Ihb MKLLsearo . Arqds. - ''L'- HlLLSPOttO, OREOON. T1IUI1SDAY, Al'llIL 24f 1903. N' iiVENTHOFTHKMY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. Comprehensive Review al ih Important Happening! ol the Put Week, Presented In Condense il form, Which li Moil likely ( Prove intirut la Our M.ny Reader. Not a passenger direct cur liui moved In three day In Him Francisco, ('oiili'ilcrnt" vi'ternns are holding their I'.'lh annual rimiiluu at Ihtllas, Tex, Alexander O'llrodio will succeed (invnrnnr Murphy a chief executive of Aru.mtf, Although the Rmk Island Railroad will linilil westward from ktiver, It will imt seek ft 1'Ul'illt' IHUlKt Olltll't. Irviltit Hill, ul the Great North- WILL 8ETTLE OLD DI8PUTE. NEWS OF THE STATE New BID to Civ ComiMftdiM Giral el lh Amy t legal Sum. Washington, April 24. Senator Ilawley, chairman of the senate com mittee im military affair, ha Intro duced bill lo "increase the efficiency ol the army." The most Important w-ction of the bill U the following: "Subject to th command of the pre Ident and general direction ol the sec retary of war, the lieutenant general sliull (surt'iwt command over the mili tary force of the Uiilt.d State, shall issue 'army order,' and.dlrect Inspec tion of the troop. He Khali be charged with the Instruction, training, discipline mil iliirtrilmtioiiof the rmy, with the preparation ami maintenance of dotal ted plana for the niobiliiation of tho military force, with' the prep- arntion and maintenance of acheme of offensive and defensive oirtiotis, ana with colloetlug and compiling military Information. Jt will be hia duty.to that the army U at all time mutably ami amply supplied ami equipiied and ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREOON. ; , ; 7-. - .'' :"T V "fr J i V"' v f. V ; , I ' : : - " y rv ; " l. , .. ;r ll.il I-1 Si' 1 w: OREGON ODD FELLOWS' HOME, AT PORTLAND. To b deiicAtei April 26, the eighty-third kwUversary of ttte founding ot tne oracr. WITH DEADLY EFFECT. CeuMMKial iiid Financial (UpjKninji ( tut porUnct A Brkl Kcvliw of th urwl:i and Improvcmtntt of Iht Many Induitrto ThrovjrMHjt Our Ihrlvbif Commoawfaltk -v-LiUat Market Report. Oregon City haa two can of amall HIS, A new ei(ht room arhool building la to be built at Albany. William AM. of Auburn, an old time pioitwr of the Wert, in dead The debate between Allmny College and the Monmouth Htata hormal Scltool waa won by Monmouth The liurk Kidiro I'lawr Company, of Hiini)U-r', ha 61td articlea of iuoorpor' tion. Caintal, 1 1,000,001). PchoJl iWchlerwaa ahotand SnnUntly killwl by T. Y. Oilwim in a dinpute ntar Oranta 1'aim over a amall atrip of land. The freight and pamvnpr biminen of the fimipUT alley Kailroatl la oo grxat that it iHMVHxttMtH the running of ulubt traitia daily. The Advam IW Elertrlo Irrit-1 The " "l"re1 V; ing 4 Mining Coniny, of (iranta Paw, eral minor detonation, roppoew u haa flhol artU'lin of incorporation, with have been cauaet by the expWoo of a wipiul of 11,500,000. jMM kagi? of gun powder. The people Two (Mtitranta for 14,000 pound of who fled the city erenow returning, hope have been fll at Orrgon City. The fragment of those of the deed whe ror ,ouu pounua n,K wiim win w ... h,i. l.,,! ...i.l ............ I o.l f.,r ExbImIm h a Barrack Killl er Har He. arte el Nkaragetet, Managua, Nicaragua, April 22. A aevere exploaion occurred on the night of April 16. A large two-itory barrack near the lake froot, end rn the center of the city, waa blown to fragment. Between 100 end 200 officer end aol- dier are reported to have been killed and many aoldier end other peraona are reported Injured. A large number of houattt near the barrack, including the National hotel, the Central tele- graph dUtion, end the National palace, were damaged or wrecked. President Zolava waa abaent at Ma yawl et the time of the exploaion, but he hurriedly returned to Managua. He he pub- lixhed e atetement. in which be at tribute the di Muter to the work of con npirator. He aey that ton of dyna mite and a Urge quentity of powder were irtored in the berracka. The ac tual cauwae which led to the explom'oa have not yet been determined. A (tor the Brat eiploeion the police notified people temporarily to leave