliler, naa nwu; anieies oi
incorporation. CapiUl 11,000,000
The flrrt death scnlem in Columbia
iiark or pleaaure ground for the benefit L,.tieve WM condemnwt to die for the
of the people of the United rUate, to nillr,lor of Jimt-ph fchulkownkie
la hereby wmrved and withdrawn from
wttlcment, m'cujtamy or aale under tbe
liwa of the United Ktatea, and dtdi-
landet apart forever aa a public
be knoau aa Crater Uke National
"H'c. 2. That the rervation ea-
Ublii-hed by tbla act rhall lie utuler
the control mid ctmUxly of the tecretary
of the Interior, wbooe duty H ahall I
to eetablih rule and
Tlie run of flh on the Iower Colum
hi, Ih much la-tter than at any time
aim the eeaeon opuneil. The flxb are
not onlv more plentiful, but they
average good ai.e.
The flrt atrike of eilver in Oregon
wgulationa ana mvntlv made in the mine of
worat Ibial in lt hlntory. All the ihum depiaie iiieanrea to I taken for tm, Almeila Mining Company, in (ialice
lower portion of tha city littinler water.
The apal wtrrelary of atate, Card! Uampolla, baa welvetl Judgfl Tail
at the Vatiian, It
Kruger dwllnea U eapresa any
opinion whatever regarding the com !
,ion of the war In Houth Africa.
the preaervatiou of the natural object ,.re(.k dlatrict. A 50 fo.t le-lge haa
within aalil park, ami aian lor tne pro- K,.n UIICinwj.
. . t.l... :t f-.,... u .hIiim tin. I
leciion OI Ml" ninuwr mnn ..i.-.i i f..1 ,,,: il..
;" . 'ili ....u.i.,1 Umatilla county wai held atweifUm
rr:l .' " Z l.-t week. The atumdanc waa large
'Hec. 3. U ahall be unlawful for A aalo baa been conu mated between
any neraon to etablih any acttlemont xbe Dallca City Water CommiHuion
or residence within aald reaerve, or to an4 p. ft, Johna for 17 mllen of water
enuaite in.any lutnU'rlng or other en- flume on Mill crock. Thin will be
teruriae or tmatnefi occupation ttieretn, for augmenting the city water aop
or to enter therein for any apeculative piyt The cunaidenttion wa f 7,500
purpow www. ami any pernm tiq- , , UnJ offlw
lUing the proviHiona oi in a , or 131137 J5. or about
Officially Ckbr,t4 m London-Military end
Question As to Whether Trury-Obliatiea
CUum AppUu to All Ceeatnaa Tht
ChlntM Will DeubtltM Taka tht Matter
to tht Court,-Or z in ea Fared Rtatm
f ,vor,bly Reported.
Wanhinzton. June 5. An alarm baa
been anticipaUxl for several daya, but teen tounded bv Pacific ccamt senator.
ita receipt Kunday afternoon took tbe and by lalxr union leadera over wtiat
ationbyaurpriae, everybody
confidently believed that the houae of b7y wbich the paoi congreee ny
eommona would bear tbe first newa to- jf)T prar-tii-ml purpewee nullified. The
day. Tbe edge of the anticipation with worda of the new law whicb occaaion
wbicb Great Britain awaited the prom- thie alarm are: -o ur aa u aamo
ned .Utement in the bona, of com- '" '
..... i .t- tioua."
mom waa atiu lunner unueu oy io i)oea tbia mean "with China,
follow i na meeaige from King fcdwaM - jth all nationt? If the latter, aa at
to bia people, which waa iaaued after torneya for the Chinese aaaert, the Clii--.i.nil,.
neae reaidenta of Hong Kong who have
nilUnigllt. I d.i.:.i. ,l,i.M n.iuht mm in
The king baa received tha welcome . i ; mo
newa of tbe ceaaation of hontilitiet in centrsi American country might get
South Africa with Infinite wtiafaction, jnt0 the buainena of naturalizing Chi-
and hla majeaty truata that peace may neae on easy tei ma, in order that they
npeedily be followed by the reetoration nd tnTibT
of proaperity in hie now oominiona, The trealjUry 10iaa that treaty obli-
and that the feelinga neceaarily' en- ,,:. " jth China" la understood
hi war will aive place to I from the context in the new la
Naval Parades.
