The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 15, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 9.
k Comprehensive Review of h knporteM
tltppeninjl ! the Put Week, Presented
hi CsaMa Tom, Whkh It Mint
LiMly to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Congress him raised It 'relief appro
priation id halt a in 1 1 1 ioit dollars (nr
Murt iiiiiiit.
Tlio parliamentary commit
tee is deadlm ked on the Danish West
Indie treaty.
There are 2.000 (lead at St. Vincent
lit tint from the vulcanic disturbance
in tli U't ludies,
French tnsips are Interring the dead
at Ht, Pierre very slowly, Utlng of
the IkhIUi has begun there.
Since Hi capture "of General Meth
urn tlm ItritUh have reduced tlm fun
of General iHiturvy by HHO men taken
The prtilili'iit ha ordered n review
of the ltathhoim rase. Thin limy
lieoemdtute anienditient of tin Cuban
criminal law.
Three tin hi ati ntid fifty git workers
are on strike til Chicago Wattee llitiir
i'iiiiiiitiilniii had Ihhii discharged (or
joining a union.
Oregon liuii , lived 14 gold medals,
fntir silver medal, 18 broux Medal
and 82 honorable mentions at the
Charleston exposition.
At Tticutiearl., N, M., .three
were killed In light.
TIi strike In tha Oregon City woolen
in II In U practically ovr
Americans will own tha chip of tlm
new shipping combine, but they will
fly tlio Kiiglish flag.
Tl foal shortage U already apparent
at Heading. Pa.. In consequence of the
rVranton mine being Idle.
The Hat Inn government will semi i
cruiser to represent Italy at tha ill'
augiiratlon of the new Cuban republic
In explosion of naUia near Pittsburg
a mire of lives were lout ami about viki
Minn ware Injured, many of whotr.
will die.
It la now geuerally admitted that
30. 000 people lost their live at St.
Pierre. The street of the city are cov
ered with corpses.
The new sleul casting combine, to lie
known at the American Steel Canting
Company . will control one-fourth of the
production of tbe country.
Another revolution tl on tlie'Upia In
Peace may be officially proclaimed
In South Africa on May SO.
The government bill for enjoining
the beef trust haa been Died at Chi
(lovnrnmettt troooa who were order
toillshind in China have raised the
Btamhird of revolt.
It ii reported that three other bland
of the Went Indies eere extensively
damaged beside Martinque,
KfttivtMi whoe kraala wore burned by
bnrglmra, attacked itoer laager In the
vicinity of Keboepera rum fliay o, ana
killed 32 IWri.
! The Unlteil Btatea government haa
diatiatched venml to Martnique
render any aKnltance powtible
atrickun inhabltanta.
Further deUila add only to thee
ni of the Bt. Pierre hoi ror. From all
over the world aanlatance U being sent
t) the unfortunatea. ,
Th anthracite eomnaiilea hve tol
their minora not to report for work at
Hernnton, Pi., nd It looke like a ioea
out. Doth "Wei are preparing wr
long struggle.
rrealdent Simon 8am, of Ilayti, hai
A.tmirul Runmson'a remalna have
been burled In Arlington ceowtery.
The UritiNh preaa deroanda that the
government take action on tite aieum
Bhlp eomimie.-
Tba attorney Bonoral of Miasourl haa
filed proceeding! agulnat the beef trimt
In mh Btute.
The nomination of II. Clay Evans
. i.r.tiiiil m.nitriLl to London haa been
eonllrmed by the senate.
Thnhnusahaa nassed the omnibus
yintfihood bill admitting Oklahoma
Ariaona and New Mexico.
Tt. is now estimated that fully 40,000
people perished In the earthquake at
Ht. I'iorro, Martinique. The American
consul and his family ere among the
dead. ,
The attorney general of Washington
has rendered an opinion that Mr. Mo
Hrldo is still lieutenant governor!
is Invested with the power of chief ex
ecutive. Queen Wilhelmlna U convalescent,
Nine men were Injured in an explo
lion In an Anaconda emelter.