the city, a it wa thought the burning building atill contained dynamite, Large number fled to the euburbi. TWO SLIGHT ENGAGEMENTS MINDANAO. Washington, April 22. Representa tive Tongue be secured the peanage of hia bill for the creation of the Crater Mvma the Trooc Mai Beta Otckt4 ay I le ational 1'ark in Boothern Ore- n,e. Fim Whlac-tMtto will k "ill withdraw. Irora wttle- Had to Pacify Motulu Before IUrUa ". ntT ' occupancy, tract of to War-Red fUp f Dtfiaac Frylf 149 Jnre taile including end nr- roanuing traier isae. toniroi o me perk ia to rest with the secretary of the interior, who shall provide rnlee for the protection end preservation of the natural object, game end finh, end properly guard against trea passers, end, with an adequate force of ward ena, prevent end extinguish forest firee, Settlement i not to be allowed in the park, nor can lumbering or other busi new be therein conducted, although toansto, plea sure seeker end acien tixta will at all times have fraa acces. . ... i f . i . -i. : : Moore'a party end drove off the Moro. "",U"M ' !H , ? 7 . ' I mit for the erection end maintenance who lost eaten men. I be Mora villages I of re(lUunlnt4, and hotelg for the were flying red flag, meaning that commoijation of visitors. Over lit Meres' rl Manila, April 24. Two engagement hare been fought between the Amer ican trooi and the Moro of the island of Mindanao during the past 24 hour. Moore, of the Twenty-seventh in fantry, while out with small parties hunting for water, wa fired upon at long range. Colonel Frank Baldwin, with a battalion of troops and moun tain gun, went to the assistance of other 7,000 pounds. Grounds have lieen secured and work on the building for a new creamery will begin at once in Koseburg. The plant will tie able to handle the product of from 600 to 700 cows. Six linker City men have been sum moned to appear as witnwwo in a case at l)e Moines. Ia. This will be the! by the explosion are around 5,000,000 pesos, WIR lacereeret In New Jersey. New York, April 23. It ie stated that the new company to control the Atlantic steamship line Just combined will be Incorporated in New Jersey third trip of the parties tor the same .i,,., aiM nno nod i. .. .,i - ,.,.-,.--, -A """TZl. '.rTrr" sayathe Journal of Commerce. The was asiihvxiatwl after much of the evi- un.ierwriung synaicaie wa organwea duee had been aubmitted. on the basis of 1100.000.000 stock and Floyd Mathie was accidentally shot 144,000,000 ln4K per cent bonds, in an amateur performance at Baker 1 The syndicate is understood tobevir- Clty., Itually the same as the one which Mrs. Ooorir Wilcox, of Indcoend- floated the United State Pteel Corpor ence. I dead from an overdose oi gei- ". cr" ' lav, .,. ! . 1-1 10, Dm lias nen vxtunaeu iuurnuii"iy and it is understood that it profits are in .VmutittitA t!,A fl ru( AdMMMiniMnt fill SfV i1-o' . rtitint of the shinnine deal avr.ll nl " M.a . . V. - . . . " . ..." " . . n . n.... i I,., la , wnrr o.l that th munition oi war em oi iw 4..r the decision of the snpn'mo court. ! liest material find of miKublofhnractor , . , 1 It will v recommend mnteWe persons The fiiited rotate consul at ( horn- , , . . M,iii(a- honors nit)!, Germany, say gxl market for , nnf, WWHr,, ,yU wiu be assinUHl in Oregon salmiiii can lie found in that; j,4(aj,,tjii!an his orders will lie con emmtry. veyed and execuU'd through the agency A liydriiuUc wa dredge my Ihj cn ! of the general-' tiflleer holding com Htrufted lo cut and preserve a tempor-! tuands, and the general stall of the limine through the Imr at hum army. iirv cii mouth ol the I omnium river. President Iiiiosevelt is said to 1 ' the opinion that Colonel Crowdor'a re Mirt on tho British horse camp shows no violation of neutrality laws. Governor Mcllrido will not call an extra session of the Washington legis lature to provide fund to pay the ex pense of lighting tho raitwny merger. Kansas is suffering greatly for want of rain. The pliigue haa reapeared in Cap Colony, H, A. Fire nt Quincy, 111., destroyed prop erty valued at 230,00O. Two maskiHl men held up and robbed 17 lulwrers near Corlnne, L'tiih. Presiitent-elect Valine Is in Culm. H was enthusiastically received. Tho British