London, May 31. Tbe birthday of
King Edward, who waa born Novem
ber 9, 1841, waa officially celebrated
yeeterday, it having been decided, aa
announced in the official cazette. April
1 15, that hit niajenty'a natal day waa
i to be celebrated in London and on tbe
1 home etationa May 30, aa being tbe
moat auitable to make a military die-
play. On the other band, foreign eta
tiona will celebrate it November 9, the
actual anniveraary of hia birth,
Great interact in tbe celebration waa
apparently not diminished by the ex
pectation, of greater eerie, of event
aarroonding the coronation. Thetcwn
throughout the kingdom were gaily
decorated and the shipping at the vari
ous porta made tbe gayeat diaplay of
bunting. Tbe day waa observed at all
of the home military and naval head
quarters with paradea and ealutea.
Tbe chief celebration waa tbe ceremony
or of "trooping tbe colore," on the Horse
Guarda parade here, and the presenta
tion of colors to the new Irish guarda.
Complete Rctonw Have Bean Receivtd far
But Niaa Covaiioa Tow Have Scat la
Na rijarta aa Yet Complet, Canal
May Threw tha Balaaca Either Way
CI xeat Conical ea Rttere.
A Cm I, Succeufuily Treated at St Louie
by tht Quarantine Officer.
St. Louia, May 31. Dong Gong, the
Chinese leper, who baa for four months
peat occupied an isolated houae near
Quarantine, baa apparently recovered
from his malady and will be released
within two months unless the disease
returns. A remarkable oil, the product
Portland, Jane l. According to fig
area received np to 2 o'clock thia morn
ing Chamberlain leads Furnish for gov
ernor by but 10 votes. But complete
rt turns for governor have been received
from only nine counties in tbe state,
and no figures at all have been reported
from four of tbe more remote counties.
From 23 of tbe counties the reports are
more or lees incomplete.
Tbe counties yet to be beard from
are Curry, Grant, Harney, and Malheur.
Estimates from these countiea are of
little value on governor, because the
lines of ordinary political affiliation are
not followed thia year for that office.
All reports indicate that the result
will be much closer than at first sup
posed and with a possibility of Furninh
being elected.
Republicans are elected in both con
gressional districts, Tongue in the
First and Williamson in the Second.
They received large majorities. Tha
Republican state ticket, with the ex-
- . - 1 - ...
,. .n r.. u;.n t... Iwii th. ception 01 governor, was soccesBiui uj
h w.,t in large maiornies. ine ievis:aiuir
mi in Licaiuicus auuiiuicM;itu v w
Mine englueer,, firemen and pump
men In the anthtaelta coal district have
quit work to tbe intent of alxmtO per
The cable between Manila and Hong
Kong la broken. Telegraph cimmuul
cation with the Philippine inlands la,
therefore, stpted.
htiui tid four rules and regulation established there-
wounde-laaansiuitofanexploalor, of under, .hal I m
. lu an oaocerito mine In the province not more than o00, or by imprison
., "... ."..u ment for not more than one year, and
o, ua.u ., ..-. . H dwtim
PenaUir Mitchell ha r ,rom tlon of timlr or other proarty of the
the Ulterior uepanmeni a 'n' -"'' ' Hjnite,l SUtes In comqunee of any
jxirt on hia bill for the relief of the I ,h Ull,ut art. provided, that said
Hherman omnty, Oregon, aettlera, and ,rsll),n tMi opwn umer auch
!tiaexpe. tiHlthatthea.'natecomminee U(im( M the .ury f the in
will n-port the bill to the aenaw. mHV ,irwirrjb, to a sdentiata,
ti.. f the Chlcaao atrlklng exc-iralonita and pleaaure aeekera,
toamaterato prevent tbe dullveiy of and to the location of mining c aim Tb- tgtration throughout .the
meat by non-union drivers baa reultel and the working of the same; tand pro- utfl Wlt .H.twi,.,, than that of 1900,
In many coiitllcta with tbe iKillee. in vlded further, that restaurant ami noiei uhongh ln n,, p
which both ofllcera ami men ww 1 eewr, iib.h j. ..........