Tw ThMiund Due at thi Rtiult of Vet-
unit Dliturbaacu.
Fort de France, Iland ol Martinique,
ay 15. The United Plates govern-
inunt tug l'otomac, which came to Mar-
nlqiie from Han Juan, P. R , cruised
the coaxt of this island Tutwlay. HI.e
eiiiiintitiTcil an Inky black column of
iiiuke, which made It nwi'ssary for ber
go five miles out of her course.
The iVtoinnc brmight a ton of aiii
lies to Martinique, consisting la part
codfish and flour. A famine here is
iiiminent. The northern section of
Island is depopulated. liusiuesa
here Is susinded.
The Potomac wilt leave here for the
land of Ht. Vincent, where conditions
are reported to Isj worse. I .a Houffriere,
on Ht. Vincent, was in full eruption
ay 10. A stream of stone and mud
lalf a mile wide was then issuing from
Vulraiio. Htones two inches in
iaineter fell 12 miles away. At King
ston, the capital of the lIamt, the
shea were two inehes ilocp. Heven
unilrnd dead were nrted Hunday,
ay II. It Is esUinateil that the total
number of deaths in Ht. Vim-ent will
ach 2,000. Most of the seven estates
the Island have lieen burneit to
hes, and it is authentically reported
at two earthquakes occurred there.
is Mievvd that the submarine cables
n Ht. Vincent have lwen broken by
e disturbance. The present vol-
n ic eruption on Ht. Vincent is the
rsl slnnkf 1H12. Governor Hunt, of
orto Kieo, has asked Louie Ay me,
nited Htates conxiil at (iaudeloupe,
ho is now here, what assistance he
could r'mlcr. (Sovernor limit offer
as been communicated to the govern
ment, which will accept It.
Tho hsitlng of the ruins at Ht. Pierre
lias begun already. While coining to
Fort do France the Potomac picked up
boat (suitaining five colored men and
one white man, wiioee tsxtaeu were
fille.1 with coin and jewelry, the latter
evidently stnpied from the tinners of
ie Head. Lieutenant I). II. Mdor-
mtck, commander of the Potomac, ar
sted these men and turned tliettl over
o the commander of the French cruiser
Hllcliet for punishment.
tO tllO
Pruldtni Aiki Rditf for th Strlckta Ptoplt
el th. Wnt Indies,
Washington, May 15 The following
as issued from the White House dur
ng the afturniMin.
The president has appointed a com
mlttee to receive funds for the relief of
the sufferers from the recent disaster
In Martinique and Ht. Vincent. The
gentlemen appointed from each city
will be asked to collect and receive the
funds from their localities and neigh
borhood as expeditiously as possible $33,314.77.
CewsncnUI and Financial Itappcningi of Its
octanes A Brltf ttsvkw of th Growth
an Improvtmcnti of th Msny InduitrlM
Threeghout Our thriving Commonwultn
latest Market Report.
Many emigrants are arriving daily at
The Halem Federal f.abor Union has
been organized with a membership
of fit.
Tbe fiuit growers around Medford
are jubilant over the recent rains and
the fact that pro-poets for a good yield
are better than for years.
Tbe mill on tlte Lucky Bart group at
Gold Hill la running day and night on
ore from the Doubtful claim. A 30-
inch vein of high grade free milling ore
assaying $45 per ton was lecentty
struck in this claim, which will bring
the Lucky llart group to the front
again, something over llW.imo having
already been milled from the several
ledges on the property.
The number of strangers now pouring
into Oregon is being felt even In the
backwoods. A year ago it was believed
that all the public timber land woitli
taking had passed Into private hunda,
and Investora acre buying finely from
the original locators, lint since then
the more Inacessible and leu timbered
land is being eagerly sought by people
anxious to file on timber tracts.
This season in the Bumpter distrht
will witness the greatest placer clean
upa known thee for years. In several
places there has been a market! revival
of interest in the placer .diggings.