press is much perturbed over J. 1'. Morgan' steamship combine. Tim senate has passed the river and hnrlmr bill carrying 170,000,000 In ap propriations. j!.,..ral R. Iiunlul. charged with cm tJO.OOO at Beatlle. has been discliargeil. In ft fight between cattlemen near ColUnsville, Cherokee Nation, ouo man whs illwl and three monauy wouimwi The United Ptutwt supreme court has made a ruling that the law rwiulring Chinese to hold certineaies is am m InrcC, ti,. stnto of Washington has boon oranted leave to fllo ft complaint ugalnstthe Northern Sureties Company i,v tho United State supreme court ti, strtHter men of San Francisco are on strike. The above provision is intended to give tho commanding general e legal status, whiMt he hns not at present, and is understood to Win the Interest of General Miles. ' Other . portion of the bill relate to detail of-tho admin Istration of .tho-taftalra of -the army. One of those provision authnrUea the president o nrec. uibv. uip ( r iiroiiriaieu lor urn uiwih-iuiiu'ivi sulwlstence or pay department may be placed to the (credit of the disbursing ollkw ol either of these departments. 8TEEL CORPORATION CHANGE semlum, taken by mlstaae, Sheriff Dnrbin has paid into the treasury ot Marion county collected receutly on the 1001. William Maddy, who escaped front the iail at Canvon City last fall, was apprehended in Idaho and taken back to Canyon CHy H. D. Guild, who ha been porprietor of the Salem Independent, has pur chased the I'rosser Record. He will make it a Republican paper. The Fishermen' Union held a meet- ing at Astoria and decided to accept the rate of 8 cents per pound for fish weighing 25 nonnd and over, and 6 cent for those below that weight offer ed by the cannerymen. Front by e about for a The 10KOS WILL FIGHT OREGON NATIONAL IN I Tho Bill Otatiej On tt Crater UU Passu Iht Mmm. TO FILE COMPLAINT 8UPREME COURT GIVES PERMIS SION IN MERGER CASE. they intended to Sght to the uttermost. later the Sultan of Pualao and a force of native attempted to reoccupy the ground gained by the Americans, but the Morns wre forcibly dispered. Pa to (chief) Genes! ha sent a dele gation to the American commander tendering the absolute submission of the men under his control. Brigadier General Davis, in com mand of Zamboanga, island of Min danao, ha acknowledged the receipt from Washintgon of instruction to In order to secure the passage of the bill by unanimous consent Mr. Tongue provision wae inserted permitting the " tj. - location o! mine within the perk, al-1 parvy ' mierem. Th State el Wathwjlon Tho Compls the Norther Securities Company to Aaswtr Its Charts of Illegal ComolitUtlon Soboenut will b Inucd Relurrnkle ia October. Washington, April 23. The United State supreme court ha granted leave to the state of Washington to file an original bill for an injunction against the Great Northern Railway Company, the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the Northern Securitiee Company, in connection with the petition of that etate recently filed in the courts. The epinion in the case wa delivered by Chief Justice Fuller, who stated that the court had always exercised the ut most care in its proceeding in original eaeea, and that the present decision to grant leave to file was intended to be though he contends no mineral are to be found there. There has been a continual fight against this bill ever since Mr. Tongue 6 ret introduced it. Within the past 10 days hoe-ever, be has been at work with the several departments, and finally secured the approval of the pres ident and secretary of agriculture to the pending bill. At the requeet of the president the speaker allowed the The chief justice' opinion wa very brief, and consisted entirely of a view ef original case of the same character which have been brought to the atten tion of the court. The two most im portant of the cases thus cited were the ease of the etate of Louisiana vs. the state of Texas, concerning the quaran tine regulation of the latter etate, in withdraw hi troop from Mindanao, bill to be considered, a thing never be-1 which leave wa given to file, and the v.... . tw 4n t th nrownt fore done, and its passage followed. It " u,8" o . v.,: i :ii i j.as IB UU. UOIIOVUU bUVRJ Will UQ K II T U11U- enlty Jin securing it passage through state of affair, the withdrawal will result in absolute loss of American prestige among the Moro in Mindanao. Hie order, however, are explicit Lieutenant Colonel Baldwin and his force are beyond the reach of the tele graph instruction from Washington the senate. C08TLY FIRE AT DALLAS. Sappot! tw it Texts City Suffers From ccadbry BUua. Dallas, Tex April 22. Two person proooM Expedition Delayed. were fatally injured and a property lose Washington. Anril 24. The warde- of $350,000 caused by several fires . - . , - , - . partment has instructed General Chaf-1 which occurred here shortly after 3 a few to delav the departure of the pro- m. At that hour an alarm wae turned posed expedition into Mindanao until in from the Dorsey printing establish after the receipt of further directions I ment, and several other alarm from from Washington. The president de- different parte of the city were turned eireeto exhaust U other mean of in in quick succession. After fighting state of Minnesota vs. the Northern Securitiee Company, in which the peti tion to file wa denied. Referring to the latter case, the chief justice said the petition had been re fused because of the insuperable objec tion that indispensable parties to the case could not be brought into tne court. This objection did not, how ever, confront the court in the present ease, and the court felt that, because of its desire to proceed with the utmost care and deliberation in all cases where original actions are brought in this court, the precedent of the Louisiana Texas case should be followed rather than that of the Minnesota case in tne effecting the capture of the Moroe who the fire for two hours. Chief Magee was preflent ingtan,. Hence leave to file I ni argents Surrtsderlst Manila, April 22. Surrender to the American authorities of small parti of insurgents are reported daily, and these have increased since the recent surrender of the Insurgent general, Malvar. General Rufino, with 26 offi cers and 375 eoldier, ha surrendered to the native constabulary in the prov ince of Misamis, in Mindanao, where the constabulary ia co-opreating with the military. murdered American soldiers before dis patching an armed expedition for that purpose. Meanwhile, however, that portion of General Davis' command w hich waa selected for the jonrney will still be held in readiness, and all pre parations up to the ' point ot departure will be made. Fire In a brick building on street, at the Dalles, occupied Chinese merchant, .destroyed 15,000 worth of property, and time endangered the whole block. blaxe originated in thedwelling portion of the building, where drying garment caufcht from a hot stove. PORTLAND MARKETS. Denver Times Change Hands. Denver, April 23. The Denver Time was today sold by it bondhold ers for 1110,000, Daivd H. Moffatt, presideut of the First National bank, being the purchaser, i A strong new company will be immediately organ ized to purchase the paper from nr. Moffatt. It will be continued a a Re publican paper. Many Arrciti of Jamaican Rioters. Kingston, Jamaica, April 18. Near ly 60 arrests have teen made In connec tion with the riot at Montego Bay, on the north coast of this Wand, which began April 5, and in which a number of policemen and riotermvere wounded. I accordance with a request made by u. rn.smherlnin. the British colonial secretary, the governor of Jamaica has snnointed a commission to luquire into the riots. Will Become in Operating and Manufacturing Company Soon. rittsbtirg.'i April 23. The reorgan ization of the United" States Steel Cor poration, the obliteration of the names of tho constituent corporation of the greater one, and the change of its pur pose from a purely financial concern to an operating company and manufactur ing, which shaU " opertte directly U the properties now owned and con trolled by it, Is the latest project of the financial arid manufacturing giant at the head of this . enterprise. It was learned from excellent authority that the projuct is to lie launched during the nresent vear. probably in July, In short, the United States Steel Corpora tion will become