1..1...1... ....1 a number of the strike tarv of tbe Interior, may be permitted
' .. l... I.l r.1 nUrllln.
Iljr mill w IMIH.....B.. ..i.w" ... v.i.".
ment within the Crater Lake National
Park for the accommodation of visitors,
at places and under regulations fixed
by the secretary of the interior, and
not otherwise."
earnest co-operation on the p.rt of hi. ST
.. . m t I 1 VUIUVDV IsiW, wuviwev, n.-i w..w ,
majesty a Njutn aim-an auojecr. . 1 the i,, uid
nmmnting lb el far of their COmmOU I , .l. l.,..l .hi. wamlrr Thin
I IUOHU III H7 IO . r- vj. j - I i i
.k- i.,.rn.iiinn mad bv As. bt- C. Woodruff, sutienntendent 01 unar- ""
r.vr.r and mibmitted br antine. Discoloration has disappeared Tbe following are the returns tiom
him to Actina Solicitor Reeve, who from the patient's face and limbe, and each county so far aa received, showing
an oninion on the eame t ide. feeling has returned to the spots of the vote for governor:
The Chinese will doubtless take the flesh which were insensible to the Clatsop Returns are in from all but
matter to the courts, unless in the pncmng 01 pins or me toucn 01 noi tw0 precincts and give Hurnish a piur-
meantime, congress regards tbe point lrona. uniy on one 01 me paiieni s ai,ty 0 390
Tbe news which Gieat Britain waa so
anxiously awaiting came characteristic
ally on an entirely pacific and uninter
esting Sunday afternoon, when London
prewmta a deserted appearance. Very
110,000 lens than for the preceding
month, when the reeeipte weie ttie
lanrest for anv one ttiontli in tne 111
tory of the land board organisation
The placer mine, of the variom
Josephine districts have practically
all cloned down for the autumer aeanon.
it i estimateil that at least ,100,000
In placer gold has already lieen hipid
to the mint and there is 1 100,000 yet
to come.
t... u.i,,r.l. n ohl. a rt anatch was as serious cuouku w t- -""''-"J
. .... t,, i leuislation at this session. Seantor
reeeiveu irom ujm a, Tu"rneri ol Washington, has already in-
which he said the Boer delegates were , bill to thia eBA and a 81 mil
coming to Pretoria, that they had ac- r bill was Uxlay offered in the horn.
..,.i r. t'. trm and thev I The senate public landa committee
' , . ,,. t .,. today favorably reported a bill provid.
, F' , Z r ... ing that in issuing permiU for grazing
der. Mr. Brodenck, the war secretory, no preference ahall
personally communicated thia message jte gjven to the flocks or herda of one
to King Edward, w ho waa at Hurting-1 fctate over those of another, nor enau
l.Sm Rut the irovernment de- authority oe given w
lege and one wrist is tbe faintest red
ness visible.
General Strike of AH Trade, b Threatened
Vast Fifty Per Cat Increaie.
Manila, May 31. The labor troubles
which have been brewing for a month
are now on the eve of coming to a bead.
loaders were arrested.
Another Boiet Inaurrectlon la report
I In China.
Three peraona were Injured by tor
nado In North Dakota.
Tka were killed and 18 Injured In a
automobile accident at Kew York.