Companies have been organized to op
erate diggings- on a large scale, and
scene whore there has born compara
tlvely little life since the boom days of
pioneer times will be teeming with
Tbe camps and mills near Alma
are vainly applying fur men.
Fire at Praire City destroyed an en
tire block and caused a loss of $20,000.
La Grande la enthusiastic over the
Lewis and Clark fair and a general
meeting will be held to get subscribers
to the stock.
hd Graves, of Marquam, has con
traded 6,000 pounds of Imps from his
yard ive mile east of Woodburn, for
12 S rente per pound.
i A bill has been introduced in the
United Htates senate granting a right
of way actoss (he Cascade forest reserve
for the Oregon & southeastern railroad
The city council of Baker City has
awarded the contract for the extension
of the mains of the waterworks system
to a contractor of that city on bid of
London Times Reviews Their
South Africa.
London, May 14. The Times relates
the couiae of the peace negotiations as
"On the receipt of the DuU:h corre
spondence intimating that Great ftrit-
in was ready to listen .to proposals
from tbe Boers in the field, Acting
President of the Transvaal Bchaalk
burger came to the British lines and
asked permission to consult with Mr.
Hteyn, ex-president oi the Orange Free
Bute. This led to the Boer delegate
going to Pretoria. Their first proposal
to Lord Kitchener and Lord Milner,
the British high commissioner in South
Africa, was that tbe republic should
merely concede all the demand made
by Great Britain regarding the fran
chise, etc., before tbe war. The Brit
ish government, in reply, referred tbem
to the Middleburg confeience, as tbe
maximum of possible coneeiwions and
refused permission to the Doers to con
sult their friends in Europe. Event
ually, while refusing an armistice,
Uini kitchener undertook not tomeleat
the burgher while they were actually
holding meetings with the commandoes
to authorize the leader to negotiate on
the baci of the surrender of independ
ence, but they were told it was use lens
to return to
The Britbh Comal at Chkage Gives a Few
Rum st to Mis Government for the
Rapid Advsact of th United States la
the world of Trade Reward f Merit
Chief CauM of Success.
Washington, May 15. Some plain
uggestion regarding American busi
ness methods are given by tbe British
consul at Chicago, Mr. Wyndham, in
report to the British foreign office, a
copy of which has just reached tbe
treasury bureau of statistic.
The commercial success in the United
States, and especially of the city at
which be is located, is described by
Consul Wyndham a being due in part
"to the education which teache the
boy independence and knowledge of
their future responsibilities, and does
not set tbe professions aoove business
as a means of gaining a living.
"Athletics of all kinds are much en
couraged in schools and universities,
but very few men continue to take part
Pretoria without beinir 'n tliem after completing their educa
armed with full powers to negotiate, tion. Americans are as fond of out-
cnaa Kuurger assented to una, but Sir. door (ifei .hooting and fishing, as are
Htyn s aequiesence seemed doubtfei. . . . nt
torla," continue the Time, "declare iber fc" thelr tMte " relaxation
that Lord Kitchenerand Milner orom- only, and never allow it to Interfere
The wool industry of Oregon ranks
well up with wheat and lumber, and
out in the eastern part of W asco coun
ty a plains is the greatest wool market
in the world.
And forward them to Hon, Cornelius N.
Wins, treasurer of the Hew York com
mittee, which committee will act as a
central distributing point for the coun
try. The president direct all the post-
niimtern thriiiiuhout the country and re-
inn-m tha itresident of a 1 the national i ne eastern uregon term ot we su
hanks to act as acents for the collec- preme court oiieueo; at renmeton wiui
ion of contributions and to forward the 38 cea on the docket, all but three
.. at i,m- to Mr. Bliss at New York, beinu appeals from Umatilla, Baker
The pestmacters are also directed to re- and Union counties.
port to the postmaster general wtinin Tbe Oregon national guard will a-
10 day any funds collected on tins ac- t,,, at wnle tentraUy located point
count. The president appeals to the ln tha Willamette valley. In briaade
public to contribute generously for the eampi (or instruction, for a period of
reuei oi imwrn ipu mmnn mm "IT""' i eight day. July 17-24, Inclusive
lllg calamity lias iniieu, ami mm
the contributions lie sent in as'speedily
as possible.