tho practical and ac tual manufacturing corponition, its well as tho flnniieial head of all the great steel companies that It hag -Bbsorlied. President Charles M. Schwab will be como the director ofi ftiV mills, rail roads, coal and eiio lantsi,ttn.hip lines and furnaces, All Of tjhe tartous branches will 1 cuvlded, Initoi depart ments, , Tho buying: and selling will be under a'slrigle' department, with the individual mirchftBtog tleiiartments left In the hands of ..tho' different, members of the committee;. It ia understood that the same officials will control the general company, with the same board of director and executive committee and the same officials of the operating department, Wheat -Walla Walla, 6585Kc; blnestem, 6flfl5tci valley, 65c. Barley - Feed, 20S21; brewing, 21(821.50 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $1.20; gray, 1.10t31.15. Flour Best grades, $2.8S3.40 per barrel; graham, t2.60(a)2.80. Mtllstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop, $16.50, Hay Timothy, $l2io; clover $7.50(310; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. ' ' ' Potatoes Best Burbanks, 1.251.50 percental; ordinary, $1.101.25 per cental; Early Rose, $1.502.OO per cental; growers prices; sweets, $2.25 .60 per cental. Butter Creamery, ih4-'uc; dairy, 1517)te; store, 12M15c F.ggs 1 6 1 tic f or Oregon . Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 13-ci Young America, 14($15c; fac tory pricos.l lUc loss. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 4.uus .00; hens, $4.606.00 per (Josen IfflllKc per poind; springs, 11(9 Die per pound, $3.505.00 perdo- en; ducks, fo.uoig.uu per cozen; tur keys, live, 1213c, dressed, iue per pound; geese, 0X7.ou perooren. Mutton Gross, 4o per pound; dressed, 17c per pound. Hogs Gross, 5?ic; dressed, Bj$Siic ner pound. Veal J478c lor smau ; ts,(go ior large. . i Beef Gross, cows, 344c; steers, 4)4c; dressed, 84i7,4e per pound, Hons 1213 cents per pound. Wool Valley, 1315; Kistern Ore gon, 8iaso; monair, i(gzio per pound. A restaurant has been opened In New i York where food will be fttrn shed at one cent a plate. There aro 13,058,022 acres of uncul- ' tlvated land In Italy, which might be dovoloped and made productive by tho application of ordinary enterprise, Phouomeiittlly mild weather is being experienced In Russia. At Kiev tho trees are budding, the river Dnieper is clear of tee, while at Warsaw violet are blooming. - Seven Found Dead, Chicago, April 23. Dead in a stuffy bedroom in a crowded' tenement quarter in State street, the bodies of an entire colored family, numbering seven per sons, were found tonight, gnawed by rats and in an advanced state of de composition. The police ' incline to theory of murder and suicide by poison The family is that of Jones Butler, an unholstorer. and consisted of Bvitler, hi wife and five children. Earthquake la Guatemala S Hakes th Entire Republic for Tw Day. New York, April 23. Late dispatches gtroyed, the lose being about $200,000. from Guatemala are to the effect that W hue the Dorsey fire was in progress i.- i,i M,Ml. . .hkn hv fire broke out on Lamar street and . . , , , . 1 20 buildings were destroyed. Half of earthquake from 8:30 o clock on Fri- them bnginesg houBeg ftnd the day night up to 8 o clock Sunday night , I painder boarding houses and dwell- with only short interval between the I ings. The Griffith Lumber Company .- Purism di (match to the I one of the principal loser in that Nanking Still Safe. Hong Kong, April 23. A dispatch received here from Wu Chow contra diets the report eurreut at Canton Sat nrday that Nanking, province of Shan Si, had fallen into the hands of the rebels. Nanking is still safe, though surrounded at a distance of 15. miles by rebel forces. River communication with the besieged city remain open New Oregon Railroad Company. Trenton, N. J., April 23. The Ore gon & Southeastern Railway Company, capital $1,000,000, to construct and operate railroads in the state of Ore gon, was incorporated here today. The incorporators are K. k. McLaren, Hor ace F. M. Gould audJKvan J. Dudley, all, of Jersey City. FIVE HUNDRED PERISH. prostrated, and the command was tamed over to an assistant. The chief .was rescued from the flames by the police in an unconscious condition, but was later reported to be out of danger. A fireman wa struck in the face with a brick and fatally injured. A young eon of Chief Magee was found on the floor of the enigne room at the central station with a fractured skull. It is supposed that the lad attempted to slide from the bunk room to the engine room and fell to the floor below. He probably will die. The Doreey Print ing Company's plant waa . totally de- would be granted, and subpoena would be issued, returnable on the first day of the next term of the court in October. Herald. The reports concerning the disaster in Queteltenango are confirmed. It is estimated that 500 persons were killed and millions of dollars' worth of property destroyed there. . Fires which followed added to losses and -.many heartrending stories of suffering are re ceived. The whole country ia panir stricken. The towns of- Ftxumnd Masatenango, the latter . in . the great coffee district, were destroyed. The visitation was spectacular in character. The first shock were accompanied by terrific thunder storms, and . the light ning was louowea oy a aeiuge oi rain, section of the city, where it is esti mated the lose will aggregate $150,000, of which the Griffith company sustains $50,000. The loss of a large imple ment company is not accurately known. About a docen smaller mercantile and manufacturing establishment were de stroyed. - While the two big fire were raging a third broke out in the " residence dis trict of Fisher Lane, in South'Dallae, two miles distant, which destroyed four cottager Worth $20,000. Court Martial for General Smith. Manila, April 24. A court martial has been ordered for the trial of Gen eral Jacob H. Smith, who wa in com mand of the United States troops on the island of Samar. Generals Lloyd '' Wheaton, Samuel S. Sumner, James M. Bell and William H. Bisbee and Colonel Chambers McKibbin, William A. Rafterty, William E. Dougherty, Alfred C. Markley and Jesse M. Lee compose the court. The judge advocate is Major Harvey C. Carbaugh. Col onel Charles A. Woodruff will appear for the defense. The charge against General Smith is conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. Earthquake Caused Much Damage. Mexico City, April 22. The earth quake Friday evening covered a large extent of territory and reached down into Central America. The lower sec tion of the Pacific coast of this country felt the shock very severely, and at Insurance Tapachula, an important town in the men are? positive that the fire on Tisher state of Chiapas, near the Guatemalan JLaoe was .incendiary, and the police frontier, the damage to property ise- and fire department are strongly in- HmtH at fnllv $1,000,000. Immense Mining Deal . Fhoeuix, Aria., April 24. At a meeting of the stockholders of the South Bisboe Compauy held hore, 46 mining claims near the Copper Qneen property wore sold to Gordon K. Campbell, of Calumet, Mich., for $1,200,000; $150,- 000 in cash and the balance withi tw o years. . ; . Peace Rumor Premature, London, April 23. In the house of commons Sir Michaol Hicks-Beach, the chancellor of the exchequer, in the course of a speech defending the budget proposals, said nothing could be more premature than the rumor in the presa regarding me peace iickohbuuii" in South Africa. Strike Situation Unchanged. ,' San Francisco, . April ,;33 Mayor SchmiU made an effort during the day to bring the officials of the railroad and a committee of the strikers together but wa unable to do so.- The -raiK road people refused to consult with the, strikers' committee. The mayor will continue hia efforts to bring th oppos ing forces together. The Eastern rep resentatives of the Baltimore syndicate are in communication with the local railway officials, and each move of - the strikers is reported by telegraph to the Eastern owners of the car system, it is understood that no action toward a settlement of the difficulty wilb-be taken by the officials here until wqrd to that enoct, cornea trom tne cast clined' believe that incendiaries. i ii-S- The Russian government has advised all newspaper in the empire to cease publishing new of student riots. President Roosevelt has accepted the invitation to deliver the memorial ad dress at the National cemetery at Ar lington on May 30. Onlv five sailing ships of over 100 tons were built In the United Kingdom last year, All the vesse were con structed on the Clyde and were regie tered in London, . Utah Postmaster Short In Account. Ogden, Utah, April 24.