SSI. The SB6R : - ,LLS,jOBo, OllEGOX, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. NO. 4. KVENT8 OF THE DAY PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT B,LL- NEWS OF TJIE STAH FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. Measure Piflcctid by IM nous Committee New Currency Regulation. Washington, April 10. Tint iiouae bill eatablUhlng civil government in ths ihiiiiitM" fl"y lrrTtl to- ITEM8 OF INTERE8T FROM ALL PART8 OF OREGON. 4 Comprehensive Review M. th Important day by itm,lii- memW. of the Ccmerelal rWUI happening, ol I Hippenlnji of Iht Put Week, Presented I ComWd Farm, which It MmI likely U Prove at Interest to Our Many Read. Cholera l Incrnftniug in the Philippine. Tim Muiii'liurlna trusty has Iknti signed it l'i'klii. Fire in New York doitmyed a niaty building. Lot, 1 160,000. Fighting between Cbrltlan n! Turk In riorted In Northern Turkey. insular committee, and in I la complete (orm wa re-Introduced by Chairman Coowr. There I little duuW that it will lie rertod lo the bouse by the full committee in a day or two. The house bill 1 unlike that of tba I8THMIAN CANAL RIGHT8. JJQNEY IS WASTED EXTRAVAGANCE IN THE ARMY TRANSPORT 8ERVICE. and a oondllloa of general and complete niiai nliall liav ueen wuiuiuhm President Kooaevelt received a hearty . . ... i,.vm bean welcome at tlm Charleston exposition. """" "" " , , , , certinod to, the prwuneui anau imwuw The hon' flmt vote on Cuban reel- ... .K.1.,,lnn tn r.,i . nenar.i bo. procily showed both partiBa to lie "vv ; , . . , . divided, lion, lor Uie cuoice in ""'"- - Major General VV. R.Sh.ltor. U.W '-Wfrf t he ,o,'to of HUUw army Otirml), i a candidate (or rniiippine laianua, w . - -- governor of California. Philippine aanombly. Hiotlng student at Moacow, Russia, It U further provided that all the m- set fire to a prhon where a number of ecutive power 'on " tw,wa thi'lr comrade wore couflnml. The w0 hmiwm the Philippine com mission l.dr were severely beaten by MLj y,, i,ii,,plne aaaembly. Provls I"'"1'' i,, i. ,..i (,,. ukino the censns with- i tvstt an tmv -- " Culonnl John McKoe, of I'hiladol- .-.. .,,, nromnliiation of . I ( .. t 1 .t .. .1 a. k t.. ..III. una, no ...ouk. v, ,m v.. ... .,, i.l.n.U are to be porUnct A Btkl Ktvuw of th Cfowtli and linprovcnwnU of tht Many Industrie Throughout Our thriving, Comatoawwlth UUlt Market Report. The Tolk countv Mohair'. Aimociation annate in that it provide a complete M,td ita pKl of 3u,000 (ouiide at 25 form of government for the Uland, to oeuU per rwund. go into effect when U war terminate, h,,, Kliza Jane Wrixley, an Oregon the provliilm Iwing a follows: pionwr of 1852, ha pam-d away at her " Whenever the exlating lnurre.Hlon ,n ok"'"- "W3TO"wj in the rhlllppinea hall have ceaed , Uliy eieciion vers neio la uiauj town throughout Uie atate thia week. l'arty line were obnervvd in but a verr few caiHM. A railroad i to l built in Pouthern Oregon from (irsnt l'a to Crencent City. It will be known a the Oregon & l'arinc Hallway. HuwiinUmdent of Public Instruction Avkernian Mtat that a(Ur viz month of uce the new Orwon text lout have proven Mtinfactory. The nulling Mmwn on the Columbia river opene April 15. The proepect are more favorable for a large pack than at tlii time lant year. March cuntom nveipt at Portland were $77.21 2.0X. The larger part of theae rmvipt were from duties paid on inward cargne from the Oriont. Tlie Columbia River Fixhermeu'i Prolwlive I'nion, at a nx-oting in Aatoria, fixed the price of salmon for Uie coming canon a follow: Hi cent per pound for flnh weighing 25 pound or over, and 6 centa for mailer flh. No prii-e for eteetbeada or blueWk wa mentioned. The Willamette Pulp & Paper Com pany, which employ over 500 men in Oregon City, ha made a voluntary ad vance in the waae of alwnt 300 of it Nktratua and CeU Rka Ntgotiattog with United Statu. Wilmington, April .n'la under tood that Mr. Core, tl Nicaragua niiniirter here, ha forwarded to hi government propoaition aa to tb ! Stanje Procttiimti are Jut Now Commj to price tle United BUto would be likely to pay for Nicaragua canal right, the proportion baring beeu submitted to tlie minister by Secretory Hay. Secre tary Hay's proposition la said to b la I tli nature of counter proposal to tliat Lijht-riveritinsi lis Beta Show To ward Sa Francbce, and the Govcnuaeat Hat Had to Py for It-lnipcctori' Re ett will