After two yeart and eight months of
ar peace hm been declared lu South
The triuifiHirt Meade baa arrived In
' Kan Francisco from Manila with the
Twenty-first lufantry
How tht Rtvolullonliti Sltw an Army of
CetumbiM Regular,,
Klngnton, Jamaica, June 4. The
IlrltiHh steamer Atrato arrived here
from Colon, Columbia. She reports
Henator Carmack, during a apeeeh In that there waa heavy fighting at Bona
the senate slandering the army
tlie army, waa
binned by the gallery
Tl. senate will consider the Nita
rugua canal bill this week
. - I 1... 4l..
Thia will
bo followed by the Cuban bill. .
I'resldeiit Roowvelt has appointed
Colonels Bamuel M. Vfiitesiue a 10
Sumner II. Lincoln to be brigadier
gunorals. ,
The Charleston expoaitlon bai cloHl
i.'i...,.,.uiiv. it waa a iot aim
stockholders- will receive none of
del Toro last week. The revolutionists
are said to have mined tha town of
Boots. While the government troops
were marching into Boom to recapture
it, the mines were exploded and almost
all of the government soldier giliea
Tbe revolutionist still remain in poa
session of Boca,. Colon anil Panama
are the only towns on the isthmus now
In the control of the government and
the troops are being poured into thews two
u...i. nnrtH with trie none 01 stemmuiK i
V.ICI. 1 1
places it was larger.
The Travelers Protective Association
of America will meet in Portland in
State Superintendent Ackerman is
busy addre thing public school graduates
in various parte of the state.
Hop contract, continue to be filed
for record in tbe various hop sections
of the state. Twelve centa la the ml
ing price.
A mass meeting will be held in Al
bany In the near future for the purpose
of promoting the Inturesta ot the iauo
The work of removing the old street
car track, in Baker City preparatory to
lavina new for an electric line is well
under way.
The Suaar Pine door and lumber
company, of Grants Pass, whose plant
waa recently destroyed by tire, wyi
build lmmedlatley.
Three of the largest American employ-
I c:i:..;.A I. kn 1..,.. K.un Nntilia.l
" ' I I . . . v. .,,, can I Cm VI .1 i Uli.V I.UUI uwu
clined to take any chances and nothing t " - , -7"" ' " TZk Ut they murt advance .alaries 60 per
concerning the receipt of thia message
was allowed to leak out. About 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon the war de
partment received the message from
Lord Kitchener, announcing the eign-
ng of the terms of peace..
The clerk on duty at the war office
rannmitted thia message to Bucking
ham palace, where King Edward was
lunching. "At about 5 o'clock word
was received permitting the publication
of this message, and the small notice
which was stuck up outside the war
office consisted of a copy of Lord Kitch
ener' cablegram. A similar notice
was put outside the colonial office.
Beyond these two skimpy bits of paper,
London knew nothing of the great
event. In the clubs, the hotels ana
the newspaper offices, which were al
most all deserted, the momentous news
was ticked out on the tape.
Then like wildfire, at about 6 o'clock,
London awakened to the fact that the
South African war was over
nor to any association or corporation
to pass or grant any permit to graze
off dictation of local stock associations
heretofore in evidence throughout tbe
Number of Striken la Anthracite Coal Fttlt
Wilkebsarre, Pa., June 5. There
,,a nm tnAnnta nf
were no uBveiupuicutfl v wviuv.. . 0;rr.4.
oi.l mention in the anthracite coal SPn,8h re8,me-
cent all around or face a strike. One
firm three years ago paid employes 3
1 30
weekly. The firm says a further ai
vance is impossible. It is the intention
of Isabelo de Los Keys, tbe organiser
of labor associations here, to secure an
increase of wages in all trades or force
a seneral strike. The merchants are
alarmed at the outlook. They say
Columbia The official vote gives
Chamberlain 485, Furnish 803.
Morrow The official vote gives
Chamberlain 614, Furnish 659.
Marion Chamberlain can lea Marion
county by 273.