The National Ked Uross Hociety has
also issued an appeal for aid for the
same cause.
Ceune I
ised generous compensation for burned !
arms, promised no mnicuity with re
gard to the queetion oi amnesty for
relwls, which did not present insuper
able obstacles."
Their Disposition Will Be Determined bv a
Foreitry Reierve OffklsL
Washington, May 14. Representa
tive Cushman recently calledJon the
commissioner of the general land office
to ascertain whether or not certain'
lands in Bkagit and Snohomish conn
tie are to be eliminated from the
Washington forest reserve and opened
to settlement. Reiiorts to this effect
recently reached Washington from the
state, end have led to considerable
speculation. Mr. Cushman learned
that on April 18 Commissioner Her
mann directed I. B. Sheller, superin
tendent pLforest reserve in Washing
ton, to make an examination of town
ship 32 north, ranges 8, 9 and 10 east ;
township 31 north, ranges 10 and 1 1
east, and township 30 north, range 11
easi, wun reierence lo wlietlier it is
better suited for forestry purposes or
agricultural purposes. No report has
yet been received.
When Superintendent Sheller ahull
have been heard from, the'general'Iand
ofllce will convey his recommendation
to the secretary of the interior, where
the matter will be finally acted upon
ii is prooame mat no nnai action can
oe nan mini late in the tall. In case
all or a part of the land is found to be
agricultural, that much will undoubt
edly be restored to settlement; other
wise its present status will not be al
ith their business.
'Another cause of success i the
keeping of the money, which has been
made in the business, in it as long as
possible, and great thought is devoted
to arrangement whereby, after the
leath of the builder of the business, it
shall not fall into the bands of his
heirs unless they are practically fitted
to take care of it. -
"Another, and probably the chief
cause, I the reward ot merit, ine
percentage of men fitted for the highest
posts in business is very small com
pared with the total numbers em
ployed, and tbe beads of the big bum
nesses, bank corporations and whole'
Biiie films, are always looking out for
men, not only among those already in
their employ, but also outside, capable
of filling some post under them. To
these men, when found, large salaries
are given, which are drawn by them ae
long as they show that they are capable
of earning them. Men employed in
business house of all descriptions are
encouraged to discover new methods of
carrying on the business which may in
any way lessen the cost of production
or carrying on business, and specializa
tion is carried on to an extreme point."
Every Person la St
Pierre Perished la th
of fire.
London, May 13. A dispatch to the
Time from St. Thomas, D. W. I., Bay
that St. Pierre wa destroyed in tbe
twinkling of an eye, and that not 40 of
tbe inhabitants of the city escaped.
Some of tbe outlying parisbee of the
Island of Martinique have been inun
dated. The whole northern portion
of the island is burning, and baa been
denuded of vegetation, and is a rocky
wilderness. The latest new received
Two Hundred Spectators wire Injured sad trw
Physicians Say that Majority Them
will Die-Wer Watchia, a Buratag Train
When Two Tank Can Exploded, Drench
leg Them with Burs in Oil
Pittabcrg, May 14. Tbe Sheridan
yard of tbe Pan Handle Railroad was
here from 6!. Vincent, continue the tbe scene th( evening of tbe most di-
correepondent, says the number of dead agtrous explosion and fire known in
were is supposed to reach 600, the ma- thi section in many year. A score ol
jority of whom have not been buried. live were lost and about 200 person
It i reported that Fort do France, were so badly burned that, according to
Island of Marinique, is thteatened, con- tbe judgment o( the physician in at-
elude tbe correspondent, and there is tendance, 75 per cent of them will din
frightful tension everywhere.