Be Mad Public Washington, April 10. The men in In 30 day after L.l M..l..hUl t.i. In Ihn An titrv. la I peat. dead. Ili-iwUtoiaeetiunU-databout divldiMllntoeie.rtlon ainvricia auu ...o I,ft00,0Ou. regular machinery for electing a lgi- Theshahof Persia will t1H Krorwror laUira i provided. BeiHion 12 of the William. bill provides that all resident ol tlie The limine ha paseed Uie Chinese Philippine shall have the same protoc exolmlon bill. tlon from the United SUta In their re- Veneuel rebel are gaining ground lallons to foreign governments as is and the Bovernmeot is In bad way. (..w.nli.l to cititens of the United Ktrlklnu miners In Pennsylvania Hiato. have rejected th offer of the rolnoown- jf. t1B pnrchaoe of the friar land the er- i.ill m.kna tirovinlon for the liwuance oi I A third attempt has been made to n.uUr bond at 5 per cent. Interest aMuiwinnto th Uu-cow W x ' ,...i,u in oold. the total amount not I ' ' . being mcifled.. The regulation mliue. wt out In the canal protocol drafted by chgrge o( tb tmport nic for the United rtate Minister aierry ia 7"".rni maintained that Mr. Corea, for Nicaragua, and Minirter p ,. . . p rt were Calve, for Costa Rica, have decided to more expeDI)ive timn gan FrancUo. do away with the protocol stage in their evidently learn something to negotiations regarding a canal. ad are th ,dTgDUge of the servk by peraa pieparlng drafU of treaties which will , rt wL(ch tbs inspector of 8TAND8 GAVE WAY. embody the terms under which their respective government will cole the nocawary canal righto. These treaty drafts are expected to be complete by the end of the current week. Py that time Mr. Corea expect to receive hi final instruction from bis government, including tlie decision respecting Secre tary Hay's proposal , The situation as to Colombia 1 pre cisely the reverse to that as to Bica the army cave made. These reports have heretofore never been made pub l'c, and it is easy to understand why the army department did not care to give them out. They show a lack of management that will amaze the country and wiil con vince everybody that the transport serv ice has been in the wrong bands. Evi dently the claim of the navy that the erviee hould be under its control is ragua, as In Uie former case me uniuw mgUined The extravagance of the Mates government ha before it defin- Lu,rtermiste. department in fitting up ite proposal from Colombia and i con siiierinir it with some indication of a purpose to suggest desirable amend' menta. PA88E8 THE SENATE. hips at San Francisco does not coin cide with the claims that city baa al ways made that Portland and Puget Sound are too expensive for shipping points. There has evidently been a treat deal of favoritism in San Fran- i. i Mltchetr Land Bill for Repaying; Ctrtai Cisco, ana it 1 eviaem imn aeep proo Puo4l I ins is necessarr in order to find out Washington. April 9. - Senator J" "ai n" Koing on Mitchell today called np and passed his double minimum land bill. The bill m pawd provide that where home stead timber culture, desert land or other entries of public land are or A VIGOROUS PROTEST. of employes. All the men who have been ,Ve been cancelled or relinquished be- reretving 11.50 per day w ill in (uture St tutor CuMora Make m Eiwrjetk Speech Ajaiart the Exclusion Bill. Washington, April 10. A vigorous i. .l.k u.. protest was made in the senate yester- The war reveuuo reevl bill has been imnchuai, tinili lands, mineral lands, get 11.75, and all of the I1..5 per day , w .iw! .ni rannot h day by Cullom against the passage of ased by the house and-ton to the u ,0vlde.l for. The system of mw wiil get an advance of 10 per cent, erroneously n allowed and cannot be ne8eMclo,ion btU in itg pre- esldont. cinage differ, from that In the senate eonfirmed, the a,retary of the interior 'e b'n f. . . ' ..L ,...1,1 II. n .tatulard. caiero na vaawn um nnmmniiri ...n In th antrvman all euv lorm. vuuuS Minim . ' . ..! . .n. i...t.:. r-J 1 . .. ... . . i.: ot tne commiuee on loreign touuuuj, paamtd pi (Will A new verse to ha been written lor the ertiemonie ot King Edward. coinage m .r . ,,ll. ill itaai nae i lis Kinit " . .. i,u.,i.. i .u " - - - - , ...... . .1. a, all I Hlt.UH MI IIIBlUlin blUIIUIUlfcTi )! . . ....ti..n r tn I'll II Ul ne wawn nioimj ... ... - rximmiHHion. nurctiane monav annex. v.. v,.m.." . . ... . . 1 ' 1.. . . . 