Klamath The official count give)
Furnish 501, Chamberlain 414.
Gilliam With all bnt four small
precincts in, Gilliam county giv Fur
nish a plurality of 43.
Lake Unofficial returns from 10
precincts out of 12 give rnrnish
Chamberlain 247.
Jackson Complete unofficial returns
from the 33 p.-ecincts of this county
give Chamberlain 1,626, Furnish 1,523.
Benton The official vote 01 Benton
county gives Chamberlain 842, Furnii-h
Wasco Complete unofficial returns
give Furnish 1,370, Chamberlain 1,180.
Biker Complete nnomciai returns
from all the precincts give Chamberlain
tinpmo .aoor coexs more now, .u pro- majority over Forni8h
- 4-a ek. uonlfa than AmAPllHlfl I i J
LUI WUl tu vuv ioouitC miaou
labor. The wages are now irom ave
to 10 times higher than under the
. . .. .1... m harm m the lair ctvoninunrj
uuscripu""n . - The revolution sts are winning o
waa a succena. I .vmt,ai,w nnon everv hand that
Two men were killed In a allde in a tne vernment has decided to reorgan-
Mercur, Utah, mine. n it, for-s. The Atrato enrried 40
Hon Michael Henry Herbert may be government field officers from , Savallla
Br .hS to Colon, Including Genera Gmveras,
Britlsn amoaanwu n .i, jt i rumored,
Ex-Governor Sylvester Pennoyer diet M tho new govornor of Panama The
ot hia home In Portland on Memor.ul i,,,,,, n the isthmua now gremly
dsv. hamnori the fruit business there and
The arandHtand at Hawthorne track, it is Impossible, to predict when quiet
,,wn . .. A.Annnn I ...111 l ......1
iikUim. was hlirnea. WW, SJW.wv. win im irrvu.v.
killed and several In-
One man
President Booaevolt delivered a Me
morial Day addrens at Arlington im
etery, Washington, to an audience of
The teamsters' strike in Chicago ta
Te Start With Non-Union Men.
Denver, Juno 4. -The strike situa
tion in tho building trades Is unchanged
today except for the declarations of tbe
owners of the Ornamental Wlro Works
that they will startup with non-union
labor. No serious trouble is antici-
still on with no prospects ol an early t(1(l 1 Um attempt is made.
. . I .1. .1... I. ..Uk (l 1 . '
svtt lemeni ami im unj . - .
w ith a meat famine. Palma'i Son, Return
... a t -
Many beautiful norm minn w, Jnm 4 Jose ail(1 Ton)a(
ZSih r-l-Mwo of the prcsldtmf. son.,!
te President McKinley. have sailed lor ew ork, fays a
Th. entire French cabinet ha. re- Havana dispatch to the Tribune. Jose
The enure jrem.n i.-ui returns north to take hi examination
signed. . at Columbia Law School; Tomas at-
Fire in Brooklyn destroyed property Rt NewburKi Pregi,lent
valued at ,176,000. Palma, who with other high officials,
Attorney Oenerat rvnox n wv went aboard to bid them good oye, was
qulto overcome by the parting
Knox 1. confined
to hi home with a .evere cold.
Bituminous coal workers may strike
out of sympathy
for the anthracite
gave each son a hearty mbiace as he
left the steamer, and bpoku worn, oi
encouragement to them.
Wheat Walla Walla,
bluestem. 67c: valley, 67c.
Barley -Feed, $22(122.50; brewing
$23 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, ,1.251.30;gray,
Flour-Best grades, 2.ogs.4U per
barrel; graham, 1 2.50 2.80.
Millstuffs Bran, 116ajl6 per ton;
middlings, I1920; shorts, I1718;
chop, lth
Hay Timothy, l2(81o; clover,
7. 60 10; Oregon wild hay, I58 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 11.26
percental; ordinary, 8590c cental;
grower prices; sweets, 2.252.50
nor cental: new potatoes, 2 Xo.