Successful attempt have been made
to reach St. Pierre. Cabling from St.
Lucia, the correspondent of tbe Daily
Mail say the town is a heap of ruins,
and dead bodies are lying all around.
rew ever will be recognized, so-great !
the mutilation and distortion.
Search parties have found 3,000
charred bodies on tbe site ol the cathe-
from the effects of their injuries.
Tbe accident happened in the rail
road yards at Sheridan, where the Pan
Handle Railroad make a tarn near
Cork Ran. Banked in by two high
hills, hundreds of people were caught.
In the shifting necessary to malto. up
train, five tank cars, two of tbem filled
ith refined petroleum and two with
alive in the whole town.
dral. All appear to have been asphyx- naptha, were switched with too much
iated at first. Not a soul wa found fore. nl nr. of tl,. Mr i
waa broken. Instantly tbe inflam-
NOTIFY POWERS. mable bi-prodact poured out in
stream. The trainmen, teeing that
United State Will Inform Them of th Birth one of tbe cars wa da oaged, started to
of the Cuba Republic I poll them out of tbe way. As the
Washington. May I3.Th stuta ds- danna8ed Mr I1 i58b' e
partment has decided npon the method d"PPi"g nPh caught on the light
it will employ to notify the world offi- flmend lnl08t instntl npIoion
cUlly of the birth of the new Cuban re- w
public May 20. Instead of issuing a "e explosion sent sncweri ot Durn
proclamaiton, the department will eeod in naptb4 over the ,,eigbt "Ution De,r
identical notices to all United States U"BQ' aa mlao nP numoer
ambassadors and minintera abroad that I rarloU8 coxe ano tamper ma
tbe military occupation by the United WBre d y, and in a moment all
State of tbe island has ceased on that " B mmuie. aiier
I l A a. 1 I l - A. .
date, and that Tomas Estranda Palma """ explosion two cars oi re
ha been duly installed as tbe bead of a fiaed Petro'e"n t had been damaged
new government of the Island of Cab..D'u,eDurn,n 01 "" P"
There will be no invitation on our part 'ou we mKW vlew Dp w,ul
to the nations to recognize the new re-1 report.
public, but it is expected that they will I The yards at Sheridan lie in a nar
take notice themselves of the fact that row valley. On the south aiHn of th
the United States has so recognized the
Cuban repnblic by sending to the
island a minister resident and staff of
legation and consuls, and it is not
doubted that the example will be fol
Battle is Venezula.
la Goes Out of the River and Freight
Soon Be on the Move.
Vancouver, B. C, May 15. The ice
in the Yukon has broken, and winter
is over. Tbe breakup was unusually
quiet this year. It occurred during a
blinding snow storm, with the ther
mometer at 40 above. The water rose
six feet, but little damage resulted. A
flood ia expected unless the jam breaks
The river is now clear from Lower
Le Barge to Big Salmon. A usual in
other years when the ice comes down
the river, steamers loaded with freight
Port of Spain, Island of Tiinidad,
May 13.--Venezuelan troops under
General Vincente Gomez, attacked Car-
upano, eta'e of Bermudez, V eneznela,
by land and by sea with the gunboats
Restaurador, Agoeto and Zumbador,
but the port is still in the bands of the
revolutionists. After a seven hours
battle, the government force were de
feated and obliged to abandon the field,
leaving 115 men dead and 210 wound
ed. The city suffered terribly from the badly hurt.
shelling of the government war vessels, j The third explosion served as a warn.
ihe remainder of Ueneral Gomez's ing to but few of the spectators at
troops escaped on board tbe gunboats I Sheridan. Without a moment's warn-
and reached Cumana, on the Gulf of ing there was an awful roar, loud
Caracas. Gomez waa tenouBly wound- enough to be heard in the heart of
ed. Carupanonow presents a spectacle Pittsburg, five mile away, and a sheet
Wheat Walla Walla,
blues tern, 67c; valley, 66c.