3 1 I maintained at a parity wivn go.. . T,.B ,..,. rjc-operative telephone r, naid nnon the name when mich the protest maoe a aeep imp,. o- line from KiJio to Pendleton will be L, u Hnl n,ll,l hr tJ, H.nart. the senate. Cullom, while expressing cofnploted about May 1. . himself as in favor of the exclusion of . . ii r. Ill ..d,. u in lut ni aiiTHr. ik mil i..m. Alihouith the dmtohrtration reganl iwr ,l,,llar in sine, and will t the Chine exolaiMt tll as too dras i (i, half as much t . It will nlace no oiiosiiion in iu way. The St. Wit Ulr may I otponed until 1904. Cm-11 EhoaW fortune amount to 6,000,00(1 poNda. I'rmtdaarl Dlaa. of Mexico, la plmv nina a visit to the United HUto thU imaser. fbrf men were killed and seven vaauttiarl in an attoaiDt to arrest an Alabama negro. tlie battleship Wisconsin is at San FIGHT WITH MOON8HINER8. On W. Killed d ( Revenue Collector Nr rawly Etcpu Death. HOUSE PASSES BILL rrvt Spectator Kilted and Many bifertd at Foothill Can at Glasgow. Glasgow, April 8. The straggle of the crowd which gathered at Ibros park today to witnes tb last interna tional association football contest be tween team from England and Scot land aaasad the col la pi of a portion of the a pacta tor' terrace, resulting la the death of five person and tb la Jury ol 12. When th gam begva 70,000 pr totora were en the ground and an im fftonae crowd had gathered outside, Being unable to gia admittance, this crowd broke down some of the barriers and swarmed upon the field, whereupon the police charged and drove the in truder upon the terrace and seats, with tb result that th divid ing the crowd were broken and the people wer thrown over each other. In the frantic struggle toward the exits the pressor toward the upper portion of the westerly terrace waa so great that 100 fet of tb higbeet of the structure eollapced under the weight of the crowd driven upon it, precipitating the mas people to the ground, 60 feet below. The injured were piled in heaps, wedged in with broken wood. The onlookers heeitated to approach the dangling structure at first. Out fin ally began to utilize portion of the broken barrier aa stretchers. A hun dred of the most seriously injured were carried to the pavilion and to space in the rear of the stands. A majority of the victims are sneering from broken ribs and fractured limbs, while eom sustained internal injuries. Those most severely injured were later re moved in ambulances to infirmaries, and the lesser ,nSerers were sent In cabs to surgeries. Six of the injured are not likely to recover. A few per sons were trampled upon in trying to eseap from the crush when tb police charged, but most of the victim tained thsir injnrie in the fall of the terrace. ANTI-CHINESE MEASURE MADE MORE 8TRINGENT. THE DANI8H TREATY. entry is duly cancelled by tlie depart' HUHlL About half the telephone in Oregon In case where parties hvae paid laDorer8' w,a 0181 al vl luo City are out of business as the result of double minimum price for land, which provisions of the pending measure were a live electric light wire dropping on has afterwards been found not to be in contravention of our treaty obiiga them. within the limits of a railroad grant, tin. ri.ina. He nrired that the The receipts of state land office to Il.ville. Kf.. April 10.-A fight wore sji or me larger t0 oonHtract tha t portion of the railroad "s solemn treaties, altnougn ne con. i.k.. nlar between moonshiner moant wwuy P in aid of which the grant was made, ceded the authority of congress to enact - r lur inr ono uicnia. .t . or. un u I . ., fl j ' i li in niii wen iji . aaii HL'rn mini a in iir i i a nrnnriaaii law m l r aa s ni. ui in i mi. , - I A contract for 12,000 pounds of Uie PVd to entrymen. Uaim lor repay- p.iterwn and Perkins supported the 1902 hop crop is U.e top record in con- mei.t to be valid must be tiled -nnm maintaininZ that in no I . . , U., I...., I U, , r, m n. T.r am lURK) Ttn. I mwmi m . i. , ,v m ....... .'