Butter creamery, ifusioc; uniry,
14(3il0c; atore, 1315c.
Kggs 1017Hc for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 H
13c;YoungAmerica, 13XHKc; fac
tory prli-es, 1(8 lMc lea
Poultry Chickens, mixed, l4-50
6.00; hens, 15.00(95.60 per dosen,
imi(812c per pound; springs, 119
11 Wo per pound, 18.00(35.00 per do
en: ducks. 15.0006.00 per doaen; tur
keys, live, 1314c, dressed, 1516c per
nonnd! iroese. Itl,0U(fflr.ou per uoaeu.
Mutton Gross, 4io per pound;
sheared. 3c: dressed, 7 jsC per pound
Hogs Gross, 64c; dressed, ,tsc
rr nonnd.
Veal 04 tSC lor small, oysiuioi
nmf Gross, cows. 4c sieer
5c; dreseed, 88V4e pw pound.
Hons 12)4(915 cents per pouna
Wool Valley, 12 14; Eastern Ore
gon, 8lZcj monatr, -ioo per pouuu
o'clock the newa had become generally
known. A few belated extra editions
of newspapers were peddled about the
streets, but before their appearance the
enterprising hawkers, who lor a long
time past had kept union jacks, feath
ers and horns atored up in anticipation
of the present event, were much in evi
Cabling from Pretoria, the corre
aoonilent of the Daily Mail, after an
nouncing tbe signing of the terms pi
surrender, says the British authorities
absolutely rejected the suggestion of
the Boer delegates that the terms of
surrender Bhould be ratified by Mr.
K nicer, and declared that the Boers
miners striKe toaay. ine niiuewur
era tried hard to bring out additional
engineers, firemen and pump runners,
and the companies were equally earn
est in their efforts to hold the employes
that have been loyal to them. The
union succeeded in getting out qmte a
number of men and one or two colleries
were compelled to shut down their
tinmns because of a lac ot men, dui in
all other cases the 'operators were able
to fill vacancies by drawing on their re
serve forces of office and other employes
The mine owners declare that thns far
By 8 they have employed very few nonunion
. . . i . . i .
men, ana nave pieniy oi Yiuiacis .o
draw on.
Tbe entire coal belt remains compar
atively quiet, although disturbances of
a minor nature are becoming more fre
quent. Two hundred men from Sure
burg marched into Oneida, where Coxe
Bros. A Co. have a big collery. There
mi some promiscuous shooting, but no
one was injured. A car carrying spe
cial officers was sent from Drifton to
the arena of the disturbance, but when
tlie police reached there the crowd had
dispersed. '
Europe had no hand in the settle
ment. ...
The terms wiUTshow, continues
the correspondent, "that the British
government carried ita contentions on
every vital point, while the minor
concessions, particularly inose in -
gard to the generous Ananciat t ra ... hich had evidently been
ment, will greatly appea to tne th,tconditioD by mJfm uknown
In seneral. The value of Lord Kltch
. . . t .... jn .1..
ener a personality as a m;nr ... v..c
conclusion of peace can never be over
estimated. There is no doubt that
peace will be popular among tne
Germany ha. appealod to the United
States to assist In preventing monopoly
in wireless telegraphy ,
Tl, afnlnn of Hbortv torch in New
v....i, i.rhnr ) to be dark hereafter
because congress refused a 50,000 ap
propriation for lighting it.
The refusal of the Manitoba govern
ment to allow the Northern Pacific extend its lines across the
border Is taken as notice to all
tBn railroad, to keep out.
StrlMnl Baktn Enjolntd.
Kansas City, June f Striking
union bakers were today enjoined by
Judge John F. Phillips, of the United
States circuit court, who issued a tern.
norarv order restraining them from
patrolling in front of the Grand avenue
bakery, or otherwise interfering with
the employes of that concern, The
action grows out of tho lockout of the
Amort- union bakers by six loading firms,
member, of the Master.' Association.