Barley Feed, $20821; brewing,
$2121.&0 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.25(11.27 ;gray,
Flour Best grades, $2.853.40 per
The Number tncrtattd.
Pittsburg. May 15. A caroful and
systematic search for the dead and in
jured in the Sheridan honor reveal a Um 2.6(m80
list ot za ueau ami km njurau. a Millstuffs - Bran, $1518 per ton;
complete list of the Injured may never mlddlillgs iB20; abort, $1718;
chop, $16
Hay Timothy, $1215; clover,
$7.50(310; Oregon wild hay, $50 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 1.50 1.65
percental; ordinary, $1.251.35 per
cental; grower prices; sweets. $2.25(3
2.50 per cental! new potatoes, S3,c.
Butter Creamery, 10174cj dairy,
12H($15c; store, lOcaU'tfc,
EggB 15lflc for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12
be known, as many were able to get
awav without making known their
Identity. A conservative estimate by
those familiar with the situation places
the niimbel more or Icsb seriously hurt
at not lest than 300.
Former Senator In Mining Deel
Pierre, 8. D May 15. Ex-Senator
John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, and
ox-Smiivtor W. J. MuConnell, of Idaho,
have joined ln a mining venture and
Conjreu Votes $200,000 for th Sufferers
of Martinique,
Washington, May 14. The volcano
calamity in me west Indies came un
before the house during the afternoon, which ha oeen accumulating at White
the District of Columbia measure being Horse are following the ice down, and
laid aside to permit the relief bill to be the first is expected to reach Dawson
considered. this week. This will be the first ar-
In view ol the president's message rival at tbe wharves since last fall, and
urging an appropriation of $500,000, it will get a big reception. There are
the house committee on annronriatinn iams on the river which will cause
unanimously reported a substitute to brief delays. A big one blocks naviga
the senate relief bill making it $200,- tion at Five Fingers, and smaller ones
000, and placing its disposition under are located below Selkirk, netr Stewart,
the president of the United States. and at Ogilvie
Heminway, of Indiana, the acting It was expected that the break this
chairman of the aporonriation commit- year would be earlier than last, but
tee, secured unanimous consent for ira- there is little difference in the time the
mediate consideration. The a'mount. ice has broken. Last year it was on
he said, had been limited to $200.00C May 14 that the break was recorded,
because the committee was informed and in 1900 on May 8. In 1889 it was
that lartre contribution were beine May 17. and in 1898 May 8.- In other
made by private parties. ; ways, the season is very backward. The
The bill was finally passed and went weather is cold, and very little sluicing
will operate in New Mexico. They 13e;oungAmerlca, 13$14vc; iae-
have incorporated, thelan Ygnacoi de tory prices,! 14C less
Bora Mining Company,
cap! till of $1,000,000.
Ltd., with a
Over 2,000 pounds changed hands In
betting upon a game of ping pong ln
London recently.
Athens expects to be visited by more
than '10,000 tourists, chiefly English
and American, during the present
Sixty-two mile an hour is to be the
average speed maintained by a new
train to run on tbe English service, be
tween Paris and Calais. The journey
will only occupy three hours.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.50
5.50; hens, $5.506.00 per dozen,
11, ml 12c per ponnd; springs, 11
11 Ho per pound, $4.006.00 per doz
en; ducks, o.uu.uu per dozen; tur
key, live, 1314o, dressed, loltio per
pound; geese, $.oo7.oo per dozen.
Mntton Gross, 4 Ho per pound;
sheared, 3 ?i'c; dressed, 7Kc per pound.
Hogs Gross, 64c; dressed, 7S8c
per pound. .
Veal 6$8o for small; e7c lor
Beef Gross, cows, 44c; steers,
5ic; dressed, 8Jic per pound.
Hops 12Hi (315 cents per pound.
Wool Valley, 12314; Eastern Ore
gon, 812c; mohair, 25c per pound
The British administration in India
Profits of Stcl Trust,
New York, May 15. Check aggre
gating $10,000,000 were sent out by J.