. h.v, re)Nrtod at 12 cents. ha and revenue officer near Rig Meeting Cret'k ptntolTice, In Hardin county, during which one man, an alleged moonshiner, was killed and a deputy revenue collector, who was leading the TBS OJlllOSIIlp u IBWinn av " , i I mariuu v i.iiiiiMKiio.", u .w. Pr.n-l- afuw a to Sami. Hon- pursuing posse, narruwiy 1 pionw,r o( JK53, and one of the most Mi., .n.t a nnmW of South American a rifle lll raxing his head, me rev- nnrminent citisens of Harrisburg, bas ports. Mis Ellen M. Stone ha signed a contract for a series of 100 lectures, to V olvn In the principal Cities of the n - - Pnitwl State BIG IRRIGATION QUESTION. way did it contravene existing treaties, aa, by the convention of 1894, China bad agreed that Chinese laborers should May Colorado Tak Water That Would Flow be excluded from this country. The Through Kantatt bill is drastic in its provisions, they ad. Washington. April 9.-The United mitted, but no more so than is- neces- ..a a at t. - L 1 1. .1 Tl. bam. I .... aa-a arilie nan gtaxing uisncan. prominent citisenaot iiarrisDurg, enue ofllcera had Information that a passed away, aged 09 years. .... ... . I ill aaa in a POllom noai oik , , ci. : k.. n.... . , i riH 11 ii ii, mil iir.iv at. caiiizaiiiru iiac I ... .. .. .... Meeting creek. They surrounded the f()r Uie and win b. HUtea supreme court, in an opinion de- sary to eliminate the possiDiuty ot till and calM on the three men who kept in operation until late in the fall, livered by Chief Justice Fuller today, fraud. ,i u m .iirri,.l,.r The packing alxmt 60 cases per day. nidi- overruled the demurrer of the atate of i worn miuiaviiiK ........... - , Thablll providing form of govern- i.i. ..B,,1 with a roller of -" re mat the clams on wawop c.olorsdo in the mm ot the gt.te of t. , HUmHBiHiii'n w.i"- " - a1 I KrtK m aii nlantifnl avnv hiifnrfl It went for the Philippine, win lo.iow Kansas va. the state of Colorado. 111,1.. ... n, mi hill in t ie senate. " nunuw., vii, hi. -- , T. tka mnnn, . I - . .,... m wiu rai niLiirumi liio uru " i...v UndtthlM Continoe At Dabat Wthssrt Reach Conclnaloaa. Copenhagen, April 8. The Iands- tbtng. or upper Poise, tn seeret session today continued the dueussion of the Danish West Indie treaty for three hours with no result. The debate was heated, and much excitement prevailed among the member. It is hoped that the meeting of the landstbing tomorrow will enable the house to report ita con elusions. A meeting of the member of the op position in the landsthing was held to night and an exciting debate occurred A majority of thoee present declared therm-elves in favor of the aate of th islands, but demanded that a plebescite be taken. The opposition press i engaged in violent agitation against the govern ment. The National Tidenge today an. pounces that the right party of the landsthing is now in favor of tb ce Mion of the islands to the United States, if the consent of the inhabitants of the islands is obtained. After that taken up. The house ha bcarun the coualdera. tlon of the exclusion bill. Mitchell made the opening speech in tha annate on the Ohliiese exclusion bill. The lait ouartor' import to the United State from all Germany amounted to 128,786,094, an increase 0( 11,297,600. In an all day fight between part of General Kitchener' force and th forces of Generals Delarey and Kemp, Uie Boers were repulsed. The loss was heavy on both side. The bulk of Cecil Rhodes' property Is left for education. It provides two American scholarships at Oxford to each of the present state and territories of the United States. The senate has passed the oleomar garine bill. The house ha passed the sundry civil appropriation bill. Secretary of the Interior Hltohcock will eoon retire from the cabinet. Abner MoKlnley denies that he was connected with the Danish West Indies scandal. Twelve hotels and many sm ler buildings were burned at Atlantlo City, N.J. Loss, 1760,000. ti la hardly probable that the bill ..imlttlnu Oklahoma. Arisona and New Mexico will be passed by the preseut onaion of congress. rv.a nahlnt ha appointed Brig' adler General Hughes a major goners! and Colonels Burt, ve nussy anu ouon Idan to be brigadier generais. Six persons were burned to death in a fire at Johnstown, Pa. Of the 20 tobacco factories In France 3 are In Paris. South Africa has ostrich farms con talnlng over 300,000 birds. In .New York city alone there are now about 400,000 Germans. Th onvnrnor of Finland has ordered the prosecution of the Lutheran psstors iiaa to read the new Bunian army regulation in their churches shiners then fled from the tlll, filing as they ran, and made their escape. Whim the smoke hud cleared one man wa lvlnii dead inside the still. It is thouk-ht one ot the men who escaped I was wounded. PORTLAND MARKETS. The case involves the