A shower of mud lasting two min
utes darkened the sky and spattered
windows at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
New York Central stockholders at
meeting in Albany authorised a capital
increase from 115,000,000 to fl&u
Fifty thousand dollars was paid for
Rubens' "Holv Family" at the sale of
the Matthlessen collection at New
York. The purchaser is George P.
Blow, of Pittsburg.
Southern Pacific Paiienter Train Dtriiled
by Open Switch- Two Kilkd.
Redding, Cal., June 5. Tho south
bound Oregon express, on the Southern
Pacific road, which left Redding at
10:45 o'clock last night, waa wrecked
about 15 minutes later, near Clay
creek, four milea from this city.
The accident was causea oy a nau-
Ctcil Rhode," fortune.
New York, June 3. Cecil Rhodes'
executors have decided that the pro
bate ot the will should be taken out in
South Africa, cables the London cor
respondent of the Tribune, and this will
be done after the return of Drl Jame
son and Mr. Mitchell to the Cape.
Nothing definite is known as to the
extent of Mr. Rhodes fortune, but so
far aa has been ascertained, it will
amount to $25,000,000 or 130,000,000
Hia educational scheme has been gone
into by the executors, but it will be
some time before arrangements can
be completed.
Coal famine In the EaaL
New York. May 30. Another ad
vance of 50 cents a ton was made in tbe
price of soft coal by the retail dealers
. ... .... i . v
throughout the city toaay mating mw
price 5.60. An advance of 1.60 per
ton in anthracite coal was announced.
Many small towns in New Jersey are
beirinnine to feel the scarcity of anth'
racite coal. Suffern vilkge has been
in darknesa for several nights, having
no electric light. Lamps are now need
inRidzewood. At Spring Valley, N.
Y., the silk mill, the pipe factory and
the ehirt works shut down yesteroay
person, ine train is w ..unu
as a double header, having two engines,
and waa miming at a good rate of
Kneed, as it was on a down grade
Roth encines were thrown into tne
ditch and completely wrecked
F.nsineer J. M. White and Fireman
Fred Laffel, of the forward engine, were
tnrown under the engine and crushed
to death, their bodiee being fearfully
mangled. A force is working to recov
forett Plrea In Arixont.
Tuscon, Aria., June 5. Forest fires
continue unabated in the Huachuca
mnnntftfns. Hundreds of tnousanas
of feet of lumber have been destroyed I L, their remains, whkh are still under
in the last four days, a large lorce oi the enjJ;ne wjth which they went down
men has left Tombstone to ngnt tne to death.
flames back from the watershed of the The niai) wag thrown across the
Huachuca Watershed Company, which track. All the coaches were ditched.
supplies the town of Tombstone with A number of the passengers were
water. Two companies oi soiuiers um more or less injured, but so far as can
been sent to holp fight the fire. kg jearned none were killed.
Mitchell Say, tht Men Muit Win.
Indianapolis. May 31. President
Mitchell, of the United Mineworkers,
left here toniebt for Chicago. There is
still no chance in the strike situation
President Mitchell announced. The
call for the proposed convention, which
It is understood, the live district presi
dents of the miners have agreed to, has
not been issued, and Mr. Mitchell will
yivn no oninion as to when it will be
e. . t ..... ...
sent out. Mr. Mitchell expressea mm
self vigorously as of the .opinion that
the men must win, and said he was
prepared to fight it out to the bitter
end. .
Goodnow will Be Decorated.
Pekin, June 3. The government pro
nnana to bestow a decoration on John
Ooodnow. the United States consul
o-eneral at Shanshai. in recognition of
hie services in maintaining peace in the
central provinces of China in lauu.
Chon Fu. the treasurer of the province
of Chi Lu. has been appointed governor
of Shan Tuna province.!! He ia able
and progressive and has pro-foreign
lane The Democrats contend that
Furnish will have only 150 plurality In
this county, while the Republicans
claim 225.