Piernont Morgan Co.. in payment of
tbe second distribution of profits re
sulting from the formation of the
United States Steel Corporation. The
amount of cash advanced by the syndl
cate was $25,000,000, which was re
quired during the early stage of the
corporation' negotiations, and returned
aftor the first six or seven months.
Violated Rules of War.
New York, May 15. Great carnage 1 alarmed by rumor of sedition in At-
wns wrought at Cumpiino, the Vene- gnanisian.
neian sc.apon ww.i wiucu J All the flour consumed by the 11,
tnckeu, say the twtoi ppw. im- 000 000 people , giam ltom the
i...w .mlsen. Mnvfl. bv ffovernment L nlwa KtatM'
in,nn. and onnbnats. without 24 hour' Swan on the Thames at Eton and
.,n. o havino hmn olven. so that non- Windsor are beinir fed from the local
n,w,i.i nnnld leave the town. For- boat rafts, a tbe birds are unable
eitrners are without assistance from owing to tbe severity of the weather, to
their governments. Many women and obtain a sufficiency of food for tbem
ehlldren were killed. leive.
through the senate without division.
Wilhelmina Steadily Improvinf.
The Hague, May 14. The bulletin
issued at Castle Loo concerning the
condition of Queen Wilhelmina have
been reduced to one a day, and it is ex
pected that they will soon cease alto
gether. The marked improvement in
ber majesty's condition continues, and
the, constant attendance of her physi
cians isno longer neiwary.
can be done before noon on any of the
days so far this spring. The water is
too cold to allow the work to be pro
ceeded with. There is frost every
night, and it is late in the morning
before the warm effect of the day is ex
Entire Section Tied Up,
Oregon City, Or., May 15. The
whole of a section has been tied up by
order of the commissioner of the gen
eral land office, owing to a question
being raised ss to the character of the
land, which is situated on Ogle Mourn
yard is a rounded hill, bare of trees.
On the other side of tbe yard a hill
fully 200 feet high rise sheer above
the roundhouse. In less than 15 min
utes both these bill were black with
men, women and children, who were
eagerly watching the flames in the cut
Burning oil had found its way into
the sewer, and as soon as it reached the
open air at the mouth the third explo
sion followed. The escaping naphtha
bad blown to atoms the Sumpter hotel
and tbe Collis house, on River road,
and badly wrecked a frame building
near by, in which were congregated 200
or more men from Pittsburg and vicin
ity, betting on the races and ball
game, few oi tne occupants ol tnis
building escaped injury, many being
of desolation. The cable is cut.
of flame shot op from the wreckage
and enveloped both hillside, even to
their top.
There was a moment's lull, a though
every living thing in the vicinity had
been annihilated, and then came the
Costly California Blaze.
Truckee, Cal., May 13. Six acres in
the central portion of Truckee w as a
raging mass of flames for seven or eight cries, the screaming for help, and the
hours this morning. The extensive blank in the crowd told of the ex
box factory and planing mills of the plosion' dread result. Both of the two
Trnekee Lumber Cnmnanv. nrnnnd remaining tank cars had blown up. A
which the town was originally built.
was totally destroyed. With it went
the office, with everythingjit contained,
andfa number of Iwarehousea and dry
ing houses tilled with boxes, seasoned
lumber, glass, windows, door and
building material. One million feet oi
lumber piled on both side of the river
was also destroyed. Loss, $200,000.
torrent of flames belched forth on each
side of the tiack, sweeping back the
terrified spectator like a charge of ar
tillery, and sending a shower of flame
over their heads.
Eighteen Cremated.
Tokio, May 13. The destruction by
tire ol a hospital in Kyoto, Japan, was
attended by loss of life. About 4:30
o'clock in the morning fire broke out in
the Funaokayama lunatic asylum at
t : if...., ti.... n-: . 1- , l.