right of Colo rado to appropriate for purpose of ir rigation the waters of the Arkansas river, which Kansas sought by an orig inal action to restrain on the ground that the stream flows through Kansas and the people of the latter state are gray, ii.iuoi.zu. Flour Beet grades, $2.85(83.40 per barrel; graham, I2.602.80. Mlllstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid. dlinga, f 20; shorts, 120; chop, 110.50. Hay Timothy, 1213; clover, Oregon wild hay, I o3ti per Hawaiian Appal for Excluilon. Washington, April 10. Senator Pat terson, of Colorado, today presented a memorial signed by over 300 American citlrens residing in Hawaii, praying the enactment of legislation completely ex clndins Chlnene and Japanese from any American territory, and providing mat .ous; all labor of evory description preformed ton. for the federal government shall be Pol done only by citlaens of the United per cental; ordinary, 7O80c per cen. Rtotn. The petitioners eav that 76 tal; Early Rose, II. 25150 per cen per cent of the labor in Hawaii is per- tal, growers' prices ;sweets, 2.262.60 formed by Orientals, to the exclusion of per cental American labor, and they can anon tion to the fact that 87,000 of the 150, 000 population of the Islands are from China and Japan. Wheat Walla Walla, 84(9640 blnestom, 656Xc; Valley, 645c. Barley Feed, 2021.j brewing, fzl21.60 per ton Oats Ne. 1 white, ll,151.22M ; hv .11(,h . .rmronriatlon of the water. The chief justice said that the rase is onejn which the court can prop erly assume jurisdiction. He said also that the action of the court in overrul lug the demurrer was intended to be without prejudice, but was taken be cause the importance of the can was ni'h that it should not bedecided with- Potatoes Best Burbanks, 11.10(91.25 ont hxy proo( on tne questions set up in the allegations of damage made by th Th Mluouri Supply Camp. Jefferson City, Mo., April 10. Gov ernor Dockery's attention was called today to the alleged British war supply camp at Lathrop, Mo. The governor said he knew nothing about the opera tion of the British more than that a market had been operated at Lathrop by private individual lor the past 10 years. He says it is the largest horse and mule market in the world, and that it supplies the United States gov ernment as well as the British govern ment with horses and mules. state of Kamas. Butter Creamery, 22H25c; dairy, 1820c; store, 1315c. Eggs 13(14o for Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13(9 13Wc: Young America, 1415c; fac tory prices, ll,Hic less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, a.aog COLORADO BANK ROBBED. Explosion! Attract Citizen, But th Robbers Escape Two Suspect Arrested. rueblo. Colo., April 9. The Bank of Fowler, at Fowler, Colo., 55 miles east of this city, was robbed of $1,100 2 o'clock thi morn' Accept Philippine Judgeship, Santa Fe. N. M.. April 10. William II. Pope, of Atlanta, Ga., for the past 4.50; hens, $4.605.60 per dosen, 11 L . riiW of Santa Fe. 11 c per rxmnd : snrlng.llll Kc per by safe blowers at United States Attorney of the Pueblo pound $S4 perdoxen; ducKs, 0(9M ing. several cnarges oi miro g.ycenn Indians and Assistant United States per doxen; turkeys, live, 12013c, were exploded to open the safe and the Attornoy of the court of private claims, dressed, 1410c per pound; geese, o c(ish Citixens were aroused by today accepted a uugesi iP o w , pr aw. . nlMtoPii and flred aoreral shots first instance m the Philippine islands, Mutton uross, c per pouna ; uress- i..ukkh. Onvmnr Tft. He Lrl 707 Wc per pound. at four men who were seen running will sail In June. He is a gold Domo- Hogs uross, o?,c; arossea, ooic away, dui ine ronrjers succeeuea in es crat, 31 yoars of age. per pound. caplng. News of the robbery was tele phoned to neighboring towns. Two Veal 7 K8 for small; 8X97 for IMw Alu. at Nagasaki. " M-B". , u, S.nt. p. .! ,i U'....l. nrl If! nnnrtnr. I RoaI (ircnn mKI. aB4C! StperS. " ' "" " nniiiiiKM'" .,. w. - . , -,,w--p , i;i.r! Lndington is informed 4(4k'o: dressed, 8)497 Wc per pound, nepesi, weu Mixed Blond Ar Now lacladcd k tulnded Ut No CMacM Sailors to Enployad a Aawrlca Snips Th Prvkilww a th BUI Abo Apply to Colonial Poaasaa. .loa el th Ualted Stats. Washington, April 8. Tht house yesterday paased th Chines excluhtan bill, after incorporating in it several amendment which Increased th