Umatilla Unofficial returns from 32
out of 35 precincts give Furnish 1,805,
Chamberlain 1,985.
Wheeler With five precincts to hear
from, Furnish has 289, Chamberlain
Linn Complete unofficial returns
... . .!. tno
give Uhamoeriain a majority oi oi
over Furnish.
Clackamae Complete unofficial re
turns from 29 out of 37 precincts give
FurniBh 1,579 and Chamberlain 1,299.
Coos Unofficial returns from 11 out
of 26 precincts give Furnish 537,
Chamberlain 416.
Crook Returns from 11 out of 34
precincts give Chamberlain 322, tur
nish 374.
Douglas In 24 out of 30 precincts
Chamberlain has a plurality of 181.
Josephine So far aa received rur- (i
nish has a majority of 123.
Lincoln Indications are that r Or
nish has carried the county by about
Multnomah The unofficial returns
giveFurnish6,611, Chamberlain 7,156.
Folk Chamberlain leads,urnisn oy
127 votes with only one more precinct
yet to hear from. ,
Sherman uut oi a loiat oi seven
precincts, complete returns give Fur
nish 560, Chamberlain zo.
Tillamook Furnish carries iilia-
mook county by 200.
Union Unofficial returns from l
precincts out of 20 give Furnish 1,144,
Chamberlain l,7ai.
Washington Unofficial, but com
plete, returns give Furnish a plurality
over Chamberlain of 270.
Wallowa Unofficial returns from It
precincts out of 16 give Furnish 461,
Chamberlain 731.
Yamhill Complete unofficial returns
from all but three precincts give Fur
nish a majority of 78.
Fight With tht Yaquli.
NneHles. Arte.. June 8.- An
Incendiary Fires at Pekln.
out- Pekin, June 6. ires occurred yes-
occurred teay ai tne rrencn oarrauAH no .m
Squitr, Formally Received.
Washington, May 31. Tae secretary
of atate has received a cablegram from
break of Yaqui Indians has occurred, r j . . AuBtrianMr. Sauiers, United States mininster
place 30 miles from Her- troopgt Although the fires were large, to Cuba, announcing that he had been
A fight took
mosillo, in which eight Yaquls were
killed and two Mexicans. The l aquis
retreated in a southeasterly direction
tnd another fight is expected. The
disaffected Indians number about 400,
of whom 100 are fighting men. These
lYaquishava hitherto been peaceful.
They are not hostile to American.
th result ; ntr damaeea were small, formally receivea in ins, ")
hen of in- nresident Eetranda Palma at Havana
lim.uo.... -- r- - . , ,
j;.-., whn thA-hii li nes Mr. Homers suggested tne aesirauiiiiv
burned there was much excitement and of having a military attache for the
rejoicing among the crowd, of Chinese ! legation at Havana assigned as soon as
.Vv hail inn rvrarra .mi niifHififl th. aa 1 nnRHible. and mentioned Cdptutn Clark
-..,-!- .ninv the sloht of the United States army, aB a most auitable
flames. rn ,or that P0"'
Bad Gang Brokt JalL
Leadville, Col., June 4. A daring
ail break took place here today. Tbe
ailer was in the front office when a
trusty notified him that some of the
prisoners were missing, and an investi
gation showed that five had escaped
by an underground tunnel. They had
sawed off the lock to a trap door lead
ing to the sewer, broke the sewer wall
and then crawled to tbe outside of the
ail through a small hole in tbe found
ation wall.
Intereit ea Traiuvaal Bond,.
Pretoria, June 4. A proclamation
which was issued yesterday in connec
tion with the signing of the peace terms
declares that, notwithstanding the pr
clamations of Mr. Kruger, interest on
the bonds of tbe Transvaal republic
would be suspended so long as the war
lasted, uch interest shall begin to
accrue June 1. June 26 and 27, the
dava of Kin. Edward's coronation, have
been proclaimed public holiday, here.