-.Chrre Meighan, postmaster of Ogden, is,short in hi accounts in the' amount pf $2, 600. - His bondsmen are in charge of the office. Meighan was 'Appointed by President McKinley and assumed -his duties January 21, 1899. ., Kansas City Swept by Fit. Kansas City, Mo., Aplrl 22. A de structive fire visited the southwestern part of this city during the day, laying waste a section of dwelling houses al most a quarter of a mile long and a block wide, and doing damage to the amouutof $75,000. A spectator wa seriouslv injured by a falling piece of iron and a fireman wa overcome by ; press, are rife. heat. About 50 dwelling bouse were destroyed, and 60 or men families were rendered homele. . ,.i i ,w:. Rumorr Rife In Pekln. Pekin, April 24. -In spite.of the fact that in order to allay the uneasiness of. urging, the -immediate return of "the dowager empress to the palace, she has decided to remain at the hunting park, five mile from Pekin, for one week Rumor of some political coup, possi bly the deposition of the dowager em The foreign legation here ' continue their precautionary measure. At the American legation quad of soldier patrol the wall night. all were due to Strike at Oregon City. . , Oregon City, April 23. Eighty weavers employed in the woolen mill n..K Anil IW. Mot CtirinlL . Cairo, 111.,. "April 23. After search ing'two'days the death roll of the dwiied by the Oregon City Manufactur bnmed iteamer City of Pittsburg has wg Company have walked out, owing ppt.befiqcl any from the first re- disagreement over the scale paid ports. Of the 145 person who were . , . . on the boat wh it burned, a careful for piecework on the looms. The plain heetimate bf tliose who were aboard the weavers, who weave blankets, flannels steamer put the loss of life at 83 at snd ether plain material, have been the lowest,aud ' the opinion of some is -3 cents per yard for their that the list will approximate 100. Oi ' this 'appalling death list only three bodies have been recovered and Identi-1 T Succeed Gilfillan. fled. j'AU.pf thei injured are being well ., , , ., ,. . . who escaped lrom the pijrntng dob. ?'.?" ,?t"u " v" v",'"t without Uw1r effect hnWbeeii clothed cessor to the late Representative A. F. a made,: ojnfortebW.--ud -mct of Gilfillan 'resulted in a victory for the them hve. derte jqr. Ijpme, t 4c Mil Strik ii'timi Off. . .Brussels,i"April . 22. At general council of. thC - tabor party.. it was re solved that wor by " the striker in all sections should ltfrBBdmed.'' The coun cil issued a manifesto to the working men to this effect: this afternoon. The Republican candidate, W. W. Harris, against A'tigiiBt'.Dreier, nominated by the borne rillefs'and endorsed by the Domoorate." "PRe vote was Harris, 881 ; . Dreier, 670. : t London' Costly Fir. London', April 24 .The damage done anticipated annoyncemeat by thecrown by thefire last night in the Barbaricntt of the dissolution haa not yet been distrlrt of the city ia roughly estimated made. - ' - ' h la.ow.uuu pounaB. :nfr fMjt Yet PiMtd. , The Hague, April 23. The condition of Queen. WUhelmina is nnchanged. Her physician say it is impossible to r.... klMtum Hi,., Wr.rk.lt: -St. Cloud, Minn., April 22. Great Northern flyer. west bound, col lided with an east bound freight train . .A.. U7at.iV. a fn. m;la. (rvrr e.-1 'l Both engine and several car on the prediet the dale'ef the crisis in her ill freight train were demolished. One ness.- An extraordinary cabinet coun ladv passenger on the fiver and four of cil wa held today. The meeting en- the train crew were injured, ut none gendered numerous rumor concerning of them seriously1: jthV wreck blocked decision, in the matter of the regency, the track and delayed"' traffic for ev- but it 1 said upon good authority that eral honrf . Th freight should bar , thi matter wa not discussed at the iiitrackd at Watak. eeuneil.