dras tic character of the measure. Th principal on not only exclude Chi by birth and descent, but all Chi of mixed blood. Th chief struawl wa over an amendment to prohibit th employment of Chinese sailor on American ships. An amendment cov ering thi proposal wa ruled out osi a point of order, but lubeerjaently wm modified to evade the ruling and wa adopted," 100 to 74. A passed the bill practically re- enact all the existing exclusion law, and incorporate with them the exlat ing treaty regulation. It extend these exclusion laws to the Philippine and other possessions of the Ualted State, and forbids Chinese labor in oar colonial possession coming into thi country. The Philippine commission, by the term of the bill, is directed to adopt proper measure for the enforce ment of the provision ot the bill in the Philippine " Two amendment were mad without division, one by Clark of Missouri to amend tb definition of "teahrw ai der the privileged classes, o aa to re quire that for two year before admis sion the teacher should have been en gaged in "teaching the higher branches," and another by Oooua of California to provide that Chines stu dents aball leave the country immedi ately upon completion of their r of study. The conference report on the war revenue tax repeal bill wa adopted, and the Dill sent to the White Late in the afternoon Fowler (5. J.) moved to pas under suspension of th rules the senate bill to extend th char ters of national bank 20 year. The Democrat were taken completely by surprise. As it was after the usual hour for adjournment, the attendance was slim. The Democrat attempted to filibuster, but a roll of the heese finally secured a quorum and the bill waa passed. ANOTHER ROYAL GUEST. WRECKED AT A SWITCH. Boer Colony In Colorado. Dever, April 10. A Boer colony may be established along the line of the proposed Denver-Salt Lake Short Line. A committee of local Boer Bym pathizers called on the state land board today with a letter from Boer Consul General Pierce in New York, asking for information about state lands along the new route. "If I can get the right kind of inducements," said the consul general, "several thousand Boer refu gees will go to Colorado and settle on faims. They will make the best of cit ixens, I am sure." Th Prince of Wales May be Next to Visit the United Sutra. New York, Aprii 8. High dipl matic circles here are discussing plans, believed to be far advanced, for a visit bv the Prince of Wales to the United States, says the London correspondent of the Times. The administration at Washingon is officially forwarding the proposal for the visit, which, it is un derstood, receives the personal sanction of King Edward, some of whose coun sellors urge the acceptance of the invi tation as a matter of astute stare pol icy. Emperor William is con Id ring an invitation to send the crown prince of Germany to America at the same time, and France is expected toeend a distinguished representative. Mas Desijns on Tripoli. London, April 8. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Constantinople announces that the porte has filed with the Italian ambassador a complaint, charging that Italian fish ermen are extensively engaged in land ing guns on the coast of Tripoli and that Italian officers in disguise are em ployed on board sponge boats in taking soundings and observations. On Passenger Killed and Several Hurt by th Ditching of Train. Lanaing, Mich., April 9. Whil Grand Trunk passenger train No. 6 wa passing through Millets, a tank station seven mile west of here, early today, the rear coach and the Pullman sleeper were thrown off the track. One man was killed and four were injured. The wreck occurred at a switch on which freight train waa standing. The first seven cars of No. 6 crossed the switch safely, but as the last coaihwas pass ing over, the switch points caught In such a way as to throw it and the Pull man car following off the track and over on to tlie engine of the freight train. The two cars and the engine were thrown into the ditch. It is said that the switch had been tampered with. The injured were taken to De troit. oi the arrival of the transport Dix at Nagasaki with freight from Seattle for the army In the Philippines, lho ves sel was several days overdue. Boer Do Not Hop for Peace. New York, April 10. There is little faith among the Boer sympathizers here