VJ"J " f . ' r """" atoek of .roods for th Dawson
lew suburbs oi Kyoto. Ihe names r , . r
started in one of the rooms occupied by
a patient. Altogether two blocks of
buildings were destroyed before the
flames were got under control, and of
the 39 patients who were in the hos-
pital at the time of the outbreak, 18,
including two women, perished.
For th Diwsoa Trad.
Vancouver, B. C, May 14. A spe
cial from Dawson Bays: J. H. Roger,
DawBon manager of the White Fas
Yukon Railway, make the statement
that bis company would enter into
competition with the Northern Cora
mercial Company and the North Amer
ican Trading Company, in retaliation
for the statement that the Northern
Commercial Company would take in a
The Dawson retail merchants had been
afraid they would be forced out of busi
ness by competition of the big com
mercial companies bringing in large
stocks of merchandise.
Lord Paunccfote Quite III.
Washington. May 14. Lord Paunce-
fote. the British ambassador, continues tain, on the headwaters of the Molalla
ouite ill here, and his condition is civ- river. The section was selected by the
imr the family some concern. He uf- Northern Pacific Railroad Company in
era from asthma and stomach and other lieu of tracts relinquished in the Pa-
troubles, and owing to hi advanced cine forest reserve. A company was
age, bis system fails to respond a read- formed, and undertook some develop-
ily to the treatment as was hoped would ment wont on me iana, wnicu resuuea
lie the case. In the nnoing ot mineral aeposiis.
Successor of Corrljen.
Rat War on Alaskan Traffic.
Seattle, May 14. An Alaska trans
portation cut-rate wai, which probably
will ha hir.terlv fnnvht with ittHalfAii
Rome, May 12. The correspondent ... . th-. iinM finMino, i it ,j
of the Associated Press is informed . pn-.nnnHin hnfit h.ii
that it iB not likely that the successor nnUi has heen inailffllPat0(i. "
of Archbishop Comgan will be named fu.H.,s.1i,itBU . .,,
at the next consistory and that probably nointg wereBellinirat $7.50 and 15. Ar.t
more than a month will elapse before
action will be taken. It is therefore
probable that a capitulary vicar will be
appointed to administer the archdio
cese. "
Airship Exploded. Rac War In Indian Territory.
Paris, May 14. The airship belong- Muskogee, I. T., May 15. A race
ing to SenorAugnsteSevrOs, the Brazil- war is on at Braggs, 20 miles east of
ian aeronaut, made an ascension dur- here, Five negroes and one white man
lea the mornlna. The airship exploded have been shot, and one staorjea. fey-
and killed Sevrosand another aeronaut, enty-flve nergoes attempted to wipe out
Senor fiovros arr ved n Paris with a the settlement of IS famines ot wnite
flying machine last November. He people near Braggs, which is one ot tne
then announced his Intention to sail worst districts in the Indian Territory,
aernas nnd around Paris. Hi last The whites have applied to the United
hallnnn Is described as carrv incr a car States marshal for protection, and nave
haped like a long parallelogram, drawn been instructed to arm and protect
up directly beneath the balloon. tnemseives.
Tift Will Stop at Rome.
Washington, May 13. Governor Taft
ha closed up hi business here in con
nection with affairs in the Philippines
and left for Cincinnati, where he will
and second class, respectively. The
prevailing tariff has been $30 and $20.
The entry of the Pacific Clipper Lines
steamer Santa Ana on the Lynn canal
run precipitated the fight.
Following English Precedent,
New York, May 14. The Spanish
government is following English prece
dent ln entertaining a large body of
European princes and foreign represen
tatives who will witness the king' civil
attend to some private business prior Inauguration, says a Madrid diapatcb
to his departure from New York on the to the Tribune. The pr'n es sre either
17th inst., on his return to his post at guests of the crown in palace, or
Manila. - He will stop at Rome In or- houses with a complete retinue of serv-
der to discuss the question of the friar ants" aie placed at their disposal,
in the Philippines with the authoritie Special Ambassador Carry, of the
at th Vatican. United SUt, ii provided with a hoot.