that peace is imminent in South Africa, says a Tribune correspondent from The Hague. Hearts are hardened in conse quence of the conferences held hore and at Utrecht, and the Boer envoys and refugees are asserting in a louder key than ever that the war will last four yean longer, and that there can b no pac without indpendnc. miles west of Fowler, . . . . i u ,! this morning were arreuieu no Buiuouia iir 'i r.ii iiAih, v.,.n rw In their possession were fonnd $288 ikiov.. i. oioiu and several coins. Bloodhounds have pound. been sent to Fowler to trail the robbers. The Philippine Rebate. Washington, April 10. Secretary Root, after consultation with the treaS' ury authorities, has issued instruc tions to Acting Civil Governor Luke Wright, of the Philippine Islands, to give effcet to that part of the Philip pine tariff act which provides for a re bate of the export duties on goods ship ped from the Philippines into the United States. A silken thread is three times as strong as a flaxen one of the same thickness. Casualties of th Boer. London, April 9. Lord Kitchener reports that the Boer casualties during the engagements of March 31 and April 1 were, at the lowest estimate, 80 men killed and 80 wounded. Commandant Booksellers who supply Englifh chord rnnort thnt there has been In recent years a very grent increase in the Erasmus was killed near Boshof . demand tor German school books. Since the announcement of the war in South Africa, Scotland has sent to the front 15,600 non-commissioned officer and men and 330 officers; total, 16,830. The Trans-Siberian railway gives the, cheapest rates in the world. It is pos sible to buy an emigrant's ticket, cov ering 8,000 miles nearly three week's journey for about $3. This year' record in the United States oi loss from Are will be about $170,000,000. It is estimated that the loss in 26 years has been $2,890,000. 000, of which $17,000,000,000 was cov ered by insurance. The expenses of the legislative branch of the federal government are $5,600,- 000 a year, and of the department of iustice $5,000,000. The expense ol the District of Columbia, paid for by the federal government, are $7,000,000 a year. Decrease of Trid In Great Britain. London, April 9. The board of trade return for March show the remarkable decrease of 6,528,195 pounds in Imports and 2,804,055 pound in export. Bulgarian Tactics. Constantinople, April 10. The Vali ofAdianople, European Turkey, tele graphs that a band of Bulgarians, with the obiect of provoking retaliation, re cently killed and mutilated three Mus sulman peasants and a boy near Kirk Kilisseh (a town 32 miles north-north west of Adinople), and then sought refuge in Bulgaria, hoping to be pur CABLE TO HONOLULU. Will B In Working Order by th Last of October. San Francisco, April 0. George G. Ward, of New York, vice president of the Commercial Cable Company, ar rived here during theday to select landing place for the projected cable between this coast and the Philippines. Mr. Ward is accompanied by Charlea Curtis, the company' chief electrical engineer. While here Mr. Ward will consult with John W. Mackay, presi dent of the company. Mr. Ward mid tonight.: "We are going to build the cable, irrespective of congressional action. The first link between San Francisico and Honolulu will be completed by the end of next October. The cable will be shipped from England next July. It has not yet been decided where we will land on this coast. It will either be at Monterey or this city, probably the latter." Canadians Volunteer. Halifax, N. S., April 8. The Eoyal Canadian regiment of infantry ha vol unteered for services in South Africa. The offer was made today by Colonel White, the commander of the regiment, to the acting general, Colonel Biscoe, who is in command of the British forces in North America. The regiment U 1,000 strong and is now doing garrt- sued and anticipating that a conflict son duty in Ualitax. in onr was would nn with th frontier guard. cabld to th Britis. war oe. Kruger's Son Takes th Oath. Pretoria, April 9. Casper Krnger, the eldest son of President Kroger, and 24 other relatives of Mr. Kruger bear ing the same family name, are among those who have recently taken the oath of allegiance to Great Britain. Strength el Bo Pretoria, April 9 Careful computa tion givs th strength of the scattered Boer commando at btwn S,000 and 9,000 man.